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Flesherton Advance, 29 Jun 1927, p. 1

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t Jv c 1 ••J : -V \ ^ / ~ Sl)je /teljjert^tt aJtimic^ Vol 47 No. 5 Flesberton. Ontaiio June 29, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietom PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY Pleasant showers have done won- ders to crops and foliaee and our maples are now in their beauty. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol and son Gordon of Ceylon Sundayed at Mr. AUie McLean's. Thei u v/as a laj;fre Catherine out .to see ihe baseball game on Safurday nieht in the school in^ounds, when Bunessan and Onward played an ex- citing game. The score was 9-7 in favor of the Onward Club. The um- pires were Mr. Allie MacLean and Mr Jack Lawson of Durham. Miss Olive McMeekin was the guest of her friend. Miss Jessie Nichol, on Sunday. Miss Anna Mary MacLean has been ensaged as teacher at Bunessan aehoui. Anna Mary has taught four years at Mono Mills. A number from here attended the U.F.O. picnic in Lever's grove on Fri- day last send report a splendid time. Statute labor is being done this week. We'll look for better roads now. Mr. Wm. Hincks and sister, Gladys, were Sunday visitors at Mr. Archie McQuaig's, Top Cliffe. Miss Kate Campbell of Montreal is spending a month at her home here. Miss Catharine MacLean, only daughter of Mrs. Hector MacLean, in- tends to train for a nurse in Fergus hospital and is leaving in July. Our best wishes follow her. Mrs. Wm. Bell of Paisley is visit- ing her brother, Mr. Alex. Stewart. Mr. Neil Shortreed is holidaying at his home. We w^ere very pleased to see Annie out on Sunday after a ' vacation to Europe with friends, severe hmmorhage. » A number of^he Y.P.S. went to A number of our youth and beauty Meaford Friday night to present their attended the presentation last Mon- olay "Squaring it With the Boss," in : Dr. and Mrs. Rozell and little daughters of Caledonia visited a few .days with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Osborne, i Mrs. Graham of Toronto spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Graham. Later we_are informed that ' she was stricken with a stroke while ' in Barrie. We hope it will not prove serious. Miss Fern Stuart and friend Miss Pickett spent a day with -Miss Justina Elli^j. ! Mr. E. Proctor, W'^e and children , visited a day recentlv with Mrs. G. Proctor. Mr. D. L. Weber and men are at Bolton making a new bridge. Miss Abercrombie returned to Thornbury after spending a week with Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie. I A very pleasant evening was spent on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber when " n'-esented Mr. and Mrs. Cecil '•'a'^'cett, recent bride and groom with a miscellaneous ohower and to wish them many hapnv years of married life. The evenin" 1 was spent in music and games after a dainty lunch •ns served. ' Mrs. W. T. Ellis and Stuart mot- ! ored to Port Lorin<r for a week end I visit with Mr. W. T. Ellis. They wpre ! accompanied by Mr. Victor Ellis. I A goodly number of the valley people attended the U. F. O. picnic ' in Lever's Grove. All report a od jtime and the weather was ideal. The Ximberley baseball team succ- eeded in winning from Dunalk at the |U. F. O. picnic on the 24th. Miss Elvie Bishop sDent a few days .with her Mrents before going on her day evening for Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Watson anti-Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wat- son ere their departure for Toronto. There passed away last week end in St. Joseph's hospital. Port Arthur, John A. McKechnie, aged 47 years, -'I of the late Donald and Mrs. Mc- Kechnie of PriceviHe. Deceased lias Tieen for sometinje a sufferer from astlima. The body -was Irought to PriceviHe for interment, -which took i contest with a number of other teams Owing to the lateness of the hour they were not up to their usual "pep" and did not succeed in winning any prizes. We hope they may not be discouraged, but try again. Miss Annie Burritt is home after visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. D. A. Graham spent two weeks in Toronto in the Duco paint shops. Mr. Byret Urquhart visited with place on Tuesday from Mrs. Graham's Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Weber over the residence. A brothetP, Hugh, ac- ""^4}^ «''^- „ ,„ , companied the remains east. The i ^^ ^^^ ^orry to report Mrs. (Rev.) funeral on Tuesday was largely at- ' Stotesbury ill at Kitchener. We ex- tended. I tend our sympath.y to her and the Mr. Hector MacT^ean is engaged at^^^'^'^'. , r T.or.r.owi AT„-ir„ â- >. : Married â€" â-  the house. Mr. Fred Pinkerton Is now sporting â- a Ford car. De Laval Cream Separator Why use an old, worn out Sep- arator. Give your cows a chance to earn more money for yon by getting a new De Laval. Come in and let as demonstrate it to you. We have Sep- arator Oil and Repairs. At Keewatin on June 25th, Miss Nellie M. Burritt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Burritt, to Mr. 0. W. Pearson oif Keewatin. Thev will reside at Norman, Ont. We wish the voune couple many happy vears of wedded life. Mr. Malcolm Fereuson and daugh- ter. Mrs. J. L. McMullen of Ceylon snent Sunday the guests of Mr. ."nd Mrs. S. Osborne. Mr. Osborne ha<5 his store open now for business. rORONTO LINE. NCRTH W. A. HAWKEN FLESHEBTON, ONT. The U.F.O, picnic, which was held in J. A. Lever's grove on Friday last was a great success. Mr. I. H. Perigoe, daughter, Jean, and son, Douglas, of Toronto motored up on Friday and visited over tlie ^eek end at A. Stewart's. Mr. and .Mrs. A. Stewart, who had been in the city, returned to their home here with them. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Wickens of Kimberley, also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson and dauRhter. Dorothy, of Chesley visited at E. Wickens. Mr. Geo. Manning of Brussels spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. Gerald Morgan of Moorefield motored over on Friday and returned home Sunday accompanied by his wife and children, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lever. Long Life E&sy Turning Close Skimming Make sure that it has ball-bearling (for easy tnminjr).. See that it is abaohit- ely self -oiled (no oU cups or oilers.' Look over the way the oil is changed (no need of flushing). OU Glaesâ€" See if the oil is working right (not juat a gauge.) Main Gear fully en- closed no gears expos- ed. Loek over the cream and milk adjustment. See how the bowl is constructed (ea»y to clean). Get a wide open San- itary Base (it's easy to clean r-ound). Positive friction elvteh. Think of service when you need it. See the McCormick- DeeriBC at the local Agent** Shop, he wiU â- how von features you caaaot rot in any ether ♦ONWARD" NEWS CEYLON (Intended for last week) After taking the public speaking honors recently Onward set out to capture the first game from Bunessan in the softball series last Friday eve- ning but received a serious setback to their ambitions. Tlie Buns stam- peded the bases for 34 runs and had the Onward's eating right out of their hands all through. The visitors just missed a whitewashing manag- ing to sneak in 4 runs during the game. The second game will be play Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and babe of Toronto are holidaying with the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. -Lyness and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Patterson motored to Cree- more the first of the week. Mrs. J. Bell of Paisley is visiting her brother, ilr. Alex. Stewart, and other relatives. Mr Robt. Cook and Miss Millie motored to Mount Forest the first of ihe week. Mrs. .\rchie Stewart and son. J. P.. visited with Vandeleur friends Moil- ed on Saturday evening in Currie's field. Onward hao confidence that day. they can reverse the trimming. An Mr. and Mrs. J. McMillan and all men aggregation from these two daughter, Kate, and Mr. Geo. .4.rrow- clubs will meet at the U. F. O. pic- smith motored to Mt. Forest on Sun- nic on Friday at one o'clock sharp in day and attended the Masonic church a Softball game. Mr. Chas. Huddy and two boys went by motor' to Orangeville on Sun- ed Mr. and Mrs. \. Sinclair for the service and parade. Mr~ Jas. Hales and babe, who visit- day. The " annual section groundhog hunt was held in the week of June 'Jth to the 16th comprising two teams captained by Wm. Hincks and R. J. Turner. Sides of 21 each were pick- ed and for one week the army sallied forth to make the scrub pest less numerous and also t'.'.e crow. The count ing of tails and celebration of the affair was held at Robt. Parslow's homo on the evening of the 16th. The count showed 250 for Wm. Hincks and 247 for R. J. Turner. Mr. Joe | entertained all Ferris was tlie best on the lone count j friend., to tea in he bagging a total of 4'J chucks. The large crowd present enjoyed a social time in dancing and card games till the small hours. The McMillan Bros, and A. E. Haw supplied the music. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and child and Mrs. C. and Jas. Gillis all of Mount ' Forest were visitors on the past week, returned Saturday to her home in Owen .Sound and was accom- panied by Mrs. Archie McMullen and Master Ortcm and Miss Fern Leslie for tlio woek end. Hon. John Oliver and Mrs. Oliver and son, Charles, and accompanied by their daughter and husband. Mr..and Mrs. Savage, who were married the past week in Hamilton, inatored up and visited Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver and other relatives. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Oliver the relatives and their honor, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Mrs. Dunn of Algoma is visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Turner, and brothers. Messrs. Jos. and Jas. Oliver and other relatives. Mr. .Mex. Muir and son. Grant, left Monday to visit friends in Toronto and Guelph. South Line on Sunday. I This village was thrown into ex- When Wm. Reid went to load a \ citement on Monday evening when couple of lambs from his field last j word was received that the little 3- Tuesday he found them conspicuous by their absence. Noticing strange car tracks near the gate he suspected theft of the stock and soon had the constable on the trail. After a con- siderable search the lambs were re- covered and brought back to their fold. Sheep stealing is getting com- mon nowadays with so many culprits with fast trucks. Horseshoe pitching is the popular sport for the South Line men. The weather is wet and backward. The grain is making slow growth while the hay crop looks fairly good., The U. F. O. picnic attracted a large crowd, this burg showing a good turn out. It was surely a good afternoon and evening crammed full of amusement. In the men's softball the Bunessans did not get a look in, the Onward's winning easily 35-5. Premier and Mrs. Oliver of B. C. are viistors here on the South Line and 0. D. R. Their daughter, Mr§. Savafe and husband newly married couple are spending a few days here before leaving for Montreal they intend to reside. The school teachers are nearly all ''ome for the vacation. Miss Allie Parslow. Misses Mable Parslow and Emma Oliver. The -Vandeleur baseball team were over last Monday evening for the first game of the Farm Youth's base- ball schedule and won by the wide margin of 14-4. The Onwards gave good fielding support and started with Turner in the box who was re- leaved by Watters in the third inn- ing. The last couple of innings were pitched by Pedlar. A. Bowles pitched for the Vans. What Onward lacks is a couple of good twirlers and lots of practice. The Onwards go to Van- Helurer for a return game on Tues- day, June 28th. P. R. Oliver M. P. P. attended a couple of picnics last week, one at Dufferin and another near Kitchener. He also spoke at the U. F. O. picnic at Lever's Grove last Friday. The Onward mixed team met Bun- essan last Saturday evening in soft- ball at PricevilJ/a. The game only lasted three innings. The result be- ing 9-7 in favor of Onward. This is the third game of the group series. Onward having won two, getting the first one by dpfault. Mrs Robt. Dunn of Algoma is vis- iting friends on the South Line and 0. D. R. vear-old .son. and only child, of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sullivan on Stone's Line had not been seen from 6 o'clock. Searching parties at once organized. Lanterns and cars left at once to ass- ist the distracted parents in the search, which was kept up all night. Early Tuesday morning when daylight came he was found hutidled up in a pasture field, whore he had wandered, sound asleep, and was returned to his parents unharmed. Rev. McRae, who has had charge of 'his field -since May 1st, preached his irewell sermon Sunday and administ- â-  ved the .Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Mr. Prosser, Belleville Col- lege, who supplied last summer, takes charge on Sunday next for the bal- ance of the vear. Mr. Pros.ser's many friends will welcome his back. Mr. M. Ferguson and daughter. Mrs. .las. L. McMullen visited with friends in Kimberley the first of the veek. ROCK MILLS PROTON STATION STOCKS & McLEAN DUNDALK, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Savage of Montreal who are on their honeymoon trip visiting friends in this district were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs. James Vause. Mrs. Savage is a daughter of Hon. John Oliver, Prem-j ier of B. C, who with Mrs. Oliver is travelling- with the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs, Vause attended a fam- ily reunion at the home of Mrs. Vau-se's brother Mr. James Oliver on the Old Durham Road. Mrs. Duncan MicNicol and little daughter Helibn alrf. holidbying at Mr. Chas. Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Still and family motored to Mount Forest on Sunday. Mr. Wyville of Markdal«« visited his brother here. Mr. John De'er of Berkley is vis- iting Dever Bros. A class of seven boys from Proton Station school are writing entrance examinations this week. Miss English, their teacher lias worked hard with them. We hope thev do her credit. Mrs. Elmo Stevens, who has been ill is recuperatinir at the home of her father Mr, R. G. Acheaon The Proton Station young people are riving their play "That girl Anne" i at Maxwell this Tuesday evening. The W. M. S. of the United church ouilted two quilts for the missionary hale at this home of Mrs. Stewart on Tuvfday afternoon. Mr. Laurie Smith from the west arrived here Thursday night and is Visiting at his parental home. We are very pleased t-^ learn that ilrs. I'osac Smith, who underwen'' an operation in the hospital at London, C:it., is recovering nicely. .'Ir. Wm. Hawkins had his new st 1 barn completed last Thursday, ai^ 1 is one of the finest buildings in thi ' community. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts and Edith and Mabel also Mr. and Sirs', '''hfi New II visited with the former's sistc--, Mrs. E. Binnincton, Maxwell, Tl 're will be no servic- in the Sal- em church for the next two ''imritiys owii'T to the caniD meeting of the Pilgrim Holiness Church of Ca»-ada commencing at Proton, on Friday July 1st, and continuing ten days or lonn-er. Every one is invited to attend tb' e metings. Ouite a number from around here f'-'-'k in the U. F. 0. picnic which was ' ~'d in. Mr. Jake. Lever's Grove on F-iday last. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gamey and ''Tughter of Toronto visited last week '••ith the former's cousin, Mrs. Dick C'ark and family. Mr. and Mr. Will Monaghan visited "-•1 Sunda.v with their brother, Mr. r->il Monaghan and family. Mrs. Harrv Wilson of Fle-sherton ^nt a few day at W. T Pedlar's. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher spent ' â- â€¢ week end in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mr. Sam Semple and chil- â- -en visited recently with Mr. Walter "Mussel wife and family. Mrs. Melville Douglass and children f Fxversham visited with her brother '^^ Robt. Croft, f-^r a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar took heir oldest daiiehter Ita to the Dur- â- inm bosnital last WedneHa.v where ^he had an operation for the removal of he' tonsiN and adnoid?. Mrs. Ped- lar r»tiirned homd on Saturday even- 'ig but Ita will remain for a few ' ""' longer with her aunt, Mrs. Roy "••tton. 'Tr. and Mrs. Jop .4rp"-'rong of Tor- •) v!<i)fed rpcently with their niece. \':s. Robt. Croft. VICTORIA CORNERS Last week's items Mr. and Mrs. Lochart and Argyle and George Ludlow and Hobt. motored to Clinton for the week end. M -3. Morrow of Erin is visiting her sistpr, Mrs. Jas. Best. Mr. Geo. Ludlow Sr. of Listowel is v'siti*": his 3on, George, and daugh- ter, Mrs. A. Stinson. Mr. "nd Mrs. Les. Brooks and fam- ' ily of Toronto are visiting at Milton A n"mber from our burg attended the Ac'-^on re-union at Shelbume on Saturday. EUGENIA .-V number from here attended the U. F. 0. picnic at Lever's Grove. Toronto Line on Tuesdf of last week and report a large crowd and a good time. Congratulations to Miss Evelyn Turner who was awarded principal Hardwick'j special prize for ob^ taining the highest m-rks in his sub- jects in Form 1, Fleshert'â€" High tchool. Succe--s again, next term velyn! Mr. Edgar Sprott of Badgeros spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar and familv. Mrs. Geo. Beacroft and son Earle and daughter Marie vi-sited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner on the 10th line. iurs. iouitis oi Winmoeg spent the week with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mis. Latinie'* and her cousin, Mrs. Ern. Protto--. Mr. Olive Tunier has disposed of his touring car and has now nur- chased a sedan for the pleasure of his family. Roadwo-k has been the -• -'er of the day for the past week now. Miss Marguerite Pedlar was home from Kimberley for a few days the week. Mr. Harry T^orrester visited re- cently with friends in Kit"'---'er. The strawberries are beginnino' to set rine in this vicinity. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ''^artin. a daughter on Tuesda- June 28th. Sorry to report Mi-s. Leonard Lat- imer suffering from neuritis in the face. Hope she will roon be well a- gain. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen So-nd and Mr. .T-^v-. Sherwood of Cejflon w^jre Sunday visitors with Mr. anH Mrs. T s. Sher- woor' M-. Will Martin and co-â€" 'n. Afr. Percy Thompson of Owen So»»'-?, called on the former's brother, Mr. Cha.>. Martin here on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cornfield of Kimberley visited on .Sunday witll Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Plantt. Master Hendeuion of Toronto is holidaying with Mr. and Mr.=i. Jake Williams. Miss Nellie McMullen, teacher, ac - ompanied by Mrs, Bailey and daugi, - ter of Toronto are spending vacatic i I'-ith ♦h'- former's r-'-ther, Mw M. .McMullen. J. We are sorry to hear that i"-:. H&n- rv Williams suffered a slight stroke the other day. It seemed to effect her speech soinw>'"'^. W h^pe aHe may soon be well again. ' • I Master Teddy Camnbell took very I ill at school on Mondav and was taK^ I en to his aunt's across the street aiid I thp rio'-tor was ciimnoncri. a. tinja j of writing we are pleased to statfe I he was able to be removed home. Wfc â-  hope he will soon be all right agaife FAR.M FOR SALE Maple Grove Farm, Lot 12. Con. 0, Osprey. of 100 acres. Good fcame house, bank harn 50x62. straw bam 24x30. good well and windmill, water in house and barn, eightv fine acres under cultivation. Due to ill health 'owner wishes to sell immediately and I will make good offfr for quick sale. nu « „â€"f'- H. BURKE, Eugenia. I Phone 9r2, Osprev System. The easiest month to raise them JULY BABY CHICKS High Quality - Low Price S. C. White Leghorns AGENCY FOR MiLsscy Harris Implements rsURANCE WRITTEN IN Sr:VERAL COMPANIES ON BOTH FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY. per 25 . 50 . 100 $3.00 6.00 11.50 John Wright FLESHERTON Barred Rocks pel- 25 S3.50 05 7.00 100 13.50 JUNE hatches all sold. Intending buyers of July Ccicks will do well to order at once. 'Phone or write Sylvester deCudmore FLESHERTON. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddotks. Shingle Special Lumber, Shingles and Lath No. 1â€" $5.50 per M. cash off car. No. 2â€" $4.50 per M. cash off car fifSiiRKii Piiim mis H. A McAULEY, Prop. The Right Time • For new shippers to start is right now in the spring season. You will find it profitable if you brins" vour CREAM TO US. s J' ». There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we w.ill call for it promptly and have it graded in^ the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special No. 1 grading. We are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdale Creamery Honest Produce Co. Weight MARKDALE, ONTARIO. _ PHONE 66 SSIm^ ^â- ^ SJi

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