.f^ mrrrr T â- Ri mm wmm THW Accept No Other TEA T38 Fln« tea at its best. Only 43c per Yz lb. lb qiquq Wilson Publishing Company ^yKion kl Louis Joseph Vaiicd 99v Intonutiooal MA^Tin» BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. The reformad cracksman, Michael Lanyard, kr.cwns to the police as the Lone Wolf, is attempting to recover bullet bored a neat hole through the •windshield between the heads of Llane Dtlorme and Jules. The woman slip- ped down upon the floor and Jules the stolen jewels of Eve do Montalais, 1 crouched over the wheel. Lanyard tb" "'Cn:^!!; h? '"ve^, L?!i;'Brd. who i fingered his automatic but held its Wfi Kvc in b(>uwn::n Vr^aCi, Where he n'ruod her from robbery nt the hands of the brutal Parisian Apache, Dupont, suspects a motoring party fon.sistirif,' of the American, Whitaker Monk; his secretary, Phinuit; the lat- fingered fire. , . Instead, he turned to the lunch hamper and opened it. In the bot- tom of the basket lay six pint bottles ^ _ _, of champagne, four of them unopened. ter's l)r'jlher, j'ulVs, and the Count i l<anyard took them to the rear Beatâ€" and Countess de Lorgnes. De Ixirgnes is murdeicd by Dupont. Lanyard, Fpaiclii ii( Pari.-!, fin'-.s the countess. lie Icirns her real name is Liane De- lorme and believes she has th^ jcwela. He orit' •â- her hou.se to discover the jcwei? : id finds her being throttled to »!;â- . : by Dupont, whom he routs after :. terrific fight in which he is slightly hurt. Liane insists ho stay for th- nitrht. CO ON WITH THE STORY. and found the gray car had drawn up ; to within fifty yards of its prey. I Making a pace better than seventy ; miles per hour, it would not dare swerve. j The first empty bottle broke to one side, tho second squarely between the front wheels. He grasped the first ' full bottle by the neck and felt that i its weight promised more accuracy, I but ducked before attempting to i throw it a.s a volley of shots sought ' to di.scourago him. At the first lull A plimpfie of startled faces was all ^^ ro;e and cast the bottle v/ith the they had. Jales touched the head light switch and opened the- exhaust. Above the roaring of the latter Lan- yt.'d fancied he could hoar a faint ratt'ir.;,' Eound. Ho icokc-d back and enii!: J grimly. Sharp, short flames f.f o-angc and scarlet were stabbing Iho darknc^^. Somtbr>:ly had opened fire with an automatic pistol . . . . ' Shc^r waste of ammunition! | Tho pace waxed terrific on a road, liko .'^o-mjiny roads of France, ap- parently interminnhie and straight. And yet. long before the road turnt-d.i Ixiiiyard staring astern as he knelt' on the le.ir sent with arms crosjK'd on the folded toa^sav." the two white oyer, cf the gray car swing into view and ^taii; in pursuit. (Juick work, he cnlltd it. Ho crawled forward and communi- cated his news. "Don't case up unless you have to," ho counseled; "don't think wl- dare give them an inch." Pack at his post of observation, ho watt'h?d, hoping against hope, whi!o the car lunged and tore like it riiud thing through the night, snor- Inp up grades, screaming down them, drun:n'!!ig across tho levels, clatter- ing wildly through villages and ham- lets. His heart sank as minute suc- co?de<l minute, mile follov.'od mile, and ek>v the lights of the pursuing car, kist to tight from time to time, overhand action employed in grenade throwing. It crashed fairly beneath the naarcr forward wheel of the gray car, but without effect. Tho lead had been abridged to thirty yards; in two minutes more it would be nothing. Tho fourth bottle went wild, but the fifth exploded six inches in front of the ofTside wheel and it.s jagged fragments ripped out the heart of the tire. On the instant of tho ac- bowvd low over tfie hand which ahej languidly lifted to be saluted. «'My dear friend!" he said in his BMMroua voice. "In another hour I •hould have begun to grow anxious about you." -"You would have had good reason, monsieur. It is not two hours since one has escaped death â€" and that for the second time in a single day â€" by the slenderest margin, and thanks eokly to this gentleman here." Monk consented to see Lanyard and imnM>diately offered him a profound salute, which was puntitliously re- turned. His eyebrows mounted to the rooia of his hair. "Ah! that good Monsieur Duche- min." "But not" Liane laughed. It is true, the resemblance is strildng; if Paul would consent to grow a t)ear<); it would be extraordinary. But â€" permit me, Captain Monk, to present my brother, Paul Delprme." "Your brother, mademoiselle?" The educated eyebrows expressed any number of emotions. Monk's hand was cordially extended. "But I am enchanted, Mons^ieur Delorme, to wel- come on board the Sybarite the bro- ther of your charming sister." Lanyard resigned limp ftngers to his clasp. "And most public-spirited of you, I'm sure, Captain Monk." .... An- other bow. Lanyard looked to Liane: "Forgive me if I seem confused, but I thought you told me Mister Whit- aker Monk had sailed for America a week ago." "And so he did," the captain agreed blandly. "Mr. Monk, the owner, ^s my first cousin. You see in me merely the skipper of my wealthy kinsman's yacht." "And your two names are the same â€" yours and your cousin's? You're both Whitaker Monks?" "It is a favorite name in our fam- ily, monsieur." Lanyard wagged his head in sol- emn admiration. "That makes it all eo e^^r^r'." "Well, anyway, I'm glad to meet you to your bare face," raid Monk-janj slight gathers at the bust INDIAN BEAM WORK GOES ON THE VERY USEFUL 8M0OK. New Stations May Be Ready This Year â€" Last Link in Empire Chain. Bombayâ€" The wireless slatlone, one nt Poona and another at Dhond, whlcb are being erected by the Marconi Com- pany for the Indian Radio Telegraph Company are nearly completed, and with the anticipated opening of theee Etations this year the last link in the Imperial Wireless Chain will be com- plieted, all the other stations round the mrire being now In Dperatlon. Tho Indian system consists of a transmuting station at Poona and a reoeiving sUtIca at Dbond, which le about 60 miles from Poooa, the former connecting with the reoeivloK staitlon at Skegness and the (latter witb the transmitting station at Grimsby. The Poena transmitting etatlon ia ittaated at an elevation of '2200 £e«t above «ea level order that there should' be no obatruc- tlon in the direct line of the beam. The aoreaee ot present uiU'ized for the buHdlngB and aerial system doee not exceed 20, but a considerable area has been affipoTtloned for any fuiture ex- tensions which may be made. The Maroonl Company are endeavor- ing to fa«ve theee etatione ready for the trial tests at the earUeet possible mo- ment. The laet touches are bedag put to the elaborate and Intricate p-lents, and it cannot be long before the first meeaagie Is sent from Bombay to Lon- don over the new system. In addition to the act/lvlties of the Marconi Company, the In<I4a.n Radio Telegraph Company, who are their sole Uceneeee for India and Burma, end who wlU operate the Wireless Beam Byetem under conoeeslon from the Gov- enuuent of Ind'la, oontemi)ta.te a future extension of their system tor commund- G[}^ CLKAHING. onfaTorarUe thouglits rsadhed thedr climax when dutkrman Qeorge H. Pifter read the following telegraai:i "The Ontarto Amateur Lacrosse A*-' •odatJon endcrsea the organization oC the Nordiem Ontario Lacrosse' As- sociation and hopes yearly playoif ganvee <mn be arranged as an affiliated body wMb oar aeaoclation. We wlsb' your organisation erery success In pro* motlug Canada's national game." Con> stltutlng OS it did the offlciad authority and was selected la I for Uie Boo Laerosse Association, the reading o€ that te(s«ram, at the -open- ing of the meeting, opened a new era In lacrosse in northern Ontario. In pest years the game has not been or> ganised. Teams played hajfliaaardiliy, arranging games aa beat they could and pilaylng only for the love of tlM game. It Is Indeed surprising that un- der the circumstances, the game baa' kepit its hold even as it has. But this! has been changed. The teams have' now a definite objeot In view, a reason, for carrying on the game. All It needs Is a Uttle pusb from thoee who call themselves 'sporting fans.' Not a downward push, but a heilplng hand up the hlU to success. There is no doubt but that it will come. lacrosse slmpl:; won't stay down." â€" Sault Star. This becoming rnnock will be found equally useful for wear at home or business, and is simply fashioned in | cation with Australia, Japan and South one piece with a centre front eloeing A&lco. reappeared with a brighter, fiercer | companying blow-out the gray car glow." and conviction forced itself shied liko a frightened horto and hciw that they wer? being gradually ! swerved off tho road, hurtlin'g head- but surtly overhauled. long into a clump of trees. The sub- He to:k this inlelliprnce to the ear sequent crn.'^h was liko the detonation of Jalr'-. The chauffeur answered of a great Ixtmb. Deep .shadows only with a worried ehaka of his head masked that tragedy beneath tho th:it said too plainly he was doing! trees. Lanyard saw the beam of tho his be.;t extracting every ounce -of , headlights lift and drill perpendicu- pr,v,er from the engine. lariy into the zenith before it was I-ess than three hundred yards sep- blacked out. aratvd pursued and pur.suer as they ^ He turned and yelled in the ear of raced out through open fields once Jules: "Slow down! Take your time! moio. And foot l>y ftxd this lead was bc'rg inexorably cut down. In tlv? r.ont beside the driver cf the gray ear a man rose and, r,teadying hir'.'^elf by holding onto tho wind- shii'ld. poured out the contents of an RUtom:;tic, presumably hoping to pun'Cture the tires of the quarry. A They've quit!" I Liane Delorme rose from her crampod position on the floor. "What has become of them?" i I-imyard < ffcred a vague gesture. ". . . . tried to climb a tree," he re- plied wearily, and dropping back on the i"ear seat Iwgnn to worry tho cork I out of tho last pint bottle of cham- pagne. He reckoned he had earned a drink if anyijcdy ever had. Why! This U My Old Standby! We use it at our house every day. The children just love Vrigley's. |S«MK. Nf. 22â€" '27. CHAPTKR XVIII. Bt'CCANW-KINO A LA MOUB. I Ten minutes after their arrival in Cherl)ourg, Liane, lanyard and Jules i bad darted up a gangplank to the I main deck of a small steam vessel, ' excessively neat and smart. I lanyard stoppe<l short with his hand on the mahogany handrail. I "I say, I Jane! haven't wo stumbled ' into the wrong pew? This is a pri- I vato yacht." I "It Is the little ship of a dear friend, monsieur, who generously per- mits . . . But patience I very soon you shall know." A door had opened in the after par- tition, two men had entered. Above a lanJc, well-poised body clothed in the white tunic and trousers of a ship's officer, he recognized the trari- oomic mask oi the loi-disant Mr. WhiUker Monk. At his dioulder shone the hl«a^ intelligent counten ance of Mr. tumult. From this last Lanyard Ncelved a good-naturea nod, while Monk pro- ceeded directly to Liane Delonne and Treat eerna with MInard's LInlmsnt "And now suppose we a jon-.n to the skipper's quarters, where we can im- prove one another's acquaintance." Lanyard remarked that there were places laid for four. He had been expected, then. Neither Monk nor Phinuit had betrayed the Ica.st sur- prise on seeing Lanyard; and Phinuit had not even troubled to recognize the fiction which Liane had uttei^ in accounting for him. Liane had got her second wind and was playing variations on the theme of the famous six bottles of cham- pagne. Lanyard lounged in his easy chair and let his bored thoughts wander. Lanyard finally broke in: "Who is Dupont, and why?" "If you're asking me," Monk re- plied, "I'll say â€" going on mademoi- selle's story â€" Monsieur Dupont is by now a ghost." "One would be glad to be sure of that," lanyard murmured. "But all this begs my question," Ijanyard objected. "Who is Dupont, and why?" "I think I can answer that ques- tion, monsieur." This was Ijiane De- lorme. "I recognized him this morning, when you were struggling with him. His name is Popinot." "There was a Popinot in Paris in my day; they nicknamed him the Princo of the Apaches. But ho was an older man, and died by the guillo- tine. This Popinot who calls himself Dupont, tlien, must be his son." "That is true, monsieur." "All of which brings us to the sec- ond part of my question, Liane; Why Dupont?" I Liane shruggcfl and studied her bedizened fingers. Tho heavy black brows circumflexed Monk's eyes, and he drew down the corners of his wide mouth. Phinuit fixed an amused gaze on a distant corner of tho room and chewed hia cigar. "Why did Dupontâ€" or Popinot,", Lanyard persistedâ€" "'murder do Lorg- nes? Why did he try to murder Mademoiselle Delorme? Why did he seek to prevent our reaching Cher- bourg?" "Give you three guesses," Phinuit offered amiably. "Uut I warn you if you use more than one you'll forfeit my respect forever." "You admit, then, you have the jewels?" "Why not?" Phinuit inquired cool- ly. "We took trouble enough to get them, don't you think? You're tak- Con- trasting material may be effectively used for the convertible collar, wrist- bands finishing the long'sleeves, and upper portion of the patch pockets. No. 1.330 is in sizes 84, 86, 38, 40, 42 and 44 incl. ?s bust. Size 36 requires B\i yards ;;6-inch material and % yard contrasting. 20 cents. Our Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most j>ractical styles, will be of interest to every home dress maker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of stich patterns as you want. Enclose 20e ta stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for eaca number and address ycur order to Pattern Dept, Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West^ds- iaide St., Tororto, Patterns sent by return mail. Lacrosse Booming. "In a little room In the Bepaaola Hotel, on Saturday night, northern On- tarloe' newestchUd of sportdom came Into being. Weeks of patient work, of hoping, of bolstering up faint hearts and of dismissing and smoothing out FITTING GIFTS FOR RETIRING PROFS. Three CA.C. Ptofessors Are Given Silver Services. Guelph, Ont. â€" An event which is probably unique in the annals of the Ontario Agricultural College was the presentation of silver tea services to three of the oldest members of the staff of tho institution, who are re- tiring this year. They arc Dr. C. A. Zavitz, head of the field husbandry department; Mr. S. Springer, bursar, and Prof. John Evans, of the wood- working department, who were hon- ored by their fellow-members of the faculty and staff in the Faculty Club rooms in the War Memorial Hall. The gathering was honored by the presence of Hon. John S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture for Ontario, who, before tho close of the little ceremony, spoke briefly, referring to the great service which the super- aimuated gentlemen had rendered to Ontario and to Canada. Following the serving of afternoon tea. Presi- dent J. B. Reynolds spoke. -*- MInard's Liniment for dandruff. Discrimination Is the art of deter- mining whether the woman ahead of you le seventeen or seventy without asking her to turn around. Y-O-LA Is unexcelled and Tinting. Dyers use the Same Kind of for Dyeing Professional DYES It depends largely on the flour you use. We believe you 11 welcome this suggestionâ€" try Purity, the rich, vigorous Flourâ€" made from the finest Western wheat. Thousands of cooks say Punty Flour is best for cakes, pies, buns and bread. puRiryniouR Send 30c in stamps for our 70Q-ndpe Purity Flour Cook Book. tai Wntern Caiud* Floor Millc Co. Limite<t Toronto, Moattc^ Ottswa, Saiai; Jehu. "Well, there goei twenty-teven holes this afternoon. Want to stop â€" are your feet wetT" " I should lay not ! Do YOURS ever get wet whea you've polithed them with :M<jGG£r POLISH TA«r«'< a " Nutgot "shade for every sAoa made Prize Crew Got Drunk. Vancouver, B.C. â€" Following a statement that forty cases of liquor of tho cargo of the Federalship, re- cently relea8C<l from seizure at San Francisco, attention has been drawn to the affidavit of Captain S. S. Stone ing trouble enough to get them away j of the vessel made during court pro- from us, aren't you? You don't want ceedinga at tho Golden (Jate to the us to think you so stupid as to be wasting your time, do you?" His imperturbable effrontery was Bo amusing that Lanyard laughed out- right. Tlien, turning to Liane, he offered her a grateful inclination of the head. "Mademoiselle, you have kept your promise. Many thanks." "Hellol" cried Phinuit. "What promise?" "Monsieur Lanyard desired a favor of me," Liane explained, her good humor restored ; "in return for saving me from assassination by Popinot this morning, he begged me to help him find the jewels of Madame de Mon- talais." Lanyard addressed himself to Li- ane: "Do I understand the jewels are on this vessel?" »'ln this room." (To be continued.) "In some tropdcaJ countries tlie men wear hardly any clothes," says a writer. How effeminate! effect that after tho seizure of the vessel far off tho California coast, members of the American prize crew got drunk on the liquor while bring- ing tho ship to port. If your luck Isn't what It should be, write a "p" In front ot and try again. yAthn^Ci'^tfsI^^t'Ili^hclassHoiei j Nortk Can Uaa Avenaa Oeeaa Blook With accommodations for 230 cu«ti. AH rooms have privat? Uthj. Two to six room apaclmcnts available on long or short tetm leases. American Plan Conceit Oicheaira A feature m favor w the location â€" on a highly testrictcd teiidcncial avenue in the cetiier of the rtsort. fW rmtn *W mformation, wntt A. O. Pranckle & K. L. Codo, Mttnaiora (^^^^BtaliileslQr^lSevnK' Great doctors the world over agree on one thing anyway, and that is "If you want to be healthy, cook •11 vegetables by MMm!" It's real •dvice. £t«ni2ng coofci the feed tad \mm all the heallli-giviaa; contenta uaduturbed. For heekh'a sake there ahouU be aa S^l* Vegctabk Cooker in every nn- try. Made of enduring, china-pure SbJJP Enameled Ware, by Mil Sheet Metal PaoDucTiCa "ISJ^ afONT«EAL aDMONTON TOKONTO VAMCOUVEa viNNiraa cALaaav .SMPlwjetaMeCOOKER SBBfiBBBSBBBSBBBBBBB