i mm THE DREAM AND THE FUimiXENT IbatM of Canada, of Nov*. BootU tmA New Bt-'jorawtck nxtt at tike Weslmta- Meo* Paiaod Hot-ei lu JjOihIob on Deoam- ^ b«r 4. 1866, Prlocn B tward Isiani aod IN«wfoundi:«Al not bolog r«rirp:o»abed. I The rEBoC'Ut^lcna <:! the Quebec coat w- enoe w«r» talrtn ui), cons'. dered ! "^» **!^ Kf' V**'J^o"°?° ••'•'«*^». »iue«ided In certain partlcul-. Was Not New in 67, But the an ati:t a<lopted aoew, tli« amevflmoTita j Natural Outcome of Con- »i"n»H'>s moro favc-ra.W'* nmusciaij tornw t<5 tli« MartUuMi Provfncea. Tli«] Mtla dcjtred tor tho tuw confcdferaLlo-n i by Iho confcTenee waa the "KlnsJom of Canrada," but this was disallowed ditions and Times. A SHORT HISTORY. Scaitterad from tte Altantlc tiong'*'^ '"''^ K"'"'^ ^-^'^^ t;ie name 'King- tbe chief m«H» of communlcatloa of do""" "'Stt not bo aocoptal>.o to th« tltuted. Tho neecC.iut:orjs, a« amenJad by the London conterence, ware now paaaed th«»e early «I»,.U«> water w»y« to th. P««^ ^f t^'- United States and aargm-s of tJ» ffr«rt unknown "^'"^ ••Domialon was substlti praiirle« of tb« 'w«gt tbe Canada of th« opentesr year*' of th© nineteenth cen- . ,. , , ,. ,• . .u tury promised little of tl.^ present ^^,1^^ b^iyerM Parliament aa tbe day imsforuxjxe. ^"^^^^ ^'"'^^ Am^reoa Act, rece-wing , Union First Suggested Che R'jj-al Assent ca March 29. 1867. On May 22 wos i-isuad the Royal pro- Tho project of unitmg these far! ^^-amaUan, uniting th-o prav:r„ es of flung Brltteh North American colonies i f-'a^ada. Nova Scoda and New Bruns- was adumbral«ai as early as 1789 by j *'''='' ^^^'o o^^ Doiriailon under the Wlliam Smith; a former Cfiiet Justice ' •'^'»^* •"' C'lnada. and en July 1. 1867, of Canlada, whosa plan teoludied a,.ti^<i ^-nrdur-im €'c,mmzv..o,'-l ta Gxi,it. xtomlnaitod cooincll and an assembly j Dreams Fulfilled oiectefd by the members of the pro- : Tha eajpiy ye;ix3 of Confederation un- vincial aseacbllea. Twenity-five years ' der Sir Jo'lia A. Macdouaid as prime later, another Chief Justlca (SeweU) ' nii-n,i»ii.r, wf.Ts- of a osmewhat siomiy proposed a somiBwheat slmtlax scheme. ] clKra'Cter, owLei;? to ih'9 asi;a.tion in In the absence of rapid communicatidn Nova Scotta fcr tbe repeal of the 0*1 transporatlon, howeveir, »no real union, and to the North West rebellion union was possible, i of 1S70, arieing out oJ the tranaifcir of With the Infcrouctlon of railways and 'â- th'e enorm-o'ua teiirjscnes cf the Hud- telegraphs the Idea of Confeieratkm [ Eton's Bay Com/pany to the new I>o- came within the rango of practlcad i minion, Thiis. tranafer, bcwever, be- , ^,„„^^. . .... -^ politics. In 1850 the British Amerl I came effeotlvo on Jtily 15, ISfO, andi"^-; ''^^^ "^ "^ buildmg, ..io,^ above, can League stated in its prospectus Manitoba wa« admitted into Confed«<r- 1 ^'^^'^^ ''â- '^^'^ completed will be the that the true solution cX the dlfficul- ' a<tion as the fifth pjoTince of the Do-'hjighest in the British Empire â€" truly ties of the tlm'9 lay in tho ConfsdePa-; ntlnton. On July 20, 1871. British a monument to Canadtin entcrpriss tlon of a'.i Ui.9 r.Tovlnc£«, and In 1851 ; Columbia eatared Confederation under | bo-wej-rng a.bou,t 450 feet abcve the the Hon. Henry Shsrwocd, who had ' an agreement 6tipulat:in« fcr the coo- j ground, with a frontage of over 400 been Attcrney-Gea'eral for Upper Can- ! B*niction of a Canaiian Picifl^: Rail-; feet on Dominion Square, probably the ada and Prime Minister, published a ! ""^y- ^Jid Prince Edward Isl'-iiid joined ; plan fcr the federative unton of tlie ! ^*-^ fortunes with these of the Do- British North Ameriean provinces, I miaion on Juily 1, 1873. On September providing for two electrlTo chambers i ^' l^^", aJl Brltisrti Foaeessions In «od a srste.-a .ot local LegiglatuTes, | ><'orth Anwnica and tie adjaceint is- somewh'at similair to those eriatlng to- ! lands, exceipt Newfoundland and Its day, except that the Proyiocdal Cover- ! ?'^*^ff *°f '*^, T^. ^^^'^"^ '<* ^^n- noTs were to be elected. Work has comuyjaced ou the sec- I !â- reaponaibl* for th« great n w a bm of ; serious sceidenta, fatal mediiatB, Mk the hiKhwajB. THE DRIVER'S RESPONSU . BIUTY. Althou^ running a garaga t«l4l to make one a bit peaaimlaUo aa to Um number of looie-irita at ths wheels of motor-vehielM, I beliaifi|{ that most drivers are careful, or tr| to be. The great trouble is that tM many motorists think their reaponai< bility ends if they signal stops and turns and use some sense as to speed and steering. They do not realise tba importance of perfect brakes nor tba need of tracing every strange nolsa to its source and making repairs If needed. UnhappHy, too, good drivers and cars in splendid condition are' often endangered by less careful pilotai and broken-down cars on the high-^ way. Too few motorists observe thai rule which calls for slowing down toi a rea.sonablo speed on approaching intersections. Two cars came to- cether recently at a crossing in our town. No one was injured, but both,' machines were badly damaged. Ono of the drivers had failed to slow up for an arterial highway. Pure care- lessness. AN EXPERTS OPINION. Al! of which seems to confirm Iho rpinion of Mr. E. S. Jordan, of the Traffic Planning and Safety Commit- tee of the National .Automobile Cham- ber of Commerce, that yoa can judge a driver's character by the condition Confederations Real Father In 1S5S Alexander Gei'.t, membsr for ciiolc^s't site in .Montre.il. The pre- cupied to CLiipaoily wiiii a. sjluii oi up aant head offiC3 cf the Sun Ufa As- 1 proxicately 1200 peca^. The com surancj Company ot Canada, whi'Oh cieted building wll'l provide for a total ; of his car, and also by the way he arehitccta (isclare to be one of the staff of over 10.000. The entire build- passes you on the road. On th:s lat- flns'St office bullvlings in the world. wUI ' ing trill bo erected on a structural ter point he is quoted thus by Nell be Intwporated in the comipleted edl ; etosi frame and tho exterior faced with ; Ray Clarke in the Philaaelphia Pub- flee, but it will only be a small unit as graaite, «md wia be of the same lie Ledger: compared with the finished structure. '. monumental character as the eristi-ng ' "^t ia hardly possible to drive fifty The present head office Is now oc- ' structure. â„¢''«3 «>" ''»« crowded highways lo-day ' without having dozcr.s of opportun- â€" -~~^-^~â€"^^â€" â- ; ities to display modesty, courtesy and ed by the Publications Branch, Dept. ! limr/ttrn » mm lirUV | self-control," Mr. Jordan continued. of Agriculture, Ottawa, gives com- i Vf KtLIVj. hliU IT 111 "^"'^' °^ '°"''^*' ''^havior is to that plete instructions for the control of !....,.« «™.«^,t ''''*""'^ "" ^''f^ ^""^ "i determining this disease. The use of sulphur dust 0(70 AfR MAN'^ CTAO V , character. The man who sneaKS by has given good results. It should be uEriim ITliiil tj Ul lilVl i you, giving you only an inch or two The official hog grading staff in ; applied on the first indication of mil- i margin, and making yoii put your ft^mNotes r Sherbrooke in the Canaatan Leglsla- 1 tions for the inclusion ot Newfound- ada by Imperial Order of July 31, this Ordar in OouncU extenidlne the Do-' ^ ''*"' "^'"^"«i nog graaing stan m ; appuea on tne nrst indic_ . , , ,. , , . minion of Canada fax nortiw^rd into ! 2"^^"° ""'^^^ ^^^ <^*':«<="o" °^ L. W. I dew, and it is generally necessary to ' pVcerDts from a Garase Dairy '^' "' ' ' n I .^^tl! Pearsall at Toronto is doing an ex- 'make at least tliree applications. Thei „f,^, \ ?,^ »^arage LJairy •,,^..^^g^ ^^^^ y^.j suddenly, tooting hia "-" â€" " ' ..... which All leach Lessons. ihcrn so loudly that ha frightens your the Arcdic xegiona. In 1895 negotia- I cellent work, apart altogether to ; sulphur may be applied by using a five Ass'smbly, advocate-i both to and I land in the ConfedersUion proved abor- i ^^^f-'"^ ^"''*^: j'^^,^„''"*^i.'^® *"!? in j dusting machine, by shuiiing through „... .r ,,• * .i,„ *„.i.„~,.< . 1 .1^^ o„.i x-^.o ,!„_,. „.,.n . I particular located at Peterboro, Ham- a sieve, or by shaking out cf pcrliament the confediosratlon ot I tlvo and Newfoundland »ci31 remains a cU ths British North American prov- , sojarate govemmient. In Septem'oer, inccs, but althioiigh he ^^-as successful 1 19K)5, about the middle of the long In ind'ueins the Cartiej-Maodonald Gov- fremicTship of Siir \v:,ifrid Laurier, the „»,:„„:„„ „„,•«. -•-,.â- , . amment, of which ho was a member, new pnivince^ ot AJbcTta and Saskat- H^'Zf' "f, ^f l"*/' ^'^f '"| ^^'^'^ ''''"^ to send a minion to England to dis- chew-^ we.e foiled fn,m the oLd Hud- j "^t^ Z aSance if p^ocfri^gTe ! cuss the matter with the Im-perial ; son Bay territCL-)- ani in 1912 the Lpr hr^pHino- ^i-^^v fL IvL f^^Jl., euthc-ities. nothing tangible resulted. bou.Kla,rU. of Manitoba, Ontario and ! These merwork hand in hand wi^h U was i-.<aiy the deadlock in the Cana-, Que;!>ec- w-ere emended northward to! shippers and drovers, giving useful dtiaa L£.^.!aUve AssemWy tb*t some Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay, Jajnes service to farmers' club^ The ship years later Indoiced the Government ot Bay acd the 60th parallel of latitude. ; pg^s and drovers are K'ad to have Canada to taie the matter up. A Canada, nqrth of the 60t(h para-el, has .heir a,ssi.=tance on shipping day? to ©econd cause was the noUoe given by oe^i formed for administrative pur- gjve d-3monstrations on grading the Uniiited States, that the reciprocity P*«ea into the territories ot Yukon, ' where to loca^» farmers that are treaty would be abrogated, thus fore- 1 Mackenzie Keewatin and Franklin, the I looking for information in connection ing Canada to look for new channels ! '^"^ laoludmg the islands of the vvith their hog raising of trade. A third was the Intimation -^rctsi* Ocean . -. -- -„ â€" „ a cotton bat ilton. Kitchener, and Stratford are filled with the sulphur over the rows, constantly on the go throughout the ' country giving demonstrations at KNOW YOUR CAR. women and children cut of their wits. j not only is a 'road hog,' but obviously i is not a gentleman.'' It has also been shown that even dur- ' '^^^ motoring season makes the Some time ago an official of the ing seasons of severe infection, nil- confidences of a garaga man, which a.A.U. interviewed a number of na- dew may be practically eliminated b- '"S'^'^'tiy appeared in ''Collier's," espe- tionaily known safety experts, iead- four applications of So-lS lima'-copper '^'aily timely. Only a few are chcscn ing trafiic engineers, famous racing: dust at 12-day intervals. i a*- random but all are worth consid- , drivers, traffic officers cf long ex- eration. | pericnce, psychologists and ordinary In hia report for last year just' A C\R FOR A. HAT. | drivers in order to try to det3rmina published at Ottawa tiie Dominion . , „ , . . , ^ : the standards by \vh:ch a arivcr could A fellow was driving along at a j^^agyrp his ov.t. competency an J effl- pretty good ciip here last Sunday ciency. Character qualities are iaex- when his hat tlew off! Of courso he tricablv woven into the six essar.tiala Animal Husbandman (Mr. G. B. Rothwell, B.S.A.) deals with the very desirable regrulation of swine supply I't to this great Dominion of gigantic piroportionia, which on its sixtieth birth- day becomes fully conscious of its na- ttonihood that conaciousuess is visualiz- ed in our Jubilee celebration. -*- Feeding Potassium Iodide from the British Government that Canada mxist, to a large extent, pro- vide for Its own defence. These things mad« Confederatton a practlcail instead of an acaid'simlc question. In 1864 a Cooldtion Goveimancnt was formed in Canada for the purpogio ot ,«sc-tiatlng the confedeo^tlon of the j gy p. H. Reed, of Lacombe Experi- Br.tish NoTtb Ameu^n provinoe*. fall- ^^^ta! Station. Alberta. Canada. Ing which, they undertook to apply the ! ,- â- â- , . . lelrwl princifiia as between Upper i . Feeding potassium iodide largely and Lower Cancda This Coalition Gov- i !"<^"'«=*f^'^^ »"PP'y «f 'odin« in the erumcnt, of which Sir Etlenne Tache : thyroid glands of both the mother and was the head, included John A. Mac- 1 *"* offspring, and almost entirely prevents time Prov^niccs to adjourn their con- ference and meet at Quebec to discuss the federal union of a.11 the provlaoea joint-ill. The iodine seems to have a stimulating effect on the whole sys tern, and particularly the generative organs. Pregnant animals produce stronger young, and uncertain breed- ers often become pregnant after potassium iodide has been fed for some months. In three years' feeding experiments with pigs it has been found that pigs receiving one grain of iodine daily made an average greater daily gain of 1.36 lbs. and required 45 lbs. less feed to produce 100 lbs. of gain. One pound of iodine contains 7,000 grains. Feeding potassium iodide requires very little extra work and is not ex- pensive. The saving of one little of pigs, or one lamb, calf or foal will many times repay the cost of the ma- terial and the labour of feeding. Pot- assium iodide should be carefully and regularly fed during the whole period donald and George Etienna OaiTtler, to- gether with George Brown, Oliver Mowat and WiUiam McDcmgall as re- iresentafives of tbe opposition. MeanwhiJe a somewhat similar movement was taking shape In the Marttime Provinces, where there were thares Governimenls and thre Legisla- tures in an area far smaller than either Upper or Lower Canada. The Legis- latures ot the these provinces authoriz- ed th&ir Governments to hold a Joint conference to discuss the expediency of a union of the three provinces under one Governmsnt and Legislature, and this conference met at Charlottetowa on September 1, 1864. The Movement Grows The Canadian Government, having learned of this contoreoce, asked for and received permission tor Us dele^ gates to attend end present their point ot view. They did so cu»d prevailed upom the rspresentatlves ot the Mart-J of ' pregnancy, but" sa'tisfMtory'"i^ suits have often been secured where it waa fed for only part of the period. , , For sows dissolve 1 oz. of potassium rather than the leglslaUve union of i iodide in one gallon of water and mi.x the Maritime provincea only. At thU i„ the feed one tablespoonful of this socond conference Newfoundland, as 'solution once a day for each brood weCl as Canada aind the Maritime Prov- sow. inoee, waa representee!. The Quebec conference met en October 10, 1S64, and continued until October 29. Th© r«:oilutioni3 which It accepted were katar on incorporated in the British North America Act. These resolutions, 72 in number, were ial<l be'ore the Leglaiaitur© ot Canada at the following Bossion and apprcived by a vote ot 91 to 33. In tho Mupitlme Provinoes, how- ever, the reception which the resolu- tions received waa not so favorabilei. In New Brunswick the confederation poai^-y of Mr. TiWey T.as defeated la a Cenerai eieiction and In Nora SCotla the opposiition was eo strong that Dr. Tuppor, the loadei- ot tha Governmant, fell back on the origtnal proposal ot the Marltiane union. IIow^jw, the situation gnuJtiaJHy Improved, and on Apria. 17. 1886, the Nova ScoUa As- eembly, by a vote ot 31 to 19, authortz- od the appointment ot delegates to ar- raneo with the ImiperfcU Govemmeot a scheone ot union wfaicb would safe- guard Ute rights and tnteo-eots of tbe frovint \ After another veoenal eJieo- tion In New Imuiawiick a etmlter t^ eolutioa wa» pawed tbvra on Juaa 9$^ l$S6, If a TOM 01 u to t. Tim Mf- He very rightly points out that the Scabbed for it. It sailed away, buo of a gcod driver which ware brougiit production of swine in this country is ' ^« <^"^" ^ "'^'^P g^-abbing until he found, out by these interviews. Th?y are: seasonal or periodic with the result ^'""^^^ and the peop.e with whom he,, i. The gcod driver ha.s a hi-h d> that the supply of marketable hogs (^o'l'ded l>-ing at tho bottom of a gj-es of self-control at ail tinits, this Quite a number of boar clubs were ig undesirably irregular and adds ' ''^^"'y'"^''''*' S^'^'^V- Fortunately the control manifesting itsell in various organized during the past few months j that the British market forms the t^escent wa.s sloping, and both ma- 'ways. following the swine marketing conrs- 1 pattern to which we must mould our i '^'**"^' rolled over without serious in-] 2. The good unver always ma.n- es. A number of these clubs were hogs, both in type and regularity ofi J"""? '^ their occupants. Miracle! ; tains his car in such shape that .t desirous of obtaining better sows and j ppo^jy^tjon -phe bulk of the supply '^f course the cars v/cre • badly ; responds easily and quickly, thu.5 as- through the efl-orts of the graders ;„ Canada 'reaches the market between ; smashed. j suring control of the car r^ far as tha many bacon type sows are salvaged j September and January with a faliin- ' When vour hat llies off w'nile you're' purely n-echanical equaticn u, con- from shipments to the packing j o^ j^ t^e spring and the summer. This â- driving, igr.ore it until yoi :an brincr earned. houses and sent out to farmers look- Condition of affairs is reflected in the i your car to a stop a:.d then go back' â- ". The good d-ivcr ro--.i!ates hiS ing for a better class of breeding | t^end of prices and here, remarks Mr. i and recover it. That's what this driv-; speed m accord with thi conuit'oiu of stock. In one week a car load of .Rothwell. are wide possibilities for cr should have uone. Instead ho risk-' the road ovt-r wh:ch he is traveling forty sows were shipped to a Farmers the hog raiser who is in a position to ! ed his own life and that of others fnd never li-aveis at eucn a lute that • u. '", 1 Middlesex. Twenty- ^ ^^^jg^ f^,i ^^ ^^;i ^^ â- ntters.lfor a five or six-dollar chapeau. : >'^ ''an not st.,p it withm the -clear eight of these were selected at Kit-l Afi„_ . «„<j.f»osti,^n ^^,â- a^ tv,â„¢ oi.o..o<t.o. I ^ , . . , , ht i 'course ahead. . , chener and twelve at Hamilton. They f "^er .an^dvrtâ„¢.* v r^^7.t I °"- '°°'' ''' *^' .f^*"^ ^''^ ^^ "" ' 4. The good c^rivcr invariably exer- hairlessness, goitre and are reported to be a very fine lot of : ^rbrUtn. ^ tabr.^rHLnTth« """'"^ '^'^ ^ ^'"'''' '" '"'"''^^"f- cises due regard or the rights of „ to I,,â„¢ o sows and the farmers who received ! ^.^^^rfS fvl n„m-n^nn „ h.^H >'^*''^'-'" "''^'^ motorists set out for them were delighted with their ^V-\"^f^%^t'ti^ut ^ZTllTfJ^l^tZ^^^ driving with no higher ambi- ^ I man thinks might meet the two-litter- ] tj^n than to swell the Business of local For ewes thoroughly dissolve 4 oz. of potassium iodide in about a cupful of lukewarm water. Spread 100 lbs. of well-dried salt evenly on a clean floor and sprinkle the solution of potassium iodide evenly over it and mix well. When dry place the salt pearance. These sows cost the farm- ers $-29 each laid^down at their rail- Tr'tlAl'!:.-t"Zl^^V'' '*''' '^'''f ;' junkmen. Our .tock of wrecked cars for the spring litter the sow should , g^g^y Monday runs from three to be bred somewhere between the mid- : gjght. We had four this morning. die of November and December 20 , jhe first one brought in was a heavy ,.,„„ and she will then farrow from about ^^^p^ -phere was no doubt that the One of the most successful market- ^*'"'-;!j I '<* .*•** "J"^'^'^ of April. She j^;^^, j,^^ ^een sober, but he frankly ing courses was held at the town of f*'""'^ ^^ f*^'*" ^'"^ °/ *^^f« ^^f^^ admitted that he fell asleep at tho way siding. 1*his included the mar fcet price for the hogs plus feed and a small fee for other incidental ex- pense: others and always applies tha sinifla a.xioms of courteous behavior. 5. The gcod driver accepts- the safe- ty 01 the pcdc;;trian as a primary con- sideraticn. ti. The good driver Ite-p'* U.'s mind on he road athcad, as day-drean-.ing Smithville in tbe Grimsby district, This was featured particularly by an There was no doubt that the ^^ chattering at the wheel causes many more accidents than are caused by stings of bees. "I do not think that there is a single phase of modern life wiiich gives a person fueh frequent or e::- to get on the up gi-ade and for the : „heel while descending a short liill ..... ..„..>.„.....„ ^„..,.„.„.., „, „., fall litter could be bred from about ^-hen he awoke he -.viis half-way illustrated lecture to the high school!*^® i . v '" i J )" '^""\^^^'' : through a fence, upside ccwn, and boys, given at the request of the prin-'^'^'^**/"'''^'^tu *^°,^..^ o J pointed back in the direction from cellent oocortunities for exercsin? cipal of the school. .Although Smith- end of September or by October 3rd „.hich he had been driving. Fort jn_-.jif. control' as driving a motorcar." ville district is noted more particu- "^ '"® latest. ^ ^,^^^ traffic wa.s light at the time. I Mr. Jordan continued. "The tendency sometimes, the active desire is larly for fruit than for hogrs, a keen interest was shown in the subject. The bacon hog fair is becoming a popular institution, particularly In Western Ontario. These have been Wife-Beating. PLAIN IDIOT. and. , to show he other fe;io->v what ho oujtbt . ; .'^ man drove into the garage this . to be made to do, and sornetimos to Manchester Guardian (Lib.): -^.c- morning in a heavy sedan. His wife ; foffg him to do it. .Some one has said cording to one of the London evening and three children were with him.; that the speeder is a person who encouraged at the short course meet- Pap^", a Paris court has decided that and the running-boards were v.eight- ; wants to get there and has nothing ings an(fa number of localities have J i" certain circumstances a French ej ^ith luggage. j to do when he arrives, and that is the asked for fairs as early as tHey can i ''"^band may beat his wife; it was "i get a bad squeak when I get: most admirabls v/ay of characterizing be arranged. The agricultural repre- 1 '»el<l' according to report, "that the up around forty-five or fifty," he said, i him that I can think of. sentatives find in these fairs a class | blows «je woman received were justi- "Can you eliminate it right away?"| "There are two factors which enter of work which brings encouraging 1 fie<i by the irritation her conduct had One of the mechank-s was put on ' into the speeder's disregard of the results. The Peel County represen- caused her husband" . . . The propo- the job. As he was backing the car | rules of the roadâ€" -his lack of self- sition that the modern Frenchman is around to put it on the elevator, it .control and his love of a t'arili. More entitled to beat his wife had better giij up again.?t the wall, although he! than 90 per cent, of tho speeding is be set beside the French belief that had depressed the foot-h.-akj pedal ' due not so much to the driver's need when an Englishman is tired of his as far as it would go. for getting somewhere at a certain partner fill he has to do is put a halt- ; "Yqu haven't any brakes on your time as to his human qia!iti:s or er round her neck and sell her at car," he called acrcss the fi^wr to w'eakn-3sscs." Smithfield. Some Englishmen of the the owner. t ^% going to market under weight as a j lower order did, at one time sell their "j Jniow it." replied the man irrit-' result, it is believed, of a shortage of I wives, and it was once firmly believed ably, "but I haven't tiiii3 for that' feed. A prominent packer discussing ; among both French and Germans--that now. Take the squeak out: that's all where the h \, i I ^^e matter of present hog shipments, i it was a well-recognized and thorough- i crdei-ed." it at all tim«^ Evfes u^n ".^^** *", expressed the opinion that continued, ly established cu.<toni of the country.; Rav, t'r.a mechanic, has no patience about % lb of salt each month"* v!!ri ''"^"'"^ "" *^'"**^® ^'°"'*' ''^'^ greatly j In the matter of fundamental imp«ii;__^with careless drivers, amall floolca *»f^ in «r!^L\.fi i to discourage shipping light hogs and priety there is net much to choose be- _ "V.-hat do you do when ycu --vant to For nSfnt cowr?Lr ^1' ~,f„= h-^P'^ssod the view that %vith the tween wife-selling a»id wife-'oeating, ' stop her?" he called a, he rolled the ror. pre^ant cows teed the potas- basic price being placed on "selects," , so that the two legends can now be car on to the li Slum loaioe on, the salt in the .same ig ^apld Improvement might be looked, set against each other in ori:r to bal tative was urging for a fair in his district. The Rockville Agrricultural Society is also anxious to have a fair, according to Mr. Earl Rudd of Rock- ville. The hog graders returning from some outlying sections report hogp way as for ewes, but it may be found ; f^^ that some cows take very little salt. ' In this case give the cow a quarter teaspoonful of finely-powdered potas- 1 '^^e earliest and most conspicuous siumNiodide once each week in the i ^yâ„¢?**"" <>* powdery mildew is the feed. curling upvfard of the leaves of the strawberry plant so that the lower surface is exposed. The white downy mycelium of the fungus which causes the disease will be seen on the up- turned under surface of the leaves. The Cop â€" "Did you get hia num- ber?" Tba Victimâ€" "No, but I'd re- oogntie Ms laugh anywhere." ance tho account. Japanese Policy in Manchuria. Singapore Free Press; The true in- tt. "ilrftg yrMir fc?t j .^n ihe grov.r"''.?" ^^eedlt^3 to say, the bra'KCi had . been adjusted before the ear was ! brought back down-stairs. It only , took a few minutes longer, I Now, here was .1 man, evidjutly in, de.x Of Japanese policy is to be found ; a great hurry, for he had been driving' ,,hv you wanted to buv that diction- In her action In Manchuria, where she forty-five to fifty miles an hour, ani ary' We ('"ut need if"" Is materially strengthening her f.irces I he begrudged the time nec:.-:a?y to}' iiubbyâ€" '"There. That's enough, and it is not until matters there fix his brakes. The squeak annoyed , Lefs have words In the dictionary threaten to develop) dangerously that ; him, and so he didn't mind waiting and not over It, K -ou please " a full indication of her in- ! while it was eliminated. But he was Wor-'s Whcrs They Belo.nfl. Fille (quarrelsomely) â€" "I don't see TI» oodunon hen Uree a lite whtcb In severe cases the leaves become dry ' 'we shall get a Isasermonotindnfltry.'saywan econo- and the plants m.iy be totally de-' tenliona. for, corapoj-ed with her sta',te â- willing to risk his life roaring over ndat A tej pceachar, as It weirei. | stroyed. If the attack occurs before j in Manchuria and the future or her ' the highways with his wife and chil- I picking time there may be -almost a PoUcy there, events In tho whole of . dren in a car the brakes of which complete failure of the crop. A new the rest ot OoM tMU ottan «o4 heated dk»cua- ' 1 plete bulletin on the strawberry, distribut- 1 l^snies. China aro merely side were useless. It's such carelessness. I such criminal negligence, as this that A dear old soul declarer she cant Imagine what women's <Aothe« are coming to. Well, It's plaht »hat bney'ra mot coming anywhere OMy J>^ anklaik