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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jul 1927, p. 1

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"S hje /lesljjett^n %hmxiu. Vol 47 No. 9 Flesherton. Ontario July 27, 1927 W.H. Thuraton & Son, Propriciom PORTUIW ReCKMUsLS (Last Week's Items) The family of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakey have all been laid up lately some of them quite seriously ill. We are pleased to hear that there ia some improvement in their condition. BORN â€" On Sunday last to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sheardown, a son, Lewis Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum visited at' Durham recently. A little £:irl arrived lately at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum, Mr. and Mrs. T. Spring, Mrs. Jos. Gamey and Mr. H. G. Wiltsie, general agent C.N.R., all of Toronto, visited last week with the Meldrum family. Mrs. Gamey is remaining for a more ex- tended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Warren of Montreal are visitors at the latter's parental home here. Word was received by relatives here of the death in Owen Sound of Mrs. Thomas Taylor, a pioneer of this part. A number from here are at- tending the funeral to-day (Tues- day) in Owen Soand. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and babe of Mount Dennis and Mr. Wm. Lyons of Brampton were visitors lately with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons. Mrs. (Rev.) Gaudin, Mrs. Overholt, Mr. Seguin, Miss Allie Little and Mr. H. Gaudin, all of Toronto, were visit- ors recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little, Centre Line. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips and babe of Toronto visited last week with his cousin here, Mr. Dick Clark, wife and famOy. Miss Gladys ''iVhite of Proton visit- ed in this community last week. Mr. Lome Atkinson of the Bible School, Proton, preached at Salem church Sunday evening and delivered a good message from the 1st Chapter of James. Sister Thomas also ass- isted in the service. The heavy rains have delayed hay- ing operations for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts and babe. Misses Edith and Mabel Bette and Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell visited recently with relatives at Maxwell. Mrs. John Porteous spent a day last week at the home of her son near Maxwell. Quite a nmber from around here assisted Mr. John Badjero of the 4th line with his bam raising last week, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton of Dur- ham are holidaying for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. The regular monthly meeting of [Unity U.F.W.O. club has been post- I poned for the month of August as the ladies (lave accepted an invitation jfrom the Holdfast Club to visit them Ion Wed., August 10th. i Misses Ita and Laura Pedlar are holidaying with their grandmother, Mrs. H. Wilson, in Flesherton. -ONWARir NEWS EUGENIA IN MEMORIAM Last week's items \ ^.Mr. and Mrs. Nash and Mrs. Jos. The annual picnic under the aua- Wuliams and son, Joe, of Toronto vis- pices of the Onward U, F. Y. P. p. ited over the week end with, Mr. and was held laat Thursday on A. Currie'll| Mrs. Elwood Partridge, grounds and bush- The day was fine Mr. Grant and little niece, Marie, of and the afternoon crowd was fairly Toronto, accompanied by the Misses large. Softball was the main attra- Mollie and Jessie Carter, visited over ction. a couple of apod Xamw being the week end with Mr. and Mrs. .A.lex. played. PriceviUe Jfd C^lon played Hoy. The three little girls remained first, the latter team winning 12-4. here to spend a few happy holidays. Onward then played the winners and Mr. Alex. Hoy has purchased an- was defeated after a gruelling seven oth«r horse. inning struggle 13-11. Supper was ser- Mr. and Mrs. Hei*ert Haney have ved in the bush after which the returned to Windsor after a pleasant crowd was entertained with a speech visit with the former's parents, Mr. by Mr. Slack, U, F. O. M-PJ*. for *^ Mrs. Robt. Haney, Dnfferin. Mr. Harold McKechnie of! We are sorry to report Mrs. Gaj»et Durham also delivered an interest- Magee. 8th line, on the sick list, and ing address. The McMillan Orchestra ! ^"Pe *° ^^^ °^ ^^^ recovery soon, supplied music between numbers. The, Master Earl Tuohy and sisters, Pres. W. Hincks took charge of the Flo^n^ and Stella, of Meaford are programme. The dance at night was ^^o'l^aying with their cousin. Miss attended by a large crowd and a sec- Mabel Hoy. tion of the spacious U.F.O. platform Miss Lucy MacDonald has reutmed being used. The club appreciates the *»°™e after a fortnight's visit with effort made by all in making thei^e^ friend. Miss Thelma Quesnel, of an e-ttended visit with friends at Cal- . edon and Toronto, has returned home, j Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Whitehead of Walkerton visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. , McWhinney the past week. Mr. F. Hamrael of Duntroon visited ; his friend, Mr. Jack White, Monday. , Mrs. .Anan McMillan and son, John, ] visited friends near Maxwell the first | of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and ; son. Jack, of Lauriston, Mrs. Hill Sr. } and Mr. and Mrs. Will Hill and two i children of Orange VaJley were visit- ors at H. Piper's the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Xeilson and son. Bruce, and Mrs. T. Brady of Toronto visited their sister, Mrs. Jas. W. Mc- MuUen the first of the week. We are pleased to report Mrs. P. improving after her sever* illness. Mr. and Mrs. .-Vrchie Sinclair and Miss Margaret and Master Jiramie, motored to Owen Sound and Presqae- Isis on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Warling of '^(j- ronto were visitors at Mr. S. Her-.>- hill's the first of the week. picnic the success that it was. Mr. John Meads has been under the: doctor's care with an attack of pleur-i isy. We are pleased to know that i Owen Socmd. Mr. Stanley Campbell had some cement floors installed in his stable Lever of On Tues- on Monday. Mr. Thos. Flesherton did the work. his condition is better. • j â- . ^ • • ,, ^ • , dav he put m a niece of concrete side- Mr. F. R. Oliver, MJ'.P. attended ^^jj, „„ y^^-^ g^^^ ;„ ,j,^ ^.^jj^^^ a picnic at Mmton on Thursday last j jj^ ^has. Quesnel and three child- and also spoke at Mount Forest the ; ^en of Owen Sound are the euest^ of following day. Civic Holiday Take notice that Monday. .A.ugast 1st, 1927, has been declared Civic Ho I 'day tor the Village of Flesher- ton and all persons are requested to act accordingly. W. H.THURSTOX. Reeve. By-Law_No. 801 gyj^^^ j^o. 805 Mr. Ed Dingwall has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gillis and fam- Mrs. Jos. Sherwood, for a few davs. Mr. and Mrs. H. Falconer visited relatives at Durham on Sunday. Master .\rgyle Martin had the mis- ily of Toronto were Sunday visitors fortune to be bitten on the foreehad EAST MOUNTAIN Congratulations are extended to Misses Mabel Thompson and Monica Rae in passing their Entrance exam- inations. Mr. and Mrs, Law of Toronto are holidaying with their cousins here, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wilson. Miss Lillie Belle Smart is visiting with relatives near Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart ent- ertained their friends to a party at their home on Friday evening of last week. De Laval Cream Separator ' SIMMONS â€" In ever loving «emorT of i our dear husband and father, Walter I Robert Simmons, who entered into J rest July 29th, 1925. I We watched him suffer day by day, ' It caused us bitter grief To see him slowly pine away And could not give relief. The heavenly gates were opened wide, j .\ loving voi<!e said "Come", ' .\nd with farewell unspoken I He gently entered home. ' While the midnight stars are gleaming { On a lone and silent grave, ' Beneath it sleeps the one we loved, I The one we could not save. Sadly missed by â€" Wife and Family. at .\. Currie's. Misses May and Irene Hamiliton are spending the holidays at Mr. .A. Currie's. j h.v a dog on Monday afternoon. Clark of trust it will soon be better. We PROTON STATION VICTORIA CORNERS ROOSTER FINISHED THE JOB Why use an old, worn out Sep- arator. Give your cows a chance to earn more money for you by getting a new De Laval. Come in and let ns demonstrate it to you. W^e have Sep- arator Oil and Repairs. W.A.HAWKEN FLESHERTON. ONT. .A. Prince Edward County farmer placed a broody hen on a setting of !l5 eggs, but unfortunately, the hen died before the chickens were due to hatch. Whether these chickens had al- ' ready been counted or not is not now t known, but in any eevnt, the problem 'confronting the farmer was solved by boring two holes through the bottom 'of the box in which it was placed. Then a rooster was placed on the eggs with his legs through these two holes and fastened securely together below. By this means the rooster was coni- I pelled to complete a task greatly be- i low his dignity as a father and head of the household, and was kept sitting on tho oggs until he became the proud and only parent of a fine brood of chicks, following Vhich they were j placed under the care of a foster- I mother. â€" Tweed News. Stokes & McLean DUNDALK ARE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR McCormack-Deering Implements Repairs A Ga)D STOCK OF REPAIRS KEPT ON H.\ND AT ALL TIMES TELEPHONE CALLS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION ORDERS MAY BE LEFT WITH H. DOWN & SONS, FLESHERTON STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Miss May Wyville, who is taking a summer course at Toronto University, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burton- and children on a motor trip to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyville,* here. ' ' Miss Mafy"HanIey of Hamilton is : visiting relatives in this vicinity. Our C.P.R. agent, Mr. P. Still, and family are holidaying in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Still motored to Burk's Falls last week end Miss Margaret Still visited at Cheltenham. Mr. : Petty of Msctier is relieving at the , station. Mrs. .\. Xeilson and children of , Bolton are visiting at Mr. Jas. Neil- ; son's. Mr. Wm. Sprott of Badjeros spent i an afternoon with his friend, R, G. ' .\cheson, before leaving for a trip to ' the West. ' i Miss Mary McCannel, Toronto, is : holidaying at her father's, Angus McCannel, Murray and Velnia Pringle of To-; roiito areh olidaying at the home of their grandfather, Mr. P. Consley. I Mrs. Consley spent a few days with i her daughter at Gravenhurst. i Miss lla Batchelor, Owen Sound, is j at her home here for a short visit. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore and little j daughter. Betty, of Newbury paid a ' sV^rt visit at the home of Mr. R. G. | .A.cheson. j Mrs. Stainsby is very ill with Drs. Martin and Turnbull in attendance, j Mrs. Duncan McNicol has returned- to her home in Toronto. i The holiday season brings a num- ber of visitors to the neighborhood. Visitors at Mr. Jas. Best's and Mr. -A.. Stinson's were Mr. and Mrs. Soszel of Hanover, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludlow and daughter of Woodstock, -Mr. and Mrs. McCutcheon and two laughters of Erin. Mrs. Morrow re- turned home to Erin with Mr. Mc- Cutcheon. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wraggett of Bethel Mr. and .Mrs. .\ndrew Robinson from c-e West visitejl a: Carl .Atkinson's nd called on other friends. rir. and Mrs. Robt. Moore and d'.ughter, Betty, of Newbury paid a f ring visit to Mr. Moors 's old homo here. They just came from the bod- s'. !e of Mrs. Moore's mother, who is vjry ill at the home of her son, John, in Weston. \ isitcrs at the home of Milton Ban- ron were Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Jarvis. Mr. John Robinson of Hani- il :n, -iir. and Mrs. .Arthur Clayton. Tc-onto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hannah, Mcrkdalo. Mrs. Robinson Sr.. Mrs. Eb â-  iiobinson and Donald. Bethol. r • -is Biinnon went to Jarvis with Mr. "chn Brown for a visit of a couple of -reeks. C "ni Lockhart has been on the sick lis<- with pneumonia. ."'s. Thos. Bannoa visit;;d a week in Toronto. Come to the picnic to be held in >•â- â-  . .A. Stinson's grove on .Aiiarust 10, â-  Jer the auspices of L.O.L. 244. ''. 'le proceeds are in aid of a new hall r t Proton. Particulars later. .A BY-LAW of the CouncU of the Township of Artemesia. to i^rant bonus to parties building wire fences: BE IT EN.ACTED by the Council of the Township of Artemesia that a bon- us of twenty-five cents per rod be paid to any person owTiing or occupying land in the said Township situate ad- ioinins any place where the roads are often obstructed by drifting of snow, who will build a wire fence of not less than seven strands of woven wire with posts sufficient for the purpose not more than two rods apart, clear of the road allowance, provided the other conditions of this By-law have Ijeen duly observed. That all stones or obstructions along the road allowance and on either side of the fence which tend to obstn'' the free passage of snow must be cler ed %wav or burned, and noj more thai' 250 rods will be allowed in each divi ion. Bi ."ore payment â- â- " the said bonus is mad ' by the Council the party aDCiv- ing â-  ust procure a certificate from the C :oimissioner or a member of the Couni ;i in the district where the said foncc is erected, i^ the effect that the fence is satisfactory snd in comoliance with the provisions of this By-law. That this By-law sha" be of full force and effect from and after the passing thereof. Passed in open Council this 7th day of May. 1927. J. A. HOG-ARTH. Reev*. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. .ARTEMESLA COUNCIL The lollowinK is a By-law passed by .Artemesia Cotmcil on July 7, 1927: -A BY-L-AW of the .Municipal Coyn- cil of -Artemesia in the County of Grey, to reeulate the running at larg» of dogs within the said Township. BE IT ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Artemesia, that from and after t'ne passin ; of this By-law all owners and 'narh ;urer3 of dogs in the said Township are requir- ed to tie up, enclose or keep securely muzzled ail dogs owned by them or under their control between the hoars CI 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. every day be- tween the first day of May and the fifteenth day of Novembmer. inclus- ive, in each year, during the currency cf this By-law. That any owner or harbourer of any do? or dogs shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars and costs for the first offence and for each subseouent offence the fine shall not be less than ten dollars and costs, and in the discression of the Magis- trate the doe or does mcv fe ordered killed. That this By-law shall be of full force and effect from and after the passing thereof. Pas-sed in open Council the Sth day of July. .A.D. 1927. _^^_^ J. -\- HOGARTH. Reeve. W. J. BELL.AMY. Clerk. r BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUXER.\L PARLORS 122-124 .Avenue Road. TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdale 4441 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. CEYLON rORONTO LINE, NORTH Mrs. W. J. .Alcox visited Sunday with Vfndeleur friends. .Mrs. Will Fletcher of Hannah. .Alta.. is visiting with M»s. Jas. Beatty. Mr. Geo. Extence. Mr. Randal and son of Toronto and Mr. Geo. Holder of Nobleton visited at the home of W. J. .Alcox last week. Mr.and Mrs. Roy Wood and child- ren of Wodehouse spent Sunday at T. Lever's. Miss .Alma MacLean of the Six Comers is visiting with Miss -Agnes Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Wright and daughter Florence and Mr. Brimsdale of Tor- onto, also Mr. and MTs. Wm. Davies of Bradford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .A. Stewart. AGENCY FOR Massey Harris Implements INSURANCE WRITTEN IN SEVER.AL COMP.ANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. John Wriffht FLESHERTON Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Marshall and uighter, Eleanor, of Toronto are siting Mrs. Marshall's p;irents. Mr. id -Mrs. W. T. McMullen. Mr. Golden Pickell of Brantford .as a caller at R. Cook's on Friday. Ceylo:i softball aggresration played a friendly game of ball with Priceville on the latter's grounds on Saturday. July 16th. Ceylon won by a score of i'-7. Duncan McMillan acted as umpire with mutual satisfaction. j Watch for date of return game. I We extend congratulations to Mr. HarN^ey Griffin, a former teacher here â-  ut now of Toronto, he having 5S ttrance pupils and all passed, S9 of 'm with honors and one won the •:>Id medal, .A splendid record. We also extend congratulations to 'tr. Jack White who tried and passed â-  's aft examination, also to Miss M. Stewart and pupils, who had three . t- V ami two were sucessful. Master John McMillan and Jackson Stewart. I ? 'aster Orton Leslie spe:~.t tho week •tu* with his parents in Toronto. y •. ard Mrs. Snowdon McLeod and babo of Toronto are visiting the t\>r- j mer's parents, Mr. and Mr«. Donald I McLcod. i Mr. 'nd Mrs. H. Grfffin of Toronto I r»>otor<- 1 up and visited the former's j sister. '"Trs. White, the past week. Mr, T'. Ferguson, who has been on Shingle Special Lumber, Shingles and Lath No. 1â€" $5.50 per M. cash off car. No. 2â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car [[[SHiOfi PiSNiit MlliS H. -V McAULEY. Prop. The Right Time For new shippers to start is risrht now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if you bring your CRE.\M TO US, There is a big difference in grading cream, which affests the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving- this to our preseivt pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest ^"' and Produce Co. WwBht M.\RKDA1.E. ONT.-VRIO. PHONE 66 -.^'^JU-.iiii- i-Jo I'ut ,.,.-

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