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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1927, p. 5

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'r * t ' I . : I J \ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Let Us Protect Your Good-will When the dealing; with purchasers of uncertain financial rating at home or abroad the Standard Bank can be of siffnal service in approaching the new of untried customer for collect- ion. The Bank ia in a position to pro- tect your interests without comprom- ising the (food will of the customer. • Enli..t the services of the Standard Bank to safesruard your property by conducting diplomatic negotiatior-; with customers whose standing i: u.i- known. THE SIANDARD BANK OP CAJNAOA. VLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty. Manager Married 50 Years MR. AND MRS. CHARLES PYE OF CLARKSBURG CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING Community Service at Maxwell on July 3rd The Township of Osprey will hold a community service at Maxwell on Sunday, July 3rd at 2 P. -M will be in the form of a Wentworth Farmers Motored Through Grey WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1987 WILL NOT CELEBRATE Flesherton L. O. L. had intended holding a demonstration in town on I Dominion Day, but were fnrred A party of 281 Wentworth County! to give up the event on Iccount 3 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pye celebrat- ed at their residence "Hedgeholm", Clarksburg, the fiftieth inniversary ' Thanksgiving service of their wedding. The bride of fifty , years of progress accorded years ago, formerly Misi Elizabeth Fraser, has the record of being the longest continuous resident of the vil- lage of Clarksburg, while the groom has held the office of Township Treas- ' urer for 37 years and the Postmaster- ship for 30 years, and has been a prominent member of the Masonic glorious come. Dominion. Everybody Wei I farmers and their wives made a tour, the Owen Sound celebration that day .. » National i'''^"^,^ ^f ^ ^,T^ on Wednesday | The era of the motor ear is here and for the sixty ^"-^ Thursday of l:ist week, and were ,t .s now an ea.y matter for one to .orded to our !f,"°™P«"'\^ ^^ , ^f .\ ^^^ i 'T^ ^""^ °'' ''"^ '^'^^^ to celebrate Cooper of Markdale, Agriultural Rep- 1 whereas SPARKSâ€" McCALLCM resentative, who met the party at Mt. Forest. They arrived in Flesherton shortly after noon on Wednesday and visited the Hydro development at Eugenia, after enjoying dinner with At the home of Mrs. Sarah McCall- um on Collingwood Street, in Flesh- â-  . „ » â-  ,.1. u -ci l erton a beautiful wedding was solem-iSi"'" House^. retummgjhrough Flesh- i Mine Host Peter Munshaw of the Eu- Order, of which he was a District jnized when her daughter, Mildred Irene 1 , Deputy Grand Master. During the . was given in marriage to .\lbert td- erton at 5.30 p.m. The party was entertained in Owen Sound at dinner fifty years of their married life' they ' ward Sparks when the strains of the|''* "'^^^ t!?'' «!!!*„ J^'^r, Tk"'"^ have identified themselves with every .wedding march, played by her lister 1 fTL^y^^.^^ ^e^ford Clarksburg, forward movement in the district. As Edna, reached the stair, the bride I ^"'* Thornbury. where they mspected a curler and a lodge member, Mr. Pye came forward on the arm a few years ago the limit seemed to be about ten miles. To stage a celebration that would attract the crowds is imposiiible in a place the size of thio and the committee was forced to give up the idea and Dominion Day will be observed in Flesherton in a quiet manner. Flowers & Plants »nd a lodge member, Mr. pye icametorwara on tne arm ^f" h"e; K»^« ^"^ V^^a"^ "^^ the Georgian i CaWb^ge T O m a t O, P a n 8 y has many friends throughout the Dom-Juncle, Samuel Amott. The officiating I ^-y^ ^^J^t^Gr^^'sAs^^^'*^^^^^ ^.l' i *^*^'*' ?*^' GeraniUHU, Be- CJ> JL TIME TABLE Trains leav* FUiherton Station aa 'fbUowi: Going South . Going North •8.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. <4.10 a.m. 8.53 p.m. •-8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. The mails close at Flesherton aa -follows: For the north at U.OO ajn. -aonth at 3.30 For morning train •south mall closes at 9.00 p.m. the inrevious evening. Local and Personal Miss Minerva Stafford ^s holiday- "ing in Toronto at present. Mis-o Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound spent Sunday with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henry of Berk- eley were week end visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jenkins of Tor- onto spent the week end with the latter 's sister. Mrs. F. J. Thurston, Mr. and Mrs Oshawa were visitors in town over â- "the week end. ADDITIONAL LOCALS inion, as evidenced by the messages of congratulations received by them. - Mr. Pye is an old resident of Fer- erbsam, where he was in business 60 i years ago, and is also well known in Flesherton. The friends of the bride and groom of fifty years ago wish them many more years of wedded life. minister was the Rev. Mr. Harrower. 1 '''^^^ \*^"^ «" enjoyable outing the _,,,., , , J u 4.* 1 • P»rty had an opportunity to become The bride looked beautiful m a |fa„,iiiar with agriculture as it is gown of white crepe-de-<:hme trimmed '^rried on in this County and to ob- with satin ribbon and wore a wreath Igg^e ^^^ fj„g ^^^^^^y ^^ ^^j^^ ^ of orange blossoms m her hair. Sheirmmt^ := #o™«„. t\. u 1 . carried a bouquet of white and pink roses with Lily of the Valley and County is famous. Three huge busses were used to convey the members of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Robt McMaster spent the week end in Owen Sound. Boost our Tennis Club, come and bring your friends to the opening tea on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. and Mrs. C. Canfield of To- 1 ronto spent the v/eek end with the ' latter's sister, Mrs. Albert Blackburn. | Messrs. Wm. Keefer of Chicago and Jas. Keefer of Kansas City are ' holidaying at the Park Hotel and re- I visiting old chilvihood scenes. I Mrs. A. B. Ferris accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. Thibaudeau of Markdale ! to Detroit last v\-eek, returning Wed- ' nesday. i Dr. J. G. Bannerman and wife and [ daughter Ellen of Owen Sound also ! Messrs. A. Holland, B. Holland and C. j Holland, visited wth Mr.and Mrs. R. G. Holland last veek. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Norri-s of Tor- Lambs Alle§ed Stolen white streamers. The ring bearer, I little Miss Sadie McKee was beautiful I in orchid crepe-de-chine. During 'The season may be dry, or the signing of the register Mrs. Rev. The rain may never stop. Fowler sang "Always" with Mrs. • But there's never any failure Blackburn at the piano. The guests were then invited to the dining room j where a three course dinner was 1 served to the thirty-five guests. The ] A warrant has ben issued for the arrest of Wm. Thompson of Dun- dalk for the theft of two lambs from Wm. Ried of the O. D. R. R. Cook, constable, secured the alleged stolen ' bride's going away gown was of blue i lambs at the stock yards in Toronto bird taffetta, a coat of navy blue with I and Mr. Ried motored to Toronto and 'fur, and hat and gloves to match, j identified the lambs. Mr. Thompson The very popular young couple j claims that he did not know who ship- 1 were recipients of many beaiitif ul 1 Of the dandelion crop. gonias, Gileus, etc Cut Flowers Grown by G. CUTBUSH & SON, Owen Sound For sale by W. A. HAWKEN phone 17] FLESHERTON. Orders taken for shrubs, per- ennials, vines, etc _^ ped the lambs. NOT CLOSING JULY 2ND ] The merchants of Flesherton will not observe the declaration and close their stores on Saturday, July 2nd, as I they declare that it would be a hard- I ohip on the public to go without the 1 stores being open for that period. Stores in many other municipalities onto were visitor:- in town Wednesday , in this district are also remaining of last week with Mrs. E. Tremp and open on Saturday. Fred McTavish of ^ ^'^° ;:'--'t^f. ^J-- ^"'l ^rs. B. White,' west back line. Reeve J. A. Hogarth and Deputy ' and costly gifts and the good wishes of their many friends follow them. The happy couple left for an extend- ed motor trip to Gravenhurst, Brace- ; bridge and other parts amid a shower . of confetti and good wishes. I •i TROLT FOR GREY ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. J. C. Wright and family of Hamiliton are visiting with Mrs. Wm. Boyd and family. Mi53 Helen Welton accompanied by Miss Bemice McDonald visited with friends in Mount Forest on Sunday. Miss Wilda Pedlar and friend of Durham visited with Miss Elsie Mc Kee over Sunday. Mr, Reeve, Herb Corbett of Artemesia I NOTICE â€" Car of oats and corn to and Reeve Thurf ton of Flesherton are 1 arrive Thursday of this week. â€" W. .7. attending Counly Council in Owen ! Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Sound this week. | The garden party held under the Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Russel and Mr.' auspices of the Feversham Presby- C. A. Newman of Hamiliton and Miss ' terian Ladies' .\id on Wednesday Wiarton, June 21 â€" The Provincial â-  ' Hatchery here has received 200,000 | ; speckled trout fry during the past : I four days, and is expecting another ' j shipment of 30,000 from the Mount I Pleasant Hatchery. The local mateh- ! ery will take care of these until the ; first of -August, when they will be j I used for the re-stocking of public I , streams throughout Bruce and Grey ; Counties. I BRACK^S GARAGE Sales NASH Service EXPERT REPAIRING OX ALL MAKES OF CARS Bring your car to us and get your car troubles adjusted satisfactorily. We will give you an estimate on the cost of the job, and satis- faction as to workmanship and price. \ G. F. Brackenbury Phone 6L The matter of establishing a con- Jones of Toronto were the guests of ; proved a success in every way. The [ tinuation school in Mildmav was j Mr. and Mrs. Wes. .\rm3tr0ng on Sun- j proceeds amounted to eighty dollars. ' fully discussed at a large and en- i "^^y- Mr. J. G. Russel of Hamilton, â-  thusiastie meeting held in the town . - _ , „. r i. 11 I D""- ^^^ ^^rs. E. C. Murray motored i an old Flesherton boy, is in town this hall there. The proposal met with *!• •'• t>o!ger and Mis-s tsteua ^^ Burford on Saturday and returned week testing eyes and fitting glaass- ' much approval, but it was not def- «f Arthur were visitors over Sunday I home on Monday, acconioanied bv es at the jewellery store of W. A.l'nitely decided as to when the new with J. Runstadler and family. | ^13. Murray's parents. Rev. and Mrs. Armstrong & Son. j school would open. Come to the Tennis Tea at the park , Lowndes. They were the guests of Mr. The District Annual meeting of I ^"J" neglecting to make sales tax courts on Tuesday aft?rnoon, June 27. Tea will be served aoout 6 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Silver collection. Mr. Albert Buchanan, who has been attending school in Toronto, is hol- idaying w'ith his parents on the Mea- ford Road. Mis'S C. Stewart of the high school and Mrs. W. B A Cross at Guelph the Board of Agriculture and Woni- Saturday night , en's Institute will be held on Thurs- The Maxwell United Church will | day, June 23rd, at Clarksburg Corn- hold a garden party at the home of munity Hall. Basket Picnic 11:30. James Winters on Tues. June 28th. Afternoon meeting at 1.30 p.m. Some good games of soft ball are'; Recently a seat in the New York assured and also a good concert in the evening. Admission 50 and 25 ct-3. teaching staff has tendered her res- ' Watch for large posters. ignation from the staff to take effect at the end of this term. Rev. and Mrs. F. G, Fowler and two children, Nancy and John, of Brussels were the guests the past week of Mrs. A. E. McCallum and other friends. The big U. F. O. picnic for South Grey i-s being held in Lever's Grove this Friday afternoon and evening. About five thousand people are ex- pected to attend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freeman and son, Everett, and CMrs. J. l^^rkins and little son, Billie, of Markdale motored to Toronto Saturday, returning on Sunday. Phone in your orders now for copies of the special jubilee number of The Advance, being printed in colors, which will be published on June 29th; 10 cents per copy. Rev. F. G. Fowler informs us that he intends to bring a party of Boy Scouts from his church at Brussels to camp in Memorial Park here the second week in July. A welcome is ex- tended to the boys. The Grey Regiment goes to camp at Owen Sound from July 5th to 15th and Lieut. W. E. Turney would like to take as many men from this dis- trict as possible. Those wishing to attend would do well to gret in touch with Lieut. Turney at once. Mr. Jack Karstedl *has returned home after finishing writing his ex- aminations at Toronto Normal school. ' Last year Jack was unable to write owing to an attack of pneumonia, but has been attending normal since Easter in order to write this year. We wish him success. Mr. R. M. Henderson of Moose Jaw, Sask. spent last week end with hi3 father W. J. Henderson and sisters here. He is on a business trip , for the city of Moose Jaw, viMting some of the principal Canadian and ' United States cities In connection with ' the re-building and invitallinar of mach- inery for a new electric power plant in that city. | Mr. John Whitten of Toronto paid The Advance a friendly call on Fri- day last, while on a two weeks' vfcsit with friends and relatives in this part. ' Mr. Whitten has reached the four score years, but is hale and hearty •nd is far from feeling his age. Mr. ; Whitten is one of the oldest Arte- 'â-  nesia old boys, having arrived here ' in 1851 whh his fatbsr, the late An- drew Whitten, and lived here until "20 years ago when he moved to Tor- onto. We are always pleased to have Mr. .Whitten visit us and recall old times. In a letter received from Mr. Mar- shall AUister late of Feversham, in- forms us that he has changed his add- ress from Davis, Calif., to Taft. Mr. stock exchange sold for $190,000. The supreme test of politeness, one imagines, would be to get up and give one's seat to a lady. Mis-3 Donelda McDonald gave a birthday party to fifteen of her girl ; returns to the proper authorities for I the month of February the Owen Sound Broom Co. and the Canadian , Malleable Iron Co.. Limited, were ; summoned into police court bv Cus- itoni.s and Excise Collector Wni. E. Todd. Both concerns pleade 1 guilty through their solicitors, Messrs. F. '. G. McKay and E. C. Spereman, re- '. spoctively. and Magistrate Creasor imposed a fine of $50 and costs each. .Alister is a son of Osprey Township friends on Friday, .\dainty lunch of who is making good on the other side sandwich, cake and home made candy of the border. ; was served on the lawn, after which Dr. Willard Henrv, a former phys- -"^ evening was spent in playing ball ieian of this place, lias been attending »"<! °'her games. .An enjoyable time the Royal College of Surgeons at Lon- ^e- spent by all present, don, Eng. for the past few years and A number from here attended the is new returning to Canada. He has garden party at Chatsworth on Wel- successfully passed his final examin- nesday evening of last week and en- ations and is now entitled to the joyed the fine music of the Meaford letters F. R. C. S. appended to his band. We would certainly like to have name. We extend congratulations the band visit Flesherton, as it is on behalf of his many friends here, indeed a treat to hear this famous to the genial doctor on his success. organization. REVIVAL Baptist Church, FLESHERTON EACH WEEK NIGHT .\T 8 P.M. on Sunday at U a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Wm. Hay M. Th. WELL-KNOWN PREACHER AND EVANGELIST assisted in the Music and Song Service by M iss Jean McLachlan of Toronto. The Durham Baptist Choir on Thursday evening and members of other choirs when possible. FLOWERS AND PLANTS For all kinds of Flowers and Plants, Dahlias and Gladioli bulbs, at VV. A. Hawken's Store. Flesherton. FEVERSHAM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE Service at 7.30 p.m. Subjectâ€" "The First City and the Last." The Church with a Message. ) PASTOR: - Rev. E. H, YOUNG. KENNEDYS GROCERY MEN'S WEAR GROCERY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 5 String- Brooms 39^. 2 tins Tomatoes 25c o lbs Pure Lard ' V^- 3 Boxes Matches 29c 3 Tins Zip HandCleaner 25c New Patterns and styles in Men's -Hats and Caps $1.25 ut) Men's Overalls, good weig-ht $1.50 up Men's Fine and Work Shirts 98c- up. Men's Hose 50c. up We also have a good line of Men's Ready-to-wear Suits and Top Coats. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 Some June Specials HEAR THESE GREAT SUBJECTSâ€" • WEDNESDAY. JUNE 22â€" The Uplifted Christ, the Greatest Magnet to Human Hearts." THURSDAY, JUNE 23 â€" "The Bisgcst Sinner and thte Greatest Saint in Flesherton." FRIDAY. JUNE 24 â€" "The Greatest Miracle of the Age can be Realiied in Flesherton." SUNDAY. JUNE 26 â€" Morning at 11 a.m.â€" "People in Flesherton May Never Di*.'> This ia not Russelite theory, but true Scripture. Evening at 7.30 p.m.â€" "The Greatest Love Story in the WorM." MONDAY. JUNE 27 â€" The Gospel that John Wesley Preached." TUESDAY. JUNE 28 â€" . "Victories of the Cross ia many Lands." Illustrated by many beautiful lantern slides. SPECIAL SERVICES AT ROCK MILLS SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT 3 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOLâ€" Flesherton at 10 a.m. Rock Mills at 2 p.m. Rev. M. Saunders PASTOR. FLESHERTON * ROCK MILLS BAPTIST CHURCHES Childrens' & Misses' Slippers $1.29 This asortnient includes Dongohi. Patent and Brown Leathers- The styles are sandals, straps, oxfords and pumps. Sizes run from 5 to 10 in Children's, and 1 1 to 2 in Misses'. Prices are originally $1.75 to $3.50. All offering at $1.29 Children's Fancy Socks â- V woJiderful range of Kiddies' Socks, in all the different popular phiin colors, and two color combinations made in mer- ceri.sed lisle and silk and lisle. All sizes from 4 to 9>4. Specially priced from 40c to S5c. Boys' Wool Jersey $1.49 New assortments in a new range of colors with contrasting stripes on skirt, collar and cuffs. All pure wool. Sizes 24 to i2. Special $1.49 Oriental Crepss 23 ce nts j Suitable tor children's wear or sum- 9 nier house dresses. Colors and patterns B very new and striking. 33 inches wide. H Regular price 30c- M Special 23c Yd. â-  Holeproof Hosiery J Silk to the knee. All the new season's M correct pastel shades. Yvonne, niaine. m fanchon. delis, petale. His, peach, moon- â-  light, white and black. Sizes 8>2 to 10. '^ Prices $1.00, $1.50, $1.75. Men's Baltimore Straw The newest weaves in Men's Straws and most up to date shapes, some with plain, some with fancy bands. All sizes. The best values we have ever shown- Prket from 1.50 to $3.00. NOVELTIES IN SUMMER READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY AT POPULAR PRICES. F. H. W. HICKLING, Flesherton

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