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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1927, p. 5

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„.»»' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 10, 1M7 ^ « Bnkioi ni Pralit Wherever koo<1> ok bought and sold Bankingr hag a service to render- a sendee which aimplifies trwuaetiona and renders them more profitable. Daring more than fifty years of con- â- tructire banking practice the Stand- ard Bank of Canada has built up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bank's services. THE STANDARD BANK OP CAJttAD/>k, rLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty. Uamger (CfJL TIIIISI3BB BASEBALL NOTES in_. 1 en v_i Bi_*i Flesherton has been obliged to drop Trams leare Flesherton Station m out of the schedule in the Centre Grey follows: Going Soutii 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton as foUoTvs: For the north at 11.00 a.m. south at 3.30 For morning train south mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. Local and Personal League as men needed can not be se- Golng North ' cured from work lo.ig enough to play, and also several of ;he boys being out of town and not ab'.j to leave the hay- ing, etc. Kimberley trimmed Dundalk on the latter's own sand bt on Friday after- noon, the score being 20-17, we were told. "Rjis lea^ .>s Kimberley one game behind Dur.ialk in the League race with the final game in Kimberley this coming Fridry afternoon. The Dundalk t^am has won five sames and lost c -.e, while Kimberley h2s won four an lost two. Mr. W. G. Koss of Georgetown is visting in town. 3Iiss Edith Davis of Georgetown is the guest of Mrs. W. J. Stewart. Miss Dell Thurston of Toronto is spending this month at her home here. Miss Wilda Pedlar of Durham spent the latter part of last week with Miss Elsie McKee. Mrs. Gordon Laird of Battleboro, Vermont spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell and family. Mrs. Fred Sinclair and two daugh- ters visited friends in town the first of the week. Mr. Thos. Chard of Toronto spent a fev/ days in town last week visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams and Mrs. Stilwell and daughters spent Sunday with friends in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke of Weston are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hcikling. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachnie and daughter, Marie, spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turney and fam- ily spent the week end at Holland Landing. Master Jack Cockbum of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with his cousin, Everett Freeman. Mrs. C. J. Crossley entertained at afternoon tea Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Hamilton ( nee Vina Hastie) who is visiting here. Messrs. Ken Boyd and Jack Kar- stedt have returned home after spend- ing the past month In Toronto taking summer courses. Mrs. Roy McCauley and two child- ren of Toronto joined her husband here last week and spent the week holidaying. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shaw and fam- ily of Lions Head visited on Sunday with Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mrs. Wm. Hazen and little son of Owen Sound is spending a few holi- days with her father, Mr. Fred Mathewson. Mr. Chas. Fraser and daughter, -Jean, also Miss Dorothy Cockbum of Toronto, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman. * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Perkins and son, Billie, of Warkdale, also Mr. Ted Steele of Chesley spent a few days] with Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley, two sons, daughter and girl friend of Toronto have been spending a few holidays with A. B. Ferris and famiiy the past week. Mrs. J. Boyd of North Battleford, Sask., has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Mitchell this week and called on eld friends, who were much pleased to see her. Come to Ceylon garden party at W. Gibson's on Friday, August 12th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. See posters for particulars. â€" Mrs. W. "Gibson. Pres.; Mrs. A. Sinclair, Sec. Excavation commenced last week on the lot owned by W. A. Hawken, next to the butcher shop. Mr. Hawkn is intending to build a two story business block, with apartments above. Mr. and Mr*. W. P. Crossley an- nounce the marriage of their eldest granddaughter. Wild* Lenora Bowler j to Arthur Flemming. the marriage having taken nlace in Toronto on S»t- urday. July SOth. 1927. I Mr. and Mrs. W .J. McAleer of Hammond, Ind., motored over and; spent the past week with Mr. and Urt, Geo. Mitchell. Mrs. R. T.' McGirr of Regina, was also a visitor . with Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. ' Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish and chiWren of Oshawa were week end visitors at the former's parental home here. Miss Audrey and Master Dan returned home with them, after spending a week here. i Mr. and Mrs. George W. Parslow, Hopeville. Ont., r.:inounce the engage- ment of their ei ier daughter, Elda .\nnie, to Mr. W'Uiam J. McLeod of Lambton Mills, s-n of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLeod of Swinton Park, the marriage to take place the latter part of August. Capt. and Mr?. Jas. A. Reoch of Xottawa, Ont., announce the engage- mentof their youngest daughter, Isa- bel, to Mr. Ralph Sherman Belfry, To- ronto, son of Rov. and Mrs. C. A. Belfry of Sutton. Ont. The marriage will take place the early part of September. Taylir FiaHy Piciic The Taylor anaoal M-onion was held at St. Vincent Pai-k, Barrie, on Thursday, July 21st. At 10.30 a.m. ears began to as- semble until over sixty relatives had gathered and a most enjoyable time was spent, as friend met friend and old acquaintances were renewed and new ones formed. At 12.30 a sump- tuous dinner was served. The tables were set overlooking the beautiful Kempenfeldt Bay, and Vincent Park was certainly an ideal place for a picnic. The Taylors came originally from the Isle of Wight, just a short distance from Cfowle Castle, the summer res- idence of Queen Victoria, so they often saw her pass their home in her carriage. The oldest person present was Mrs. Walter Taylor of Markdale, who was 79 years ol age. The youngest was Henrietta Ward, aged 8 months, daughter of Mr. Alex. Ward, Bursay, Sask. Guests were present from Markdale, Flesherton, Harkaway, Lindsay, Ox- bridge, Sonya, Bowmanville, Strong- field, Sas., Bursay, Sask., Forestville and Silver Creek, N.Y., and Toronto. A remarkable feature about the company was the fact that there were nine school teachers in the crowd, and they were photographed by Mr. W. A. Hawken, Flesherton, who also took a large photograph of the entire company. The committee of management con- sisted of Mr. Norman Comeil, New- market. W. Rodman, Sonya, N.Y., C. J. Montjoy, Toronto. Miss Lizzie Tay- lor, Forestville, N.Y.. Mrs. J. A. Hal- bert and Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Time to depart came all too soon and friends dispersed, sorry to part, but hopeful to meet again next year. ENG.'- EMENT Secure Your Prize List ADDITIONAL LOCALS St. John's United Church, Flesher- ton, will hold their annual picnic on Thursday afternoon, Augrust 11th, in I. A. Lever's grove. Visitors and any person interested in the church are in- vited. Cars to convey any persons wishing rides will leave the Market Square around two o'lcock. Mr. E. D. Bentham and friend, Mr. Herb Falconer and Miss Elizabeth Bentham arrived Saturday evening from Saskatoon, Sask., having motor- ed the whole distance and will spend this week visiting the former's par- snts, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Miss Elizabeth is remaining home for a time. An auction sale of driving horses, harness, household furniture, etc., will be held at Maxwell on Saturday, .A.ugust 13th, the property of Dr. D. H. Guy. Dr. Guy is leaving the dis- trict and everything must be sold. See posters. W. Kaitting, auctioneer. The pri::c lists fdr the Flesherton Fall Fair are now out for inspection and anyone desiring to have one can set one from the secretary of the Fair. T. W. Findlay, or at any of the ;oilowing places: Kimberley â€" Post office. Feversham â€" Robinson's store. Maxwell â€" Heron's store. Ceylon â€" Haw's store. PriccviliG â€" 'Karstedt's store. Dundalk â€" Printing office. Markdale â€" Printing office. Eugenia â€" Post office. Proton Station â€" Dever Bros.' store. The list has been alterated to a con- siderable extent tWs year with $100= more money offered in prizes., taking effect in njCst of the classes. The list of special prizes is the largest in •â- he history of the show and are a means of creating considerable inter- est. You are urged to secure a prize list and send in your entries, no mat- ter how few of them there are. Take the list, look over the various classes and you will be astonished at the number of entries you will be able to make. Get a list now. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW^ Notice is hereby given that a By- law was passed by the Council of the Village of Flesherton on the 15th day July, 1927, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1300,00 for the purpose of constructing con- crete sidewalks, and that such By-lavr was registered in the Registry Office for the Registration Division of the I South Riding of the County of Grey A special meeting of Grey County I ^^ ^^^ 20th day of July, 1927. .kT"?vIh' ^r^}''^^. '^^Z'^'f^ll^l Anv motion to quash or set aside this \\ednesday to fmally decide thej^^^^ • ^^^^^^^ ^^^, exact location of the County-Provin cial highway from Meaford south, whether by way of the 7th or 9th lines of St. Vincent and Euphrasia. Although this matter was supposed to have been settled some time ago it seems that another meeting is desir- ous. thet be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 27th day of July, 1927. _W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk HOUSE OF QUAHTV Homestead Fly Salt EVERYONE KNOWS THIS IS THE SEASON WHEN THE FLIES ARE THE WORST. WE HAVE A SALT IF FED IN THIS SEASON OF THE YEAR THE FLY WILL NOT BOTHER YOUR CATTLE AND THEY WILL REST MORE CONTENTED. W. J. STEWART Si SONS Ft««ir, Feed. SMd*. GroeeviM and ConfMtionery Flesherton FALL FAIR DATES. 1»27 , Clarksburg . ; Collingwood Sept. 20-21 , Mount Forest Sept. 27-30;OrangeviIle ...». AUiston October 6-7 Dundalk Sept. 29-30; Ottawa (Cent. Cauula) Arthur Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Durham Sept. 20-21 Owen Sound Ayton Sept. 30, Oct 1 FEVERSHAM Oct. 3-4 j Paisley Barrie - „.Sept, 27-28 FLESHERTON Sept. 22-23 j PRICEVILLE Bolton ._„.~. .Sept. 80, Oct 1 Hanover Sept. 21-22 Rocklyn Brampton Sept 27-28 Hepworth â€" Sept 13-14 Sbelbume Chatsworth Oct 13-14 Holstein .Sept 27-28 JTara Chesley Sept 29-30 Meaford ~ Sept 14-16 , Toronto (C.N.E.) ....Aug. ...Sept ..Sspt 13-14 .~Aav. 22-8T . Oct S-9 .Sept 27-28 Oct S-T ....Oct. 11-12 .Sept 20-21 Oct 4-5 27, Sept 12 Who was to blame) The driver never intended to hit this chap. He just forgot for a moment that his brakes weren't so very good. And of course the pedestrian couldn^t | know. He had taken chances before and got away with it .... but the pitcher went once too often to the well. An Important Question The question is, can't, we (pedestrian and motorist alike) do something to avoid accidents ? Traffic on streets and highways isn't getting any lighter. Accidents will con- tinue to pile up unless .... unless we obey the rules ! Let's be human enough to walk â€" and drive â€" safely. Let's give the other chap a chance. If we don't^ â€"some day we may be "the other chap." 30 GJbove all^ We are for safety/ YOUU FIND BRITISH AMERICAN GAS AND OIL GOOD FOR YOUR CAR , THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL CCLIMITED. TORONTO. J English semi Porcelain DINNER WARE Special Reduced Prices for August only 97 piece Dinner Setts Regular $25.00 for $22.50. Regular $27.50 for $24.50. Regular $31.50 for $27.50. Regular $35.00 for $31.50. ^_ 40 piece Tea Setts Regular $9.50 for $8.55. Regular $11.00 for $10.00. Regular $8.50 for $7.65. Regular $10.00 for $9.00. f There are eleven selected designs to choose from in white and ivory bodies. They are from the best patterns: Johnston's, Myott's and Meakin's. All are "Open Stock" patterns, so that you can purchases a full Dinner or Tea Sett, or a single plate or cup and saucer, as yo i prefer. If you already have some of these patterns and wish to add a few pieces or replace some broken pieces, wc will allow you a Special 10 per cent, discount on our reg:ular prices during -Vugust. F. H. W. HICRLING FLESHERTON, ONT. '«!iM»i!iiiiita

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