â- 'ilff'-S^kV;^^' " "'«"' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE W OSPREY COUNCIL The Osprey Township Council met as m Court of Revision on the Adsess- iMnt Roll at Maxwell at 10 a.m., on Saturday, May 28th. After each of the members had subscribed to the atmtutory declaration, the Court was duly opened for the consideration o£ aoch business as was to come before «t- i The Clerk presented the list of ap-, paals which had been properly made,' MM follows; --••311^ An^us Bell, too highly assessed. L. G. Bristow, too highly assessed. Sam Grumroett, too highly assessed. TIlis may tour! £ If you motor, retnem* ber to loofe on the BeD tekphone office in any tovn or dty oi Ontario or Qoebec as a fine place to get reliable infonnatioQ about roads* road coDditkna. detours, botelacoonm]odatioDs.etc R. J. Morrison, too highly assessed. G. Thomson EsUte, too highly asa- eseed. Grummett â€" Morrison â€" That thtf assessment on lutes 34, 36 and N.P. 37, Con. 14, the property of Angus Bell, be sustained. Clarke â€" Grummett â€" That the assessment on lots 36 and W.P. 37, Con. 12, the property of L. G. Bristow, be sustained. Morrison â€" Edwards â€" That the assessment on lot 8, Con. 6, the pro- perty of S. Grummett, be sustained. Morrison â€" Edwards â€" That the assessment on lot 21, Con. 10, being the Geo. Thomson Estate, be reduced by $200 on land. ' Mr. Morrison, after due considera- tion, withdrew bis appeal. Rev. Mr. Dean addressed the Court in regard to the assessment on the parsonage in Feversham. After due enquiry as to assessment on other church property throughout the town- ship the following motion was passed: Clarke â€" Edwards â€" That the as- sessment on lots 13, 14, Pearl St. Fe- versham, being the Holiness Workers' parsonage, be erased. On motion the Court adjourned lor the consideration of general business. After the reading and confirming of the minutes of the previous meet- ing, the following communications were read: I. H. McQuarrie, re Coutts drain; R. H. Little, re taxes; Ingot Iron Co., re graders; Ontario Tractor Co., re tractors; Lucas & Henry, re Weth- erall Drain; Dept. of Public High- ways, statement of subsidy on Town- ship Roads for 1926, 'showing grant to this township to be |5,660.88; Canada Forestry Assoc, requesting grant. L. G. Bristow waited on the Council in regard to arrears of taxes on lot 2, Con. 6. The Clerk was instructed to write the County Treasurer requesting a statement df same. £ The xnture of his busineB oooapels the r aga totoW UB«um>and- faft tenitdr^ QBcoughly. He has mxotly teceived a mxpsity Q< coadmaps, book- let8,etc, £Odled upon qdte fre- quently taaxswer all kinds of • questions for vacatkxdsts and tour- ists, he has an almost unique alnlity to help them, and thus to make their trips more enjoyable. OWEN SOUND OLD HOME WEEK AND Diamond Jubilee Confederation Fri. July 1 to Sat. July 9 NINE BANDS, HORESHOEING, ATH- LETICS. MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. FIREWORKS. OLD TIME GAMES AND CONCERTS A Long Liat of Special Attractions 9 Big Days of Entertainment and Fan 9 Friday, July, Ist â€" Old Time Dominion Day Celebration; Horse Rac- ingâ€" -Sports â€" Calethujnpians â€" (Fireworks & Dancing. Saturday. July 2nd â€" ^Toronto Day Program by ex-Owen Sou nders Sunday July Srd â€" Church Day â€" Old Boys in pulpite and choir. Monday, July 4th â€" School an Aquatic Day â€" American Visitors Day. Tuesday, July 5th â€" Industrial Day. Wedne/sday. July 6th â€" Soldier's Day â€" Second Brigade will be in camp at Owen Sound and will take part. Thursday. July 7th â€" Ladies' Day. Friday, July 8thâ€" Athletic Day. Saturday, July 9th â€" Cloeinj; Day. See Official ProRrani for Details of each day's events. EVERYBODY WELCOME TO COME TO OWEN SOUND AND JOIN IX THE FUN. COMPLETE PROGRAM EVERY DAY. p mffi a i si(ffi3n3rja;;^fBmifJwmwii3!gf3^ SIX HILL STORES We buy together in order that otfr^tstomers in the six com- ntuni tips, may materially ben- mCk iixf > . Idunlly, FT . ILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE I A Store everyone instinct- r ively associtttes with high' quality merchandise at theG fairest posiibin prices. 50,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED For which we are prepared to pay the highest market price cash or trade. Bring us your Wool. We will give you a square deal. Get your money the day you sell your Wool. Wool will be bought according to grade. The cleaner your Wool, the better the price, but DO NOT WASH IT, as the buyers do not want washed wool. SPECIAL WOOL SEASON PRICES Dry Goods Dept. Ladies' Dimity Princess Slips 47c. C dozen only Princess Slips, made from fine cross bar dimity, hemstitched and draw ribbon at top. Will give splendid wear. Shades of peach, white, mauve, maize, blue, rose, grreen and yellow. Extra Special, each 47c. Linen Towelling Linen Towelling, extra heavy, reg. 18c. Spec- ial 2 yards for 29c. Ladies' Crepe Pyjamas $1.35. 5 doden Ladies' Crepe Pyjamas, made from soft cotton crepe and trimmed with contrating shades and hemstiched. In shades of peach, flesh, maize, â- ky green and white, all sizes. Special 78c. Ladies' Dimity Check Nightgowns 78c. 10 dozen Ladies' Nightgowns, made of fine eh«ck cotton dimity, in pretty soft shades of peach, maise, mauve, sky and white, all sizes 78c. Fugi Silk Fugi Silk, a beautiful material for summer wear, all newest shades. Special yard 79c. Mercerized Taffeta Princess Slips 95c. 6 dozen only Ladies' Princess Slips, made of Him quality mercerized cotton taffeta, in a big sel- Mtion of shades, hemstitched top, good full size. SpwUl 95e. Mens Clothing Dept. Young Men's Suits Young Men's Suits, in douboe breasted plain bluea or diagonal stripe. Regular value $29.60. Special $21.75. Boys' Suits Boys' Suits in tweeda, assorted coloss, one pair bloomers and one pair long pants, very new.... $8.75. Men's Overalls Men's Overalls in black and striped blue, sizes from 34 to 40. Clearing at per pair $1.89. Jubilee Ties Jubilee Ties the very newest, assorted colors. Just the thing for Jubilee celebration. Specla.... 95c. Panama and Straw Hats A full rang of Men's Panama and Straw Hats. Very newest block . Look these over before buying elsewhere. Shoe Department Ladies' House Shoes Ladies' House Shoes with strap and elastic front. Special at $1.89. Men's Oxfords Men's Oxfords in Black, Brown, and Aligator trim, newest styles, all sizes. Very special per pair $4.50 to $4.95. Boys' Oxfords Boys' Oxfords, black and brown, sizes from 1 to 6, newest styles. Very Special at $2.95 Grocery Department Where you get most for the least money. Three pkgs. Com Flakes , 27c. Pure Lard in bulk, per pound' 17c. Two packages Shredded Wheat 23c. Sour Pickles, quart jar 88c. Three pounds Macaroni 26e. Five tins of Catsup 26c. British Columbia Salmon, 1 lb. tins 19c. During the months of June, July and August, and until September 14th, this store will close at 12 o'clock noon ever y Wednesday. F.T.HILL& Co., Limited, Markdale H. E. Beattie gave an interesting demonstration with a working ntodel of an Adams Adjustable Geering Wheel grader. After the passing uf accounts the Council adjourned to reassemble at Feversham on Saturday, June 11th, in an adjourned sitting of the Court of Revision, at 10 a.m. and for gen- eral business at 2 p.m. â€" H. G. BURKE, Clerk. MADE PRESENTATIO.V Sunday School Convention The annual Sunday School conven- tion of Arteme«ia, Markdale and iPlesherton Sunday School Associ- tion waa held in the Eugenia chnrcl. on Tuesday afternoon and evening of last week, June 17th. Rev. E. A. Seymour of Toronto, representing the Provincial Relig- ious Education Council, gave excell- ent and inspiring addresses at both sessions and also conducted a very beneficial round table conference. Mr. Seymour believes that the spirit- ual, moral and -social sides of human nature are entirely interwoven, and the church should make provision for the supervision and development of all these phases in the lives of our young people. Rev. Jos. Hanower also gave a fine address at the even- ing session. 'St. John's Sunday School of Flesherton was charted as the best school in the district. The following: officers were ejected for 1927-28 : Pres., Mr. Jos. McKce: Vice-Pres., Mr. Thos. Nichol; Sec.- Treas., H. I. Graham; Children's Supt., Mrss T. Henderson; Boy Supt., Mr. W. J. Messenger; Girl Supt., Mrs. W. Bumside; Adult Supt.. Mrs. (Dr.) Murray; Home Dept., Mrs. Thos. Taylor; Teacher Training Supt., Mr. C. F. Lawrence; Missionaiy Supt., Mrs. Alex. Cameron; Temperance Supt., Rev. A. Mills. The next convention in 1928 will be held in the Ceylon church. A presentation was made Monday evening by the people and cliurch soc- ieties of town to Mijs Mildred Mc- Callum. bride-to-be. The affair was held at the home of Mrs. D. McTavish, to which about sixty guests attended. The executive of the Sunday school. Young Ladies' Class and Y.P.S. pre- sented a wicker library table, while the town gave the popular young lady a half dozen each of knives, forks and spoons of the Adam pattern, two silver candle stkks and a tea pot. A real social time was enjoyed by the large crowd present. Sask., was awarded the "Mary Wal- ker" prize for General Proficiency at the graduating exerui-ses of the Chil- dren's Hospital, Winnipeg, held on the first of June. This prize consists of an engraved gold medal and five $5 gold pieces. Misis Evelyn Carr, only daughter of Mr. and BCrs. Ed. Carr, of Stoughton, Stock of Boots I have Just received several lines of Men's Work Boots, that sell at reasonable prices. These are sabsUntial shoes, good wearing qoality, sizes from 6 to 10. W. L. NORWOOD Small Advertisement CAME ASTRAIrâ€" To my premises on or about Hay 16tta, 1 yearling. â€" Apply to W. J. Caswell, Proton Station. EWE STRAYED-Came to lot 26, S.D.R., Artemesia, about May 1st, Lei- cester ewe. Owner prove property and pay expenses. â€" John Oliver, Price- ville, R. R. No. 3, Phone 21-21. STRAYED â€" To my premises on Lot. 1A2 Con. 11, Osprey, one yeat^ ling heifer, red and white; on or about the 22nd inst. Owner will kind- ly prove property, pay expenses and| take same away. â€" H. J. Conrvoisier, 5 HOUSE & LOT F OR SALE In Uie Tillage of Flesherton. 14- tajtaM. rtMd. fa, «K,d location, ha^ Sfi.**^ "U*"^ lot has gSod fawS J«™,"}» ?4«80. also go^ gsrtSL containing m .11 two lots. ForfS thCT particulars apply at this office. FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Lath for sale-G. McKenzie, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" A good Range. May be seen at the parsonage. FOR SALEâ€" 12 yonng pigs ready to go, also good Collie dog. â€" Robt. Smith, Eugenia. Maxwell Public School. The report for S.S. No. 9, Osprey, for the month of May follows: Sr. 4 â€" Margaret New*, Violet Par- ker*, Mabel Ross*, Mary Bemrose Lawrence Fenwick, Ruby Robertaon*, John Bemrose. Sr. 3 â€" Kathleen Morrison*, Reta Fenwick, Marjorie Seeley*,Cec. Chard. Jr. 3 â€" .\rleen Pallister. Sr. 2 â€" Edith Lougheed, Merle Buck- ingham*, Marie Chard, Stella Young, Irene Parker, Jean Ross*, Ethel Fen- wick*. May Linley, Lloyd Morrison*, Isabell Pallister*. Tillie Kcrton. Helen Guy*, Billie Kerton, Robt. Priestly, Annie Murphy, Donald Radley. 1 â€" Mfihpl Benrci:, Ji:-.i Poole*, Tommy Pallisler*. Sr. Pi-.â€" Betty Fenwick, Priestly, Alice Murphy. Jr. Pr. â€" Jacob Lougheed, Bemrcse, Charlie Grummett, Grummett*. Thosp marked with every day. dard re-cleaned screenings, kiln dried corn and oat scalpings. Phone 2 r 31 â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Warren Tommy Noreen FOR SALE â€" Three burner Flor- ance Automatic Coal Oil Stove in good condition. â€" Mrs. T. J. Fisher, town. FOR SALE â€" Young pigs and pure- bred Hereford cattle, males and fe- males. â€" Geo. Hutchinson, Kimberley. BULL FOR SERVICE. .Pnre-bred Hereford Bull for ser- F^;n. *™«'^' ^y*"« tJ"* 'i"t «»« ^^'J:^ *^' ^"^ »^ ^ â€"EDW ARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser. vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Me^ Marqn s" No. 179,136; SiiJ £S M«^s 1^1; DamjJRerBuSSS; -•8. R. HAWKINS, Eu genia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser* vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club. the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriciriture. â€" C. SraWART, CareUker. BOAR FOR SERTIGB No. B2.7W30. Also a rmag T«h. FOR SALE - Western Oats, stan- ^otl56.**°i?w^**Ml" ""^ FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed tfowl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. Sltf Termaâ€" fl.oo. â€"T.J. STINSOir. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Brood Sow, bacon type, and eleven pigs 5 weeks old; -.\-c a fair. v.- --ow. Vv'ill sell sows or your.g pij;s Phillips. eparatcly. â€" Tuc!:cr FOR SALEâ€" 2 Ford 1-ton trucks, 1 Ford Sedan, 1 four-ninety Chevrolet touring, all in good shape; three oil were present ; tanks and quantity of car repairs, Number enrolled, 38. Av-,also several young pigs. â€" Arthur erage attendance 35. â€" Helen I. Maynard, Teacher. Made Ftower Garden 'What the Women's Institute means to a Community," has been amply demonstrated here the past few years by the activity of the local branch. Their work on Memorial Park will be a lasting tribue to the initiative- ness of its members which is indeed, appreciated by the citizens of town. Last Thursday afternoon, the ladies of the W. I., under the worthy Prei- dent, Mv3. 0. W. Phillips, planted a large flower bed, which they had prepared on Market Square with ger- aniums and other plants that in a few weeks should be a beautiful bed of bloom. This flower bed has been talked of for some time, but it was the ladies who acted on the idea. The W. I. motto has always been, "For Home and Country," and their at- McKay, R.R. No. 3, Priceville, phons 21 r 5. FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Lot 170 and half of 160, third con., N. Tor- onto and Sydenham Road. Good pas- ture land, with water on the property. For further particulars apply to â€" Miss M. M. Binnie, 93 Jack-son Ave., Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. PASTUREâ€" About thirty head of cattle wanted for pasture, lot 178, S. W.T. & S.R., Artemesia. â€" Geo. F. Brackenbury, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Hear from owner of good farm for sale. Cash price, par- ticulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTEDâ€" lEIectrical work to do. Registered Yorkshire Boar for _». vice-Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,991 j -Property of Saugeen Bacon Hog 1 Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE. T«4 ,ffo« Proton Station. ^1^8j\_8nrW.T.S.R.. Artemesia! JERSEY BULL FOR^^i^^ Registered Jersey bull for service £: ^r"^'!" -^^"^y Conscript At Flesherton Livery Stable â€"P. STUART. '^•'sherton. ftit S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 63. FLESHERTON Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquiries SoUcited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS OAT- ?â- "â- '•**". etc and'^FletireS^r 'li"^^^>°rt« GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms- 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaVSd D ates made at The A^va nc/Xl^ BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental tempt of beautifying the home, and; If you have any Electrical jobs youi^l^^R"' i^V^^t 8r«duate of Toronto making it brighter for its occupancy, want installed or repaired, phone or I . "°y*i College of Dental Surgeona write me. Prompt service, and work ] °* Ontario. Gas administered for guaranteed. Phone 24-62, Dundalk. teeth extraction. Office at residence Thomas C. Grummett, Maxwell, Ont. I Toronto Street, Flesherton is finding a further field in brighten ing up the town, so that those passing through, will receive the impression of a live community. The W. I. is entitled to the assistance of every- one in their community work. Please take notice that the Semi- annual District Meeting of Artemesia will be held at Ceylon L.O.L. 883. on Tuesday, June 21st, at 8 o'clock sharp.â€" G. W. Littlejohns, Dlst. Rec. Sec. The fire call was sent out Wednes- day afternoon of last week when it was thought that Mr. H. Wilson's res- idence was burning. The chemical engine and hand extinguishers were on the job early, but the trouble was only a chimney burning out. Con- siderable smoke issued from the house at the time. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to and including Satur- day, June 26th, 1927, for the purchase of the large brick building in Flesher- ton, known as the Wright Block. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. â€" W. L. WRIGHT, Flesherton Ont, FARM FOR SALE OR RENT ) Dr. A. TumbuH, B.A., M.B.. grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine^ I am prepared to receive offers for University of Toronto. Office, Toronto the purchase of lots 136 and 187, E.T. Street, F lesherton. Phone 86* & S.R., Artemesia. If this land is ~^. â€"- â€" '. not sold I will rent same for pasture "'"" Arthur Lodge, 333, A.P. A purposes only. For particulars write i •*•"*•• "»•«*» in the Masonic hall, Ana« -J. C. THOMPSON, {strong Block, Flesherton every FH- Cayley, Alberta, day on or before the full moon. Robt. TENDERS WANTED Down, W.M.; F. J. Thurston, Sec Tenders will be received by the J^'l'^ * Tl^T^K'^'r ^^' undeisigned up to and including Sat- 1 J,*' ^ ' "J- ^^"'"' "^^ f' ^- »• urday. June 18th, for the construction "7' t^ Offices, Markdale Lueaa of the following reinforced culverts "'**"• "><>«« 2. Branch offices at I Dundalk and Durham. and Egre- Telford ft Birnie, Barristen, soli. . ^ ., ^ oitors, etc. Offices, Grey and Brueo 2 Culverts in Artemesia Township. B'ock, Owen Sound; SUndanI Bank on Grey County roads r 28 culverts in Proton mont Townships. 6 Culvert's in Osprey Township. Plans and specifications may be J Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays) seen at the c:*^ice of the engineer, .P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimie Court House, Owen Sound The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Tenders must be accompanied by an approved bonding company's bid bond for 10% of the amount of the con- tract. â€"R. C. McKNIOHT. County Engtacer. i Wm. Kaitting, Liseensed Auctk>ne«r for the counties of Grey and Simcoo. Farm and stock sales a spedality. Terms moderate., satisfaetioa gaw may he lade at the Advance Ottice, o» Central telephone office. Ftvwsbaa, or by addraesing me at TvmOmm.