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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1927, p. 4

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*â€" w â-  t if l\ ^Vednesday, June 29, 1927. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collinifwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each ' week. Circulation over 1100, Prke in Canada, |2.00 per year, ' paid in advance |1.60. In f.'J.BO per year, when paid n advance |2.00. s|». H. THURSTON, Editor IN 60 YEARS. Canada's procress since Confeder- ation has been phenomenal. We dshould rejoice that, notwithstanding interruptions by war and other im- pediment.'i, we have had healthy prowth and have on the whole been a prosperous people. What chances have these 60 yearc! Witnessed ? In 1867 we had no railways west of Pembroke on the north and Samia on the southwest. The Intercolonial was unbuilt. The two (Treat transcontinental lines were then but dreamed of. We had no electric railways. No electric lights. No telegraphs. No wireless. No cinemas. No cable to Canada. No automobiles. No flyinjT machines. No Western provinces. No rural mail delivery. No silver, ETold or nickel mininKjin Ontario. No vote by ballot. No woman suffraKO. Vast chanKcs, these. What may not happen before the Dominion is a century old ? ' Mrs. Jas. Hall Passes There died on Monday, June 20th at the home of her son, Wilfred Hall at EppinK, Sarah Jane Fawcett, belov- ed wife of James Hall and eldest dauKhter of the late Robert and Eliza- beth Fawcett, at the age of 78 years. Converted in her teens she retained that beautiful Chrijtian experience until her death. She leaves to mourn their loss her p-"^ husband and four sons. Wilfred of Eppinsr, Judtre Hall of St. Loiiij, James N. and Earl in the West; one daughter, Mrs. T. Hamil," died in Hancock, Mich., some years ago. The services were conducted by Rev. Frank Goff. A beautifully rendered duet was sune by Mrs. Goff and Miss Jelly "When my Ship Comes Sailintr Home." Four brothers of the deceased acted as pall bearers: Fldward of Alliston, James R. of Kim- herlev, William T. and Georn-e Irwin "f Thornburv and two brothf>rs-in-liw. " Down. Flesherton. and N. W. Hall f-f Toronto. The two Tirvivin" sis- ♦ors. Mrs. S, C. Rowe. Barrie, and Mrs. H. Down. Flesherton. were present. One brother wsa nnablp to attend, TnVin, ' Dnw-.^on City, Yukon. The remains were interred in Thnrnbury cemete'". where manv old fripnd^ and acquaintances met to pay tVip I^st tribute of resnect to one be- 'o'-od and resnected. The r->ral of- fr-rir'-- were beautiful. Fred Graham in Accident Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and dausrhter of W'alkerton experienced a very bad motor accident on Sunday of last week when Mr. Graham had his collar bone broken and a severe cut in his left leg. Loreen Gra- ham had her left arm fractured above the elbow, and Mrs. Graham had cuts in both legs. They were side-swiped by a laree Willyo-Kniprht car, owned in Guelph by a man named Dunbar, and which appears to have been tray- ellinc at terrific speed. Mr. Gra- ham's car, a Chevrolet touring, was terribly smashed up and ij not of much use. Mr. Graham is an old Eugenia bey and the many friends of this estimable couple both here and at Eugenia deplore the accident. THE OLDEST SEWING MACHINE Recently a well known sewing ma- chine company instituted a search for the oldest sewing machine in Canada or the United States. It was in 1851 that the first practical sewing mach- ine was put on the market, just 70 years ago. Machines upwards of 60 years old were found in large num- bers and the agent reports a few of bers. The oldest one discovered had been in use 74 yars an was in the .States, but a woman in Cranbrook, B. C, had one that has been doing duty for 7.3 years and a""ther in New Glas- gow, N.S., had served its owners for the same period. Every one of these old machines was taken by the SincT Co. in exchange for one of the finest machines made by that company to-day. VANDELEUR Public School Results To 4th â€" Murray Stuart, Bill Pat- ton. Donelda Ma;I)onald. Burton Sled, Jack Gibson. Margaret Ferris, Daisy McFadden, Doris McMullen, Beryl McEachnie. Verdun McMnster, Emer- son McKillop. Eddie. Ferris, Audrey Warling (Rec.) To Sr. .'} â€" Joe Gibson, CecU Gib- son. Eddie Patton, Billv Hyland, Hazel McKillop, Everett Talbot. Loreen Mc- Eachnie, Elmor Warling (Rec.) Ern- est Kerton (Rec.) Cecil Thistlethwaite (Rec.) T" Jr. ."! â€" Pearl Gibson. Harvey Croft. Evelyn Bmwn, Bob Bellamy, Alvin LawTence. Hiiirli Bibby, George Boyd, Angus Turnev, Bill Welton, Littlejohn? Mcrvin McFadden. To Senior 2 -- Brtiy Murray, For- man Lawrence. Doug. Stuart Chas. Tplbot (Rec.) Georgina MacDonald (Rec.) To s,.. 1 _ F.verett Croft, Gordon Gibson. Fred Patton Helen deCud- more (Rec), Roy Semple (Rec.) To Jr. 1 â€" Marion Miller. Mac. Duncan, Nellie Thi:;tlethwaite, Doris Kerton. To Sr. Pr. â€" Dorothy Kerton. Athol McKillop. Fred McTavish, Betty Mc- Donald, Ivan McEachnie. To Pr. C â€" Cleorge Loucks. Dori.i Lawrence. Burton Bellamy, Jack Wel- ton. Ralph Hvhind. To Pr. Bâ€" Clifford Saunders. Doris Warling, Norman Loucks, Muriel Mc- Mullen. Mrs. J. H. Holley, Mrs. F. R. Bol- and, Mrs. J. I. Graham and Mrs. Ratdiffe, and Messrs J. I. Graham and Frank Davis attended the Farm- ers' and Women's Institute convention in C'"»-kburg on Thursday last. Rev. F. N. Bowes preached his fare- well sermon to a large and apprec- iative congregation in Vandeleur cliurch in Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bowes had many friends here, who wish him every success in his ncw field in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis and Mr. ,'^am Gilbert and Mrs. Geo. and Elmor Warling visited the latter's husband in Owen Sound hospital one day re- recently. The annual meeting of the Centre Grey Board of Agriculture was held in the community hall, Clarksburg, on Thursday, June 23rd, when '.he fol- lowing officers and directors were el- ected: Pres., Mr. Geo. W. Ross, AFax- well; Vice-Pres., Mr. Alex. Cameron, Eugenia; Sec.-Treas., J. I. Grnhnm, Vandeleur. Directors â€" A.rt°niesia, A. Cameron and Jos. Biichana": Hol- land, W. J. Sneck and Wm. Savindi'rs; Osprey. G. W. Ross and W. H. Guy; Euphrasia. W. Buchanan and Wm. Hewgill: Proton, W. J. Bb-i^k and W. Dingwall; Flesherton. W. A. Hnwkon; Clarksburg. Emerson Brown; Kimber- lev, J. R. Fawcett. The followimr nlaces were named for winter ni^nf-- iiirs: Ilollfind Centre. W.nlter-- Palls, Rncklvn. riarksbn>-E-. Ravennn. Ileal h- cote, Kimbcrley. Eugenia Max.vell MARRIED SAVAGEâ€" OLIVERâ€" At St. Giles' Church, Hamilton, on Mcndav. June 20th, by Rev. F. T. Martin, Mildred Emma, youngest daughter of Hon. John Oliver. Premier of Briti.ih C d- umbia, to Mr. Albert Ward Savage of Montreal. During the terrific electrical storm which passed through Halton county recently eigth head of prize cattle be- longing to Edgar Ellerton of Nassa- iraweya township, were struck by lightning and killed while taking shel- ter under a tree. Auction Sale IN FI-ESHERTON SATrBDAY, JLLY 9. 1927 R. W. PATON has instructed the undersigned auc- tioneer to sell by public auction at 2 p.m., the following: 2 bedroom Suites, 2 bed springs and mattresses, wa.4hstand, 2 upholst- ered chairs, couch, hanging lamp, kit- chen table, kitchen cupboard. V4 doi. kitchen chairs, set of acales 240 lb., ontside panelled door, 2 screen doors, atorm door, number of fruit jars and crocks, gasoline container, buggy, a Uirht sinjrle ri(r. set of sleigh* with ahafti and tongue, wood rack, number of cedar feite* potts, 60 fe«t of wtra ftace. 60 foot poultr" netting, about 40 cords dry hard wood, 1 doi. hens. and a number of other articles. TEBM8â€" AanounU of $10 and under cmIi: oTtr tint amount 6 moi.' credit •â-  approval Joint aoUi. .W. lUnnifO. AuOmm, \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MA'ITKR of the estate of Robert James Sproule. late of the vill- age of Flesherton, in the Coapt}i of Grey, Conveyanc--. Deceased. Take notice that all those having any claim against the estate of Rob- ert James Sproule, aforraentioned, deceased, are required on or before the 16th day of July, 1927 to mail postpaid , or deliver, to the under- signed solicitors to the said Estate, full particulars of "-'ir claim together with any evidence 'â- â€¢â€¢ acknowledgement thereof that they may have. After the said last-mentioned date the admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. Dated at Owen .Sound, this 2'^- I day of June, 1927. Middlebro and Burns, 868-2nd Ave. East. Owen Sound, Out. By-LawNo. 152 BY-LAW NUMBER 152 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON: Could Not Walk But Was Restored by Natural Herbs Elmwcod ,Ont.. May 13, lil27. Mr. 13. J. Murfin. Dear Sir., ( I nuist write and let you know how our son, who had Creeping Paralysis, i- inipr ving. He had only taken your medicine about a week when he could walk, and "1 three weeks had gained 13 lbs. He helped his father with seeding, and is working everv day, and is feel- ing fine. Our daughter is also makinf an im- provement, is gaining nicely, but is still taking your medicine. "'" certainly cannot praise your medicine too highly for what it has done for us all. We do not think there is any medi- cine sold on the market so effectiv > in building un a run-down system as Mr. Murfins Natural Herb Medicine and we highly recomend it to our neigh- bors nndl friends. Hoping to see vou soon, sincerely vours Mr. and Mr. W. C. Leifso, Elmwood, Ont., R. R. No. 2. The above is one of the manv letters we receive daily from people who have used the Natural Herbs for their complaints, and we are sure that there is a herb for your trouble, which if used, will give the 7- le results as this letter states this boy got, after being carried to Mr Murfin at the hotel in Hanover on January 27, 1927, he cot the special herbs for his trouble ind used them, and above is the letter from his parents. If vou are troubled with nnv com- nlnint and wish to get results, call nnd cee Mr. Murfin, the Herbalist of the Canadian Herb Gardens of 110 Dundas St., London. Ont., who will be â- it the Munshaw Hotel, Flesherton, for one day only, hours 8 a.m. to 7 n.m. on Thursday, July 14th. and he will he glad to tell vou what herbs to use for your complaints. There ere o"pr 1.000 different herbs used for Afferent diseases and Mr. M"rfin, 'iptn" an expert on herb.v will tell you which to use and he will have a supply with him and no matter what the com • >iiint i« or how long standing H Is, ''â€" e it a herb that grows for it that •vill get vou the results like the above '"tt'-r states this bov got. Remem- ber the date and pleaae come earlv. Nature's Remedy will b« ihnt •P«et«t for your complaint. By-Law to raise the sum of one thousand three hundred dollars by the issue of debentures of the said Corporation for the purpose of con- structing cement sidewalks in the said Viirage; WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the said Municipal Corporation has determined and agreed to raise the sum of one thousand three hun- dred dollars by debentures for the construction of cement sidewalks in the said village. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of raising the money for carrying out the said work it is expedient and necessary to provide the .sum of one thousand three hundred dollar's by the issue of debentures of the said Corporation which is the amount of debt intended to bo created by this by-law bearing interest at sLx per cent, per as hereinafter pro- vided. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures ^t one time a^id make the principal of the caid debt and the interest thereon pay- able by yearly sums during the per- iod of five years being the currency to the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in re- spect of the said debt shall be as near- ly a-3 possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other years of the said period of five years. AND WHEREAS the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents Ls the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for the period of five years for pay- ing the said debt and interest. .AND WHEREAS the total amount of the whole rateable property of the said village is, according to the last revised Assessment RoU, the sum one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine doll- ars; AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said village is S4723.47, and no part of the principal or interest is in ar- rear; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the vill- ( age of Flc'sherton enacts as follows :- 1. That for the purpose of raising the sum of one thousand three hun- dred dollars for the pui-poses afore- said, five debentures of the said Cor- poration, each for the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents, shall be issued, each of which debentures shall be dated on the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable within five years there^ \ after, on the first day of July in i each year, the first of which shall be ! on the first day of July, 1028, at the I Standard Bank of Canada in the I said village of Flesherton. I 2. Each of the said debentures ' shall be signed by the Reeve and ; Treasurer of the said village of j Flesherton and the Clerk of the said village shall attach the seal of the said Corporation thereto. 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable yearly at the said Bank, on the lirat day of July in each year duriig the cvlrrency thereof; which int .•est is included in the amount of sr.d debentures. 4. During the cu:rency of the said debentures there shi-.l be raised ann- ually by special rate on all the rate- able property of the said village the sum of three hundrt J and eight doll- ars and sixty-two c-.nts for the pur- pose of paying the amount due in jach of the said yc .rs for principal and interest in ret ;ect of the said debt an shown in sc'..odule "A" hereto annexed. 5. This by-law .shall come into force and take effe t after the final passing thereof by the council. G. The voteis of the electors of the Village of Flesherton entitled to vote on Money By- Laws shall be taken on this by-law on Thursday, the Seventh day of July. 1927, at ^he Town Hall in the said village and the Clerk of the said Village shall be the Deputy Heturning Officer and Howard McAulay shall be the poll Clerk, the po'l shall open at nine o'clock in the forenoon and shall re- main open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day for the purpose of taking the said vote. 7. On Monday, the fourth day of July, 1927 ths Reeve of the said vill- age shall attend at his office at eight o'clock p. m. for the purpose of app- ointing in writing to attend at the said polling place and the final summ- ing UP of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested and desirous o' promoting or opposing this by-law respectively. 8. The Clerk of the said Munic- ipal Corporation shall attend at his office in the said village at one o'- clock â-  m. of the eighth day of July 1927 ♦ sum un the votes ^ivcn for and against this by-law: Schedule "A" refered to in this by-law Year.5 Interest Principal Total 1028 $78 00 $230 62 $308 62 1020 64 18 244 44 308 62 1930 40 51 259 11 SOj 62 pCi Brides . .. brides- to-be . . . and every- one interested in brides will find this beauti- fully illustrated book- let both interestingand helpful. It's full of new ideas onc'„Treagilt£ ving. . on selecting proper siiverv.'ate for the new home ... on original menus for special occi.sions. Come in and get your copy. W. A. Arnstrong & Son Jewellers Flesherton, Ont. i. BRACK^S GARAGE Sales NASH Service EXPERT REPAIRING ON ALL MAKES OF CARS Bring your car to u> and get your car troubles adjusted satisfactorily. We will give you an estimate on the cost of the job, and satis- faction as to worknuinihip and price. G. F. Brackenbury Phone 61 High Ctass Merchandise We are offering for sale all oar dry goods at the lowest possible prices. We have a full eupply of fresh grocei^eB at the right prices. ^^ Large assortment of fancy biscuits. Owen Sound Bi«ad and Pastry. We have on hand about 50 lbs of choice Dairy Butter. FOR REASONABLE PRICES AND HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE • TRY A. WATSON PHONE SO AT TOUR 8BRTICB. 1931 33 98 274 64 308 62 1932 17 43 291 19 808 62 Read a first and second time in open Council, the tenth day of June 1927. W. H. THURSTON, Reeve. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-Law which has been taken into consider- ation and which will be finally passed by the Municipal Council of the Vill- age of Flesherton (in the event of the assent of the Electors being ob- tained thereto) within five weeks from the first publication of the said by-law in the Flesherton Advance Newspaper, the date of which first publication will be the 15th day of June 1927, and the votes of the qualified Electors of the said Mun- icipality will be taken thereon on the •seventh day of July, 1927, at the Town Hall in the laid village betwMa the hours of nine o'clock a. m. and five o'clock p. m. Special notice t» Leaseholders And further take notice that in or- der for a leaseholder to qualify for voting on said bv-la^ he or she must at least ten days before the voting file with me a statutory declaration that his or her lease contains a coy< enant whereby he or she agrees to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property leased !>Tid that the lease ex- tends for the peroid of time within which the debt to be contracted oj the money to be raised by the said by-law is made payable, and the names of leaseholders neglecting to file such declaration shall not be placed on the Voter's List for such voting. W. J. BELLAMY, Village Clerk.„ Dated this 10th day of June 1927 Clean Up \ Paint Up USE THE WALLPAPER THAT IS GUARANTEED NOT TO FADE. CHOOSE YOUR PATTERN AND I CAN GET IT FOR YOU IN36 HOURS. USE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT â€" TWO COATS GO AS FAR AS THREE OF MOST PAINTS. IT LOOKS BETTER AND WEARS MUCH LONGER. ORDER A NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE. Don't forget your Screen Windows. Order from: A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND: FRIDAY AT 6 PJff. COME ALONG AND JOIN IN THE^ FUN OWEN SOUND OLD HOME WEEK and Diamond Jubilee Celebration Fri, July 1 to Sat, July 9 BELOW IS A LIST OF SOME OF THE I.MPORTANT EVENTS. 10 a.m.â€" Parade.. Jubilee addressi. Presentation of prizes. 12 noon â€" Reception to Toronto Caravan. 2 p.m. â€" Horse Racing. Purses of Sl.OOO. 2.30 p.mjâ€" Ladies' Softballâ€" Hamilton Cardinals vs Owen Sound 8 p.m.â€" Band Concert by C.N.R. Band and Owen Sound Band 9 p._m.r--Big Fireworks Display at Victoria Park. J.U p-nu^Toronto C&ravan Dance and Caravan Hunt. Imperial Orpheans .^z Orchestra. Toronto. Tickets to Treasure Hunt and Dance combined $4.00 per couple. Dance only |3 per couple^ (May be secured from E.. T. McDonald.. Secretary., Oweit Sound, or S. J. Pringle. 450 Walmer Road. Toroffi (Stratford) and Owen Sound Band C-N JC Band (Stratford) and Owen Sound Band all dayv. SATURDAY. lULY a-TORONTO DAY. 8j30 a.r.<. to 10 a ja--Toronto's Own Calithumpians on parade. lOJO a..;i.â€" Grand Civic Receptioa in (iueen's Park. , , PJ-uâ€" t aravau parades to Victoria Park. 2.39 ,j„Ti. to 6 P.OT.â€" Sports program. Lacrosse Game Toronto, and i^^??m**- „^*"d«*»le- Mr. Toronto Contest. Old Home >Veek Derby. March of the Grey Old Boys. Softball GaTe « »«, n. "^^ Tourney. Bicycle Dash and Novel Rack ' u n^ '"^ Tyme Concert m the City Hall 8-00 p^. to mdnight-Mardi^G^s. Ches.ey »d Owen Sou»d Baads MONDAY. JULY 4â€" SCHOOL AND AQUATIC DAY 9 a.n».â€" Old Boys at School. 2"io''„*r"~^°"'i*' ^ """^ '"""^ "« "P«" to amateur ru«wjrs 2.30 p.m.-Aquatic program on Harbor Front. Out Wd Motor rIiL. ^•"'J'T";? «»«=«*•„ Exhibition Speed B^t.LM ' '••"-'"Soi^js. «'"" '^ -^ ''- br^e^nfKiLr*^. 9 pan. to 10.30 p.m.â€" Fireworks fro* Centre of River Decor«t«I ^.SeSdar;^day."''•'^^-•'- "^ cSrsoiS^s TUESDAY. JULY 5 â€" INDUSTRIAL DAY. 10.30 a.m.â€" Big Industrial Parade. 2 p.m.â€" Horse Racing in Victoria Park. Pursm itf Si i>:a 3 p.m.-Football_Walkerton vs Owen Sound ^ '^'^^'^ 8 n m Afh-?/*""'* ""1 ^'^^•J ^•""^ Bands in attendance 8 p.m.-Ath.etic events and Amateur Boxiag iriinkl 3 ron»d« Perryman vs B. M»rkle. Steveitt*; vs Itfi^ Meaford and Owea Sound Bands S!»ttem^M day. WEDNESDAY. JULY 6-SOLDIER'S DAY. 1.30 p.m.â€" Depositing flowers on Soldier*. Memorial 2 P.n..-Pa«de gi^^'e--^ all war«.lS; of Infantry 8.30 P.m.-A Ni|htt>land^pt'f r*'*"" "' ^'""'"^^ «* ^"^' 9.30 p.m.â€" A Night in Flandersâ€" Part 2 SnrOw^.s'^oi.'^jBt?;„ty~* ^'•"«*- •«'"^ ^-'^'^ THURSDAY. JULY 7-LADIE'S DAY. l'\n P"?â€" ^"WJ P«««»e and Caltthumpian. Kitchener Ladi««> Band of 80 pieces all day. FRIDAY. JULY ft-SPORT8 FIELD DAY 9 a.«.-<:hi,dren;a^Spo,t. 2 p.m.-Semor Meet-Full p^„, M.tch-Diifferin. of br.ngeville v "(wt..^ '"'"^ Barrie Collegiate Band and Owen Sound Band in attendance aU day. SATURDAY. JULY ^-CLOSING DAY. LOTTRIDGE'S BIG MIDWAY FVVRv riAv ax,t^ ..,,. Hy^plane FllghU all daJlEvery dfy Coll^nL^J^^.'^®' Diamond Jubilee J... Sc1^;tV"w1l,^^".r?o^i da^S'^'S^r aftemooa and eTming. ^^ * "'

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