V'*' V /, v^' * *â- Jk A.^-^ iMt':^ms^ \umt, 1927 V W.H- mS&m a^^bon,ProMdtow/ tr J \ â- f â- V Mn. #u.. C<ra0c. *^« Are pUiaed too Hacry '{ieao#- who ^Ath â- *â- â€" nUir' i« Uc BBd Mr*, H 9 ton ^d Mr. and Mr. •wt-Borir Lewiaj. motored to*Mi SatCEihv "'â- nd vnited nlfttives ntorBi^E home Sundaf^. The Rock Mills and Portlaw pibUc •- achoi^ held th^ anniwl pfcnie last Wednrfaday at Mr. Akitt's^ush. The ^ day was an ideal one 4^ there was a large erowd present, and a very happy time was «pent toother. * Mr. Jas. Park spenl the week end at his home in Owen Sound. *L^ â- Itfb. ' tnd Mr* Levi DuckeH ku^M^ P^' .' fita^er. Violet, of MaxweU and Mrs^".*;^'"- ^** C.*Newell visited a few days inOwei iroad-' ^Fbuintf jl^ani^ spallti^ta Skjjtna frien ' "Mr. S, ih a] tOwen ifr. 4 ^. vacaQiqil the^eek Mr. andli 1^ Sa v%beVMc- 4ibme from- "Aroni^ viiUrs- nda f(^w daykw\|iLtmir . and l(r». '^tJWrffwfcj.N :r8.yrhos. Leve? of FlAhertori^ds- lil^^nnEaipMidinffe^B.. >with hea^daughter, Mrs. Chas. •PRICEV]^LEZ her Duc^ett aiB||^ The refreshing shower colw tW First with Oweif*»tmosphere • considerably, ai%r thp A^ ' •^extremHy hot iAyeiit Janttyetk. ; Kb. Persy, Misi^l^ Mr. and Mrs. John .ITurgess of^D^r if,:yb. and Mra. Chas,. fhani^ were visitors •of Rds Mr. ^as. ^ ' Ciftk ani â- ^d Mrs. iK*(^nd ana chikiren mote: Friday. \Mr8. J. L. Wo(^ds of pnto> mot<tt«d tO'^^chlaf s on Sunday, \ u- ^ A large crowd attended tftTjulifHlK; (ronto, spen^aerviy in the Ti»ll '*» Sund^ after- ts. -. ^noon. Mr. Iiet^Johnl||)i va-y ably Mr. .Bob«."n^o*' the seryitfe. Vrhu iixtieth Anr id to Han- )^'^^'^V)^}''^^}^^^°"^IK reAembfted. ^ jey Fri(t|lfil|^ 'Mi^s.H^cLachlan fNm the We^is' and familV^^^'.^V^ ^^' sister, Mrs. Hector Mc- .^cXuIlen-|9oa»W-" : *"** , ,o\Wfiatig\ *"i*a "^^ ^^ MacLean and friemi "ac- - **â€" pajiied by Miss Dorjthy Carson at Mr. Angjfe' Mc- ' bai^layed at TSleslferton on Monday y, ^ ,^\ ^Sey^ing. If - On\|ard ^vi^8 ^'h game YtfSt while here The ^ ^ ^ * • „ , aiay/and called on am Iter Oscar Carter of ToronJoCJjir^''- Delia" ,Whj a week or so-jn the viiUge, "^gn^l^o iSkraVa camped' in th^park. puSK a(;hooI children here were ^I * quite successful il^ passing their exams.. Congratulations to teacher *and pupils. We hope the students who tried the Entrance meet w^ similar succes£ ^^he Entrance candidates from tbis^chool Vlfje: Patricia Morgan, Irdndv. Genoe, Hilda and Enii Somd with the former's siater, Ura. A* Genoe. " . â- ,,^Corden. W. L. nd^our sympatl ight of Fleshe bhy. to ^fflj.^ irCTn^isi^ tnS^ MiM Ivi^Wickiias of Kimberley b 1°*« "* »»« husband, whoft «jneMl holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. ,*««!; P^'^^,,.""!^!^*^ i"** V-T:, . and Mrs. Wm. Pedlar. I ^r. Wallie Wiljia^s<has i|n^ed<to Mr. and Mrs. J. Small and two Toronto, after a few days' visit with chiWreil Of AUiston were visitors over ^le^ds here^ the week end with Mr. and Mr8,Jflhn ' Mr. I^^^^r. ^as. Law ^rgtave.* '-•^^.are ^sitmg with Mr. a^ tieyu A. J. Pfeston, wife M^fS^ngh- j Jameson and Mrs. WilB<H^ Mrs. HarryvTate Hillsburg are^ on an^ Hti(Ie mq 01 a- visit witlN her. father, Mr. Robt.'j. P«dlar anHLdau^Ji- £hel Md"stlrfey~^iurn"ed,*«/'''l ^i*°'l'^4^^: ^- P%f • V Mr and Mrs Jos Wahams «nd^on. 'ter, Winnie, of Norwich visited last , week with the Pedlar families, and also Mr. Levi Betts and Mrs. Jas. Genoe. home with them on Friday. â- . .-..., \>, . ^„ Mr. ami Mrs. Dick Clark and family ^«' »««* 'â„¢"««' Mr\Gordo«6ea.le, fst ^kronto' *'\A''^'^i'"'>^ McLean, motored from .visited: Mrs Maly Ru^Jedge. on %u^>.j*5pronto Thursday and\pe»it the week naJUieighljgrs. fk .[r«nd a»their homes. WJijtr accompanred;_ Visitors at Mr. Colin McLean's on ^outh IWie on Sunday were: Mr. ITd^rs. Mabee and daughter, Annie, Sid "Miss Bessie Jennings, all of To- Oyfini Sound for the weefc^d. ' v" , ' - * Mr. and>Mrs< lathman anS sgn, Douglas, and lady friend of Nerval . nqpto, Mr. Malcolm Mclnnis, son and spAit the week end with Mr. and Mrs. jHanghter and Mrs. Graham. Geo. Arrowsmith and ^r. and Mm..js ^r. and Mrs. Lachie McKinnon and A. McMullen. ' ' , feMldrei|| from the West are visiting Mr. M. Ferguson left the past week ririendaf in and around Priceville. iK^jjuit friends in Caledon. f jjy peter Johnston intends leaving Mrs. Hill, who has for severaf jo-day (Monday) for London, where Keeks- been visittng her sister Mrs.'i,e will attend summer school, oltonlketri^ed^he first of the week _ ^^ ^^^ j^„ ^^^^^^ McLellan of to her ha*e,^% Jfaxwe^I. [j^.^ ^^^ p^„^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ MrNa^.^^^4({yis of Osh- j^^^^ g^^ ^j^^^ ^{^^ ^^^^^^^ ^, ^hip- ^mo\oV>ui^e Mty the week. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^„^ ^ j,^ ^^^ raw^ning 'i^^esdriV accompame^ ^^ I Campbell's. â- .Sfaifter Raymond aad JUi^s JesaW V , ' _ , ,, . , , ,,. %(d Bpisie^MaDonaW ^V^d^y^-VL '''';• TI Russel Bau^ and Mi^s IfcissVst^rt teaser: teft ^VJ-^ajl McQua.g of Pontiac, Mich., mot- tlSrsd^ &r hv home at Clinton^orlT'* ^'" ^"'f ^^T T f ' I isummervacaUon.,. * j|^TSrtter remaining for a couple of weeks. George Arrowsmith â- ant V A number of our youth and beauty •X)NWARD" NfiWSi . V Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. (^o«g^ and Mi«»'' '"â- . '-. I Dorothy ape^it the holiday .wifJi Mra., Onward warmed jout a 10-8 victor j^Gcod's 'j^rmt^, Mr. and Mrs. Johni over the VandOieux^all team af the""'""^" â- ' â- latttrl grounds^la^t T|iie*da^, "which evens the s^flos and'a final "game will they will appear in the finalj, at the Raly in l^sherton on Hiday. The batterj^or Onwa^ consisted of S. Muir aq^ 1^. Curve, for a cou^e or innings and Muir retired iAvfa^gr of ,• R. J. Turner, and IJ. Pedlar 'finished the game. -. . ' Master Bill^lifton. of TaronIB is spending his holidays at As. Oliver's.' Ihose who labored oa EUfiQinion day surely worked by tlife sweat- ef- their brow, as the ntercury''hDVered 1}etweA| 96 and 100 in the sha^^. .Wl number from here celebrated .Canada's D "mond Jubilee on Friday, business trip last week. ^ Pf R. Oliver went to Toronto on a Mr. and Mrs. Beiry^ o( Toront* , Mr. and^^rs. R-. Q. Fawcett and son^- .Llor.d, visited .over the Week end witR : the fbrmer's father, Mr. J.R.^awcet:. Miss Ii\t|jm of Meaiord is spendii: ,â- >'>veek with her friend, Miss AlmefLv* Weber. . • • J^ }er Mr. and Mrs. Myers attend celebration in Owen Sound. 'on Dom- inion Day. • ; .^ X The^rst leagpq ba'sebiil gan^ wfli >taged here o^^ "Hiursday afteri|ibon.. Despite t(ie heat it war a good game, resulting .in a viHory*for the homa team iO-7. Mr. Ken B<^d o'f Flesj}- crton^on tljie bat presented By Mr. Hanos for the first home'«un of the seasoi^ " "v ' 'a. * Th» \. I. was iield at-lhe ho^ ot rs. John WiqKend on Wednesday af temaon. * » \ , ' Miss J-JHiari|kAlJercrombie of 'Tob- -i were week end visitors at J." Tumei«s. I ermojry is h'bliaaying, at her hoihe Blood-thirsty" dogs are beoominW quite a nuisance to the sheep raiser! now. Quite frequently a flock is raided by dogs during the night. Mr. A. Dingwall lost a lamb and three other sheep were badly mauled one night last week. Councillor McMillan here. Mr. Chas. Haynes of Beaverton, Mra Bashay and children of JPoronta and. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hayne^f Aurora are visiting Miss Mary and Mr. Vffo, Haynes at present. The Weber connection had a picnic Mjrs :^Unt entertained the Ladi|a''(Ai^ ^vf-ednesday afternoon whenNa laant time ^ was spent by those Sound. Advertise m S Advaner De Laval Cream Separator ^ f EAST MOUNTi^N. !• (Intended for Last Week.) Messrs. Carl Humberstone and C .Thompson, accompanied by lady > friend, motored to Owen Sound^ast Why iae aa old, worn oiit 8op- ^eek. aralor. Give your cows a ckanca to I Mr. and Mrs. Itusaell I&U and babe for yoa fey ntttec '. "^ Cherry Grove spent the week end with friends in this vicinity. cam aOTfr Moaay a Mv Dc XavaL Cub« in aad teC w dMioMtrate it to yoiL ^0 kata St9- uitrnt on ud Bopaln. W. k. HAWKEH Miss Gladys Hall, acctMnpanied Rev. and Mr. Cullis on their motor trip to their new home a^Massey on Monday. Mr. HaiiMB and sisters of Meaford %ere t^.giiifeto of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompion on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smart spent a day last week with Duncan friends. LoAg Life Easy Turning Ciose Skiinming Make snre that it has b^-jftoarliag (for euf Haxrantc). See1^tt»sb6Qlut- ely scS-Oilod fno oil cupt or oflen.' Look wei^'tha way the oil 1b' changod (no need ot flushing). Oil Glaaflr-rSet if the oil^ is working- right (not just a gauge.) Main Gear fttUy en- ' closed no gears expos- ed. H LoSk over the cream and. milk adjustment. SM Iiow tha bowl ia cO»kt#acted (eavy' to Gn a wide open San- itfry Base (it's ^aay cl4kn r ound). "'â- Positive frici clutch. Thinlr of servile whSn yAi need -it. Jflf See tke McCwaj^k- Dceriag aMMie loeai Agent's Siflb^ he jrill show voii> featHTM yoa capnot r^ in any otilw, CresM S«par*l«r. ^ homOk in Toronto. omOki: pre'stint. At tl)e' close of the meetilig<|' ilv^UiAty mnch Ws sj^rved. â€". â€" w , ._ . ... J - i.u _3Bfc ji V- ^^ M^s.fc J.- Montgomery of and^Mr.RobtClaAandMr.UndMrs. l,?^"!?"**' T^^^^V^T^ f^!^ To?5nto\ visited the^pist week wi^ B. S. Field spent the First ;in Owen !r,, . "'• . "rs- -^l^^ndge. Mr. ^j^. ^^^g jj^^ ^^^ Arrowsmith and ^«-^ ^'"1"™» l" rf"â„¢ '?*'!; family rjtumipg Saturda, to tltei^ Mrt and Mrs. Francis Genoe, ac- ' companied by. .MrK iiiMt; 'l|kiis.v T^tt! > Fenwick, spent Tuesday in Owen Sound. ' % , I Mr. Edwim Pm^vis and ; Mr.. Will Williams of To'i^nto Ji|ent the"^ holiday I and over the^^^epk e^ here. Their j wives, who have been on a fortnight's I visit, returned home with them.' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams and family and Mr. Wintoa of Toronto vjiited friends here. We are pleased to report that Mrs. L. Latimer is improving. atitended the school picnic held in HcKinnon's Bush on Saturday after- noon. .Mr. and Mrs. J<jhn Parker- of Tor- onto are visitors at Mr. E. Everett's Mr. Peter Johnston presided over t'-Mj. entrance at Kimberley last weeK Ke has been secured principal for a nother year's service. * f Mr. ai)4 Mn. Tom Hincks and fam- «nd' Mh: Uoyden •^fiibson aijd*Jtiy*o^ foronto motored up "Friday. daughter Helen of Toronto spent the first with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gil9^n, Mr. Mr. Hincks returned Sunday and Mr. Alfred Hincks ac^mpanied him back J. C. McLaughlin of Toronto j ^j,gpg ^^ wiU*ttend summer school visited his father over the first, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley^' Wiite*and be be who have been holidaying with the former's mother returned the first of the week to their honv in Tordno. Mr. and Mrs. Walter -Griffin and family, Mrs. Archer, Mr. Robert Brown, Miss Anna White, all of To- A .i- ... ,. 'V^''^'""^ at Wasaga Beach on Saturday, and grading the road in this part of ^»«.i«aay. the beat. Most of the statute labor is finished. ' Onward and Springhill clubs meet in Softball at Flesherton on Tuesdav Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis and Mr and Mrs. Henry Ellis of Powassan are visiting friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ellis, ac- eveniig of this week. This is to con^Panied by Miss Leona Weber and decido the semi-final winner to com- ^f' ^^^^ ^"''''' visited ^tchener pete on Friday at the Farm Youth j ^"^nds recently. Rally. Onward "has a fair chance of j Mr. Harvey Cornfield had a cnic«-' makir? good this year, as they have cessful barn raising on Satu«day af- only lest orte"gam^ ou£ o*five played ternoon. Married garden j June 29th, 'crorabie to I Allandale. tended. Mis-s Bessie Stafford of Huntsrille is visiting her father, Mr. H. R. Staf-* "^^'iTl this season. The Onwards play Dro more .oftbal! team at Salem party 'Vi%dnesday evening. KIMBERLEY In Toronto on- Vfjid., 1927, Miss Delia Abgl Mr. Herman Perrier of GongratuI«bions are' ex- Mr. Byard Urquhart and Mr. Nor man Anderson of the C.P.R. staff at j ford, for "the summer vacation Moose Jaw, visited with Mf. and Mrs. | . W.a^bertt Read The*SSvahce Sman Advtosir ronto, Mr. Jack White, teacher at McWilliams, spent the first of the week with Mrs. Wm. ' White and family. *Maater George Patterson of To- ronto has arrived to spend his sum- mer holidays with hrs grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Mrs. (Dr.) Holgies of Owen Sound, for a month. Mr. Hincks and family will remain for a longer visit. Mrs. Archie McLean and daughter Alma Sundayed at .^Mfr J. Nichol's. TiIr^Alex. McLean intends leaving: Juesaay to attend sumiuer school at Kingston. . ^ v flis Ex^a Carso'n of Flesherton ^ent Sunday at her home. *TiIr. John S6ott and sister of North Erermont were recent vtsitoca-at Mr. H. 'I. McLean's., lit. and Mrs. Archie Stewart and f^ily of Ceylon Sundayed^at Mr. A. Stewart'^.. ,; â- . « j Mi^^; Wilh^ MacCuaig is spending a^wnth in "Toronto, whAe she is en- and Mr^ Fred Chislett of Xrstowel ^ggj ^^ maj.jj examination pitper;;. visited -wnrith their sister, Mrs. Anna McBmian, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Morwood of Markdale and son, Lloyd, of Flesherton ?pent the first with Mr. and Mra. J. J. Patterson, i.^ Mesars. iM^ and Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent the week and with their brother, Angus. Miss ^abel Thibaudeau of Maft- dale. Miss ^mice Stewart of Fort William and Dr. ai^ Mis. Patterson and two children of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mcs. D. Mc- Ceod. Mrs. Patterson '^d children are cemainihg^ for a holiday. Visitors at .John Stewart's over the holiday were: Kn. Peter Thibaudeau and' fltmily^f Maikdale and Mr. and Mrs. Nixon ^nd daughter, Zelma, of Mimico. a|^^ law week T't teachers and scholars are, all en.i'^'ing the holidays. . Jlr. anS* Mr^. Eldon RuncimKi of Toronto spent the week end at Mvk dol'n McLean's in the village. , Bliss Catha|ipe McMillan intends Ir-ving Tuesday, when Jhe will enter i- fo Fergus hospital to train .for a rnirse. "Her mother will accompany her down. , '^ -* » A numter from* here picnicked at \Va8aga Beach on Friday. rOfKHTFO UNE. NORTH ^{raiidllfrs J. H. Leyer and dlbgh- ^-•, Anhfe, of Tkomhill "^ere yf^k d visitfta with the LeVei^Kanwlies I jre. . _ ♦ ^Mr, and Mrs." Q. B. Perigee and '&ughter> Betty, of Detroit were ftol- BATES bURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE , NEW MODERN •FUNERAL PARLORS 122- 124 Avenue ^oad, T R O N T.O Klngsdale 4344 K* MUMMOCKSk. â- *-«• & Telephone J- W. Bi te,. ^ Ul ShiBglci Special mgitfi arid, th. M*8. F. p. Gaims visited i»i« ''f'^jiday visitors at the home 0?|»lbertJ at Hamilton and wa'a actompanied 1 qi.„-_j. » ^ , • Bud! home b^ Mj]8ters Jack ,and MitchoU. ^ " • Mr. Sussel l^ter of Rochestj^^n^ Stew^. Miss Jean MSLachlan t^,^rt Cred- it visit.ed the .pae^. week' with ^er frienif ^iss Qertru«% Lever (.. Mrs. Baxter 'of' Collin^eo^l^pent r Monday at P. Muir's, leaving Turaday for Torontcj, aacompanied by Miss ^.^.^ Swanton's^^ Catfianne Muir. j|^ I- Miss Jera £em »,1 day visitors at Mr,. I«l»r'9 o-if -iding'her Vacation ^ her parental Stone's Lme were: Mr. Sam Pfdjar,j. ,^^ . 5^. • \ Mrs. yf. J. Davis ^d taro^atighters of yrashington State^^pre ^sitqj^s at of Torontt' is f. J. Davis ^d t| ington State^^i canipn's.^^ « of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred LeGard , of Toronto and Dr. LeGaflhd and mTIss Ceorgi^ llurgesa of Mtest TdVgnto Massey , Ifarris 3TOCKS A MfeLEAN# ^ * â- ^: • -INSURANCE WKfeTTEN IN •SEVE^AL.CpMPANIfiS ON fiOTH FARM^,/lii*D TOWN PROPWITY. . J^'Wjii^ Mr. Ross Pe"i;igbe of Totopto II visit^gaivith hu aun% Mi'Jh A^ £ta^- , |F t and^so 'with relatives ^t Fever- sham. ^.- • FAR^ FQRSALEv , V^l'aflte Grove Fanm! Lot 12, Con. 9, |X)srâ€" l>y. OT 100 acres. â- "(Scod frame fiotta-.^bank barne* 60x62, straw barn 24x60,^good well aq^ windmill, .watef^ 'in Tic-. .56 Und'&rn, eighty fine acres' under cuftijjatJon. .'Due to«iU jealth ' owner wishes To sell ilftm^iatfely and will r seeson. %bti wift^<ai' ^GREAl^TOUS.--J. • -•' •. * â- Thereis a big aflfects tJ^CpriceJy .*4is yxm .wm be Ibufe' >p_u can delivi«- tlie,' c: call for J^pfooiptly'ar time fJbssible, fM^e. .1 gradiiji^.. ,.W.e are «*roas, •• * . ^ Highest nl&rket'pri *ight flo^^in the spring, ^f&bjjf ff you bring yotii: . ading ,^jfcl^ ' wiiic!*^^ ;.. t.-%By selling -yqUrcrpan^lb*^' ^- he«V«ryvbes\gfradin^ beca|jise " ^ J*«>r» pVmptly, wwe'wlll ave" it; graded in the shortest isuriftg »ylSifc bi ^ecia[ No.. '' o<fing thi^o ouj: present pjj^^ ^â-º1 Vi^ Rh'one ^ 2^05J)rev Systtm. s and Sxtfefactfep tiuarattteejiy V * "* * â- • * * Honest ATarlc^^le Creamer;^ Hij^ rwi9hes^o^seiHmm«iatfeiyandj|'.^I^RKDAX.'E,bNTJi-RIQ. " .* ''V-N nv-ke ){odd»offer for qujck saje.' * • " •'"•I "'^ • % , â€" G. H. BURkE^Euaealar ' L 1* ^ t "^ ' ♦ 1 ♦ V iM':J^ji.-^* ... ij > V; .jM^iikii ..s;.«,^4 t-%^.A...Ja0- »«^*l|fc.v