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Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1927, p. 1

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4 « 4 4 4 * ./ W^a /lesljtttirn %hmmt. Vol47 No. 12 Flesherton. Ontario August 17, 1927 W. H. Thuraton & Son, Proprietons VANDELEUR Miss Irene Sharp of Toronto vis- ited with her frien<^ Mrs. Elp-ei War- ling one day last week. Mrs. F. R. Harbotte is visiting friends at Samia. Mr. Garfield Neely of Blind River is holidaying with friends h^re. Miss Bemice Harbottle nnderwent a very serious operation for goiter in the WeUesley hospital on Satuday list. She is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. J. J. McGee is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Munshaw of Eugenia, who is ill. Mr. James Harbottle and son, Ar- nold and Mr. Chas. Boland motored to Toronto on Sunday to visit the form- er's daughter. Mrs. Chas. Boland who was in Toronto arcompanied them home. Mr. John Warling of Toronto is vis- iting with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis. Miss Lillian Buchanan has re- turned to Toronto after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Buchanan. Mr. Otto Baker has returned home from Owen Sound hospital after un- dergoing an operation for appendi- citis. Mrs. Dane McGee recently under- went a snccessful operation for goi- tre in a Toronto hospitaL Mr. Ed Holly of Toronto spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Galrner and daughter,. Irene of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gil- bert recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oke and son Jack of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. Chas. Fraser and daughter Jean and Dorothy and Jack Cockbum of Toronto are visiting -with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Freeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Graham and daughter May visited friends at Thombury recently. Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard and Mr. and Mrs. Ried and family spent a day re- cently at Wasaga Beach. Mr. Sam Bowles spent a day with friends at Holland Centre. Mrs. D. H. Lunan and daughter, Norma of Regina, Sask. visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lew- is Teeter of Flesherton. PRICEVILLE I CEYLON FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davidson and daughter of Sudbury visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander last week. Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth of Owen Sound • visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eby over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith have re- turned home after spending two weeks holidays in Toronto and else- where. Miss Marjorie Williama, Toronto spent last week with her cousin. Miss Dorothy fiobinson. Mr.l Biirton Henderson and lady friend of Toronto visited last week i with Mrs. Henderson and faimiljr. Miss May Whiteoak has returned home after spending a three weeks visit in Toronto. Mr. John Robinson and Mr. Ken Boyd have gone on a two weeks tour through Muskoka. Miss Rose McGirr has gone to Port Carling for her holidays. Little George Osborne had the mis- fortune to get a> nasty bite from a dog which required 12 stitches to^close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. Will Davidson and son Hugh spent Sunday with Mr. Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con- ron. I^st Saturday a number of the young peple took a picnic to the beach and all report a good time. Read The Advance "Small Advts." The Sale Goes On Everything in Summer Goods at Greet Re- ductions. How about a pair of boots to start school. Everything on the bill is a bargain. Malce your dollars do extra duty BUY NOW AND SAVE SALE ENDS AUG. 20 A. E. HAW, Ceylon Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and family of Chicago aer visiting at Mr. Colin Mc- Lean's (S. Line) Miss Ena and Gretta Nichol of Lon- don are visiting friends around Price- ville. Miss Mary Carson of Toronto is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Percy Chambers of Toronto spent the past week at Mr. Allan Mc- Lean's. Miss Flo McLean accomp- anied him back on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Watson of Toronto spent the week end in Price- ville. Mr. Alfred Hincks returned home after spending a qionth at Summer School in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLaughlin Sundayed with friends in Durham. The Willing Helpers will meet on Friday, August 19th in the hall. All ladies are cordially invited. The lunch committee are Mesdames Colin Mc- Lean (S. Line), Angus Hooper, Miss Mary McCuaig. Mr. Walter Nichol of near Detroit very acceptably occupied the pulpit in the McKinnon Hall on Sunday. He delivered a fine sermon. His many friends were glad to see him and have the privilege of hearing him. Mr. Edward McLeod and Melvin Lane of Swinton Park visited on Sun- day at Mr. A. L. Hincks. Sorry to report Mrs. Archie Ferg- irson on th 19th Con., Proton is very ill. Hope to hear of her speedy re- covery. Mr. A. B. McArthur motored to Toronto last week. His daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Watson has returned with him to spend a few days. Sorry to reportMrs. Jack MacLean is critically ill in Arthur hospital. A pleasant time was enjoyed one evening last week by the young folk at Mr. Bob Shortreed's Miss Ethel Aiens of Bufalo spet a week visiting at Mr. Robt. Short- reed's. Glad to see Mr. Robt. Conkey home from the General Hospital, Toronto and is on duty again feeling much im- proved. Miss Annie Shortreed returned home after visiting friends at Gait. A number from here took in the Garden Party at Ceylon on Friday night and report a splendid time. EUGENIA Stocks & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McCormack-Deering Implements Repairs ' A GOOD STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT ON HAND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH H. DOWN & SONS, FLESHERTON CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED Parties wishing to secure fertilizer for fall wheat. TELEPHONE OR WRITE STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Harvesting is the order of the day. Mr. John Lavery and friend, Miss Helen McCuidy of Toronto are on a week's vacation at the home of Councillor R. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. Buyers and the for- mer's sister, . Mrss Byers of Toronto are spending a week in this vicinity and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs Elwood Partridge. Mrss Mae Ehickett has gone on a fortnight's visit with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Haney at Windsor Mr. Ephriam Rowbottom or â- {Tor- onto visited over the week end with hrs wife and daughters here. Miss Margaret Felming has returned to her home in Philadelphia after a fortnight's visit with Mrs. Robt. Pur- vis. Mrs. J. E. Large and children of Niagara Falls are at the Eugenia House at present, Mrs. Large attend- ing the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Munshaw, who is quite ilL Mrs. A. McDonald, nee Pearl Cairns and daughter, Isobel, of Weston are spending a couple of weeks with her uncle, Mr. Henry Carins. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grahaim and daughters Wilda and Loreen of Wal- kerton are visiting relatives in the village. They are recuperating nicely after their auto accident, in which they were all injured. Mr. Robt. J. Pedlar and daughter and two children are on a visit to Black Water. We are pleased to report Mr. Wil- fred Magee recovering after having his tonsils removed in CoUingwood hospital one day last week. Messrs. Joe and Clarence Williams and sister, Miss Viola and friend, Mr. Crow visited over the week end with Mrs. Joe Williams and Mrs. Part- ridge. Sorry to report Mr. Wellington Gra- ham's health impaired again. Mr. Clark, wife and daughter, who lived at Eugenia some fifty years ago, now residing in Ohio, motored over and are camping in the park, and calling on old friends. Mrs. Alex. McRae and family visit- ed the past eek at Mr. John Stewart's. Mrs. Herbie Fisher and two child- ren of Toronto are visiting with her mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod, and sis- ter, Mr3. Roy Piper. Rev. M. Quinn and son, Paul, of Kennelworth was a caller in town on i Thursday. His friends were pleased I to see him. Mr. Geo. Banks attended the Black i Knight gathering at CoUingwood on ' Friday. ! Mr. W. Carruthers and two daugh- l ter, Evelyn and Jean, who have i been vi'siting at Mr. Thos. Genoe's, | have returned to their home in To- j ronto. ' Misses Hilda and Blanche I Genoe accompanied them home for a \ week's vacation. I Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. McMullen j motored to Owen Sound the first of i the week with their daughter, Mrs. ! Jas. Hales. i Mr. Albert and Miss May Cook of \ Hanover visited the first of the woek ; at Robt. Cooke's. I Principal ,Duandas, wife an(l two I children of Toronto, Mrs. John Little, j Miss Laura and Mr. Thos. Little and Mr. and Mrs. George Pfohl and son, Ornel, all of Hanover, visited Satur- day with Mr. and JMrs. Jas. Mc- Whinney. Dr. and Mrs. West and babe of { Angus and Miss Millie Whittaker of ', Toronto spent the week end with their ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whit- 1 taker. Mrs. West favored the mom- I ing church service with a sweetly ! rendered solo, which was much ap peciated. Visitors with Mrs. Anna McMillan ' over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. i Sam Chislett and two children of To- j rolnto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chislett and son, Claude, of Listowel, Miss Martin of Swinton Park and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Luke of Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Melia of To- ronto visited the former's parents, ]Mr. and Mrs. J. Melia. Mr. and Mrs. McCormack and fam- ily of Proton visited Mrs. Knox the first of the week. Mr. andMrs. Ross Leslie of Toronto motored up and visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Mullen. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin of Toronto visited Mrs. Wm. White the first of the week. Mr. George and Miss Jessie Mc- Konzie visited friends at Eu^nia the first of the week and were ac- companied back by their sister, Mrs. Heslop, who will visit them for a few days. T^ORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Percy H nt, on August 12, 1927, the gift of a -'aughter. Congratulations. Mr. Fred Mathewson and niece of Tor-to motored up and visited his fat) r the first of the week. IV'-. Posseh, accompanied by Jim Sir lair, Isaac Snell, George Jaynes and -John McMillan motored to Was- Bp-> Beach Monday for a few days' outing. dawThter, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns and Miss Syble Collin- s-'T motored to Durham the first of r •â- ! week and visited friends. Miss Frances, Marge and Jean Col- ^'nson ares pending their summer hol- idays with their grandmother in Owen' round. OIL FIRM SAYS RECKLESS DRIVING MUST STOP No more timely effort has come to 12 notice of this department in re- snt years than the advertising cam- paign about to be launched by the British American Oil Co., Limited, of Toronto. This company has prepared a series of ad^*rtisements to be run in the Canadian press inviting the attention or drivers of cars and pedestrians a- like to the rapidly amouting num- ber of so called motor accidents on he streets and highways of Canada, â- ost of which it is claimed could be /iated by the mere observance of mmon sense rules. Conditions to-day are «8uch that Miuch ot the real pleasure of motor- ir.g is lost. .A man driving is in more ci- less constant £«5r of the other fell- ow and when the car is intrusted to] ary other member of the family the j ne. 1 for worry is still greater. tsmething had to be done to im-\ prr /e driving conditions. Apparently it r..mained for this public spirited or- gan! .:ation to make the start. ANNOUNCEMENT ERNEST C. MURRAY, D.D.S. has been appointed the representative of Federal Fire Insurance Company of Canada having taken over the business of this Company from Mr. S. E. deCudmore. KENNEDY'S GROCERY GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 pks. Corn Starch .: 29c- 3 Boxes Corn Flakes 29c 3 lbs pure Lard 59c. Surv-Us Baking- Powder ^ 29c. Fly Tox (bottle 50c. and sprayer 50c.) all for 79c- MEN'S WEAR Special in Men's Ready-to-wear Suits Clearing at almost Half Price Come in and get suited. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEKAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdala 4344 J- W. Bates. R. Maddocks. Shingle Special Lumber, Shingles and Lath No. 1â€" $5.50 per M. cash off car. No. 2â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car H. A- McAULEY, Prop. A pleasant reminder. The second instalment of taxes falls due on De- cember lit. Ah, well; statistics teach us that the t,rindstone postpones the tomb- stone. _ij ' The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if you bring- your CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly anfl have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We" are proving this to our present pat- rons. ^ Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest and Produce Co. ^^^H^^ Test MARKDALE, ONTARIO. PHONE 66 â- -UUJul^J lUUI 1 â- t^

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