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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1927, p. 7

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» Use NATIONAL FERTILIZERS For Yonr fall Wheat For plumptf, heavier, higher-grade grainâ€" us« National Fertilizer this season. Youll be surprised at hem early your crop will mature with a good dressing of this superior fertilizer. National Fertilizers are properly-balanced fertilizers, "Made in Canada" from fonnuls it has taken years to perfect. Every bag' is uniformly mixed with guaran- teed analysis attached to each bag. Good fertilizer is an investment, not an expense;. Order yours new. We ship anywhere in Ontario. Ask about National Stock Foods «â€" they get results!' AGENTS wanted; in districts where we arc( not repre- sented. NATIONAL FERTILIZERS, LTD. Wcat Toronto 9, OnUrio €sn\LESM wife â€" "I saw the doctor to-day, Mear, about my loss of memory." Hus- **iidâ€" "What did he do?" Wifeâ€" rHade me pay In advance." Boy â€" "Do you know, dad, that In jaome parts of Africa a man doesn't know hla wife until he marries her?" (Dad â€" "Why single out Africa?" 4. The worst thing I can see about {Sinclair Lewis' new book Is that It Is * Wbout ten times as long as the long- . «Bt sermon we ever heard. "You are a peach." The maiden liong hor head. "I â€" I'd rather be a iPalr," she answered. The Invitation cards are now out ^ Wife (at resort) â€" "Oh, Robert, Isn't It lovely here where the green waves 4 jcome rolling In?" Hub â€" "Yes, and , the greenbacks go rolling out." Waiterâ€" "Mr. Gray has left his um- <.brella again. I believe he would for- 4 'get hla head If it were loose." Jud- jiklns â€" "I dare say you are right. I overheard him say yesterday he was •going to Switzerland for his lungs." â€" » Belfast Evening Telegi-aph. he tells me the price of ham. cheese, butter, and eggs. What does your boy Ulk about?" Second Girl â€" "Oh, nJ^ boy's a tram conductor, and la Inclined to say, 'Sit closer!" â€" Western Christian Advo- cate. Just Dlaaolved. "Is it right that you've severed your engagement with Miss Overmarte?" queried the inquisitive friend. The man shook his head. "No," he replied, "I dldnt break it o«r." "Oh! She broke It off?" "No," was the answer again. "But It iB broken off, isn't It?" per- sisted the curious one. "Oh, yes," explained the moody one, with delicacy. "She told me what her milliner's yearly bill was, and I told her how much a week I get. Tlien our engagement Just sagged In the middle and gently dissolved." Country Doctor (to friend taking blm on a joy ride) â€" "It doesn't matter how fast you drive. I am keeping the Tillage constable in bed with in&uen- Admlrlng the VIevi/. Country Cousin (after prolonged in- â- pectlon of building operations) â€" "I ,4on't see the sense of putting statues on the top of your buildings." * City Cousin â€" "Statues? Those are IBOt statues. They're brick-layers." â€" Hardware Age. Boomerang. Browne â€" "Did yon give your wife that little lecture on economy you talked about?" Baker â€" "Yes." "Any result?" "Yes â€" I've got to give up smoking." V-Answers. I Roped and Branded. Suitor â€" "Well, Tommy, congratu- !late mo, your sister has just promised to marry me." ' Tommy â€" "That's old news. She jpromised mother she'd marry you lages ago." â€" Passing Show. Sardine Packer. First Girl â€" "My boy's a grocer, and More Hand-picked Ada. "Two silk garments, with Mabel in- side, lost by sales-woman. Reward." "Party who took new broom from â€" was seen; If the party will return the broom and throw it In the back yard, no questions will be asked and nothing said about the matter." "Reward offered for the recovery of body â€" believed to be drowned. Can bo identified by Impediment In speech." "Governess wanted who would ac- company a musical lady going to the country on the piano." Might Be Able to Do That. Farmer â€" "Yer go to th' big agger- culture college, don't yer, my lad?" Visiting Student â€" "Yes; I graduate next year." Fjcrmer â€" "Thet's fineâ€" yer can give me a good name fer my cow then." Oor the 'Bathroom^ EDDY'S 3\avy Toilet Tissue" NAVY TISSUE is soft and absorbent and, like all Eddy tissues, is manufactured under the most exaaing sanitary conditions. ^ Each roll of "NAVY" Tis- sue is guar* anteed to con- tain700 sheets. Quality and Economy 'combined. A DOCTOR'S romance; How a Country Practioner Wzw Kidnapped to His : Own Good The country doctor Uvea a life , seldom Eensationai. One night lately, ! â-  however. Dr. Albert Patrick of Mar' ! Celine, Mo., awoke from' a deep dream of peace to play a role seldom cast outside the cinema. So, at least, said last week's news from Loa An- geles. What sent Dr. Patrick hurrying out of bis house, into his flivver and into the night, was a telegram asking him to meet a train at the railroad sta- tion. Not many trains stop at Mar- cellne, Mo., least of ail the ponderous flier that groaned to a halt this night, dropping off brakemen with lanterns and a worried conductor. Dr. Patrick left hla flivver running- for the emergency, and hurried for- ward with hU small black grip at the ready. "I'm Dr. Patrick, did you want me?" "You bet, hop on," lald the con- ductor. Hopping, Dr. Patrick followed his leader Into a Pullman filled with hush- ed excitement. He was led to a man TloIenUy 111 In a drawing-room. As Dr. Patrick bent forward to begin an examination, \^ long train trembled and Jolted. It was moving forward. "Stop the train," cried Dr. Patrick, alarmed. "I can't leave home." "Sure you can," said a stout genUe- man. "Be calm. Just go ahead and â- tend to Mr. Fllnn." "But my Ford's still running out there by the platform," pleaded Dr. Patrick. "That's all right. We'll pay for the gas." "And anyway I haven't a nlght-shlrt with me." A bald. Intense man answered: "If you get Mr. FUna to the point where you dare go to bed, I'll lend you my pajamas." Dr. Patrick surrendered his whole attention to the sick man. The train tore westward. The bald, intense man wrote out a telegram to Mrs. Albert Patrick of Marcellne, Mo.: "Dr. Patrick Is accompanying us to Los Angeles to care for a patient. Hell be home soon." (Signed) CecU B. DeMllle. What Mrs. Patrick said to herself about this telegram, she alone knows. What was the matter with John C. Fllnn, head of the Producers & Dis- tributors Corp., Is a professional secret. But some of the sights and sensations Dr. Patrick experienced in the next few days are now part of the history of Marcellne, Mo. For Dr. Patrick's abduction was by a whole tralnload of cinema folk hur- rying to a coast convention. Mr. rilnns recovery was rapid and happy. And to reward virtue In true cinema style, Mr. DeMllle and friends took Dr. Patrick for a thorough Inspection of filmland. Including even a Mack Sennett bathing beauty scene. And they gave &lm, together with his Ucket back to Marcellne, Mo., a fee whose proportions will not be ap- proached until Marcellne, Mo., breaks out with simultaneous epidemics of mumps, colic, babies and pink eye. A WEAK STOMACH Can be Streugtbciied Through the Use of t)r. WiUiams' PinkPills. . -rra Wonderful is the process by w«,ich the chemistry of the body ch^ilges the food we cat into blood. And the whole of our well-being depends upon . this being maintained day after day, ; year In and year out. Sometimes the ' process becomes faulty, and then food begins to poison the blood Instead of feeding It. This Is followed by all ; the pangs of indigestion, such as goa I on the stomach, pains around the I heart, often nausea after eating, and I a dislike for all klni'.s ot food. I , The only way to overcome these I troubles is to tone up the digestion so that you can assimilate all your food. To do this you have only to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. A short course of these pills will quickly tone up the stomach and banish indigestion. Here is a bit of convincing proof given by Mrs. Chas. Ladner, BUerslie, P.E.I., who says: â€" "For some years I was a sufferer from stomach trouble. Every- thing I ate caused distress, sour stom- ach and belching. I could not eat meat or potatoes, and I grew weak and nervous. No medicine seemed to help me until I was persuaded to take Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and these simply worked wonders. I took the pills faithfully for a couple of months j 'J^^„ ~^x. by which time every symptom of the trouble disappeared, and there has not since been the slightest symptom ot stomach trouble. No wonder I praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." You can get these piUa- through any medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Boomeimng A deadly weapon is the boomerang in the hands of Australian savages. Who made the first boomerang no one knows. Some say an Elsklmo boy found that a sUck thrown at a bird came back to him. But we do know that the boomerang has been used for > ages. There are several kinds of boomer- angs. The fl.-st is called "Tootygundy Wumktim," and It is used in warfare. It goes straight to the spot for which I aimed, and then falls to the ground. I The second Is the "Trombosh." Tlii;; is used in hunting wild birds and It flies farther tlian an arrow. The na- tives of AbysBlnia use it in war time. The Trombash is cAlled "Marudwul- leu Wumkum" by the Au:!irallnus. The third, the "Come Back" or ' Uan- gil Wumkum," can be made to de- scribe a circle of 35 yards without ris- ing more than twelve feet in the air, when thrown by an expert. The boomerang ordinarily used In shows or exhibitions is shaped some- thing like the blade of r. curved sword with ane side cons'ex, ia 30 or 40 inches long, two to Inches wide, and half an inch Uiick. U is pr.isped 1 nthe right hand (with convex side up) by a handle that is citghtly rough- ened. The thrower Uikes a few quick steps forward and tliro\ya the boom- erang straight in (runt of him. Leav- ing the hand, the boomerang at once turns into a horizontal position and great speed it revolves (MmiittiouiGDmnoi of ottua* SAVE THE (MDREN In Snmmer When Childhood Ail- ments Are Most Dangerous. Mothers who keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets In the house may feel that the lives of their little ones are reasonably safe during the hot weath- er. Stomach troubles, cholera in- fantum and diarrhoea carry off thou- sands of little ones every summer, in most cases because the mother does not have a safe medicine at hand to give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets relieve these troubles, or If given oc- casionally to the well child they will prevent their coming on. The Tab- lets are guaranteed by a government analyst to be absolutely harmless even to the new-born babe. They are especially good In summer because they regulate the bowels and keep the stomach sweet and pure. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Siunmer Noon White illy clouds In violet skies; The Sun is at Hla highest rise. The Bee doth hum. Every bird sings; The Butterflies Full stretch their wings. The Brook doA dance To his own song; The Hawthorn now Smells sweet and strong. The green leaves clap Their wings to fly Uke birds whose feet Blrdtime doth tie. Blng all you Birds, Hum all you Bees; Clap your green wings. Leaves o nthe trees â€" I'm on with all. This present hour; Things far-away Have lost their power. â€" WK. H. Davies, in "Nature Poems.' around its own axis as it goes into the ' air. In returninis it curves toward the left, describes an eclipse, gradually \ loses momentum and falls within a few paces of the starting point. To the onlooker it seems to hang motion- less in the air at the point of turning, but this is because the eye is not quick enough to follow its movement. On its return the boomerang is either allowed to drop to the ground, or caught in a net. since its force is still so great thr.t it mi?ht injure the hand If the thrower utteuipted to catch it. Some boomerangs are so shaped , that they will rise 200 feet in the air. \ The Arunta savages ot Australia have a peculiarly ornamented boomerang that is cot found with any other tribe. It is carved wllh curves and grooveB, I witli mountains and caterplllRrs, in | raised design painted with red ochre AN entirely new and awe-inspir- ing GrandStandSpec- tade "CANADA" presented by 1,500 performers. New Agricultural Pavilion â€" an 8 acre extension to the CJ^JE-Coliteum. New |160,oeo Diamond Jubilee of Confedera- tion Entrance, and the 9M,000 World Champ- ionship Swim, Wed- nesday, August 31st. These are only a few features of the great Confederation Year Programme. Writm Department of Publicity, Canadlam Natiotial ExMbition. Toronto 2, Ont. /or pictoribi boottieti. A v/'.tly correspoiuicnt (ielinos a flirtation as "a ^poon \\\\h !u>i:i':ig in it." Classified Advertisements AGK.NTS. ICiTHKIi _. WEEKLY E.V.SV -UX- 5T5.09 ^l.E.V.NER.S. Clsuns hv eiyihintc like aiagle. Hemovis Itiwn TAIt without Injury to Paint. HvlU .)n .ii'ir.oimir.iiion. 1-ree sumtileti. ]; a. ],l... KliVRB * < O.. A!f\andi!a, Ont. () \\i..\s i3i,;-K PtnvDKi; cle.vns .-luto lijps. iip;inl:3tpi-v'. russ, blinds, tapestries, caps III;'! inusir. Ri>ni.>ve» shine- troni tiotli?s, Lim-i:il lominiB- slOM If yftu act us our usen:. lO. ery hou.'jeho!.! a pr.'vp.;'t. Send 2r.c fop THKK.m EBOY HULL..CArJADA Wl Pois<m Ivy Relieved by Simple Compound According to James F. Couch of the United States Department of Ag- riculture, victims of poison ivy will find quick relief In a 6 per cent, solu- tion of potassium permanganate, which can bo made up by any drug- gist. The solution can be swabbed on the poisoned places with a bit ot absorbent cotton or a soft cloth. The permanganate leaves a brown stain, which can be removed by washing with a 1 per cent, solution of oxalic acid, a 1 per cent, solution of sodium bisulphite â€" or even with plain soap and water. it the skin has been very much broken by scratching or otherwise and is raw, the oxalic acid will cause a temporary stinging.; In this case soap and water are preferable tor re- moving stains. It the skin is very tender the solution of potassium per- manganate may be diluted with water before using. » Amateur Scientist â€" "Do you realize what wonders there are in a drop ot water?" Friend â€" "Yes; my wife and I Epent our honeymoon looking at one." "What, gazing at a drop of water?" "Yes. The Niagara Falls." I Minsrd's Liniment relieves Backache. Careless. Suddenly a dreadful thought occur- red to Malllnson. He had started out for the local cinema in company with his wife, and suddenly remembered that the coal-cellar door was unlock- ed. So he went back, and turning the key In the lock, put It in his pocket and retraced his steps to the cinema. On returning three hours later he found a neighbor in a state of great indignation. "What's wrong?" inquired Mr. Mal- llnson. "D'ye no ken ye ha'e locked ma wife in your coal-shed?" was tho un- expected reply. MInard's Liniment for burns. A barrister was cross-examining a rather Innocentrlooking countryman. "So you had a pistol?" the barrister asked. "I had, sir." "Whom did you intend to shoot with It?" "I wans't intending to shoot anyone." "Then it was for nothing that you got it?" "No, It wasn't." "Come, come, sir.' By virtue ot your solemn oath, what did you get the pistol for?" "By virtue of my solemn oath," said the countryman, "I got it for ten-and-six- pence!" I believe in punishment â€" a whipping If necessary â€" but T do not believe In executing any one. â€" Henry Ford. Things Worth Knowing About Tire^fotte Gum-Dipped Tires Firestone pioneered, developed, tested and placed on the market the Balloon Giun-Dipped Tire â€" the genuine FULL- SIZED galloon Tire. With but half the usual air pressure, these tires are very soft and yielding. They absorb the holes, ruts and bumps in the road. They cushion the car and and passengers from shocks and vi- bration. Firestone Gum-Dipping â€" by which each fibre and strand of cord in the tire is impregnated and coated with pure gum â€" adds the extraordinary strength and flexibility which msdces the Balloon construction practical. Firestone Dealers are kept up-to-date on tire development and service â€" con- tinually progressing and improving their ability to serye you better and save your money. See the nearest Fire- stone Dealer and let him handle your requirements. FIRBSTONB TIRB k RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario MOST MILES PER DOLLAR flire^tone Firotoee Buildi the Only Oum-DtppedTirca Use Cuticiira Soap And OintmcBt 1 To Hea! Sore Hands GANCER^^ REE BOOK ENToiif^EUUcST Tolls cause of cai;<er i;:>d ^vhii: to da for pain, L'loedir.g, odor, etc. Write for I ;t to-day, mentionir.s, this p;iii<-''' Ad. ' i dress Indiap:\polis Cancer lluspitai ! hidiarapolis, Ind. Sunburn. Ml.x M;r..-,id's with i:v.eet oil or rreain. and apiiJ.v. Quick aiui pp!T7i;inent relief. 00^^ mm Proyed safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fot Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ^ "^ /^ ^^^1^ Accept only "Bayer" p.tckage ^^^Tt^Tf^^^ which contains proven directions. m W%^^ ^^ Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets ^^^ # Alio bottles of 24 and 100â€" DniggisU. Aaplrta la tb* tmat mark CrdatvrM la Oanaila) of Bayw MaDnfarlara of Hoooacftliv •rMntar at Sallcrlleacld (Aotjl SallerIK Add, "A. S. A."). Whila It la wcU known Ikal Aaplrta iMaaa Barn â- aturaolare, la an*!*! Uw pnbllc taalnat latltaUooa, Uia TablMa vt Lajrat Uaowaar »IU ba (Uiii«a4 wttli IMr |<Bcnl \mi* BMkv *'^ ">Mva( OnMk" RESTORED TO > GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experienoo r< Buckingham, Quebec. â€" "I am th« mother of eleven living children,- and my baby is five months old. ' 1 amon'y 38year« ' old and 1 have ; taken Lydia E. • Pinkham s Vegc- table Comiwvmd for weakness and my nerve?. 1 knev/ of it from my sister, Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuilla o f Ramsayville. For five years I was in misery and was always ready to cry. Now I sm co happy to have good health. My daughter, who is 18 Vears old, has also taken it end will bo happy to recommend it 1 1 all young girla. â€" Dame William Par- ent, Box 414, Buckincbam, (j jebcc \i\.j Duffcr for years with back- ache, ncrvoL'cnsssanJ other ailments common * > women f-tim early life to middle hkc, v/hen Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegctablci Compound w.U give you r«lief? In a recent ceunt'y-wi«Je canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vcectablo Compound, over 260,000 replies v^cr* received, and OS out of every liX) reported thoy w\r« baa^ flted by ita uao. ^ -^ v ^ ISSUE No. :^--'0

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