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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1927, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADV.\XCE WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1927 4 \«V The Reward of Years of Toil If you contemplate an auntion sale, the closing out of your years of effort in building up of a complete farm equipment, the Standard Bank is splendidly equiped to cater to your financial needj. Our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary. A sucesful sale is entirely dependent upon sound fin:r- cial anangenients. THE STANDARD BANK OP ca:nadjk. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty. Uanager Dogs in Artemesia to be KeptTied at Night ARTEMESIA COUNCIL The Arteniesia Council met at Fiisherton on the 2nd day of July, 1S27, with all members present, Reeve- Hogarth presiding. The minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Claims for sheep killed by dogs : Tnos. Stewart |20; F. Taylor $20; Thos. Irwin $17; J. J. Lyness |8; W. .A.kitt $10; J. Hatton |16; L. Love^ $10 and ordered paid. Reports from Commissioncfrs were July 12tli at Markdale PEC L LIAR ACCIDENTâ€" ! SERIOUS RESULTS YOU .MAY BE FINED FOR Driving over 35 miles an hour; Having dirty license numbers; Driving without the necessary lights; Kells Having poor and faulty brakes; A huge crowd attended the annual County Celebration of the Loyal Mr. John Kells and Miss S Orange Association held in Markdale ^^^ ^^^^ , ^^^ unfortunate accident Re^^kles^ drU-ing; on Tuesday. Twenty-six Lodges from -, . _.i. ^u u i « Riding on the running board. the County of East Grey and adjoin- "^ T"^^*^ •'^'*'""* ''*'"' '^"^ ^"^^ "^ ing counties were represented in the » cream separator which was being, n| p Dl«-»»» walk. Flesherton L.O.L. No. 2855 operated was shattered and pieces' F lOWCFS 0£ rlalllS was well represented, and Carnation flew in all directions. Miss Kells be- r^ jj ^J^ap ^ TomatO PaUST Lodge L.O.B.A. 545 had a large turn- j ^^^y^ „„ ^^e leg which was badly mZ^ * *- Cenmilims Be. out of their members. Both lodges , j .u i, , ,\u u ^ • .u *^'»n»» e*C.» V»eraiUUin», DC- 1 J u -XM f^t. r.L„- \ cut *nd the back of the hand m three «««;«« Pn1«ii« •la- were led by Mr. Chas. Phillips, who • gonias, V^Oieus, etc gave excellent music en the bagpipes. . P'^'^*^- ^' '^ believed that something Q^^^ Flowers County Master Alfred Down, of No. we"t wrong with the skimmers which 2855 was in charge of the parade shattered the bowl. The pieces flew, presented and ordered filed. Grants i which formed at King Edward Park with great velocity and it is considered fortunate that Mr. and Mrs. Kells did more seriouo in- . of $10 to each of Flesherton, Mark- and paraded to Armstrong's grove, ale and Priceville Fairs were made. > where excellent speaking took place. Gravel accounts aggregating $84.40 | The following are the names of the "°' receive even I were ordered paid; F. Reiley, repair- j lodges which were in the procession: J""^*- â€" Palmerston Spectator. ing grader; Karstedt's, oil and wire 508 Riverview, 632 Durham, 353 Cor- 1 .^^_^^^___^__^^^^_^ Grown bv G. CUTBUSH 8i SON, Owen Sound W. A. HAWKEN phone 17J FLESHERTON. $1.13. Bonus for wire fence ordered i betton, 737 Inistioge, 244 Proton, 1192 to be paid: J. Stewart $12.50; J. J. i Glenelg, 797 Dundalk, 1118 Eugenia, Boyce, $12.50; J. Oliver. $12.50. Cul- | 666 Maxwell, Maxwell L.O.B.A., 883 verts. Pedlar People, $53.46. W. J. | Ceylon, 176 Berkley, 1125 Homings fiXm. ma TABLE ADDITIONAL LOCALS ,Love, valuing sheep $3.00. A spec- ial grant of $100 was made for ex- pending on roads in Division No. 4. â- '. â€" â€" ~ i At a special meeting held on July Traiai l«»»B IlealMVton Station «â-  Mr. and Mrs. Jo'.m Kinghom and 7th, a by-law was passed ordering all iStfowB: [daughter of Youngstown, N.Y., spent dogs to be tied, closed up or muzzled. Going South Going North Saturday last with Mr. and Mrs. W. (See by-law in this issue). 8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 1 S. Inkster in town. j The follo^ving were recommended 4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m.j ^^.^^ ^..^,^^ Blackburn of Toronto is *" the Sheriff as County Constables: 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. Mills, 887 Hatherton, 689 Varney, 509 Orange Valley, 1132 Portlaw, 1383 Vandeleur, 545 Flesherton L.O.B.A.. 2855 Flesherton, 1136 Swinton Park, 1083 No Name, 631 Dundalk L.O.B.A., 1045 Markdale. 1202 Ventry. The sky was practically cloudless during the entire day but a fine breeze was blowing which made the W. J. Caswell, R. D. Purvis, C. Gil- ! walk more bearable. For a change I the absence of rain during the parade The mails cl«8e at Flesherton aajO" »•» extended visit with her aunt i 1 „„„i- T\,T_ or,,! M.-- T T Viehnr cnrist and Jonn A. Larson. follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. and u„cle, Mr. anc Mr.. T. J. Fisher. ^ ^^^^^^^.^^ ^,^ ^^^^^ ^^^ , „, afterwards was something to com- m to « n. .TV. . T^ jt i i -i ,, * 1 Highways Department for grant to , ment on, as it usually rains on the south at 3.30 For morning train! â- oath mail closes at 9.00 p.m previous evening. the Mr. Burrows Hoard of Markdale, J ..„. repair damages on 110th and 120th 'school, and who has been attending gi^g^^^jg ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ jj^^ ^^ ^^_ |Toronto Normal rchool the past year, ' ^^j^^ ^f tj,g jetour. was successful i.'. winning two silver jj,g Council adjourned. cup at the field day sports of the ] | School. Burrows was only! QJJp^.lL H„ Uâ„¢ p-.-JpJ Mr. C. F. Lawrence was in Toronto two points behintl the champion of the . wiUCIffaill Oj'ialf balllCu last week on business. imeet. â-  Mrs. John Bowerman of Toronto i jj, gj,^ y^j.^ r, b. Neilson, Mr. '^^'^ ^'oting on the by-law for the Local and Personal Glorious Twelfth. During the morning of the Twelfth the Orange Lodge marched around town led by Piper Chas. Phillips, with Jos. Stinson, handling the drum. An incident occurred while the men were marching whihc they apprec- iated very much. Mrs. Hanley, whose physical disability in the form of -was the guest of Mrs. Roy last week. ; g^^^jgy andOscsr, Miss Audrey and!''^*'"^ ^^^ fourteen hundred dollars ^ rheumatism, prevented her showine Mr. and Mrs. Batty of Osha^-a are Marion Neilson r.nd Mr. and Mrs. '^°\^^. <=onstr"<:tion of cement side- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T.Arthur Porter and two children, all of ,^»'»^%'" ^he ^"^"^i^e ^^^ pkce on Batty at present. iowen Sound, s.cnt the first of the ^J^''^^^^y °^ f* l^'^' J^'^ ''^' "^"^ ,r ^ r, J -w- ir , I . . , ^L "i: . • j. nt rcsulted iH the By-law passing 40 Master George and 3fi^ verdun wees with the farmers sister. Mrs. * ^i. tj i j m â-  ^ voting for the By-law and 10 against. The Council will meet at once to give her loyalty to the Orange Order, was much pleased when the men paused in front of her residence and played a rousing tune itr her honor. At its close she treated the members to Eskimo pies which foud a warm re- tomachs. THERMOMETER BURSTS McMaster holidayed in Owen Sound John McDonald. last week. j jj^^ Shrigley Dramatic Club will the By-law final reading and to make j ception at the pit of their Dr. and Mrs. P. A. Beatty of To-ig^ive a four act play "The Road to the final plans where the sidewalks will ; Tonto are holidaying this week in this City," in the Agricultural Hall, at be constructed. Tenders will be let vicinity, enjoying fishing for trout. ! Fsversham on Tuesday, July 19th, at once for the letting of....uMcKei Messrs. KemVill Boyd and! Jack | under the auspices of the Agricultural at once for the work and construction Karstedt are in Toronto taking special Sciiety. Musical numbers between^ is expected to commence in a short summer courses. )ucts. .\dmission 35 and 15c. time. Several sidewalks are now- Mr. Robt. Patton held a sucessful a mi."up occurcd in F. H. W. Kick- . "^^^^^ry for the growth of new res- idences the village has enjoyed the â-  past couple of years, on the east '=ide of Toronto Street. Several Iroad crossings will also have to bs built. Farm Youth Rally The Farm Youth Rally of South Grey was held in Flesherton on Fri- day afternoon last when a good crowd auction sale on Saturday, with Auc- Hr.s's advertisement last week, two tioneer Wm. Kaitting wielding the heudinsjs having: been misplaced. Tliis hammer. m?de nonsense of his cretonnes and j Mr. Lome Zavitz of Ingersoll and boys' suit -specials. Corrections have Mr. E. Zavitz of Aylnier were the been made this week. You cannot im- guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurs- prove on these prices for similiar ton the first of the v.eek. goods. Read them over, think it over, Kev. W. E. Curar. fcrmer minister then call in and look the goods over. at Priceville, was last week inducted Mr. Burton Inkster andl sisters, into Honey wood circuit of the Unit^ Alice and Jean (Mrs. R. C. Wallace) ^^^'"tch. cf Luseland, Sask., are visiting with Mrs. Welton Sr. and the Misses their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. ; was present. The concert in the Ada, Flo, Bryce and Lois Welton, all W. S. Inkster. in town and also with ! evening was held in Chalmer's United of Mount Forest were the guests of other relatives. These young people Church when a debate was held be- Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton Tuesdaf . motored all the way from Medicine tween No. 7, Normanby, and Mcln- Mrs. Ward Harrison of Forrest- Hat to Flesherton in nine days, and | tyre on the subject: resolved 'that viUe N. Y. and Mrs. John Whitten travelled through the United States, |all industrial disputes be submitted cf Toronto are visitin? for a few davs having a fine trip. (to compulsory arbitration," the for- â- nrij-h Mir „„A Mr., A i.ro_:~.x„ " , _ -»,,.. .i- t mer winning and are holders of the with Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison. ^he Department of Public High- I ., ,* „. „ ,, J M . c,.-i 1, J , o ^ J rJ I silver cup for one year. Miss Emma Mi and Mrs. A. Stdwell and ways was busy on Saturday after- ^j,.^^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^.,^.^^ ^^^ Jiughters, Kathryn and Clara from noon coating the connecting link of ; ^^^.^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^ New Jersey are visiting with Mrs. the highway system through town ; ..p.^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^„ ^^ ^ ^^^_ Stilwells mother, Mrs. S. A. Roy. with calcium chloride, the -3ame "^ ; „,anby. a,lso received the trophy chal- Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Levens of Bol- used last year, to lay the dust nuis- j^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^.^ ^,^y "Squaring it The weather the li;st part of last week became quite sweltering and Dominion Day just about reached a j record for this part of the province. ' Proof of what is above stated is borne out by the fact that a large thermome- ter, which for 18 years was hung j in the sun outside the door of th-? ' Ford garage in Grand Valley, v/as un- I able to register the peak of the heat I and e.xploded about three p.m. in the I efternoon. The previous day and on ' other occasions this thermometer ! reached it maximum of 120 degrees F. i but the strain was too great for it on Dominion Day and it succumbed. A new thermometer will he put in place in a short time. â€" Grand Valley Star. S. S. NO. 11, ARTE.MESIA ton, also the latter's sister and sister- ance. in-law and little nephew, visited wih used. Twelve barrels in all were The same amount will be nut with the Boss." The Onward Club was al'.30 successful in winning the Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Watson. O.D..R on the county road through town this ^,,^„^„g^ ^^ield in Softball winning Drivers of motor vehicles are urged '^ee*'- Clouds of dust have been ris- ^^^ Rolstein 7-3 to secure their driving licenses at ing the past couple of weeks and the , once, the issuing of the licenses hav- ing commenced last week. application of the chemical has not ; ^ ^^^^^ ^j^^ ^^^ ^^^ y^^„g ^^^^ been nut on too soon to suit most of were reported as having been kill- Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Wells and three *^* business men and residents on the ^^ ^^ ^ runaway team and a land- children of Dresden are spending this week with Mrs. Wells' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Brown of Or- angeville, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown of Montreal and Mr Eugenia were recent visitors Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sled. Mr. and Mrs. Rod McLeod of Win nipeg and Mr. John McLeod and son. main streets. COPIES OF JUBILEE NUMBER roller. Now comes word from Hib- bert township that a ten-year \Ao boy in charge of a team while driv- ing a manure spreader met his death To Sr. 4 â€" Margaret Boland. To Jr. 4 â€" Kathleen Warling, Gor- don Patterson, Dorothy Halbert, Pearl Sewell rec. To Sr- 2 â€" John Boland, Lloyd Bol- and, Mitchell Taylor, Isabel Harris. To Jr. 2 â€" Violet Fitzsimmons. To 1st â€" Wilma Cargoe. To Pr. Sr. â€" Willie Bowles, Carman Sewell and Allan Taylor equal, Hill- iard Fitssimmoirs. Pr. Jr. â€" Elta Cargoe. â€" E. Thompson, Teacher. Neighborly Talks- Which are helping Build our Business .MRS. JONES CALLED ON MRS. PETERS ONE EVENING RECENTLY AND FOLLOWING IS THE CONVERSATION THAT ENSUED: Mrs. Jones: "Oh, Mrs. Peters, what lovely furniture you have got since I was here last. Where did you get it?" Mrs. Peters: "Why, at Findlay's, of course. I always buy at home now. I used to think that we could do better at Eaton's, but I have found oat since Mr. Findlay came that we can do just as well here as sending away.' Mrs. Jones: "'Yes, but don't you think that you get a little better service at Eaton's." Mrs. Peters: "No, I don't. That is one thing that Mr. Findlay has demonstrated very clearly since starting here, that he is out to give real service. For instance, look at the service he is now jjiving in Flowers. Why, all you need to do is order a spray of flowers through him and he puts the card on it and delivers it and displays it in the proper surroundings. Then if you find anything wrung with any piece of furniture he is alwajs willing to make it right.'' Mrs. Jones: "Well, of course, I live quite a piece away and did not know thi!^, but am fdad to hear it for Flesherton needs men in business who are willing to render a little more service." Mrs. Peters: "Talking about getting things cheaper at Eaton's. Now. take that pair of wicker chairs. They are -S14.25 in Eaton's and I got them from Mr. Findlay for SM.OO Then when I boui;ht my chesterfield suite from him there were one or two changes I wished made and he had them made without a word^ and that is one things about his store. Both Mrs. Findlay and he are always obliging any time you go in now, to show you the difference. Some time ago I sent to Eaton's for a half dozen of those kitchen chairs and they cost me So.90, and when I came to glue them together I broke one of the leRS and I went to Findlay's store and asked him for a leg for a chair and he got me one. When I told him what I had done he did not set sore like some merchants do, but just showed me my mistake, as he had the same half dozen chairs for Sli.OO I can tell you I will never attempt to glue six chairs again for ten cents, and then I had to fall back on him anyway.'' Mrs. Jones: "I have heard that Mr. Findlay is a great booster for Flesherton." Mrs. Peters: "Not alone for Flesherton, but everything that is for the betterment of the community. He frets behind it and boosts, and I believe we ought to boost the man who is trying to give us goods at right prices, and render the service which his business demands." Mrs. Jones: "Well. Mrs. Peters, I am glad to have had this talk with you. for we were thinking of getting some new furniture and we will just call on Mr. Findlay and see what he can do for us." WOMEN TALKING LIKE THIS ARE REAL BUSINESS GETTERS. Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director Extra copies of the Jubilee number through the team running away, eaus- Wm. Magee of **^ "^^ Advance can still be secured ing him to be thrown beneath the with *t the office, ten cents each or three wheels where he received fatal in- copies for a quarter. These can be juries. No boy ten years of age had all wrapped ready to be sent to should be permitted to handle a team the friend or relative. Secure your es ho is too young to know what to Alex; of Niagara Falls Ont., were «^*»PJ*'' "*'^' ^"^ '" »" emergency, visitors last week with their aunt, Mrs. Rod. Stewart in town. Mr. and Mrs. S. R, Denitt and son Bert of Schombarg are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, West Backline, Artemesia, and other friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown and son Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson all of Toronto spent Sunday with H. Freeman and family. Douglas will re- main for a few days visit. The Rainbow group of the Canad- ian Girls in Training will hold a bak- ing sale at the home of their leader Mrs.W. A, Armstrong, on Saturday, July 16th, at 3 o'clock p.m. Mr. and Mr.i. Will Crossley a.:] little daughter of Toronto and Mrs. Hary Quigg of Harriston are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Cnossley. D. McTavish & Son have their four g^asoline pumps in operation at their new service station on market square, and have commenced to erect the building. The new service station will make a great improvement to the ap- pearance of the main street. SPECIAL July Offerings For Interior Constroctioii IV^AKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from ^''* drafts and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings and partitions in your home. Gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and plaster â€" saving time and labor costs. Gvproc takes any decoration. Let us show you a tull-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. Write for free bookletâ€" "My Home." It wiir ^U you how Gyproc, Rocboatd Cvpsum Tnsuhuing Sheathing »na luulez will reduce your fuel bill frcm 20 to 40'T;. IHB ONTARIO OYPSUM CO.. LIMITED. PARIS. CANADA ir^proor Yi^libodrd. For Sal* By Frank Duncan - - *- - Flesherton, Ont. Boys' Suit Special \'a;!cty of new patterns in dur- abk- wear resisting: Tweeds â€" double breasted style â€" each suit with one pair Bloomers and one pair Trousers included. Specially Priced 13 to 17 vears $10.95 8 to 12 vears 9.75 Yd. wide Cretonnes 33 c. Good heavy cloth, excellent pattern in. large and small floral designs in light, medium and dark grounds Specially Priced 33ct». yd ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ladies' Shoe Special This assortment includes a few pai rs c>f a number of our best selling lines. .Ml sizes from 2yl to 7 are represented. Some are Patent, some Bid atid some Sat- in. Oxfords, Sandals. Strap Slippers and Pumps are included. Regular price.... ^2.75 to $4AX") SPECIAL $2.49 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. !ll!ii;:!rF:!^!f!'i!!!iiiilf!fiil«'iPiiiiM^ â-  m<$ht0lm^m

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