â- i ft i: t â- »w THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WENDESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1927 Bankinp and Profit Wherever goods are bought and sold Banking has a service to render- a service which simplifies transactions and renders them more profitable. During more than fifty years of con- structive blinking practice the Stand- ard Bank of Canada has built up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientele who have learned to rely on this Bfink's services. THE STANDARD BANK OF CAi^AJJA. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C. T. Batty. Manager The Funeral of the Late I G-LWhiteHeMThurs. L.O.L. 509 HAD CHARGE OF VERY • IMPRESSIVE SERVICE â€" WAS I BURIED AT DLNBOYNE C.P.R. TIME TABLE Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows: I Going South 8.08 a.m. 4.10 a.m. 8.31 p.m. Going North 11.52 a.m. 8.53 p.m.! 4.33 p.m.! The mails close at Flesherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. â- outh at 3.30 For morning train â- outh mail closes at 9.00 p.m. the previous evening. As intimated last week the death of George Littlejohns White took place at his residence at Dunboyne, Ont., on Tuesday, July 26th, after a linger- |ing illness of two years' duration. jThe funeral took place on Thursday, July 28th, service being held at the I house at 2.30 p.m., interment taking nlace in the Dunboyne cemetery. iRev. J. W. Stewart, of the United Church, had charge of the sen'ice at the house 'and grave, assisted by Rev. A. E. Shaw. The burial service of the Orange Association was then conducted by Past Master G. W. Littlejohns and F. A. York of Orange Valley L.O.L., of which the deceased )was an honorary member, assisted by members of the Flesherton and Griersville Lodges. He was also p member of the Canadian Order of Foresters. The pallbearers were Messrs. Frank John, Elmore. Allan and Ed.* White and John Liddle, cousins of the deceased. A large number of relatives .ind old frifnds from a distpnce attended The Markdale Tennis Club was ent- the funernl nmong whom were: Mr. ertained by the Flesherton Tennis nnd Mrs. Jas. Thomnson, Simcoe; Mr. Club on Thursda.; afternoon of last W. Neeley and son, Maurice. In^er- Cars Collideil on Road 2 Miles East of Town BOTH CARS BADLY DAMAGED BUT OCCUPANTS WERE NOT HARDLY INJURED Held Tennis Tournament on Courts of Local Club FLESHERTON V. ON OUT FROM MARKDALE CLUB â€" A VERY ENJOYABLE TIME SPENT A bad accident occurred on Friday evening of last week when two cars collided at the top of the Genoe hill, two miles east of town. One car was diiven by Mr. George Johnston, Rock Mills, and the other by Mr. Russell Irwin of Proton Station. Both cars were badly damaged in the melee. The accident occurred at about ten o'clock at night while Mr. Johnston was on his way home and it is sup posed that the lights from the cars blinded the drivers for the moment and the wheels of both cars locked. Both wheels were stripped from the [ Johnston car, the fenders, radius rods j and axle badly bent. The Irwin car car turned over onto its side by the I impact, one of the occupants being I thrown out. He was saved from ser- ious injury when the door of the car came open and prevented it from fall- I ing on top of him. This car also had a wheel taken off and other damage done besides. Both cars were coups j of the same model. Repairs were made at a local garage on Saturday. Local and Personal «nll; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White. St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever and Mrs. J. Adamas, Flesherton; G. y.-eek with a tc:rnament of ladies' and men's sing!';<, Imixed doubles, ladies' doubles and men's doubles. The Flesherton club was declared the jw. Littlejohns and F. A. York, Mark- I winner with six games won to four dale. Mr. Cecil Betts spent the week end '°^*' *'^^''" ^'"^ coming with the ladies The floral offerings were beautiful in Toronto, j winning their sir.crles and doubles and and were given by the following as a Quite a number from here attended ' ^'*° "^'""'"^ ^''^ ""''^'^ '^"""^^ «f*â„¢**- token of friendship and esteem: The Come to the Priceville Presb>'ter- ian church garden party on the pub- lic shcool grounds on Friday, August 5th. Hear the Brunswick Trio of London, Prof. Kyle and other enter- I tainers. Admission 50c. and 25c. HOUSE OP GIUAUTV H THIS IS THE LAST WEEK FOR MONTMORENCY CHERRIES LEAVE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW SO WE WILL BE ABLE TO SUPPLY THE DEMAND W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flour, Feed, Seads, Crooeriea and Confectionery Flesherton y the races at Goderich on Monday. There was a heavy holiday traffic through town on Monda y. Miss Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound spent teh holiday at her home here. The East Grey Fall Fair prize lists are now completed. Anyone desiring one call at the Secretary's office. In the evening several more mem- bers of each club were present and a tournament of mixed doubles was held nartners beine taken from both clubs and Miss Helen Alton and Mr. C. J. Crossley emerged winners of this event. The players from Markdale who (were here in the afternoon were: Mrs. Donald Fowler of Dungannon Messrs. Dick Lucas, R. Hunter, I. is the guest of Mrs. W. G. Kennedy; Rebum, M. Henry and Mr. Colley, and Mrs. W. I. Henry. 'and the ladies team was composed of Hilliard and Ruth Tratoe of Battle Miss Berry, Miss Lucas and Miss Creek, Mich., are visiting their cous- Helen Alton. ins, Arnold and Audrey Brown. The Flesherton players rere: Wes Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perigoe and Armstrong, C. J. Crossley, Dr. Turn- family of Toronto spent Civic Holiday - bull. Dr. Murray and W. G. Kennedy, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart here, i while Mrs. Wes Armstrong, Mrs. (Dr.) Murray, Elda Karstedt 'and Aleda Mitchell composed the ladies' team. Tea was served on Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling's spacious lawn and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bennett and family of Toronto spent the week end with friends here and at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty and Miss Lorine are spending a couple of weeks ' ^ delightful time was spent at Whitby and Oshawa. I Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray visited with the latter's cousin at Balsam Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Watson and daughter spent the week end with friends at Brussels. The Sabbath School of the United Church of Canada in Flesherton has I his home community and has been been closed for the month of August. ' very popular with all, who are very Miss Jean White of Aylmr is visit- soTy to have him leave. However the ing her sisters, Mrs. W. E. Loucks I reins are being taken over by a young and Mrs. F. ]. Thurston. i man who has spent the past three Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto 1^®'" .'^ . ?°'* graduate work and was a Tisitor in town over Civic Dr. D. H. Guy Sold Practice Dr. D. H. Guy of Maxewell has sold his medical practice to Dr. R. A. Gauld of Toronto, who takes possession on or about August 15th. Dr. Guy had several years of excellent practice in Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton and two children of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley. Messrs. Stewart and Cecil McTavish Family, a wreath; sprays from, L.O. L. 509, Bro. Jim White, Mr. and INIrs. Elmore White, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Zavitz, Jas. Adams and Vera I^ver, Mr. and Mrs. Allen White, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jenkins and family, T. A. Blakely and family. Mrs. C. Zavitz and Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. E. Trim, Pearl White and H. Zavitz. The late George White was born at Westport, Leeds County -fil years ago and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John White. When about four years of age he moved with his par- ents to Artemesia township and settl- ed in Orange Valley. When a young man he purchased a farm on the west back line, Artemesia, and two years later he was married to Miss Matilda Esther Lever, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lever. The union '"as blessed with eleven child- ren now living, eight girls and three boys: Benjamin, at home, Mildred (Mrs.) E. Loucks, Flesherton. Glenna (Mrs. Robt. Henning) of Meaford, Lillian (Mrs. F. J. Thurston) Flesh- erton, Letitia (Mrs. J. E. Jenkins) Toronto, Agnes, St. Thomas and Florence, Willitam, Ruby, Jean and George at home, all of whom attended the funer".!. Seven years ago he sold his farm on the west back line, Artemesia, and moved to Flesherton, remaining here over a year, and purchased a farm at Dunboyne, near Aylmer, and moved his family thereto. The late Mr. White was highly respected by comes highly recommended. Dr. Guy, we understand will move to Toronto all who knew him, was a good neigh where he expecU to spend the winter, bor, willing to lend a helping hand to An auction sale will be held at his his fellow man whenever needed. His home in Maxwell on Saturday, Aug- 1 many old friends here are sorry to ust 13th, when the household fumi- hear of the passing of their friend. of Oshawa were holiday visitors with ' ^n rSS"C"T' "*"''"'• \ ^'"•'•^"' '"'^ ^'"«»^'»« ^'"^"^ »"«' their parents here. , offe red for s ale. [family the deceased leaves to mourn 'five brothers: James, Dunboyne, Ezra 4DPrn ONAL LOCALS land Benjamin. Markdale, Wesley of Toronto, who attended the funeral. Sheeii Carried by Truck Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Davis of Toronto, also Mr. Alfred Carter visited Mr. Sir rTur^ Jw!fh .t""''*''' ^"I ^'^^ '""'^^ ^*""''*'" """^ """"'' . and Edward of Los Angeles; Caltf. Carter returned with them. j are holidaying in the city for a month, ' Mr. and Mrs. F W. Harkins also Rev. C. Adsett will occupy the pul- "";J". r T^''\^Z\^- ^f^\it in the United church next Sabbath visited at the J. H. Field home last j^ ^j evening. ^iss Minnie Callen leaves this , Mrs. McCann and three chUdren are The transportation of live stock by week on an extended visit with friends '«>â„¢">« "> *•»« parsonage, during | trucks to the Toronto stock yards is at OrangeviUe, Toronto and Jim- * »''»«'«=e « "er brother-in-law and becoming more prevalent as time goes broke. jhis family. Mr. B. Eugene Field has returned, ^r. ^nd Mrs. Wes Armstrong, ac- to Toronto, having spent his two } *^â„¢P*"'®*^ ^^ ^iss Effie Sandiland weeks' vacation with Mr. and Mr*. J.'°^ Dundalk, motored to Detroit on H. Field. I Sunday, returning Tuesday evening. What is your biggest asset? fThe young people have the right idea about the importance of keeping up one's friends. Their modem point of view is that your friends are your biggest asset. f Keeping them up be- comes a very simple matter when you can so easily call them by Long Distance. The ser- vice was never so quick, and to Interurban towns (within a radius of say 25 miles) the rate is particu- larly low. .^ortsur' Jf The finest kind of a fl habit is to have one & day each week for calling up a Mend or friends by Lang Distance. The benefits areoften quite startling. 7^ew <iyi.rtistic Creations Your friends will envy you when you serve them from this rich and graceful Grosvcnor Tea Service, latest creation in .^ ., ^ , COMMUNITY PLATE ••COMPLETE TABLE SERVICES" â- vi*«a And, if you would be a friend indeed just make a gift of such a setâ€" or any one of the many new CoMMONmr Service Dishes we arc showing. Bread Trays, Platters, and Cake Baskets, all matching perfectly the famous CoMMUNmr Pijitb designs. Magnificence, grace and utilityâ€" combined at z price most modest. 1 W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON %.u, JEWELLERS .^.^"g" >... T n ^ Flesherton, Ont. on. On Tuesday afternoon a truck owned by Mr. Clifford Loucks of Mea- ford came through town with a load of 36 sheep and lambs to be delivered at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto. It was a consignment fronrMr. Geo. Cornfield, a few miles north of Kim- berley. A couple of weeks ago an- other shipment was made of 50 sheep and lambs. The truck is a double deck affair with plenty of ac- commodation for 50 sheep to ride comfortably. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Finder motored Misses Kathleen and Irene McDon- to Alliston on Sunday and were join- "'<^ *"<* friend, Mr. Geo. Mashanter ed there by Mr. and Mrs. Dowling and.*"^ ^r. Willard Dunn aJl of Toronto by Miss Gladys Finder in Toronto and moto^d up on Saturday and spent spent Monday at Niagara Falls. 1*'^* holiday with the former's par- ... . , . „ ^ «. „ eits, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Miss Audrey and Master Dan Mc-; Tavish of Oshawa are visiting their] A" auction sale of driving horses, grandparents here. They were ac- •*"â„¢ess. household furniture, etc., will comoanied by Master Jim Stewart ot^ •>el*i »' Maxwell on Saturday, St. Paul, who had been visiting them. ' August 13th, the property of Dr. D. _ ^ ^ , J ,. i i H. Guy. Dr. Guy is leaving the dia- Come to Ceylon garden P»rty at^^.^^ ^^^ everything must be sold. , ,, ,, ,, W Gibson's on Friday. August 12th, g^^ ^^^^^ W. Kaittinf, auctioneer. ' *^""«*'*^"' '^«*'''«"' ^'^ ^"'1 !«"« under the auspices of the Ladies Aid. I "' i and friend, Mr. Geo. Mashanter call- See posters for particulars.â€" Mrs. W. I Come to the basket picnic of L.O.L. | gd on Friceville and Ceylon friends J English semi Porcelain I DINNER WARE 1 I Special Reduced Prices for August only I 97 piece Dinner Setts Regular $25.00 Regular $27.50 Regular $31.50 Regular $35.00 for S22.50. for $24.50. for $27.50. for $31.50. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald and Gibson, Pres.; Mrs. A. Sinclair, Sec.!2J4 to be held on August 10 at Albert M J mi Tx Aj J VI J iStinson's grove, one half mile north Mr. and Mrs. D. Adams and child- . t.- i. • r< o <..i. i, «â- • ,, _ ._, , , .of Victoria Comers. Softball â€" Kim- ren, Mrs. Emerson Adams and daugh- . , j n j n • • i. i. i, .„ T __j «- A „._ «-T.-_I, J 'beriey and Dundalk girls; baseball on Sunday. Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsvilla motored from Waaaga Beach on Tues- ter Jean, and Mr Allan McDonald g^^ ^^^ p^^^^ g^^^.;^ ^^^ day; she returned this a.m., taking her visited friends at Cookstown and Bradford on Sunday. Mr. Nelson Jordison and sister, Miss Rhoda, of Cardross, Sask., visit- ed last week with their aunts, Mrs. shoe pitching contests. Suitable priz- es will be given. The Shrigley Dram- atic Club will give a play "Roads to the City," at the concert in the even- ing. Dancing to follow the program. Jos. Duncan and Miss Nicholson, in j Music supplied by Harmony King town and with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Orchestra. Proceeds to be used for Allen and family of Springhill. building a new L.O.L. hall. sister. Miss Mary McTavish with her for a week. !•» Mr. and Mrs. John Beaton of Berk- ley and M». and Mrs. Andrew Walker and daughters ,Gcrtrude and Elda, of Chesley were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown, Springhill. 40 piece Tea Setts Regular $9.50 for $8.55. Regular $11.00 for $10.00. Regi4ar $8.50 for $7.65. Regular $10.00 for $9.00. There are eleven selected designs to choose from in white and ivory bodies. They are from the best patterns: Johnston's. Myott's and .Meakin's. All are "Open Stock" patterns, so that you can purchases a full Dinner or Tea Sett, or a single plate or cup and saucer, as yoi prefer. It you already have some of these patterns and wish to add a few pieces or replace some broken pieces, we will allow you a Special 10 per cent, discount on <nir regular prices during August. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. -***-