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Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1927, p. 6

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•mmmmm r â- Bi OWL-LAFFS do (0» ^tb Ltagktar) Mother; "Daughtw. I believe you -would have been happier If you mar- ked a mau with leas money." Dau«hter: "Dont's worry, mother, We wiU soon have lees." Tho Mfe Insurance coro-peBies oan ,leM hxst wtat yoii are worth at the age •f SO. but they don't eeem to tell the boae. The man looking for trouble never fteeds the aid of glasses. MiSIIiKfS MQIHfRS MAKE IN CABEjF LIITLE OIIES Many mothers give their children solid foods at too early an a«e and say proudly that; their bablea "eat every- thing that grown-up iMsople do." Such a course is almost certain to bring on lttdige»tion and lay tiie foundation ol much Ill-health for the little one. Other mother administer barG>h, nauseating purgatives whlcii in i-eallty irritate and injure the deHcato stom- ach and bowels and at the eame time cause the children to dread all medi- cine. Absolutely no meat sbould be given to a ciiild until It reachee the age of 18 monthi*, and then only If approved by the doctor. For medicine, all strong, dleagreeable oils and powders should be abandoned and Baby's Own Tablets given instead. j Baby's Own Tablet* are eepeciaily made for little one«. They are plea- sant to take and can be given witii ebaolute safety to even the newborn babe. They quickly banish oonetJpar tlon and inddgeetioo, break up oolds and simple fevers and make the cut- ins of teeth easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. CANADA'S NEW INDUSTRY "Wht'ii 1 came to town, twenty years â- go," tald a prosperous man of ample waiEtctxit, "all my earthly posKcseJons were wrapped up in a bandanna hand- kerchief." "And now you own 300 acres of land and that factory on the edge of town?" "Vee." "May 1 aek what you carried in the Ibandanna haadkeirchief?" "Six t^ou6and dollars in cash and ^nds ' The -i.ore powerful the obstacle, the )Bore glory we have in ovtrcoming it. Tiic Ruling Passion â- â€¢lie ie a wooilenheaded guy!" Ex- '•tiiinu-d ol4Jte.-^Plo- Tlio snti«n»^4Sl«ler shouted, "My! 'titli<.<%i'Dy or ZMlpfoT' â- a man stands for Isn't the %hcle thing. What he faDe for also counts. The value of a dollar depends Bome- wbat en who has the spending of it. Last Chance Tliere's always room at the top As the Sages oft remark. When other expedients flop. There's where well have to park. Girl (to druggist): "Could you fix me • dose of castor oil so the oil don't taste!" Druggist: "Certainly! Won't you bave a gtess of soda while waiting?" (She dirinks the soda.) Druggist: "Something else, Miss?" Oirl: "No, Just the oil." Druggist: "But you have Just drunk Oirl: "Oh! It was for my mother." The Rible promisee no loaves to the loafer. 30Days FiPeiifrial Rayon, the Popular Artificial Silk, Now Made in Quebec Of interest in connectfon with the Caniadian pulp and paper Industry is the progress which is being m«de in the manufacture of rayon and othear fabrics utilizing artificial silk, one of Canada's newest, but fast developing industries. According to report CaH' adian Celanese Limited, a large enter- prise which was attracted to the East- om Townships of Quebec in 1926 Is just on the point of production. Thds company, registered in Canada last year, acquired the solo rights for the Dominion of Canada and its depend- encies of the Dreyfus patents and pro- cess for the manufacture of cellulose acetate, artificial .silks, etc. The fac- tory has been in process of erection on a site of 170 acres at Drummond- ville, about sixty miles from Mon- treatl. Great interest has been exhibited in these fabrics in Canada. Artificial silk imports into Canada have been steadily risinj?. Total imports of this nature in the first nine months of the present fiscal year had a value of $4,075,430, as compared with $3,734,- 267 iu the year before, and $2,54'2,562 in the year before that. A market for yarns has been opened, principally with the cotton tnwle, with the result that already cotton mills in Canada are putting out large quantities of mixed cotton "celanese" fabrics. The Canadian knitting industry is Irke- wiso adopting "celanese." In the course of the past year the new com- pany sold over $1,000,000 worth of fabrics and yarns in Canada, and the future is considered bright for the in dustry. DEUGHTFUL HOLIDAY LOCATION ^â- 'l- 'fi , ,;^,: r â- â€¢*S [â- *â- .-> â- ';'"'*H^S tjflj â- â- '% flag^^ WpiKS^U 'T' .''*â-  - â- .,â- â€¢*- -. ' â- ' â- â€¢ \ -â- :".â-  - ,. - • â- -^^â- ^- â-  â-  â- -' l^^-^^'-'^' ' "-"fl Atgonqutn Park, In Ontario, is o ne of the Dominion's charming holiday qpots, particularly for the lovet* of Ashing, canoeing and other aquatic Bportfi. Here a canoeiU»t Is efaown making his way through the passage which leads into St. Andrew's Lake, one of the beauty spots of this delight- ful bolMay resort â€" Canadian National Railways photograph. Its fine qualities jpreserved in the ' modern Alununttm packa^a < REDSPSE REP ROSE ORANGE PEKOE it exira goo<L ^mff We will ship, JfFRIICHT, ' PREPAID**^ No obligation to buy, but if you do, easiest terms areartangcd. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Attnlt vianltd V:h:rc arc fiol ret^tictiitd, iiO frwcdith SoparatorCompan-' UralK t! .'ia NntTc 0»me '^t. \\ Dropped and Cracked. I Sheâ€" "Jim Jones is certainly crn«k- |ed." He â€" "Pi-obablyâ€" his girl dropped ' him." An artist is n person who can en- ! tertain and you in doinff some- thinc that is in itself not particularly interesting. You have to put word.s or musical Founds or pigments or dance Hteps toKetlior in a very spe- cial way to inake them worth listen- ing to or looking at. Ability to write poetry , is a pift, .nnd to tlip buddin;; poet it seems that editors think so is tlie i)Octry. TUS GREAT TONIC RENEWS^STRENGTH Simply Because it Enriches and Builds Up the Blood In no trouble Is delay or neglect more dangerous than In anaemia, which means poverty of the blood. It Is very common In young girls and fn persons who are overworked or con- fined within doors. It makes its ap- proach In so stealthy a manner that It is often weU developed before its presence is recognized. But take? in time there Is a tonic thst sj inriches' and purifies the blood that P".o I health and strength soon oome« to the for- mer weak, anaemic BusiTei-y. This' tonic Is Dr. Williams' Pink PlSe, which for years have been tlie most eucoess- ful blood-builder known, and have credit for restoring to good health thousands and thousands of people who bave suffered from some of the many ailments that come through weak, watery blood. The correction of anaemlo condi- tions by Dr. Will lams' Pink PlUs Is as certain as anything can be. As proof of this Miss Margaret A. Smith, Bur- goyne, Ont., says:â€" "After having a severe attack of jaundice I was left in a very weak and run-down condU tion. I was pale and my nervee on edge. I could not sleep at night and would to«e and turn for hours at a time. I finally decided to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pille, and soon began to feel better, and attef taking a few more boxes of the pills I left as strong aa ever, and could thoroughly enjoy my rest at night. Now, I always recom- mend theee pills to any tnends who may be ailing." Better sleep, steady nerves, Improved appetite, Increased vigor â€" ^all these can bo yours by taking Dr. WUiWam*' Pink Pills. Begin them to-day. SoM by aU medicine dealers, or by matil i>ost paid at 50 cents e box fix)m The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Buslness-LIke Letter received by a London busl- nosfl firm from a correspondent In Japan: â€" "Regarding tlio matter of escaping penalty for non-delivery of the Bar- Machine, there to a way to creep airouiul same by diplamat and we must make a statoment of strike occur our factory (of course big untrue). Please address my firm on enclosed form of letter and be-lleve tills wWl avoid pen- alty of case. As Mr. B. Is most religious and competent man aud also heavily I upright and godly It fears me that use- less apply for his slRuature. Please Httiich aanio by Yokohama olllce raak- ! liiK forgci, but no cause to four of prl- â-  son huppeninK, nw this Is often oper- j aled by other merchants of highest Integrlt.v. I "It Is hlgbetit unfortunate Mr. 11. so gndliUi< and oxcesslv(> awkward for I bu«lii«iis purpose. 1 think much boiler add llltio sorpenlliko wi8<loui to up- right manhood and thus found a K<>od business edllloe." CARRYING IT TOO FAR. It is painful for a live and squirm- ing lobster to be immersed suddenly in boiling water. So decided the mem- bers of the Royal Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals, after careful consideration, in London a fortnight ago. They protested to res- taurateurs against this barl>aric treatment of the inarticulate lobster; sought to discover a more humane method of killing. Last week champions of the oy«ter arose with claims of even greater atrocities. Consider the oyster, said they. First, he (or she) is ripped unkindly from the shell, stuck through the flesh with a fork, dipper in a smarting pepper cocktail, partly mangled by human teeth, squeezed down a narrow canal, smothered to death in the gastric juices of the hu- man stomach. How can oiwlized sen- sibilities stand for this, asked the oys- ter's friends. Could a man swallow a slimy, w:;?gling baby toad and not feel any reaction in his stomach? Edward G. Boulenger, Director of the Aquarium at the London Zoo, a stalwart oyster champion, called at- tention to the following evolutionary axiom: "The higher the form of life an animal has, the more keenly it Buffers." The Nation's Birthday Ring out the joy bells! Once again. With waving flags and rolling drums. We greet the Nation's birthday, when. In glortouA majesty, it cornea. Ah, day of days! Alone It sbaiuto. While* like a halo round It cast, • The radiant work of patriot bands, Staines the bright record of the past. *• Among the nation* of the earth, AVhat land hath story like our own? No thought of conquest marked her birth; No gre«d of power was ever shown By those who crossed the ocean wild That they might plant upon her sod' A home for Peace and Virtue mild. And altars rear to Freedom's God. â€"Mary E. Vandyne. » Are there golag. to be any regrets tomorrow «bout that good meal you're til set to atow away toni«bt. Better take Seigela Synip. Any drug store. Qaasified Advertisenienlfc DOITT BX AN ox WORKING A 1.1. tOOK Ufa. iu teU you htnf to intk« a t^m n auay doUan dottbla and trubt* ovtr aiul ever. Ma tlilr, BO abU(aU«B. Baantlfu!!; lUuitratrd liooUlt tZZB. ATOCASO FAJIK CUOVES. O' Flaflac Aiuds, lUaaiL VtoiUU. Aammâ€"SBfo roa SAUfif bottia of •» B«r Aula and Olast Clcaur and jmposltioa to tika ordcra £ioliiidT« aaUlng rictota dTcB. SaUifactlta (uanntacd. Qm. Whlt«, 13> â- â€¢adirtch St. \T«C WlBdaor. Oat. Qlaas-Maklng In 2500 B.C. The art of glass-making was prac- ticed as long ago as 2,500 B.C. by in- habitants of the Euphrates VaJley, who sold their product, mainly beads and weights made from glas paste, in Egypt. So well pleased were the Egyptians that they soon imported the glass-makers themselves. â€" : â€" ce. Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. There is not a man or woman, however poor they may be, but have It in their power, by the grace of God, to leave behind them the grand- est thing on earth, character; and their children might rise up after them and thank God that their moth- er was a pious woman, or their father a pious man. â€" Norman Macleod. BIAS'NESS. UEAD NOISES. (.'ATARRH. Slmpta tnatOMOC wblcli â- Â«â-¼â€¢ t;«rmaiiait relief / axplabiad frte to any luffarer wntlns Uaaiy IbODUa Andnw"! Bud. Doal, Knt. EnzUnd. The Invention ot keys Is ascribed to Theodore of Samos, 730 B.C. it Worth its weight in gold'* Says Ottawa Matron tAme. Beatrice Charlchoh could not hold pen to tvrite, JVcrvcs completely shattered, health ruined. Now alert, vigorous and strong, she gives praise to Tanlac The two-year ordeal wliich elio Kifled through l/eforoTunluc camo to r permatieril relief, wbk recently de- •orined by Mnie. Ut atrico Cliurltdjois, of 22 Rose 8t. Ottawa. "What I endured in that time ooulj â- Ot be told," she said. "I was so weak iMuJdhardiy walk. My appelilenns poor and my stomach gave no end of uouble. tios and pains would brin^ •D falotug spells. "Mjr nerves were so completi'y •lMtte!«id that I )um|)ed in trii'<, â- very time iits doorl)cll rang. >l^ hmua trambled so that it could t boU ths pen to write my name. ^ t •Iter night I've (one without i ), too DcryoM to lie still for even a icw â- MnenU. Even my housework be* «UM too much for me. calm and itea4* «l flrer. TMltw ii "I tried all kinds of reaieditj In worth its wei#Cibi gbld." Sip two yeare, but can honestly ny Build up |Sur IraiHIl on TMm, iMgkvenemy firrtrMli«lier. It nature's ow« lank made from rooU, t roe up so that I've gained 11 lbs., herbs and teilu. YourdrundatbMit. «»l and vieep fine •Dd bay* Borvcsu OverCanuUioBbotUeswildr^ A man at « restaurant ordered some sausases. After a delay of a con- sidernble time he a.tked the waiter liiow long they would be. "About four Inches," tho waiter replied. Kilamiilud IIMII). 140] Dulliuilt it. 8.1^00 Niirwav MatJii'S «n(l Anit-rU-au Klu\i, 8' ta UT II. SO In 114.00. HoXim l\, 40o to ,M. IIH Ihiirs 40c. Tre« Exptni. Lanili^ip* Archltrcti. Gnrdtnfri tnd Centracton. Writt for Caltloaui. Brobst Forestry Co. r.O U. Nuraerlcd. ToroftlJ PMiit Hill. INI YO-LA U unexcelled for Dyeing and Tinting. Professicnal Dyers use the â- ^\#B*£ Same Ki ndof BJl fta FREE BOOK SENTonREQUEST Tells cooao of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write for I it to-day, mentioning this paper. Ait- dress ImliMnapctis Ci IivdianapoliH, Ind. Cancer Hospital I88UE No. 21â€" '27. War on Rats The war on rats and mice Is gen- erally carried on with traps and poisons. Ferrets and small rat-catch- ing terriers have been very effective. I Nature has also provided some natural enemies among which snakes' are most ! active. These, with the exception of | the one poisonous variety In Canada, j the rattlesnake, should be protected. I Owls and hawks are valuable as de- stroyers of noxious rodents and the servioee of the owl particularly should be reconglzed. The continued destruc- tion of the natural enemies of rats, mice, and gophers Is held to have been largely responsible for the Increase In numbers ot these food-destroying rodents. In oltles and towns control of rats and mice Is largely effected by denying them food and shelter, through the medium of concrete and other rodent-proof foundations, and by sanitary handling of garbage. « _ Beauty and the Spring Clean-Up. "Oh, let's go round by Aylmer: I wouldn't mls9 those flowering shrubs for anything!" â€" That's what all the motorists »ay who travel the roads and highways within fifty miles of the lit- tle town in Klgln Cwmty. All because the town council nnd the householders have worked together to make the boulevard.s something more than a Borlea of grass plots. They have planted uplrea (bridal wreath) be- tween tho trww bonlerlng tho road- way, and when it blooms, the streets are a thUiB of beauty. To bo beautiful a town must, of course, be clean. And May Is the month for tho town t^leau-up. It Is not a dilllcult task If everyoiio does hla part, and It eun mean big things for the town. A better town moans better buHluess and better health; a cleaner town means a better town for the chlklivn. and a luore attractive town for the young pt^onle. UubblsU can mostly bo burut'd, and tho rest col- lected and burled In tho town dump. Vacant lots can bo turnod from un- sightly niilaanecs to garden plots by tho school childwn In competitions prottvoted by business men or the hor- ticultural eoclety, the flowers made into we«kl7 donations for the sick and shut-in at home or Id hospitals, sana- toria, 4t^ while b^tt flowers and vege- tabjif enferM for prlies at the •oiiool HMr. Oiie,o|>JootiT» otvthe ol«u-«p, how- looks to tTinld an4liarml«i^u liay is the diarrhoea fly tliat oiirfM''4«ath to the baby In July; It U tho Urphold fly thst spella s-erious sickneia io nitB; divxls^iirlng th;j suiniper season; eo the AjT'lii May. "Better Itlll one fly In May than a nilUion In August." Covered gnrDage, fly-privvf nrivlea, and flytraps, are the flrst shots In the cam- paign. Every man, woman and chfiil can help by killing every fly they see - especlaMy In May and June. ror all pain â€" MInard's Liniment. ^ The BEST FLOWERS &c. Thousands of Flowering Shrubs, Rose Bushes, Bolwoods, Climbing- Vines, etc. Write for Catalogue. D. SPENCE, Importer 82 COLBORNE ST. TORONTO Tki Charm «/ A Vthtl Skin- cud tkaPmre atced Vnder s in^Blood More than skin-deep lie thoi causes of disfiguring rashes, eczema and pamful Doils. The trouble is impure or impover- ished blood. You can eliminate the cause and remove any trace of un- sightly blemish by taking TRU-BLOOD. The taste Is pleasant and the cost is only $1.00 a bottle. TRU-BLOOD is now obtain- able 3t most Drug Stores. Get yours today. A ^ic^ PRODUCT CHICKS HuaPm/ All that the name implies. From healthy, free ii . . . . '•"K? P«rent floeka. Bredtolsy.^nia and Barred Plymoath Rocks from nationally known atraina. Get more poDltry profits from these healthy, vigoroas. Smith Hatched Chieka. WrtteforctoMlorraSK ONTABIO QUAEinr BAICHBBY ~ IiBadoB,Ortarlo/ HIKERS Take Mlnard'a In your flrsit aid kdt. Fine tor stlft musdes, bruises audi insect bites. PAINS ALL , OVER BODYl Two Mere'Cases of Feauoine III- Bcu Relieyed.b7 Lydia E. Pint ham's VjgOTBMe Compound *' ri Barrioffton, N. S.â€" "I had terrible feeHagSk headaches, back and side ac^Ma.and pains all over my body. I womd have to go to bed every month and nothing would do mo good. My husband and Iny lather did my work for mo as 1 havo two children and T7e Ha'fre quite a hig place. I read in the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Ciimpound, and thcri get a iittTis book about it throuph the mail, ^d my husband sent to Eaton's and got me a tottlo, and then we pot more from the store. I nin fechtig fine now and do my work ar.d am able to po outarciind more. I tf 1! my friends it is Lydia E. Pinl;ham's Veg- etable Comiwuncl that make.'; me feel so well. "â€" Mrs.VirTOR Rich.u'.dson, Barrington, Nova Scotia. Dull Pains in Back St. Thomas, Or.t. - "I took four bottles of Lydia F. riiiJiliam's Vege- table Compound and found great re- lief from tlie dull, heavy pams in the small of my back and the wcakntsa from which 1 Siitl'ercd for iivc years after my boy wa.'^ born. After taking the V^etable C.irr: pound !>nd using Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wr.fh I am feeling better than 1 have for tlia past seven years, nnd advise my friends to take it."â€" Mrn.F.JoHNSON, 49 Moore Street, St. Thoniaa, Ont. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians foc jColds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism I DQjES NOT AFFECT tttE HEART | S^% Accettt only "BjxSL" .whicn contains proven di taady "Bi?*'^ k«M «< l* iMiiittlia -- -- I ot 14 and 1< ioMffa la tt* toM* aaTfe (N|MM«a to Omit) «C MMMtat •! Ml«tt«acM • " "" â€" ' Sat A«tfia whm Barw •t tajrw Omimv «ui \ â- "^m.

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