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Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1927, p. 1

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®(|je ^sljMxrn %inmu. Vol 47 No. 14 Flesherton, Ontavio August 31, 1927 W. H. TKuraton & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR Mr. Jack Gilbert and wife of Tor- onto spent a few days witli the War- ling and Gilbert families. Mrs. Dane McGee has returned home after undergoing a successful oper-'.taion in Wellesley hospital, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham accom- panied Mrs. Russell Graham to Tor- onto and spent a few" days with friends. Messrs. Elmer Warling and S. Gil- bert visited friends in Wiarton re- cently. The Ebenezer Ladies' Aid held their August meeting at the home of Mrs. RusSel Freeman. Mrs. J. J. McGee is on the sick list at present. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. H. D. McLoughry on Thursday, Aug- ust 18th. The meeting was well atten- ded, a number being present from New England branch and a splendid program was provided by all the ladies. This community was shocked on Tuesday afternoon of last week when the word spread about that Mr. Geo. Hutchinson, a well known resident of this community, had been suddenly called to the Great Beyond. Mr. Hut- chinson had not been in the best of health for some time but was going about as usual and on Tuesday mor- ning had gone up to the home of his brother, Lance, and was standing on the verandah when, without a mom- ents warning, suddenly collapsed. Death was due to heart failure. De- ceased was the eldest son of the late Mr.and Mrs. George Hutchinson and spent his entire life in this commun- ity. He is survived by two sons and two daughters namely. Will of Toron- to and Ran at home, Mrs. Martin of Proton and Mrs. Dunn Lee of River- dale. There axe also four brothers and three sisters. The funeral was held on Thursday to the Markdale Cemetery, the service being held in Christ Church, conducted by Rev. A. S. Mitchell. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended toall the relatives in their bereavement. ROCK MILLS EAST MOUNTAIN Mr. Hutchinson of Detroit was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hall and family, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Chard and child- ren of Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Leitch and Mr. Wilfred Leitch and daughter, Irene, of Markdale and Miss Reta Shears of Owen Sound were week end visitors at S. H. Smart's. Miss Velma Lougheed of Duncan is visiting for a few days with her friend, Mrs. C. Smart. Mr. and Mrs. J. McNally and child- ren of Union Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett. The Directors of the Agricultural Society are not leaving anything un- done that should make this year's fair the best yet. Are you helping or holding it back. GOOD SILVERWARE 15 NOT A LUXURY /N THESE DAYS a table seiv. vice of good silverware is by no means an extravagance. Rather it is a necM^ibf, 'which moi^em standards of living and good housekeeping demand a n d comparatively inexpensive. To fully appreciate this jou have but to come and see our complete display* of world-famoua COMMUNITY' PLATE The TaiUwure of Dlrtincdoit Fonr beaatifiil deaigaa from which to choose â€" the Hampton Camt, Grst* Tea Spoons are ^.2S the set; other charming pieces from $x iqp. Come in and see themâ€" i£ co^ to admire and compara. W. A ARMSTRONG A SON JEWELLERS •» .... i Stocks & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McCormack-Deering Implements Repairs A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH H. DOWN A SONS, FLESHERTON CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED Parties wishing to secure fertilizer for fall wheat. TELEPHONE OR WRITE STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. Will Mcllmurray of Toronto raotored up and visited with Mr. John Robertson, wife and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Deitz left on Fri- day for their home in Cleveland, after spending several weeks with the lat- ter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Phillips. Rev. Mr. Hargrave of Orillia called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave and son one day last week. Mr. Leigh 'and Mr. Legg motored up from Toronto Saturday and spent the week end with relatives here, re- turning to Toronto Sunday. Mrs. Leigh and Mrs. Hogg returned home with them after spending two weeks' holidays at the home of Le^i Betts. Miss Ruby Robertson, who under- went an operation in the Collingwood hospital for appendicitis several weeks ago, was able to be brought home on Friday, and we are very pleased to learn that she is improving very nicely. We hope that she will soon be restored to her usual health again. Mr. Albert Brown of Hamilton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson and family for a week. Mr. Isaac Smith received the sad news last week of the death of his sister, Mrs. H. Phillips of Toronto, who passed away Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hey, Toronto. The funeral took place Saturday. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Smith in his bereavement. Mr. Nelson Osborne and Miss Titt of Markdale visited on Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Walter Russell. Nel- on intends leaving on Monday for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne of Mark- dale visited on Sunday with Walter Russell and wife. Lulu Russell re- turned home with them. CEYLON (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Toronto visited recently with their niece, Mrs. Robt. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Clark and daughter, of Carney, New Ontario, visited last week with Mr. Dick Clark, wife and family. Miss Liza Howard of Owen Sound holidayed with her sister, Mrs. Robt. Croft. Unity U.F.W.O. club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Gordon on Wed- nesday, Sept. 7th. The Seeley Bros, commenced work last week on the new bridge, which they are putting in on the Eugenia road near Betts' cornier. Miss Annie Davison of Markdale was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous last week. PRICEVILLE The Mission Band will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mft. Thos. Nichol on Saturday, Sept. 3. Mr and Mrs Findlay MacCuaig and sisters, Islay and Lizzie, motored to Toronto to attend the Ex. Mrs. Thos. Nichol is spending a week with friends at Collingrwood. Mr. Carlyle MacMillan of Swinton Park visited on Sunday at Mr. A. L. Hincks'. Miss Margaret Tryon is visiting her father in the village. Miss Dorothy Carson returned to Toronto after a month's holidays witli her parents. Teachers and scholars are getting ready to start back to school again, after the summer holidays. Mr. Alex. McEachern of Toronto visited his mother and sister in the villagre. Mrs. McEachern returned tiome with him on Sunday for a short vacation. Miss Lizzie Campbell of Montreal is spending a month with her brother. The Hincks, MacLeod's and Mac- Cuaig families attended the MacLeod â€" Parslow wedding on Wednesday last at Swinton Park. Messrs. Alfred, Clifford and Wm. Hincks and sisters, Gladys and Beth, motored to Toronto and took in the Exhibition the first of the week. Mrs. Don MacDonald and little da.ughter, Dorothy, of Toronto spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. A number from here attended the party at the MacFarlane homp last week and report a Kood time. Miss Marjorie McLean of Toronto spent the week end at her home. While cranking Mr. Karstedt's car Mr. Bert Aussum received a cracked bone in his arm. Mrs. H. R. MacLean spent the week end with friends on the South Line. Mr. Ivan and Eldon McLaughlin left en Monday for a trip to the West taking in Winnipeg, Calgary and oth- er points. Miss Syble Collinson who has been visiting with her sister and brother ami other relatives for some time here left the first of the week to vis- it her sister at Port Dalhousie. Mrs. John Stewart left the past week to visit friends at Mono Road and Toronto. Mr. H. Piper spent the week end with his daughter at Lauriston. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sincliar, Miss Mar- garet and son, James leave this week for two weeks vacation with friends at Guelph, Toronto and other points. Mrs. George Cairns and children motored to Toronto the first of the week to visit relatives. Mr. R. Cook and Miss Millie and Mrs. A. r.IcMiilan visited the first of the week with friends at Durham. Agnes McPhail, M. P. mot- ored to Owen Sound on a business trip the past week. Mr. and Mr. Ross Leslie, Master Orton and Fern, Mrs. A. McMuUen and daughter, Margaret luotored to Owen Sound and Inglis Falls the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Irving of near Mark- dale visited the first of the week with their aunt, Mrs. H. Piper. Miss PaiTott of Toronto is spend- ing a fortnight with Mrs. Jas. L. Mc- Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin and family of Toronto motored up and vis- ited with Mrs. White and family for a few days. Mrs. White accompanied them to visit friends at Owen Sound and Tara. There pased away suddenly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Arrow- smith the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt, on Tuesday night Vugust 23rd. The babe was only 11 ''ays old. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon to the Durham cemetery. Mr. Possier, the pastor here had charge of the ser^'ices at the house and grave. The little casket was covered with floral offerings of sympathy from neighbors and friends. The sympathy of the community is ^â- ^^tended to Mr. and Mrs. Hunt and rrlat'ives in their bereavement. Miss Delia White left the first of t'--. week to visit friends in Toronto for a couple of weeks. Miss Margret McMullen,. Master Or- ton and Fern Leslie visited friends in Toronto on Friday and were accom- nnnied back by Mr. and Mrs. R. Les- V'i. The Misses Edges of Durham vis- it- I their friend, Mrs. A. Muir on Saturday. Hr. and Mrs. Lou Teeter and son, Ker'^all, of Vandeleur, Mr. and Mrs. Frr -k Genoe, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma~ee and daughter, Erva, all of Eu'-enia, were visitors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. T. Genoe at Cedar View Farm. f'rs. Sam Osborne of Kimberley and Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell of Caledonia, vi-'ted Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips and son. ' '"lert of Toronto visited Mrs. Will Gibson the first of the week. Mrs. Will Gibson, accompanied by Osborne Tracey who has spent the summer here, left Tuesday for To- ronto and will attend the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and daughter, Helen, of Toronto spent the •eek end with the former's parents. "r.John Gibson aiCcompanied Ithem ack to Toronto. Mr. John McMillan and son, Dun- an, returned Monday from a most enjoyable trip to the West. EUGENIA The recent rain was indeed a wel- come visitor in our vicinity. Williams Bros, have been thresh- ing the past week on the 8th line. Mr. Rutledge of Orangeville erect- '?d a memorial on the plot of the late 1. K. Jamieson, in Salem cemetery ' first of the week. Rev. Jackson holds meetings three ..mes on Sundays and all evenings â-  hrough the week except Saturdays. Many from outside points come to hear him. The meeting are held in Mr. Giililand's lot, where he has er- ected a large tent. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woods and chil- dren of Woodehouse, also Mr. Thos. Lc'cr and son Harold of Flesherton anvl Mr. James Harbottele of East Moiitain were Sunday visitors at Che. Martin's. Lit !e Miss Louise Falconer of Dur- ham is visiting a few days with her brothc:-, Mr. H. Falconer and wife. EXTRA SPECIAL.? 2 tins of Campbell's tomato soup for 25c. Fresh Fancy Biscuits, regular 30c.. Special 25c. Regular 35c. Special 30c. Clark's Soup, 3 tins for 35c. Clark's Catsup Special 20c. Brooms, Regular 65c. for 45c. Regular 85c. Special 69c. Boy's Fleece lined Undearwear, per garment 40c. 32 inch Ginghams, per yd 25c. Men's Fine Shirts 98c. Heavy Overalls, per garment S1.65 A. WATSON PHONE 60 AT YOUR SERVICE. KENNEDY'S GROCER Y GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 Boxes of Matches 25c- Sur-Vus Baking^ Powder 29c. Fly Tox bottle 50c. and sprayer all for 79c. 10 bars of P. & G 49c. 2 lbs. of 65c. Tea for c; i 24 Tp'ecial in Men's Overalls from $1 50 up. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEftAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddock*. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN 'T'HB University belongs to the people * or Waatern Ontario. It seeks to MTTo the whole community. la 1926-27 nine hundred and nine- teen regular students were enrolled. One hundred and fifty nurses in training received professional and technical in- struction. There were one hundred and s^ty adults taUng s/stematiG work in the Bxtension Department. Tt V JSJ. ?•*â-  •neome of the UoiTcnitrTi tmallâ€" too toull lor »• fflo^ prenint ne«diâ€" all freihmn eteiMs will b« limited In aunbm. Only tladenta lur- Jns th* hifhut QuiUiflcationi will b« accepted. Application abeuld be made â- â€¢ earlr at potaible. Rtpslftttlon Dayâ€"lirA Sep- tember. 1927. ' The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the spring ' season. You will find it profitable if you brin^ your CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest and Produce Co. ^cilht Test MARKDALE, OxNTARIO. PHONE 66 aaiuiiiiwim

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