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Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1927, p. 4

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^W" ^^^^m^s^^^'imf^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 0. 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Coliin^wood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada, $2.00 per year, paid in advance $1.60. In V.'y.i (.1.50 per year, when paid m advance |2.00. SCHOOL REPORTS S. S. NO. 8, ARTEMESIA ^. B. THURSTON. Editor TAKES BACK DECISION. At the last dession of Grey County Council on Saturday forenoon last, R.. C. Muir of the Department of High- ways, Toronto, telegraphed that the Department recommended the 7th line S. Vincent be taken over as a county- provincial road. The County Clerk has now advised us tha". the Department has with- drawn that decision and dedi^nated the 9th line ta the road. The Depart- ment has had this matter under con- sideration for two years, and during the past week hag made two different decisioQs in the matter. It will be in- teresting to note whether or not the County is willinR to be made a footbaK of such as the Department of High- ways is making. This road is not in the county system, and the Depart- ment now demands that the County pass a by-law including it. Will it do so? It lookj as thbugh a big stick has been wielded by some one. PORTLVW A Very agreeable surprise was sprung onto us last week when we re- ceived the splendid jubilee number of The Advance. This evidence of en- terprise on the part of the publishers is surely worthy of commendation and we offer our congratulations. The pupils of the public school and the bigger folk of the section united with Rock Mills school in holding a picnic en Wednesday of last week in Mr. Akitt's shady woodi, and a thor- oughly enjoyable time was spent. Elsmore, the twelve-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fisher gave a very interesting address on Missions at Mount Zion Sunday school on Sun- day. His handling of the subject would have been creditable to a much inatarer head, and it is safe to predict that the world will hear lat*,'- on from this exceptionally bright hoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jamieson and two sons, accompanied by Mr. Garden, of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jamieson. Mr. Garden, who has been engaged in evangelistic work in Toronto, con- ducted service in Mounl Zion church last Sunday and delighted his hearers with his earnest convincing message. Mr. and Mr. S. E. Walker, Mr. and and Mrs. Hubert Walker, Mr. Murray Walker and three children, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davidson, son and daugh- ter, and Master J. Bell, all of Toronto, were jubilee visitors at the home of TT. R. and Mrs. McKenzie, Sr. 4 â€" Marguerite Fisher 77, Bea- trice Boycc 76, Grace Hopps 68, Ev- erette Fijher 67, Melville Boyce 04. Jr. 4 â€" Mable Black 72, Robert Sheardown 69, Mildred Boyce 69, Geo. Badgerow absent. Sr. 3â€" Dorothy Badgerow 73, Grace Phillips 06, Minnie Lougheed 61. Jr. 3 â€" Bob Skinner absent, Delbert Fisher 70, Stewart Black 70, Wilbert Fisher 68, Clara Boyce 65, Clifford Taylor 63, Mary Sheardown 03, Bert Hopps 61. Sr. 2 â€" Ernest Black, Herb Blakey, John Blakey, John Skinner, Roy Mc- Mullen. Jr. 2 â€" Bobbie Meldrum, Florence Boyce, Vern McMuUen. Sr. 1 â€" Carrie Skinner. Pr. â€" Elmer Black, Mabel Blakey, Louise Boyce, Myrtle Croft, Elmer Jamieson, Gracie Jamieson, Margaret Lougheed, Marjory Pedlar, Bern ice Plantt. No. on roll 38. Numbafs are %. â€"Eugenia A. Clinton, Teacher. Davidson, Burton Conron, lone Thorn- bury, Jimmy Heitman, Herbie Eby, Teresa Lepahrd, Mervin Moore. To Jr. 3 â€" Jimmy Conn, Emily Moore. To Sr. 2 â€" Doray Short, Marion Hawton, Lloyd Hudson. To Jr. 2 â€" Irene Hudson*, Annie Heathcote, Delsa Kaitting, Jeah Alex- ander. "*â-  To Sr. 1 â€" Jean Short, M. Lepard. Jr. 1 â€" Billy Burke, Gordon David- son, Burton Hudson, Dorine Smith, Helen Love. * First Class honors. â€" W. K. Boyd, Teacher. S. S. NO. 9, ARTEMESIA To Sr. 4 â€" Rowena Magee, Dorothy Jamieson. To Sr. 3 â€" Stanley Magee, Billie Hanley, Willie Fenwick, Percy Smith. To Jr. 3 â€" Dorrs McRae. To Sr. 2 â€" Edith Fenwick, Wes Jamieson, Ella McRae. I To Jr. 2 â€" Lillian Magee, Fern Magee. â€" M. Christie, Teacher. CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTICE TO CREDITORS To Jr. 4 â€" La Verne Piper (H), Stella Marshall (H), Jimmie Sinclair (H), Geo. Jaynes (P), Jennie Ches- ney (P), Hilda Genoe (R), To Sr. 3 â€" Stanley Hunt (H), Mil- ford Piper (P) To Jr. 3 IN THE MATTER of the estate of Robert James Sproule. late of the vill- age of Flesherton, In the County of Grey, Conveyancâ€" . Deceased. Take notice that all those having Frances Collinson (H),''any «'«'»" against the estate of Rob- v-of,-^ c»»...~-4. /in n- I Oi. _i'/r.\ crt James Sproule. aformentioned, Katie Stewart (H), Dick Stewart (R), I j^^^^g^j^ ^^^ required on or before Lloyd Archibald (R), Ed. Genoe (P). the 16th day of July, 1927 to mail To Sr. 2 â€" Margaret Collinson (H) [postpaid . or deliver, to the under- Alice Marshall (H), Ernest Mathew- i signed solicitors to the said Estate. son (P), Nellie Genoe (P), Orton Les- lie (P), Alex. Marshall (R), J. P. Stewart (F). To Sr. 2 â€" Sherman Piper (H), Mabel Haw (H), Harvey Archibald (H), Laura White (P), Joe Chesney (P), Jean Marshall (P). full particulars of ''-^ir claim together with any evidence "• acknowledeement thereof that they may have. After the said last-mentioned date the admin- istrator will proceed to drstribute the Estate having regard onlv to the claims of which he shall then have n^'-'ce. Dated at Owen Sound, this 2" • ' day of June. 1927. Middlebro the issue of debenures of the said | main open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day for the purpose of taking the said vote July, 1927 the Reeve of the said vill- age shall attend at his office at eight o'clock p. m. for the purpose of app- ointing in writing to attend at the said polling place and the final summ- ing up of the votes by the Clerk, on Corporation f»r the purpose of con- st.-ucting cepient eiJewalka in the said Viliaye: WHERBAS the Ilunicipal Council of the said Municipal Corporation has determined anil agreed to raise the sum of one thousand three hun- dred dollars by dei^entures for the construction of cer.isnt sidewalks in the said village. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of raising the mu.iey for carrying out the said work it k expedient and necessary 'to provii.j the sum of one thousand three hi.idred dollars by the iasue of • debeiiLures of the fa«d ] InT againrt' tWs "by-law Corporation which is the amount of ' by the Municipal Council of the Vill- age of Flesherton (in the event of the assent of the Electors being ob» 7. On Monday, the fourth day of tained thereto) within five weeks from the first publication of the said by-law in the Flesherton Advance Newspaper, ^he date of which first publication will be the 16th day of June 1927, and the votes of the qualified Electors of the said Mqn- behalf of the persons interested and ! icipality will be taken thereon on the desirous of promoting or opposing seventh day of July, 1927. at the this by-law respectively. 8. The Clerk of the said Munic- ipal Corporation shall attend at his office in the said village at one o'- clock V m. of the eighth day of July 1927 t sum up the votes given for Town Hall in the said village between the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and five o'clock p. m. Special notice to Leasch^ers And further take notice that in or- debt intended to be created by this Schedule "A" refered to in this by-law l^er for a leaseholder to qualify for â-  • ' w 4„_^ t n • • 1 fr 1 1 voting on said bv-law he or she nmst »78 00 1230 62 |308 62 1 j.,^ ^.^^ „^ , statutory declaration by-law bearing interest at six veriYearB cent, per annum as hereinafter pro- iggg vided. 1929 64 18 244 44 AND WHEREAS it is desirable to ! 1930 49 61 269 11 issae the said debentures at one time 1931 33 98 274 64 and make the principal of the, eaid 1932 17 43 291 19 debt and the interest thereon pay- 1 Read ^ first and second time in ablt by yearly sums during the per- ; open Council, the tenth day of June iod of- five years being the currency 1927, that his or her lease contaim a cov- enant whereby he or she agrees to pay to the said debentures, said yearly sums being of suc)^ amounts that the aggrefiate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in re- speCt of the said debt fhall be as near- W. H. THU^ISTON, Reeve. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Take notice that the above is a To Sr. 1 â€" Goldie Kennedy (H),iand Bums. 868-2nd Ave. East. Owen Marjorie Duckett (H), Mabel Adams (H), Fern Leslie (H), Murray Mar- shall (P), Agnes Chesney (F), Laurie Genoe (F). Hâ€" iHonors; P â€" Pass; Râ€" Recom- mend; Fâ€" Fail. No. on roll 36; av. att. 34. â€"Mary R. Stewart, Teacher. Sound. Ont. Could Not Walk But Was Restored by Natural Herbs ROCK MILLS PUBLIC SCHOOL Name in order of merit. Sr. 4 â€" Ruby White (H), James Pedlar, Margaret Fisher. Jr. 4 â€" Ita Pedlar absent but rec- ommended on year's work with honor standing, Nathalie Patton, Mervyn Johnson, Alice Sewell, Robt. Dargavel. Sr. 3 â€" Joe Hawkins, Murray Fish- er, Jack English, Mervyn Best, Law- rence Shiers absent. Jr. 3 â€" Delia English, Julia Croft, George Akitt, Leo Patton, Laurie Ru.«sell, Delbert Smith. Jr. 2 â€" Llyod Partridge, Iva Eng- „ . _ lish (H), Lulu Russell, Marguerite I 'â„¢'e hiehlv recomcnd it to our neigh Elmwood .Ont.. May 13. 1927. Mr. B. J. Murfin. Dear Sir,, I must write and let you know how our son. who had Creeping Paralysis, 19 impr-ving. He had only taken your medicine about a week when he could walk, and <n three weeks had gained 13 lbs. He helped his father with seeding, and is working everv day. and is feel- ing fine. Our daughter is also makinv an im- provement, is gaining nicely, but is still taking your medicine. '''" certainly cannot praise vour medicine too highly for what it has done for us all. We do not think there is any medi- cine sold on the market so effecti" > in building up a run-down system as Mr. Murfins Natural Herb Medicine and (Intended for Last Week.) Rev. New preached his farewell ser- mon lajt Sunday. Many re;?ret hi;? removal, especially a :• the change is u'.<. account of his he:.!th not being sat- rsfnctory. The Kond wishes of all go with him and bi.s family to their new field of labor at Cobalt. Mount Zion Sunday iwhoo! purpose holding their ann-.i.Tl picnic on July 6th in Mr. Hopps' grove. Miss Lizzie Blakey returned to T.i- ronto last weci:, ticcompanied by Mi^a Ina McMulIen, who u-lll viiit friendr, there. Word was received by rclalivea hero iof the sudden death of Mrs. John jHerchey of Mount Foreot. Those who attended the funeral from this part on Monday were Mr.s. J. \V. Haney, .Mis. sS. Wauchope, Mr. John McNevin and t"Wr. Lewis Sheardown. Mrs. James Pedlar and two children visited with friendi in Toronto h\A week. Mr. and Mrj. J. A. Hut-hir.'^.Mi o' Aberdeen, Sask., ore visiting nt the home of the latter's brother. I^oslif Chard. Mr. Hutchin.ion tausrht tl"> school here for five year?, r.rd it !'â-  twenty years .lince he removed to the West, where he has bepn sucrwf^fu? and continues to follow the teaching profession. He hns a ho:<t of frinn^r. here who are delighted to moot him •gain. FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE Service at 7.30 Subject: "The ChSsen Few." The Church with a .Messat. . PASTOR: â-  Rev. E. H. YOUNG FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS BAITIST CHURCHES REV. M. SAUNDERS, Pastor. July 10th, 1927 Flesherton: 11 a.m. â€" Rev. L. F. Kipp. Bock Mills 8 p.m. and 7.30 p. .i. Special Anniversary Services conduc- tid by Rev. L. F. Kipp of Toronto. Snulay School :Flesherton 10 a.m. and Rock Mills 2 p.m. A hearty welcome to all. Make this jrovr church home. Croft, Mabel Shiers. Ut â€" Bobby Clark (H), Ethel Dar- gavel and Jack Monaghan equal, Els- imoure Shiers, Roy Fisher. Sr. Pr. â€" Lawrence Philips. Jr. Pr.â€" Glenard Croft, Besjie Rus- sell, Fred Betts, Cecil Shiers, Gordon Shierj, Loreen English, R. Monaghan. No. on roll 44; av. att. 42. â€" Mrs. Francis J. Seeley, Teacher EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" Reta Genoe. Patty Moro-nn. Glenn Pedlar, Hilda Gorr^on, Enid Gordon. Irene Martin. To Sr. 4 â€" Melrose Campbell (H). Glady.s Fawcett (H>. Gladv.-, William.-! Kathleen Pedlar, Victor Cimpbcll. To Jr. 4 â€" Lucy McDonald, Relva Genoe, Annie Lnughlin, Evelyn Row- bothani, Lloj'd Genoe. To Jr. 3 â€" I^obpl Rowbotham (H). Bornicc Campbell. Vernirn Fawcptt and Argyle Martin, Teddie Dixon, Tcro.;a Lcpanl, Morvin Moore. To Sr. 2 â€" Annieta Turner (H). Herb Fawcett. To 1st â€" Freddie Partridge, Elmr Dixon. Pr. Aâ€" Lillian Plantt, Rplln Laiitrh- 'in. Perry and I.ottip Graham. Pr. B â€" .'pan Tudor, Elsie Plantt '.enne DuckoU. â€" M. E. Johnston, Teacher. FFVERSHAM PUBLTC SCHQOL Sr. 3 to Sr. 4 â€" Edith HpUninn. Pr. 3 to Jr. 4 â€" Albert Davidson. M.n-crarpt Foster. Mnn=pl Conn. To f^r. 3 â€" Givio Hprnlerson. Merrvl bors andl friends. Hoping to see vou soon, sincerely vours Mr. and Mr. W. C. Leifso. Elmwood, Ont., R. R. No. 2. The above is one of the many letters we receive daily from people who have used the Natural Herbs ifor their complaints, and we are sure that there is a herb for your trouble, which if used, will give the v-'ie results as this letter states this boy got, after being carried to Mr Murfin at the hotel in HanoVer on January 27, 1927, he fot the special herbs for his troubl'^ and u.sed them, and above is the letter from his parents. If vou are troubled with r>nv com- nlfiint and wish to got results, call ind «pe Mr. Mnrfin. the Herbalist of the Canndian Herb Gardens of 110 Dundas St.. London On^.. who will bo nt the Munshaw Hotel. Flesherton. for one day onlv, hour.^ 8 a.m. to 7 on Thursdav, July 14th. and he will he glad to tell vou what herbs to u'se for your complaints. There are over 1,000 different herb^ used for different diseasps and Mr. Murfin. hpin" an expert on hc-h^. will tell V"n w*i'oh tn use and he will hnvo n sunnlv n-ith hirn and no mntter what thp ''o'^- nlajnt i» o-' how lont? standinir it is. thorp v^ a herb thnt '^o'l'"^ f"v it ^hi* will get you the rpsnlts like tho nh^i'-p '"t'-" 'stnf'-'- this ho" cot. ReiT<P»^- *./.-.• fh" dnfo p*id oirtose ''ome earl^^ ^^"fiirA'n PoT^^r.^*- "•!!] he th^rP flpp'*'''' 'r^" voiT comnlj^int. By-Law No. 152 BY-LAW NUMpER l.-ia THE CORPOKATIQN OF THE VILLAGE OP FLESHERTON: By-Law to raise 'the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars by High Class Merchandise We are offering for sale all our dry goods at the lowe.'it possible prices. We have a full supply of fresh groceiies at the right prices. Large assortment of fancy biscuitB. Owen Sound Bread and Pastry." Wo have on hand about 60 lbs of choice Dairy Butter. FOR REASONABLE PRICES AND HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE TRY A. WATSON PHONE 60 AT YOUR SERVICE. ly Oa poa»ruie equal to the amount *â„¢.«.«=»Py »' a proposed By-Law so payable in each of the other years wjiich has been taken into consider- of the said period of five years. !«*""» «"«> w'l'ch ^^ ^ '"»«lly vaaaed AhfD WHEREAS the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents is the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for thfe period of five years for pay- ing the said debt and interest. AND WHEREAS the total amount of the* whole rateable property of the said village is. according to the last revised Assessment RoU, the sum one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine doll- ars; AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenttire debt of the ; said village, is $4723.47, and no part : of the principal or interest is in ar- rear; ' j NOW THEREFORE the Municipal CouncU of the Corporation of the vill- age of Flesherton enacts as follows :- 1. That for the purpose of raising the sum. of one thousand three hun- dred dollars for the purposes afore- said, five debentures of the said Cor- poration, each for the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents, shall be issued, each of which, debentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable within five years there- after, on the first day of July in each* year, the first of which shall be on the first day of July, 1928. at the Standard Bank of Canada in the said village of Flesherton. 2'. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Reeve aiid Treasurer of the said village of Flesherton and the Clerk of the said village shall attach the seal of the said Corporation thereto. 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable yearly at the said Bank, on the first day of July in each year during the ciirrency thereof; which interest is included in the amount of said debentures. 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised ann- ually -by special rate on all the rate- able property of the said village the sum of three hundred and eight doll- ars and sixty-two cents for the pur- pose of paying the amount due in j each of the said years for principal { and interest in respect of the said 1 debt as'3hown in schedule "A" hereto ' annexed. I 5. This by-law shall come into force and take effect after the final | passing thereof by the council. j 6. The votes of the electors of i the Village 6f Flesherto.i entitled to i vote on Money By- La-.vs shall be i taken on this by-law r i Thursday. ' the Seventh day of Ju-iy, 1927, at the Town Hall in the sai 1 village and tho Clerk of the said Village shall be the Deputy Returning Officer and Howard McAuloy shall be the poll Clerk, the poll shall o'en at nine o'clock in the forenoon r.nd shall re- 808 62 i 30 j 62 { I?? 55 1 air municiiwa" taxes in respect of the *•" ®^ property leased and that the lease ex- tends for the peroid of time witlun which the debt to be contracted or the money to be raised by the said by-law ia nnde payable, and the names of learseholders neglecting to file such declaration sliall not be placed on the Voter's List for such' voting. W. J: BELLAMY, Village Clerk. Dated this 10th day of June 1927 SHINGLES N. B. White Cedar Extras Clear of knots and Sapwood $6.00 per M. The Best Shingles on the Market W. A. Armstrong & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. Clean Up Paint Up USE THE WALLPAPER THAT IS GUARANTEED NOT TO FADE. CHOOSE YOUR PATTERN AND I CAN GET IT FOR YOU IN36 HOURS. USE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT â€" TWO COATS GO AS FAR AS THREE OF MOST PAINTS. IT LOOKS BETTER AND WEARS MUCH LONGER. CRDER A NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE. Don't forget your Screen Windows. Order from: A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 6 P.M. BllS[BliLL! Flesherton Ball Grounds Thurs.,July7,'27 Dundalk vs Flesherton Game called at 4 p.m. sharp A GOOD GAME IS ASSURED. % ♦j » ^ 1 * â- Â» * • '« "â- *â-  ^ â- f '-? â- I*. >â-  I 1' ' \ - •» <*> ^ { i

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