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Flesherton Advance, 19 Oct 1927, p. 2

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"mmf&m. .>»!. >*-''*^*.;^H • .â- ?r*'"r^ry.:, i^^ ^WPMiAiA! CANADA WELL SERVED BY GOOD RADIO STATIONS Our Dominion is Covered fcy Limited Number of Broad- casting Stations V/hich Insures Satisfactory Reception OVERLAP NOT ALLOWED 8om«wli«r« in the neighborhood of 75 radlocmsUng sUtlona cover the Do- minion of Canada from coast to coast Every section o( the vast expanse which makes up the nation is ade- quately covered with a networlc of en- tertainment and information-giving voices, whose audibility ranges from to to 10,000 mllos. To the radio fan come the voices of the Marltimes, wending their way from Halifax and Moncton; the Kng- iish and French announcements from the studios of Mnntrpal, Quebec and Ottawa, lend an air of romance and by-gone times to the everyday words of the newest of hhowmenâ€" the radio announcer; from Toronto, Ottawa, liamlltun, Ilrantford, I^ondon and a number of other cities In populous Ontario, are received Home of the best proKrams radiocast on the continent; from Winnipeg. Saskatoon, Regina and Kilmo:itnn, the vastness of the prairies revorbcrates, while the magic touch of the Pacific seaboard la heard from 'ancouver. Government Strict. â€" ^^he .stations In the Dominion aro licensed by thr> riepartmoiit of Ma- rino unci I'iaherk'fl. Kach In operated by a competent (Jovernmeiit-exainined offlctul. and all .".re under constant supervision from l'.\<-- local radio in- spectors. In fact a nlnhtly checking up on each st-ition Is made by inspect- or» throughout the Dominion.. Radio and electrical concerns top the list with stations In operation, while the newspapers como a good second and the Canadian National Railways come third. Rellgloua or- ganizations and churches, private per- sons, radio societies and financial compunies finish the list in this order. A very varied assortment to give en- tertainment as they tlilnk entertain- ment ^liould bn given. It is interesllns to nolo that the Canadian National Hallways operate It ctutions, extending from Moncton to Vancouver. Not all of these are stations owned by the railway, somo bclc? rented for the night of radio- casting from somo other station own- er. And this brings us to a point which few know about. . Ono often hears a great number of ("anadlau stations In ono city and wonders if each of these has Its own station. A- number of concerns liavu what is known as a "phantom" liconso, that Is a licenso under which they can operate from some other station. For Instance, when station CHNC at Toronto puts on a concert it is through station CKNC. . Canadian stations are each assign- ed a wavelength. This wavelength is assigned to a city or locality, so that ail stations in a certain territory shall be on tho same wavelength. With this arrangement no two Btation.s are allowed to put on a concert Blniuitau- eously in the same city. Thus there is not the overcrowding that Is pre- valent in the United States, and ono ii ablo tu tune out a local program, with some assurance of getting one from some other centra. Stations Outaido Citlea. This system has worked out won- derfully, the station owners arrang- ing their own time schedules by mu- tual agreement. Only In Montreal and Toronto has Ihero been a devia- tion from this practice This Is so arranged that any stationa now built to operate from Toronto or Montreal must be erected at least 10 miles out^ aide the city and then they aro put on a different wavelength to that as- •ignad to either Montreal or Toronto.. These stations situated at a dis- tance from the city, usually in a de- solate and barren spot so as to be efficient from a radio standpoint, do not have magnificent studios in which to receive noled artists. , They are equipped so that on a stormy night tho operator can remain, so as not to have to go home in rain or snow. But the artists never see the interior of these Ktatlons. For them la pro- vided a studio in a downtowiv hotel or art gallery, from whence their muslo la fed by telephone lines to the dis- tant radiocasting equipment. Coast to Coast. The range of Canadian stations is continent wide, and somo are heard in such distant points as the West Indies, Hawaii and Australia. They aerve each bit of local territory as well as more distant points. In or- der to give an adequate Idea of the regular reception of Canadian sta- ' tioDs, the writer was furnisho<l with a special analysis of reception ro- porta -from the Canadian National Railways. Thesu charts show that every loch of the country la well cov- ' are^. Vor tnatance tho station at Monc- ton, KJ)., is heard regularly through- out tho Marltimes, Nawfoundland, and all the American states in the •astern standard time stone as far •outh «a (ieorgla. Some dlfflculty in â- tb« r«c*ption of this station is had In St, John, N.B., Halifax, fredcric- ton, Cnmpbellton and Cape Bretdti, .. wbar* tbe station is beard irregular- 1 If, On tiia other hand CNRA is re- ' foited In ths British Isles, Holland, ; &â- (*• ^* northwest territories and ' Sntral Amnrlca.. Tnks ths aeo of CiNRW at Wlnnl- I 9«f« Mfhmn station CKY Is used for fMI]o«Mtln«. This station has a re- gular iWufM'ia of ."ariy all UAOiloba, part of Saskatchewan, Ontario as far east as Fort William, and eight states to the south and southeast.. Besides this It Is heard with some regularity on both the east and west coasts, and has been reported from Liverpool, England, Hawaii and the Isle of Pines in the West Indies. The Vancouver station of the chain covers perhaps more territory than any other Canadian station. East as far as Manitoba, north to Alaska and south to Mexico, on regular radio- casts, with tho occasional report from Eastern Canada, Oceania, the Anti- podes and Hawaii. Interference Minimized. Every station could be described in this manner, but some idea of the dis- tances covered can be gleaned from the above. That tho stations in the Dominion, although fewer in number than those In the United States, cover their territories to a good degree is ono reason why there are not more stations in Canada.. It is felt that they are not necessary. A great many more stations would cause In- terference problems. Incidentally the fee for a Canadian station is $50 per annum, and the Initial cost for a good Btatlon is in the neighborhood of $25,000. The Canadian Government has wise- ly regulated the di.sposal of stations and in doing so lias kept in mind that a population of 10,000,000 stretch- ing out over 3000 miles has a very good way of providing everyone with some Canadian entertainment.. Rotaries Now Making Plans For Convention Much Continental Touring by Rotariana Follows the Recent Brussels Parley nrussels. â€" Preparations for the next Rotary convention, to be held at Minneapolis, June 18-22, 1928, are be- ing made well in advance. Informa- tion for British and Irish Rotarians wishing to partake in the meeting will Hoon be available. It is probable that a Hpeclal steamer will be char- tered and eastern Canada will be in- cluded in the itinerary, so that those who have friends or relatives In Can- ada or tho United States will have opportunities of seeing them again. This reunion of friends and relatives was one of the features of tho Ostend convention. King Albert Only Royal Member. it is generally conceded that the most successful figure of the meeting was that of King Albert of Belgium, the only Rotarian of his classifica- tion. The ofllclal post convention con- tinental tours are already over, but large numbers of Rotarians are still traveling over Europe. Two or three parties visited the Oensva club re- cently. Rotarians have also been en- tertained at the local clubs at Tha Hague, Utrecht, Haarlem and Am- sterdam. Lunches were given them at Bergen, Trondhjem, Oslo and Stockholm, where they were well re- presented at the convention of tha International Chamber of Commerce. They were also entertained at Copen- hagen, at Aarhus, by tho local clubs.. Laague Buildings Shown Rotarians. At the headquarters of the Rotary International at Zurich many visitors have been received in the course of the summer. At Liucerne there were 250 Rotarians at the meetings, week after week. Three hundred visited (ieneva, immediately after the Ostend meeting, and small contingents have reached the city throughout the sum- mer. They have been taken around the Keague of Nations Building, to tbe Labor Bureau and to other places of Interest, and the working of tha lustitution has been explained to them. Few details of these continental tours and their contribution to the promoUon of understanding between the peoples are to hand as yet, hut it appears that the post-convention tours have bean productive of much good in this way. Now that every- thing is over, thuro is a disposition among Rotarians to be much grati- fied at tho ofRclency with which everything was done and at the aplen- did effort made by tho Ostond club, with only 40 members. Coast Province Egg Trade New Westminister, B.C.- Speaking here during tho recent provincial ex- 'hibltlon, Dr. Warnock, Hepaty Minis- ter of Agriculture for Urlli'ih Colum- bia, stated that the success a<;hIeTed by the provioco nt tho r3eent V/orM's Poultry Congress at Ottawa would re- sult in this provincs becoming a lead- ing oxporler of well brad poultry. He quoted flgures to show that there bad been an Increase of 52 per cent, in the 'export of eggs from British Columbia last yetr as compared with the provi- <n:<3 12 roonttis. During the first eight . months of tho present year no less than H4 carloads of eggs had been {shipped out of the prorlnre. I -. .-__.<. : I I.Ady â€" "Toll me, doctor, I want my husband to take me to Cannes. What aUinoi.1 do you recontn'Mtr' Improves City Entrance BAD HILL TO BE ELIMINATED For the past six years plans for tte alteration of the cours* of Yonge street, Toronto, so as to avoid the bad hills Immediately north of the city limits at Hogg's Hollow, have been mooted. Announcement was mads recently to the North York Township Council by the Ontario department of highways that tenders would be called for a new high level viaduct. Wli«n the work Is completed this picturesque old piece of road will likely fall into desuetude. .^'firm Notes The Ploughing of Clay Soils. Late summer or fall ploughing is the general practice that should be followed for clay soils. . Where weeds are not troublesome clay soils plough- ed late in the fall and kept in the rough ploughed form permit the frost and weather to break down the clods. Results of many experiments show that no profitable increase In yield will be secured from ploughing deep- er than t> or 6 inches. All these till- age operations for clay soils must be carried out only when the soil has its most desirable content of mOie- ture, according to a bulletin on Crop Rotations and Soli Management for Kastem Canada available at the Pub- lications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. The bad ef- fect of a single ploughing when the soil Is too wet is believed to last for three or four years. Ploughing In the spring when too dry greately in- creases the work and may result in a cloddy seed-bed. Fatttfhing Turkeys. The proper time to begin fattening turkeys is four weeks before they are wanted for fable use.. They need not be confined In pens, because, when properly fed they take no more exer- cise than is necessary. Turkeys raised in the open during the summer cannot stand close confinement dur- ing the fattening period. In a bulle- tin on turkeys, available at the Pub- lications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, complete in- structions for feeding the fattening birds are given. The young birds should be started feeding gradually. The feed should consist of mash and whole grain. The mash, which Is fed tor the morning and mid-day meals, la made up of equal parts of ground oats, barley meal, cornmeal and wh«at bran. Ground buckwheat may be used instead of the ground barley. The grround grains should bo mixed thoroughly before moistening with water or skim-milk, using only enough to make the meal stick to- gether and hot enough to make It sticky or sloppy. The moistening should be done about two hours be- fore feeding. The mash is fed in a clean trough, giving only as much as the turkeys will eat readily. The evening meal siMuld consist of whole grain, whole corn being about the best, and no more should bo fed than the birds can clean up nicely. Fresh water and grit should be provided in abundance. Tho turkeys can be con- ditioned in this way in about three weeks, another week being used for killing, shipping and retailing. Tulip Planting. Tulip planting time is approaching and unless the bulbs are set out dur- ing the next few weeks another spring will pass without the gorgeous display of bloom for which the tulip is noted. According to the Superin- tendent of the Nappan, Nova Scotia, Experimental Farm, good bloom may bo expected from bulbs set as late as the beginning of November. In his report for 1926 Mr. Baird, tho Super- intendent, states that the early varie- ties Vermillion Brilliant, Pottebakker Scarlet, Chrysolora, Joost Van Von- del, made a splendid showing from May 26th to June 12th. The Darwin tulips, Mr. Baird points out, come in- to bloom later, but are richer and have more delicate colors than the early sorts, filling in nicely between the early tulips and the summer an- nuals. The first bloom of the Dar- wlns noted at Nappan in the year un- der review was June 5th. The flower^ Ing season lasted until the 24th of the month. . Among the most prominent sorts grown that year were Europe, Edmee, Farncomba Sanders, Bartlg- on. La Tulipe Noire and Prof.. Rau- wenhof. This report, which is distri- buted by The Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ot- tawa, contains valuable information on dahlias, sweet peas, perennials, and other flowers besides field field crops, and garden crops and other questions related to general farming. Harvesting Field Root Seed. During recent years the federal and provincial experimental farms have taken up root seed raising with very favorable results. They have proved conclusively that field root seeds can be successfully raised in Canada and , that the crops produced from such seed are equal, and In many cases superior, both in yield and quality, to crops of the same varieties grown from imported seed. A new bulletin on Field^lloots In Canada, distributed by the Publications Branch, Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, along with a great deal of information on field root seed raising In general, gives instructions for harvesting these seeds. Mangels are ready to harvest when the majority of the seed I starts to turn brown. . The top of the root Just below the seed stalks is cut I off with a sharp spade and the crop I tied up in small sheaves. When the ; sheaves are tied thoy are butted, that j is the tops of the roots are cut with : a spade, and the sheaves then put up ' in small loose stooks until ready for \ threshing. In harvesting swede tur- i nips tho stalk is cut Just abovo the I crown, bound in sheaves and stocked until threshed. The cutting, binding, ! and stooking of mangels, sugar beets land turnips Is best done when dew ' Is on the plants as their seed is readi- i ly lost by handling. When po.ssible large canvas or Jute sheeta should ba uaed, the seed stalks when cut being thrown on them and tbe binding and butting being done there. Tbe sheeta ean be pulled along as barrestlng pro- ceeds. Carrots, due to the fact that the individual seed clusters do not ripen at the same time, casnot ba harvested In the same way as man- gels and turnips. Tbe seed clnatars must be picked by hand when tbej become brown, and several plcklnga are necessary to get the crop Id tbe best condlUon. As they are collected the seed stalks should be spread out to a depth of 4 to 6 inches where dry- ing conditions are good and forked over several times to facilitate the thorough drying of the seed^eads. Wintering Roots to Be Used for Seed Growing. Field root seed Is grown from eith- er mature roots or stockllngs, planted in the spring. Stockings are small Immature roots and there are certain advantages in using them, but, con- ditions being equal, they do not pro- duce so much seed as mature roots. Roots for seed raising must be handled with care, particular pains being taken that no damage Is dona in harvesting and storing.. The pro- per methods of harvesting and stor- ing are fully described in a new bulle- tin on Field Roots in Canada avail- able at the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture a't Ot- tawa. In gathering the roots that are to be used for seed raising the leaves should not bo twisted oft but cut two or three Inches from the top of the root. The roots should not be trim- med, and a critical examination of them should be made at harvest time and all damaged, misshapen, prongy and oft-type ones discarded. Many methods of holding over win- ter roots to be used for seed have been tried out, according to the bulle- tin, by far the best method under or- dinary Canadian conditions is to store them in properly constructed cellars or pits. For satisfactory stor- age, temperatures shouUd be main- tained between 32 and 38 degrees Fahrfenhelt. Sudden and extreme tem- perature changes are the cause of greater loss than continued low tem- peratures. Mangels, sugar beets and carrots will oven stand considerable freezing provided they are not hand- led while frozen and that the frost is allowed to come out gradually. Stored roots must not be allowed to dry out as drying Is one of the principal causes of loss in cellar storage. Issued by The Director of Publicity, Dom. Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont. ,> Care of Brushes Brooms and brushes give much longer and more eflicient service' it they are taken care of. Before being used for the first time, all household brushes and brooms should be soaked In cold water and allowed to dry thoroughly. This makes the wood around the bristles swell and thus strengthens the hold on them. It also prevents the bristles from breaking off short. A broom should bo kept tree from all sweepings. Keep at hand an old piece of comb, and, when sweeping Is over, gently remove all hairs, bits of fluff and odds and ends before putting the broom, brush-end upward, in the corner. Periodically brooms should be treat- ed to a bath of soft soap and water, to which a little borax, soda or ammonia tas been added. Having been well rinsed in several cold waters the brooms should be thoroughly dried. Tho bristles of hair brushes, brooms and scrubbing brushes may bo stiffen- ed If dipped in a strong solution of alum, or, In the case of tooth brushes, a solution of salt and water. Brooms and brushes, towever thick the bristles, must never be allowed to rest upon the bristles when not in use. A certain yohng barrister had been addressing a Jury for about two hours, and when he had finished the oppos- ing counsel arose and said, "Your lordship, I win follow the example of my friend who has Just finished', and submit tho case without argument!" Bowls of Flaming Autumn Berries Ifipr that wlator to not far away, oaa beflBs to raalisa tha taet that St^ months moat paw baCora wa ara MMW available tba gar«a» •mnis whlsi have^mada Indoera sa wall •â-  o«M doors' bcanttfnl daring •«mm«r. ^ W])7 not gather soma berries, whloli are plentiful and bum with flery «oloi\ In the wooda and swampsT Tha earliest of theaa U tho bIttaiV sweet, with Its gorgeous red and yaU low coloring. A bunch placed in water,' say In a banging basket on the wal^ will serve as a gleaming bouquet until replaced by, Christmaa holly. Of all our native berries, none is liner than the black alder. These ara found quite late In the autumn in tha swamps and the remote districts o| the wooda. The scarlet globes set richly along the black stems are thia most vivid of all the autumn fruit. One of the moat luxuriant and ar- tistic of the berry bushes is the bar- berry. Its fruit ripens slowly, and ita warm golden leaves, set thickly with tiny thorns, are almost as hardly aa tbe berries. Bunches of these mar be kept in the touse all winter, re- taining their color and beauty. Then there are partridge vines and tiny ferns, beautiful if set in a round berry bowl. Art is required In mak- ing this quaint object. In the bottom of tbe receptacle place a piece o| moist moss, green side out so that its roots and the earth clinging to them may form a carpet tor the little tendrils of the vine and terns. Place these latter firmly, but not too closely together, and lave about a fifth of the space in the bowl free at tho top for growth and expansion. Turn all leaves and berries so that they may look out of the bowl; and the pretty thing is complete. These dishes should be filled lata In tbe season and should be opened at Intervals during the winter. Plao- ing them in the cold so that the bowl may frost over is the surest way of gaining the moisture desired. The great heavy clusters of ash berries are beautiful for house deco- ration, but mean so much as food for the birds that one forebears to pick them. The heavy blue fruit of the carrion flower; the berries of the Jack-ln-the- pulplt and of many other plants ara found in the woods and along tha fences. "Sing a song of seasons Something bright in all. Flowers in the spring time. Fires in the tall." Kitchen Hints New Customs Crusiers are Speedy Onlarto Built Cruisers tor Nova Scotia Two 290-hor80 power, SS-mlles-pir-hour revenue cru.'Ecra wore recently put into commission by F. W. Cowan, Chief of the C;anadlan Preventive Service, to talie care of Nova Scotia's iudented coast line. Hon. W. I>. Kuler ordered six upaedttors of the ThorntKcrott subchaser type to patrol the little fre^uentel shallow coves of tho Maritime Provlnte. They aro eqr.'K^M with machine guns and search lights. Tha other four will sooa follow. They were built by mo Ditch burv^Ciats at Oravenhurst. To Preserve Lemons Rub tbe lemons thoroughly with a dry cloth until the skins are clean, then roll them in a white of an egg.' Let them dry. They will keep for months. When required for use, rub the coating off and they will be Ilka fresh lemons. Apple Cream Remove the pulp from t#'o bake4 apples, rub it through a sieve, add H gill cream. Sweeten to taste. Ftavor, with' a squeeze of a lemon. Mix weU and serve in custard glasses. SOirve with sponge fingers. Blushing -Bunny 1 can tomato soup, 1 cup finely cut cheese, 1 teaspoon butter, 2 eggs, nalt and pepper. Melt butter in sauce pan, add soup and cheese. When cheese i« melt*>d add seasonings and beaten eggs. Stir until thick and serve on tuabt. Red and Green Pepper Picklea 12 large red peppers, 12 barge green peppers, 15 onions, chopped fine; one int vinegar, 3 cups eugar, 3 table- spoons salt, 3 tablespoons mustard seed. Remove seeds from peppers and chop or grind, mix with the onions and pour boiling water over the mixture. Let stand five minutes, then drain.' Make a weak solution of vinegar, tak- ing one part vinegar and two parts water. Put pepper mixture in the vine- gar, let come to a boll, let stand !• minutes, then drain a,-;aln. Add ono pint vinegar, tbe salt, sugar and mus- tard seed, let come to a boil, boll two minutes, then bottle and seal. Sauerkraut Cut the cabbage into shreds, do not chop. Put a layer of cabbage about; three Inches deep into tank or vessel having straight sJd«^. Crockery ware or cypress or white pine casks are good for the purpose. Sprinkle over the first layer of shredded cabbage tbe| first grade of dairy salt. The proper iproFortlon is 2H lbs. saft for eack 100, lbs. cabbage. Repeat tbls until th| cask is full and heaped up. Have a| cover fitted to inside of pask. Pol this over the cabbage and weight It iown with rocks. In ordinary room temperature the kraut will cure In from 16 to 18 days. : â€" > Apples in Canada Apples aro Canada's leading com^ merclal product in fruit. Since isii wiicn seod was imported from Riga, A. t^e Baltic Sea. continuous efforta baTsI b^en made to origlnabs neir and bette;^ varieties of apples for Canada. In S recent report of l^e Horticultural DivUlon 0* the J,*o^hilon Experi- mental F^rsM descriplJon|^ eighteen new varieties nam«d dun.||s 1'28 are, Bopplled. ' «. - Meat indecent booka are so stuplil that In Jrder to get t^m ra^A A I* necessary to denounce th^rar-TbattM Maiion. m

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