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Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1927, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 192T THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of CHAKLKS CULEN, Deceased. ALL PERSONS HAVING any claim against the Estate of Charles CuUen, late of the Township of Artemesia, in the County of Grey, Farmer, decease^!, who died on or about the 28th day of May, 1927, are hereby required to send In the matter of the Estate of William Loudon Wright, late of the Village of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Merchant, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees Act. R. S. O. 1914, Chap. 121, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de- in to the undersigned Administrators, ! ^^^jg against the EsUte of the late or their solicitors, on or before thej^jju^^ Loudon Wright, who died on ' " or about the 29th day of June 1927 at the city of Toronto in the County of York, aro required on or before the 15th day of September 1927 to send by post prepaid, or deliver to Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for the Execu- trix of the last Will and Testament First day of September, 1927, full patriculars of their claims. Immed- iately after the date above mentioned the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claimj of which the admin- istrators shall then have notice. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said I Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that the said Executrix will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereto to any person or persons of whose claim notices shall not have been re- ceived by her at the time of such dis- tribution. â€" Dated at Markdale this 12th day of August A. D. 1927. Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for the said Executrix. Middle School Exams I PULLETS LAYING AT FOUR MONTHS â€"ANDREW WALKER, Chesley, ^^ ^y^^ g^jj deceased, their Christain Ont., WM. J. BEATON, Markdale, names and surnames, addresse and de- Ont., by their Solicitor, ^ gcriptions, the full particulars, in writ- C. C. MIDDLEBRO', L^ ^f ^j^gj^ claims, a statement of Owen Sound. Ont. Lj^^j^ accounts, and the matter of the Dated at Owen Sound, this 13th day ,.t I gej.urity, if any, held by them. August, 1927. ^^^^^^^^^^ Well! Well! The widows and widowers of Flesherton thmk that 2 months is not long enough to work up a matrimonial case, as none of them have claimed our wicker chair. Now to be fair, we do not feel like trying to sell this chair as a new chair.on account of so many of the would-be contestants of our village coming in and sitting in it and just dreaming how they were going to win it, so we have decided that we will make the same offer to the first wi- dow or widower to get married, who resides in any of the small villges aroundus : Ceylon. Proton, Maxwell,, Feversham, Kimberley, Eugenia and Priceville. The deal must be all finished up and the wedding over by Nov. 1st, 1927. We feel sure that there vvill be several couples make our Flesherton widows and widowers look slow, during the next two months. Let's go. Our motto is: "SERVICE." "If satisfied tell others; if not tell us." T. W. FINDLAY Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Flesherton Schedule â€" 1, First Class Honors;] jj^ ^ jj goyes, 9th line, has 2, Second Class Honors; 3, Third cla-,s ^^ ^„^^,^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^, Honors; C, Credit. ' ,..,,, ^ , • m..„i. ALLEN, F. - Eng. Comp. 8, Eng. Lit. chad durmg the laat week m March 3, Br. Hist. 3, Alg. 1, Lat. Auth. C.Jand commenced to lay on August Lat. Comp. 3. .4th. He presented us with the proof/ )in shape of an egg, the first attempt to cackle over just the same. Can any of her poultry friend* beat this at the age of four months and a few days? â€" Meaford Express. Br. Hist. C. lof the pullets in question. While a little under size and weight, the pro- duct was an important feat for the Executrix's Sale The Executrix of the Estate of William L. Wright, deceased, late of the Village of Flesherton, will offer by public auction at the deceased's place of resident in the Village of Flesherton, on SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1927 a large quantity of household goods, chattels and various other goods and chattels. The sale will commence at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. The following real estate will also be offered for sale: 1st. A three story brick block in the Village of Fleshertoln composed of the south-easterly 30 ft. 8 in. more or less of Village Lot One on the South West side of Sydenham St. This is a good property and in splen- did condition of repair. 2nd. The East half of Lot number 18 in the 5th Con. Township of Amar- anth, in the County of Dufferin, 100 acres. 3rd. The South West part of Lot number 136, 2nd Con. South West of the Toronto and Sydenham Road, Township of Artemesia, County of Grey, 50 acres. TERMS OF SALEâ€" All sums of $10.00, cash; all amounts over |10, 6 months' credit on approved joint notes The real estate will be offered, sub- ject to reserve bids and the usual terms and conditions of sale. 10% of the purchase price to be paid down on the date of sale and the balance within 30 days from date of sale. â€"J. A. CLARKE, Auctioneer. Markdale. Lucas & Henry, Solicitors for Execu- trix. "Tommy Church, M. P., called up- on to act as a judge at a Toronto ward baby show, was faced with 26 entries, declared everyone a winner and paid all 26 prizes in cash out of his own pocket. And yet they wonder why Tommy always walks home el- elcted when the ballots are counted." SIX HILL STORES Wf^lHijr togtthmr inordarlkat mil fiwtiiimn in tha six con- SldH*Mjtti^ maiterially ban - indiviciually. F. T. HILL & COL, Ld Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store everyone inetinct- iwely^ aMOciatea with high I quality merdtamiUe at thai (aired poeaibki price*. August Clearing Sale WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY SEASONABLE GOODS AT LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. BU Y NOW FOR NEXT YEAR. IT WILL PAY YOU TO STOCK UP FOR 12 MO NTHS- EVERY DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SPRING AND SUMMER MERCHANDISE TO BE CLEARED AT TRE- MENDUOUS REDUCTIONS DURIN G OUR AUGUST CLEARING SALE- The F. T. Hill & Co.'s way of doing business is to clear the shelves every sea- son of over-stocked lines and open upthe next season with new snappy merch- andise. Sale commences on Friday morning, August 5th, and continues all \hrough the month. Come early for first choice as nothing will be repeated or re-ordered. Be an early buyer ami you will not be disapp ointed. Every line of merchandise will be displayed so thats\'ou can make a cho ice easily. Check over our circular care- fully and bring it aloiiff. Do not neglect the Rummage Sale in the Millinery De- partment. Visil^ur Grocery Department. It Saves you Money IN THIS DEPARTMENT YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT OUR PRICES ON ALL LINES OF GROCERIES ARE THE LOWEST. AND DO NOT FORGET WE GIVE THE MAXIMUM OF SERVICE. PHONE US YOUR ORDER: WE DELIVER. LOOK AT THESE PRICES: Pastry Flour, 25 lb. bag wtih 2 pkgs. DeLuxe Jelly Powder for $1.00 Com Flakes, choice quality 3 pkgs, for 25c. Maple Leaf Matches, 3 pkgs. for 19c, Canned Peas, choice quality, 2 for 21c. Choice pualityS lb. glass Marmalade, special .... 48c. 8 pound Glass Raspberry, choice quality, for .... 48c. Choice quality Blue Berries, gallon tin 70c. Fancy quality Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for 26c. Fig Bar Cakes, reg. 26c. special lOc. Dates, Old City Brand, reg. 15c., special 2 for IBc. Aylmer Pork & Beans, reg. 10c. 2 for 15c Custard Powders, reg. lOc, 2 for .... 14c. Mrs. Watson's Pie Crust, 2 pkgs. for 7c. Rose Brand Baking Powder, 1 lb. siie, reg. 25c., special, per tin 17c. Green Gage Plum Jam, 3 lb. jar, reg 55c. special per jar â- 'â-  43c. Fancy quality imported package Raisins, half price. 2 packages for 25c. Sugar, St. Lawrence, 10 lbs. for 69c. Pearl White Naphtha Laundry Soap, 4 bars for....l9c. Lynn Valley Dessert Pears, per tin lie. Macaroni, choice quality, 3 lbs. for 25c. Choice quality Salmon, outstanding brand, 23c. per pound tin, or 2 tins for 46c. Pineapple, reg. size tin, reg. 26c., special 2 tins for ; 84c. Hancock's Health Food, reg. 20c., 2 for 25 Orange Marmalade, special .... 2 for 29c. Layer Figs in 10 pound boxes, nice fresh fruit, special per box fl.25 Pure Lard in 20 pound pails, per pail$2.90 16 oz. tin Tanglefoot, reg. 66c., special 49c Com Beef, 1 lb. tins, special per tin 28c. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale mmmB^sssBBesmaiaawmmssmsi&asssg&'&sssam Fire Insurance The undersigned has been apointed agent for the Assurance companies: Atlas Assurance Company. The Northern AMurance Company. The London Guarantee & Acident Co., Ltd. The Norwidb Union Fir^ Insurance. To those who are looking for good fire insurance you would do well to consult rae. Alex. McEachnie FLESHERTON, ONT. f Small Advertisement LOST â€" A front apron of Over- land Modle 91, between Ceylon and Shelbume. Finder please notify A. Sinclair, Ceylon. BEARD, G BROWN, I. â€" Anc. Hist. C, Geom. C. Fr. Auth. 3. BUCHANAN, A. â€" Ist Agric. C, '"cA^'SoEf'j.-Ene. Comp. C, Anc. j ^^^hf ul producer and was something ' own. Hist. 3. f â- ^â- ..â- â€" Iâ€" â- â€"â€" â€" FERRIS, M. â€" Alg. C. HAW Câ€" Eng. Lit. C. Br. Hist. 2, Chem. 2, Lat. Auth. C, Lat.Comp. C, Fr. Auth. 3, Pr. Comp. p. HEARD, H. â€" Eng. Lit. C, Anc. Hist. C, Geom. 2, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Auth. C, Fr. Comp. C. HEMPHILL, E. â€" Eng. Lit. C. HINCKS, A. â€" 1st Agric. 3, 2nd Agriculture C. HINCKS, I. â€" 2nd Agriculture C. INKSTER, M. â€" Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. C, Anc. Hist. C, Alg. 1. IRISH, G. â€" Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. C. JACKSON, J. â€" Geom. 2. JAMIESON, J. â€"Alg. 1, Chem. C, JACKSON L.â€" Eng. Comp. 2, Eng. Lit. 3, Anc. Hist. 3, Geom. c. Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. C. KARSTEDT, J. â€" 1st Agric. C, 2nd Agrriculture C. LONG, Râ€" Br. Hist. C, Geom. 3. McDOUGAL. v.â€" Br. Hist. 3. Anc. Hist. C, Alg. 3. McMillan, C. â€" Alg. l, Geom. 3, Chem. C. Ma(«MILLAN. D. â€" Eng. Lit. C, Br. Hist. C, Geom. C. McCALLUM, E. â€" Alg. 2, French Composition 3. McFADDEN, C. --Eng. Comp. C, Eng. Lit. 2, Br. Hist. C, Alg. 1, Lat. Auth. C, Lat. Comp. 2. McFADDEN, F. â€" Br. History 1, Geom.'l, Phys. C, Fr. Anth. 1. McKECHNIE, H. â€" Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. 2, Br. Hist. 3, Alg. 2. McLENNAN, C. â€" Eng. Comp. 3, Eng. Lit. C, Alg. C, Lat. Comp. C. MORRISON, A.-Al«r. C, Geom. C, Physics C. MUIR, S. â€" Eng. Comp. 3, Alg. 1. NICHOL, J.â€" Eng. Comp. C, Geom. C, Lat. Comp. C. NICHOL, M. â€" Eng. Comp. 3. NICHOL, R. â€" Br. Hist. C, Alg. C, Geom. 2. PARK, J. â€" Alg. 2, Geom. C. ROBERTS, V. â€" Ist Agric. C, 2nd Agriculture C. SCOTT, W. â€" Physics C. Sled, M. â€" Geom. C, Physics 2, Chem. C. , SMITH, R. â€" Eng. Lit. C, Geom. 1. Chem. C. STUART. M. â€" Entr. Comn. 3. Eng TJt. 1. Anc. Hist. 1, Alfr. 1. Chem. â- Â». Lat. Auth. 1, Lat. Comp. 1, French Auth. 1, Fr. Comp. 2. THOMPSON, A. â€" Eng. Comp. 3, Alg. 3. WATSON, M. â€" Eng. Lit. C. And still the tragedy of the road goes on and the slaughter, continues at the railway crossing. MacLeans Magazine thinks that the man who pronounces it "ath-a-letics, end the woman who pronounces girls "gairls" should marry and found a system of pronoanciation of theic 3er- LOST â€" Between Markdale and Singhampton, via Flesherton, on Sun- day, July 31st, 12x9 tent in tent bag. Finder please leave at The Advance office and receive reward. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Fresh lime.â€" Thots. Fenwick, Eugenia. LOST â€" On Tusday, August 9th between Priceville and Duntroon an army blanket case containing three quilts and bankets. 7f'inder please communicate with R. Harris, Atherley, Ont. s BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for vice. Terms |2, payable the first o* February, after that date $2.50 will be chai^ged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprsy, "Merry Marqms" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnte ^^^L' "P*^= ^â- â„¢' ««<* Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Pnrebreds 16.00. grades |2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eogcnia. FOR SALE â€"Grain â€" ^Western oats kiln dried com and oat scalpings. â€" Phone 2 r 31, A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" McCormack Binder, 7 foot cut, second hand, all com- plete. â€" H. Down and Sons, Flesherton. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed )Powl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. 31tf FOR SALE â€"i Organ for sale, wal- nut piano case, full size, cost |75 but will let it go cheap for |35, to save [shipping away. Apply at this office. MERCHANTS! OBSERVE THIS!^ CUSTOMERS LIKEWISE! Down in a certain town a man went into a lumber yard to buy some nails and asked the price. It was $3.20, the dealer said. "Good gracious," said the man. I can get the same thing from a mail order house for $2.82. "That's a low price," said the deal- er, but I'll sell it on the same terms as the mail order house just the same. "All right," said the customer, "You can send it along and charge it to my account." "Not on your life," replied the deal- er. "No charge accounts. You can't do business with mail order house that way. Pork over the cash." The customer handed over the cash. "Now two cents for postage and five cents for the money order," The customer inwardly raving, kept to his agreement and paid the 7 cents. "Now thirty-five cents express." '•Well I'll be â€" the customer said, but paid It. adding: "Now hand me it and I'll take it home for myself and be rid of this foolery." "Hand it to me? Where do you think you are ? You'll have to wait a week. Whereupon he paced the nails be- hind his counter. "That makes $3.24 he said. It has cost you four cents more and taken you a week longer Am piBd p«i| noiC jt u»m ?} )»;8 o? price in the first place." FOR SALE â€" Good buggy; three burner oil stove with oven, good as new; nailed bee frames, foundation, etc.; also honey.â€" Geo. W. Graham, Eugenia. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Lot 170 and half of 169, third con., N. Tor- onto and Sydenham Road. Good pas- ture land, with water on the property. For further particulars apply to â€" Miss M. M. Binnie. 93 Jackman Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE â€" Ford 1 ton truck, 1 Ford sedan, Fount-Ninety Chevrolet touring, all in good shape; three oil measuring pumps; quantity of car repairs; quantity of lumber, one inch, (scantling and plank) â€" Arthur McKay R. R. 3, Priceville, Phone 21 r 5. FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES REV M. SAUNDERS. Pastor. AUGUST 21, 1927 Flesherton, 11 a.m. â€" Who is your Partner? Rock Mills 3 p.m. â€" Standing on the Church Porch. Ceylon 7.30 p.m. â€" A Baptist miss- ion will open in the Orlange Hall, .Subject â€" The most attractive person- ality' in Ceylon. We welcome you. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only.â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres lot 7, Con. 11, TowlJship of Osprey, would make excellent pas- ture farm; with considerable bush and swamp. Ftor full particulars and terms apply to â€" W. A. ARMSTRONG A SON. Flcaherton, Ont. BOAR FOB SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for scr> vice by Flesherton Bmod Hog CUb, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of A^rriealtare. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOB S KBVieB No. 82-nBSO. Alae • jmag Y^ â- Ura pig, both bMon tn* tm on tot 176. N.W. T. * ak. Twma.-ll.00. â€"T. J. STDfBOM . BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgoly Bright Vim, No. 99JMM â€"property of Saogeea Bacon Hoc Club. Terms |1.00. -C, HINDLB. PictoB Statlaa. Lots 168-9, 8rd W.T.SJl., Artamoria. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Jersey bull for servicoL SSre: Brampton Jersey Gonoctipt; Dwn: Brampton Petone's Lady. At Flesherton Livery Stable. â€" I". STUART. FleahortoB. (m. MIDDLEBRO St BURNS Bwrktera, •(& Oitlcasâ€" Owen SooadL DoifeBB and Fleaheitoii. IM^itoA fiS I ua •Tcntng. Saturday aftornooa FARM FOR SALE GEO E. DUNCAN DUNPALK LKBNSEO AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Tamu; 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarataod Dates made at The A dvance offlcfc BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario. Gas administered tor teeth extraction. Office at residene* Toronto Street, Flesherton. Dr. A. Turnbuil, B.A., M.B., grad* uate from the Faculty of Medicii|«» University of Toronto. Office, Toroitf Street, Flesherton. Phone 86. m The lovely farm property of H. D. McLoughry, one and a half miles east of Markdale and close to the] Provincial highway, containing 60 acres on which is erected a solid brick house, six rooms with kitchen and woodshed. Soft water cistern, cement floor in basement, large orch- ard and small fruits. Bam 40 by 50 on stone foundation. Prince Arthur Lodge, 883, AF. A A.M., meets in the Masonic hall. Aim- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. Ray Pedlar, W.M., C. F. Uwr ence, Sec. Lucas A Henry^aitisters, Solicit- ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, MarkdaTa Lucaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at DundaHc and Durham. The reason some people need a change in climate is because they have become a nuisance to the doc- tor. Telford & Birnie, Barrister*, aoU- Cement floors i citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruce in stable. Drive shed 30 by 40. Stone (Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank basement with cement floors for hog'Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. pen. .A.1S0 Lot 127 in the same range. {P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie five acres of which are cleared, ball â-  _2 â-  ance heavily timbered swamp. There "">• Kaitting, Llscensed Auctioneer are 30 acres in hay and grain which j'*"^ *l>e counties of Grey and Simcoo. may be purchased with the farm. T*"" and stock lalei a speciality. A. D. McLoughry, R. R. 4 Thone 30 r 121 Markdale, Ont. Farm i Terms moderate., satisfaction guar> I may be lade at the Advance Office, or '.Central telephone office, FeTMskan^ or by addnesing m« at Farmkui. I' V

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