?•"' WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1927 THE PLESHERTeN ADVANCE UGHTNING KILLS SWINE. It ia early to report thunder stomn and damage by lightning, but on Wednesday last a storm of short dur> ation passed over Stouffville to the east, travellinic with a terrific wind. Lightning struck the bam of Fred Johnston, on the 9th concession of Pickering, four miles from Stouffville killing six pigs weighing over 100 pounds each, and stunning three more that have not been normal since. liiiiiiniiittii The hog pen is beneath one of the barns, and the bolt struck the light- ning rod, running down the side of the bam. The hogs were lying a- gainst the stone wall on the inner side from which the rod passes down to the earth, and it 'appeared to have electrified the stonework to do the damage to the swine. The build- ing was none the worse and the pigs gWere covered by insurance, ot which jMr. Johnston will collect two-thirds value of his total loss. PreM Association Meets The Wellington and Dufferin Press Association will meet in Mount For- est on Friday of next week A large attendance is expected. There will be forenoon and afternoon sessions and The Confederate will entertain its confreres at luncheon at the Empress Hotel, in commemoration of its dia- mond jubilee, and of the silver jubi- lee of the present editor. The invi- tation was given and accepted at Shelbume last June. Flesherton Bargam Centre Open 2 Weeks Longer Owing to the splendid way the people of Flesherton and surrounding country have shown their appreciation of our efforts to supply them with the best quality of mer- chandise at low prices, we have decided to continue this bargain event. Better Bargains Than Ever in Boots, Shoes, Men's Furnishings & Clothing Men's Shoes on sale .... $1.00 to $4.95 Men's Tweed 3-piece Suits $10 up Ladies' & Misses' Shoes 25c. to $4.50 Men's Odd Trousers $1.75 up Some Ladies', Misses' and Boys' runn- Men's Tweed Coats, for spring or ing Shoes to clear at per pair ....50c. summer wear $15 Our prices will make you feel like buying- No trouble to show you our goods. J. P. WALTER Successor to Thos. Clayton. Shop open evenings, g SIX HILL STORES ^f^Wuy togathar In order that our customars in the six oom- munitiaa.iiMjr matorially ban - •flit individually. F.T.HILL ACQ., Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Stora avaryone instinct- j iwaly aMociiitas with highC quality marohandiia at the} fairati po*aibWi prica*. barly u B ummer uargams For Thrifty Shoppers Big ShowiK of New Wall Papersâ€" Lowest Prices In Years All the New Spring Wall Pa;)er8 are nov, in stock and wc are very ({lad to tell you that the pri- ces this year arc lower than they have been for years, and wc can truthfully say that the quality we are offering in Papers are not excelled in any market. You will be surpri.wd at the very small out lay for making the home brighter. Come in and inspect our showins. Ladies' DresKc^ $.'>.9S 24 Ladies' Dresses in Silk Crepe and Fugi Silk. Regular prices to $12.50. Special Price 16.95. Ladies Coats $7.95 MILLINERY DEPART.MENT 12 Ladies' Coats in Puiret Twill, Charmlne, Tri- cotine. Serges and Venetians. Regular pricea to 116.60. While they litst, Specil Price $7.05. Vialt our Millinery Department. Everything that ia new In styles and colors. Large asaortnicnt to choose from. LADIES' GLOVES We ftre showing exceptional value in Ladiea' Silk and Chamoisette Glovea in all new shades with beautifully embroidered cuffs, tutn back stylo. Prices range from $1.25, $1.60, $l.m» to $1.96. FANCY BROADCLOTH 65c. A YARD Fancy Broadcloth in all the newest patterns at a Special Price of 66c. a yard. FUCI SILK 79c. A YARD Fovl Silk in all the newest shades, beautiful <|uality. Special 79c. a yard. FANCY RAYON 65c. A YARD Fancy Rayon in plain and striped material, beau- tiful nhades. Very Special G5c. a yard. , CAPS FOR MEN. You'll need a new Cap thin spring. We have them here in all the new Spring shades, styles and colorings. All sisea, $1 to $1.»S, BOYS' BLOOMER AND LONG PANT SUITS- VERY SPECIALLY PRICED, $8.7S TO $10.50 Boys! Here ia something entirely new. A suit of Clothes with a pair of Bloomers and a pair of Long Trousers. These garments are nicely tailored from a light Grey Radio Tweed in a double breasted model. This is a special purchase, and we are offering these garments at an exceptionally low price. Each Suit from $8.75 to $10.50. NEW SPRING STYLES IN FOOTWEARâ€" STYLES AS WELL AS QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES . The most colorful season of the year ia with us. Have you seen the new colora in Footwear for Spring? Wc will be please to show them to you. You will find a fine selection to choose from. Am- ong the new shades we are {featuring are: Blonde, Rose Blush, Mahogany and a host of others. All sises in each line in stock. Prices this year are lower. Come to Hill's for Good Footwear. BUY YOUR GROCERIES HERE â€" WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Garden Scuds, 4 packages for Dutch Sett Onions, per pound Prunes, 3 pounds for 2-Minute Oat Flakes, 2 packages for Good Salmon, 1 pound tins, 2 for .... Canned Pineapple, 2 for Layer Figs. 10 pound box, special .... 2Sc. 15c. Ke. 28c. 45c. S.1c. 8»c. F. T. H4LL & Co., Limited, lllarkdale W. A. Armstrong and Son. FOR SALEâ€" 6 head of yearlint; cattle of good Quality. B. McKenzie, Phone 22 r 6 Ceylon. 3(p>M18 Ball Team Will Ofitnize \ For the 1927 Season! I FOR SALE The baseball season le now at hand' „.t^ ia » 3 j. and .0 .iar there has not been «»y: J£f, ^iJi^ "t' Vif'.'^SL^^ organising of ball teams to continue M> y M«y Hth. - T. J. Sled. Flesherto n the Centre Grey Leape for 1927, of, ^^^ g^g _ g^^ q^ntity «f the Flesherton team has held the cup . timothy Seed-D. W. Adams. Flesh- for the past two years. P^o*!^- ' erton. for a first class team are not as bright 1 ' as they were last year, but neverthe-l ^ full line of Clover seed on hand. less a very good tquad can be turned gg^^^ „„, ^^^^^ y^^^^ buying.â€" out to uphold the honor and «rood)stewart & Sons, Flesherton. name of the champions. The teaml -- has lost the services of their star bat- ] FOR SALEâ€" If ew Brunswick White tery of last year Pitcher Kitchen and Cedar Shingles, Extras and Clears^ â€" his battery mate Akins. Cecil Shier McTavish has secured a position with General Motors at Oshawa and will not shine in centre field for the champs this year. However, there has been added to the roster of the club a former player, who will bolster the chances of the locals for another championship pennant, in the person of John Dow. who starred with the team when they came home with the cup in 1925. Frank Betts at third, Lloyd Wauchope at second. Manager A. C. Muir at short and the big boy. Ken Boyd, at first will again perform in the infield. Len Alcox, who won the cup by his timely clouting in the final game last year, will be available for mound duty. Sparks and Thurs- ton are again available for the outfield and there are several prospects to fill the vacancy in centre field. We may look forward to another good year in baseball here. An organization meeting of the club has been called for Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, when all those interestd in the welfare of the team are requested to attend and lend their support to the boys in their quest for more baseball honors. All players and those wishing to secure a position on the team, are invited to attend. Let all the sports attend this organization meeting. Small Advertisements HOTEL TO SENT AT FEVEKSHAH The property known as the Temper* ance House, Feversham. is offered for rental. Prospective tenants apply ta GEO. WHITEOAK, Feversham Expect Tennis to Boom The annual meeting of the Flesh- erton Tennis Club was held on Wed. evening of last week and resulted in the election of the following officers for the summer of 1927 PRES.â€" Dr. A. TumbuU. VICE-PRES.â€" C. J. Crossley. SEC-TREAS.â€" Miss Mary Patton. ASST.â€" Miss Mary McTavish. Managing Com.--i)r. TurnbuU, Wes Armstrong. Dr. Murray and C. J. Crossley. Social Com. â€" Mrs. Wes Armstrong, Aleda Mitchell and Mrs. H. McCauley Membership Com. â€" Mary Paton, Aleda Mitchell, Mary Cameron and Mrs. E. C. Murray. The club looks forward to a success- ful year on their new courts in the Memorial Park, the building of which has been under the direction of the retiring President, Mr. T. W. Findlay. A drive for new members is to be commenced and the fee for joining is $2.00 for the men and $1.00 for the ladies and those belonging last year will have their payment included in this year's dues. With a little more work the courts will be in good shape and the officers hope to be able to play about June 1st. FOR SALE â€" Another car choice Alberta Oats. 1926 crop, 80c per bush. Kindly telephone yonr orders. â€" ^A. C. Muir. Ceylon. Phone 2 r S-1. â€" FOR SALEâ€" International 2% h.p. gas engine, also radiator for a 490 Chevrolet car in good shape. â€" Russel Park, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" A quantity of black barley, also white for seed, and a- bout twenty bags of early potatoes. â€"Alex W. Miller, R. R. 5, Markdale FOR SALE â€" Oat scalpings, kiln dried Com and other grain always in stock. Also Spring Wheat 'suitable for seed. Phone 2 r 31. Ceylon.â€" A. C. Muir. FOR SALE-^ir head of Cattle, 4 rising two years old and two yearlings â€"Apply to Fred Russell, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FARM FOR 5ALE 160 acres. Lot 24, Con. 10, and south half Lot 2S, Con. 11, Artemesia, must be sold on aceonnt of family being dissatisfied. ROBT. E. G<MtLET, Eugenia P.O. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE. Hereford Bull, Roy Fairfax 6th. No^ 56,120, for service at lot 33, con. 1, 2 N.D.R., Artemeaia. Tem»â€" ^2.50; payable at time of service. â€"JOHN DOW, Priceville. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn buO for ser> vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Sire, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades $2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. CAR FOR SALEâ€" One Ford tour- ing car in good running condition. Apply to Johnston Allen, Power House, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Choice of a four- or a five-section Harrow, also Masrsey- Harris ten-hoe Seed Drill, and a year- old grade Durham Bull.â€" J. F. Collin- son, Ceylon. jALFALFA SEEDâ€" No. 1 Govt, stan- dard, grown in Grey county, $12.60 per buehel. Also all other No. 1 Clover and Timothy seed. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Large field Peas for seed, Canadian '3eauty, reasonably priced. Phone 32 r. 15.â€" E. H. Best. Priceville R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" Clover seeds of all kinds, home grown, government tested No. 1. Get my special prices before buying. â€" E. H. Best. Phone 32 r 15, Flesherton. WANTEDâ€" About 500 feet of one- inch hardwood lumber. â€" John Wright. Flesherton. FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed fowl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Produce Company. 31tf BOAR FOR SERVICE Tamwortb boar f«v service, N«, 2-16.816, on Lot 146â€"147, 3rd ranc« â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr. 27. Fleshertob BOAR FOR SERVZCS No. 92-71630. Abo a yoo^ Yi shire pig, boih bacon type for on lot 176, N.W. T. A &k. Tern*â€" ILOO. â€" T. J. 8TINS0N. HOUSE ft LOT FOR SALE In the village of Flesherton. 14- room house, suitable for store or any business stand, in good location, hard and soft water in basement, furnace, two good cellars, lot has good frame bam size 24x30, also good garden, containing in all two lots. For fur- ther particidars apply at this office. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9M â€" Property of Saugeen Bacon Hoy Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDI.E, Good quality sweet i. ^ Proton SUtioa. TO BE SOLDIERS CAMP AT OWEN SOUND Announcement was made at Owen Sound by Col. G. D. Fleming of Owen Sound that the 22nd. Infantry Brigade, of which he is commanding Officer and Brigadier, will go under canvas at Camp Sarawak, about two and a half miles north of the city from July 5 to July 14, both days in- clusive. It will be the first demons- tration camp ever held in Owen Sound and coming, as it does, during the progress of Old Home Week, when thousands of visitors are expected here will be of added importance. The 22nd Infantry Brigade covers an area as far north as the James Bay to the southern boundry of Grey and Simcoe counties in the south. It con- sists of the Algonquin Rifles from the District of Timiakaming, commanded by Lieut-Col. Malcolm Lang, M.P., taken over from Col. Brodic, 0. C, of Sudbury; the Northern Pioneers, from Parry Sound and Muskoka, comman- ded by Lieut.-Col. Forrest; the Simcoe Foresters, commanded by Lieut.-Col. G. E. McLean of Collingwood, and the Grey Regiment, commanded by Lieut. Col. T. J. Rutherford, Owen Sound. WANTED Clover SeediL Special prices this week. We are also in the market for all kinds of grain. Phone 2 r 31. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. \ EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" Mam- ^moth moth Pekin Duck Eggs 75c for 11; Barred Rock Eggs bred-to-lay, O. .\. C. strain, 50c for setting of 13 â€" Kendall R. W. Hawkins, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" We have a limited number of Light Sussex eggs for hatching, these eggs are from birds which won the medal at the Royal Fair 1926. We also have the R. C. Rock of the heavy laying strain and our pri- ces are right.â€" W. J. Stewart & Sons. Special Sunday Service* The services last Sabbath in the United Church were inspirational. The scholars filled the cente seatis and a junior girls choir occupied the choir loft. The service, as prepared for the occasion, was followed by the pastor. Rev. Jos. Harrower, with an address by Rev. W. W. Simpson, a missionary under the direction of the Shantyman's Association. After de- scribing what the association stood for he eulogized the good mother and her influence. Mr. Simpson is a fluent speaker and in the evening he charm- ed his audience by his enthusiasm and seal in his chosen work. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only. â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. WANTED â€" Potatoes â€" We are loading at Ceylon this week. Get our prices. â€" A. C. Muir. Ceylon Ont. House to Letâ€" 7-roomed brick house in Flesherton for rent â€" Apply at this office or to Mrs. McLeod, Priceville. R.R. 2. 168-9, Srd W.T-SJl^ Artemeain. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey bull for servic*. Sire: Hrampton Jersey Coaacrij^t; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. At Flesherton Livery Stable. --J. STUART. Flesherton. Out S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 63, FLESHERTON General Inanrance Specialist Real Estate and Investments â€" Inquirieo Solicited â€" . BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barriaters, etc. Officesâ€" Owen Sound, Dorham and Flesherton. FleshertoA ovcvy Saturday afternoon and evenint. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNOALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER , For the County of Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental vice. Terms $2, payable the first of surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto be chSd '''' **•'* *"•'" *'» -<»Roy.l College of Dental Surgeon o' Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, J'lesherton. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. 15c BABY CHICKS. 15c From oMr large White Leghorns from June 1st, and weekly thereafter, at 16c each. Orden to be In three weeks before delivery date. Our Leg- horns average over four lbs. each and lay large, white eggs, and plenty of them. HENDRICK'S LEGHORN FARM. Box S4. Hanover, Ont. TENDERS WANTED DR. ALMOND COMING Dr. R. Almond, the noted eyesight specialist of Toronto, will be at the Park House, Flesherton, on Saturday. May 14th. Good advertising has two important uses â€" the creating of new businen and the maintaining of old. Many have neglected the latter, to their sorrow. The repeated use of the lo« cal papers such ai The Advance is • food corrective. Dr. A. TumbuU, B.A.. M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office, Toront* Street. Flesherto n. Phone 88. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A.F. A A.M.. meeU in the Maaonic hall. Ana- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. Robt. Down, W.M.; F. J. Thurston, See. Tenders will be received bv the i ^"*" * HenryArtisters, Solieit- undersigned up to and including i ^"> •*«•• -*• ". Lvcas, K. C; W. Di. Thursday, May 19th, for the construe- 1 Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale LacM tion of the concrete abutments anii Block, Phone 2. Braneh offtcea at floor for a steel bridge, or as an alter- j Dundalk and Durham. native, for the construction of a re-' â€" â€" â€" _^_^__i_ inforced concrete beam bridge on lot ' Telford & Birnio, Barristen, soll- 7. Con. 4 ai d S, Euphrasia Township, 'â- citors, etc. Officea, Orey and BrtiM near KlmberJey. j Block, Owen Sound: Studard Bank Plans nnl specifications may be Block. Flesherton, (Satwdays). W» seen at thi Engineer's office. Court P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Birnie House, Owen Ground. 1 __________ The lowest or any tender not nee- Wm. Kaitting, Ltscenaed Anctioneor o.>-sarily »«> pled. ; for the eoantiea of Owy and Stncoa. Tend.-'ri mist be accomotnied ty Farm and stock salea a apedality. a Guaranty Company's Bid Bond fvr Terms moderate., satiafaeUoa nw* lO'/r of • ho Muunt of tende;'. ^ay be lade at tbe Advaaea Offlea. « â€" R. C. McKNIGilt', Central telephone offiea, FtevwAaa, i:it:ir>«i for Euph-.)>U Tnp or by addneaiac mo al FtranlMnk