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Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1927, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE NOTICE =?• EDITORS o^ Grey, Merchant, d ^ I NOTICE iB hereby given, ?fc«iant R ^the EaUt« tA\^ Section 56 of the Trustees Act. R. •f^^^/^' , • is. O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all cred- AVING any claim . i-i„. „- Ho f Charles CulJen,!iton, and others. havmg <=!*'" o"!*- ^ of Artemesia. in nrnnds against the Estate of the late the County of Grey. Father, deceased., William Loudon Wright, who died on who died on or about the 28th day of or about the 29th day of June 1927 May. 1927. are hereby required to send at the city of Toronto in the County in to the undersigned Administrators, of Yorlc. are required on or before the or their solicitors, on or before the I5th day of September 1927 to send First day of September, 1927, full by po*t prepaid, or deliver to Lucas patriculars of their claims. Immed- & "enry, Solicitors for the Execu- lately after the date above mentioned trix of the last Will and Ae»«™«n^ ^ 5^^^^ quantity of household goods, the estate wilj be distributed amongst of the said deceased, their t^hristam | ^^^^^^^j^ ^^^ se^xwM^ other goods and those entitled thereto, having regard "a""-" ""^ surnames, addresse and de- only to the claims of which the admin- istrators shall then have notice. â€"ANDREW WALKER, Chesley, tribution.^^^^ipi a^Markdale this 12th day of August Trb. 1927, Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for the said Executrix. ^ Executrix's Sale The Executrix of the Estate of William L. Wright, deceased, late of the Village of Flesherton, will offer by public auction at the deceased's place of resident in the Village of Flesherton, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, '27 Kimbertey Won After what seemed to be a losing i battle the Kimberley ball teajn em-j erged victorious in a gruelling con- Y.P.S. Basket Picnic Field Day and Deliate The >ilhual Basket Picnic and Field Rcriptlons, the full particulars, in vrrit- ing of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the matter of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, ha^'ing re- , '(?ard only to the. claims of which she MnTirc Tt\ r'DrniTr»Dci''*^«" ^*'^" ^^""^ "°^'"' ""*^ ^^'^^ **** nUllCE. lU i-KtUlIOKi said Executrix will not be liable for I the said a.ssets or any part thereto In the matter of the Estate of to any person or persons of whose William Loudon Wright, late of the | claim notices shall not have been re- Village of Flesherton in the County ceived by her at the time of such dis- I â-  Ont., WM. J. BEATON, Markdale, Ont., by their Solicitor, C. C. MIDDLEBRO*; Owen Sound, Ont. Dated at Owen Sound, this 13th day i,f , August, 1927. i good, both sides bringing forth strong arguments in splendid form. The Kemble team, upholding the negative, and representetd by Misses Bertha Shier and Eileen Taylor were declar- cd the winners. The Markdale team iss Jeaw at Kimberley on Wednesday afternoon oanng series unoer me «u»pn;eB «» Stewart. of last v«ek by the score of 13-1?. the Young Peoples' Societies of the , r j Woods of Corbetton, Chas. Waite A beautful home-run wallop from 'United Church in Grey Presbytery, j of ©wen Sound and Rev. Stotesbury Dillon's bat in the eighth inning with, which was held in Markdale on W«d-j<,f Kimberley. Other features were two men on practically won the game nesday afternoon and evening, Aug- Udded to the programme. Mr. How- for Kimberley, ^fter they- had secur-'ust 24th, was a decided success. jard Graham, Literary, Social and Re- ed four runs in the 7th and were' During the afternoon a ladies soft creation convener for Grey Presby- dowaiiiiiWBaaitJ'""*!*^'^ Injuries I {j^lj tournament for the championship I tery liad charge of the proceedings. test in the first playoff game held Day also the Final Debate of the De- ^^ ur. Crosby Bowes and M .* vtr„Ko,i««r,n Wednesday afternoon bating series under the auspices of gtewart. The judges* were Messrs, fc / Tv^inc I Rope International and Brantford Bindertwine IN 600 & 650 FT. BALLS ON HAND chattels. The sale will commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. The following real estate will also be offered for sale: 1st. A three story brick block in the Village of Fleshertoln composed of the south-easterly 80 ft. 8 in. more or less of Village Lot One on the South West side of Sydenham St. This is a good property and in splen- did condition of repair. 2nd. The East half of Lot number 18 in the 5th Con. Township of Amar- anth, in the County of Dufferin, 100 acres. 3rd. The South West part of Lot number 136, 2nd Con. South West of I the Toronto and Sydenham Road, '.Township of Artemesia, County of I Grey, 50 acres. TERMS OF SALEâ€" All sums of $10.00, cash; all amounts over $10, 6 months' credit on approved joint notes The real estate will be offered, sub- ject to reserve bids and the usual terms and conditions of sale. 10% of the purchase price to be paid down on the date of sale and the balance within 30 days from C of sale. â€"J. A. CLARK Auctioneer. Markdale. Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for Execu- trix. to 8th wcre-^^RRIV^vl^^^ut^ that resulted in Kimberley bringing W. three extra runs. Douglas pitched a great game for Dundalk and had thir- een strike-outs to his credit and coll- ected a double and a single at four times to bat.Atriple^y Mel Thompson double by Douglas and C. Thompson and singles by Montgomery, Sudden, McAllister and single by Douglas resulted, seven runs for Dundalk^,,--' The final game js being plSyed in Dundalk this Wednesday, weather permitting, and a big crowd is expect- ed to see the contest. Every contest these two teams have played this year have been heavy hitting affairs and they are anybody's games up to the last inning. Dundalk â€" 00200702 1-12 Kimberley â€" 10020046 0-13 Dundalk â€" McAllister, Mclntyre, Peters, Douglas, M. Thompson, Mont- gomery, Sudden; sub, Annan. Kimbericy â€" T. Myles, S. Haynes, E. Dillon, SUfford, R. Ellis, A. Smith; subs, C. Fawcett and W. Gil- bert. â€" Umpire-Geo. Dundas. of the Presbytery was held in Kingi _ Edward Park, and some splendid j FALL FAIR DATES, 1927 games resulted. The Presbytery had 1 bee.i divWed into four groups and a 1 Alliston October 6-7 ff^ball series conducted in each Arthur Sept. 30, Oct. 1 grM|taduring the summer. The teams I Ayton Sept. 30, Oct. 1 en^Bivin the tournament were the', Barrie Sept. 27-28 chaiflfcions of each group, and were as foUows: Dundalk, Group No. 1, Durh^^No. 2, Massie No. 3. The winners in groui^Hk(Meaford) decid- ed not to come amKwere represented by the Markdale te*ni. In the firsit game Durham won Wiyai Markdale by the score of 11-10. Dundalk then won from Massie 10-6. In the final Dur- ham won from Dundalk in a thrilling game by a two run margin. The evening progrramme was held in Annesley Church, the principal fea- ture being the final debate between Markdale and Kemble teams, champ ions of the northern and southern hal- ves of the Presbytery .The subject was "Resolved that an educational qual- ification should be demanded of all voters." The debate was exceptionally 52 HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGES RELEASED Bolton Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Brampton Sept. 27-28 Chatsworth Oct, 13-14 Chesley ; Sept. 29-30 Clarksburg Sept. 20-21 Collingwood Sept. 27-30 Dundalk Sept. 29-30 Durh*m Sept. 20-21 FEVERSHAM Oct. 3-4 FLESHERTON Sept. 22-23 Hanover Sept. 21-22 Hepworth Sept. 13-14 Holstein Sept. 27-28 Meaford Sept. 14-16 Mount Forest Sept. 21-22 Orangeville Sept. 13-14 Ottawa (Cent. Canada) ....Aug. 22-27 Owen Sound Oct. 6-8 Paisley Sept. 27-28 PRICEVILLE Oct. 6-7 JOHN McLEAN OF DURHAM KILLED IN DINKY CRASH Small Advertisements Sling and Trip Rope Of Pure Manilla Only A. E. HAW, Ceylon Irvine Lyons, game inspector for the Bell vi He district, was the recip- ient a few days ago from E. Mc- Donald, Deputy Mini ,r of Game and Fisheries, of 26 brsce of European grey partridge, commonly known as the Hungarian partridge, and they were released about six miles east of Picton. This is the first of this spec- ies that have been liberated in this province. A close season will be main- tained over these birds for some years. â€" Norwood Register. Reward. I I in The Advance ^\ iMijr tof atlMr ia ordar Ikat oartaMtooMra in the liK gob- ^IMwjnM oMtMiiJIy bao- ^^s^&iswm'ssswsi^^mi&'msB^miSimsss^s^^mmm^sm^^sm^t % F.T.HILL&CO.,Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE I \ K Store averynne instinct- pi iwaly aaaociaUa with highj quality afiardiandiia at thai f*ira«l poaaibbi pricea. Seven Days of BIG BARGAINS New Lines have been added to our List of Barg- ains and the Big Sale will increase in interest to {he careful buyer as the month draws to a close. Visit our Grocery Department, n It 3aves you Money IN THIS DEPARTMENT YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT OUR PRICES ON ALL LINES OP GROCERIES ARE THE LOWEST, AND DO NOT FORGET WE GIVE THE MAXIMUM OF SERVICE. PHONE US YOUR ORDER: WE DELIVER. LOOK AT THESE PRICES- ojinrit.*!. A fatal accident occurred on Mon- day morning at Durham when Mr. John McLean, an employee of the Durham Sand and Stone Co., met death while operating the dinky en- gine. He was the engineer on the engine and was hauling a train from the pit to the crusher with a full load of stone when the engine suddenly jumped the track, and was turned crosswise. The heavily loaded cars, becoming uncoupled, crashed into the; crippled engine and McLean was caught between the engine and cars. In the crash the steam pipe of the engine was broken and the escaping steam scalded the unfortunate man to such an extent that it caused his death. He was alone on the dinky engine at the time, there being no person near him to render assistance, but when ho was fin3lly found he was in such a condition that lit'.le could be done for him. He was released and being still alive was hurried- to the Durham Hospital, where he breathed his last just as he was about to be taken into the institution. An in- |_, . quest was summoned by Dr. jamieson, i_, . _.' \ coroner, and it convened at Belt's un- dertaking parlors at 11.30 o'clock, where the remains were viewed and an adjournment taken. Deceased was a man a little over 35 years of age, and he leaves a wife and four small children. He had always resided in Durham and had been in the employ of the Durham Sand and Stone Co. for some time. â€" Sun-Times. LOST â€" On August 26th, between I Markdale and Stayner, black satin bag containing toilet articles and clothing. I BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- r.- > 1 1 *. Aj.,„_„„ „«;«„ 1 vice. Terms |2, payable the first of Finder please leave at Advance office. ip^j,^^^^y_ after that date $2.50 will be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. Pastry Flour, 25 lb. bag wtih 2 pkgi. DeLuze Jelly Powder for „ fl.OO Com Flakes, choice quality 3 pkga. for 26c. Maple Leaf Matches, 8 pkgs. for 19c Canned Peas, choice quality, 2 for 21e. Choice pualityS lb. glass Marmalade, special .... 48c. 8 pound Glass Raspberry, choice quality, for .... 48c. Choica quality Blue Berries, gallon tin 79c. Fancy, quality Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for 25c. Fie Bar Cakes, reg. 26c. special 19c. Ditt«s, Old City Brand, reg. 15c., special 2 for 16c. Ajrlmer Pork & Beans, reg. 10c. 2 for 16c Ciutard Powders, reg. lOc, 2 for .... 14c. Mn. Watson's Pi« Crust, 2 pk^. for 7c. Rom Brand Baking Powder, 1 lb. sise, reg. 26c., special, per tin 17c. Qtvm Gace Plum Jam, 3 lb. jar, reg 66c. â- pedal per jar 48c. THESE PRICES: Fancy quality imported package Raisins, half price, 2 packages for 26c. Sugar, St Lawrence, 10 lbs. for „ 69o. Pearl White Naphtha Laundry Soap, 4 ban for....l9e. Lynn Valley Dessert Pears, per tin lie. Macaroni, choice quality, 3 lbs. for 26c. Choice quality Salmon, outstanfUjjjp brand, 23c. per pound tin, or 2 tins for „ „ 46c. Pineapple, reg. size tin, reg. 25c., special 2 tins for I|%. 84c. Hancock's Health Fooc^reg. 20c., 2 for 25 Orange Marmalade, special .... 2 for 29c. Layer Figs in 10 pound boxes, nice fresh fruit, special per box $1.26 PureX,ard in 20 pound pails, per pail|2.90 16 oSt. tin Tanglefoot, reg. 66c., special 49e Com Beef, 1 lb. tins, special per tin 28c. F.T. HILL & Co., LimHed, Markdale strayed â€" From my premises on or about August 16th, Isow, 1 year old and 1 spring pig. Any information leading to their recovery will be gratefully received by â€" Tucker Phill- ips 'Phone 11 r 3. \ ' Strayed â€" from the premises of Frank Weber about August • 10th, seven Oxford ewes and 7 lambs, tag in ears of sheep. Any information notify W. A.Weber, Flesherton, Tel- ephone 48 r 22. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades 12.00. â€" S. B. HAWKINS, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime.â€" Tho-s. Fenwick, Eugenia. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOB SBBTICB ,Eâ€" Vegetable garden, also ' No. 92-71680. Alao • yomic Twfc. dry hardwood. â€" R. W. .hire piff. both ^mob typa for MTfic* on lot 170. N.W. T. A 8^, Twnuâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. flTDiaOM. n. â€" Bees for sale. â€" Robt. 4, Mibkdale, Phone r6, •* FOR sa; for sal^ Flesherton, - Oxfor^Down ratn J. StevtAt & Sons, FO prices Live fowl mery and hest market dressed VbwL Mar||«le Crea- Compansl Sltf The Softball Tournament at the Fall Fair is going to be another success, as 6 teams have already entered. Two Stratford youths were each assessed |10 and costs and had their drivers' permits suspended for one month when they appeared in police court on a charge of reckless driv- ing on the Stratford-St. Marys high- way. FOR SALE Ford sedai touring, all measuring repairs; quai (scantling an< R. R. 3, Ford 1 ton truck, 1 [nety Chevrolet ih'ape; three oil quantity of car if lumber, one inch, Arthur McKay Be 21 r 6. , BOAR FOB SBRTICB Begisterad Torkahin Boar for Tice-.Edg^ Bright >^b. No. OO^M -JSroperty of Swigen Buoa Hoc CInb. Terms |1.00. -C. HINDUS PratoB Stirtinb Lota 108-8, Srd W.T.SJR.. ArtemMla. MIDDLEBRO A BURNS Biurfcrten. •!«. OUrice*â€" Owen Soopdi Db||ub and. Flesherton. Satorday afteinoon •â-¼â€¢nine. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNjDALK LICENSBD AUCnONBEK For the County of Gny. Tsnu: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guantaad Dates made at The Adrance office. est market pi grain and clover seedi wheat for sale. â€" A« C. paying high- all kinds of We have seed Muir, Ceylon. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres lot 7, Con. 11. Township of Osprey, would make excellent pas- ture farm, with considerate bush and swamp. F!6r full particulars and terms apply to â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG ft SON, FIcahertOB, Ont FARM FOR SALE FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 Service at 7.30 p.m. "Can a Dead Man Live." The Church .with a Message. PASTOR - Rev. ^ H. YOUNG, ORANGEVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Several young people who entered the Orangeville Busineas College one year ago are now holding successful positions with salaries ranging from $840.00 per annum up, and are there- by independent for life. If you have education stored away in the back of your head, are desin- ous of a superior position, and possess the necessary ambition to back it up. a secretarial course in the Orangeville Business College will train you ac- cordingly. We often hear â€" and it is very allur- ing â€" of students learning shorthand and typing in a couple of months' time, but somehow their names never appear in the Championship Contests. We cannot qualify you in a few days, but we can in a few-1rionths. Are you tired of Greek? Did you fail in Geometry? Does the Normal course look long ? Are you doubtful of obtaining a school after you Normal? The business way is the right way. Enter our school and let your doubts vanish. . â€" ~ â- â€¢ j â€" • Do we guarantee positions? Yes. [are 80 acres in Do We fulfil our contract? Ask ourl^.y ^ purchased graduates of the • -t two years, or, find one out of a position and obtain ' A. D. McLonghry, R. R. 4 a free course. . ,-,, ,. .«..,. ^ . „» . FallTerm opens Sept. Z'. Coming? ^^^^ '* ' "* Markdale, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. B. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduata of Tormita and Royal College of Dental Su^eMM of Ontario. Gas aAntnistered fbr teeth extraction. Offiea at Toronto Street, Fleshetton. Dr. A. Tnmbttll, BJL, MJ., gn«- uate from the Faculty of UmHOmtt University of Toronto. OCflee, Xvmltk Street, Fleahettoa. Phoaa M. The lovely farm property of H. D. McLoughry, one and a half miles east of Markdale and close to the Provincial highway, containing 60 acres on which is erected a solid brick house, six rooms with kitchen and woodshed. Soft water cistern, cement floor in baaement, large orch- ard and small fruits. Bam 40 by 60 on stone foundation. Cement floors in stable. Drive vhed 80 by|0. Stone basement with cement fl pen. Al|»-4mk.l27 in the ume range, five acres of which areyfeleared, bal ance heavily tiin^red ftramp. "There k grain which ith the farm. Prince Arthur Lodga, 8SS, AJ^. 4k AJI., meet^ la t^ Mawaie hall, Aiw- atronar B|pek. j P j s hw toB every IM- day oir or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar, W.M., C. F. Uwrence, S ec Lucas h HonryJBairlstara, SoUeit- ors, etc., -1. B. Lueas. K- C; W. D. Henry, b.A. Offfcea. Markdale Lmm ;431ock, Phone 2. Brandt office* at Dundalk and Durham. Telford * Biraia, Barristen. aoli- cito»,^jle^Of«coa, Gray and Braea Bkel^ Owen Sound; Standard »â- Â«Â» Block. Fleshwrtoa. (Satwfdays). W. or *hmP. Telford *r., J. F. P. Blmie Wm. Kalttlnff, Uaeeaawl Aoctioa lor the eooatiea of Orqr and Simeoa. Farm and stock saloa a â- padaH^. Terms moderate., satiaftwtioa fuu^ may be lada at tiM Advanea OfBea. ot Central telephone olflaa^ •r by addMoatnff ma at » • 4 â- **Bll.:

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