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Flesherton Advance, 22 Jun 1927, p. 4

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"WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1927 m THE FLESHERTON AUV ANCB â-  ^ u 'I 1^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collinffwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Frifte ill Canada, $2.00 per year, \jhy.\ paid in advanc« $1.50. In V.^. fi , ?S.50 per year, when paid :°i advance $2.00. «». H. THURSTON, Editor EDITORIAL NOTES Discipline is a great master. A disciplined worlcer usually earnsi and receive promotion. • » • Earth worms sing, according to the naturalists. Those we used in fish- recently must have ^scared away the trout by humming one of their lays. • * * If scientists could devise a method of teaching potato bugs to fill up on treeds, instead of the succulent *«haw8,'' the ravages of one pest could be alleviated. • • • The wolf came at last. People have kept singing that they had none of them till a tropical storm came al- ong in Jamaica and blew down 25,000 banana trees. • • * It ia easy to be seen that another U.S. presidential election rs approach- ing. President Coolidge is going to Dakota for his summer holidays and Republican politicians are beginning to hold up the Tammany organization AS an example of all that is bad. • • • Some caretakers of Toronto public schools get more pay than teachers. This doubtless arisc3 from the fact that in Toronto the municipal of- ficial.s are appointed for their strength A caretaker muot be a strong man â€" politically. The aeason for killin«r by the didn't- Icnow-it-was-loaded artist;, has open- ed by the killing of a seven year-old boy by hired man who playfuHj turn- ed a loaded gun on his victini. fhe weapon ohould not have been care- lessly left around in the first instance but no one is warranted in pointing a fire-arm of any kind loaded or un- loaded, on a human being. • » In the County of Kent, the Council of Chatham Township is offering a prize of $2 to every rural school pu- pil on which he or she locates the eow thistle for the first time. Prose- cution of the owner of the property will follow. There arc townships up this way, where a small reward for discovery of thistles would soon cause municipal bankruptcy. IIow are we off for the sow variety, neighbors- Get after all of the species. ' . * * * Forty thousand men are to receive a short season of training in the mil- itia camps of Canada this summer. The 22nd Brigade, which includes the â-  Grey County Regiment, the Algonta Rifle?, the Northern Pioneers, and the Sinicoe Foresters will as.semble at 'Owen Sound next month. While we all hope for a long period of peace, the nation does well to see to it that "PAUL REVERE" \ a new design hi COMMUNITY PLATE its defensive forcas have some meas- ure of preparation and though the an- nual iperiod of drill is very short, it is bt^tter than nothing. Employeers of labour will no doubt co-operate to make it a« easy as possible for the citizen soldieiV to do their duty in this regard. * * « Orte gratifying ft-ature of the cele- brations in this, the Sixtieth Anniver- sary of Canadian Confederation, is the heavy increase shown in trained nurses. Sixty years* hgo l^rained nurses were almost unknown in Can- ada. Now in every great centre well- equipped hospitals are turning out large numbers of certificated nurses, very many of whom have chosen the vocation because of their desire to be increasingly serviceable to the afflict- ed. * * * It is a good thing at this season of the year, says The Craig Banner, to remind young people not to destroy the insectrivoroas birds which render such countles'3 and invaluable services to the farmer and the world at large. In many parts of the country insects have caused grievous damage for some years, both to the foreata and the har- vests. More attention, therefore, should be paid to the preservation of the birds which aid in the destruction of insects which attack crops and growing timber. * * * It ij possible that the managers of Ontario prisons have short memories, otherwise it is doubtful if they would have taken "Bob" Cook from Orange- ' He to Toronto's jail prison over the Don. In that place of detention, not so very long ago, a notoriou-3 con- demned murderer was supplied with a night watchman who went asleep at his The window in the cell was eighteen feet from the ground, but as if to aid a resourceful inmate a table wa-3 placed in the cell, upon which the prisoner mounted and crawled out. ''Bob" Cook would no doubt heartily welcome such conoid- eration at the hands nf hi.^ detainers * *' ti Hanover's ir.nnicipal forest i.t get- ting: alonfc we'l we are informed. Whtn the 35,000 pine trees recently ilanUd on the hilside from 'lanover gets it;; water supply get their growth, the town will have a very respectable wood â€" surrounding tlie Ruhl Lake reservoir. The example of our neighbors should not be lost .=;iKht of by other comniunitie.-,. There should be no waate lands left with- out trees. Thoy may not prove an f.irly crop but they grow while you sleep and generations to rome will ri.;e up to call thoseb lessed who are enterprii-ing and energetic enough to I)lant tree3 that arc to be had from the authorities for the asking. OSPREY COUNCIL ApureColooUl the To(ue of (he paiurn. ..done 1 picMnt day, and with ill the 6n- named for Paul CMC and simple Revere who U cKitm that have famoui as the made that period 1 1 * foremost silver* smith of hU day. Ttmi ph ci Ta Service. fltlM Vf. A. Armstmnrr & .Son , * Jewellers •^ Fleiiherton, Ont. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of O.sprey mot in a .second sit- tinnc of the Court of Revision on Sat- urdiy, June 11. .iVfter the business of tile court had been disposed of a .â- ;e.'sion of council was held. Comm- unications were read as follows: The employer's Liability Assurance Corp. re Tren.surer's Bonds. The County Trea iurer, re arrears of taxes on Lot 2, Con. 0. James Essex presented a petition re- tiuesting the opening of the UOth side- road. The deputation was assured that the petition would receive due consideration. The Clerk was instructed to write J. H. McQuarrie again re Coutt's drain. The clerk wr.s instructed to write all parties intsrested in the Wetherall drain, advising date of next meet- ing. Edwards - Grummett â€" That the County Treasurer be authorized to I'rasc uU taxc.i now charged apainst Lot 2. Con. Morrison - Edwards â€" That the en- tire Council and the Clerk be a com- mittee to arrange for a Community Service to be held on July 3rd to commemorate Canada's L^iamond Jub- ilee. Council adjourned to reaisemWe at Singhampton on July 9th at 10 a.m. ARTEMESIA COUNCJ L .Artemesia Council met on June 4th as a Court of Revision on assessment of 11127. The members were all pres- ent, the Reeve presided. After each had made the required oath as such member, the Court opened. Wm. Cargoe's a.npeal was dismiss- ed; Geo. Clark's aasessment was re- duced |50; Archie Stewart' assess- ment was reduced flOO; Oliver Turn- er's assessment on Eugenia property was reduced 960; W. E. Betts' assess- ment was reduced |60. The Court then adjourned. After such adjournment tho Coun- ril m*t for general business. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. By-law B. to authorize loan for cur- rent expenditure wr.i introduced and passed. Corhett â€" Pavis â€" That a special Trint nf $100 he made and nxnended "1 S?Oth sideroad, south of Durham RoB,d.â€" Carried. Dnvi« â€" Corhntt â€" That a <ineciRl "•rant of tlF, he made and pxnended on ri-v„.<.N hMl. Cin. IS.-Carried. Pinnj;)â€" T>(,vi.< â€" Thnf thi< Council 'Mirchnsp rne No. ,1 grader from the Carnda Ingot Iron Co. â€" Carried. After pnvment nf several accounts the Council adjournod. We Thank You Last week the Flesherton Advance commenced its forty-seventh year of publication and ended its thirty- ninth year under the management of the present editor and publisher, W. H. Thurston. The Post congratulates Mr. Thurston on the anniversary and wishes him and his bright, newsy journal many happy returns of the day. â€" Hanover Post. The Flesherton Advance has ju3t entered on the 47th year of its career. Of these years 39 have been under the supervision of the present editor, Mr. W. H. Thurston, who has our con- gratulations on producing for so long a period such a newsy and influ- ential paper, and our best wishes for his future health and happines.4. â€" Mount Forest Confederate. ATTACKED BY BULL I IN LIVE STOCK CAR Mr. William Tomilinson a local, drover while loading cattle at the stock yards happened with an acci- dent, which might have proven fatal., A Jersey Bull had broken loose in. one of the cars, and Mr. Tomilson rushed in and endeavored to keep it; from running out, as a result the bull ' ki-^ked him down dislocating Jiis right arm end badly strained the ligaments. As the man was in a help- less condition, some of the other drovers beat the animal off and man- aged to get him out of the car. Mr. Jasper Stuart at once drove the in- •jured man to Dr. Bennett's office where he was treated. Mr. Tomilison was no doubt badly shaken up after his experience, but is getting along as well as can be expected. â€" Meaford Mirror. Messrs. T. J. Skalea & Co. have placed in their front window a clock that is new in Its way, and the latest thing in clocks. It is of French man-[ ufacture. It is run by electricity; from a battery. It will start itself i •i-. 1 will run for five years without' winding or renewal of. battery. It"l-3 very accurate and will not vary more , than a minute in a month. What a lot of worry will be lifted when we don't have to wind our clocks every night, or even every week! â€" -^It. For- est Confederate. DAVIS â€" HISLOP In Dundalk on Tuesday, June 21st, 1927, by Rev. R. A. Spencer, Marjorie Belle ilisloo, daughter of .Mr. and Mr.s. .\dam llislop. to Mr. Clare .Swanton Davis of .Artemesia. By-Law No. 152 BY-LAW NU.MBER 1.'52 THE CORI'OKATION OF THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON: .By-Law to raise the sum of one thousant'i three hundred dollars by the issue of debentures of the said Corporation for the purpose of con- structing cement sidewalks in the said Village; WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the said Municipal Corporation has determined and agreed to raise the sum of one thousand three hun- dred dollars by debentures for the construction of cement sidcwalkd in the said village. AND WHEREAS for the purpose of raising the money for carrying out the said work it ia expedient and necessary to provide the sum of one thousanii three hundred dollars by the issue of debentures of the said Corporation which is the amount of debt intended to be created by this by-law bearing interest at six per cent, per annum as hereinafter pro- vided. AND WHEREAS it i-s desirable to issue the said debenture's at one time and make the principal of the said debt and the interest thereon pay- able by yearly sums during the per- iod of five years being the currency to the said debentures, said yearly •sums being of such amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in re- spect of the said debt shall be as near- ly as pofssible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other years of the anid period of five years. AND WHEREAS the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents is the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for the period of five years for pay- ing the said debt and interest. AND WHEREAS the total amount of the whole rateable property of the aaid village is, according to the last revised Assessment Roll, the sum one hundred and seventy thousand seven hundred «nd seventy-nine doll- 1 ars: | AND WHEREA.1 the amount of^ I the existing debet, ure debt of the said village is $47-5.47, and no part of the principal or interest is in ar- rear; | NOW THEREFCRE the Municipal j Council of the Corp ration of the vill- age of Flesherton macts as follows:-' 1. That for the purpose of raising the sum of one thousand three hun- j dred dollars for ti.j purposes afore- said, five debenture of the said Cor- poration, each for the sum of three hundred and eight dollars and sixty- two cents, shall be issued, each of which debentures .ihall be dated on the day of the issuj thereof and shall be payable within five years there- after, on the first day of «July in , each year, the first of which shall be { on the first day of July, 1928, at the j Standard Bank of Canada in the ' said village of Flesherton. | 2. Each of the said debentures | shall be signed by the Reeve and : Treasurer of the said village of I Flesherton and the Clerk of the said village shall attach the seal of the said Corporation thereto. 3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable yearly at the said Bank, on the first day of July in each year during the cilrrency thereof; which interest is included in the amount of said debentures. 4. DurinR the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised ann- ually by special rate on all the rate- able property of the said village the sum of three hundred and eight doll- ars and sixty-two cents for the pur- pose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown in schedule "A" hereto annexed. 5. This by-law ahall come into force and take effect after the final passing thereof by the council. 6. 'The votes of the electors of the Village of Flesherton entitled to vote on Money By- Laws shall be taken on this by-law on Thursday, the Seventh day of July, 1927, at the Town Hall in the said village and the Clerk of the said Village shall be the Deputy Returning Officer and Howard McAuley shall be the poll Clerk, the poll shall open at nine o'clock in the forenoon and shall re- main open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the -same day for the purpose of taking the said vote. 7. On Monday, the fourth d.iy of Jul.v. 1027 the Reeve nf the said vill- age shall attend at his office at eight o'clock p. m. for the purpose of app- ointing in writing to attend at the <!aid pol'ing place and the final summ- ing on of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested and dp:5irous o' promoting or opposing tb's bv-law respectively. 8. The Clerk of the said Munic- ir^pl Cnrpnration shnll attend at his office in the -said village at one o'- c'o"k - m. of the eighth day of Jnlv 1P27 ' sum nn the votes given for nnd against this bv-law: Schcdnip "A" refcred to in this by-law Years Interest Principal Total $308 62 308 62 30 i 62 308 62 30 S 62 Read a first and second time in open Council, the tenth day of June 1927. W. H. THURSTON. Reeve. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk. Take notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-Law which has been taken into consider- ation and which will he finally passed by the Municipal Council of the Vill- age of Flesherton (in the event of the assent of the Electoia being ob- tained thereto) within five weeks from the first publication of the said by-law in the Fleshirton Advance New.ipaper, the date ( f which first publieavion will be I'lo 15th day of Juno lii27, and the votes of the qualified Electors of I'-e said Mun- icipality will be taken 'lereon on the •seventh day of July, ^^2'!, at the Town Hall in the said vi.lage between the hours of nine o'cljck a. m. and five o'clock p. m. 1928 $78 00 $230 62 1920 61 18 244 44 1930 49 51 259 11 1931 3.1 98 274 64 1932 17 43 291 19 Special notice to I. --aseholders And further take noti:e that in or- j der for a leaseholder to qualify for | voting on said bv-la"' Le or she must | at least ten days befo:-e the voting file with me a statiitoT declaration | that his or her lease contains a cov- i cnant whereby he or she aglfces to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the . property leased "id that the lease ex- 1 tentis for the peroid of time within which tHe debt to he contracted or ; the money to be raised by the said by-law is made payable, and the names of leaseholders neglecting to file such declaration shall not be placed on the Voter's List for such voting. W. J. BELLAMY. Village Clerk. Dated this 10th day of June 1927 .â- â- <y. i,. « •: zjctra Uoqs â- to feed PURCHASING extra hogs to feed usually means borrowing from a bank until such time as money b earned on the resale. Feel no compiwction about askii^ a loan for this purpose from the Bank of Toronto. The Bank of Toronto is always anxious to aid farmers in their financing â€" to give the experienced counsel and financial help that means increased prosperity and bigger profits all round. Your nearest Bank of Toronto branch manager will welcome a discus- sion of your farm problems. m BANMOROKTO BRANCHES : FEVERSHAMâ€" C. H. Smith, Manager. MaRKDALEâ€" W. N. Young. Manager. ' 1 . â- * High Class Merchandise We are offering for sale all our dry goods at the lowest possible prices. We have a full supply of fresh grocei'ies at the right prices. Large assortment of fancy biscuits. Owen Sound Bread and Pastry. We have on hand about 50 lbs of choice Dairy Butter- FOR REASONABLE PRICES AND HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE IRY A. WATSON PHONE 60 AT YOUR SERVICE. : } J- Clean Up Paint Up ' USE THE WALLPAPER THAT IS GUARANTEED NOT TO FADE. CHOOSE YOUR PATTERN AND I CAN GET IT FOR YOU 1N36 HOURS. USE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT â€" TWO COATS GO AS FAR AS THREE OF MOST PAINTS. IT LOOKS BETTER AND WEARS MUCH LONGER. ORDER A NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE. Doa't forget your Screen Windows. Order from: A. E. HAW, Ceylon STORE CLOSES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 6 P.M. uilt for ndurance BBRnO) tW bMttty of Owndct (km li Ml ^â- buaduc* g( tinotih and MuniM. Ijul â-  then k « ittal Man oftwiilii DOiKr. lV nniA dtMtaA Uttl tnac, lb* kwky Mtto-lypc nu tiU, Um pMMtfd viht-fa. bMd ucfaM ud rmy deUS el cs«lrac<ka cmiMm to dtly tU nmn o< aw laj tear, ol hab aad rata, ol mud aad Mad, «l tttnaa ol dlml* aad ol hard, ooallawMa UMM. AiCkmnM kat ben daalfMd lor bnMy, powMod lot pertoTmaace, plaaMd km ^l^~A "^ B««u«lftd, tta max Pomriid Hd Iba moit Runed Chewralet h «« bata nid to C«M«k . ^ MM T«iiriw . . ««M Co;*. • • Vff Sa*M . . IMS CoMoiM â-  VMM UMaaaa4»#M(| l-Tos Tiwh C«MM«ml rant bm. D. McTavish & Son FLESHERTON, ONT. cr.ttM ul Chevrolet vroUt Histoni

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