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Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1927, p. 1

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koW^ ^H> # Is * ^^B « ^^ft • ^^m * ^^B » ^H ft ^H •? I^^K A ^^^H '-a ^^H ♦> ^H • ^H « H r 1 â- â-  ^ , Hh « . ^^B « H • h " ^M 9 t ^^H ^^1 V ' H c ^^1 ^H r * H •>» ' I * f â-  > ^H ^1 -'-» H -^ 1 »* ^B ,^ ^^ ' « ^ '4. *" ft .\ 4 - t^ " .» . ^ * & ' I # ir' «• f /V Rje /ieslitrtjcrn i^irttmtc^ Vol 47 No. 18 Flesherton. Ontario September 28, 1927 W.H. Thurston & Son. Proprietors ''I > } PRICEVILLE Again the seasons are changing and the sun is crossing the line, and the days are shortening and getting cold- er. The days of our lives are also pasing away and as everyone is or should be preparing for the cold of winter.. We hope they have health to withstand the storms and enjoy them. Threshing is the order of the day, whistles blowing in every direction. Messrs. Tom Currie and R. J. Turn- er finished on the North Line and are now busy on the South Line. Mr. Colin McLean is threshing on the Gravel Road. Mr. Bobs McKinnon and sister EQa of Toronto have been visiting at Mr. Wm. -Aldcom's and other relatives. Congratulations to Mr. Jack Jones and bride, who wers married recently. Miss Elizabeth Campbell returned to Montreal on Friday after spending a month at her home here. Messrs. Allan Mclnnis and Alex. . MacLean and other friends of Conn- er motored up on Sunday, and visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald of Weston visited on Sunday with Mrs. Hector McDonald. Quite a number from here took in Flesherton Fair and concert. Many enjoyed a ride in the airplane, Messrs Jack Dow, Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P. and Ray McLean were some of the brave ones to go up. A meeting of Priceville and Swin- "ton Park congregation will be held in the McKinnon hall on Wednesday at 3.30 p.m., September 28th for the purpose of giving a call to a minister. Miss Donalda Nichol spent the week end at her home here. Miss Mary McEachem visited re- cently at Mr. H. R. McLean's. FEVERSHAM VANDELEUR EUGEMIA I Mr. and MrS. Forsyth, Owen Sound, j visited over the week end with Mr. ; and Mrs. Eby. I Death of Mr. J. J. McGee I ^ number from here attended the Fair at Flesherton. The airplane Congrat- It was with feeling of profound sorrow that this community learned Mrs. Perigo has returned home on Tuesday afternoon of last week after visiting with her daughter, Mrs. j Alexander. i Mr. and Mrs. Osborne of Batteau ! spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne and Mr. Will Osborne. Mr. Josiah Crawford has returned home after spending a month for his health in CoUingwood. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette and Mr. Ivan Alexanden. Owen Sound, spent the week end at their parental homes here. Mr. Eli Robinson, mother and sister spent Sunday with Mr and Mr .\r.gu5 Morrison, Maxwell. Work has been started on the church hill and the comer by Robin- son's store, but not before it was needed. Although the day was cold and wet here on Monday last, there was a good attendance at the Osprey School fair. Ten schools took part in the parade, S. S. No. 5 taking first prize. Feversham second and Maxwell third. An the schools deserve a lot of credit as an were represented. Don't forget the Osprey" Fall Fair on October 3 and 4. Come and bring your friends. Next Sunday is Mr. Young's fare- well Sunday. The congregation of Feversham is Tery sorry to lose Mr. Totmg. proved quite an attraction. ulations are extended to the teacher PORTLAW Liquor permits for drunk»iness. will be cancelled CEYLON PORGIfFO LSNE, NORTH ::\ ^r y »» Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hales and babe of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .\. Sinclair, who accompanied them back to Owen Sound Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snyder and babe of Toronto, who have been visit- ing the latter's father, Mr. D. D. Mc- Lachlan. have returned to their home. Mrs. Smith, who has been visiting Mrs. Mary Rutledge. has returned to her home m Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Cook of Detroit '^r. and Mrs. W. J. Cook. Mr. Clifford and Miss Katie Cook of Ebordale, were visitors at R. Cook's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie motored from Toronto for the week end and visited thj latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Royden Gibson and Mr. Jack Gibson of Toronto were week end visitors at John Gibson's. Mrs. Raney ami little daughter, who have been visiting with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhail. has returned to her home in Wiarton. Mrs. Stringer. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. D. McCallura and Gordon Mc- Callum and Mr, .\rchie Campbell of Caledon were visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mr%. R. C.nmpbell. Mr, and Mrs. Dave White and fam- ' Jly of OT\-on Sound visited the first of the week with Mrs. White and family. Mr. Ge<^rvre .\rrowsmith. Mr. Robt. and Miss Millie Cook motored to Eb ordale the first of the week and vis- ited friends. Mr. Lyle Mathewson of Toronto visited the first of the week with his father. On Sunday. 'Rally Day was obscrveil in our school when friends, parents and scholars were invited to lie pres- ent. A special program was provid- ed by the Board of Religion? Ed- ucation, which was used in the school for the oivasion. the theme being "We W^onld 5et» .Tesus." Special hymns and choir sinjruiff were used bet«ven the responsive readings. The pastor gave « very fitting address which w.-»s much onjoj-ed by all present. Mr. Williams, representative of the Sun Times, was in thi» village the oast week soliciting order* for the Owvn S.mnd Times. Mr. and Mrs Mrs. H. Nixon and two children of Miss Elizabeth Moore of Brampton is visiting her sister. Mrs. Geo. Stewart. Mrs. G. W. Littlejohns spent a few days last week with her brother at Chastworth. Mr. Thos. Sled, and son. Melvin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnett, and Miss -•Vgnes Irwin were week end visitors with Brampton friends. Miss Sadie Vause of Priceville vis- ited over Sunday with Mrs. Mary Irwin. PROTON STATION .\nniversary services were held in the United Church here last Sunday. Practical and helpful sermons were preached by the Rev. Mr. McCormack of Priceville to good sised atidiences. Special music was given by the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Brown and. Mrs. Brown Sr. of Mount Forest visited .Mr. and Mrs. Still. Mrs. Mc.\rthur of Cheltenham is the guest of Mrs. Still. Mr. and Mrs. Hergrott and sons spent Sunday at Hanover. Miss Emily .\cheson has resumed her studies at Toronto Universitr. that Mr. J. J. McGee had passed a- way after a short illnes of pneumonia. Deceaed who was in his 64th year, Decjased, who was in his 64th year, had spent his entire life in this comm- unity, was one of the most prosper- j the news of his passing at a compar- i atively early age wa a distinct shock | to all who knew him. Besides his wife, who was torm- i erly Miss Emily Smith of this place he leaves to mourn his loss two sons and two daughters namely: Dane and Mrs. Will Radcliffe of this place and Glen and Doris at home. The funeral took place on Thurs- day afternoon to the Meaford Road Cemetery and was very largely atten- ded. The pastor. Rev. Newton St. John of Markdale conducted the ser- vice at the home and graveside. The pallbearers were six neighbors. Messrs Jos. Buchanan. Geo. Pritchard. Tom Mercer. Sam Gflbert. E. Baker and John Flynn. .A great number of flor- al offerings bore silent tribute to the worth of the departed. To the sorr- owing family and friends goes the sincere sympathy of the entire comm- unity in their great loss; .Anniversary services will be held in Ebeneier church next Sunday. Oct. 2nd, afternoon and evening. Rev. J. .A. Fetch of Walters Falls will preach at both servi-es. The choir of .Annes- ley church. Markdale will assist. .A wedding of interest to the people of this community took place on Wed- nesday. September 14th. when Mr. Victor Brodie of this place was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Miss Helen Davis of the East back line. The many friends join in wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous journey through life. .\ large number from here attended the School Fair held at Flesenon and report a good time. Mrs. J. I. Graham. Howard and May ; ^'''* visited friends at Thombury CTarksburg one day recently. Miss Mary Bowles of the West hack line visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holley for a few days. -A large number from here attend- ed the big fair at Flesherton on Fri- day and report a big time. Mr. Howard Graham and Miss Myr- tle Freeman assisted in the program at the Young People's Rally at Mar- kdale on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Davidson are re- ^ thrifty girl can wear a dress « joicing in the arrival of a little girl, j^^^ ^j^^' j^^ ^^^ ^^ „p „ the j Mount Zion United Church pozpose ^^ every jtT. ' ^ , 'holding their anniversary serrices on and pupils of our school on winning i,, /->>.,->. j ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^mmmmmma^^^^m^m V J .L.J_l'*ucday. October loth, at 11 a.m. and ^^^^â- â- ^^^^â- ^^â- ^^^^^^^^^^ i T p.m. On the following Wednesday evening a tea and entertainment will ,be held. Preparations are ir. prcs- gress for the events. Mr. Harold Thompeson of Dobbinton was a visitor with friends here re- cently. second prire in the parade. Your ! correspondent was successful in winn- 1 ing. six firsts and one second out of seven entries in art work. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Gordon. Mrs. W'Uor. and "Mrs. Catharine Walker \-isited with the laner"s sister. Mrs. ' De Laval Cream Separator MeWatters.. Elravale. also with Mrs. ! M's. daughter. Mrs. Bert French, and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill of Toronto risited with relatives here last week, family of Waverley. ! ^f^. st^nl^y Blackburn wer.t to Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Henderson and: onto recently to take a position. of harvest are Considera'ole Mr. Fred Patterson and little daugh- j Sa^^^js Stanley! ter, Helen, of Orangeville. also Miss : The odds and ends Jennie Henderson of Guelph '"isited • about all cl;ared up. on Sunday with their aunt and u.icle, threshing has been done and the grrain Mr. and Mrs. .\dam Smith. ' •< turning out fairly well. Mrs. W. G. Da\';es of Bradford has . .-Vutumn's finger has already coni- been for the past two weeks with her menced to tint the forest leaves, and „., , „ mother. Mrs. J. A. WiUiams. whom, : soon the stately trees will "resisn " "^ *° **^ '""' *"* ^"^ we are pleased to learn, is recurerat- the honors of their form at winter's "^^°^- Give roar cows a chance t* ing from her recent illness. stormy blast." earn more money for yoa by gettiac We are pleased to report that there . a new De LavaL Come in and let â- â€¢ is some improvement in Mrs. Mun- demonstrate it to you. We have S«9> shaws health at the present time of • It is illegal to race with a car when arator Oil and Repairs. writing. ; overtaken. The law distinctly states Miss Hilda Williams and friend, that the driver overtaken must pull Mr. .\nnette of Toronto spent the o^er to the right and allow the second week end with her parents. Mr. and c*^ to pass. Mrs. J. .A.. Williams. -_ W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON. O.VT. ROCK MILLS LADY BANK Sunday September 25th was Rally Day at the Sunday School and there \v;i,< also !« special service. .\ gooilly number were out a the church was crowdeii for the occasion. Master George .â- Vkitt and Merv>-n Best sang a song entitled "Jonah and the WTiale" which was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Heaple and two daugtcrs of Camp Borden visited re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. John Rob- ertson and family. Misses Mabel and Edith Betts .ind sister. Mrs. C. Newell visited last week with relatives and friends in Owen Sound. .\ large number frv>m here took in the Flesherton Fair on Friday and some went for a ride in the airplane Mr and Mrs. Carl Walker of Gvxl- erich visited the past week with the latter's moflttr here. Mrs. D. 'U'hite. Unity U. F. W. O. Club will hold their monthly meeting .<\t the home of Mrs, Thomas Betts on Wednesday Oct. 12th at 2 p.m. Please notice change of date. Mr, Gwrge Jackson of Williamsford was a caller at C. Nexrell's one day J. Nixon and Mr. and j '"W'*"**'.'' ^ * Miss .â- Vnnie Davidson of Markdale Caledon were week end visitors at Mr. and Mrs. P. McLe«>dV Mr. A. S. Muir is this woi^k ,iudg- 'ng at the Fall Fairs in Northern Onturio. . Mr. and M^si. Clifford LeGard who hare ^n v1»itl«g with their aunt. Mrs. Pedlar, for a foTtnJghf ha\-e re- turned t« Toronto, ' . ., . " Mrs. Donald Mct^eod ieaves this x>-eek to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Reatty at Dondas. ^*" N Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Dave MoMuUen and family in their hour of bereavement by the death of their husband and father, passed away on Mv^nday, the l;>th. Mr. McMullen will be misse^i by all who knew him. Miss .\dsll Roberts of Collirurwood spent Sunday at her parental home here. Mrs. Joseph Sewell and babe spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs. J.1S. Patton of Flesherton, Mrs. Walter Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Semple attended the Rcvl Wing Ladies' .\id at the hoiiie of Mrs. Wil- son's mother, Mrs. Jas. S-iyers on Wetlneday of last week. Miss Dorv>thy Ottewi^ll spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Genoo of East Mountain. Mrs. Steve Sutton of Markdale and I Mrs, Clarence Semple and two chil- dren of Flesherton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple on We»inesday of last week and attendtnl the fun- eral of the late Mr. Pavid Mi Mullen Mr. JcHV Sewell's team of hors^ ran away last week. While drawin..r grain they came in contact with Mv. W. Wilson's buggy, sniashin.s: it bad- ly. Fortunately no harm xvas dor.e to th;^ horses. The Ladies' .\id of Providence was i Iv\»tpone»l last week on acx'ount o; sickness in the vicinity, but wHU be held on Octob.or 1 2th at the home of Mrs. Wm. Semple. Miss Winnifre«i McMullen returne^l this week to her position in Torv>nto : after att.^nding the funersl of her Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith and daughter. Jean, and Miss Robertson of Owen Sound and Mrs. D. McTavish of Flesherton spent Sunday at "Fair View Villa." Mrs. Smith, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Grant and daughter of To- ronto visited with her son. Bertie, at Mrs. A. Hoys. Miss Mabel Hoy re- turned to Toronto with them. Mrs. Jos. Williams has returned home after a fortnight's visit in Toronto. Mrs. William Hislop is visiting with •ler daughter. Mrs. Wilf. Magee, Sth line, at present. Miss Nettie Martin of Owen Sound. Thos. Lever of Flesherton and and i ^'â- - *"^ ^'*- ^y Woods and children j of Wodehouse were Sunday gruests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin and dauirhter ' Palgrave. accompanied by Master h win and Miss Carruthers of Toronto vjre recent visitors with Mr. and >:-s, Alex. Hoy. Mr. and Mrs. J. .\. Beaton of Glen- e'r Centre, accompanied by their c.-,ughter and husband. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Lome Goodfellow. a recently married c.uple. of Toronto, visiteii Mrs. Bea- t-n's sister, Mrs. R. A. Park and fr -^lily. Miss Gertrude Greenaway and fr\ nd were in Orangeville over the weeV end. r â- - Carl Walker of Goderich visit lhI V. E. Gv<rdon"s and with Mrs. .irine Walker and son, recently, "-.ich 'cre^iit is due Mr. .las. .\rm- ng !»nd family of Kimberlcy for onier in which they kee',i their â-  in Salem cemetery. They eer- ily give it great care, h;-h respect for their loved one who *â-  « gx'ire before. We are s»rry to say that Mrs, Wil. red Plantt is one the sick list. We â- ope she may be well agsin s<'>on, Mr. iG. Tynegate of Collingwo<id â- "isited Mrs. C. Walker and other rel- atives here lately. Concratu!atu>ns extendetl to Tiss Irene Martin who won third ri:e on her essay on "Confederation" ~n the province being in competition. .^he received a giild medal. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan spent a day in Toninto recently and attende\J a , weilding. ; We are please»i to see Mrs, H. \ Foester back to th? village .igain. i after a visit with friends in Torv-'nto I .ind other points. I We are .glad to hear that M"- Bert ' Magee is some better, after his recent attack of appendicitis. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUN'ER.\L P.\RLORS 122-124 .\ venue Road. TORONTO KlngsdaU «44 R. Maddocks. Telephone J. W. Bate*. at Car th. t ' HOUSE OFQiiAi yi-Y SPECIAL We have a number of Real Choice Cotton Bags 4 for 99 cents WHILE TKEY LAST W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. Feed. 9e.d,, G«>ceric. and Confecticn«r, Flesherton IN MEMORIAM father. Mr. McMullen. CARD OF THANKS was a visitor on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Porte^Mj*. Mrs, Fred Field of Toronto is on an extende«l visit with her father here Mr. Robt Akitt and also her brother, Walter Akitt Mr, C, Xewell and wife visittn! re- ^*rs Pave McMullen and family ncetly with hi« sister. Mrs. T. Whit- ' '*'*'' ^^ thank their friends and nei- more in Dnrham. I Jthbors for their kindness shown dur- The hardest work !«ome do is done '"*» *''<' illness and death of tMr hus- before hreakfast wh«n they try to *^"»^ *"** father, also for floral trib- (ret out of bed. utes received The Right Time J AMIEisON â€" In loving memory of I n>y diir father. John Kornahan Jam- . >son. who pa-ised away, Sept. t9th. 1!>2T. The n;onth of September .tgain is here F r me th« saddest of all 'ho year: .\ day of remembrance so sad to recall But ieep in our hearts he *1i<!>lov,Hl by all. i Daughter. Era. . or new shippers to start is rish, now in the sprii,.^ a.-.vcrt,;rpr£tâ„¢Z' 'irir ""â- "â-  ""'"" »* V ^„ «.n K ^ â-  -'^^''"S: .vour cream to >ou can deliver the cream more promptlv. or we wiU call tor It promptly and have it ^^aded in the shortest ""e possible thereby assurin.c you of Special No roSI'' *^' *" ''''' P'"'"''"^ ^^'^ *° o""" present pat- Hig:hest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. H«"s* Markdale Creamery Hw«t and Produce Co. Weiikt PHONE 66 Test M.\RKD.\LE. OXT.-VRIO. UMMMMM

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