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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1927, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1927 » ,V â- â- r ^ r *>» t 4- M • ^ i k Dollar is Saved WHEN IT IS THE BANKâ€" AND the sooner it is deposited in the Bank the grrater the assurance of its being saved. A Savings Account » a magrnet for the nnoney that ordinarily slips through one'j fingess, and an income- paying: guarantee for the future. THB STANDARD BANK rLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty, Uanagtr CJ>A. TIME TABLE Trains leava Flesberton Station ai feUowi: Goinc Sonth Goins North fi.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. 4.10 8.53 p.m. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails cIm« at Fletherton as follows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. Muth at 3.30 For morning: train aonth mail closes frevious evening. Mr. Wes. Jamieson and family of Toronto spent the holiday with Mn. and Mra. R. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. Sw'tzer of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson, of Exeter, were guestj of Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman over the holidays. Car load of Salt to arrive in a few days. Leave your order with A. E. Haw, Ceylon, or W. J. Stewart & at 9.00 p.m. the i Sons, Flesherton. Local and Personal Mr. R. J. Thompson of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. John Stone (nee Hazel I Thompson) and Fon of Toronto were holiday guests of Mr. ai)d Mrs. O. W. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of Guelph r '»»^'P3- called on friends here on Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. F. LeGard, Miss Bur- Miss Louie Carg:oe of Detroit is'gess and Dr. Lf^Gard and Mr. and holidaying with her mother here. I Mrs. G. Simmons and Mr. Spencer, all Mr. Norman Archibald of Toronto I <>' Toronto, spent the holidays at E. spent the week in town. j Best's. Mr. Andrew Sharp of Manitoba is; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Walker, Mr. visiting with relatives here. , Murray Walker and three children Mr. and Mrs. R. Bellamy of Burf ord | and Mr. and Mrs. Slowbaut, all of "Were holiday visitors with the for- 1 Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and mer's parents here. iMrs. A. Among the Toronto visitors to townj ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^llis of Pow- ^ ^^^^y ^^'^S- •'•'"•"'"* *"*^|a38an were visitors in town on Satur- Wallie Wniiams of Toronto. j^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ j,^ O ^ p^iUip^ R. Paton of town is holding an auc-j jnj <>t|,er friends. The Advance man W. L, mm Passes Mr. W. L. Wright of Flesherton passed away in Toronto on Wednes- day afternoon of last week of per- nicious anemia. He had gone to Tor- onto for treatment, and our citizens were much surprised and pained when they heard of his death there. The remains were" brought to Flesherton by the very handsome hearse of the Bates Burial Co., under whose dir- ection the interment took place. Mr. Wright was bom on the west back line, Artemesia, his father being the late William Wright. Besides the sorr- owing widow there are three sisters and three brothers living: Mrs. Geo. Boyce, Ceylon; Mrs. Wm. Carter, Markdale; Mrs. A. McPhatter, Owen Sound; John of Wingham; Robert of Edmonton , and Fred on the home- stead. He married Miss Eleanor Cor- bett, and years ago bought out the grocery store owned by the late Wm. Bamhouse and afterwards purchased the Richardson Block, where he ran a general store until about five years ago. Besides being a member of the Masonic Order Mr. Wright was also a member of Orange Valley L.O.L. No. 509, and each 12th of July found him in the parade, and almost always taking the prize for the best fifer in the parade. The funeral took place to Flesher- ton cemetery on Friday afternoon la3t, conducted by the members of the Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which he was a member. I The flowers consisted in part of a wreath by the brothers and sisters; pillow, by his wife; wreath, Masonic \ Lodge; wreath from L. O. L. No. 509; spray from Eastern Star Lodge; spray, village ladies; spray, F. Van- dusen and family; spray. Miss Annie Howard; spray, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lat- imer; spray, Mrs. Hanley; bouquet, Mrs. Wilcock; bouquet, Mrs. Thistle- thwaite. The pallbearers were members of the Masonic Order. The late W. L. Wright was a man song by Miss Dean "Dear Old Granny | Mine," which was very sweetly rend- j ered and touched the hearts of all. Humorous readings were -given by Miss E_ Edgar and Miss M. Culham. Mrs. Will Robinson of Nottawa de- lighted all by her singing of "Love's Old Sweet Song" and "Silver Threads Among the Gold." The selection which caused much laughter was given by Misses Dean and Culham. dressed to represent a ; couple of fifty years ago, and sang "Put on your old Grey Bonnet" anJ "When we were a Couple of Kids." A roll call of the grrandmothers then took place, with thirty-five on the roll, I each answering with the number of-j her grandchildren. A prize was giv- , en to the one having the largest num- i ber. Mrs. Archie Mclnnis, an old resident of Osprey, now living with! her daughter in Collingwood, had the honor of winning this, having the large number of thirty grandchildren, Mrs. D. McDonald next having 28 grandchildren and 12 great grand- children. Reeve Taylor presented each with a box of bon bons, to Mrs. Mclnnis for having the largest number of grandchildren, and to Mr. McDonald for having the oldest grandmother present. She has attaine the wonder- ful age of 86 years and is still living on her farm on the fourth line of Os- prey, where she has resided for many years, and prides herself on still being able to milk a cow.. Both of those great grandmothers are wonderfully bright and smart for their age. This Reeve Taylor claimed, was due to the fact of them living in this prosperous township of Osprey. "" The grandmothers were then seat- ed at the beautifully decorated tables, well laden with good things to eat. Mrs. Ewing made a splendid toast- mistress and the grandmothers very ably responded to the various toasts. Especially good were the speeches of Mrs. J. Lougheed in replying to the toast to "Our Grandmothers" and that of Mrs. A. Tompkins in replying to "Our Institute." After almost one hundred had par- taken of tea the aftemonn came to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. took possession of Memorial Park tar I the week. We extend to them the I freedom of the town and trust that BOY SCOUTS ARRIVE Rev. F. G. Fowler of Brussells and sixteen of his troupe of Boy Scouti their experiences among us will be of ' so happy a nature that they will de- ' sire to make a return visit next year. Flowers & Plants Cabbage, Tomato, Pansy Plants, etc, Geraniums, Be- 1 gonias, Coleus, etc. I Cut Flowers Grown by G. CUTBUSH & SON, Owen Sound W. A. HAWKEN I phone 17J FLESHERTON. tion sale on Saturday afternoon of this week. See list on another page. Mr. Robert Paton and Miss Mary are holidaying at Lake of Bays this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Isaac and daughter McEachnie over the holiday. <>« ">any sterling qualities and was I respected and esteemed by all who knew him from a business, or even a more intimate friendship. To his wi- dow and relatives much sympathy is extended. ,is sorry to have been out when Ellis called here. Mr. Mr. Lewis Pedlar and daughter. Dorrs, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pedlar of Rock Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Harry «' . "°"*f '^"* ^ ^ in Meaford, the guests of Mrs. Wm. Moore, sister of Mrs. Wilson. Paton and sister, Misses Helen Welton acd Blanche Patton were week end visitors at Mt. Porest. Mr. and Mrs. John Legate and fam- fly of Dromore were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Phillips and son of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's mother, Mrs. M. Phillips. Mrs. J. D. Clark of Weston is the jniest of her sister, Mrs. P. H. W. Sickling. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wardrobe of Toronto called on friends in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Cornfield of To- onto were g:uests of friends here for e few days this week. Several parties made use of the camping facilities in Memorial Park during the past few weeks. „ Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson and child- ren of Walkerviile have been visiting the former's mother here this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCowell of To- ronto are spending a week with Mr. and Mis. Ed. Best. Messrs. Stewart and Cecil McTav- Ish of Oshawa are spending a couple of weeko at their parental home here. Large crowds are attending the Old Home Week celebration in Owen Sound. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto spent the holidaj-s at her parental |. home here. Lieut. W. E. Turney is attending the C3mp of the Grey Regiment which is being held in Owen Sound this week. Mt. and Mrs. R. M. Ellison, M«s Hazel Ellison and Messrs. R. and S. Ellison of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, Edgely, I and Mr: and Mrs. C. Brintnell of To- ronto spent the week end at R. G.' Holland's. | Mrs. Kathrine A. Jamieson andj son Earnest and Mis Winnie Sloan I visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison. | Mrs. Harve Lunan and daughter of j Regina, Sask. are visiting the form-j er's sister, Mrs. Geo. Lawler for a • couple of months. I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown of Stayner visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and Mr. and Mr;!. W. Moore. i Dr. and Mrs. R. Henderson and sons, Eric and Ivan, of Toronto spent the' week end here. They were acconap- anied by Mrs. W. E. Dyre of Detrt)it ' and Miss Helvn Crawford of Sarnia. GRANDMOTHERS' BANQUETED AT SINGHAMPTON On Thursday last, June 30th, the Women's Institute of iSinghampton tendered the grandmothers of, the community a banquet, held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. W. L. Tay- lor. The event proved to be one of Mrs. Ada Field, Miss Pearl Taylor, Mr. Elerry and Mr. Eugene Field, of jj,g ^^3^ pleasant social affairs ever Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Har- jj^j^ ;„ Singhampton. kins, of San Louis Obispo. California, ^^ j^^ ^^ beautifuUy decorated visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Field over .^ ^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ g.SO p.m. the holidays. ^j^^ grandmothers began to arrive and Mrs. L. Brown and children of To- were cordially welcomed by the host- ronto are spending a few weeks with ess, Mrs. W. L. Taylor, and the Presi- the former's mother, Mrs. M. Thistle- dent, Mrs. G. T. Ewing. After snend- thwaite. Mr. Brown accompanied ing a half hour in social greeting all them up over the holiday, returning were seated to listen to a very suiUble to the city on Monday. program. The first selection was a Make Old Rooms New 1V4AKE your attic into extra * * sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play-room. Gyproc will giv-e you bright, comfortable extra rooms at smalt cost. Right 0%-er damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof Wallboard. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof , cold proof and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free bookletâ€" "My Home." It will tell you how Gyproc. Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulcx will reduce your fuel bill from aO to 40 per cent. THE ONTARIO CYPStJM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 153 fir^proofl^lTboard. For Sale By Frank Duncan - - *- - Flesherton, Ont. Souvenir JBool^ JCjRIDES . . . brides- to-be . . . and every- one interested in brides will find this beauti- fully iliusnated book- let both interestingand helpfiiL It's full of new ideas on correct gift giving . . on selecting proper silverware for the new home ... on original menus for special occasions. Come in and get your copy. I W. A. Armstrong & Son li Jewellers ^ Flesherton, Ont. / Neighborly Talks- Which are helping Build our Business MRS. JONES CALLED ON MRS. PETERS ONE EVENING RECENTLY AND FOLLOWING IS THE CONVERSATION TH.\T ENSUED: Mrs. Jones: "Oh, Mrs. Peters, what lovely furniture you have got since I was here last. Where did you get it?" Mrs. Peters: "Why, at Findlay's, of course. I always buy at home now. I used to think that we could do better at Eaton's, but I have found out since Mr. Findlay came that we can do just as well here as sending away.' Mrs. Jonea: ''Yes, but don't you think that you get a little better service at Eaton's." Mrs. Peters: "No, I don't. That is one tiling that Mr. Findlay has demonstrated very clearly since starting here, that he is out to give real service. For instance, look at the service he is now giving in Flowers. Why, all you need to do is order a spray of flowers through him and he puts the card on it and delivers it and displays it in the proper surroundings. Then if you find anything wrong with any piece of furniture he is alwajB willing to make it right" Mrs. Jones: "Well, of course, I live quite a piece away and did not know this, but am glad to hear it for Flesherton needs men in business who are willing to render a little more service." Mrs. Peters: "Talking about getting things cheaper at Eaton's. Now, Uke that pair of wicker chairs. They are $14.25 in Eaton's and I got them from Mr. Findlay for $14.00 Then when I bought my chesterfield suite from him there were one or two changes I wished made and he had them made without a word, and that is one things about his store. Both Mrs. Findlay and he are always obliging any time you go in now, to show you the difference. Some time ago I sent to Eaton's for a half dozen of those kitchen chairs and they cost me $5.90. and when I came to glue them together I broke one of the legs and I went to Findlay's store and asked him for a leg for a chair snd he got me one. When I told him what I had done he did not get sore like some merchants do. but just showed me my mistake, as he had the same half dozen chairs for $6.00_... I can tell you I will never attempt to glue six chairs again for ten cents, and then I had to fall back on him anyway.*' Mrs. Jonea: "I have heard that Mr. Findlay is a great booster for Flesherton." Mrs. Peters: "Not alone for Flesherton, but everything that is for the betterment of the community. He gets behind it and boosts, and I believe we ought to boost the man who is trying to give us goods at right prices, and render the service which his business demands." Mrs. Jones: "Well, Mrs. Peters, I am glad to have had this talk with you, for we were thinking of getting some new furniture and we will just call on Mr. Findlay and see what he can do for us." WOMEN TALKING LIKE THIS ARE REAL BUSINESS GETTERS. Thos. W. Findlay Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director SPECIAL July Offerings Boys' Suit Saecial Special Notice Policy Holders of Royal Insurance Co. The following policies of the Royal Insurance Co. Limited of Toronto have been lost from the fyles at S. E. DeCudmore's office, Flesh- erton. Anyone holding any of these policiet Idndiy advise' the Royal Insurance Co. Ltd. of Toronto. 311376 301328 301326 301330 301332 301327 301331 Yd. wide Cretonnes 33 c. Wiricty of new patterns in dur- able wear resisting Tweeds â€" double breasted style â€" each suit with one pair Bloomers and one pair Trousers included. Specially Priced 13 to 17 vears $10.95 8 to 12 vears 9.75 Good heavy cloth, excellent pattern in large and small floral designs in light, medium and dark grounds Specially Priced 33cts. yd. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Ladies' Shoe Special /, This assortment includes a few pairs of a number of our j4st selling lines. All sizes from 2'/j to 7 are represented. Some are Patent, some pid and some Sat- in. Oxfords. Sandals, Strap Slippers and Pumps are included. Regular price... . ^2.75 to $4.00 SPECIAL $2.49 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONT. .#

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