TW^^PiilW." HI ^ ft J*)' ^(|je fk^l^tKUfn %imvice. Vol 47 No. I Flesherton. Ontario June 1, 1927 W. H. Thuraton & Son, Proprietom CEYLON Miss Foley Stafford and Miss May-' nard of Feversham apent the week end with Miss Maud Hempill. Mr. Stanley Griffin, Mrs. Adama, Mrs. Archer of Toronto spent the week end with their siater, Mrs. Wm. White. Mr. and Mrs. Uhnck, accompanied by Mrs. J. Melia motored to Toronto and visited friends the past week. Mrs. Wm. Mathewson and two child- ren who spent the past month at Paris, Ont. returned home on Sat- urday. Mrs. Wilson McMullen left the first of the week to visit her daughter in Toronto. BORNâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hales May 28th at the G. & M. hospital Owen Sound, the gift of a son. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson and daughter, Helen, of Toronto visited the first of the week at Mr. Geo. Snell's. Mr. W. N. Hemphill and family of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. S. Hemphill and family. •Mr. S. Hemphill, Mr. Percy Hemp- hill and Miss Reta motored to To- ronto for the week end. Premier John Oliver of British Columbia is expected this week .-to visit his sister, Mrs. Jas. Turner, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey and family of Deroit, who were called here to the bedside of their son, Harold, and who is now improving, returned to their home the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cummins of Oshawa, accampanied by Mrs. Mc- Donald, who spent the winter months with her daughter, ^visited friends here the past week. Mrs. Roy Piper accompanied them back for a few days visit. Mrs. Wm. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting her sister. Miss J. McKenzie. Misses Grant of Toronto visited last week with their sister, Mrs. Allie Muir. Mr. J. W. Cushnte and daughter, Miss Gladys, Mr. Will Croskem and sister. Miss Mae Croskem of Toronto were visitors for the past week at R. Cook's. Mr. Chesney moved his family the past week to Mr. Sergant's rtsid'ence. Word was received here the past week of the passing of Mrs. Jas. Ash- down to the hospital in Westminster, B.C., on May 18th. She had been in very poor health for a number of years, and was in her 68th year and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mitchell, Dundalk. They resided for many years in Ceylon, where Mr. Ashdown was section fore- man. After being made superin- tendent he moved to Owen Sound, where they resided until two years ago when they left to reside with their son, James. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn her loss two sons, James, agent at Notch Hill, B.C., and Thomas, in the Peace Eiver District. Their only daughter, Alice, died a number of years ago. There are also two brothers living, James Mitchell of Dundalk and William of Lions Head. The remains were laid to rest at Vancouver, both her hus- band and son being ill at the time of her death and were unable to bring the body to Owen Sound. The sym- pathy of this community is extended to Mr. Ashdown and two sons and the other relatives. Mis's Margaret Pedlar of Eugenia spent the week end with Mrs. Pedlar on the Stone's Line. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar and fam- ily o(f Portlaw visited the first of the w«ek at Geo. Fisher's, Stone's Line. Mrs. D. HcL«od, who has been visit- ing her son and daughters in Toronto and Dundas for the past two months, retured home Saturday. "ONWARir NEWS Robt. Lawson's of Durham visited Sunday at James Oliver's. Mrs. Clarke and family of Hamil- ton are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Currie. Mr. Malcolm McDonald is employ- ed with the road construction gang near Maxwell. The continued wet weather of last week has made seeding late for the farmers with low land. There is still a lot of seed to go in the ground at time of writing. The Dromore soft ball team were up last Friday evening and played a return game with the Onwards. The game lasted nine innings, the home team ending with a 14-7 score. The crowd was large and showed its enthusiasm during exciting playla The Dromoreites showed much im- provement over the previous game. This is their first year to organize a team but with the present show- ing they look like they are going to be a hard team to beat. Last week's items Seeding is still the order of the day. Very few are done in this locality. The Onward soft ball gang went to Dromore for a game last evening and came home with the big end of a 23-10 score. Some loose play must have occurred as the game only went four innings. A number of On- ward players being unable to attend, help was secured from the'South Line, West, ball team. The combination worked well- and some fine playing was performed by the recruits and regulars. The game was, followed by a social evening spent with the home team. The Dromore squad promised a return game this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Vause of Stay- ner visited friends and acquaintances in this vicinity last Sunday. Mrs. Mary Gilbert left last week for her home at Lundia N.Y. A couple of Hamilton lads still in their {eens left their homes on a hike last Saturday, bound for A. Carrie's and reached their destination early Sunday morning. The lads were Robt Clarke, an acquaintance of the Currie's and his chum, Stuart Dodds. The boys made the walk in record time hai received rides in ten diff- erent f livers. TORONTO LINE. N©RTH EUGENU Mr. and Mrs. John Earle of Cree- more visited Friday at A. Stewart's. Mr. John Burnett, son, Archie, and grandson, Norman, and Mr. aud Mrs. W. Burnett and daughter. South Line were Sunday visitors at Wm. Burnett's. Mrs. Fred McTavish of Oshawa was a week end visitor with Mi*, and Mrs. A. Stewart, returning to her home at Oshawa on Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cuinmins. Mr. Thos. Sled has purchased a new Star Sedan for the pleasure of his family. Mrs. W. J. Lever of Owen Sound is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. David and family, ac- companied by some friends from Buf- falo, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Simmons and daughter, Betty, of Drayton, the Tuohy family of Meaford and the Misses Barry and Laycrfck of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hoy and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cardwell Graham vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham, Clarksburg, on Sunday. The Henderson family of Toronto spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. >^ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and daughter of Toronto visited recently with the former's parents. Councillor and Mrs. Purvisi Miss Mabel Hoy of Toronto is on two weeks' vacation at her home here, Mr. Wallie Williams and family of Toronto visited relatives here lately. Mrs. A. F. Pedlar spent the past week at her parental home, Meaford. Mr. Chas. Park of Detroit is holi- daying at his home here. We see Charlie at the wheel of a handsome coupe. Master Hedley Lehman of Toronto is spending a while with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams. Mr. Robt. Laughlin was taken to the Owen Sound hospital on Tuesday of last week. We hope to hear of improvement in his health soon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and daughter, Dorothy, Miss Gertrude Greenaway and Mr. Percy Magee vis- ited friends at Durham recently. Mr. and Mrs. David Genoe and daughter of East Mountain were re- cent visitors at C. Martin's. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Harbottle and family of East Moun- tain in the loss of a husband and father. Mrs. Will Cliff and son of Oshawa and bjother, Mr. Robt. Meggott, of Flesherton visited their sister, Mrs. James Leppard, on the 24th ult. Mrs. Jas. Fawcett spent a few days with Toronto friends. We are informed that Mr. Ray Genoe has received the contract of building the out-buildings and side- walk a#the school here and has com- menced work. The Large family of Niagara Falls visited at the Eugenia House for : few days. The "Come an* Go" club of Toronto spent a very enjoyable time here on the 24th of May. They held a dance in the pavillion in the park in the af- ternoon and evening and some of the young people of the village joined them in the evening. While here they visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge. lVR:s. Robt. Gorley and Miss Irene Martin and Mrs. H. Foester attendoH the graduation exercises of the nurses grnduatinfr from the Ov/en Sound hospital on Monday evening. KIMBERLEY Mrs. J. A. Stuart and daughters of Meaford, accompanied by Miss Pickett and Mr. Hart were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. T. EUis. Mr. D. L. Weber has commenced the construction of the new bridge north of Kimberley. Mr. J. R. Faw- cett has the foot bridge nearly com- pleted. Mr. and Mrs. L. GoUes and daugh- ter, also Mr. and Mrs. S. Shopiero and two sons of Toronto, were week end visitors at the home pf Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Rev. Mr. Stotesbury, accompanied by the Misses Kathleen Hutchinson, Myrtle Stafford, Justine Ellis and Ethel Fawcett, motored to Kilsyth on Monday evening, where Miss Hutch- inson spoke in th« oratorical contest. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham, the Misses Burritt and Miss K Hutchinson visited friends in Orillia Saturday. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Charles Camack is improvinfs after a recent attack of pleuro-pneumonia. Quite a number attended the Vic- toria Day celebration in Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. iGilhay and daughter of RockljTi spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. INMEMORIAM ARMSTRONG â€" In loving memory of my dear sistei» Mn. James Arm- strong, who passed away May 28th, 1925. It is not at the time that the tears are shed That tell that the heart is torn. But the passionate tears in the after years And remembrance silently borne. â€"Sadly missed by sister, Maggie. LADY BANK ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. David Winters, Max- well, Ont., announce the engagement of their youngest daujghter, Jeane Margaret to Walter Edward, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, Max- well, the marriage to take place the middle of June. â- , , jsiJ;J PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) Mrs. J. W. Lyons has been suffer- ing with a very sore foot, the result cf stepping on a rusty nail. Mr. John Shire has invested in a touring car. Mr. Thomas Fletcher of Toronto spent a few days with his old neigh- bors last week. Mr. W. H. Litfcle had the mis- fortune to lose one of his horses last week. The White family of CoUingwood motored up and visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakey. A number of people report having seen deer lately out in the fields. Rev. Mr. New, who has preached here faithfully for nearly two years, will remove to Cobalt at the close of the conference year. ReT. Mr. Kendall, formerly of Dnndialk will be Mr. Mew's successor. The finishing up of seeding 1>M been delayed on account of the recent heavy rains. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton are in Toronto this week attending the grad- uating exercises of their daughter Lilian who has completed her course as trained nurse. Congratulations to Miss Lillian. Some folks seem to have the knack of getting their pictures in the pap We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mrs. Sam Sanderson. Shi? was taken to CoUingwood hospital a few days ago suffering from a severe attack of pleuro-pneumonia. Mrs. Jas. McKenzie is at preesnt under the djoctor's care, suffering with an attack of the flu. Master Willie Sanderson is also suffering from the same affliction. The Ladies' Aid will hold their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Walter Wilson as usual, the 8th of June. Mrs. Leroy McDonald and babe of Owen Sound visited with her sister, Mrs. Joe Sewell, for a few days the past week. Mr. Ed. Harbottle has had hrs saw mill operating in full blast again. Mr Josh Dobson also has his shingle mill going. The people of the East Mountair have had thnr full share of trouble the past 2 weeks in the loss of Mrs. Thompson Allen and Mr. George Har- bottle, death calling these two est- imable people. The bereavd ones of the two families have the sincere sympathy of this neighborhood. ROOfL MILLS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard and daughter Marie, accompanied by Mr. Sam Pedlar and daughter Delia, motored to Toronto on Monday last and viiited over the 24th with friends there, returning on Thursday. Miss Annie Davison, Markdale was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Porteous over the 24th. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and family attended the Patton â€" ^Eales wedding in Flesherton on Tuesday of last week. Messrs Chas Newell and Herb Betts visited with the former's brother near Durham recently. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the CuUen family in their sad ber- eavement by the death of their young- est brother, Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave and son Fred visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pogson of Dundalk over the 24th. Mr. Geo. Beecroft visited on Sun- day with Mr. Levi Betts. Revival meetings commenced in the Raptist Church here on Sunday and will continue this week. Rev. Mr. Hay is the evangelist and Miss McLaughlin i ; the singer. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard of Tor- mto spent the week end with the lat- f^or's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Part- â- idge, and also visited the former's o'-.ter here, Mrs. Robt. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. W. Conn, Mrs. Moore an i daughter Lena were callers at Ro'.jf. Croft's one evening last week. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned uptil June 11, for the work of reshingling the west side of the Eugenia United Church. Successful tender to supply hrs own scaffolding material and have the work completed by July 1st. For particulars apply to, Mrs. Thos. J. McKee, Sec. of Board of Stewards, Eugenia Ont. ! Boot and Shoe REPAIR SHOP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of the South-East Grey United Farmers' Political Association will be held in the Agricultural Hall in the village of Priceville on Satur- day, June 11th, 1927, at'l.SO p.m. sharp. U.F.O. Co-operative will hold meeting the same day. â€" M. E. Murray, Sec.-Treas. Flowers & Plants Cabbage, Tomato, Pansy Plants, etc, Geraniums, Be- gonias, Coleus, etc. Cut Flowers Grown by G. CUTBUSH & SON, Owen Sound For sale bv W. A. HAWkEN phone 17] FLESHERTON. Orders taken for shrubs, per- ennials, vines, etc. I liave opened my repair shop in the corner of the Wrig-ht Block ; all kinds of foot-wear repairing-. W. L. MORWOOD, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. The easiest month to raise them JULY BABY CHICKS High Quality - Low Price S. C. White Leghorns per 25 $3.00 50 6.00 100 11.50 Barred Rocks per 25 $3.50 05 7.00 100 13.50 JUNE hatches all sold. Intending buyers of July C.-icks wiH do well to order at once. 'Phone or write Sylvester deCudmore FLESHERTON. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNEftAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Klngsdala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. IN MEMORIAM â- " 'TPLING â€" In lovinir memory of or.- dear mothei-, Mary Tupling, who parsed away June 1st 1926. One year has passed dear mother, ri:;ce God called you away. Our hearts were crushed with sorr- ow v'c shall never forget that day How we miss your smiling face Vnd your sweet and loving ways. We shall meet you in Heaven on the Resurrection Day. Sadly missed by daughter, Gertrude. IN MEMORIAM WANTED A sheet for the hed of a river. A set of teeth for the mouth of river. Buttons for a coat of paint. Medicine to keep the ink well. A key for a lock of hair. A boot for the foot of a mountain. A rung for the ladder of fame. The one who hates those of other races is usually a rather poor speci- «r. Toronto Telegrram hu the three' men of his t>wn. Racial prejudice first ones to get permits at the liquor is a mixture of ignorance and intol- stores there. erance. rUPLING â€" In loving memory of my dear mother, Mrs. Mary Tupling, who passed away June 1st. 1926. There is someone who mi'sses you sadly Aiid finds the year long, since you went, There is someone who misses you daily But tries to be brave and content. So I shed a tear that is silent And breathe a sigh of regret •""or you were mine, I remember, Though all the world forget, "'•sep down in my heart lies a picture ji a loved one laid to rest. 11 memory's frame I wiH keep it Because ahe was one of the best, MV lips cannot speak how I loved her, .My heart cannot tell what to say; God only knows how I miss her 'n this world that is lonesome to-day Her life was earnest, her actions kind .\ generous hand and active mind, A->xious to please, loath to offend, A loving mother and a faithful friend. Sadly missed by your daughter, â€"PANSY. The Right Time For new shippers to start is r^g^ht now in the spring' season. You will fihd it profitable if you bring your CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream to us you will be assured the very best grading, because you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we will call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortest time possible, thereby assuring you of Special N>>. 1 grading. \\'e are proving this to our present pat- rons. Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Honest Markdae Creamery Honest Test and Produce Co. Weight AIARKDALE, ONTARIO. PHONE 66 J On Friday the i:?th the stork brou-ht the 13th child to a Windsor ' hom<'. If the stork had as much brains as it has legs it would have avoided that c!;iy. HOUSE OF QIIAI^TY PINEAPPLES PINEAPPLES This is the first week for Pineapples J We have all sizes and our prices are right. GIVE US A CALL W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Fâ€"d, 9Mda. OoowiM antl CvnhttOmtmwv PlesKerton