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Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1927, p. 4

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>«M«*M«a«l mr** tmilmitm WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, '27 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \ THE RESHERTON mANCE Publiahed on CoUingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each we«k. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, |2.00 per year, vrh^.i paid in advance |1.50. In V.^.fr 53.50 per year, when paid in advance |2.00. PROTON STATION weather this year has very extreme chanKes, some times very cold. Sincerely yours, W. BUSKIN. i9. B. THURSTON, Editor We are sorry to report Mrs. James MeddauKh suffered a stroke in the j^^^.^, ^^^^ ^„^ y g a. early morning of August l7th and for yf jj jhurston. Editor. ___ some time her life was despaired of j^jy jj^^ Sir.â€" Some srood Samari- but we are pleased to state that tan recently mailed me a copy of the there is hope for her recovery. dear old "Advance" (Jubilee Number) „ ,. , , , : , , thereby starting something, for the Meddaugh has been sick for remainder of that night was spent in Mr. EDITORIAL NOTES Premier Ferguson, having definitely annouiictcl that under no considera- j tion will hf be a candidate for the Conservative leadership at the forth- coming ounvention, Thomas Church, j M.P., may now cast his hat in the rinr, . . • • The leaner has a place in the sun all along the lin*. » * â- Â» Simcoe County assizes this fall will be one of the most important held for many years. It is expectetd that the cattle stealing and store robbing cases will orcupy most of the time allotted. « • • The influx of motor visitors into Grey County this year is truly marvel- lous. One day recently there were motors on Flesherton streets from Idaho, Ne'irri-ka, Iowa and Saskat- chewan, .nn<l more have followed from far distant points, good roesds are abolishine di'itance, cementing family affiliation' and promoting internation- al friendships. * • * It is intimated that three generals are cmdidates for the Presidency of Mexico. \o doubt the on who polls the Colonel vote will win. * » • Aspoet laureate in West Virginia State is to have ROOD a year .as .'â- alary. For this low pay the i>ul)lic will doubt- less-ihe spared an undue production of vers? â€" ;hnrt metre, as it were. ^;- • • * It. has rer-ently been proved that man cannot control the elements, un- less the elements agree. * * • Thertf is more motor traffic in Swe- den than in Germany. The Danes, however, take more kindly to the motor than their neighbors. But comp-ired with this continent, visitors find scorchinnr in its infancy in Europe. * * • Blinding car light still claim the right-of-way on the highways. The cure for the evil may only come when the Province authorities assume the supply of headlights as they have done thp numbers. They may jump at this excuse to obtain another tax from the t'-avelling public. * * • Premier Ferguron announced re- cently that there would likely be an- other cut in the car license fee in 1928. This is welcome news. Will 1929 see the abolition of the charge for a license for pleasure cars? * * * There should be no running over 25 miles an hour on narrow roads. * * * The last act of Premier Baldwin of Great Br'*ain. before he left Canada, was to replenish his tobacco pouch. "One touch of nature," etc., and good Canadian tobacco. â-  • • Without apparently knowing what it is all about, the Chinese arm- ies have re.<unied fighting. If you don't tell 'em, you can't sell 'em." That was the advice to the National Retail Grocers' Association last week by Fred W. Anderson, whose merchandise store at Cozard, Nebrn.ska, a town of 1,200, does an annual business of $.300,000. "Every R'oceryman should spend at least twv' per cent, of his gross receipts during 1027 for advertising," he said. Mr. Anderson said that the success of his business depended entirely upon cart-fully planned advertising. several weeks and is very much up- -x diligent perusal of the same, and set by his wife's illness. We trust incidentally was reborn a desire to they will both speedily recover. hear from some of the kids of my •' boyhood days. Sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Thirty-eight years is a long time to Jas. Vause bv the death of her bro- look back, but remembrance of the ther, the late Hon. John Oliver, Prem- nal^^os of friends of those dws is as '„...,-,, , . clear as ever. I was delighted to see ler of British Columbia. scattered here and there through the Mrs. Storey and children of Tor- paper such naes as Charlie and Albert t.> nml Mrs. Gibson of Flesherton ^t"^'?!'. Tom Clayton. Bill Bellamy. Dan McTavish and many others, with moat of whom I fought, played, swam i>re guests of Mrs. Vause. Visitors at I. B. White's are: Mr. in the old mill pond and played and Mrs. S. White, Mr. and Mrs. F. ^"S'^-Z/^?"^ :*^l'°?i" ' ' White and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert There is much that I would like to i write, but the fact that ouitc recently , I suffered the loss of my dear wife j (on Saturday the sixth of this month) : and am still in a daze, finding it diffi- I cult to concentrate, but it occurred to ! me that some of those whose names I Young men gone from Proton on arc mentioned above, and others ' whose friendship is equally precious White. Mr. and Mrs. Burton and children arc visiting Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyville. the harvest excursion are: Percy, Har- vey and Everett White, Clarke Wyv- ille and the McCannell bi'os. Miss Stcwrrt is visiting with her brother at Swinton Park. Miss Jean McCannell has gone on a motor trip, with friends to Indian- na. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MJcNitjhol and daughter, Helen, have retunied to their home in Toronto. The Proton Station baseball fans are eagerly anticipating the next league game. The report is the excite- ment if! so intese when a home run is made the runner's wife •.•jshes on the diamond and embraces her hus- bai'd. The young men had better be careful not to allow the fans too much liberty. to me. might like to write me. If so I would be delighted to hear from them. My father's name aopears on the second to the last page as the found- er of the Flesherton Woollen Mills, r.n(\ others whose Christian infuence has reached across the year, and is still an inspiration to me. Yours very sincerely. W. B. CAMPBELL. State Custodial School. Medicine Lake, Wash. CURE FOR T. B. COWS Five months ago ten cows which had shown every sign of advanced tuh.^rculosis, and whi;;h had heen con- demned by the United States Herd In- ."pcctors, wer'^ f elected for a test of suppo.sed tuberculosis cure evolved by Dr. Gerirge, Portland, Oregon, Voter- i:i"yy. Recently throe of the ten cows v/era siaughtcred, and subjected to sc:irchirg exTmination for traces of the disease. At the end of the exam- ination the carcases of all three were passed en by Dr. A. .1. Dinso, United eratulations to vou for your long St.:tes Inspector, as free from tube^ term in Conducting The Advance, v.iosis and fit for human sustenance. Like m?.ny ot your readers I like t-,,- „.„„ ..„ „„t„i„„,i;„„ j i„^ t 41. 1 .1 _ f _. ,u 11 I this was the outstanding develop- to get the ettcr from the o d ground "^ "^ SWAMP COLLEGE Mostly everyone around here are busy at the harvest. Mr. Andy Dow h framing Mr. Ed- win Fowler'a bam. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollock and daughtei-, Laurena, of Mishawaka, Indiana, Miss Pearl McGrath of To- ronto, Mr. and Mr2. Don MacDonald and daughter of Tr .-onto are visitors at Mr. Angus MaCannell's. Mr. John Coulte.- and Jack Mac- Cannell intend lea • ng for the West on Tuesday. A number from here took in the Orange picnic and report a good time, making new friends and seeing old ones. Miss Alice Broughton and Effie MacCannell intend leaving on Satur- day for Grims' y, where they are en- gaged to pick fruit. Mr. and Mrr. Wm. Hay motored to Toronto to take in the Exhibition the first of the v.?ek. We notice that Mr. W. A. Richari.l- son is sporting a new coach. Miss Tena Ferguson of Toronto is visiting frie:ids around here. Mrs. John MacLeod and daughters, Ccrrie and Mailey, and Mr. Fisher and Miss Florence McQueen of Stay- ner were visitors at Mr. Neil MacMill- an's recently. Congratulations to Mr. Wm. John MacLeod and Miss Elda Parslow, who were married on Wednesday last. Mr. Wesley Devers and Mr. Dan MacCannell Sundayed with friends at Caledon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Richardson and sop, Ray, visited at Mr. Jim Hooper's recently. Congratulations to Mr. Charlie Haw who was successful in passing his examinations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuarrie of Vpntry were recent visitors st Mr. Wm. Hay's. - CAMP MEETING How much the world owe* to fools â€" â-  - who didn't know it couldn't be done The Gospel Workers will hold their and went ahead and did it. annual Ten Day Camp Meeting at ,j.^^ ^^^ ^ ^ j^^ting weada a- Clarksburg from j^^^^ ^^^^ g^^, ^^ ^^^^ ,^^ j^ .ijeiwiy FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9th to accomplishing much in this district. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18th. * Rev. John Thomas of Wilmore, Ken- ' Have you token stock of how many tucky. a returned missionary from' entries you are going to make for the Korea, will preach at the services, i Flesherton Fall Fair. If not get busy Dr. P. WISEMAN, President of An- «* once. nesley College, will also be with us tO) preach the word. t AGENer FOR THE FAMOUS COLORED QUIN-| J^J^^f^f^^^ HA.fl'is TETTE of Cleveland, Ohio, will pro- 1 vide music. | Four evangelistic services will be| held each day at 9 and 10.30 a.m.; 2.30 1 and 7.30 p.m. Preceding each preach- 1 ing service a short time will be de-i voted to prayer, testimony, exhorta-j tion and singing. j Meals may be obtained at the new. dining hall on the grounds. I Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John Wright FLESHERTON Letters To The Editor Bcamsville, .Aug. 22 W. H. Thurston. Editor. Dear Sir, â€" .â- Mlow mo to add my con The Fair attraction committee is ne- 'rotiating for an airplane to be at the Fair on September 2.1rd and perform stunts in the air. and to take up pass- engers also. Change Your Attic into a comfortable den, radio room, play- room or extra sleeping quarters by erect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, warm in winter and cool in summer. Write for free bookletâ€" "My Home." Itwill tell you how Gyproc. Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insukx will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. 153 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS. CANADA once a week. I was ali5o pleased to : "^e^t of th«> scientific crmic, as a cU- note your election to the major posi- max to the official tests conducted by tion of the town. 1 might .say we the city health bureau and other re- have a 10-acre fruit farm at this point and are making it a summer i heme, and I think that I can show some of the tenants how to farm vet. Strawberries were a light crop; rasp- berries good; cherries light; poaches fair; pears irood; apple;? good; plums â- I failure: tomatoes are not doing any eood a.s they are not producing nor ripening. People here say that the â-  search agencies. Be sure to see the slowest horseback race at the Fair. Riders all change ''.n<l of course will try and make the other fellow's horse fro faster than their's, so that your's will he the slow- est horse. IN MEMORIAM CAMEY â€" In lovinir mem<>r> of our brother. Joe. who pasied away on AuRu.a 31st, I92(;. The yenr.i mav wipe out inanv things But this they'll wiiie out never. The memory of tho'e hapnv days When we were all together. â€" Millie and Aggie. IN MEMORIAM CiAMKY â€" In loving memory of my dear husband, Josenh W. (innif-y, who passed away August 31, 1926. It aeemeth surh a little way to me Across to that strange country. The Beyond. And yet not strange, for it has grown to be The home of thoFc of whom I am so fond Aa jt/iit-neyinf? friends bring distant regions near Ann fl» for me there is no sting in death And 80 'the grave has lost its victo •y It is but crosaine with abated br' .th And white set face, a little stri i of sea To find the loved ones waiting on the shore More heautifulâ€" more preciousâ€" than before. , „ „ â€" Wife and Family. FTMPING and canying water is not just hard workâ€" it's drudgeryâ€" iilavery! iWho could b6 hBi;ip7 ahS Health^, pump- ing and canying tons of water each year? iWhy tolerate such drudgery when a Duro tWater System will deliver fresh running water under pressure to your kitchen, bath- room and grounds {o^ 10 senl4 pj9i 1000 gallops? TKe low firae cost of a Dure Water Sys- jtem will surprise you. Duro gives satisfac- itory water service at lowest cost. And now you can have fresh running water imder prejiULe at less cost than ever before. ^ee U8 for complete details. No obligation. The Empire Brass Mfg- Co. Ltd. I.,oiulon Toronto Vancouver FOR SALE BY: D. McKILLOP Style No. 400. 400 gals, per hour. ^T/ FlreprooPWBiHboard For Sale By Frank Duncan . - - - Flesherton, Ont. -"RS- Daredeviilf^fiDoDdma^^ pROBABLY a few hundred dollars will 7 cover the cost of this accident, but think how serious it might have been ! i Think how much of the pleasure we have every right to expert from motoring is being stolen from us by daredevil drivers ! You find these chaps everywhere . . cspeci- , ally when there has just been an accident rr5 they are always taking chances. iThese reckless fellows do not mean to be the menace that they are; it is only that they are bubbling over with energy, impatient of delay and eager to "get some- where" . . usually for no reason at all. British Amedaui Gaaolene in dk* tank and Motot Oil in the cxank case mean safe^ in lubrication and a better- running car. â- â-º* "» ^jfiij£a«^ sjss;. One thing we can all do and that is to be very careful not to merit the title "daredevil" ourselves. As a means to this end, surely we are all "^ agreed that for one thing â€" • Careless ** Cutting In*' Should Be Cut Out. 33 Above aUf^ We ate for Safe 9/tc BRITISH AMERICAN Oil CO^UMIIED Refiners of Safety Motor Oib and Otiolncs.

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