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Flesherton Advance, 14 Sep 1927, p. 1

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/ ./ Vol 47 No. 16 ®()je /tohjert^n %hnmce. Flesherton. Ontario September 14, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR EUGENIA ROCK MILLS CEYLON IN MEMORIAM Miss Myrtle Freeman has returned Mr. and Mrs. Walter Honer and litt- home after spendirg a few weeks at le son Billy and Mr. Geo. Jamieson of i.iagara and Toronto. , Timmins, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gamer and Jamieson and little daughter, Eleanor daughter, Irene, ami Mr. Carner, Sr. and Audrey of Owen Sound, Mrs. Jam- of Toronto motored up and spei-c the ieson of Flesherton and Mr. and Mrs. week end with Mr. and Mrs. San Gil- E. Hillock of Maxwell were guests bert. Mrs. Garner Sr. who has been visiting here for a few week has returned with them. Messrs. H. Graham, Rassel and Roy Freeman spent a couple of days last week at theToronto Exhibition and saw the big swim. Mr. Jack Hutchison and family of Exeter visitsd friends here recently. Miss Mary Graham is spending a week with friends in Toronto. School has re-opened with Miss Thompson of Ripley in charge. . of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson on Sunday. Mr. J. Parsons and son, Ranald and Mr. Wilfred Magee, 8th line, Mr. Rus- Eel Park left for the West on Wednes- ^ day last. We wish them a succesful ' and pleasant trip. , Messrs. Alex. Cameron and Edgar , Linton visited in Toronto last week. I We are pleased to report Mrs. Wil- ' f red Plantt recovering from her rec- ent illness. ' CARD OF THANKS We take this means of thanking our many friends and neighbors for their sincere sympathy and Mr. Harold Lever of Flesherton vis- ited on Sunday at Mr. Chas. Martin's. Miss Clarabel Fenwick and sister Delmar attended the exhibition at Tor- onto last week. Misses Patricia Morgan and Irene 1,,-j „«*. «^*«_j_j 4. i Martin are attending high school m kind acts extended to us m our recent t^, . _. „. ^ T^ o, sad bereavement of the death of our ^^^'^'^\ ^iss Donelda Sloan is dear Mother, who departed this life '^^«"'"";«, >>«'• «t»*es there also. Succ- . PS5 CUTIS! ess girls Mrs. Ez. White and niece, Mrs. Ross Lehman of Toronto are witVthe latt- er's mother, Mrs. Jake Williams, who is ill in bed. Nurse Jean Graham is in attendance. We hope Mrs. Will- iams will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams have taken up residence in Mr. Calvin ,» • t J.- J. i. Boyce's house. Mr. Calvin Boyce and Any information regardmg matters . â- , . , j • family have moved away. on Sept. 5th, 19>27. , We loved her, oh, no tongue can tell, How much we loved her, oh, how cell, But God loved her and He thought best. To take her home with Him to rest, James R. Middaugh, sons and daughters. pertaining to Fall Fair will be cheer fully given by Sec. T. W. Findlay. Phone in both house and shop. jS^ iURCH alii puts ci dw Bonn tacmaatt «n mnnitciri l y MMnkfiliia d-^-so acoaate is to be Miw.Juld^ tnfct- > niiiyiiMB. UK ptttS tte tt t IITlTff to the UBjKMx put of ta i nch tbe Boftn ooo^leteiir levaln- dbobetaO oomxpttoatofw&tt 9i vofnitt p ciop i i wdi cm jl^hrMfc iTPw^arf y â- â- til Aiwp|»^ ^ j p Znoict oc CB^QStte'bcsMy* See the Bntcn «iMi becKiifieiL fakkmMi thefts ia tlXOOtf. ATTOOl JEWELLETS W. A* ARMSTRONG & SON FLESHERTON, ONT. Miss Ethel Shaw of Cheeseville is spending a few days with her friend, Miss Marguerite Pedlar. *â-  Mrs. Elwood Partridge spent the I past week in Toronto and attended j the exhibition. I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and fara! lily of Clarksburg were callers in the I village on Sunday. j Mrs. Jos. Williams accompanied her son Clarence to Toronto for a i visit. j We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Jacob .Arnold Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. We express our profound sympathy to the family in their sad bereavement. ; .A report will be found in another col- umn. At time of-writing Mrs. Peter Mun- shaw is very low. We hope for a change for the better. I Mr. and Mrs. Sloan returned to Watertown with their daughter, Mrs. Kimerley. Mr. Douglass Wilson of Toronto was a visitor with Mr. W. E. Morgan. j We extend our sympathy to the Hawkin's family in the loss of their brother-in-law, Mr. William Saigeon, whose funeral took place in CoUing- wood on Thursday last. Sorry we have no further particulars at hand. The measles are in the village. Mr. R. J. Pedia? and family also Mr. El- wood Partridge and family are quar- antined. I The teacher and pupils are -prepar- ing for the rural school fair. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sloan wihses to thank the fidend and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy dur- ing their recent bereavement. Stocks & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McG>rmack-Deering Impements Repairs A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH H. DOWN A SONS, FLESHERTON CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED Parti«s wishing to secure fertilizer for fall wheat. TELEPHONE OR WRITE STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Mr. Ed. Croft made a business trip to Owen Sound on Tuesday of last week. Rev. Oliver Hargrave and Mrs. Har- grave, of Markdale, Miss Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Lawrence and dau- ghter of Mount Forest, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Henry of Durham were visitors on Sunday with Ms. and Mrs. John Hargrave and son here . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell, and two daughters visited recently with relat- ives in Durham. Rev. H. B. Jackson of Proton vis- ited on Thursday last at the home of Mr. ^d Mrs. Thos. Betts, and prea- â- ched Thursday and Friday evening at Pilgrim Holiness camp meeting at Eugenia. We were pleased to hear Mr. Jackson and hope to hear him a- gain soon. Mrs. Sam Croft spent a few days last week with relatives in Toronto. Quite a number from around here attended tiie Evangalistic meetings of the Gospel workers at Clarksburg on Sunday and enjoyed hearing the col- ored quintette sing again. Misses Christie McLellan and Ger- tie Irish of Proton visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous. Mr. John Hargrave , wife and son visited with the former's brother at Wareham recently. JA.MIESON â€" In loving memory of our dear lather, the late John Ker- naghan Jamieson, who departed this life, Sept. 19th, 1926. • since that One year has passed, sad day. When one we loved was called a- way. God took him home â€" it will was his FEVERSHAM Mrs. Harvey and daughter of Wes- ton are visiting with Mr.and Mrs. R. S. McGirr. Miss Lilian Ottewell of Toronto is spending a while at her home here. Mrs. H. A. McKee and son spent last week with Mrs. W. R. Colquett of Owen Sound. Mrs. Perigo of Flesherton is spend- a while with her daughter, Mrs. Hen- ry Alexander. Mr. John Hudson had the misfortune in having his shoulder broken when his horses became frightened; throw- ing him from the wagon. Mr. and Mrs, Forsythe of Owen Quite a numebr from here attended the camp meeting at Clarksburg on Sunday. Sound visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mrs. Jim Long is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Jim Eby is laid up with bron- chitis at present. We hope to see him around again soon. Mrs. Chris Thompson has returned home after a two weeks visit in Tor- onto. Attend the Feversham Fall Fair on October the 4th. I<ADY BANK (Last Week's Items) Most grand harvest weather after the two days rain of last week. Mr. Joshawa Dobson has his thre- shing outfit going in first class con- dition, while Mr. Willard Benson is engineer. • The Ladies' Aid will hold their September meeting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Sample on Wednesday the 14th. Members please attend and vis- itors welcome. Miss Edith Semple is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. J. Moore at Spring- hill this week. Mr. Ed. Harbottle is the first to finish harvest at Lady Bank. Mrs. Elwood Osborne and four children left on Wednesday of last week for their home in Gilbert Plains. Man. after spending the past two months with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Semple and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Roberts enter- tained a number of the young people to a pleasant evening on Friday of last week. All report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Mort Sayers and fam- ily of Feversham, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Buel and family of Maple Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harbottle. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pawcett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell and family. TORONTO LINE. NMmi Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilbraith. Mich., who are visiting in this vicinity vis- ited at T. Lever's recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sled and family were Sunday visitors with friends in Orangeville. Miss Gertrude Lever and Stella Al- eox motored to Toronto Friday last and visited with friends and attended^ the exhibition. | Mrs. J. Beatty and 'daughter. Jac- queline visited with friends in Toron- to. Mr. S. Hemphill, Mr. Percy Hemp- hill and Miss Reta motored to Toron- to and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bean and little son of Red Creek, Mich., spent the week end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod and other friends. Mrs. Fred Marshall attended the ; funeral of her step mother at Pal- i grave on Friday. Mrs. J. J. Pattison spent the past week with friends at Markdale. Mrs. Donald McLeod, who has been visiting her daughter at Dundas for . some time has returned home. ' Mrs. Helen Jackson, Mr. J. T. Rut- ledge of East Orange, N: J., Mr. T. , E. Pocin, New Bedford, 5Iass., Mr. R. Rutledge, Chatham and other visit- ors were at Mr. D. McLeod's the past week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Piper, Master Sh- erman Piper, 5Ir. R. Cook and Miss Millie motored the first of the week to Lauriston and visited with the for- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson and nier's daughter, Mrs. Torrey. babe. Glen and Argyle Lockiarr mot- Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bean and son, ored to Clinton for the week end ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper motored to ; visit Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowden Inistoge -Anniversary services are arranged for Oct. 2nd. .Notice later. Ina Acheson has been on the sick list, but is h . • t •. ! But in our heai-ts, he liveth still. OVir thoughts were of him in the past. They still are his to-day. , Love is rooted firm and fast ' Time cannot take away. We think of hiiv. in silence, 1 His name we oft recall. But there's nothing left to answer Except his photo on the wall. Daughters. Katie and Mary. Advertise in The Advance De Laval Cream Separator VICTORIA CORNERS Why use an old, worn out Sep- arator. Give your cows a chance to earn more money for you by getting a new De Laval. Come in and let as Wasaga Beach. Meaford and Owen Mrs. Lockhart, who has been visiting demonstrate it to you. We have Sep- Sound the first of the week. ' her daughter for a couple of weeks arator Oil and Repairs. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family of intends returning home with them. Chatsworth spent the first of the! week with Mr. and Mrs. Marst^ll and : family. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gazley and two chi!-| dren of Milton, Mrs. E. J. Swift. Mi-s. G. R. Patterson and babe of Toronto, were visitors at Mr. -•Vrchie Stewart's the p&st week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and family motored to Owen Sound the' first of the week. Miss Toley Spoffard and Miss Hel- en MasTiard of Feversham spent the first of the week with Miss Maud Hemphill. Mr. Ross McMuUen of Toronto was ; a week end visitor at his home here. Inspector M. C. Beckett of Owen' Sound was on a business trip in this '.icality on Friday. Mr. D. D. McLaughlin and son, Ohen attended the Toronto exhibition the past week. | The Ladies' .\id gave an ice crtam ' social on the church grounds Tuesday â-  evening. More particulars next week. Mr. and Mrs. George White and family of Proton and Mr. Williahi THiite of Dundalk spent the first of tl'.e week wth Mrs. White and family. [ Sunday. September 25th being Ral- I;.- Day in the Sabbath schools, the School has decided to combine their e-orcises with the church services. | .â- \ special fusic program will be giv-| en. The service will commence at 11 [ oVlock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sincliar and fam-i il" arrived home oit Monday evening af sr a pleasant holiday at Toronto; ami other points. i School opened on Tues., with Miss Greenwod back holidays. Sept. from 'Oth ; her 1 W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON. OXT. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEftAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddodcs. FRICEVILLE y-istly everybody around here has fini 'led the harvest, and once mohe thr ]ium of the threshing machine is to be heard. .Another warning of the aprvoach of the -â- Vutujjin season. Mr. Archie Clark and sister. Flora oi Dromore visited on Sunday at Mr. .' "chie McCuaig's. Mrs. Wm. Aldcorn spent the past 'veek visiting friends in the Queen's .:ty. A play entitled "The Road to the City" is to be given at Dromore on Friday evening, Sept. 16th by the Priceville Young People. Mr. David Hincks has purchased a ".ow piano. Mr. and Mrs. David Nichol and fam- ;y spent the week end in London. Miss Elizabeth McCuaig visited on Sunday with her cousin. Miss Gladys Hincks. ! I Miss Laidlaw of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mather. Mr. and Mrs. John Burgess of Dur- ham were Sunday visitors at Mr. Hec- tor McLean's. ^ Sorry to report Mrs. K. McArthur s sick in bed. Hope to see her out on again. Mrs. Hill and daughter of Ohio mot- red over and spent the past week at Mr. Alex. Carson's. Mrs, Dobson of Torontot is visiting l-.»r brother, Mr. Jim Mc.\rthur. Mr. rnd Mrs. John Nichol and Gor- don visited on Sunday at Mr. Duncan Sinclair's, Mr. Ed. Everists of Toronto spent the week end at his home here. Kr. Peter Johnston returned to his school duties again after his vacation. He's looking hale and hearty. Mj-, John Alex. MacQuaig left for Carman. Man. on Wednesday last. Mr. David Hincks Sundayed at Mr. Wtn. fIJcLeod's. HOUSE OF GLUALITV SPECIAL Wc have a number of Real Choice Cotton Bags 4 for 99 cents •9T WHILE THEY LAST W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, FMd, and C uufacUuitiy Flesherton The Right Time For new shippers to start is rig-ht now in the spring season. You wall find it profitable if vou bring your CREAM TO US. ' • There is a big difference in grading- cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you ran deliver the cream more promptly, or w^wiU call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery NojKst and Produce Co. ^«»9*< Test MARKD.\LE. ONTARIO. PHONE 66

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