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Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1927, p. 8

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% WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, '27 FLE5QERTON ADVANCE We offer The Advance as a Fair Special to new sub- scribers to 1 Jan. 1929^ for $1.75 "" EXTRA SPECIALS 2 tini of Campbell's tomato soup for 25c. Fresh Fancy Biscuits, regular 30c.. Special 25c. Regular 35c. Special 30c. Clark's Soup, 3 tins for 25c. Clark's Catsup Special 20c. Brooms, Reg^ular C5c. for 4Sc. Regular 85c. Special 69c. Boy's Fleece lined Undearwear, per garment 40c. 32 inch Ginghams, per yd 23c. Men's Fine Shirts 98c. Heavy Overalls, per garment $1.65 A. WATSON PHO.NE 60 AT YOUR SERVICE. T^vine ^ Rope International and Brantford Bindertwine IN 600 & 650 FT. BALLS ON HAND Sling and Trip Rope Of Pure Manilla Only A. E. HAW, Ceylon VnrletSes of Fall Tamipa. TbtT6 la a limited acreage of fall turnips arrown la Ontario each y«»r. Roots of this class usually yltjd more per acre than the Sweo^ turulpa, but they do not keep bo late Into the win- ter. Other names for fall turnips are Soft turnips and White Flesh turnips. Two varieties of tall turnips have been grown under test at the College In each of the past seventeen years, and the following gives the average annual results In tons per acre of tops and of roots for each of the varieties: Red Top White Globe, 4.0 and 26.8, and Cow Horn, 5.7 and 19.7. In 1918, the Red Top White Globe gave 21.2 and the Cow Horn 15.6 tons of roots per acre. In com- parison with these In the test of the past year the Sutton's Purple Top Mammoth gave 20.8, the Sutton's Imperial Oroen Globe, 18.8, and Kel- way's Green Globe, 16 tons per acre. Buttermilk for Clilcks. Chicks fed buttermilk until they are 48 to 72 hours old will give them a better send off than v/ater alone. When the chicks are f.rat placed In the brooder they should be given all the fresh buttermll;i they care for. It Is better than wrater because It gives the chicks more strength and a'.lows tho digestive system to get Id better working order. Xho Home Orchard. Tho ld(;u,l liome orchard should contains Beveral kinds of fruit, repre- sented In many cases by a consider- able number of varieties ripening one after anothor ever a long period. Largo yields, good shipping quality, and attractiveness in appearance all may be made secondary to high des- sert quality or spi^cla! excellence for cooking purposes. Articles to be Sold by Private Sale To be sold at once. DR. A. TURNBULL will sell by private sale the following: Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Table and Chairs, Folding Coqch, Linoleum, El- ectric Toaster, 2 Verandah Chairs, 4 Burner Oil Stove, Lawn Mower, Rake, Hoe, .Shovel, Ash.Sii'ter, Watering Can, Wash board. Copper Boiler, 1 Quebec Heater, Electric Heater, Axe, Clothes Horse, 3 Hanging Pots, Flower Pots, 5 gal Coal Oil Can, Cup- board, Axminster Rug, 9 by 12, Quan- tity of quart sealers and stove pipes. Bis Crowd aflhe Rural School Fijmn Thursday One of the best fairs' yet held by the Rural School Fairs Association I Energy used on the %^ I every afternoon would fftmish pi enough to mow 70,000 lawns, beat; 60,000 rugs and wash 187,254 dish- you never can tell what a will do you, the gossips seem pretty good mind-readers. es. Bless the old dime novel. The boy caught reading one looked scar- ed, but didn't blush, was that in Flesherton on Thursday! A London young lady is said to nqticE - Hunting and trapping of last week i;t the Agricultural hold the record. She has never *>««»» L^ j^j^ j-g^ j^.^^ j^g^ S.W.T. & S.R., grounds. The exhibits in the hall j late or tardy from school in 14 years.l ^^^ ^^^ j^^ ^^' ^^ ' jj'g j' ^ g]n'' were more numerous than other years There's a girl who will make """"e 1 strictly forbidden. Any hounds found and the quality of vegetables and 'man a good alarm clock. *_..>„..! „„ „«:j i„t. „;ii i^ .u-* flowers were f specially good. The' â€" main outside attraction v.'as the par-' ade of the schools. Rock Mills win-| ing first prize under the direction of i Mrs. F. J. Sceley, the teacher, who had the children excellently trained,, their marching and school yells creat- ing con.siderable comment. The Eug- enia school came second, with Port Law third and Springhill fourth. Races for children of all ages and foj- the trustees of the township were in- dulged in and prize ribbons iverc awarded to the winners. In the hall the larget exhibit was in the potatoe section. Thirty ent- ries wore made in the Dooley potatoe Furniture fo Sale class wah Merle .Allen of Springhill taking frst prize. Clifford Allen, al- so of Springhill won first in the half liu.shnl of potatoes frcm the home Hrarden, twenty - two other entries be- ing in the class. There were several clafses of prizes awarded that were not in agreement with, but on securing the judges and finding their reasons, enlightened us nn why tho award was made. The .judges are glad to make explanation and to as?i?t the exhibitors in any way. Master Billie Patton of the Flesher- ton school, we believe, has a good chance of secnring the silver caa for the hisrhest number of point's it the Fair, hi.* total winnings amounted to 83.50. We hone to print the lis.t of win- I am ofering for private sale con- trespassing on said lots will be shot. â€" Thos. J. Stinson. FARM FOR SALE 75 acre farm, half mile east of siderable furniture consisting of the yiaxv,-c\\ on gravel road, ^eing lot 12, following: j con. 6, Osprey. About 60 acres un- Quel-jc Range,2 Dining Room Table, ^^ cultivation, balance pasture and Chairs, 2 Dressers, Floor Lamps, bush. Fine bank bam 44x56 with Wall Electric Fixtures. Chesterfield, ^ g^^aw shed 30x26; also large seven- ^eral ^asy Chairs, Electric Washer L^^^g^ b^^,^ residence. Farm is ^*Lfj°%n^''''' ^ l""^' .,n • r**" "^"^^^^ ^'h '^"e'^' «nd windmill l-ERMS-AU amounts over $10 sue pu„p3 ^.t^^ j^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ moriths' credit if desired If^ particulars communicate with Mrs. W. L. WRIGHT, i »> -^^j . . „ Flesherton, Ont: | 134 Pritrhard Ave. Toronto. Small Advertisement s BULL FOR SERVICE. STRAYED I From my farm on Con. 13, 1 yeer-( ling heifer, on or ab^out June 20 '27. 1 Pure-bred Hereford BuU for grey in color. Finder please comm- vice. Terms |2, payable the firsrof unieate with W. Hawkins, Eugenia. ; February, after that date |2.50 will Rates on ocean going vessels have been redu(?ed 10 to 20 per cent. Must be a case of being afraid of comi)eti- tion from airplanes and long distance swimmers. os/a®aiaja'as'a/a'35n5ai5/ajfflajajaiisi5J3fflaiai^^ F.T.HILL&CO.ld SIX HILL STORES W)[<t>uy togMth.r in ord.r II1.I aM tU^tdtntn in the lix com- ipfjAiM^tjmf materially ben- <nf liDLlivlcKailly. Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store cveryione instinct- iwely auocijktea . with hign quality merohandiie at the fairest poi»ibln prilcei. 3SE Millinery Department New Creations Now Ready for Your Inspection Our Millinery Department is now ope n and ready for the fall and winter. We have this year the largest and finest ass ortment of Ladies', Misses', Matrons' and Children's Hats that we have ever s hewn. All the new Autumn shades in different styles and colorings. LADIES' NEW FALL AND WINTER COATS Coats unexcelled In style, made of the finest fabrics and furred with a lavish hand. Their ma- terials arc selected (luality Broadcloth, Pile Weaves, Suede Cloths, Venice Cloth and Velvelaine. Furs arc applied with hand in sweeping shawl or crush collars with matched ruffs of Australian op- possum, Siberian wolf and Vicuna fox. All tho new r.hades arc here in tho most wonderful a.«sortmcnt Wc have cvcr shown. Cuuie in and see these cuuts. NEW DRESS (JOODS FOR FA!,L Wc arc Hhowing an exceptionally fine range of Fall and Winter Dress Goods. All the new Aut- umn shades arc here and we feel wc have .lust what you want In dress goods. Flannel will he good this year and wc arc showing nil the newest shades. Light weight woollens will be very fashionable such M French Twill. Santov and many other light weight materials, Come in and hco thin big range! MEN'S NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS Every style In all the newest fall wrnves. All wool British Fabrics and fine workmanship. The now single and double breasted mrxlols for young men, for the conservative drcHsed man and for the high school lads. ('lothinK of the typo that tho bciUr drescsd men want. OVERCOATS! OVKROCOATSI You'll find the greatest assortment nt the most reMnrkablc valuos rver offered in Mnrkdalo. TTIs. ttn and Tul><< models In bluf, grey and Lovnt shades. B*««tifully tailored and trinmied with satin and tho n«w plush fur. Fvorv many in Markdnio nnd sur- rounding country should see those Cotns, Wonder- ful Mloctionl Wonderful values! LADIES' IMPORTED FELT HATS Fashioned of evcellent quality Felt in plain and famv effects. Featuring the newest and smartest type of crowns, folded, crushed, rolled and drooping brimr. WIDK RANGE OF STYLES, NEW. DIF- FERENT. Attractively trimmed millinery with rib- bon or simulated leather. MEN'S NEW HATS FOR FMA. By making special aiTangcments with one of tho largest hat manufacturers in Canada, wc got them to prodiicc a hat which we think is the best value wo have pvcr shown. This special Hat comes in all the new fall shades and is made of fur folt, with the very boat trimmings of Russian leather. No doubt you will bo looking for such a hat. All we ask is for you to bo the judge if thev aro not the best value in Markdale. Special $.1.95. SHOE DEPARTMENT For quality nnd service sec what we have to offer in our shoe department. Needless to say wo aim to compete when it's a question of price. CUOt ERV DEPARTMENT Whc^o You Get the Most for tho Least Money .IiTsey Corn Flakes. H pks. for 2r>c. Good Salmon, 2 tins fur 8 46r. Christie's Sodas. 1% lb. pk. for 27c. 22 bars of P. AG. Soap , $1.00 I'ure Lard, in bulk, per lb Itk;, Dates, 2 pks. for 15c. Custard Powders, 2 pks. for , 15c. Grnnulntod .Sugar, 10 lbs. for fiSc. Cooking Onions, 10 lbs. for 26c. Pork nnd Boans, 2 cans for 15c. A Good Black Ton. lib for 60c. F. T. HILL & Co., UmHed, fHark^h LOSTâ€" In Flesherton. on Wednes- day last, a jet bracelet, gold lined. Finder please leave at the Advance Office. I be charged. -EDWARD LOUCKS. FARM FOR RENT LOSTâ€" In Flesherton or on T. S. 14 lot 16, and lot 17, concession Ml3, Township of Osprey, containing R. South on Tuesday, a Pajr of | ,50 acres under cultivaticr, building leather gloves. Finder at the .Advance office. please leave ners at the school fair in next week's Jner. issue. '' consist of frame dwellin; and two j barns, one mile from Fevc-5ham. For FC-UND - Light knee spread be-KG " Pf^-I^^^f «^ ^PP'y T!-.e Toronto tween McZion church and Shier's cor-lf^^^'^^^^^ P^^^^^^-. 253 Bay las. Hopps, Portlaw. Airplane at the Fair Final arrangements have now been made to have one of the best fairs in Fle.'sherton on Thursday and Friday in the history of the local Association. \n airplane will be in attendance on Fridav to take nasseneers for ride<! This h an ideal chance to see a plane at close ranee and experience the thrill of coasting in the air. The entries are coming in fast and the prospects are for a record-breaking exhibit in the hall. The special attr"otions ensure a good time for all, both in the afternon and in the evening. Strayed â€" From my premises on or. about August 16th, Isow, 1 year old and 1 spring pig. Any information leading to their recovery will be gratefully received by â€" Tucker Phill- ips 'Phone 11 r 3. FOR I FOR SALE - for sale. â€" W. J Flesherton. SALE Oxford Down ram Stewart & Sons, SHORTHORN BULL F0:> SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser* vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Menr Marquis" No. 179.136; Sire. Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreda |6.00. grades $2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. EogenU. FOR SALE â€" Steel tire Buggy, about 500 cords of hard wood and about 100 cords of cedar. â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" General Purpose horse; will change on straight axle rubber tire buggy or colt. â€" J. Hopps, Flesherton R. R. No. 3. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for aer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clob, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market , on,lot 176. N.W. T. 4k SX, prices paid for live and dressed tfowl. Twmaâ€" fl.OO. inspector Huff Resigned At the school fair held here on Thursday last. Dr Samuel Huff, in- sjiector for East Grey, intimated that he had handed in his resignation to\ the Department of Education, to take \ For Sale â€" Fruit direct from tlie grower. Peaches 60 to 90c. per Iji qt. basket. Tomatoes and Apples. Price according to quality tequired. â€" W. Buskin. Beamsville. BOAR FOR SEBVieB No. 92-77680. Also a jwag shire pig, both bacon typ« for Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. . 31tf effect at the end pf <he year. Dr, Huff has been Inspector in this part of Grey county for a great number of years; he i.s not now a young man, and realizes that it is getting more difficult to carry on his duties. DIED McGEE â€" At Vandeleur, on Tues- day, September 20th, 1927, John James McGec, aged 67 year» and 5 months. The funeral is to take place Thursday, September 22nd. Service at 2M. Interment will take place in Meaford Road cemetery. FOR SALE â€" Solid brick 8-roomed house in Flesherton, with a stable, hen house and garage; is near the high school.â€" J. Thistlethwaite, Flesh- erton. IMPROVE.MENT AT FACTORY * WANTED â€" We are paying high est market price for all kinds of grain and clover seed. We have seed wheat for sale.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. -JT. J. norscMf . BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for mw viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vhn, No. tsijS^ â€" ^perty of Saogeen Bacon Bof Clnb. Terms |1.00. â€"C. HINDLIL PtMM SKatiM. Lots 168-9, Srd W.T.S.R.. ArtoM^ The appearance of the easti wall of the Durham Furniture Company building has ben very much im- proved by a large sign indicating the business of the company and what it manufactures. Heretofojre, in approaching the C. N. R. station it was rather dificuU for a stranger to know exactly what the big buld- ing housed. To all appearances it might have been either the head- quarters of the International Bible Students or one of the recently op- ened Government Control breweries. However that's all settled now. It furniture factory. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Burleten, «te. Saturdity >fttf&> on tSTi^Bim. GEO B. DtmCAN DUHPAUC LICENSED AVenONBBB For the Connty of Ocey. Tmou: 1 per cent Satiaf«ction gnaniteeA Dates made at The Adruce otflee. 100 acrw lot 7, Con. 11, Townehip. BUSINESS CARDS pf Osprey, would make excellent pa»- 1 â-  ture larmv with eonaiderahle buah • Dr. E. C. Murray. L. D. S., dwtel MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE rSE THE LIOg9;S NOW The London Advertiser points out that, although tho new law requiring lights on horso-drawn vehicles does take effect until to first of October there is nothing to prevent the u» of such lights in the meantime. Tho now law provides that "cvcry vehicle other than motor vehicle, a bicycle, or a tricycle, when on highway after dusk and before dawn shall larry In n conspicuous position on tho left side thereof a lighted lamp show- ing white to the front and red to the rear." This law does not romc into effect for a few week yet but in the monntlme lives may be saved or ser- ious injury avoided if drivers of all vehicles will take the precaution of using lights when driving at night. and swamp. ffor full particulars and terms apply to â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON. Fleaherton, Ont. FARM FOR RENT 60 acre farm, IM miles from Flesh- erton, V4 mile from Ceylon. Lot 147. Con. 3, West Back Line, Town- ship of Artemesia. All under cul- tivation, with good buildings. For full particulars apply to â€" Malcolm Ferguson, Ceylon P. O., Ont surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental On i â€" e â€" of Ontario. Gas admlaktand for teeth ektraction. Office tt Toronto Street, Fleahotoa. Dr. A. Tumbell, B.A., MA., grai. uate from the Faculty of Madldi|i^ University of Toronto. Office, Toronto Street, Fleshwton. Phone U. Being old fashioned la not a crime: It is merely a joke to the young. FARM FOR SALE The lovely farm property of H. D. McLoughry, one and a half milea east of Markdale and close to the Provincial highway, containing 60 acres on which is erected a solid brick house, six rooms with kitchen and woodshed. Soft water eistom, cement floor In baaement, large orch- ard and email fniits. Bam 40 by 60 on stone foundation. Cement floor* in stable. Drive ehed 30 by40. Stone basement with cement floors for hoc pen. Also Lot 1S7 in the same range, five acrea of which are cleand^llal ance heavily timbered awamp. "npN are SO acrea in hay and fiatn which may be purehaeed with the farm. A. D. McLoQchry, R. R. 4 'Phone SO r in Markdale. Oat Prince Arthur Lod««. U3. AJP. 4 A.M., neeto in the Maaoaic hall, Aai. strong Block, Fleahaitoa erenr IM* day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar, W.M., C. P. Lawrence. See. Lucas A Heiiry3aitiatm. SoHeM. ors, ete., •!. B. Loeaa, K. C.; W. D. Henry, B.A. Office*. Markdak LaM» Block, Phone 8. Brandt oftte** at Dundalk and Durham. Telford A Blmi«h oitOTS, ete. Otfiee*. Block, Owen Sooadi Block. FlaalMttoB, ( P. Telford Jr.. J. r. P. Wte. KiMiat. tlwaMii Ai lor Um eovattwol QnruA Flurm and ttodt Tmaa aMdtnto, aiayb*M*«lttM «r hy 1 « f a » * T * 4 t »- r « iipiii ^oi i**! '"" " ii' M" » <|ii Hiiipiwwiwuewi •^jpiMii^wsa

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