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Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1927, p. 3

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j^ >» « m TONIC THAT GIVES STRENGTH ! After Acute Diseases the Blood Must be Built Up Before Recovery is Complete. j Ferore and otbcr acute diseases Uko pncumoBia and influenxa, leave the patient weak, with thin blood and un- etruag nerves. The period of coa- Talescence 1^ often long and trying, and years of poor health have fre- quently foUoned so brief aa Illness as an attack of Influenza or pneumonia. Much of this sort of misery cou'd bo avoided by taking steps to biiild up the blood so that it can carry to the nerves and ct!:er tissues of the body Lha elomenta they need to re- store their normal functiocj.! activi- ties. To build up the blorxl and re- j store It to lu rich, health sirics vig-i_.. or. no other medicine can equal Dr i^"^^ "°«^ ^^ ^''>' '^°''=^" Williams- Pink Pills. Fi-om first to i _^'^'*"^® ••« '"^^ *° '*'^' The steno? In his oSce, OWL-LAFFS ao O. W. L. (Od With Laocbter) Error. Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in Aluminum* RQRPSE is good tea" I 111 RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. last it is their u:isrion to improve tha j blood and thus restore good health \ and vigor. ' The v.ilue of these pills in condi- 'â-  tioas dec-ribod above is rbov.-n by the ! statement cf Mrs. Hebccca OBrien. Penibi-oke, Ont.. who says-â€" "In Nov., \\'ho was a lovely miss. The moral as I get It. And which I here impart â€" : Is that it's wise to finish I \\"hatevcr things you start. i "Ma, Crandall Van 1023, I was stricken with pneumonia, ; and at the time but little hope was i held out for my recovery. However, ^° ''"'"' *'^*' Jbrancb with the best of care I was able to ''* ^T>rlns from, walk about after some months. But I did cot recover my strength. The doctor loiU me 1 v.-as anaemic. My appetite was poor. I grew nervous and restless. I â- uas deathly pale and prac- tically gave up hope of ever being •troui; agaiu. However, remembering that in r.iy girlhood I had taken Dr. Williams' Pick Pills with decided suc- cess, I decided to try them again. By the time 1 had used two boxes there was no doubt the pills T.ere helping me. Continuing their use I was soon able to attend to my household duties. I continued taking the pills, however, until I had used twelve boxes, by which time I was enjoying better â-  health than at any time in the pre- ' Tious ten yer.i-s. In gratitude for what tho pills have dene for me, I give this Etatement in the hops that it may point lite way to health to some other 1 «eak, despondent woman." i You can get these piiis from any medicine dealer or by taail at 50 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams" Medi- cine Co.. Brockville. Ont. Puyster of the New Anaesthetic MAKING CANADA'S So great waa the interest evidenced In the Scottish Music*! Festival or- eaniied as part of ths Highland Gatli- ering for Banff, early in September, that lae Canadian Pacific Railway Company arranged with the Alberta Government Telephones to instal the MUStCAL HISTORY aua. The first was the Casadlaa FOSk Song and Handicraft Festival siageil at the Chateau FTonte=.ic. Quebec. In May. which was regarded aa nalqne in the annals of Canadiaji music. Re- viving old-Ume songs aad homey cas- toms of the earlier settlers of this wants ampiiaers of the public address sys- country has caught the public taccy. family tem that were used at the Dominion Jubilee broadcast, so that the evening i "My boy, tell Crandall the Murphys • concerts were heard net only in the >prins from nobody: they spring at ballroom of the Banff Springs Hotel, i'cra!" , where the Festival was staged, but j â€" â€" ,also In the lounges and on the ter- i Women are suppose<l to have more race. ' curiosity than men, but so far none of ^ The Festival waa the second out- them has tried to see the North Pole, standing musical event of an unusual j 'nature that has taken place in Can- I The Bookbinderâ€" ••Will you hare u|__ : bound in Turkey or Morocco ?•' The Patriot â€" "Neilher. sir! it bound right here in Cicada." Scots played an important part in building up the Dominion and the names of many sturdy settlers who came here in the early days are fore- most in the lis; c( noted explorers, fur traders and participants In many dar- ing projects that ultimately have help- ed In no small way to help the Domin- ion towards the prosperity the now enjoys. Have HELPING BUILD CANADA We admire pure grit and all that. ' Starting Young Canadians Right With a Healthy Foundation but we've darned if we like it in our spinach. Notwithstanding the life of a paper dollar is only seven cr eight months, we have never had oae die on our bauds. My father's in the coal bosini Oh. branch? He collects the ashes." is Recognized as of National Importance A SPLENDID EFFORT An Unusual WiU In rrovidlcg beq-uests fcr scholar- '*''^ '^°*' â- hips so thr,t young persons of limit- ed mep.ns may be assisted to go to col- lege Judge Gary's will is not unusual. This provision testifies to the esteem In which higher education was held by a man v^hcse judgment cf practJcal Talucs was unquestioned. It is a •harp rebuke to men who like to think •f themselves as hard-headed and who labor under the delusion that they â- how that qu.tlity by voicing contempt lor colteg and university traininsr. Judge Gary's will is unusual, how- aver. In that it contains a paragraph Government Caps a Notable ^'ear \^'ith a Notable Publication The EViminion G<J\-emirii?nt ha:? just published "The Canadian Mother's Book." written by Dr. Helen Macilurchy. chief of the ! Division of Child Welfare oi the Department of Health at Ottawa. visitor--WonT^ be verr. verv ,The forewardâ€" "Th e greatest gift is a child, and the greatest happy when your sente-ice is over?" honor is to be a mother, ana the introduction â€" "Tnis doo.< has Prisonerâ€" "I dun'co. ma'am. I dun' \ been written for you â€" a Canadian mother. The Government of no." i Canada knowing that the nation is made of homes, and that the Visitor â€" "Yoa doat know? And homes are made by the father and mother, recognizes \"ou as one of the Makers of Canada. No National Ser\-ice is greater or better than the work of the Mother in her Own Home. The Mother is the First Servant of the State." â€" These tell the story. New Gas Brings Sleep that Suspends aJl Sense of Pain At the :ajt meetS;:* cf the Ber-ii liedlcai Society Prrfesscr Cnger des crlbed his eiperlerce with the r.e« narcotic gsj tecin:ca::y known as E- 107. Up to the preseat it has beea CBStomary to use either echer w c^'i'i'C&inn to prodace mcQasciaaS' *•â- â-  la anrglcal eases. Uaass reeeat- It introdnced another means, a pore fled ace:y:eae. bat for Tarioas reasons gas ent:t:e<l earkytea. Bade of pari- its ttse haa not beetuae gea<iral It waj cct any danger eannected with the US* cf ecier or rklan>torm that indeed the attempt to pradace E. lOT, but the discomfort ccaaected with the;r lise. Many sick pecple are uapleasazrly affected by ether or chkrcform; the feel of the mask, the chokiag sensation, the knowledse that they are beiiig pat to sleep by force, combine to Eake tiez: lenroos. On •»»*==â- -*: t-ej .\r,' br thirst. ^ -•" -^^j ' : -^•â- - â- .: ::â-  .reathed In. 1; -.s i-;;.-; : by means of a syringe aad v,.;;^; f^^ri :te tntestlnes. In eight to i'.-.rrz. -_ -u:es "b^ patient falls Into a -..;•. .r^; s'.-rrv, '..i?-.:ig S->r several icur? .i-'. r^-e? - . -=- rl- iects on awi •.:-:â- .!; 1; - . :: â-  Classi fied AdvertisenMnts stTUATToars VACxar L-A-^Y 1.?. tJHlNTl-£i..<.N: -VVTED ta every cltx town aad fUlac* la :^J"*"«»i ta act as exdastt* r^prcMa- :>civ« la dtstrttattaa (f tlM BIMa «k«>« ar part time: iMsstaaa aC do aort a f â-  at kois-:: plaaa* nt aad pro«tabi» aeeapattoa. .ippty tat ' '«^T»rlo St fM t. T ^>^.^f^l L.V3IBS Tr.orrKD to v>o n.UM AsA MmHO. aawtac at Vae. wtala ar tlBML Good pay. thaxtta paid. Oa. lfontr«al. Werk scat MV llaao' GRATIS. tl-ITTLJK FRIS«D) tO «itl!«r s*x stallcr] in pZaJt ^nvfloy^ A Frenduoan has lsvr~-.ed aa aatoowbUe tha£ wii! lea; '.t^=. tte grooad and uaTd throat tse air for a coasldeiable distaaca^ ^ede^strlaaa had Just as wen g^re It ap aad Sa dova la the middle cf the Xash-nr-e B==r-:r The Purity of Coticoni Makes It Ui>exc?Il«l ForADToOefPmi)os€S Prisoner â€" "I'm in for life." .\ shining example cf old-fashioned simplicity is an unpowdereil nose. MADE HER BABY PLUMP AND WEU Nothing makes a mother more grateful than a beueQt conferred up- ,ou her child. Mothers everywhere at advice regarding the use of money, who have used Baby's Own Tablets m* P'-'"?'*^**' expre&sto; The paragraph consists of four warn- for their children speak in enthusias- upon by the Doctor' tog«: • I tic terms of them. For instance, Mrs. (U A warning .igainst signing any Zepterin Lavote. Three Rivers. Que., honds or obligations of any kind as ^writes: â€" "Baby's Own Tablets are a â- arety for anybody: | wonderful medicine for Mttle ones, (2) A warning against anticipating , They never fail to regulate the baby's •ae's incomo "in any respect"; stomach and bowels, and make him (3) A warning cgainst making any plump and well. I always keep a box toans except on thu basis of first class, '., of the Tablets in the house and would Well-known securities: and [advise alt mothers to do likewise." f^i A warning against Investing In \ Most of the ordinary ailments of child- lay t.ntrietl or doubtful securities cr hood arise lu the stomach and bowels, property or pnterprise or business. ; and can be quickly banished by The fourth warning to his heirs Baby's Own Tablets:. These Tablets Jadge Gary, emphasixee. by adding: ; relieve constlp.ition and Indi^stlon, "Tt«y will be approached frequently , break up colds and simple fevers^ ex- *Uh eugge!^:ions to be relied upon pel worms, allay teething pains and ft«m a business standpoint." j promote healthful sleep. They are It would le oi melancholy interest puat^nteed to be free from itijurtous to know bow many substantial inherit- 'drugs and are safe even for the young- â- aces have been dissipated In wtole or ' est and most delicate child. The Tab- ta large part by failure to observe • lets are sold by medicine dealers or these sound principles. Judge Gary's : by mail at S5c. a hwt frvim The Dr. .fcairs may cr may not need the atlmonl- : Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Bs he leaves them, but for many a Ont. Slmp!y Told Dr. MacMcrchy is to be c.-nsratuiat- ed upon the simplicity ani clearness of the language with whicS ste tells her story of how tc care tot young Canadians. Dr. MacMurchy used to be teacher of Literature la the Old Gram- mar Schoci or Jarvis Ccilegiate Insti- tute in Torcnto and well does the re- viewer remember hew coUoijuUilisms '. s were frowned when ste en- deavored to teach tim the ruiiruents of the English languif e. The Dcctcr. a master of English, worCed her bock ir. -.iie simplest manner rcs- <,>-.^ ..-.•.l where porular exyressions carr.tHl her thought most fo^ce^uliy she has used such exprvjsslons until tie result Is absolutely dear, read- able, and understandable by anyone who can read words of two syllables. ! To stress the ;c;rcr:ant pvvats Dr. ^ MacMurvhy has resorted to rei>e?v»tica so th.1t any one serio'asly wantltij to benetit by her Instruction can- not pcfsltly fail to have ber truths : driven home. She tr.s wrlttsn. for the g-t>od cf the great mas? of Oanadla-.i wo-u^a in average circum- s;,inces. Her simple. dirc\-t aad inti- mate l.iugu.vte prcves her ;:? great a master cf 'tCnjl'sh as o' A New E the baby." p:-'si:g up the darling." "cudJiicg the little ret" is {vist and Dr. MacMurchy hss stressed the point so often forgotten that the test year of a baby's life is made up of Iaj>^at sltH-p. food and bath. The reviewer's rersvaal experience. arrived at through watching i!:d telping his 'l>et- ter half raise a fair sr.ed family fully ccn5rms the Doctor's methods. Tree For The Asking The publishing of the Canadian Tie ir-i â-  hss - .â-  -â-  ^ r:: ;7cn :;; ':^ ..r: bat sc::;r:;=e5 I'i-: -•.r ::-.e 'rrr.r.~ .-c. , Otter phTs:::..:, -â- ^ ..-ri ::r-.- T-i periecce* t.- :i^ 5 â- :.:-: a:-: . thc:;;.i- : :.i>-^ :' '-" " 7 .1 " . v' â- ." ' "i ' " r'- Iv* ~ - ~ r^r.-: ; 1 â- - -. - ,â-  â-  : 7~.'r::5 V :-. cv>s -• 5 - r :^ t ..- f:r~ i d.?:; :ir Ti .: a ;f -"-^ ^- iig aat.i fir ---.. :e l^'â- â€¢- .r:. , ;â- â€¢ 'r.;-- ^,-z o-llccted. Fcr :he rrcSvT : the ust? of E. 10 T therefore t.^; ic,- .â- .-;â- . rl-txi to a few great sunt:- cal staiic cs for con: nued experiments Minard"» Liniment relieves backache Foot Weary aid Sore? re- Sir â- Â«". W. Wynn. talking to a friend the ant{i;uity of his family. which he carried up to Noah, was told that he was a n^ re mushrcom. ~.Vy. ' saiif he. "how so. pray?" "WTsy." re- plied the other, "when I was in Wales, the ped'lgree of a particular family was shown to me; it filled up above five 'large skins of parchment, and Mother's Book Is without douM one of *bout the middle of it was a note in the margin. '.About this time the world waa created.' " the most notable v vents marking Canada's Jubilee Tear and every mother, prospectlre and exyectant. should have this most exeel- "' ^cnt nee.i and speedometer on lent publication which will be mailed \ °^'' '•"*'" ' "^^o easily tell the speed." free by simply writing acj askiro tor;***"* ^'i* '-â- ''>*• "How do you do that: it to the Department cf He«\\ Ot- **^*^ *^« *>'1»*''. "When 1 go ten asked the other. "When 1 miles an hour, tny lamps rattle, when 1 go fifteen mites an hour, my mud- guards rattle: and at twentv miles an Being a mc:* newspaper man ihe;i,our mv bones rattle." reviewer hcs:t.-ites to c<frer advice to!. the me-4io;a; ptofession tut as the tawa. Canadx Advice to Doctors 'ASher of a sacvesslully raised family who has been through the einerieaoe he does not hesitate to say tha: every doctor in city cr country should keep a supp'y cf these little bocks on band end givo one to e'wery wife an i mother. Wo congratulate t'ae go\^ crumer.t on their Chief of the Division of Chili Welfare we cosigratulate ^ ( Dr. Mac'Uarchy on such a noteworthy The eld time ruetuod of "rocking acb;erer.:oat. i hyscoloj taaeflciary such warnings might ' i«»e proved more valuable than the tannest Itself. T.ioy might well be tecorporated In anv will. ri _4.: â€" . Signor Mussolini has paid a visit to â- oant Vesnvius. Now perhaps tb« ^Micano will stop its nonsense. â€" I, . Tonus Rackets Re-Strung Golf Cubs Repaired i All work d«ne and guaranteed by SPALDING EXPERTS Special Pncis XV. B Fnr« Sjuab^ Ont. r««. C7. r^cl. t\ Wo. F P«T« Last's Sat, rtf. $s. spd. S- Work sent out ;4 .Icurs after receipt TORONTO RADIO CO.. LTD.. Represent'ves fcr A. a SPALDING d CO.. 241 'Vcnge Street. Tonjnte. lATlON LEFT HER VERYWEAK Letter TeUs of WonderfJ Relief After Taking Lydi» £. Pinkhaxn's \'egetabl0 Comfraund CoRlstor. OitarJo. â€" ".\fter a w> vere operator, ar.o a t.'-.rt-e week** a hospital â- T" fo-o, V. . -â-  ; â- :. ,. IV. : u- .^,; i.-xe. My ct Vepfta;- '.i. rae ov. â-  I Ijcaa sv weak tha: Iw« unabie bo movsa chair. For tarn TTonths I was â- !. nxis; frantic w^tfc pains a.-.d suJer- utgnntilltboogM sure th<»« cooM tx>t be any b«iy forme. I had very ' severe paiaaia nr sideazkd aai> -v <."^e (J«y : .^ ..;^v.^ :â-  c a tvrtia .^; or.ce aa4 >< \v- ,1 bc-ttJ«v ; y :h<e rain* â- . vTc-.y iaci r V witbcc* so JVC Kept Both Feet on t!is Ground. 1st Hubbv â€" "My wife's hobby is the fiying machine â€" she's always hopping off Into the nir." Snd Hubby â€" "Well. I'm glad to say my wife's hobby Is the sewing ma- chine â€" she ke«ps t>oth feet on tha ground." «^ "San Bay blow up some day, say astronomer*.'* Tbat will be a terrible Mow to sunny Oaltfomia.â€" St Louis Star. E.xperir«ents of more than thirty years have prcver ibnt Alun-iinutti is the best v>c:i- tainer for tea. Rea Rcso Ten is now packed cr.Iy in .\it:rf.:- nun\, »r.d e-.-ery p.tcki^c ic- guarantee<l to be in p«rfect condition. sx y The "Immortals" rccaria-js is ccmpleted hy Charles C ! A. Jonart. 70, I There follow Eugene Brieux. who Is , SU; Mcnslsnor BaudrtlJard, Ke=r: Borgfon. Pierro de Xolhao. M ..-.r o jPousjy', Her.ri Etal'c 1.,\t-.\:.v. .i-.-.-; ;Oan;ll> Ja'ltati, â- nl • .•.••; ;<: Keaei IX>uml^ £2d Ksymo ,..\ro. who j 'are ST; t.ocis Uart'aca. iiarvo; rrevo*t j â-  and E^ouard Ksiaunio. wh,> are $3 ; j Mme. Henri-Rotor: l« «4; Lovlsl Clu-vrillc". Joseph Bedii^r and Henri ! 1.^ iJegrUr .ire 6.5 The .Vbbe Bro- d'yi • A, Sa. coismlstes the list of sexa- 1 neir Ages fo-.aria«si. The Due de l.i VVrov. jCiOcrges Goya;i aad HetJry fcrdea-ix . 'are under ••'>. P ATENTS ;;<; of "WiujKxi !n\<fi«t'.C'r.s'" ir i j-uii InfcrKiation S#nt Frw* :-. K*^;u#st. Txs maxsAT ca, x>«rt. w. aT3 BaaX St., Ottiwa. Oat. 1"'. r.'.y s..'.e am abie to do all i:-.; be!{k I am a farmer " rant be idle fcmc. in a. taken s-x bottles of Lvo.i ham's Vegetabie C boxes of th« Cojmicu:- bottles of LydsaE. lV.i>.a.--. s Bla«4 Medicine, and have also â- ,ise%i the : ativeWash. " >»-^? 1 1 urt.'^n Box 103, U-:â„¢<;.-. v .:;.i.-.\>.~ Pinfc. tS^I strictly specking. t>cse who are te- nortaJ have no cge. Nevertheless, thft ImmortaV oi the >>each .\cjkdexy are still rcenable tc the csten,?ar, though seme of them S'^eitv to defy Its limitations. The K.-rty are. In Ta.-t. a veneraM-? compray, on.» of the latest nioKibiprs. M. I'aul V.tler.-. is re- marked >»iN''n lor hi.< youth, th.'^ugh he (s pest J6. ant l^c oulv .vouiijcr man is Robe;-: «1* r;»r<. who Is 55. The Oean of the lar.morlaN, thongh he has never fiumally taken bij t .ji- Ot. Cecrg^ .V, Gordon recalls a ser- nH''n of his in which he said ho '"was inclined to thiak that Chrisli,Ans were sometimes among the c.vv<f foolish p^vp'o th.»t the Atmightv ever mada." The rsother of a familr who heard tt. in r« peating at the dinner tabl* "this ' wild utterance of the n-.icistcr." was > greeted with the outcry from her â-  yriung roa; "Mother. d«ar, that was m<vft uatartful of l>r. i^ordon; there Uiight have bct-n a t^hristlan ia the the t>titUH>h. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by ph>-sicians foc CoMs Headache Neuritis Lumba^ Pain Neuralgi,T Toothache Rheumdtism •k« aelwes, .tmong them, is Clemeu."»««. wk > ;s jj*. rut he !â- > n"t the tnly <rtr.«en- »;->*'-<»eratiK>aVâ€" Frv^in jariac. fer .';«'»'? Chairlw^n is .*S .ml i Pierre de la Gcrce i» Si Ge»>rge,<s do ' IVrte-Uiohe end ,-\".l»>rt Heenard are , TS; Marshal r»vh is T«; Paal IVurget acd "r;\ra" JefTrj arc "5 a year older itkan r,>ae Tf.-ln and Gabriel Hanct- iau\. while r^ranco* de Curel and j Marshal l.yautty are 71 Oamille mcArd Is TL aad iha rail of septua-l ISSUE No. »â€" "^ DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Wlnard'% Liniment eases »••â- Â« feel. If « foreign foe sboalj iavaJe this i coanlry we might try turn.ns the Misatsstpi:! on ihtm.- Tortian.! tMe.> Fxpress. , S'/^^ 'Bjvcr • paciafe wi'uch contains prv^v^n ijirections. U»t>.!t -|««v»-r" loxvs ol IJ tihleta Also bottlM ol ::« aad 190â€" l>Tv«si air4rM H tk* tn4> awrk ii*ci**<-<*a a^ OK>*«ii' «< •â- .•^ MM*e>r«H* tf »!>«« .»rT */ 9kli.-TtK«c«l SalK-7il« AfKL "a. S X °i » Vi» K a **u k3*«m •( Bajvc 0««*ki «U1 W iit»«»< ««ik akwt g i Mu l irMt •««, IM "IVM CBaaak" „^ \ â- diUHHIiillHi J

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