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Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1927, p. 5

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« 1 • ! • * i » * « 4 i. M 4 4| 5 t » t * « « k *? t J «! -^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WTDN'ESDAY, SEPTEifB'E 14, UttT The Money Loosing Cow STANDARD BANK OF CAJNJKOA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty, Manager CPit. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as foUom: ^ doing South GSmg North «.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 8.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 pjn. The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 ajn. â- oath at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal Mr. Tho^ Claj-ton spent the past â- week in Toronto. * Mr. Murray Watson of Toronto is visiting friends in town. k Retinid Missionary Spoke ii United Church Mrs. Ross, a returned missionary from Honan addressed the United Church of Flesherton on Sept. 11th. Those who listened to her were very much pleased with what they heard. The Chinese are slowly advancing from an atmosphere of continuous wars and ignorance into an under- standing what real justice means. In some of the provinces the taxes are paid until 1930, the military demand- ed them. As the soldierB are not paid they loot all the country they conquer. The common people are very patient under their troubles. The Missionaries did not leave cnly when ordered to do so by the British Con- sul as they had word of a general massacre of the Europeans. the , Mission Compounds are looted and work will have to begun in most districts but the Christians are re- . aiming steadfast. There are only one half a million Christians in a pop- ulation of over four hundred millioT^. The postal service in China is now so good that all foreigners trust let- ters and jJarcels to it and it is seldom ore is lost. . . . ,^ , Each nation has its own law for of successful pracf.ang m Flesherton. ^j,^;^ ^^ ^^^^ ^ Chinese method Dr. Ale.xander Tt:rnbull has received ^j p^nfehin^ criminals is not what an appomtment vnth the Dominion ^^^^ ^^„y ^j^^ ^his is some- Department of Health and wiU leave ^j^^ „^^i^ ^o the Chinese Govt., as The average production of milk per cow in Canada is about 4000 pounds annually but aiittioritiesare agreed thst the higher the production per cow the greater the profit. You can materially increase the productive- nessof your herd by breeedingr better live stock and the local branch of the£tandard Bankof Canadais at your service in supplying loans for the pur- chase of stock which will give great- er cash return for the feed and ' 'â- - or expended. THE Dr. A. Turnbuli Sold His Practice and is Leavini After spending t'.ie past sis years this fall to take up his work in Lon- a Chinese criminal can escape to the don. England. lie has disposed of f^^j^ territorv and be safe as there his practice here to Dr. Frank M. j^ ^^ extradition law. Time will make Lively, formerly c: New Liskeardwho ^^is right but large bodies move slow- has recently re. imed from a post- j^ graduate course ii the United States. " Another trouble that China con- Dr. Lively will t ke possession about tends with is faminit This is caused the end of Sept raber. Dr. Turnbuli py drouth and flood. Most of the has had an exce.:.-nt prac^ce in town Chinese are farmers but also has fonr.d time to devote to the Tennis Club of which he was Pres- The hum of threshing machines urt^/^^\^)}' ^.^,'^, ^? ^^- "f. ^ ''^ ^° 1^"? that they can't sow the sec- heard on every hand now. | Hf e olT^lhr to^ '^ " ""' ''"" '•""'"" ~'"'" ""' '-^"^ The W.M.S. will meet in the St. | ^f their manv Will Take Charlie Of 6. M. Branch at St John, NJ. On Wednesday of this week Mr. Fred McTavish is leaving Oshawa to take charge of the New Brunswick branch of the General Motors of Can- ada and to bring it up to a state of efficiency as compared with other branches of the same company. Fred has been in the employ of General Motors at Oshawa for the past sev- eral years and has been advancir^g up the ladder and up to the time of his appointment last week to his new position was in charge of the parts department, export division. His many friends here are always pleas- ed to hear of the progress the young men of Fleisherton are mak- ing in the bosines work! and they wish him the best of success in his new undertaking. I . They have two crops a year and if they get either crops they can live but if the drought but friends best wishes follow them. best of success in their work. ADDITIONAL LOCALS John's church on Friday at 3 p.m.! ^-^ t^njer to Dr. and Mrs. Uvely a Mr. R. Nixon spent the_ week end I welcome to our midst and wish them with his family in Owen Soand. Don't miss the concert and dance on Fall Fair night, Sept. 23. See large bills for particulars. Mrs. A. Harpell of Toronto is spend- ing a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Tremp. Mrs. Eli Corbier of Aurora is vis- iting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myers, in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McTavish of Oshawa spent the week end at the for- mer's parental home here. Miss Hattie McRae and Muriel Fen* wick spent the week end with their parents on the 8th line. Dr. E. Almond, the noted eyesight specialist of Toronto will be at the Park Hotel. Saturday, Sept. 17th. ond crop famine results and death for most of the people. The Bol- shevist? are causing some tronWe but this is only a ripple and will soon ipass off. Mr. Ross is now in China and other missionaries are waiting to renew 1 work. William C. Bums, one of the ^ first missionaries lived and dressed Rev. Jas. Taylor preaches his fare- ] '^ * n*tive for five years that he well sermon at Durham next Sun- •»"«?*>* *» "ble to translate into the day and leaves for Grimbsy, Ont. -; Chinese language the real thought of â-  Pilgrim's Progress, which is much ' euioyed bv all the Chinese. I Dr. McGillvary and wife are now en- gaged in trans latin^r the best books of Erarlish literature into Chinese eo Have you invited anyone to come and stay with yon for our fair yet. If not, do so to-day. j The building of the cement sWe- ' walks was finished on Saturday and Tv "'"""'V^'T "'"J v u >. . J . , ,, ^ ,. ' . that those that read can have our best considerable excellent walks were Uid. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Birady of Tor-j onto spent the week end with- the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Rev. C. R. Duncan had charge of thought ilixers. Good books are great cir- BELFRY REOCH The Late Jacob A. Sloan The death of Jacob .Arnold Sloan, j son of Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Sloan of I Eugsnia occured on Monday Sept, 5tb j at Toronto. [ The remains were brought to Flesh- ' erton and the funeral was held in St. j John's United Church, on arrival of i the noon train. Thursday. Sept. ftth.' Interment took place in Flesherton I cemetery. j Deceased was aged 32 years and had ' been er.-.ployed by the Canadian Nat- ional railways for the past* 12 years. He leaves to mourn his father and ' mother, sister Donelda, Eugenia, a i brother. Albert of Toronto and sister: Mrs. R. K. Kimmerly of Watertown, 1 N. Y. Relatives attending the fxin-! eral from a distance were: Mr. and I Mr?. R. K. Kimmerly of Watertown,! X. Y., Mr. and Mrs. .\. E. Sloan. Mrs. I .K. C. Stoba and Mrs. Mary Turner) of Toronto, Mrs. Lottie Miliar and! daughter. Charlotte and Mr. Geo. Otp-J vis. Shelburne. Miss Frasier of Horn- ' ings Mills. Miss Street of. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Foster and Miss Ethel Heath of Markdale. Floral offer- j inps wer^ beautiful. Pillow from father and mother: wreath from bro- ther .-Ubert and wife. Toronto: spray from Mr. and Mrs. Stoba of Toronto; spray from Eugenia friends: spray from Lakeview Oddfellows lodge. W. Toronto; Rebenoa lodge of Rebecca's W. Toronto: spray from Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross. Toronto; spray from Mr. and Mrs. Hubble of Toronto: spray from Mr. Russel Park and sister, Mar- garet. Eugenia: spray from Mrs. Clark and Mrs, L. Smith of Toronto. Make Old Rooms New ^^.\KE your attic into extra * sieepir.g quarter or a chii- drec's play-room. C>-prrc will give you bright, comfortatie extra rooms at ^i^ m J l cost. Right over damaged walls -, and torn, faded wa;':Dar*r apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. G\-procwailsa.-.dceais5r3w;:!~kkee\^ry room bright and fresh. Takes any decoratioi!. FL-errtvf.coidcrocV and heat proof. The strcmgest a.nd lightest insulting wiiibiiird Jc'owu. Write for free hookle-. â€" 'My E.-Joe. " I: jiC: tei; tco bi^•n G\â€" ic a.vix-i«r' Grwua E:MiiCr.i Sii-i:hi.-i ^d l^-s^Ux wz: re^-j^ y^:" ":.;. :_ :.-,.= 30 U] 40 !» cest. THE ONTARIO CYPSL-M CO., UMTTED. PARIS, CANADA 1S5 GyPKQC ^^^Flr<?propf WdlTboard For Sale By Frank Duncan - - - - Flesherton, Ont. about YourAlN^ter Supply Dmn Adeatry Stnk* b frm. Ati Dmrm uimtymr ( A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized on Thursday of last week at Miss J. McDowell, a former prin-lthe anniversary services in the Dur-;l>i?h noon, when Isabella, second dau- cipal of Flesherton High School, has been encafed by the Markdale high school board in the same capacity. Mr. and Mrs." Emerson Osborne and little daughter, Guendolyn, of Hamilton are holidaying this week â- with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Semple. Rev. and Mrs. M. Saunders. Mr, ham Baptist church on Sunday and ghter of Capt. and Mrs. Reoch of Xott- was heard by a large congregation awa, was united in marriage to Ral- morning and evening. ph Sherman Belfry, younger son of A splendid program was given on ' Rev. C. A. and Mrs. Belfry of Sutton Monday evening including a number! West. The wedding March was of well rendered selections by the Dur- i was played by Miss F'rances Camp- ham and Glenelg Centre choirs and i bell of Barrie, while the bridal coup- also instrumental and vocal solos ' le took their position in front of a Rev. Jas. Taylor of Durham accom panted by Rev. C. R Qcational Secretary of McMaster Un- iversity called on Rev. and Mrs. Saun- ders on Sunday. Mrs. Wes. Armstrong was in Ham- iliton last week undergoing an oper- ation on her nose and returned home Monday with her husband, who mot- ored to Hamilton Saturday evening. Mr. Edgar Sprott of Badgeros apent the first of the week in town visiting friends. Edjtar intends to enter Queen's University, Kingston, this fall to pursue further studies. and Mrs. Gordon Warling attended *"^ *" eloquent address by Rev. C. R. bank of ferns and fall flowers. The the DurW Baptist church anniver-M>"ncan. ^ bride was attended by her sister. Miss sary -on Monday evening. H. Down and Sons commenced last [ '^""* Reoch. while â-  the groom was Mr David Harrower of Windsor : ^^^^^ ««« brick work for their new ad- ! ^s«sted by his brother. Mr. A. Ray and Miss Eliwibeth Harrower of Tor-M'^ion to the garage, a rest room foi . belfry of Oshawa. The ceremony onto were the guests last week of *>»e convenience of lady visitor? to ^"^ performed by Rev. C. A. Belfry. Rev and Mrs Harrower. *''^^- ''''^ ^^ **»**« '^W no«" l» avail- ! f'*^***'" "^ **>« sroom. able, the other one being at D. McTav-' Following the ceremony a very Duncan Ed- **** ""*"*' ^'^"'^ "*^ ser\-ice station, , "^^^^^J" buffet luncheon was served, which is nearly completed. The vac- , *fter which the bride and groom left ant spots on the main streets are be-i^'''" * ^o^or trip East .iniid sho\vers ing gradually filled up. U'f confetti and good wishes. Mrs. Mary Jamieson ha* returned "^^ ^^'^'^'^ ^'"^^ **** recipient of many home after spending the past three ! '^*"*'*"' '""^ "*^*"' *^'^**- ^^owing months with her dsiughter. Mrs. W. i **** ''**' *®*^"' •" ^'''^*' *be is held E. Honer, South Porcupine. She ace- ''*' '**'' f""'^"*** *"<^ ac^iuaintanees. A- mong these was a Silver Flower Bas- ket and Wax Bouquet of Roses given by the members of the Choir and a pure Irish linen tablecloth from the Talent Workers of the church. On their return the happy oouple will reside in Toronto. Birglars in Town Burgulars were busy in town Mon. evening or early Tuesday morning when Mark Wilson's butcher !9hop was broken into and considerable money wos stolen. They gained ent- rance through the back window and rifled the money drawer of over $30 in silver. Mr. Wilson usually emp- tied the drawer each night, but this time had left the silver. It will be a sorry day for those who perpetrated the deed, if they are caught. Painiinj and Decorating Try ne for your painting and deo-T- orating. My experience insures i satisfaction to vou at all tims. I Phone 107. Dundalk. at my expetvse for ful information. ^. J. WELWOOD. DUXDALK ' ARE you hesitating to install a modern automatic water sys- tefn because of some uncertainty, such as cost, size, capacity, etc. We will study your problem and make definite recommendatior - based on your individixal require- ments. We win guarantee you completrfy satisfactory water service on a money back basis â€" no matter where you live or what your source of water supply. Ditto makes an Automatic Water System for every possible use â€" deep wells, shallow wells, dstems, springs â€" capacities ranging from 15Q to 1200 gallons per hour. Come in and well demon- strate Duro feattires to you and quote prices. No obli- gation. The Empire Brass Mfu. Co.. Ltd. London Toronto Vancouver FOR SALE BY: D. McKILLOP Piresstire Water Systems iSlllliillHiiiM ompanied Mr. and .Mrs. Honer and son Billy on the cavalcade from Nor- thern Ontario, which took Toronto by storm last week. Mr. George Jamieson also accompanied them to Flesherton, his first visit since he left, 21 years ago. George sold some of his gold claims near "Rmmins a Mrs. Chas. O. Ottewell is visitiiig her mother and other relatives in'j-ear ago for a small fortune and is The Al. Racher Orchestra will town at present. Mrs. Ottewell has now enjoying the fruits of many ! provide the music for the dance after just returned home from a delightful .' j-ears of hard prospecting. ' the concert Fair Night, Sept. 2Srd trip through Euroije.' j Mr*. M. Wilson of Durham came over last week to see her father. Mr ) J. O. Fatten, who is in poor health j but he was in Orangeville consulting, much encouragement, and has since ^ returned home. j Mr. W. H. Thurston last week ace- j ompanied his son, A. S.. of Meaford on a motor trip to Chicago and expects \ to return home the end of the week. W. H. will visit his brother, F. A., and sister. Miss Myrtle Thurston. Mim - Gardincir. pupil of Arthur Blight, Toronto, Conservatory of mus- ic will be in town at Mrs. Wes. Arm- 8trt>nir'« on Saturday, Sept. l"th, to MT»nfe for a vocal class. Pupils prepared for conservatory exami««t- Miss McMillan enterUined Mrs. (Rev) Ross ov»r the week end. Mr. and Mra. Ross have spent 2S years as missionaries in North Honan. China. Mrs. Ross Has been in Can- ada during the la«t two years, but her hn<tband is still on the field. KENNEDY'SGROCERY PRESERVING TIME IS IN FULL SWTNG. TO^L\TOES .\RE NOW AT THEIR REST. DON'T FORGET WE H.WE A FRESH SUPPLY OF PEPPERS, SPICES. PICK- LING ONIONS. ETC. CEILERS OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS ON HAND. Spteciay prices on Men's OvenJls, SuMcks and Work Gk>Tes. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 I Trimmed Millinery I New Fall Models on sale this week I Reasonably Priced I Special Shirt offering $1 Black Duchesse $1.29 Special Assortment of Men's Work Shirts. Grey and Khaki Military Flan- nelettes, Chambrays, Stripes and Kha- ki DrUls, Sixes 14» i to 17. Regular $1.50 and $1.25 ALL AT $1.00. All Wool Dress Flannels Snoooth finish, close weave, all wool 54 inches wide. In all the new full col- ors. Sand, Copper Leaf, Fitch Pine. Rust, Navy Garnet. Wine, Royal, Powder Blue, Scarlet, Rose Blush, Jade, Grey, Fawn. $1.35 per. YARD. Agent for Semi Ready Clothing, made to your own individual measurment:- in 7 days at right prices. Com* in and took over the new fall samples. Rich, lustrous black, Soft finish relia- Ue quality. Made in Suritz. Ireland. 36 inches wide. Good value at $1.50 SPECIAL: $1.29 New Fall Cok>rs in Canton Crepes. Flat Crepes, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepes SPECIAL VALUE IN MENS&BOYS' Windbreakers, Pullovers, Coat Sweaters and Wool Jerseys. New season's designs in stoak now. New assortmetit of Ladies* and Missc ' Slippers and Oxfords. Men's and Boys* Fine and Heavy . wear. P. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, OM . « m I ii MW

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