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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1927, p. 8

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WP^ mm WEDNESDAY, JULY «, 1927 THE FLESHERT0N ADVANCE KENNEDY^S GROCERY MEN'S WEAR GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 3 lbs. Pure Lard 55c 3 Boxes Corn Flakes 29c. 2 Boxes Macaroni 25c 20 Bars P. & G. Soap $1.00 2 Tins Pork & Beans 25c New Patterns and styles in Men's Hats and Caps / ^ $1.25 up Men's Overalls, good weight $1.50 up Men's Fine and Work Shirts 98c- up. Men's Hose 50c up We also have a good line of Men's Ready-to-wear Suits and Top Coats. ^ W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Kimberley Won Opener Kimberley won the opening game of the Centre Grey League on Thurs- day afternoon of last week from Flesherton by the score of 10-7. Thet day was very hot for baseball and errors were numerous, but play- ing was fair for the opening game. Flesherton got the first run in the first when Thurston doubled to right field and came home on a wild peg to second. Muir counted in the second inning when he singled, stole second and third and came home on McDon- ald's sacrifice. G. Wauchoupo count- ed on a hit by Morrison after getting to first on a fielders choice. The big inning for Flesherton was in the fourth when K. Boyd hit a home run over the right field fence scoring' Buchanan. Muir was hit by a pitched ball and scored on MacDonald'i single, who also counted on Morrison's single, which ended the scoring in that inn- ing and for the game, making seven runs for Flesherton. For Kimberley Myles and E. Ellis Dundalk, plays in flesherton on|2 p.m., the following: jabout 80 good lajrini* hens; pair of Thursday afternoon of this week at, 2 bedroom Suites, 2 bed springs Geese aad 3 Goslins; pair white ducks. 4 p.ra. sharp, when a fiwt class con- and mattresses, waahstand. 2 uphol8t-| IMPLEMENTS â€" M.-H. Binder 6ft. test will be staffed I*''®'' chairs, couch, hanging lamp, kit- cut complete, M.-H. Mower 5 foot cut, â„¢u , , „'~ ",. J. „. fhen table, kitchen cupboard, V& doz. M.-H. Hay Rake, 10 ft, good as new. There is always "something doing" , kitchen set of .«ales 240 lb.. m.-H. Cultivator 13 M, M.-H. Seed when these two teams meet and the '•"tside panelled door, 2 screen doors, p^jj jq jj^^ jyj _jj ,^'j. Harrow 12 nho::i?tr"'V"' ""•' "" »P:cS.'°g7^rirt'nSineâ„¢\?j^!l P'«^e= ^ -«;" diamond Harrow with to those m the past. jji^ht single rig. set of sleighj with harrov.- cart: good Bam Wagon and. Flesherton has a new battery this shafts and tongue, wood rack, number '^^ S*^ Democrat, M.-H. Riding year. Ken Betts receiving the curves'"' <=«'^'" '*"«« posta. 50 feet of wire Plow, open Buggy, Hay Rack, set of from Anirus Morrison both of whom I ^t"*^"' ?® '*** poultr- netting, about Market SleighS, Cutter, Western grain irom Angus Momson, both of whomj^o ^^^^ j^ ^^^^ ^^ j ^^^ j^^^^ ^^^ ^^ gl Fleury single Plow, set of have been playing m the high school, «„d a number of other articles. work Harness, good King Cream Sep- ball team for the past two years. , TERMSâ€" Amounts of $10 and under arator, good steel Range, Oak Heater, icash: over that amount 6 mos.' credit 3 burner Perfection Oil Stove With Ion approved joint notes. oven, grind stone and stand, about 12 '. â€" W. KAITT ING, Anetioneer. 'cords dry hard wood, butter bowl, a .• CI laddie and print, quite a number of Auction dale l fruit cellers, S-day Clock. FARM STOCK, mPLEMENTS. ^AYl/l^i^J^f^Jl-^r^ ^rTS grain crop, consisting of oats, barley VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs Jack Gilbert and daughter ot Toronto also Mr. Ed Warling spent the holidays with friends here and also visited Elmer Warling at Owen Sound hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Garnet and daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. Gamer Len of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Mr. Bailey of Deluth visited his sister, Mrs. Elmer Warling, recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hutchison of Ex- counted in the first frame and in the eter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Field Day and Concert under the auspices of South Grey Farm Youth Association will be held at the Fair Grounds FLESHERTON Friday, July 8, '27 Hardball, Softball and Horseshoe Pitching Tournaments will be held in the afternoon. The final debate, winning play, winning ad- dress and presentation of trophies will be con- ducted at night. Everyone welcome. ADMISSION: 25c. If paid in the afternoon a ticket will be given to the evening performance. H. GRAHAM, Pres. T. S. COOPER, Sec. fourth Myles, Smith and Dillon made three tallies, Dillon securing a triple. R. Ellis made the count six to three jin the fifth and in the sixth inning Myles, Hanes and Ellis made the count nine and R. Ellis made the final score in the eight to ten runs. The lineup is as follows: Kimberley â€" T. Myles, S. Haynes, E. Ellia, W. Gilbert, F. Ellis, R. Staff- ord, J. Cornfield, E. McConnel. Subs., Smith, Dillon and Clugston. Flesheron â€" K. Betts, F. Thurston, A. Buchanan, K. Boyd, A. C. Muir, A. Bowles, T. MacDonald, G. Wauch- ope, A. Morrison. Fleshertonâ€" 110010040 â€"7 Kimberleyâ€" 20031301 xâ€" 10 Umpire â€" Geo Dnndas, Markdale. NOTES ON THE GAME Lefty Ellis had nine strikeouts to his credit while Morrison of Flesher- 'ton had eight. I Ken Boyd won the bat presented by Wm. Ellis of Kimberley for the first j home run of the season at Kimberley. I As far as we know the ball has not been found yet. j John Abercrombie was kept busy hauling water for the players, no less than three pails being used to coimter- act the heat of the sun. Kimberley has a nifty team this year and will take some trimming to be deprived of the cup, unless some of the players become unruly. B HHHttaHeMtflewei BHaiaaaia'B SIX HILL STORES W|i bur togathar in erdarlkat â€" ».BiM*iiint» In th« im eoB- Snitiaajnay materially b«a- F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Store arcryona Inatlnct- Wely asaociBUa with high! quality marohandis* at th«{ fairait poMibla pricas. Freeman and other friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Reid of Michigan U. S. A. are visiting with Mrs. Reid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pritchard. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Freeman and Roy visited with friends at Oshawa for a few days last week. Mrs. Dr. Shepherdson of Toronto spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. Frank Davis. Mrs. Lundy Johnston is spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. Dane McGee spent a few days with friends at AUiston recently. Mr. Alf Dunlop accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert and Mrs. Elmer Warling spent a day in Owen Sound recently. AND GRAIN, ETC, THOS. C. GRUMMETT LOT 18, CON. 4, N.D.R., OSPREY FRIDAY, JULYJL5, 1927 HORSES â€" Heavy grey horse 10 years old; heavy bay Horse 9 years I before day of sale. For further par- eld; heavy bay colt 2 yean old, bred I ticulars apply on the premises of W. Royal Tour. ^l^^'^ing, auctioneer. SATTLE â€" Cow 7 years, milking, due to freshin in Dec.; Cow 4 years milking, supposed to freshen in March Heifer 3 years milking; Heifer 3 yr. with caK at foot; 2 yearling Heifers. STOCK â€" Brood sow due time of sale; good Collie dog, good healer; Small Advertisementi LOST â€" Ewe and February lamb, both have black faces. Finder please notify Adam Hysloe^^Phene 43rll. LOST â€" License plate No. 280-138 between Markdale and Eugenia. Fin- der leave at the Down garage In Mark- dale or Flesherton. EWE STRAYEDâ€" Came to lot 26, S.D.R., Artemesia, about May 1st, Lei- cester ewe. Owner prove property Mr. and Mrs. D, Graham and family j"^^ P*y expenses.â€" John Oliver, Price- also Misses Edna and Annie Burritt of Kimberley visited with Mr. and and Mrs. J. I. Graham recently. We are pleased to report that Mr. Elmer Warling has so far recovered from his op^jation as to be able to return home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summers cele- brated the 12th anniversary of their wedding on Tuesday of last week, June 28th. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Spcial Clearance Prices On Seasonable Merchandise Dry Goods Dept. DRESS VOILES Dress Voiles in beautiful shades, large assort- ment to chooe from. Regular value 45c. to 48c. Clearance Special 35c. a yard^ ORGANDIE, 79c. per yard Organdie in beautiful colors. A nice, cool material for summer wear. Regular values 05c. to 11.26. Clearance Special 79c. a yard. KIDDIES ROMPERS Kiddies' Rompers and Dresses, sizes ranging from 2 to 6 years. Regular values up to |1.50. Clearance Special, per garment 98c. MISSES' CORSELETTES Hisses' Corsalettes. Just the thing for grow- ing girls. Reg. $1.26. Clearance, each 89c. Ladies' Silk Hose, all the newest shades. A real bargain. Clearance Special per pair 95c. GREAT MILLINERY SPECIAL Clearing of all Spring and Summer Millinery. Hats, regular $2.95 to $3.06. Special Price $1.95; Hats, reguar $4.50 to $5.95. Special Price $3.95. SPECIAL OFFER ON THE DELINEATOR For a limited time the Delineator can be bought for 1 year for $1.50;2yearsfor$3.00, including the Shoe Department LADIES' HOUSE SHOES Ladies' House Shoes with strap and elastic front. Special at $1.39. MEN'S FINE SHOES Men! Buy your Fine Shoes now. $3.95 a pair for values up to $6,00. Men s Clothing Dept. YOITNG MEN'S SUITS Young Men's Suits, in douboe breasted plain blues or diagonal stripe. Regular value $29.50. Special $21.75. BOY'S SUITS Boys' Suits in tweeds, assorted coloss, one pair bloomers and one pair long pants, very new.... $8.75. MEN'S OVERALLS Men's Overalls in black and striped blue, sizes fron^^ 34 to 46. Clearing at per pair $1.89. JUBILEE TIES Jubilee Ties the very newest, assorted colors. Just the thing for Jubilee celebration. Specia.... 95e. PANAMA AND STRAW HATS A full rang of Men's Panama and Straw Hats. Very newest block . Look these over before buying Mrs. John Boyd, of North Battle- ford, Sask., was the guest this week of Ml. and Mrs. George Mitchell. Master W. Glockling, office boy in the Toronto Star office, is taking country air at The Advance office while enjoying his holidays. -Mr. and Mrs. E. Penny and daugh- ter of Toronto spent the week end here. Mrs. Penny is remaining to visit with her brother, F. W. Duncan. ville, R. R. No. 3, Phone 21-21. CAME ASTRAYâ€" To my premises on or about June 23rd, one yearling heifer. Owner claim property and pay expenses.â€" Jos. H. Watson, R. R. No. 3, Flesherton. y FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€" Mower, in good work- ing order, cheap.â€" Dan Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" Good steel tire buggy. first class shape. Will sell cheap. ^H. Down. Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 11 Pigs two and a half months old.â€" Geo. Fisher, Ceylon, Phone40 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Three burner Flor- ance Automatic Coal Oil Stove in good condition.â€" Mrs. T. J. Fisher, town. Friceville, Ont. FOR SALEâ€" Two-furrow Perrin Plow in good condition, cheap for cash. â€" ^Louis Kerton, Maxwell. FOR SALEâ€" Large Pittsburg brass lamp, 2 dozen chairs, small tables, good office desk, crosscut saw. 3 box stoves.- Thos. Clayton. Flesherton. Art of Dress Making with every 2 year subscription, elsewhere, 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED For which we are prepared to pay the highest market price cash or trade. Bring us your Wool. We will give you a square deal. Get your money the day you sell your Wool. Wool will be bought according to grade. The cleaner your Wool, the better the price, but DO NOT WASH IT, as the buyers do not want washed wool. SPECIAL WOOL SEASON PRICES WEDNESDAY HALF HOUDAY Durinjr tlie months of June. July and Au^nist, and until September 14th. this store will close at 12 o'clock noon cvcrv Wednesday. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs and pure- bred Hereford cattle, males and fe- males. â€" Geo. Hutchinson, Kimberley. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale FOR SALE â€" McCormack Binder, 7 foot cut, second hand, all com- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adams and Mr. j Pl^te. â€" H. Down and Sons, Flesherton. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston were at i " ^~: " Meaford Saturday afternoon enjoying ^ ^^^ SALEâ€" Mare, good worker re- fishing in the bay there, with fair """"''«« price-W. R. Meads, R. R. 8 success. The Inistioge W. M. S. has invited the W. M. S. of Flesherton to meet theiji tomorrow in a picnic at Mr. Milton Bannon's. All are invited to attend. Mrs. Clipperton, maid and two chil- dren, of Toronto, also Mr. Corrigan and Geo. Mitchell, Jr., of the same and Mr. C. T. Aulph, of Hamilton, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Miss Irene McDonald and friend, Mr. George Mashinter, and fWend, Mr. Willard Gunn, all of Toronto, motored up and spent the first of July with Mr. and Mrs. John McDon- ald while Miss Bernice McDonald re- turned with them and spent the week end with her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Hay of Mimico. A car owned by Mr. Chas. Thomp- son of Kimberley, mail driver, was burned in Osprey township on Wed- nesday night of last week, two young men driving the car at the time. We understand that those who had the car *At the time will stand good for the loss of the car. The thermometers registered 96 degrees of heat in the shade in town on Friday afternoon of last week. On Saturday night the air grew cold- er and on Sunday most houses were forced to have fires in order to keep warm, the thermometer being 48 deg. at Che time. The weather this year has been very changeable. BULL FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR SBRYICB No, 92-71680. Abo a ; . .^ •lure pig, both baeoa tyy* tar winkt on lot 176. N.W. T. * BJL, Tains-41.00. â€" T. J. STDfBmf. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed #owl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. 31tf Registered Yorkshire Boar for __ viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« -•Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog Club. Terms fl.oo. â€" C. HINOLE. _ . Proton StatioB. LotslM-9. 8rd W.T.SJI.. ArtemMta. JERSEY BULL FOB SERVICE Registered Jersey buU for service Sire: Brampton Jersey Goasnipf if^, '^"•npton Petune»8 Lady. At Flesherton Livery Stable -f. STUART. ___^^^^^^ FleshartOB. Cnit FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Lot 170 and half of 169, third con., N. Tor- onto and Sydenham Road. Good pas- ture land, with water on the property. For further particulars apply toâ€" Miss M. M. Binnie, 93 Jackson Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE â€" Ford 1 ton truck, 1 , ^ Ford sedan, Foup-Ninety Chevrolet l' On*«''<»- Gas ^_ touring, all in good shape; three oirr**" extraction. Office at residenet M1DDLE6RO & BURNS Barriatera, etc. OHficesâ€" Owen Somid. Dnvluw and Fleaherton. wSS^rtoASS Saturday afternoon mnSl ^!^J^ GEO E. DVKCAU DUKDALK LKENSEO AUCTIONEER For the County oT Grey. Tenna- 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarntewl Dates made at The Advance officT^ BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto «]^«l^»y«| College of DenUl Surgvou administered for measuring pumps; quantity of mr ^°"*"*** Street, Flesherton. repairs; quantity of lumber, one inch,| Dr. A. Tumbull, B.A., M.B grai^ (scantling and plank)â€" Arthur McKay uate from the Faculty of Medicine] R. R. 3, Friceville, Phone 21_r 5. | University of Toronto. Office, Toronto I Street. Flesherton. Phone SS. MISCELLANEOUS WANTEDâ€" Electrical work to do. If you have any Electrical jobs you Last Saturday 846 sheeo passed I ^^^ '"''**"^ or repaired, phone or i. ... ... ^ ^ ' •^"7°^" I write me. Prompt service, and work through the dipping tank at Chas. guaranteed. Phone 24-62. Dundalk Prince Arthur Lodge, 833. A.F. * NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat-I^;*^' "***â-  '" *•>« Mwonic hall. Arm- urday only.â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. **"*"* Block, Flesherton every Fri- i*y «»» Of be'ore the full moon. Robt Stewart's, a number coming as far as five miles to take advantage of the opportunity. It shows that people are beginning to realise the advantage of dipping. In 1924 there were 115 sheep dipped; fo^S, 201; 192fl, there wore 198 and this year 345. Thomas C. Grummett, Maxwell, Ont. TENDERS WANTED Down. W.M.; F. J. Thurston, Sec Lnjas & HenryJBMTisters, SoUeft. ors, etc.. -1. B. Lucas. K. C; W. R Henry. B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucas Block. Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. Auction Sale IN FLESHERTON SATlJirtlAY. JULY 9. 1927 R. W. PATON has instructed the undersigned auc- tioneer to sell by public auction at Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including July I5th. 1927. for painting the Portlaw School S. S. No. 8, Artemesia. The lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted.'.â€" Lewis H. Sheardown, Sec. T^es. S.S. No. 8. Artemesia. GRAIN FOR SALE Telford A Blmio. Barristew. soli, citon, etc. Offices, Grey and Bruce Block, Qwen Sound; Standard Bank Block, Flesherton. (Saturdays) W P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimie Wm. Kaitting, Uscensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoa. Farm and stock sales a spm^ailty. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar- may be lade at the Advance Ofnce. ot Central telephone office, F»Tw«hara. No. 1 Western Feed Oats 72c. per bu. ; kiln dricfl cm $2 per cwt., Stand- ard re-cleaned screenings $1.60 per cwt, oat scalpings $1.50 per cwt. â€"A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. 'or by addnesing mo at Fetwnluiia! and peas, half acre of potatoes. FARM FOR SALEâ€" The farm, con- sisting of 100 acres will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. Term made known day of sale if not sold TERMS OF SALE â€" All sums of no and under, cash; over that amount 8 mos.' credit will be given on approv- ed joint notes, all notes subject to ap.< proval. 6% straight off for cash. H. G. Burke, Clerk W. KAITTING. Auctioneer. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- vice. Terms $2, payable the first of February, after that date $2.50 will be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bill for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprsy, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,136; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purcbreds $5.00. grades $2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker.

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