. 1 . FOURTH PRIZE ESSAY The Confederation of Canada. Ml9s Irma writes 4n p««t M<<«fc>w«: I wail very ptoaaed to h«*r that mr eaMty bad won a prise and wMi to take this opportunity of thanUng you for It. I wa« born In StouffvUde and nara HT«d h«re all my life attandias th« StouffTlUo Public and ConUnuation Scho(^ I-^st year I tried t!ho High Scbool entrance examinations and •uooeeded in passing them w4th hon- ors, and thte ye«r, » far, I boUere, I A LOVER OF 8P0RT 'ONTARIO WOMEN have led my olas»a». Comjwsdtlon ha« been about my best subject and I be | Iteve It Is the one subject I realty like tat I reoJiy enjoy wrltiag a oompos-l- tlon on an teterestlns subject though I have by no means any great talent or a.bd'ity tor It. I am very fond of reading books and have read a great many of ihecn of many difrerent claeaee and It is very hard Indeed to leave my books and at- tend my Bcbool dutiaa. Bat though I enjoy reading booke I am t>y no means toe pirovwrbial "book-worm" because sports of aU kind form an important part In my life. In the winter to speed Rf ports in these efforts will appear I privately owncvl the ovnver will 80«n from time to time. N<' <»» n^n.^ymakia? opporlynUy of A teries of 7rW nieetmss is bMnfrl ftH>P'ying the transient wUh tentSk hold between the middle of May and I '>-unktU. milk. t«. IjrKiJ. olc. etc. the end of June. ThtKn Ri<wtiiis» aroj Tourists Are Spendero. 14Tf r j 'I N t ' ST 'O ''>g'"K addressed by per.'^ons thorouKh- lrPuIliUI'*J ^^ fa"i'''*"^ with thu In.stitute organi >? TARM NOTES Ccmmunity Sheep Dipping. Motor <(Hiri8t» aio out for a holiday; ufluaily and they want cora(oct at a | zation. aims, and activities who |,ave| reasouublo oo« and ir iho prlcee asjUed Now thct Fhoaring «s ;f>racticaliy co-npleted dipping the ewes and lamb.i is in full swing throughout the â€" â€" T country '.vhcre community tanks hava M.Mt of our rea.ters are familiar ^ vinoial Department of Ajfriciilture. | I>ay'"^ f*"" <â- *'*>''•, »«'^"""»'i^"-^- ^o bee^ esta-blislied. Many hundreds o^ wirh the Women's Institutes, a rural! Anion- tho subjects being considered i *« Ontario are Ji:**L enterlug upon an organization, estttblisheu and carry- 1 are the foliowing Ibecn t-n-agcd ar, l-ctiirers by the Pro-^ ^' tvasouabio tUey wil! not objoci to I era of tourist buBiness prosparily these tar.kd have bei:n placed in sheeiy raising communities during the paat^ |ing on for thn purcoso of necurinf?! "Opportunity," "Pinnere Service." 1 ^hich wall l:o p iucreasInK «« "m®* few yeai-s by the Sheep Promoters o£ kroater effidency in the hoasinff,; -The Business of DBinc Women,"; ^^'^ O''- "'« ''""°<"° O" * f"^'' ''T**" the Dominion Live Stock Branch In lfe<"din?, and clothing of the family, i "A ijriculture for Won'en." '=A Moth-K'"'^'°« "I'lustry, this <aicrlng to 110,^^^^^,^^^^^:^^ ^.^^^ ^^^ provincial ! exerting a wholesome influence in! er's Firnt Duty to Her.sG!f," "Train-! "'â- ''""â- 'â- «"• "^ "^*' '» ^"'^ ""'® 'â- ° "''*'*'* | Agricultural Representatives. Th* local social, life and rendering .ser-jiiifif for HealUi. Beauty and Happi-! 'or and prolit by tins U3W^[H)ortunity. Live Stock Branch provides the forms vice in community undei-takings. | ness," "Giving the Baby a Ri^jht Start' There are now 1057 of these In-' in Life," "The Value of Temperature, IRMA S. GRUBIN. Stouftville, Ont. wltUy arottnd t*e rink on skates, la Sportsmanship no Disqualification the exhUaratteg air whicli brings the roses to your cheeks, to me 1» life. Or perhaps tt (a a long snowehoe tramp to the pond. Just now we are actively engaged in basketball at echool and to a Good Writlna. stitutes in Ontario -.viLh the number Pulse, ami Ri'spiratiiin," "The Res- being grraJiially added to. The extent f>onsibility of Home Makinsr," "Care and importance of the work of tlie^of the Feat," "Uncooked Foods andj Institutes is indicated in the follow- i How to Use xhem," "Old Age Re-i ing list of committees and provincial Qarded," '"The Four Cardinal Vir-' Health and How to Attain 'V' ) ^;"'ab^co "of MEDICAL MEMOS chairmen, Healtb â€" Dr. Margaret Patterson, 97 Walnier Rd.. Toronto. Agriculture â€" Mrs. H. M. Aitken, Beeton, Ont. Home Economics â€" Mrs. W. F. Ross, R.R. No. 3, Embro, Ont. Education and Better Schooli Cosmetics "The cosmetic business has been a perfectly Teputablo business, but in a law controlling it and for this there must be some kind Woodlawn Ave., Toronto. Miss K. Mcintosh, Brampton, Ont. „. ,, „ ^- t â- , â- » n Immigration-Miss E. J. Guest, 9 ^"'^ ^ Preparation for Life. Evelyn Crea., Toronto. Legislation â€" Mrs. W. R. Lang, 55 tur. "7^?. ..^'^rr"', D«^«'°p'"«"t of <i'«; ^^^"prrrFood'&'iJrurAcrirnot Child," "School L'Jnches and other .^^ Dietetic Problems," "The Interdapend- »• " enco of Town and Country," "The,^^;^ ^^^^ ,^^,^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ Principles of Dress, "An Hour withi,,^^,^ ^,^^^, contmn poisonous lead the Poets and Hymn Writers,"' ^ "Music, What is means in a Com- munity." "Bo<iks for Children," "A of union. Aiiso, duTlog the American OlvU War, fear of a United States enjoy It greatly, eepoclailyns we seem :*^^^^ ^^^ J^-^-^ ^l '"''^ 'o*- i Georgetown, r. ulâ€" ?,.r!:J:_._„ »^â„¢ >,..â-º â„¢ .r« ; strength s-he must have unity. | Community Historical Research A Current Events Miss Appelbe, R.R. No. 2, to have the winning team, but we are i erous to r,ienUon. I am a member of the United Church of Canada lere and consequently engaged in the activities of the eocieties conu'pcted with it. "The Confederation of Canada." -♦- _ Activities â€" Mrs. M. i;^".;;; to1^n irb^B^ 1^« as' wen I _T^« ^e^<='^ I^** f^>-ed that by he- ' MacBeth. Milverton. Ont. j «rSw:nn*rsfor^cannotalwaysi«°"'l"«°°t<'"«°ft^° P^^'-^^^^/^M Relief-Mrs. D. D. Grant, Moose r^n Th»n fbP.r« I, *n end!le«s Ust ot °°® °' '°"'" <" ''^*' ^^^' ^°'^^ ^® Creek, Ont. ' win. Then there la an en^efls ust oi ^ ^^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^.^^ pe^-auaded them water sport., and land sports too num- , ^^ ^^^ opposite. The Maritime Provinces were sug- gesting und-on oC themselves and sent delegates to the Charlottetown con- ference where Upper and Lower Can- ada sent representatlvee to as'k for larger union. They then adjourned to Quebec and dJew wp a series ol Restflu- , , I tions which in 1865 were passed by the Through more than th^w ^-iturles . Canadian Parliameivt. of conflict and doubt, the history of ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Canada has gradually unfolded itsjetf. I ^^^^ cauada. New Brun^ck. New- untfl to-day we have a nation The ^^^^^^^^ j,.^^ g^jj^ ^^j p^^^^ p,^, daring ot the early pioneers In war : ^^^^ ,^,^^^ objected. However the HIE MOTOR CAMP Na Town Can Afford to Do Without Proper Motor Tourist Accommodation. G. Ed- A NEW INDUSTRY. ^ for the concrete tanks and gives ex« plicit instructions for making tanks. The A.gricultural Representatives h^p to organize the clubs for the putting in of the tanks and take a senoral interest in the work. Tbo Live Stock Branch has issued a pamphlet which gives detailed in- structions for the location of the tank, scamps ' '** construction, removing the fornu I have crept into the business." Some'*"'^ such other information as may. fee easily followed b yanyone who has had any experience with eoncretsu. Somo freckle removers contain am- â„¢s pamphlet is distributed by the moniated mercury, a caustic poison Publications Branch of the Repart-. that eats the skin. If a substance isl n^*"' ot Agriculture at Ott awa, powerful enough to dissolve hair, it * may cause cancer The A.M.A. is] Feeding Weaned PigS. seeking laws to "forbid the sale of „ . . , , , certain dangerous poisons as ingredi-| ^o^ raising has been made uiw ents of cosmeticc and to compel all P^P"''*'" "" ""f^^ ^^"P"^ *'"^'" » ["«^ 01 proper understanaing of the best source to be taken with the litters at weaning time. A youn^j pig, like any other young animal, should not makers of cosmetics to make truth- ful representations of their pro- ducts. â€" Arthur J. Cramp. Painted Legs In Budapest, ono .Mice Posies' girl friends cried over her coffin last weak First of vice and literature will be provided Health bo notified- and such Inspecion from year to year, and has ben ex- asked for. and trade; the courage of the Roman I ^^j^^^,^ ^ overcome by Cartler. emplified forcefully in the work of t'afhalic mi-ssionaries; the French I In Quebec, Tllley In New UTUu*wick mau-s toyaity to creed, race and lang- 1^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^.,^ iir.ge; the love cf liberty ef the United ^^ ^gg^ delegates from Upper Can- Empire Loyalists; thes« and many|^^^ ^^^^ Canada, New Biniuswick, othor Influences have gon» to mould ^^ ^^^^ g^^^ ^^^ ^^ i^ndoa where Canaaian institutions and Canadian y^^ ^^^^^ Resolutions became a biU. character. The men who drew to»e- rj,^^ ^^^,^^ Government gave every ther alii thes* complicated threads Into j,^jp ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ prominent flgure was a united wholo and held It true to g^^ j^^^ .^ Macdonald. At last, the British loyalty while retaining an Inde- g^^^^^j^ j^.^^.^^ America Act was ready pendence of its own.are known In Cana- ^^^ ^^ jj^j.^jj^ js, 1867, was passed by dtan history aa "The Fathars of Con- ; ^^^^ Britain and on July 1, 1807, fed«-atioa." a band of men drawn to- , ^^.^^^^ became a Dominion, gether by a great Idea. George Brown, ,j^^ ^^^j^^g ^^ ^j^,^ ^^.^ ^.^^^^ ^^^ Sir George Cartler. Sir Oliver Mowat^ Canada a free Dominion across the sea Sir Charlee Tupper and others all ^^^ ^^ Motherland are: exercised thetr influenoe and used ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ j^^.^j. Canada, New their persuaMvs powers, seeing the gj^j^^j^^ ^^ j,^^^ g^^^^i^ ^^^ j^j.^^^. need of unity and working for a great ^^ to be one Dominion under the name objective, Confederation. AH did their ^ Canada. beet but the man who carried Uie ^2) Upper and Lower Canada war* rreater part of the burden and w^dM ^^ ,g^ j^ separate provinces. On- more than an to hold the nation to- j^j^ ^^^ Quebec, rether after It was united wm Shr John ^ j) ^h^ i^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ represented A. Maodonald. They won for Canada ^^ ^ Governor-General appointed by Confederation, freedom, independenco, yj^ K\as «mity and stlU renwlned loyal to the ^^^ ^hero was to be a cabinet of Motherland; and Confederation- the .1,4, t^„ members which was reeponal- B.N.A. Act has made Canada a nation. ^,^ ^^ ^^^ peopde's representatives In a glorious homo for children proud to pj^y„g„^jjt ^^ advise him. call themselves. Canadians. (5) The l^gwlatuw Included two The Quebec Act and Oonsrtltuttonsl l^^,^,. ^ g^^^^. appointed for life Act had given new forms ot govern- j^^ ^^ Govemor-Genei^. and the went but were not entlra.y satlsfac- â- ^^^^ ^ Ccanmons elected by the tory. Then Lo»d Durham was sent out p^,^ ^^^ g^^ y^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^ and recommended reapooalWe govern- j,^^^ ^^^y ^^^ members and the others an equal number m proportion to their Canadian Industries â€" Mrs wards, Komo a, Ont. 1 -^.[yj ^j^^ summer se-aeon almost here f ashiorn, she had abandoned stock- The Committee on Health is stress- and the motor tourist expected. It IsiinKs; had painted her legs with fan- ing health educaticn, plJ/f.Kcal de- ' time for munlcipaiities to "look to ! tastic designs. The paint stain poUu- velopment, and chiW welfare. The their fences-." The Provincial Govern- ted her blood, activities havo been many and varied ment has given their ofhclal "O.K." In the health work, but always prac-| to some flfty motor camps In the pro- tical and suited to the locality. The vince that have, in oonjtincrion with general principle adopted in Institute ' mere parking space, proper sanitary work is to make the best use of avail- ; arrangements and good water tL^-^^-\^re&thl pass "th-au-h a solution of able lelcturers and sen-ices in the able^ They stand ready to Inspect and ' * â- t. hope and expectation that better ser-' pass, it right, any camp it the Der.t. of i be pxpect-ed to digest such heavy feeds cs older pigs can handle. Ths mistake ci weaning at too young an her set to practice a new, ago causes latjr unthrifUness and in this way redi;c-?3 the profits tiiat might be made from a litter of pigs.' In .iddrcssing some special swine raisers' meetingrs in Eastirn Ontario Mr. Eric D. McGreer, the Sheep and Swine Promoter of the Dominion For Mr. Hanna To the University of Cincinnati came 300. volunteers who drank good! Li vo Stock Branch, v/ith headquar- v/hiskey and then k-t heir alcoholized , ters in Kin^rston, took pains to cor- rect some of the common errors that 50 per cent, sulphuric add containing; are niad^ on hog raising farms a tracG (1;3) cf potassium dichro- ! throughout the country. The wean- mate. This solution is ordinarily i '"e F«ri(xi, Mr. MoGr-c-er pointed out, redriiah yellow; alcohol vapor makes i» the dangerous one because the . I Necessary Convenlenca. i it chan<:e to a blaish green. The more ' y°^»8 P'S^ being taken from thsir A splendid spint of I j^^, town on a maJri highway can af- whiskey the Cincinnati bibbers swal-i mother's milk are required to sub- co-operation has been established be-| ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^^.,^^^j ^ ^^^ ^„^^ for! lowed and the more drunk they be-' sist on an artificial rati<.n. The this committeei tT'^uu iV* local Medical Officers of:^^^^^ ^^^^^^ g^^^ ;,,,„,., ^^ .r/ca.w, tiie more bluish green became Health the school and district nur^s,^.^.^^^ ,^^^ ^,^,^ clus^s-thoso the solution. There is so definite a theRedCross, theCluldrens AidSo- p,.,.„„i^ uotols r.iU thos* that ! relation between degree of intoxica- ciety, the Canadian Council on Child -^ , Welfare, as well as other health or- ganizations and the Institutes. 1 The chairman for convention areas in different sections of the province change from ono to the other sh-)uld be made gradually, at al>:>ut five waaks of age, the youngrters bsin^ "cam;)." In the latter cr camping class | tion and the sulphuric acid-potassium] taught t-o eat in a cre?p wliioh ex- thore are two sab-divisionsâ€" those that diehromate tint, that Cincinnati i eludes tha mother jow. At v/eaning meot an-i union aad was aided by Sydenham, Metcklfe and Liord Elgin. A* a resniU the two provlnoes were united and respoosibla government won. There had bean many suggestions ot union In the last century. Colonel Morse suggested it la 1777, the inde- pendent loyalists In 1791, John B. Rob- inson lu 1822, an-i Lord Durham had favored it at first but gave it up be oanso ot the lack ot transpoKatioo. By 1S61 there hsd been la three. yeare, two elections and four ralnls- ti^es and the two parties in Canada were at a deadlock. It was thought thAt If all Brltieli North America were united, new members would oo>ms In Irom the Maritime Provinces and give one party the majority. About this t^me, alitihough for years they had been bitter enemulies. because they were in- wtred by Oonfedoratlon and heard ths oa)l ot Canada. Macdonald and Brown vnlted in her service. Great Britain copulation. Canada Is rapldliy becoming a great uatlon. Population has grown more slow<ly than in ths great nation to the south of us, but It does not follow that s>he will always lag b^ind. Her peo- ple haVe made for her so honorable a name that men and women, eager to cam themselves Canadians wlU come to flU up the great North-Western platos. Caaadlans are honored and heard with great respect wherever learned men gather. Every year thous- ands of strangers seek health or pleas- ure along the wonderful St. Lawrence, among the towering peaks of the Cana- dian Rockies or plunge into the forest to oamp and fish. Canada is a coun- try of wonderful resources. Her for- ests cover over a million square mites; edie has m-ilUons ot acres of rich wheat lands, In mineral wealth she ranks with any country and her manufac- tuTQB are rapidly being developed. favored union and the abolition of h«r Coin Laws forced Canada to look for "Oh Canada! our home and native ik»w trade. In 1861 the ReciipTocity land, te«aty gave her fres trade with United True patriot love In all thy sous corn- States but It w«« soon atraUslied. So mand, â- be thought that It she oould not trad® . With glowing hearts we »ee thee rlss nortfli and south, why not east and wea<T To do tihta there must be a The true North, strong and free, And stand on guard. Oh Canadal naUway to tSiio Maritime Provinces We stand on guard o'er thee." Trucked Hogs Grade WeO. with ths extension of good high- irays from the marketing centrss into tbe country the number of hogi de- livered to ths <«!;â- : ckyards and pack- InC-houses by truck is constantly in- - â€" " creasing. Not only is the delivery ac- complished quicldy and therefore in g^ood condition, but as was pointed at a number of swine meetings in Eastern Ontario by Mr. Eric D. Mc- Greer, the Sheep and Swine Promo- tor of the Live Stock Branch located at Kinfiton, it leads to ra{rid im- 1â€"-^ , 1 • . provement in ths grades because the « wonder metal of the /^-nier can see for himself the type a« l« a fitting term for , of hog for which the highest price is *»na»nun». Its lightness^ ' paid. TUs explains why the per- brightness, flexibility, free« j ceatage <^ sales in hogrs trucked to dom ftrom rust, ana many market is usuallv higher than where other good «iuaUtles, make it , they are shipped W ra il. adaptable fco a multitude ol ; The gsnuT^^i^^^sJ^wer is an vmrna, a cmef one being as a ; oaTsedropper that seldom hears harsh container par excellence for 1 word* ot ttself. good teaâ€" Red Rose Tea is packed only in this modem What tune makes everybody gladT in9fc|I JRwkage^ _ , , -rortune. I co-operate with the provincial chair- man in reporting upon activities and forn-.uini.ing plans for further work. By hnlciiig meetings once a month for tho study of home-making and community problems, the Institutes are doing much to better conditions surrounding rural life and endeavor. The Institutes are assisted with liter- ature and instructors from the Pro- vincial Department of Agriculture, while the members give addresses, writs papers, and carry on discusions covering a wide field of practical and culture endeavor. Efficiency in house- keeping, physical development, health principles, and community undertak- ings have been materially a<fded to through the co-operation of g^roups of women in the Institute and the vari- ous departments of the Government. • want a smaill tourist shack for sleep- ing accommodat-ion and those that j carry their own equipment for night 1 canvping. If a town Is to attract Its I fair percentage of either of the last ! two classes It must have a w^U. organ- ized and properly equipped "tourist camp." Public or Private Camps? The question must be asked and answered by town councils, "Will wa have a town camp or will we ofllcially recognize a certain partleu'lar private camp as our towns "Tourist Accom- modation?" Either plan will work out satisfactorily provided properly con- structed, well-cared-for sanitary eon- veniences are Instal'ied, a proper water judges havo used its evidence in ar-!time. by ir.crsasirsr th? food of ths rests for drinng motor cars while' y»""3 P'?^ ""«* r-mo\nng thonr for longer periods daily from their mother, the shock to the system cf the abrupt change of ration, is great- ly lessened. More gocd litters are ruined by tho results of improper drunk. â€" Dr. Em:! Dogen, University of Cincinnati. Diabetes Charts of the Mttropolitan Life In- surance Co. and of the U. S. Depart- 1, , , r ,â- , â- „ , ^ j ,.1 ment of the Interior showed that dur-!^^^ ^""^ ^"^'^^ ^^ ill-defined meth- Ing 1923 and 1924 the death rates due ods at the period mentioned, and to diabetes were W per cent, less than! "1°^« ^">^"'"^, f'^^'^" ^^^^^.^^^ baffled and for 1922 when Drs. Banting and Mac- 1 '^'^^^'"â- ''8«J *''^" "^^""^ ''•'^' ••^"^'" phase of the pig's existence. Thj first feed for the little pig, wheT ho the diabetes death rate has increased rapidly. No doctor knows why, Small Babies Leod discovered insulin and hailed it as a specific treatment, although no . , , ., . , sure cure, for diabetes. Since 1924 '« '«'"""=7'< to eat whi.e n irsm^ wit.i ti,» Hi„h»fo, ,)«afn r«i-„ h,, Jn,>r»-«»,< th^ mother, should he mada up of s few handfula of dr:^ gram scatter- ed in the bedding. Crushed oats is , excellent. By this is meant rolled If the gestating mother exercises ; oats whore such mav be "procured, supply arranged and if posspible a and thus herself uses up considarable pteoe in the creep a little trocgh c^n- means of supplying hot water and rood of the extra food she eats during her taining milk, then a few days la'er term, her baby is apt to be small and add a handful or so of middlings, and healthy, her delivery easy.â€" Effa V.^ increase this until %veanlns, wean.n? Davis of Chicago Maternity Hospital, at six weeks of age where the two ; litter per year p'an is operated; â- (Otherwise, thev may bo nllowwi to run for eight weelis. This is contrary to the procedure on many farms whore â- pigs are wanned tt five or six weeks ; of sfrc. Diie appreciation muBt be I given to middlings as a feed f.'>r little I pigs. There is a distinct dHiTerence j between irJddiings and shorts. Mid- ! lings cost more but ars infi.-'.itely I cheaper in the end. necessities inckide-d. It the camp i» "town owned" a concession can be leaeed to supply the nececj^iltlea, and If I Toronto Sculler Defeated America *s Fastest j On Sreedjng and Feeding 1 the Hog. "Reading niaketh a full . man," ! quoth Lord IJacon. Ar.o-th>;r learuei authority has said that "'-"Xperience is the best loachar." Coth sayings possess tho merit of truth but com- bined they come as nejr tho perfec- tion of the acquisition of knowledge as is possible. In modern times the combination comes well within the possibilities. Take agriculture, for instance, not a week passes in Canada i that a publication is not placed in circulation dealing with some* branch, furnishing valuable information founded entirely on experience and studiou:^ research. One such is the Dominion Animal llusbandmans' pamphlet treating on the "Bi-eeding and Feeding tho Market Hog," in which Mr. C. B. llothwcU tells of advisable method.^ \o follow on tha \i\;\.n. He tolls how jioung stock, should bo selected, bow a good strain can be ucvolopcd, what course to pur- sue in muting tho brooding sow, in brooding two litters a year, in regu- lating supply, in housing, in feeding boars, sows and little pigs, and ad- vises on feeds that may be home- pi-o(hiced and those that must be pur- : chased. lie also gi ••os important ' counsel on necessary mineral supple- i ments, remarking in doing so that I "No domestic animal so quickly s^iow^ ' the results of mineral deficicrwr/ m 'docs tho pig." J JOE VVRIQHT JFt. The broad-shouMfre<l Argonaut oarsman wh..i won tho Parragut challenge cup tor fir.-st single in the .American Hen- ley recently at Phllnilelphla. ca the Schuylkill river. In v/iunlng tho race Jco jr. set a ui.v iecorJ, smashing Joe Kelly's record time by VZ seconds. Wright's time was 7.39 4-S. Mild Spot in Arctk. The town ot Hammertest, Norway, lying 3-00 miles north of the Arctlo circkr.,ha3 an average winter temp'^rap tur© warmer an New York, says **"' IndianoiToils -v