^M^"«<««*<i*W^*iixPf<ip("«i«VpP WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1927 THE FLESHERTGN ADVANCE \f iBJarica in Fall From Barn Edward Leeson, concession 4, Min- to, suffered painful injuries to his ahoulder on Saturday of la3t week, while helping to roof the barn of Sam- uel Martin, concession 2, Minto, about a mile and a half from Palmerston. While on the roof of the barn, Mr. Leeson lost his foot-hold anddropped 36 feet to the ground below, land- ing on hi3 shoulder on a hurge rake.' To this he attributes the fact that he! was not fatally injured. Although his! shoulder was badly bruised and cut,' there were no other serious effects of his unfortunate miahap. â€" Mt. Forest' Confederate. Who woii]dii*t Ilea small'towii Baseball Commences The schedule of games in the Centre Grey League was drawn up at a meet- ] ing in the town hall on Monday even- ing and three teamd are competing for the silver cup and the champion- ship. Flesherton plays at Kimber- ley on June 30th for the opening game and the last game will also be in Kimberley when Dundalk plays there on August 31st. While the Flesherton team is not as strong as that of last year they will give a strong argument to any team. Dow and Alcox were expected to be a tower of strength to the team this year, but their duties in Down's gar- age prevents them from playing. However, at the game in Eugenia last Thursday a new catcher was brought to light in the person of Ken Belts, who performed brilliantly be- hind the bat, and his battery mate, Angus Morrison, pitched a real good game, and no doubt will make good on the mound. Then there is Ken Boyd for first, Lloyd Wauchope at second, k. C. Muir at short and F. Uetts at third, the infield that won the championship last year. Sparks and Thurston wish to retire this year and new material will have to be broken in for the outfield. A Buch- anan of Vandeleur fame will cover the centre garden and there will be plenty of other material to round out the other positions. Amos Bowles, also of the old Vandeleur team, will be able to pitch along with Morrison. Kimberley will bring out practically the same lineup as last year, as also will Dundalk, and the League prom- mefldiaiit? only fBaSL enables ^^ analttowBnifefciHnit '"^ toUyouttfaenovdtksand tor â€" OQ inncn toe iiBiuuler ^ cr odd (beonlensdby Thanksto this melliod of ccndact* _ iog boaness retaikn Bve never been abIe*to ^ow as many up-to-date styles as now. /#> ( By uang Long Da- tance the wi(fe- _ awiike small-town merchant with ius low overhead expense can make his store the btqring headquarters fpr a large MirrouQdBng territory . DUNLOP TIRES THAT splendid ap- pear^ce of Dunlop Balloons is no- guess* work. That rugged road resistance is not there by chance. Tliat adequate resiliency was no blind selection. You receive the benefit of thirty- three years of honest thinking, careful plaiuiing, judicious experi- mentation when you buy DUNLOP TIRES to-day, Thirty-Three Years' Merit ^ ; a DUNLOP OFFICIAL SERVICE DEP. I). McTavish and Son, Flesherton H. Down and Sons, Flesherton Ci5BiaiiaiaH(ii)iiiffap9fa|i3iiiiiBf!3iKimpra SIX HILL STORES W^ buy tocrether in order that our outtomers in the lix com- rf|BftUiea,n*a]r materially ben- efit indivitkaally. F. T.HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE ^ i A Store everyone instinct- p Ively as*oci«tes with high^ quality merchandiie at theG fairest potsibl« prices. Special Clearance Prices On Seasonable Merchandise Dry Goods Dept. l)Ui:.SS VOILKS Dross Voile; in beautiful shades, large assort- ment to chooc from. Regular value 45c, to 48c. Clearance Special .1.')c. a yard'. OIUiANDIE. 79c. per yard Organdie in beautiful colors. A nice, cool material for â- numnicr wear. Regular values U5c. to $1.25. Clearance Special 79c. a yard. KIDDIES ROMPERS Kiddies' RomixT.! and Dresses, size-.? ranjfing from 2 to fi year.i. Regular values up to $1.50. Clearance Special, per garment 98c. MISSKS' CORSKLETTES Misses' CoMalettcs. Just the thing for grow- ing girlj. Reg. $1.25. Clearance, each 89c. Ladies' Silk Hose, all the newest shades. A real batifain. Clearnnce Special per pair 9.'>c. GREAT MIM.INERY SPECIAL Clearing of all Spring and .Summer Millinery. Hats, regular $2.U5 to $:<.!>5. Special Price $1.9r); Hati, reguar $4.50 to $5.!)5. Special Price $.1.95. SPECIAL OFFER ON THE DELINEATOR For a limited time the Delineator can be bought for 1 year for $1.50;2yi'arsfor$.'t.00, including the Art of Dreiw Making with every 2 year subscription. Shoe Department LADIES' HOl'SE SHOES Ladies' House Shoes with strap and elastic front. Special at $1.39. MEN'S FINE SHOES Men! Buy your Fine Shoes now. $3.95 a pair for values up to $6,00. Men s Clothing Dept. YOl'N(; MEN'S SUITS Young Men's Suits, in douboe breasted plain blues or diagonal stripe. Regular value $29.50. Special $21.75. BOY'S SUITS Boys' Suits in tweed.^, assorted coloss, one pair bloomers and one pair long panti, very new.... $8.75. MENS OVERALLS Men's Overalls in black and striped blue, sizes from 34 to 4fl. Clearing at per pair $1.89. JUBILEE TIES Jubilee Ties the very newest, assorted colors. Just the thing for Jubilee celebration. Specia.... 95c. PANAMA AND STRAW HATS A full rang of Men's Panama and Straw Hats. Very newest block . Look these over before buying elsewhere. 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED For which we are prepared to pay the highest market price cash or trade. Bring us your Wool. We will give you a square deal. Get your money the day you sell your Wool. Wool will be bought according to grade. The cleaner your Wool, the better the price, but DO NOT WASH IT, as the buyers do not want washed wool. SPECIAL WOOL SEASON PRICES WEDNESDAY HALF HOLIDAY Durinj^" tlic iiiontlis of Jiuu', July aiul August, and utilil September 14th, this store will close at 12 o'clock noon everv Wcdnesdav. F.T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdale itea to be as etrong as in other years. The following players are signed with the Flesherton Club: T. MicDonald, H. Richardson, A. Buchanan, H. McGee, F. Betts, K. Betts, F. R. Oliver, T Currie, A. C. Muir, A. Morrison, P. J. Thurston, W. K. Boyd, M. Sled, A. Sparks, J. Dow, L. Alcox, P. Dov/, A. Bowles, B. Clark R. J. Turner, E. Watters, S. Muir, L. Wauchope, G. Wauchope. Southeast Grey Tories Choose Officers for Year SCHEDULE OF GAMES June 30 â€" Fleshei-ton at Kimberley. July 7 â€" Dundalk at Flesherton. July 13 â€" Kimberley at Dundalk. July 18 â€" Dundalk at Kimberley.. July 21 â€" Kimberley at Flesherton. July 27 â€" Flesherton at Dundalk. Aug. 1 â€" Flesherton at Kimberley. Aug. 5 â€" ^Kimberley at Dundalk. Aug. 11 â€" Dundalk at l^'lesherton. Aug. 18 â€" Kimberley at Flesherton. Aug. 24 â€" Flesherton at Dundalk. Aug. 31 â€" Dundalk at Kimberley. TO DONATE GLOVE "Knotty" Lee of Toronto, famovs ball player, is intending to present one of his "Knotty Lee" baseball glov- es to the infielder or outfielder, of any team in the Centre Grey Leag^ie, who makes the best fielding average during the first three weeks of the schedule. Tennis Courts Ready A meeting of the executive of the Tennis Club was held at the home of the president on Monday evening when general business of the club was tran- sacted. The courts are now in good shape and ready for play and it is the intention of the club to officially open them with a tea in the near future. The managing committee is anxious to increase the membership and would like if all desirous of playing would pay their fees at once, in order that tournaments may be arranged for as \ Goon as possible. The annual meeting of Southeast Grey Conservatives was held in Dur- ham on June 17th with a crowd re- presentative of all parts of the rid- ing in attendance. President Dan Mc Tavish was in the chair. Election of officers resulted as follows: Pres- ident, D. McTavish; First Vice-Pres- ident, T. H. Reburn, Markdale; Sec- ond Vice-President, B. W. Collins, Chatsworth; Secretary, A. E. Colgan, Markdale; Assistant Secretary, W. E. Morgan, Eugenia; Treasurer, W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton; Auditors, G. Mitchell, G. B. Welton, Flesherton. CAMP. MEETINGS Read The Advance advertisements. The third annual Camp Meeting' of the Pilgrim Holiness Church of Canada will be held at Proton Stat- ion, commencing July tst and con- tinu'ing for ten days or longer. Rev.. Harry Hays of Beloit, Ohio, will be- the evangelist. Stock oflBoots I have last received several lines of Men's Work BooU, that sell at reasonable prices. These are substantial shoes, good wearing quality, sizes from 6 to ID. W. L. MORWOOD Small Advertisements CAME ASTRALâ€" To my premises on or about May 15th, 1 yearling.â€" Apply to W, J. Caswell, Proton Station. EWE STRAYEDâ€" Came to lot 26, S.D.R., Artemesia, about May 1st, Lei- cester ewe. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" John Oliver, Price- ville, R. R. No. 3, Phone 21-21. STRAYED â€" ^To my premises on Lot. 1&2 Con. 11, Osprey, one year- ling heifer, red and white; on or about the 22nd inst. Owner will kind- ly prove property, pay expenses and take same away. â€" H. J. Courvoisier. HOUSE & LOT FOK SALE In the village of Flesherton, 14- room house, suitable for store or any business stand, in good location, hard' and soft water in basement, furnace, two good cellars, lot has good frame* bam size 24x30, also good garden, containing in all two lots. For fur- ther partievdars apply at this office^ BULL FOR SERVICE. High School Final Exams. LOWER SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS History, Geography, Art, Agricul- ture. Scheduleâ€" 1, 75â€"100 First Class Hon. â€" c, 50â€"59 Credit â€"2, 6Gâ€" 74 Second Class Hon. â€" 3, 60â€"65 Third Class Hon. FORM 1 Lorine Batty c Bessie Beard c Florence Best c Marion Bibby 2 Muriel Cameron 3 Lorna Chard c Willis Coburn 3 F O R S A L B FOR SALE â€" Three burner Flor- ence Automatic Coal Oil Stove in good condition. â€" Mrs. T. J. Fisher, town. FOR SALE â€" Mare, good worker re- asonabse priceâ€" W. R. Meads, R. R. 3 Friceville, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs and pure- bred Hereford cattle, males and fe- males. â€" Geo. Hutchinson, Kimberley. FOR SALE â€" Western Oats, stan- dard re-cleaned screenings, kiln dried com and oat scalpings. _ Phone 2 r 31 â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. i FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed fowL Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea Pure-bred Hereford Boll for ser- vice. Terms (2, payable the first or Febraary, after that date 92.50 will' be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICBT Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie- Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds |5.00. grades |2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS. Eugenia- BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agrictdture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. c 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r.tt.'. F:;v,\:ctt 1 Miuivl Feiiwick c Marie Fenwick 2 Blanche Genoe c James Haw 1 .\licc Heard ^ 1 Frank Ilowden 2 Aj>ncs Irwin Alnui Lever Gloiin Lockhart c Sam Mac Donald Reta Marshall 2 Chistina Magce 2 Jean McCorniack 3 James McFadden 1 Marguerite McMullen c Grace Menziea 3 Angus Morrison Bob Phillips c Annie Robertson c George Sled Donelda Sloan 1 Dora Stuart 2 Ross Smith Harold Turner 2 Evelyn Turner 1 Maybellc Watters 1 Willie White c John Wilson c • FORM 2 Herbert Akins c Graham Beard Kenneth Betts 3 Arnold Brown Lesley Ferris 3 Beth Hincks 1 Frank Ilowden c Irene Marshall Duncan McMillan George McFadden 3 Margaret Sinclair 3 Ethel Preston 2 Vernon Stuart c Jean Stuart c Harold Thompson 1 These ro'.>ults are based on the work of the year and the final ex- aminations, conducted by the staff, Certificates arc issued by the De- partment of Education. Those sub ject.^ (except Latin) have been com pleted and nrc not taken in Form 2 and Form 4. Candidates who have failed on Agriculture, Latin, History, Geography, .Arithmetic may write the Departmental examinations. TIME TABLE Agriculture â€" June 24th, ft.OO-ll.SO and 1.30-4.00 Latinâ€"June 27th, 1.30-4.00 Hi.Horyâ€" June 28th, i).00-U.30 Geography â€" .June 28th, 1.30-4.00 Arithmetic â€" June 80th, 9.00-11.30 The result-.! of the promotion ex- nminatioi\<< in the subjects which are continued in Form 3 and Form 4 will be announced later. 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 c 1 1 c 3 c 1 c 1 2 *c 2 3 c 3 1 2 1 1 1 c 3 mery, and Produce Company. 31tf FOR SALE â€" Brood Sow, bacon type, and ^even pigs 5 weeks old; also a farow sow. Will sell sows or young pigs separately. â€" Tucker Phillips. BOAR FOB SERTICB No. 92-71630. AUo a ywmc Tack shire pig, both baeon type for terrier onJot 176. N.W. T. * SJL. Termsâ€" 11.00. â€" T. J. STmSON. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR S.A.LEâ€" 2 Ford 1-ton trucks, 1 Ford Sedan, 1 four-ninety Che\Tolet 'a v.ri:'.,n:, ."II in jr^od .shape; three oil tanlis and quantity of c:ir repairs, also several young pigs. â€" Arthur McKay, R.R. No. 3, Priceville, phone 21 r 5. 3 1 'l 3)and half of 169, third con., N. Tor •A c 3 Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9M jâ€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hor Club. Terms Jl.OO. [ â€" C. HINDLE, I Proton Station. Lots lCS-9. 3rd W.T.S.R.. Artemesia» JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Lot 170 onto and Sydenham Road. Good pas- ture land, with water on the property. For further particulars apply to â€" Miss M. M. Binnie, 93 Jack-son Ave., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. Registered Jersey bull for service* Sire: Brampton Jersey Conacrapt; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady,- At Flesherton Livery Stable. â€" F. STUART. Flesherton, Ont- S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53. FLESHERTON General Inaurance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" PASTUREâ€" About thirty head of cattle wanted for pasture, lotJl78, S. W.T. & S.R., Artemesia. â€" Geo. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Electrical work to do. If you have any Electrical jobs you w.ant installed or repaired, phdhe or write me. Prompt service, and work guaranteed. Phone 24-52, Dundali:. Thomas C, Grummett, Maxwell, Ont. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT I am prepared to receive offers for the purchase of lots 136 and 137, E.T. & S.R., Artemesia. If this land is not sold I will rent same for pasture purposes only. For particulars write â€"J. C. THOMPSON, Cayley, Alberta. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. Oflficesâ€" Owen Sound. Darha» and Flesherton. PleshertoA evwy Saturday afternoon and evening. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteei Dates made at The Advance office. â- You knew all about it. You didn't let the pa Iter know it. You found fnult becinso the paper didn't have it. Hardly fair. When you havo an item, rfimoniber "The Advance." Phone 18 and we will appreciate it. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Satur- day, June 25th, 1927, for the purchase of the large brick building in Fls-sher- ton, known as the Wright Block. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" W. L. WRIGHT, Flesherton Ont, Preparations to raise the schooner Nancy from the bed of the Nottawa- sagn river this summer are under way. A conference between govcrti- ment officials and the county coun- cil committee having the matter in charge settled the matter of how to proceed and tenders will be called for the completion of the task at an early date. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeons , of 'Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherton. ] Dr. A. Turnbull, B.A., M.B., grad- |UKte from the Faculty of Medicine, .University of Toronto. Office. Toronto Street, Flesherto n. Phone 35. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A • A.M., meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- iday on or before the full moon. Robt. Down, W.M.; F. J. Thurston, Sec. Lucas & Henry,Barrister8, Solicit- ors, etc., -I. B. Lucas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale Lucaa Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. READ THE ADVANCE ADVT8. The regulations issued by the I.i- (pior commission provides that all mail ordt-r.H niujt be sent to the near- est government liquor store, nocom- pnnicd by the permit and sufficient money to pay for the liquor ordered. I The liquor will be shipped by express with chargcj "collect." The permit will be returned to the owner. Telford & Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices. Grey and Bruce Block, Owen Sound; Standard Bank Block. Flesherton, (Saturdays). W. P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie Wm. Kaitting, Liscensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe. Farm and stock sales a speciality. Terms moderate., satisfaction guar* may be lade at the Advance Office, or Central telephone office, Fev«srshan, or by addrsesing me at Fevcrelwi*. »«â-