• I 41 4 « 4 » ft • > « 4 ft » » w THE FLESl rON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, "ST The Business of Agriculture STANDARD BANK OP CAKiVDA. njMIERTON BRANCH-C T. Batty. Mamgir CJ>JL TmX TABLE Traiu iMT* Fleslmtoa Station u iollowi: <S(ABff Soath QiOng North 8.08 ajn. 11.52 a.m. 4J^0 sjii. 8.5S pjn. 8.31 p.Ri. 4.33 pjn. Tm mails close at Pleabetton as follows: For the north at U.OO ajn. aeoth at 3.30 For noiaiins train â- oath mail cloaca at 9.0O p.m. the prerions evenincr* Local ami Personal Airplane Flew Over^firo ! Cane to Brief at Priceville j An airplane arrived from the south on Friday afternoon of last week and when over tlie town turned east, and, it is understood, circled and landed in Markdale to secure gasoline and find his bearingrs. On its return it then flew to the west, circled Prieeville and landed in an open Tield there when darkness approached. The pQot of the machine was Mr. H. S. Sellars of Hamilton and the machine was re- ' ported to be owned by J. C. Elliott of that place. Quite a num- ber of people had a close up view of the plane, which was a two-seater. Saturday morning an attempt was I made to fly back to Hamilton and it is ', understood the pilot had difficulty in starting the engine and had the , assistance of a local man to turn on the gas, while he tnmed the propeller, a dangerous operation for one not ac- , customed to it. Too much gas was I turned on and before the pilot could ' get into the machine it is stated that â- ' it was going too fast for him to catch on and turn the throttle off, the plane crashing into a row of trees fringing the field. We understand that the Fonrteen head of cattle were killed plane is a total wreck, and several more were seriously in- _^___^____ f'anring is more than an occupat- ion; it is a highly commercialiyed business which requires careful plan- ing and thoughtful execution. Bount- iful production is necessary but much effort is wasted unless the business of disposing of the year's output is properly managed. In conducting the business of the farm the Standard Bank can play a prominent and oae- ful part. Consult the manager and !eam how true co-optration betw'>«>n banking and agriculture boll 1. a more prosperous comonity. THE Fined for Hantiag Ducks OH the Eufenia Reserve I CARD OF THANKS Don't forget to get some Purity i floor and try the special for one loaf â- Mrs. Dave White and family take of bread baked from this floor. Thia [this opportonity to thank their special is not in the prize lists. Local Shipper M Cattle in Freight Near Anrora Flesherton Fair datesâ€" Sept. 22-23. Mrs. Dave Dow is visiting friends at Lion's Head this week. Mr. Fred Stuart spent the past week in northern Ontario on business. The Big Fair is being held on Fri- day of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton, of Dur- !''^** wrecked, ham, spent the week-end in town, i â€" jured when a southbound CJf JL freight train rounded a sharp curve and crashed into the rear of another freight standing for repairs near Gormley station, .^outh of Aurora, on Saturday afternoon. One man, who was sleeping in the caboose of the standing train, was dead when his body was recovered from the wreck. The cattle which were killed and in- C. T. B.ATTY. MANAGER OF THE STAND.ARD BANK, IS LEAVING Recently Mr. C. T. Batty, manager of the local branch of the Standard Bank of Canada, received notice of his appointment to the position of manager of the branch at Newcastle, which also includes the Newtonville , . , . ^ i# Ts„j o. .. branch. Mr. Preston of Mount Hope jured belonged tc Messrs. Fred Stuart . _ , ... • ^u :* ^..x-.J.. ._j r^^- c, . _, has been appointed manager of the Flesherton branch and is expected to of Flesherton and Geo. Stuart of Powassan. The animals were cover- ed by insurance, but no doubt the loss arrive to-day, Wednesday. Mr. Batty expects to leave this Friday with his to the shippers wiU be considerable f^n^Uy for Newcastle, wher^ his head- on the injured stock. The shipment consisted of three cars, two of which quarters will be. Mr. Batty was well liked in the bank and his courteous manner won many new friends for the local branch. Mrs. Willard Henry is the guest of PROVINCL\L OFFICER DENTON â- â- Their ™«J>y friends wish them sac- Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling this week. | INVESTIG.ATED THE ROBBERY *^**' '" ^^^^ "*^ *"*^ l«rrer field. The B. Y. P. N. of Rock Mills church I • held their first monthly social grather- ' ProvincialConstable L. A. Denton of nrn_\x ONTARIO PAYS ing on Monday evening. | Owen Sound was in town a couple of Mrs. W. P. Crossley is attending «'»y* •"* ''««'' investigating the rob- the convention at Southampton this ''**T^ ^'>*«*' '^^ committed in Mr. Out of a total of 67.821 mUes of week. .Mark Wilson's butcher shop on Mon- ^ads in the Province to-dav. 31,162 The Al. Racher Orchestra win ^^^ "«''* *' '*^ '^''- ^ '"" *^! «* improved gravel and 5.025 pav- , provide the music for the dance after ' P*n>etrators have not b«;n brought ed. In 1901 a mUlion doUars were 1 FOR ITS ROADS Game Inspector Ely of Owen Sound ^^"^-^ •'•''^ neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy shown during their recent bereaTement. was in this district on Friday and Sat- urday last investigating reports of shooting ducks on the Eugenia res- erve, and in an early Saturday morn- ing visit caught five local young men hunting there. .A hearing was given during the afternoon before Magis- trate Creasor. The minimum fine on such an occasion was $10.00, which was tacked onto the boys, besides the costs that amounted to $5.16. Three of the guns were confiscated and are now supposed to be resting in the Ontario Parliament buildings in To- ronto. We hear good reports of the square dancing competition. Mr. Geo. Haw aa- sures us that they wiU meet all comers Don't miss the concert and dance in the competition and we are sure on Fall Fair night, Sept. 23. See Ceylon and Bognor are not afraid of large bills for particulars. any other community in this regard. the concert Fair Night, Sept. SSrd- Mr. and Mrs. R. €. Walker and Hiss Margaret White of Goderich spent the week end in town and with the latters' mother at Rock Mills. Mr and Mrs. Herb. J. LeGard and to justice for their deed. WINNERS IN HOME G.ARDEN CONTEST IN ARTEMESL\ TWP. The following are the winners in in ADDITIONAL LOCALS Flesherton Fair dates â€" Sept 22-23. Mr. and Mirs. VanDusen of Toronto are visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. .Armstrong mot- ored to Toronto and Niagara Falls over the week end. Mr. Howard McCaoley has com- menced the brick work on the res- idence he commenced last year. { Mr. and Mrs. Herb Faweett of Coll- | ingwood were the guests this week of : Mr. and Mrs. H. Down. i Miss Kathaleen McDonald of Wes* Toronto is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ' McDonald. \ Next Sabbath at the close of the I morning worship in St. John's church j a Rally Day service will be held to ; which all are invited. | Mrs, Harvey and Miss Jean Harvey j and Mrs. R. McGirr and Miss Rose ! of Feversham were visitors at Mr. G. ' Mitchell's last Friday. j We understand that .Albert Wilkin- son was sentenced to two months in jail for entering the general store at Portlaw and stealing some tobacco. \ Our Softball girls are practicing to try and hold part of the prixe mon- ; ey at home for the tournament at the â- Fall Fair. September 22 and 23. j Last week the thermometers in town registered over eighty degrees , of heat and Thursday and Friday were ieal summer days. This week the weather has been cold with in- termittent showers â€" regtila r fall weather. ! .As somewhat of a token of ap- ! ; voted by the Provincial Legislature { preciation ere leaving Canada, the' to enable the counties to finance the i Prince of Wales is making a gift to" improvement on their highways, every city, town and village of this Two >-ears ago $25,000,000 was spent country, of peony bulbs. There are ' on Ontario highways, through the 105 cities, nearly 500 towns and al- ' Provincial government. Of this sum njost lOOO villages. Flesherton $8,000,000 was spent on Provincial should be among the list and we su- ILtAKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from drafts and oild by erecting G\-proc ceilings and partitions in your home. Gyproc can be put â- p in half the time required for lath and piaster â€" â- aring time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any deamtka. Let us show yoo a full-aiaed Gyproc bosfd ready to apply. WMtc fcr face booklKâ€" "My Haae." It vO teB 70a how Grproc. Kocboanl CrpnB Tnwtfatmt S»i»nhing and laades viU ledaee rosr hiel bill from V to 40^. 1HK ONTABM CTPSUM CO.. UMITCDw rAMSS, CANAO* For Sal* By Frank Duncan ... - Flesholon, Ont. children, of Toronto, motored up on *•»« H^»« G*^*" !!^ ,"♦ t ^^^J^- $8,000,000 on county roads I ^7t"that "the Women's Institute get Saturday and spent the week-end «*»» ^^^'J^ ««ounced last week ^^^^ ^„ ^^ ^^^^ the ' ^Ttouch Uh tTe Trotir au hoSt,^^ with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Best ,^y the Department of AgnctUture. m ^^^^^^ .^„ ^^ improvement in | with the proper a uthont.es. connection with the school fairs: \r,>-»u «_*_ • n. â- »v _.. ' The auction sale Saturday of the i_e„ HiU. Markdale. i^*â„¢ ^S^JST* ^ ^ I ten years $180,000,000 has been ex- ipended by the Goverement and mnn- Mcipalities of Ontario on roads. household effects, store fixtures and, chattels, owner by Mrs. W. L.' Wrisht, was very successful. Anc-j iioiiMr Clark of Markdale officiated. < T. W. Findlay was in Orillia on( StPitorday judging horses at the fallj fair there. He was accompanied by llrs. Findlay. This Wednesday Mr. lindlay is judging the horse classes at the Shelbaxne fair. Mr. Jim Stewart attended the Mea ford fair 00 Friday with his team of ponies and was rery successful, sec-* oring four first prises, five second prises and three thirds. The prise' NOTICE TO CATTLE EXHIBITORS 1 2 â€" ^Harold Beat, Flesherton. 3 â€" Geo. McMaster, Flesherton. 4 â€" Clarence Greenaway, Eppiag. 5 â€" Emerson Knott, Eppiag. 6 â€" Jack Gibson, Flesherton. 7 â€" Angus Tumey, Flesherton. 8 â€" ^Bessie Cairns, Ceylon. 9 â€" Margaret Bolaad, Markdale. 10 â€" ^Emery Fisher, Flesherton. 11 â€" Angus McPhail. Prieeville. 12â€" Dorothy Halbert, Markdale. AUCTION SALE «oney amounted to over twenty- whkn IS A GIRL AN OLD MAID? five dollars. Credit anction sale on Lot 273, Con. 2, S. W. T. ft S. R., Melancthon (a< bout four miles west of Shelbume) known as the George Hogg place, on Thursday, September 29th. 40 head 13â€" Gladys Batchelor. Proton Station »' •»o"w ranging from 3 to 7 years 14_Evelyn Brown. Flesherton. j o'd- Sale at one o'clock. « months' 15â€" Dorothy Ottewell. Eugenia. ' CT«*>t or 6 per cent per annum off ;for cash. â€" W. L. Courtney. Prop.: Hans Stevenson. Auctioneer. Will all the exhibitors showing cattle at the fair Friday please bring tie ropes, as thero will no place for animals to run loose. COURT OF REVISION VOTERS* LIST Mr. and lbs. Thos. Cullen and dau- Being an okt maid is a state of ghter, Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Gibb mind and not a chronological fact. ! â- and son Lionel, of Toronto motored Thero an women who aro old maids Notice is heroby given that a Court up ana spent the week end with the who aro still in their teens and others will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Cullen family. East Back Line and who aro still giris m their eighties. Voters' Lists* Act. by His Honor the also visited the former's sistera at Thero aro women who aro old maids Judge of the County Court of the Markdale, Chesley and Port Law. in spite of having three husbands and County of Groy at the Orange Hall. Dont forget to enter the drawing ^^ * «***"" childron. and others who Maxwell on Thuradaj- the 29th day contest at the Flesherton Fall Fair, ''â- ''* "*'^' mwied who aro not old of September. 1927 at three o'clock for teams over 3000 lbs. and teams "•"**'' ^" «rrandmother*s time, when in the afteraoon to bear and determhw under that weight. Then watch the ** "*** thought a ripe age for mat- . complaints of errors and omissions draw-off between two winning teams, """ony- • ^«»»n ^» considered an in the Voters' List of the Municipality The committee in charge does not ex- "'^ "*"'«' »' '''* •»*** ""* captured a of the Township of Osprey for 1927. pect any delay in the contest this >-ear. "'*" **>*" *•>* T*»ch^ 21. As time I Dated the 9th day of September. 192T passes the period of old maidhood ; â€" -H. W. Kernahan. acting clerk of the Rev. M. Saunders and George Bea- was pushed back to around the ' the Municipality of the Township of croft visited friends in Owen Sound thirties. Osprov, on Tuesday while on their way to Southampton to attend the Pastor's and Laymen's Conference of the Owen Sound association. Rev. M. Saund- ers addressed the conferonce on th« Proacher in his vatfit, An old resident of CoUingwood, and of the Feversham district, William J. Saigeon, died in ToTronto September Tth. He was in his seventy-seventh year and had been in Toronto for some time. The remains were taken to Coilinirwood and interment took place In Trinity United Church cemetery. Rev. W. B. Smith officiated. *• We are pleased to learn of the fkrorahle condition of Mrs, W. C. Hanley of Eugenia, who underwent a ••riooa operation at the Port Huron. Mich., general hospital, some time ago. Mrs. Hanley was in a very crit- ical condition for several days, and has made a romarkable recovery, A few daj-s ago ^e was removed to the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. R. Carson, where she will remain until «ntiroly recovered. KENNEDY'S GROCERY PRESERVING TIME IS IN FULL SWING. T0M.\1X)ES ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST. DONT FORGET WE H.WE A FRESH SUPPLY OF PEPPERS. SPICES. PICK- LING ONIONS. ETC. CEILERS OF ALL SIZES .\ND KINDS ON H.\ND. Sptedaj prices rni Men's OvenJls, Smocks and Work Gloves. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHTES REV. M. SAUNDERS. Pastor. SUND.AY. SEPT. 23. 1?27 Sunday Schoolâ€" Rally Day. Flesehton 11 ajn.â€" "Dry Bones." Rock Mills 3 p.m. â€" "Rock or Sand, on which do you stand?" Flesherton 7.30 pjn.â€" ".A Fatal Dis- ease and its Remedy." .\ Gospel awaits yoa when yon eoai» Qharocter A healtliy discontent with a dnft" in^ existence turns many a man to the weekly laTin^ habit. The reijr rcsohition behind soeh a decision builds a fundamental of chaxacter â€" detoxmination. A rraHwatSon of achierement follows lesohation â€" and the small de- posit ht comes a stepi^nA stone to Axeate* things. Oar managers proride serriee to â- areis â€" cheexfnl, hdpfnl secvice. Make tow xesehitSon k7 cowiint 4]fflk»ibRORio. BR.\NCHES : FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith. Manager. MARKD.4LEâ€" W. L. Young. Manager Trimmed Millinery New Fall Models on sale this week Reasonably Priced Special Shirt offering $1 Black Duchesse $1.29 Richf lustrous black. Soft finish relia- ble quality. Made in Suritz, Irdand. 36 inches wide. Good value at $1.50 SPECIAL :$1.29 Special Assortment of Men's Work Shirts. Grey and Khaki Military Flan- nelettes, Chambrays, Stripes and Kha- ki Drills. Sizes 14V2 to 17. Regular $1.50 and $1.25 ALL AT $1.00. a 11 -rvr I r^ r^i i New Fall G^ors in Canton Crepes, All Wool Dress r* lannelS Hat Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Smooth finish, close weave, all wool repes 54 inches wide. In all the new full col- ors. Sand, Copper Leaf, Pitch Pine, Rust, Navy Garnet, Wine, Royal, Powder Bhie, Scarlet, Rose Bhish, Jade, Grey, Fawn. $1.35 per. YARD. Agent for Semi Ready Qothing, made to your own individual roeasurments in 7 days at right prices. Come in and look over the new fall samples. SPECIAL VALUE IN MEN^SABOYS' Windbreakers, Pullovers, Coat Sweaters and Wool Jerseys. New season's designs in stodc now. New assortmeM of LadKes' and Mias«. ' Slippers and Oxfords. Men's and Boys* Fine and Heavy ..- ^ wear. P. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. ON i . «