I » k r # ^ A • ^ • • . 4 I • k » • «^ M r t si 1 .» t » 1 •> * <» r 9 '* \»\ %-^ THE FI^SHEB«t)N ADVANCE SEPTEMBER, 23, 1927. Never Sell Grain on a Dull Market U does not always pay to sell grnin as soon as the threshing is finished. If you have a srood crop and themar- ket is depressed see the local manager of the Standard Bank and arrange a loan until a more favorable situation presents itself. Our manager is always glad t« dis- cus:, such problems in confidence. THB STfWDARD BANK OP CAXIAJJ^ PLCSHERTON BRANOi-C. T. Batty. Uaxa^f tnesherton Fair is Best in History awarded the priies in the cattle, sheep ! which took the fancy of the large and hog classes. audience was the step-dancir.g of the â€" '- « 'Misses Ruthyen and McDonald, and' , , - ...u„^ One of the finest exhibits was that 'both received loud applause when fin-j i^olvmjj the probiein 01 N\ hat Fall Weddings CPit. TDfB TABLB The year 1927 will go down as the h;-:t year up to this time in the hist- orj' of the Society, as the fair on Fri- day last had the largest attendance and gate receipts of any fair for the past thirty-seven years. There was a large entry of horses, cattle, sheep and swine and the improved yard for the latter classes was very benefic- ent to the exhibitors in displaying their stock. The exhibit of poultry this year was away above that of for- mer years with exhibitors from Dur- ham, Honeywood and, Clarksburg, besides local birds, taking up a laz^e part of the show. Among the features of the fair that received special attention was the visit of an airplane owned by Harry E. Tegart of Toronto and piloted by Mr. CoUey of Toronto. He did a rushing business during the afternoon in tak- ing up passengers, charging five doll- ars for each trip. Women took ad- vantage of the opportunity as well as the men and enjoyed the experience â- immensely. The pilot also gave an After suffering illness for some exhibition of sttmt flying that was time there passed away in Flesherton thrilling to watch, on Tuesday momir.g, September 2Tth, Eight schools took part in the par- and helping in the program. The skat^gl^Jc was an ideal place for the concert, as when fully seated, it will hold well over one thousand people, seven hundred attended the shown in the hall. There never was as much baking and domestic science as was exhibited this year, and the flower show was equally noteworthy of mention. The ladies' work was aboat the same as other years. The roots and vegetables was also of ex- cellent quality, although the year was coitcert that evening, not well suited to root growing. T. W. Findlay had a fine exhibit of fur- niture in the south end of the build- ing that received a great amount of attention. Robt. Cunningham of Tara judged the grain and rocts, Mrs. R. Faris of Bradford the dairy and domestic science and Mrs. E. Stewart of Midland the ladies' work. ished. These people deserve a special! tO give ii OUR privilege and vote of thangs for so willingly coming w^ have a varied assortment LONG PHOXE CALL The 'phone call to Delias, Texas, mentioned in last week's Hearid tems yiat ot gitts calculated to create pride oi possession in the most ''lase couple. GIFTS IN SILVER Nothing appeals more stroi^- ly to the young' housewife than a gift in silver. We have many articles in chaste pat- will fit everv size of jnirse and gratify the wasn't the "long distance" record for the local ^central." Some weeks iago a call came through the local /-i^pection is "invited without Los -Ajigeles. California, r _- •_ ,- ^ , ^„ v,.. •„_ recipient. Over eighteen hundred entries were This is Janes 0. Pattoi Dies at His Hone in Tswb Trmina leare FlnhfUton Station u follows: (ioiBS Sooth 66b>s North 8.08 a.m. 11.52 ajn. 4J0 ajn. 8.53 pjn. - 8.31 p.m. 4.33 pjn. The mails dose at Flesherton as | James Oscar Patton, aged o9 years, ade to the grounds from market follows: For ttie north at 11.00 ajn.' Mr. Patton had been taken to Durham square, the Swinton Park Pipe Band •outh â- oath made this year by and ten exhibitors. the one hundred It has been said that the school ! office from Los .Ajige 'to the Sprott's at Badgeros. an almost unbelievable distance for I the human voice to be trasmitted 'and it goes to show the wonders of the present age. From Los .A.ngeles to Badjeros as the crow flies, the fear of insistance on buying. W. A. Armstrong & Son Flesherton- Ont. RUBBER BOOTS FOR KLL For a good work ^l»t that will help at least a third of that distance could | keep your feet dry. and rubber bot- be added, making this conversation | toms and tops for men and boys, and 3000 miles long. â€" Dundalk Herald. all kinds of repairing on footwear, â€" â€" ^â€" ^â€" â€" ^ I come to If ignorance is bliss, it's a wonder â- W. L. MORWOOD some ginks don't die of joy. ' Flesherton. Ont. fairs would detract from the success distance is 2225 miles and by wire! of the larger fair, which would shortly disappear. This year we notice a number of young people showing, who are some of the largest exhibitors in the school fairs. Their interest con- tinues to the larger fair with larger prizes. at 3.30 For morning train to the home of his daughter. Mrs. leading. Rock Mills won first place mail closes at 9.00 pan. the \ Mark Wilson, and spent the past week Eugenia second and Springhill third prenous evemng. Local and Personal The weather is decidedly like fall. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Radley mot- ored up from Toronto Friday. The building operations are progres- sing very favorably now. Miss Helen Welton left on Wednes j there, returning home on Sunday, .The funeral will take place on Thurs- |day afternoon. Service at the house I at 2.30 p.m., interment to take place ! in Flesherton c • metery. F-ARM HOUS" BURNED NEAR BADJEROS with Proton, Ceylon. 8th line. Stone's Line and Flesherton schools also in parade. Springhill also took the priie for the best decorated school, the same decorations as those at the school fair being used. The Softball tournament for girls was an attraction that was well at- tended, the Orioles from Clarksburg taking first money and Dundalk sec- Flesherton, Chatsworth. Mark- With a few well chosen words Mr. i F. R. Oliver. M.P.P.. opened the fair, i wishinz all those present to enjoy , themselves with the many special : attractions offered. The farm house of Samuel Clay- ton, south line, Osprey Tp.. between ond. Maple Valley ani Badgeros, was de- dale and Kiraberley also taking part day of last week to train for a nurse stroyed by fire on Tuesday forenoon, in the contest. The cause is not really known at Kincardine hospital. Mrs. Harry Quigg of Harriston visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glossop of Hark- away spent the week end at Fred Pin- • der's. poss- ibly from an overheated stove in the portion of the house occupied by Mr. Caleb Clayton. Neighbors were quick to respond to the call for help. Much of the house contents were removed to saf- ety and a volunteer brigade protect- Since this year's fair has gone •'over the tor>" so successfully this , vear let us all commence to boost the fair for next year. Make it bigger and better than ever. fortheireroYih Joshua Brinkir.ar! won most of the . specials in the General Purpose class with T. H. Wilson in the light horse class. For best lady driver T. H. Wilson took first place with .A. Mc- Dongall second. This Thursday afteroon is the last ^ t*»« ^'"^ ^^ns which were threat half holiday for the stores in Flesher- *»*<*• . ». 1 The loss will ton this 3re»r. â- * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau of Detroit are spending a fortnight with relatives here. be a eavy one, not yet fully ascertained, partially cov- ered by insurance. â€" Creemore Star. HOLDF-\ST U. F. W. O. The drawing contest for farm teams proved to be one of the exciting feat- ures of the afternoon, bat was not de- cided at the time, owing to there being some difference of opinion with regard to the weight of one of the teams, but the matter will be statisfactorily ad- justed. Wm. Parks of Heathcote took first place with a fine heavy draught team j oncert is also forging ahead. The with CTiff Hutchinson of Markdale in contest of plays between Holland second place. The .Agricultaral class ! Centre and Flesherton created quite a ' was well filled with Neil McLeod of j lot of comment with Flesherton final- i Ij" winning first place with their play i THE CONCERT The concert in the evening was a decided success, the proceeds being nearly forty dollars in excess of last year and over one hundred ahead of I twe years ago. showing that the fair Miss Margaret White and Mr. .Al- bert Crundall of Toronto visited Miss Elsie McKee over the week end. ihe September meeting of the Holdfast U. F. W. 0. club was held at the home of Mrs. Ben McKenzie with a splendid attendance of mem- bers and visitors. The roll call was answered by a quotation for a Can- adian author. Some resolutions for the comins: convention were read and dis- don. England, that she is enoying her ^^^3^ Humorous readings were giv- tnp immensely. She is aking a tour Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Paterson, and son, and Mrs. E. J. Swift are visit- ing the latter 's sister, Mrs. Mark Stewart. Miss Pearl Radley writes from Lon- of England and the Continet. The East Grey te.ichers will hold _a...union convention with the Simcoe teachers at Barrie on Oct. 13th and 14th. en by Mrs. Dan Campbell and Miss 1.. Whittaker. The topic was "Hob bies" given by Mrs. J. K. McLeod. -An interesting paper on the Emanci- pation of Women was given by Miss McPhail. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Best and the program will he given by the grandmothers of our club. â€" Mrs. W. -A. Beaton. Sec. Mr. and Mr. Albert Osborne, Mr. John Osborne and Mrs. B. Possmore of Nottawy visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Moore are vis- „. ... ..u ,. ... ,,. , .. ^ ,,.., .. .. ,, High time the traffic officers iting relatives at Wilson. N. \. Mr. . . v j .•. .v . > A> •:• 1. â- â- 1 • • ... t . jumped hard on the cars that park .\. McEachnie is driving the bus to , .u i.- v .^ • ».^ ~v ., ^ ^. -, ., . , alone the highways at night. ihe the station m Mr. Moore s absence. u w i v â- !«. . . old hack porch is the proper place for Dr. Fred Murray and son, Jim, and courting. The highways were built Mr. R. Madtiocks of Toronto motored for traffic. up on Friday to attend the fair and renewed old actiuiiintances. fThey returned to the city on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joh'i Xi.xon and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nixon cf Caledon East spet the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .\. Gilchrist, and other friends, and attendeii tho Fair on Friday. Miss Evada Wilson has Painting and Decorating Now that Fall is here \-ou will spend more time in your homes. Why not have them freshly decorated and attractive looking? Do not wait till Spring to have your painting and dec- orating done. We can give you a sccurevl better price on work done now than kindergarten work in the Humewood we can in the Spring when we are al- schcol. Maplewood Ave., in the su- ways rushed. Talk the matter over burbs of Toronto, and began her dutie? with us. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson re- turned last week from a motor trip down in East.»rn Ontario. FVed vis- ited Ottawa and a number of East- em towns. Mr. Cliford Wilcox and Miss Rorke cf Port Stanley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips last week. The former was teller in the Stand- ard Bank here a couple of years ago. W« take subscriptions for all daily papers and pertotlicals. You dont need to do business of this kind with strangers or go to the trouble of sending by mail. Pay us and we will be responsible for getting your daily to you regularly. TIm W. I. will meet at th« home of Mrs. Wes. .Armstrong on Wed. Oct. Sth at S p.m. Paper-Tht stranger within our gates by Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Roll call Hallowe'en super* stitions. Cnrrent events by Mrs. Run- stad]«r. Social committee Cakeâ€" MMdatncs R. Richardson. W. P. Cross- ley an d T. J, Fisher. Sandwich- Miss McMillan. Mi«» A. MHchell and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie. Phone 107, Dundalk, at my expense for ful information. W. J. WELLWOOD Swinton Park. R. M. Londry. Clarks- burg, and .Andrew Hincks of Price- ville taking the prizes. In the Gen- eral Purpose class Joshua Brinkman of Sleaford took first place with W. Hussey of .\lliston in second place. Harold Dawn of Heathcote won first with his team in the Carriage class and .-Vde McDougall took first in the single driver, with H. Dawn second. Frank Taylor and T. H. Wilson of Markdale divided the honors in the Roadster class, team and single driver. Capt R. J. Hall of Millbank was the judye for horses and his was no easy task to make awards, the showing this year being of a fine order. The showing of cattle also larger than for some years. The Shorthorn class especially having keen competition between John Flynn, Ed. Littlejohns.. F. Taylor and J. I. Graham. Percy Sims of Markdale was the only exhibitor in the Polled -Angus class, his fine animals showing "P well. Chas. .Moore of Victoria Comers and Harr>- Baker of Vande- leur divided the prizes in the Holstein class with their e.vcellent herds, while F. R. Boland of Vandeleur had a fine herd cf Herefords. taking all the priz- es in that class.- The grade classes for both beef acd dairy were well fill- ed with some fine animals. Leicester sheep were exhibited by Frank Spearing of Battcau: Shpro- shire sheep by Batty Bri^*.. Me.<iford. and Oxford Downs by W. J. Meads of Flesherton and Edgar Belts of Os- prey. E. Bt-tts took all prixes for York- shire pljts except for boar, first prize being taken by .\Ibert Sparks. ""Mr. J. .A. Cockburn of Puslinch entitled "The Rough Diamond." Hol- land Centre was a close second with their play "Scjuaring it With The Boss." some very fine acting shown in it also. It is generally conceded that the dance competition was much • closer thatn the play, this being for the community that could . produce the best set of old time square dancers, old time music . and callers. The judges had a hard time to determine a winner, owing to the fact thta there were some musical instruments used that were not in use in the olden times, and one of the sets i used a tune never heard of until a was few years ago. They finally decided in favrr cf Bocnor for first place. Swinton Park for second place and Ceylon for third. The judges were Mjssrs. John McKee. Wm. Kaitting and Jas. Davidson. : The program was made complete bv a reading hy Mrs. J. T. Ruthven. which was well rendered and received a hearty applause. Perhaps the tAart ITjJiT- â- •â- â- â- â- Pump 100 Gallons o/^^hter for One Cent ? T^rO one could hire you for such work at such a price â€" yet how many tons of water do you pumpâ€" how many miles do you walk between your house and the hand pump each year? A Drat) Water System wiH refiere yen of all this drudgery. It win work tor you year after year at the rate cf only one cent per lOQ gallons o£ water pumped! Is it worth while to endure the drudgery of the hand pump and pall vrhet a Duro Water Systsi= wiH work for so linle? It's first ccct is low â€" lower cow than ever before. Convenient terms can be had. The Empire Brass Mfg Co. Ltd. London Toron:.^ \ancouver FOR SALE BY: D. McKILLOP Fsressure oystems isfefifetW^tei Service Men's Winter Overcoats We have a new stock of Men's Heavy Winier plush-lined Overcoats that we are offering at an exceptionally low price of Our stock of lower priced Coats is also complete. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 1 1 Cent Sale of Wall | j Papers- 8 days only | i COMMENCING SAT.. OCTOBER Iâ€" ENDING S.-\T.. OCTOBER 8 | I ACTUAL SAVING 50 PER CENT. I jBuy One Roll at Regular Price -Every i I Second Roll 1 Cent Bedroom Paipers, regular 12 cents per Roll 2 for 13c. Dining Room Papers, regular 20 cents per Roll 2 for 21c Living Room Papers, regular 15 cents per Roll 2 for 16c. Tapestry Papers, regulkr 36 cents per Roll 2 for 31c Better Grade Papers, regular 59 cents per Roll 2 for 51c I It's hard to realize these except onal savings and harder still to onvey the splendid merits of the papers through an ordinary advertisement. You must come in and see them. There is a wonderful assortment from which to make your choice. P. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, ON 1 . i -«i