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Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1927, p. 7

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m • :i>::^^tti '-••:<-. "^^Scr^^ le a<6i France5how# oLSUtartor Air # . *bta|^^hai^ LlTerpobyjind^f n- ^ ^1 cfiesteifljfc<»inajori"ty ^f^pStfgiish serf "* ^rts^nPcities^Srtf hug^Ui^reta. dsj I;f''yraInteaSl4^a9nbey 'are ^^jential to i ' t]ie^^4|ldffi'a< life. Tl^er ""jjiy de- I ^^t Itf OF ^ ft >;f;^^'v Tvj^elve K'Red hi Lomlon Train Wreck [«^ ^_ Brifish air power <Jfc broad iddesB foundation^. Broad, becausitf ende^n one way oal-f- rmi tai^de^ ^rom»th^'v«ry na^Bre th^ mu^ be |£j^] forflnig^l^eep, for 'â- unlea^U^f rest j^ upoK^nKional industry and peace- ^j^' tJmgTObita, an air force, how^ter effl-^, ^^jrf| 'cien^well equipeS and: self^acrificiiv^ iuAt th^***^ personnel may be, will » a t^f^er- 'tJ^iSS^^'l^tB<i\XTe witlM>at foundation, sijfee will lack th^,req^site 1 1 Ti up {Jatlon Apatheti c^ - In^view of. these con»i«H5nonS, it ^ The Motor Toll Carelessness,â€" of the car itseXi^ Its brakes. Its stearlng gear; care- lessness of opsratlon. â€" too much speed, cattins-ta, lcafin<: careless- ness to trafflc rules, and aigualsi all these add to our mounting toU of motor accidents. The giotor car has added greatly to the harsard of our Ontario roads. It Is Urn* ^that all gcod citizens nslted to r»- fort the careless drirer. One year of itrlct enforcement of oar laws woald cause the careless to pause and think. Our laws are sufBcient but our officers cant be ev^ry where at once. Help va^e Ontario safe. Autumn Treats Rub about a Sre-pound plec« of kw kaef #lth salt yd p«pp«r and haU a taaspooa of grwuid clOTec aa4 tk* tame quantltr et aU«pic«. ihaa pet lato a Teaaal la which la enooglk vlaaiir to coTor It. tacather with a anMii Iemo«. a §Ue»i oaloB aad half a bar leaf. Tora aororal times; learo Is tbo Tla«>gar thre« or four days, remort^ wlpwweil aed pot roast a* usnaL VegeUble CMcken Cut a raw. four-pound chicken inVo cubes; put it Into boiling water with half a pound of lean bam. diced, zai cne large onion, sliced. Cover and let it simmer for an hour and a half: add one quart cf peeled and sliced tomar toes, one. pint of string bea&s. cao •niPsal^eiore tl^ French take Jo choppe7^^"e"n '^^-."%ur "medl'aa t. in s^.e.of the fact that it coats JlJed" potatoes. dic^T ;.tid salt to tasto; little if any more and w much lea ^^^^; ^^^ simmer^other hoar. Add dan^rous than travel ra a French trdln. • • A Flying Fish. ^ . Nevertheless, much useful experi- quarter cf a Ifbund cf grated mental work is beinjr carried on in and the beaten yo'k cf an egg. mmer i one pint of ccoko^. grated com, a fourth of a peucd cf bjtter, cut into small square^^nd rolled in fio;ir, a eess Stir Traveling ftjty miles arf^'hour, loaded with holiday passengers, express this..oh« should be apathetic in regard to avia- Uaken*in aviation. nin«»t *tioft» ^hat they aro^ so is denKto-lbemor jl4|r*^I^ bjAstatistics. The memb^- ^q^ Is I ship%f tMTJ^ir Ijee^e of the Britasfi than France. One interesting tri^n-ation five minute^ aid serve. is tha so-called "submarine seaplane," CJbbage Dump"ina« a machine which. accordin« torts de. ^^^ ^.^^^ ^,,^^^ ^^ ^^.^ â-  ,^j, '^EI^J'^ J \ ~" "^"r^r Pieces.scook cut tha'fat and removs ^ surf a* of the sea. WKile this ^^ ^^^^ Add.tbree qua.ns of chop- !^»v-.ce may hav>e no practical «PPli- p^ cabbage. spr!n«e with cne tea- T» M .V , 1 •«» ^Ji?^"^^" ^ TT'^ ^t^ ^P°°° °f "'' "^1 ^dd two quaru of It will, ther^pre, I routes as it would be to leavecoast the good that work of ths kind shouH boilin* wa;er- cook thirty minutes: The member- ^ZT"?^ 21V° °°'"°'^»^ Pl j >i»«« unligWed, harbor, undredged be <*«e. _ In a^-iittioT., the in^xedible ^^^ ^„^,^ ^^^^ dumplings anl cook -VTu. SZ-lS. W&ider f ujp^ dgvelopments. father and bridges broken; yet th^ charges "^ to-<i*y « the pgsaible of to-morrow, g^.^^^, uiiiiMiea longer Pare aad the somewhat, for all these maintenance ^r vices arej Altiwugh, in the strict sense of the ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ aoales. cut them into iwTdeftcWWj, both diskppointing *id surprisiofj '^f' rails ^jwin? to washout during heavy storm. Like. all ' tjlat the British people as a whwe ' _ propaganda is | ship^f tWf^ir "League of the Britisfi than contSnplau, ^. «.a«wnat, Vfrom the followin«f,Em^re dJ(%not exceed intl92»tl»o meagre showing of he present. Th«j-- Ukraine alone there! paltry total.of 6.000 and is increas- ; .^^i "showing" has been used iriten*^ local aeronautical sjcieties ing^>ry slowlyâ€" In Germany an aaso- tiowlly, because, behind the scenes (^ \.* merftbership of 360,000. paysla . fee ,of •eighteen" S^er ' this is "jp eh- annual ' snbscriptiim- is â- jf -Two societifil, the ds oj^\\.viation and Mcal DeCenee, have mated^ into*'j>ne, tokhim, whose mem- iO,OOO^hi3 sug- has .already fornvi. cn^s and estaMished' containing .."bo^K ^pn >n|i$cal subjecU t&roughoufthe " ^virt Union. .\ **. <i ^, • M>«t3ry Aviation. * ., J>ff the ether hand, military: avif^tion * has n<|^-.l>eeii neglected. If numbers are«a^njfasure'of strengfth, Russia is .now a first class air oTver. fTheRufi- aan Air Foffce is sai^ to ossess from 1^0 to 1,503 miliUry aircraft? Orig-" ^ inally Russia imported airplanes from , Genr.atiy, and equipped .from > is 16,00(^000, hu'te Air League with , f^tup^-, ^ 80^ members." . ** A Few Eqthusiaata. "^ f%Llke ItaTy, ciatioS with simflar aims has ^.mem- g^^^i^ ^i^etul eiperimentali^nd .^ 4»rship^ of several hundred thousand, ;,searT;h work has been done by "the Air fbd Ca*rh6slovalda, whose population Ministry expwts and aircraft manu- Seaplanes. ^ , --- , I *ta«o .^«M7, Great Britain wUl^vs Admittedly, ths" foregoing figure^ to rely to a great extent on seapUnes present the dark side of the situatioqjijor air communication. It may be i ^''^ '*^<^ machines anl boinLcg. her naval air service. There is a brighter aide, where the in- , that when airship 'designers hav« 'â-  â- '*â-  'utui* will depend. Italian engia- difference of the many^is rsdeesned ^y , solved tht problffllh of control .of **'^ pilots and mechanics can hold met for thM|poet and taxes. - ^; - ; irt- «. â-  .r 1. core two tart apples, cut them part .dSt of rates ; »«"". Franoe "has no air foiroeâ€" that ^ngs half an inch thick and fry uatU is, no independent service on the same , , , *»[ footing as the two older SM-races â€" Italy s EKp«ri«nee. the air arm of tfce French army U, Italy's aviation problem is similar' nnmartcaUy, the most powerful in the in many ways to that of Britain â€" her ; world. For varioas reasons, tK long coast line and interests overseas' French air arm b administered by necessitate the use of her seaplanes or j the War Office, and the chief suffeicr, amphibiaiiil* On the developmentyof though by no means the only sufferer, these types of aircraft.'far more thaaj from this arrangement is the French* of » cuP of brown sugar, anl ona The complaints of tablespoon of lard tender: " Put the cabbage lntt> a deep plate; garnish with the apple rings the pork and the dumplings. Shoo-Fly Pie Mix one cup of pastry djur with one-fourth o* a teaspoon of sal:, on* third of a teaspoon of soda, one-tliird ^ When weU tlks latter l»ve Aen loud arid long, blended add one-third of a cup of their latest dfcasioa having bfcn sAme noiasses and cne-thlrd of a cup of , boiling water. Mix well and place oa the enthiisiaam of., a* few. All over , Hghter-than-aii* ^SMelsâ€" and there is their own with those of any race, and unsatisfacbtwy experiments with sea the country there ace groups of pa- 1 every reason to Believe that they wiO »»*** t^â„¢?' â„¢*y •» expect*i from planes. » small pie pan hnod with pastry. triotic men and women ready to sacri- ; succeedâ€" the latt^ will play an inv» Mliâ„¢ if they find tn-qotlet for their | Roaala, Italy and France are un- ^^« 'j|^ ^°^ o^*i i"»' brown. fice their money, if not their -necks, i portan^ part as pa<t«^ngw ^ fr^fgM »°ergi« in th» orgaaiiation and , *«bte^Jy preat air powers of tha^«rve w1^ coffee for breakfast. in the cause of aviation. The supoart ! catriers. But that art* wilr be jnore '' equipment of air transport systems, ! ftiture. , T'wo e( them. Frurjre and; Molasses Dumplings that art* wilr be jnore equipment of air transport systems, n ttr;+l, V..U*. -*. â€" !^ nrovidinff A&f^ and rp^ rvwnmtTni- given by the .^ir Ministry to Li^t in competition with ocean jteamers providing safe and regular oommuni- i Italy, are developing aviation mainly Mix one cup of warm milk, oae- .Airplane Clubs has been'^appreciated | than 'with airplaiies. For ^aplanes <^t>on across the t&Iediterrmnean and on military hncs, in *trrikir.« contrast fourth of a cup of btflter. |^ little salt • and has met with a satisfactory res-j there will always beS plara on the Adriatic. In this, way ItalJ|^rill lay bo tbo proowJure imposed on Germany and a half a cup cf yeast; mix wlih ponse. At least six such clubs are air routes of the British Emirire, pro- *^ foundation of her air power far by the Treaty of Versailles. Russia, flour to make a stl2 dough; form into, now in existence with growing mem- pAled that their *seful load" and ^^^^ solidly than by the maintenance on the other*hand. i»pursuiTjg excep- balls about the size of waln-.its and berriil|> and the latest Returns of pu-' range <^ flight cm be increased. Oon-i *' *P **^ force of such^ize^i'that the tional propo^andist methods simul- place la a well greased iasy pan lo pils'in training and of flying licenses siderable progressin this direction has <ir<xie of motors will drown all other taneously w-ith the provision of a . , granted are most premising. rSeveral . been 'made already, and in the near ' ^°^<^ "^ I'*^? and the wings of air- po\i,-erful air force* If the her squ'adrofls were i successfut air race meetipgs h^ye been ! future commercial seaplanes should pl*nes above the peninsular win m«nt in Moscow can achieve the mir- water and one tablespoon cf butter the Junks.>rs,^okker ! heli in 192' and the prospects for j be available with a rail^ of 1,500 eclipsi the sun," to paraphrase a pass- acle ofipiaKing Russian peasaijjs "air- and rise. Cook together about ilTe min- If the govern- , utes one cup of molasses, cne cup'M " .^^nd«Dcrn£er factories, bat recently a • the remainder of the season are good. ' miles. It Will then be possible for a *8?* irom |tf^t ^^natanal ^i^raft industry has ^jeen . .Aviation as a sport seems to be tak- ^ tra%'eler to fly from England to the '♦y *^® newspapers to Bj:<emi^ founded with a research d«|)artffient, ! ing root^in fengland. and this is no^.\ntiodee in ten non-stop flights, with so'i'i'- ani" .^..* ni d the latest machines h!i\e been | small mater, from eve^ point of viVw. ; a total of at most 150 flying hours. | Ui^fortunately. the air force ^sti ilt in Russia from^usajan designs. On the comnvercial side Imperial , The staged might he Malta, Egypt, 'mates Russia is specializing in all-metal Airways Limited are B£0\-iding rvgM- \ Bushire _ airplanes made of a new alloy â€" Kolt- I lar services with the OWitinetit.fTheir pore. Port Darjwui. two air-stationsin i ian government is it chougaliminidm.* This metal combines I air liners enjoy a deservejlly high re- ... lightness with a tensile strength of | putation for safety and British pilots these conditions. *ihi in Italy, like those of other Kiirachi, Colombo, Singa- 1 countries, are going jip, and the Ital- credited with the .^ustijglia and one in New Zealand In ; intention of constructing 2,800 miK- ,blic speech attributed minded, ' then Italy, l->ance and Ger- Mus- many together will not bo Russia's â- Â» equal in air power. For the British, delay or hesitation in building up an at rforce wiil be pour the mixture ov^ thj dump- lings whei'. thi^^re light and bafe la a moJerate oven. disastrous. Gneat BritaA's pc^ lition he gain in time |tary aircraft by 1930. ^ 85,000 pounds to the squMe inch and ; insi»re confidence in the most timid, i would be a* decisiw factor, and no j The Marqueea de Pinedo has per- * has eiven satisfactory result^in the â-  Durinsr the Bcriod 1919 to K)26 the! one with business of imn,>r^An.v>ii:,Mii,t K.>rw • ^-u^r^^ r,^;,^ .^f n,.» n^..,;,..^ and : •rty^ig^ne has made a n.on-stop with a 4S0 horsepower Lib- flight from Moscow to Nijui Novgorod ftnd back. Advanced Methods. in t%f world has been built up on the basis of sea power; now it needs air power to maintain it. l^ mariners, baclMd by governments with vision and TRe instinct.s of a trading people, u*^ , 'made passible the British Common- sengers and freight. flight, empire air transport will be- Highly Efficient. f« rome a commercing proposition. .Vltboaph th? British air force is. Does Not Pay. num^caliy, not so strong as certain !„ all countries the same complaint that aviation does not pay continental air forces, it may be claim- 1 j., niade J In South Russia fleets of airplanes ! ^'^ 'H^it it makes up in efficiency for,it^^vay.^ It certainly does not. Ten •re employed to destroy swarms ofi'ac''**^ numbers. Visitors to the an- j times the present traffic is required k^usts by spraying them with poison. 1 ''"â- ^ »»r ^V^ dispTly canrwt fail to [to make British air transport pav Nothing could bring* liomo better bo *>« impressed by the skiU and. darlhg But those who complaia nics; loudly the p<n>ulBtion the iMes and advan-.^' "»"» ^'â- '"*'> airmen, and in every j either forget or do not know of the itagcs of aviation tl«i this practice, â- '''''"x^*^ °^ aeronautics the same high|^ubsidies pJid to shipping companies The n^wt dazzling stunts aud feats !*'*"*^**"<* '* maigtimed. ^jnfortunate-i and the pligh* -' *»- -=' ''--^- cf ^lanship would not impress thei'^- ''^ **"»' warfa^Te the casualties } earlier days. isMn peasants half as much as the'^"' ^ appalUng. and^hile these islessary to aviation as milk '',. _ ,u. wealth across the "illimitable path- things, the , ,, M I. â-  ^instruction of seaplane navigable ^y^ .f , ^ *^- ''* '"'â- '^"â- '" "" ^ ., , , r, . _, . confolidat or. the surfao^of the water. This idea IS far from being fantastic; the !v. , " J ways :e th.-jt comnionwoalth and being fantastic: the ^Z' ",-r''' '^T f P'^*^"'^ f"^ «^worthin«» of seaplan«« is sur- l'^" ^^^>' '1,*^'"=*' enterprise and dar priaing. though explainable on aeio- : '"«,• ,*»" ,^'^'^r "'^'^ . i. â-  • T .r â-  . .. and trackless, whose courses are m static pruiciple«; they skim over the .. ^ . , . C 7 ] _!.„» 1 ,.w t. 1 X three dimensions and abo\-e both land routgfaest seia and neither crash Into . ^^ "the waves nor vrallow in tlx^troughs. ; ^ ^ Pinedo's .Atlantic flights arouse«i the ' wildest enthusiasm throuji^kout T^aiy. ! "^^'^ '*'* namo is a household word. : )f th^'rail^ys'in'lhel^^ *»*» popularity and influence are Subsidies are as pec- ' *"'*^*°^'>' 'n»«°t*ine'l to on*ble him i RusMn peasants half as much as the!'"" "« appalling, ano^mie there is;essary to aviation as milk is to , ** P°* his ideas into practice it wfll extermination from the sky of these I 'h* faintest possibility of war re-|chi'd. Governments which ^rv? this °* /**^"'***%^^'' ''^y *^'^ "^ '*** voracious insects, caught j^plete and <^""'"^ one fact of aramount import-, new form of transportation, and its ** ^°^ Europe. •sleep upon the fi^ds they d«»state.l" *•«* *•»« British air force has now related Hdustry. will bo guiltv of ai France Behind Too. Whether Russia wiU become in the!'*''*" t''* P'.""^ of tlie British navy penny-wise-pound-foolish policy, and -Although France contributed so true sense i a ^reat air power time j »s the first line of honi« defence. As rightly incur the obloquy of sucoee*'.- ' much fo' the early (Vjveh>pm«it of alo»«,can show. Her wide and dis- *"«*> •' prepared for a long ing genera<*ns. The future is with aviation, it is probably true to say t«Tit siuir.>.<t rtflTor an i<4»a1 fioM A%r ! War of attrition tO SUrvive which it nirfarinp nat:ion<i_ nnH eitftai,)!,.. in fKnf irirh* fK,^ o.r~kr.h:>.,n .../ t-k. C^ti.t. Fruit Potpio Sift two teaspoons of bakin; pow- der into oae'quarc of flour! add half a teaspoon of salt; rub two tablespoons of butter into It with the finger tips ani^add water to make a soft dough. Roll uni pat out twathirds of th< dough and cover the bottom' of a dt-ep buttered pan or a kettle with le^s. .Vdd a quart cf quartered aj^ pies or peacbes; add sugar bountifully, as it requires more than when stewed. Roll the remaiafHfe dough for the top crust i>nd piri^h tie edjes well to iuimit^bie f '^", ^""^ P"^ '^ f "*â- -'''â- â- '' , ^".'^'^ fi first, then iower the Ueat. It suould be browa all over. I taut spaces offer an ideal field for ^'^'*'' t^airfaring nations, and subsidies to that. w[th' the exception of tlie British. m Explained Her Make-Up. She â€" "X\l the world's a staRe." He â€" "That explains your make-up. suppose." aviation; the Slavs h^ve" produced ; ^^''^ "«5<* *'*''•«'""« of a national air- commercial aviation ure a good in-jno pac«L diieplays greater apathv many brilliant engineers and should !"»'' indu«tr>- and an imperial air , v-eetmcnt of public money. Perhaps ' regard W aviation than the French. |" produce good piloU and" mechaWcs, transport system just as the navy. j the best form such subsidies can take i In spite of all attempts by the govem- What this race lacks is concentration} ^he Brush are proverbially slow; is t^ indirect one of providing andjroent ^ excite ita intere«ts by means and the faculty for detailWorganiza*!*'*'''*'^' ^'i,'"**^ ^"» *''»** *o ^i«^ui£ping air routes. These routes J of aeronautical ei^ibitions and_ de- ; elderly women deserve* to ! THREE KILLED IN BLAST IN BRTQSH NAVY PLANT i • j London. â€" A terrific explosion in ths ; navy's cordis storero;im at Wareham â-  recently caused the daath of three â-  workmen. Three other men. one of I whom ^NTis carrying a trayful of high explosives, was bl4|rn o'lt of the build- amid a torrent of bricks and de- but they were not injured. Sev- eral women employees were slightly hurL .\.s the only three men working at the place where the explosion occur- oris. - * a national air transport system «»» «"** widespread interest *i« being|Will be, as unrea^naie to neglect air 1 trav'^l will havxj to be both cheaper Evening Post. » ^ V 9k <k 1 1 Dp tion. But if the propagandh now «t ; recovering irom, post-war reaction, aniarejls „ work l>ear3 fruit and Russia builds , "P^^^f* ^} i«<^ln^-e th§t more sen- j sea routes or public up with an adequate aircraft iidustry for her internal needs, so vast are her rewurces and so great are her natural advantages that in a few ye.irs' time she may quite poesibly be in a jxksition to control the^ir /outs over A.«ia to ihe East. ^ BritalrVs Opportunity. Contrasted in many ways with the growing opularity of aviation and the increasing "ajr mindednesS" of Rus- sia is the grotus of fljing in Great Britain. A\-iation oflfers a splendid opportiinitj? to Groat Britain. No European stato ha.^ more to gain by Its rational development. If the prob- lems t'i'0s5onte<l by this new form of locomotion .iro t.vkled boldly and na- tional energies are not paralyzed by the inferiority complex which makes unenterprising iKvple dread all change and discourage the activities of others, the rewards, though not imn>ediate, will amply compensate the elTorts and sacrifices made. They will be, on the material side, new markets, mtft^o em- ployeipnt, readier access to undevelop- ed regions, closer and nHder intei^- course within the British common- wealth and throughout the world. On the moral sMde their worth will be in- calculable â€" a broader outlook, better understanding, a quickaoing of the prorr«saiv« spirit, withoat which tint â- TMtMt and mast powerful st«t« ctafn«to and tHBtu^ly dseay. On tb* other hud, no psoplo haf* BMMo to iMoby th* mglirt U atUIIw tiumttwMtk. llHnlriMKkiMn iNl IMr JU MMrtIr; m 1 •mkm Or MImI} red were killed, the cause of it re- The real-estate firm that refuses to mains unexplaiuevl. The explosioa hire flappers and employs none but was the first in the plant since ths „ , . . _ , _.„ _^ elderly women deserves to be con- war. opagandh now at,];f^]|2r.^„.'*V-..^„ ^IL"**!- ^"i* • *T"*"^ upon Its ability to dls- j ImmcdUtely after th#bla^-t ths """ " ' ads. It is, or] has notvet acquired "air isense." ^ffr ' tingulsh between them.â€" New York 'storeroom became a mass of fiame^ i which mounted 100 feet high. Twenty .employees, including several girls, ihad to dash fqf safety. The building I was consumixl in a few minutes, al- though the firemen prt- vented ths spread of the flames. .All other build- ;lns3 In the plant were shattered. I The factory Is the research labora- [tory of the .\dniiralty and coatalas socrots of tho greatest Best of Ontario 's Cattle Herds Purade in Coliseum j many ujjval I importance. THK QRANO FINAL MARCH PAST IN THE COLISEUM Th« prts4 wlaasra of all cImms always parads on the last Friday of Bxhibttlon week. Tho rlaw s^ows thta sye ftlHag scMa. TSa tatareat tai •( all tiic Uto atack aTwla haa kM« kaaa thia jraat vU Ito tnat Pani4a caa ba aM« to b« ao excaitloa. 8o W« Sea "Tou know my huBbaad tails a* loud and It Is terribly embarraastsS-'i "Ten, rm vary saaalttra that wj\ too. Everybody alnpty atareo at yos.** Thare la ttTM whaa dlaraapaettul a ?laea ta aoaa* om omiaalaaet th* "Mr." : aMtSlhfrhw Ik H ft

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