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Flesherton Advance, 10 Aug 1927, p. 2

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The Aroma Captivates "SAUDA" GREEK TEA „ Pure, vncolored* doliclous. Ask for it. >D 'lil1i^ael6'abaHhi taaiit iiE^aoivKEjMe' r, - BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. I»r«llery, was suddenly confronted by Plans for ee<-ap« from Barbedog ' **^* **'**'' shadow of â-  man (sUndinsr are made by Peter Blood and fellow , ''*'**'* *'''" ** **>* head of th« ladder. con«pirators, who have become jdavee' The wooden taffrail waa a low one, In Barbadoa after conviction on ! and the Spaniard was taken corn- Save for the he struck the missing one of the r*veal infcrrr.ation. B^f^^ the'e^a^; ''"'^''f*'' "^^ '""* T^'* â„¢^ "l! can be made a Spanish ship captures "*""**"â- ' "<>' * ^^"^ announced Us Hlood raves, from probable ' '"'*^^®'^''"''®' the town. ^ death by a Spaniard, u girl friend of AraLella Ri.vhop, r.iece of the colonel An interesting friendship has been formed by Blood and Arabella. GO ON WITH THE STORY. CHAPTER VIII.â€" (Cont'd.) A». the .tound of her voic?, the girl Mr. Bloo:l haii reacued ptered up through Ihp f^looi.n. "At-abella'" lihe called. -'Jt is I, Mi'.iy Tra'.r- After a linef pau.=e the door gaped wide. Bt-yoitd it in th? wide hall iitocd Aiiss Atal>ella. a slim, virginal "Whist!" hissed Mr. Blood to his waHing rebels-convict. "Gome on, now, and without nodse." Within five minutes they had swarmed aboard, the entire twenty of them overflowing from that narrow gallery and crouching on the quarter- deck itself. Li-ght^ showed ahead. Under the great lantern in the prow they saw the black figure of the other sentry, pacing on the forecastle. Crouching low, they glided, noise- less as .shadows, to the quarter-deck rail, and thence slipjwd \vithout sound down into the waist. Two thirds of them were armed with muskets, some of which- they had found in the over- seer's house, and others supplied from fipure in white mysteriously revealed in the plsnm of a single candle which she carried. Mr. BI.-!od itrode in followed by his diftraught companion, who, falling tptn A I abeila's slender bo.som, sur- rtndeiod her.self to a passion of tears. Hut h? wr.«tod no time. "Wh-m Imve you hsre with you? What servants?" he demanded, sharply. The only male was James, an old ECgr.o grcom. "The very man," Kaid Blood. "Bid! hiiTi get out horses. Then away with you to Spcightown, or even farther wvrth. whore you will be safe. Here you aie in dreadful danger." The horses came at last â€" four of Ihein, for in addition to James who was to act a.<! her guide, Mi.S8 Bishop had hjr woman, who was not to be left behind. jMr. Bliod lifted the slight weight of Mary Traill to her horse, then turned to say gwdbye to Miss Bishop, wh') wa.s already mounted. The last Jhil5iru!'lico'^jr/r''l'^â„¢'"''' ^(^N DIEGO MOUNTED THE childhk<. %.).cc calling back on a t^pDER AND STEPPED UPON •pavcnni,' r.ole^- l-pm.; j-,j;(.K, ALONE, AND UN- I (â- hall never forget what you did, SUSPICIOUS. Mr. B!o<;,'l. I shall never forget." Don Estaban «nd the fellow* who h*d manned the bo«t cante up the iMtder, one by one, to be hamUed with the same quiet efflciencjr. With Colonel BMtop at their hcaA, and gout-rid<f>2n Governor Steed sit- tir.'g on the ruina <rf a wall beelde him, tho survivor* watched the de- piarture of the dfjrht boats oontainin'^ the weary Spanish ruffian* who had frlutted themselves with rapine, mur- der, and voilences unspeakable. The boats pulled away from the shore, with their loads of laughing, jeering Spaniards. They had come midway between the wharf and the ship, when suddenly the air was shaten by the boom of a gvn. They paused at their oars, as- tounded into silence for a mommt. Then speech burst from thein like an explflsioni. They wwe still curs- ing when a second shot came to crumple one of the boats into splin- ters, flinging its crew, dead and liv- ing, into the water. But if it edienced these, It gave ton^e, still more angry, vehement, and bewildered to the crews of the other seven boats. Plump into their noiddle came a third shot, smashing a aeoond boat with fearful execution. Whilst they discussed and fumed and cnraed two more shots came over the water to account for yet a third of their boats. After the fourth shot, vdth one accord they went about, or attempted to do 80, for before they had accom- eiabed it two more of their boats d been sunk. The three boats that remained headed back for the wharf at speed. If the Spaniards understood no- thing of this, the forlorn islanders ashore understood still lees. They Raw the flag of Spain come down fttm^ the mt^'-mlaat of the Clnco Llagas, and the flag of England soar to its empty place. That the Clnco Llagas wa» now in friendly hands could no longer be doubted after the proofs it had given. But who, the people of Bridgetown as>ked one another, were the men in possession of her and whence had they come. It remained to ascertain the precise identity of these myster- ious saviors, and do them fitting honor. Upon this errand â€" Governor Steed's condition not permitting him to go in person â€" went Colonel Bishop as the Governor's deputy, attended by two officers. Ranged on either side, athwart the deck, stood a score of men in two well-ordored files, with breasts and backs of steel, poIishe<l Spanish mor- ions on their heads, overshadowing their faces, and muskets ordered at their side*. Colonel Bishop could not be expect- ed to recognize at a glance in these the ragged, unkempt scar^rows that but yesterday had been toiling in his plantations. Still less could he be cfccpected to recognize at once the courtly gentleman who advanced to greet him â€" a lean, graceful gentle- man, dressed in the Spanish fashion, all in black with silver lace, a gold- Wlted sword dangling beside him from a gold embroidered baldrick, a broad castor with a sweeping plume CORNS frr^ corns, tsnder tOM and HUv .^ IwMm* of tight iboM. ^mj^^M mSahairs â- 55^ WUson Publishing Company WASHABLE FROCKS MAKE STRIPES A PART OF THEIR CHIC. This wasihable frock is gayly strip- ed and smartly short sleeved for com- fort and proves that practicality and fashion may go hand in hand, for it is simple enough to launder well ai»d keep its f reshnees all through the sea- son. A new feature is the pointed yoke and plait each side of the front and centre back. A narrow belt is caught under the edge of each plait and ties in the back, while patch pockets lend further adornment The sleeves may be long or short, and the collar worn high or low. No. 1386 is in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Sizse 18 requires 3% yards 36-inch material. 20 cents. The designs illustrated in our new Fafiihion Book are advance styles for the home dressmaker, and the woman or girl who desires to wear garments dependable for taste, simplicity and economy will find her desires fulfilled in our petteme. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name and address plain* ly, giving number^and size of such wt'aboW carefully "cu'rl'^^*ringlet8 "of Pft**'"* »« you want. Enclose 20c in CHAPTER IX. THE UEBKLS-CONVICT. the secret hoard that Mr. Blo<xi had to laboriously assembled against the day of escape. The remainder were equipped with knives and cutlasses. Mr. Bkod, himself, crept forward deepest black. I stamps or com (coin preferred; wrap "Be welcome aboard the Clnco M*,/"*^""^^ ^J ^f"=h «'»nbef «nd Llagas, Colonel, darling," a voice ! S^:'!!;!!'' y^^^.^.^fff^'" P^^ternDept, vaguely familiar addressed the plant- er. "We've made the best of the Spaniards' wardrobe in honor of thds visit, though it was scarcely yourself we had dared hope to expect. Yo^j find yourself among friends â€" old friends of yurs, all." The Colonel stared In stupefaction. "Peter Blood 1" It was an ejacula- Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St, Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. There wsro, when the purple gloom of tho ti-opical night descended upon .,•.. . . , â-  x. -^ ""-• -- ""- "" ^jnvuia th.- Caribbean, not mo.-e than ten men ' '*^^'.^*' ^^ companions, the tion of amazement. Satisfaction fol guard aboa.xl th. Cinco Llagas. ' "'^t!"* '" ^^l '^^'"'^'' f Nathaniel , j^wed swiftly. "Was it you, then |Jiagtn.)ipe whose sometime commis-l v the wine and tho fre-?h meats fetched out to them from shore. Above, twolY"^ ' sentinels only kept vigil, at stem and " ''' stern. Two wherries under cover of| on guard aboard thi' Cinco I. Tho Spanish gunntr and his crewâ€" ••..„•, xt l- ., who had so nobly done their duty and f"'" '"}^' '^'"«,^ ^""^ •''"^*-' ^'"^ ^^'^ iesure,! tho eusy victory of the day- .^'l^ ^â- ^'j;/** ,^«*^ f^""- we."., feaating on tho gun-d.^k upon' S'""- . ^""'^'f f^f*"''" ^^°,« ^"'^- ,^{,^,1 1 When he rejoined his comracl'3-.s there was no watch above tho Spaniards' When their quarters were invaded and they found themselves the darkness came gliding from "the'^'iT""!'''? ^^ " T'V^ •"''!'• ^"'7. wharf, with well-greased rowl«-ks to >>» f""*'^*-'' "l"". the Spaniards could brir-r up in silerc-e under th3 great, ""^'^ ^^'7^ *^*^''' "^^'-f , .,. Ihlp'ii quarter """ "'^"' '''O'" <>â- "' <>' th's uncouth Fron, the Hern gallery still hung'",''*^'' f 'r''"*r,/r if ''^''^i f^T' the ladder by which D«n Diego had f. '^PP**'^ " «'"". tall fellow with light- , descended to the boat that taken I V"" ^TV !* ^'""^ ^"'^ ".^,.'"^- him ashore. Tho r-ntry on guard ini''T,f ^^f,? '" ^^"^ P"'^"'' Castillian. the rtern, coming pr^ently round the' ^?'-' l'''" *"''® yourselves pain and trouble by regarding yourselves my prisoners, and suffering yourselves to be quietly bestowed out of harm's way." Thereupon those gentlemen of Spain were induced without further trouble beyond a musket prod or t\v<> to drop through a scuttle to the dark below. It was soon after nunrise that the rebel-ccnvict who paced the quarter- deck in Spanish cor.selet and head'- picce, a Spanish musket on his shoul- der, announced the approach of a (To be continued.) For a Dtllghtful Trtatt WRIQl.EY*ft NIPS Dalldoiu after Mookiagâ€" i^^^^.«• tltS titTdai and makes the a«xt tmoke tasto batter. ^ "I believe I'll become an aviatrix.' "Well, you have the 'trlx' all right.' laiUf tH. Uâ€" '27 MInard's Liniment for scaly acalp. ^ Real Ejojmnent Head steady as a rock, eyes flxod frenziedly on the froth, right arm raised In one long swdeplng motion, the whole body pivoting on the walst- 1- » t» ... n r.- "j ^ . I coat button which won't do up, they S^V-iLT ?'" ^.'"^i*' ??PT''^o''oW well through till the gUss U y Valdez coming aboard with four C^pty great treasure-chests, containing each Many are tho golf links who fiml twenty-five thousand pieces of eight, |it easier to hole out a double wWsky In one than to grasp their way round the links In a hundred and fifty. There Is a lot of ralnd gambling on golf, but for this wo cannot blame tho cota. ITbe Caledonian does not risk I money; because it excites bim too much. Occasionally, when there are no Elders about, a couple of Scots will play a match, the loser to put a pen- ny Into the plate at kirk next 8ab- the ransom delivered to him at dawn by Governor Steed. Ho was accom- an'^ by his son, Don Estaban, and fix men who took the oars. Pon piejfo pioujited tjje jadd^r and g stepp^ upDQ jl^ geek, alone, and'm entirely und\i8|MciouS. ]|4^gj:o lio foul«i even look round, and ffurvey the guard drawn up to receive him, a tap over the head with Russian Hymn of Hate For England Appears Soviet Russia's hymn of hate against England has Just reached London. The composer, AlexiJ Beeymenakl, is re- garded as one of the most Important of tho purely Communistic writers. Following Is a rough translation of three stanzas of the "hymn": England! You country of brainless kings! England! In purple or Ironed top-hat. Lipsticks and foxtrots, dreadnoughts and grenades. Your steel-bafee forming a paunch of fat! Home of assassins In frock-<;oat» and wnlklnn-sticks. On their lips lies, but bearing a cniclfix. Curses creep In your ear like melte<l load. England! We have no enemy worse! Your 8.hlp8' guns thunder to clear the air For the deep caress of the long-drawn curse! Bloo<l, groans and death-screams from China to Eg>'pt'8 sand, Australia and India's palms Join the wall with the golden Rand. Curses! Weak word! We act Instead! See, England! "^ur factories stand wide-eyed, Mlneshafts gnash teeth, chimney- stacks clench flats. Peasants' huU mi-.-.cle-ltke knots are tied. Shoulder to shoulder, our cry rises higher Englandâ€" Words become deeds. The command Is: Fire! a capstan bar sfftdently handle^ by, bath an dthe wtnnej; aothfng, Instead Hatrt)iorpe, jut Wm to sleep w;itKrat 6r a halfpenny each. Bnt not often. Ho was JSVnad away to his cabin, whilat the treasure-chests, handled hy the men he had left in the boat, were being hauled tr> the deck beinf , satisfactorily They don't believe In risking heart attacks north of the Tweed. When a man and a girl marry they, That be<rome one; but It Is lor them to dls- BccompUahod, "'*«»â-  *'>'*''' ""«• | â€" " NURSES Tka Twut* Hettltail hr iMt'-aMN, la •tMUlM Xlk BtllmM an* aiiim HM»ltaU Haw Vark City, aeafi a Ikna vaara' CorM •I Tralalaf I* (••â- â€¢ â- mwii. ka>l*i tka i«witi«4 itMan**. aa< «nlra« a« kcaaailni uiMa. Tkit Haatltal kai ailaata< tka (It:!!. kaar mtaat. Tha Malli ricahii iiallaraii al Mia iaiiaal. a awntlily allaaranaa antf travti. I«l taacaMi la aii4 lra« M«w Vark. For lurlliir Inlaraiallaa arTila tka tufarlattaHi'ni, Trmining an Eagle Last annmer Captain C. R. W. Knight, of the BrlUsh Araiy, rescued a young female eagle, which he has since succeeded in training to hunt like a falcon. At first the bird waa nervous, but she soon learned to perch on her master's arm and feed there. After being made to feel at home, she was tempted to go for stuffed rabbit-skins and sacks of food. The bait was swung or thrown In the air, and the bird would be attracted to it from greater and greater distances. She then learned to fly up Into a tree and watch Captain Wright until bo produced and projected his lure. If, however, the bait was not thrown up promptly the Indignant fowl would make a bee line for the trainer's head, and In order to save himself the Cap- tain would have to toss up the bait at once. The first time this happened the lure was not extracted In time, and the eagle swooped down on the Cap- tain's head, opening up his neck with her talons so that three stitches had to be taken. After this episode the trainer covered his flst and fcft-earm { with mall and wore a fencing mask. To bear the weight of the bird he had to support bis arm on a crutch, and the eagle was attached to a clothes- line, tied to a strap on either leg. At capturing live game the bird proved a great disappointment. She could only catch bares and rabbits when they ran downhill â€" a tact the animals Jiad sense enough to appre- ciate Captoin Wright believes that a goshawk is ten times as efficient at taunting as an eagle but was surprised to find tke larger bird so tractable. On the whole the experiment proved a great success, since excellent slow moving plctifres were secured of the eagle seising the artificial lure, carry- ing It away, and perching on its mas- ter's arm. Once these films were taken the bird was set free. | ^ A golfer missed the ball three times, ploughing up the turf. "You've re- voked," said his partner. "But I'm not playing cards," remonstrated the unfortunate player. "All the same," was the reply, "you've been playing a spade Instead of a club!" GIUETtS LYE A teatpoonf Hi of GiDetf • Lye tprinkled in the Garbage Can inrerenU flies breeding Vf attM'$ Ly for att Chaning tmi JHtlnf»etlii§ CoaUlittlt but ahrajn Knows All the Holds. "Ethel is quite an athlete." "She must be a wrestler, I Uilnk." "And why?" "Her men friends say she knows' all the holds." Women don't really like wicked men â€" they only like them to seem, wicked. Minard's Liniment for sore feet. IIT . ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE The Rural Life ia the Best Life And Education is the Big Factor in Making it so. Profitable Farm Operations and Content- ed Home Life follow the Enlightening Influence of a Course at the Ontario Agricultural College. The opportunity to attain a full knowledge of Crops, Soils, Live Stock, Poultry, Farm Elngineering, Dairying, Apiculture, Horticulture, the Basic Sciences and Elnglish is given to all Students at the O.A.C. Write for Calendar. Tuition, first and second year, only $20,000 per year. Board and Room $5.40 per week. The Ontario Agricultural College J. B. Reynolds, M. A. President. L. Stevenson, M.S. Elxtension. A. M, Porter, B.S.A. Registrar. ^^fi^y^ljl^ ^^iuUfanin^ia PaBuzz will ^somethii^ soon PIT spny dears your home of mosquitoes and mes. It ako lulls bed bugs, roaches, anti, •ad their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to maokiod. Will not stain. Get Flit today. DbtntmmJ aa C mtd a iy fndj. Wkklow & C*. ImmH^ TmtiM DBSTROYS Flies Mosquitoes MoUis Ants Bed Bugs Roaclies "JitltS^SZf

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