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Flesherton Advance, 25 May 1927, p. 3

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-V Only Freshlea Good "SALADA" T88 Seml ed air-ti^t, FresK^nd delicious, fliebnoW Isjl Louis Joseph 'V&iico 0971 InterMtional M4^iaa AUAS THE LONE WOLF BEGIN HERE TO-DAY. The reformed cracksman, Michael Lanyard, kno-wns to the police as the Lone Wolf, is attempting to recover the stolen jewels of Evede Montalais, the woman he loves. liner, despite the terrific pace which serpentine line that lay Hke a dead Jales :<et in the cpen country. snako upon the lighted surface of the At about seven they dined from the road. Liane Delomie breathlessly de- ! hamper which, with Liane's jewel manded: "What is it?" lease in its leather disguise of a simple "An old trick," Lanyard explained: travelling bag, constituted all the "A wire cable stretched across the limou.<rii4e's load of lugrgage. Lanyard road, about as high as the middle of passed sandwiches thrnujrh the front the windshield." window to Jules, who munched them He fondled the pistol which Jules while drivir.'^ like a speed maniac, and had handed him: "Now before they with the same appalling nonchaJar-.ce wak'^ up, Julas â€" give her all she's v.-ashf'd them dowu W'th a tumbler of j git!" champagne. Jales released the brakes. They A luminous lilac Iwi'jght view with | were makii-.g forty miles an hour {lie street lamps r.i Ciien when thi' when they struck the level and thun- limousine rolled tnrough the city. . dered past the group. Lanyard conferred v.-ith Jules through! (To be continued.) the window. "By yond the tovn," he said, "you will stop. I think it -.'ould be aJvis- able to have a little engine trojblo." "Very good, sir," sa?d Jules with- out looking round. Then he added ;n a voice of complete respect: "Quite so, sir. What's the idea?" "I presume you sot some valuo on your «skin7" "Plumb crazy about it." "Mademoiselle Delorme and I are afflicted with ths same idiosyncrasy. We want to save our lives, and w» don't mind saving yours at the same time. In a gray car which has been following us ever sin<?e we left St. Germain, is the man who â€" I believe â€" murdered Monsieur le Momte de. BAKE YOUR OWN BREAD ROYAt r "WeU, what of him?" "Have you reflected that, since Du- pont got in after you came home, hia ', Lorgnes on the Lyons express, and accomplice in your household is mo«t:whoâ€" I knowâ€" tried last night to probably one of those who were up! murder Mademoiselle Delorme." at that hour. Who were they?" "And I suppose that, in his big- "Oniy two. The fcotman, Leon, ! hearted, wholesaler's way, he wouldn t CHINA POT BOQ^ ACnvmES RESUME Honanese-armed Fanners Re- ported to Have Captured Nationalists Train. Shainghai, China. â€" Fighting in Chine's civil war is being resumed on several fronts after a long lull. General Chiang Kai-sh^ head of the Nanking Nationalists, is in "con- tact with northern forces ia Anhwei Province along a lane from Pachowfu, north of Lake Chaohu, to Hochowan, on the north bank of the Yangtse River below Wuhu. Fighting has also been resumed In Honan Province, where the Northern- ers have occupied Chumatien, 150 mind making a bag of the lot of us miles north of Hankow on the Peking- Hankow Railway. Liinyard, who met Eve in southern France, where . m„_*u^ „„ „..,;,i he rescued her from robbery at the j *°^ Marthe, my n.-.d An^^,.-,' to-nieht." consisting of the American. Whitaker that Liane Delorme instinctively , P]an k to change cars with Leon and ; peasantry known as th« Red Spears, Monk; his secretary, Phinuit; the lat- ! obej'ed. The woman whom Lanyard Marthe; the gray car wiil pass and acting in sympathy w'th the North ter's brother, Jules, and the Count ; fead seen that momiTi-g coming down go on ahead before we make the shift; 'â- "â- â€¢' - then you, mademoiselle and I follow STANDARD OF QUALITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS HOME-BAKED BREAD IS BEST OFAlL S Wilson Publishingr Company and Countess de Lorgnes. De Lorgnes ; ^5,3 gtairs with the lighted candle en- is murdered by Dupont. Lanyard. I . rather Drecipitately searching Paris, finds the countess. â-  ^'^ ratner precipitately. He learns her real name is Liane De- | "Pardon madame," she ««°7^"red ' and paused. "I was about to knock. , I Marthe hinted at rather than exe- ^no in the touring car, the others in the limousine." "Ah-h!" Jules used the tone of one perceives enlightenment finch ^ '^nrth^tt^ed ' -ted a courtesy and withdraw. Lia^e ' Winding flash. "Marthe and W are Dn^ont, whomheTutlii^-hut the dooT behind her. and reaj^ m on the dirty work, too, eh? I shan^ .;/:- c-lI :_ _...!.,. ,.- ._' I,,.,) tv... 1,^^ ti-omWiTur wi til shed a Solitary tear if something sad lorme and believes she has the jewels, He enters her house to discover the jeiwels, and to death by ^.^^^,1^, .rm^iu uc iv/ui.o -..â€" â€" - - l j 1 ... ^ -^ i.^.- after a terrific fight in which he is ' proached the bed, trembling with shed a solitary tear if something slightly hurt. Liane insists he stay anger. ! ^^^""^^ '^"^ >" **»^.b"^ ^J"'?^'' "You mean to take her with you?"! The jrfan was carried out m a "I did, until this happened." ' suburb of Caen; the gray touring car "And row will vou tell me that tore by m a cloud of dust as Lanyard Dupont knows nothing of year mten- and Liane shifted to the tourmg car tion to motor to Cherbourg ttMiay?" with Jules as driver. "No " .• Disconsolate, Liane Lanyard established himself in the erners, have reached a point on the I Peking-Hankow Railway on the bor- [ for the night. GO ON WITH THE STORY. CHAPTER XVII. THE CHAMPAGNE BOMBARDMENT. The next morninj Lanyard lay !ux- der of Hupeh Pro\ince, in whiLch] Hankow is situated. They are re- ported to have captured a train be- longing to the Hankow Nationalists, killing some of those aboard. Many Nationalists are reported to be cut off between Chumetien and Sinyangchow. The Hankow party's headquarters has been withdrawn to Siaokan, a few miles north of Hankow. Canton, China. â€" Many secret radi- cal organizations were unearthed by the Government to-dav. The leaders Every man f<!els instinctively thai all the beautiful sentiments in t! world weigh less than a single lore! action. â€" J. R. Lowell. City Chapâ€" I say, ia that bull safe Fanner â€" Well, he's a danf sight sef than you are right now. el( this! "You didn't take a vacation year, did yoo'.'" "No, I thooght I| a root. Virtue Is lt« own reward, but vlc«f gets more pobllclty. =^e= â-  I I I â- III! f f I Ibne-SavingWaF I) *" ofBntifll ^' For perfect tinting of dainty under< wear, dresses, etc., the easiest way and by t'ar the best way â€" is the use o( IN THE HOURS OF RELAXA- TION. long, Jules, will ] were ari^sted. The Government an Leon I nounced also that its forces had in flicted severe defeats on the "Reds' in important outlying districts, city is quiet. London. â€" The British Government opening sank down into the- chair. "Now I , tonneau uriously bMded cjid with a single dare not go," she masked aloud. "Y'et ""*'^., problem to nurse. I i niustl . . . What am 1 to do?" needâ€"?" What had her piUow advised yan« "Courage, little sister! It is I who "Five minute?, madame, if he takes Delorme? have an idea." Liane lifted a gaze ^is time about it." Liane was amply able to surprise of mute inquiry. I '^^>' ^^"^"^ ^**y ^''â„¢^ '^'^ '^"*<'"- . u â-  him, and did. | '-V^hat automobile are you using *'"^ ^'> quickly that in thirty seconds will gladly co-operate with the Un-; caught oeneath the arms with rilibon Just use boiiing water: It was without ceremony that she for cnr trip this afternoon?" I 't^ headlights were all that marked jibed States and other nations in ne- : bows to form little sleeves. Bands of' Diamond- dy<vj jo a perfect, "profes- walked in on him at length. I "Mv limousine' for you and me." I its stand. ! gotiating a treaty abrogating the ; lace insertion outline the stiuare-cut ' sloual" job of dyeing, too ; the dniggiat "Well, my dear friend!" she said â-  "Aiid Marthe- how" is she to make! A bend in the road blotted out these ; extraterritorial rights in China, the ' neck, sides and lower edges of the hcs sample shades and simple dlrec- real dye. If tints in coid water, yon know: just dip the garment and itj take« whatever tinge you wish to givti it. A matter of minutes. Real dyes will get such smooth andi , even tones as sliaaie the sireaky,- There conies a time in the busy^ wishy-washy work of synthetic pre-' day when you relax, and it is then : paratious for the purpose! Diamond; that you will desire one of these jye ia original powder form is only- simple and appealing negligee fifteen cents at the drugstore. Do your;' The jackets. A delightfully sacque own diluting. Then dip to tintâ€" and} is the one pictured at the upper left, â-  you'll have an effect tbafs benutifuL]. front and .\nd it you want the tint permanent,- in the centre gravely, halting by the bedside. "»o the kurnc-''" I I'Shts. There was no toil-light visible House of Commons was told Friday yt)u feel able to travel?" i "in the touring car. which follows ; <»» the road before them. Lanyard; by Godfrey Locker-Lampson, parha- "Ti-avel?" Lanyard made a face of is with our luggage." : touched Jules on the shoulder. | mentary secretary for the Foreign rismay. "Are you then in such haste "Who drives the limousine?" ! "Switch off your lights, he said â€" Office. to be rid of me, Liane? "Not at all." Liane found herself a chair and ac cepted a cigaret. "And where do vre go, mademoi selle?" "To Cherbourg, there to f.ike : steamer for New York." Fortunately it was Lanyard's clue to register shock. "But, my dear friend, why Am- erica?" "You gave me credit for having Bonie little influence in tkis world of I Paris. I have used it. WTiat I have \ learned enables me to assure you that | the Montalais jewels are on thedr way to America." I "But if I am to sail for America to-day?" ; "To-morrow, from Cherbourp. at ' eight in the morning." "How am I to get mv passpt-rt vised?" "I have seen to that. Y'ou are no longer Paul Martin alias Andre Du- J chemin, but Paul Delonr.e, my invalid ! brother, still suffering from honorable { wounds susptained in the Great Wiir." | Liane Delomie threw away her i cigaret and ix)se. "You understand, I drove us through th-? Covennes. Mon" we leave as soon a? you are dressed?" ; sieur Monk asked ni# to keep him "PerftTtly. By what train?'; ^ j psndinK his .recurn tj. France." "By no tram. We motor to Cher- : Lar.yard had the grace to keep a ^^ft-'-" ! straight fac?. He no-dJ.?d gravely. She was at the i. wr when Lanyard 1 "You make it all oerfwtlv clear, stayed he.' with, "Oiv.^ moment. Li<; . l-'ttle sistt"' " ane! What atout Dupont?" . j ' .-Here is the plan. At the last statement The woman hesitated, looked aside, ' "^' °f them. Then find a place where j Mr. Locker-Lampson's h't her lio ' i â„¢* *^*" turn off and wait till Leon was made in reply to a member who ' "As a matter of fact, monsieur," i and Marthe pass us." i asked if the Foreign Secretary's at- shc said hastilv "it is the boy who! Jules picked out the mouth of a j tention had tieen called to the asser narrow lane, stopped, and backed into j tion that the United States was will ing to negotiate such a treaty when ever China was prepared to protect American property and citizens. o it. In four minutes by Lanyard's watch, a blue-white glare leapt quiv- ering past the bend, and lay horizon- Lai with the road as the car bored past. "Shoot, Jules â€" follow his rear lamp," cried Lanyard. The car swung out into the main highway. other jacket, which slips on over the ' Hons. For a book of endless itugge*-' head and is held together at the sides '. *lons, in full color, request a free copy with ribbons. .\'o. 1:182 is in sizes 38, j of Color Craft of DIAMOND DYES, 42 and 46 inches bust. Size 38 is Dept. N32. Windsor, Ontario. Treat corns with Mlnard's Liniment. Killing the Goose London Dally News (Lib.): .A.t a conference of the Independent Labor ...^ Far'ahead'the'r^ed'sardonic ' ?*'•;>• "^ '"^, ^'°^°?f^J^^\ * ^"""^^ ''J eye in the i^ar of the limousine leered , 2^ '_°^_the £l-_ should be pja^ed onaJ as if mocking theit- hopes of keeping it in sight. They were swooping down a long grade -with a sharp turn at the bot- ' unearned Incomes over £>')00 a year. ' i What is needed quite as much as a re- I distribution of wealth Is a re-creation I of wealth, and yet that is Uie one torn, when somewhere on ahead, thet^ sounded a grinding crash, the noise of a stout fabric rent and crushed with the clash and clatter of shivered "and suitable for 36 and ;i8 bust: size 12 for 40 and 41i bust; and size 46 for : 44 and 46 bust. View B size 38. re- j quires 1% yards 3:; or 36-inoh ma- ^ terial. View C requires 1*^ yards 32' or 36-ini.h material. Price 20 cents. ; Tha garments illustrated in our \ new Fashion Book are advance styles i for the home dressmaker, and the ; woman or girl who desires to wear grannents dependable for taste, sim- 1 plidty and economy will find her de- ! sires fulfilled in our patterns. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. HOW TO ORDER PATTEBNi Write your name and address plala- ' ly, giving number and size of sucll ' patterns as you want. Enclose 20c ia stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for eacQ number and Diamond Dyes ] Dip to TINTâ€" Boil ioUYE \ SAWc thing which Labor Party resolutions. with uucauny ingenuity, s«;k to wipe address your order to Pattern Dept, oft the slate of possibility; "" "Easy," Lanyard cautioncd- ready with the lights!" Not by lamentations and mournful chants ought, wo. to celebrate the fun- eral of a grood man, but by hymns, for in ceasing to be numbered with Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade- laide St., Tororto. Patterns sent b; ratura niail. -»- We should be scrupulously courts- ; Below, at the foot of the hill, the I "" " 17 3 " T.n.n fW r - ' ^..u^u.uuM.y curte „^â„¢i,L „f „„.f.,o„ .,, =f„;.^,->,„'"'°'^t'»':-' ^"^ "".^.^'^ ".1^°" "''â- ' hentageious to children. As they are treated "Dc ycu feel able to travel?" headlights of another car, standing at some distance and to the right of the roiid, furnished lurid illumination j to the theatre of disa.ster. i Something its nature just then mys- ' tcriou.s, had apparently caused Leon . to lose control of tjie heavy car, so I that it had skidded into a ditch and ' capsi.'ied. Four men were swarming | 'round the wreck. Two were helping' of a diviner life. â€" Plutarch. i so they will ire<at others. mmeTUmidmetOi Dips the Cords of the Carcass in a 7 Rubber Solution !| Siniple mentio-.i of the man was ; moment you v/iil- decide to take Leon **'^ **'"'^'^'" °'-''' *^'*^ *^''*^^''* '^"^^'"*^ *'^f'''i ^â- u""' *- make the wonran wines and ' ^ith vo'j" I gallantry in performing like service lose color. j>' I By the freedom of her gestures, , which was rivalled only by that of her I "Toward evening we wlir let the^*?"^ ^^^ "l"'"^ rewarded by a torrent of .touring car catch up. We will ex- "'^^P"'"'**^'^'^ denunciation, half hys- I change cars with Marthe and Leon, '"''â- '^^''' '""^ '^''*'">' i"f"^-iat^- t leaving the latter to bring on the t limousine while Jules drives for us. , ., ,..„,. , Whatever happens then, we may feel i i*"«"''^-^J^^.,'^'^''*''^"'^'^'./^^""'"8: .sure tli.e touving oar will ge'. ^>ff j figure of Marthe was manifestly un- I'ghtlv '' ' inj'^''"^"- -'^"<1 '" another moment Leon found his feet and limped towartl the others. Lanyard drew attention to a dark For Real L'!tt*-t'i-n-g Refreshment Get' Nipsâ€" deli- cious Peppermint flavored gum •ugar-coated form- in j It was four o'clwk when the ex- pedition for Cherbourg lef. the door . of Liane's town-house. The limousine was leading with Jules at its wheel: , the touring car trailing, with the j footman, Leon, as driver. In St. Germain-en-Laye Lanyard I ftrst noticed the gray touring car. It : stood incongruously round the corner, §t tbs door of a wine shop; the fat- faced man of Ljvns was lounging in the door, suckin" at a cigaret and ' -watcftlng the tratfic. I Lfnyard said nothing at the time, j but Ifcier, when a long stretch of ! Etringht ro.w.^ gave Wm tb« c))&ttO(, verified |jis suspicions by looking back to £«e tti<> gray car lurking not less than a mile and a half astern; the Delorme touring car driven by Leon keeping a quarter of a mile ir, the rear of the limous-ne. Thcs-« relative positions remained appi<oxiinately unchanged during most of the I'ght hours of that long even- iSSUE Ne. 21â€" '87. Mlnard't Liniment for dandruff. Made only from hard Western wheats. Purity Flour is rich in gluten â€" the energy giving and bodv b-jilding food. Purity Flour is best for all your baking and will supplv extra nourishment to the children, in cakes, pies, buns and' PURITy FLOUR Send 30c in stamps for our 700-recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 265 W,itlera Ctnul* Flour Mills Co. Limited Toroalo, Mootretl, Otlmna, Stiui Jobs. y^t Untie Cit^sLai-estHi^hclassHotel Nertk Carolina Avcnae Ocean Btook With aocoiiunodinom for 250 gunn. AU roonu ht\'e private bxha. Two to six room apiircmcnu avaiiiiblc on long or ;hort renn lewo. Amtrimn Plan ConciH Orchttlm A fMture in favor i« the loctoon â€" on • highly resinctod taMdauiai avenue in the center of the rewrt. Ailded to the fli**at«r value built Into th* 1927 Twins- Added to the Improvetnents that every rider wlU welcomeâ€" Prices are lowsr thau ever before. Harley-Davldson Motorcycle stands without a rival par- formance. One ride in our 1927 sid»' car outfit and you wHI declare you never dreamed such a oomfortable rid- IDX combination could be built. Fully guaranteed. WALTER ANDREWS, Ltd. 3H YONaC STREET TORONTO Here you see one of the cords, highly magnified, from a Firestone Gum- Dipped Balloon Tire carcass. The end is unravelled into 15 smaller cords, composed of millions of cotton fibers. Firestone dips all the cords in a robber solution. Every fiber i» aatwated and inio- latMl with rubbw. addbc 0«at strength and anaWiM Hm cords to flax with mhrf. iiiuiii fiiction« Go to year naaiirt Fire- stone DaiJar to-daar. H«wfll provid* tboM "BsllMr Tb«"!,,«e^ wuZ â- afaty and coaaratt* MOST MILES PER DOLLAR ai ,â€" W m li M * WiM&m tbe OalyOwai-XNpiMd Tires m

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