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Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1927, p. 8

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T mm mmmmm. i^mm^^mm^m m^rap iVEDNESDAY, MAY 25. *27 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE m riUPS HIS BOSS SCOT ACTS QUEER uMot.. Get.. Milk.. From., and la Now In County Jail Under Olwervatlon Cows John Hardy is a huslcy Scotchman land hag b««n in Canada only nine wceloi. For some time he has been iMnployed on the farm of Wesley Fer- >i« of Mulmur. On Sunday evening |he vrtti engaged in the taslc of milking Ithe' cows, when all at once he turned , Ito Mr. Ferris and said, "I can't get iany milk from this cow." "Well re- iplied Mr. Ferris, ''try another one." , IHardy did 30 and repeated his former .jstatement. Then he threw his arras Ijaround the cow's neck and began talk- I :ing irrationally. All at once he turned upon Mr. Ferris with such fury that he almoat tore every stich of clothing off his boss' body. He then stripped himself and bounded through the fields like a deer. Later he returned, apologized to his boss and dressed himself. But before night he ran off again. The police authorities were notiCied and County Constable George Allen cap- tured the eccentric Scott at Lester Bros., farm in Mulmur Township. He was brought to the jail here and i| now under observation. It is thought that Hardy went off his dot owing to lonesomeness and strange condi- tions, he being in the cz-juntry only nine weeks. Some people look slick in slickers and others look like "nick" in knlck- What the Red Cross is doing for the Good of Canada . . . leUeres cues for the Ibr the Veteran Befiienda 3.$00 soldien Kill in hospital sidcnest and need in their fiunilies . . . loldier tetder . . . provides shelcered employment fioc the disabled in diree Veteruis' Woikshops. For the Children Ihtou^ Joniot Red Cross, has aided 9,000 crippled diildien and has pledged over 137,000 sdiool children to practice health haoits and to serve others. For the Pioneer â-  Brings nursing service to those in frontier districts duoojh 39 Ouq>ost Hospitals and Nursing Stadoos. For the New Canadian Welcomes and gives needed attendon to immigrant motfaen and cfaildm at duee Seaport Nurseries. Fbr the Mothers and Daughters In Home Nursing Classes, has taught ptindples of musing diet and home hygiene to over 12,000 women and gida. For the Disaster Victim Is oceanized to affiotd prompt relief to wafEata from &e. flood and epidemic Nation-wide Appeal 1 Canadian Red Cross Society Smd CoBtAatiMe tor Oalail* DhrUlo^ C«â€" <B«b Red CroM Sodety. 41* SbMbMwoa Strati. Teraato %, Oataria Mrs. Tkompson Allen Mrs. Thompson Allen a well known resident of Euphrasia township pass- ed away at her home on May 12th following an illneae of about three years' duration. Although in failing health all spring the end came as a shock to her many friends. The late Mrsi" Allen was bom in Grey township on March 28th, 1864 the daughter of the late James Allen and Jane Armstrong, early settlers of Mono township. She spent most of her girlhood days in the neighbor- hood of her birth until her marriage 29 years ago, when she came to Euphrasia. Hers saw a quiet, indust- rious nature, a kind neighbor and a loving wife and mother, and a lifelong member of the Anglican Church. The late Mrs. Allen is survived by a sorrowing husband, one daughter, (Eva), Mrs. Thos. McCullough at home, one sister, Mrs. Joseph Mc Minn, St. Joes. I's., one brother, W. F. Allen at Allendale. Rev. Charlton, pastor of Clarks- burg Anglican Church conducted the services at the house, which was largely attended. During the service Mrs. Alex. Carruthers and Leslie Mc Mullen and Misses Camithers sang "Pace to Face with Christ my Sav- ior"'. Following the service the re- mains were taken to Orange ville by motor, where interment took place in the family plot in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Rev.J. W. McDonald of St. Marks' Anglican Church conducted the burial service. The pallbearers were Messres Alex Camithers, Robt McMullen, Charles Fawcett, Wm. Semple, Carrol Hum- berstone, W. J. Cargoe. The floral tributes included a pillow, the family, spray L. O. L. 1340 Kimberley, pill- ow, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McMullen, spray, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple, spiray, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr, Orangeville, spray Mr. and Mrs. Alex Carruthers, spray, Home Dept. Kim- berley Sunday School. Singhampton Farmer Died George Allen, a highly respected farmer of the Blind Line near Sing- hampton, died in the G. and M. Hospital, Collingwood on Saturday evening. May 14th. He had been ill for three weeks. Mr. Allan was six- ty-one years old and had resided on the Blind Lane for many years. He is survived by his wife, two son», Cecil and Ross, and three daughters, Mrs. Edward Thompsop, all living in the neighborhood, and Misses Mary and Verdella at home. Mr. Allan was a member of the United Church at Madill. The fun- eral took place to the Union cem- etery, Thombury, the service being conducted by Rev. Young. The deceased was highly respected and his death is the cause of great SIX HILL STORES Wpihqr togaUMT is •rdwtlwl JKlan t efc w ii In the tis coan- •JMMJ matoriaJly b«D- lnaivl<iUBllr. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Stora everyon* insUnet* W*ly auodstM with hi«h{ quality BMrohandM* at th*i fairest potsiblti prile**. F. T. Hill & C0.9 Limited MARKDALE Make some wonderful purchases for their custom- ers seasonable lines of Merchandise, and are sav- ing the people of this locality a lot ot money Circulars have been sent out giving full particulars of many pargains. We would ask our customers to look the circular over very careyully. Bring it along with you. The merchandise offered represents only the production of reliable and dependable manufacturers. That is the reason we sell good merchandise for much less than you would expect to pay. This Big Sale, as an- nounced, ivill continue until closing time on Sat., May 28th F. T. HILL & Co., Limited, Markdtle GETS CHAIRMANSHIP i OF IMPORTANT BOARD! Additional Local Item Hon. Dr. Jamiemn Will Still Serve Hig Native Province in Impor- tant Capacity. BNGA6BMENT The announcement this wceic of the appointment of Hon. Dr. Jamie- son of Durliam to the chairmanship of the Mother's Allowance Board, will be a mattar of great satisfac- tion to the majority of the electorate of South Grey, no matter of what political faith. As chairmftn" of the Ontario Agricultural Enquiry Com- mittee, Dr. Jamieson impressed all members of the board with his bus- iness ability and the manner in which he was able to grasp the various ar- guements. His leadership was apprec- iated by all the members, no matter what their political leanings. And so it will be with the Mother's Allowance Board. Dr. Jamieson, as a business man lias few equals in On- tario. As a humanitarian and a man who has studied the physiology of life, we doubt if his equal can be found. He knows people. And this is the kind of man who is needed at the head of such a conunittee. Though he succeeds Rev. Peter Bryce, one of the outstanding men of the province, we predict that from now on the Mother's Allowance Board will function as never, before and become even more of a god&end to mothers in need in future than it Ka's been in the past. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wallaee, Or«Bg«- ville, announce the engagement o{ The ladies suppose they have H all '2'**' ^"ghter, Wilm« Victoria, to. lover the men when it comes to a con-' ^^'^l **>" *!,"'• ,*»<* ^rs. J. W. cert, but the men think different; time *\''«' Orangeytlle, the marriage to ^U ^]]_ I take place early in June. Lieut. W. £. Tomey is in Owen Sound this Wednesday evening attend- ing the annual Grey Regimental din ner. Brigadier General HcBrien, chief of the general staff, was in at- tendance. ' Mr. John H«nry Weir died on Fri- jday of last week at his home at Glen ' •Huron at the age of 75 years. The funeral took place on Monday after- 1 noon of this week, interment taking' place in Creemore cemetery. Those' from Flesherton who attended were' Thos. and Andrew Gilcrhiat, Mrs. Will ' Johnston, Mrs. W. Wilcock, Mr. and Mrs. Will Moore, Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Mr. Richard Bentham. The late Mr. Weir leaves to mourn his los's his wife and three children. The Advance is indebted to Hon. Jas. Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce for a coppy of "Sbtty Years of Canadian Progreu" a book- let of 170 pages full of facts about Canadian history and industry, and issued in commemoration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Confeder- tion of Canada. The volume rs for sale at bookstores at the remarkable low price of ten cents and is worth much more. PATTON â€" EALES A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilson on Tuesday, May 24th, when Roy Wilbert Fatten was united in holy wedlock to Mildred Irene Bales. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Mr. S. Philbrook, of Toronto, looked very charming in powdered blue georgette with gold lace trimmings, blonde shoes with stockings to match and carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The bride- groom wore navy blue clothes with a nosegay of lilies of the valley. He was attended by Mr. Howard Ritchie of Durham. The marriage was sol- emnized by the Rev. Alfred J. Preston of Norwich. About forty guests sat down to a sumptuous banquet, which had been prepared with great thoroughness and taste. The table wa's beautifully de- corated in pink and white with rib- bons and flowers. The bride cot the first slice of a large wedding cake, after which Rev. Preston fittingly toasted the brie and groom, as alvo did Mr. Wm. Pedlar. The bride's going-away dress was of green canton crepe, navy blue coat, amber fox fur, sand hat, shoes and stockings to match. Mr. and Mrs. Fatten left for their home in Durham, carrying with them the well-wishes of a host ot friends in Flesherton and many other places, as is well shown by the large number of valuable gifts which were showered upon them. READ THE ADVANCE ADVT8. HAS MOUNTAIN NAMED AFTER HIM Considerable interest was aroused at Woodstock on Tuesday by the an- nouncement in the current issue of the Canadian Gazette that one of the peaks of the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia had been named Mount Pattullo, after a famous son of Woodstock, Hon. T. Duff Pattallo, Minister of Lands in the British Col- nmbia Government. Hon. Mr. Pat» tuUo is a son of the late iGeorge Pattullo, who was for 36 years Reg- istrar of Oxford county, and prior to that was the publisher of the Sen- tinel Review. The family is a dis- tinguished one, the late Andrew Pattulo, former MP.P., for North Oxford, being an ancle of Hon. T. D. Pattullo. â€" ColL Enterprise. Small Advertisement 6 FOR 8ALB FOR SALEâ€" A good Range. May be 'seen at the parsonage. FOR SALE â€" Early seed potatoes, "6-weefc" variety. â€" F. CoJUnson, Ceylon. A full line of Clover seed on hand. Secure our prices before buying. â€" Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed oats and good timothy hay. â€" W. J. McFadden, Orange Vallpy. FOR SALEâ€" (New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles, Extras and Clears.â€" W. A. Armstrong and Son. FOR SALEâ€" Tamworth Boar reg- istered No. 2-16,81ftâ€" L. Meg;^ott, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Another car choice Alberta Oats. 1926 crop, 80c per bush. Kindly telephone your orders. â€"A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 2 r 8-1. â€" BULL FOR SESVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Ball for ser- vice. Terms $2, payiAle the first of February, after that date 12.60 will be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Bntterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebteds |6.00. grades (2.00. â€" S. R HAWKINS. Engeaia. BOAB FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog CliA, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agrienlture. â€" CL STEWART, Caretaker. FOR SALEâ€" International 2U h.p. gas engine, also radiator for a 490 Chevrolet ear in good shape. â€" ^Russel Park, Eugenia. ALFALFA SEED-No. 1 Govt stan- dard, grown in Grey county, 112.50 per bushel. Also all other No. 1 Clover and Timothy seed. â€" ^A. C. Muir, Ceylon. WANTEDâ€" About 500 feet of one- inch hardwood lumber.â€" John Wright. Flesherton. IN MEMORIAM ARMSTRONGâ€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. James Arm- strong, who died May 28th 1925. A wonderful mother, companion and aid. One who was better God never made A wonderful worker, loyal and true; One in a million â€" ^that, .nfother, was you. Just in your judgment, always right; Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by your friends and all whom you knew â€" A wonderful mother â€" ^that, mother, was you. Sadly missed by daughters: Jane and Lillian. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed fowl. '.Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- *mery and Produce Company. 31tf WANTED â€" Good quality sweet Clover Seed. Special prices this week. We are also in the market for all kinds of grain. Phone 2r31. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" 2 Ford 1-ton trucks, 1 Ford_ Sedan, 1 four-ninety Chevrolet touring, all in good shape; three oil tanks and quantity of car repairs, also several young pigs. â€" Arthur McKay, R.R. No. 3, Priceville, phone 21 r 6. IN MEMORIAM ARMSIRONGâ€" In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mrs. James Armstrong, who passed away May 28th 1926. We often think of the days gone by When we were all together A shadow o'er our lives is cast Our loved one gone forever. The rolling streams of life pass on But still the vacant chair Recalls the smile, the love, the voice Of one who once sat therfe. When a mother breathes her last fare- well That breath means more than tongue can tell The world seems quite another place Without the iweet 'smile of moth- er"* face. Ever remembered by Husband and Family. FOR SALEâ€" We have a limited number of Light Sussex eggs for hatching, these eggs are from birds which won the medal at the Royal Fair 1926. We also have the R. C. Rock of the heavy laying strain and our pri- ces are right.â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. BOAK FOB SBBVm No. SS-TOM. AJm m jmm >Un pit. bo«h bMOB «yv» te OB^Iot 17«, N.W. T. * bJL, TanB»-|140. â€" T. J. nilUUM. BOAB FOB SERTICB Registered Torkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Blight A^m, No. 99J»H â€" Property of Saogeen Bacoa Hoc Club. Terms fl.OO. â€" C. HINDIS Pwtoa Stetfaa, Lots 168-9, 8rd W.TJ5JL, Artemeite. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICB Registered Jersey boll for servie*. •Sire: £rampton Jersey CoasctS^; Dam: Brampton Petune*s Lady. At Flesherton Livery Stable. ~ STUART. leshertoa. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 68, FLESHERTON General Inanraaee Specialist Real Estate and lavestmenta â€" Inqairies Solicited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristets, etc. OSficesâ€" Owen Sound, Dariiaa *"? Flesharton. Plselierto* evtry Saturday a fternoon and eTenlng. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSSD AUCTIONEER For the County oT Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteod Dates made at The Advance office. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS CARDS MOTORIST MUST STOP An operator of a motor vehicle or motorcycle, who knows that damage has been caused to a vehicle due to his culpability, or due to an accident involving his machine, must stop and give his name, residence, street num- ber and license number to the person suffering the damage, or to a police- man. In case no policeman is in the vicinity, then it is his duty to go to the nearest police station or judical officer. If injury is caused to a per- son, the information above specified must be given both to the person in- jured and also to the police. NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat-j Dr. £. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental urday only.â€" Graham Br os. Eugenia. ' surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto "^ «nd Royal College of Dental Surgeons WANTED â€" Potatoes - loading at Ceylon this week. Get our prices. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon Ont. House fo Let â€" 7-roomed brick < house in Flesherton for rent â€" Apply at this office or to Mrs. McLeod, Priceville, R.R. 2. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at resMeaea Toronto Street, Flesherton. I am prepared to receive offers for the purchase of lots 136 and 137, E.T. A S.R., Artemeeia. If this land is not sold I will rent same for pastors purposes only. For particulars write -J. C. THOMPSON, Cayley, Alberta. HOUSE ft LOT FOB 8ALB la the village of Flesherton, 14- room house, suitable for store or any business stand, in good location, hard and soft water in basement, furnace. Dr. A. Tumball, B.A.. M.B., gn». uate Arom the Facnlty of Msdicla% University of Toronto. Office, Toroat* Street, Flesherton. Phon e 86. Prince Arthur Lodge, 838, A J. 41 A.M., meets la the Masoaie hall. Aim- strong Block. Fl e s h e rt on every rM> day on or before the full moon. Rob*. Down. W.M.; F. J. Thnrrton, Sec. Lncai * Heiuy3utisten, SoHdft* ors, etc., -1. B. Laeas, K. C; W. D. Henry. B.A Offices, Ma^dale Losm Block, Phone S. Branch offices at Dundalk and Dnrhaai. Telford A Bimie, Barriatera, sell* citors, etc Offices, Grey and Bnee two good cellars, lot lias good frame; Block, Owen Sound; Standard Baak bam size 24x30, also good garden, Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W containing in all two lots. For fur- p. Telford Jr., J. F. P. BImie ther particulars apply at this office. . ' ' * • "«»"» HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE. i„7*T* ^*'**l!*' ^"•«' ^"^'"^ ,for the counties of Grey and Simoee. Hereford Bull, Roy Fairfax 6th, No. ?*^ and stock sales a speciality. 56,120, for service at lot 83, con. i.iTerms moderate., satisfaction gttar> 2 N.D.R., Artemesia. Termsâ€" 12.60. '"*y ^ >*de •» the Advanee Office, or payable at time of service. i Central telephone office, FWrenkai^ â€"JOHN DOW, Priceiville. ,or by addrsesing me at Ferwakaau I m

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