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Flesherton Advance, 19 Oct 1927, p. 1

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mmm wmmmmmmmm fmmm Vol47No.21 '3K)je fksA^etion %hfmu. Flesherton. Ontano October 19. 1927 W.H. Tkurtton & Son, Propritfbtt FARM FOR RENT MUTUAL FIBE INSURANCE CO. I wish to inform the public that Ogprey Township, Grey County S.V4 Lot 16 and 17, Con. 13, con-j ara"*now""agMt lor"' the "Waterloo tainmg 150 acrea, 100 acres under ^j^ Insurance Co.-JAlex. McEach- cultivation, buildings consist of frame dwelling and two barns, one mile from Fleversham. For full Baltic ulars apply to The Toronto General Trusts Corporation, 253 Bay Street, Toronto. nie, Flesherton. When a henpecked husband misses his usual homeward train he catches it. SPECIALS FOR TUESDAY ONLY SUIT OVERCOAT O R DRESS D YE D $3.50 MEN'S SUIT OR O V E R C A 1 LADY'S WINTER COAT CLEANED $1.50 CONSULT US AT M. McDonald's Tuesday, October 25th Caps Cleaned 35c. * * Ties Cleaned 10c. Sweaters Cleaned .... 75c. This is your opportunity to get expert advice on your cleaning and dyeing, and at the same time save money. Waite the Cleaners Owen Sound, Ont. FORTLAW Mr. W. J. Reid has been very ill the past week. He has intervals of respite from sev((re attacks. All are anxious to see him restored to health. The anniversary services on Sunday in Mount Zion church proved very successful. There were large congn^- gations at both services. In the after- noon, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Kendall preached a very edifying and inspir- ing sermon. In the evening Rev. Mr. Spencer of Dundalk officiated and preached an appropriate and able ser- mon. The choir rendered suitable music, specially prepared for the occ- asion. Miss Johnston, teacher at Eugenia, and Miss Duckett were visitors with Mrs. Thos. Taylor. Mr. Thos. Fletcher of Toronto vis- ited with old neighbors here last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jamieson, and Grace, and T. R. and Mrs. McKenzie and Lillian enjoyed a pleasant visit at the home of Mrs. T. Wright of Banks. All are looking foreward to an en- joyable time at the church tea and entertainment Wednesday night. VICTORIA CORNERS ^ Mrs. Thos. Bannon is spending a few days in Owen Sound. Rev. Mr. McCormick of PricevUle occupied the pulpit at Inistoge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Warrender of St. Anns and Mr. Thos. Woodlan of Smithville visited at Chas. Moore's Mrs. Moore returned to Smithville with them to attend the sick bed of her mother. Mrs. Ernest Stinson, and babe, are visiting: her parental home in Laurel. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Neilson and son, ' Bruce, of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. ! Mr. Robt. Wright of Hanover, In- ; spector of South Grey, was a caller at [The Advance office Monday. in The Advance 'â€"'Here Is Year One Goldenâ€"â€" O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y to surprise the folks at home this Christmas Eve â€"Present them with a new Ortho^onic Victrola IpveMusic Slip a dollar bill into your pocket and come in! SPECIAL ADVAHTA6E8: Aar Model May B* S«lccMd 1. UnUmitea selection of any Oftfao. phonic VictroU. Ona Dollar Now 2. No cuh ptrmca»â€" only tmtU wttkly pajrnuats cequixod. Delinrr ia fn*. Yout Protaction ). Raliof Insutanc*. In cua of illnaaa or tamponfT imamptorment, half PV mania will ba accaetcd for w lone aa pnnmutf paid in lull. SadibtAm or Moaay Back 4. Taa dart trial. If diwarirf e d tfaa ia- Mrumant aiar ba retumad within tan daipa after dall*arr. All moaiaa paid. â-  , wiUbai If You Pnfcr Another Model 9. Exchange privilege. Qub membara may exchange the inftcnimenc lelcctad at any time within three month* for a new one of gieater value. It Beata the Victor Ttadcinaik 6. Our guarantee. Every inatnimcnt ia guaranteed to be in perfect conditioik and to give entire aatia f actioo. Another PrtWlege 7. Yotir old type, silent phonograph will ba accepted in part payauni. Libaral allowance will be maoa. Whanerer You Lika T»....-Hi.t. delivenr if danred. Smplr making your weakly paymtnia ini> Q."-*â€" ., than no other paymanta S: until the New Year. SaUot Nighti aad Haikl Yb* HcnU Aa«ds Sia»â€" By EUie %ak*r mad Tiioitr Choir. AdMts Pidilw Pipe Orgm, by Mark Andrews. jhejl^ Bdkt and Tlie Quiltias Partyâ€" By Shannon Quartec w (Organ Solo); aad MMnab-flalUiujah Chora*â€" By O'CoanaU and Mark AndNWik pm} Model ^l mm Welm^ ^1^ Too Good To Be True BUT - IT - IS! And the keen buyer. will investigate our, offer TODAY W. A. Armstrong & Son ROCK MILLS Mt. Ross Smith of Toronto spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hudson and two children of Collingwood motored here Thursday and visited the former's, cousin, Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Taylor and son Lloyd of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porteous of Flesherton vis- ited with Mr. John Porteous, wife and son here. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pedlar, Mr. Lewis Pedlar and Jim and Ita vis- ited recently with Mrs. Pedlar's sister, Mrs. Coutts of Avening. Farmers in this vicinity have been busy getting up the roots. The Durham Furniture Go's saw mill finished cutting theiv large stock of logs here on Friday last, October 14th, after several months of steady sawing. They have a very large qiiantity of lumber pijled in their yard here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fatten of Dui-- ham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous, and son, Joyce visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Allen McLean of Fev- ersham. Mr. Chas. Newell is having part of his house re-shin^led. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith of Ceylon is doine the job. Mr. and Mrs. John Wifkons of Kimberley visited recently with the latter's parents here, Mr. and Mrs W. T. Pedlar. -Mr. and Mrs. Bert Porteous of Max- well spent the week end with the former's parents here. Unity U. F. W. O. held their mon- thly meeting on Wednesday, October 12th. at the home of Mrs. Thos. Betts and was in keeping with Thanks- giving and opened with singing a Thanlvsgiving hymn and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison. The roll call was answered by a verse of Scrip- ture on giving thanks. _^ A reading entitled "How to keep T' ankngiving'' was given by Mrs. C. Newell and Miss Edith Betts also gave a splendid reading entitled "Let us be thankful." Miss Irene Walker gave an instrumental -ielection and a couple of the members sang a Thanksgiving duet and Mabell Betts read a Thanksgiving poem. The meeting closed with singing t'-' Doxology after which refresh- ntn;s were served by the hostess. IN MEMORIAM MAXWELL T'le Maxwell branch of the Wom- en';-. Institute will hold their regular mc! ting at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Poolp on Thursday, October 20th. They will entertain the Flesherton br.'-ich of the W. I. B'-. and Mrs. Coulter are visiting relalvas here. A' . H. Down of Flesherton spent the v-eek end with Mr. W. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. M. Nichol, and son were isitors at ' the home of Mr. and Ii's. Geo. Roas on Sunday. Mt. W. Parker and Mr. J. Stephens have : eturned from the West. SWAMP gJLLEGE Tb" people around here are hav- ing " job trying to lift their potat- oes between showers. They report a ' "andid yield. J >. and Mrs. Wm. Hay visited re- c- ';ly at Mr. Andrew Hincks, Price- vil'?. Miss Effie MacCannell and Alice Br-ughton have gone to Toronto. "fr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Ce"lon visited recently with Mr. An- g'-- McCannell's. number from here took in the b- dance in the hall at Swinton Park I- Friday night and report a splendid t.'me. The anniversary services were largely attended at Salem on Sun- f'ly last, when Mr. Proswier of Cey- 'on preached very impressive ser- •nons. This Monday night a hot supper is served. GIBSON â€" In tender and loving memory of our dear Husband and Flither, Wm. A. Gibson, who passed away, October 17th, 1924. , Time moves on and we're reminded Of a day our hearts were crushed, | When God took you, oh! so quickly,' And we all in gloom were thrust.' Yes, time may come and bring us changes * Fresh with every coming year. But your memory will be cherished In the hearts that love you dear. j Call not back our dear departed I Anchored safe where storms are o'er, ' On the borderland we left him Soon we'll meet to part no more. Sadly missed by wife and family. CREDIT Auction Sale ] POTATOES & GRAIN WANTED Potatoes and grain wanted; highest marke: prices paid. Phune 2 r 31. A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. De Laval Cream Separator at PRICEVILLE STOCK YARDS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1927 at 1.30 p.m. of the following young cattle: 40 yearling Steers; 30 yearling Heif- ers ;18 2-year-old Steers and Heifers; 4 springers. TERMS â€" 6 months' credit will be ariven. with S';; per annum off for cash. STOTHART & McLEAN â€" John O'Neil and Geo. Duncan, _ Auctioneers. Why use an old, worn out Sep- arator. Give your cows a chance t» earn more money for you by getting a new De Laval. Come in and let na demonstrate it to you. We have Sep- arator Oil and Repairs. .'M BIRTHDAY PARTY AT EUGENIA - Little Beth Large entertained a number of the little folks of the vill- aj:e on Tuesday afternoon of last v'-'k, when the little folks gathered t wish her many happy returns of f ? day. The children spent a jolly ti:«e on the lawn running races and p'aying games. The children were looked after by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Latimer,* until they wefe all called to the dining room at 5 o'clock, where a dainty lunch was served. The din- ing room was prettily decorated for the occasion with autumn leaves and yell'W streamers. The table was eentrsd with a birthday cake, which held 5 yellow candles. After all the good thing had been partaken of the candles were lighted and the lights turned off much to the delight of the little orss. Miss Beth blew the can- dles and a jolly time was spent by all the I iddies. W.A.HAWKEN FLESHERTON, ONT. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER-^L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone J. W. Bates. Kingsdale 4344 R. Maddocks. MOUSE OFGLUAUTY SPECIAL PRICES G R O On Cooking Onions in 50 or H 100 lb. sacks. Q E CLOVER HONEY £ -- Oi the very choicest in 5 and -^ S 10 1b. pails. R H EVERYTHING RIGHT I E S W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Faadi Stad t . Caoowrie* and Confsctienary Flesherton The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if you bring your: CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, whidi affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed Hoii St Markdale Creamery Horn! and Produce Co. Wii|bt Test MARKDALE, ONTARIO. PHONE 66

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