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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1927, p. 5

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THB-FtSSHBRTON ABVANGB WEDNESDAY, MAT 11. 1927 The Personal Element in Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldness of printed blank forms and the human element for whose use they are de- sigrned, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Standard Bank, through the members of its staff, is anxious to U3e any opportunity that arrises to demonstrate its value in offering personal advice on financial matters. The local manager of the Standard Bank will be glad to give intimatecounsel upon money :'/.2.::'rs pertaining to your business. STANDARD BANK OP CA2«AX>A. FLESHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batty, Manager i I I I I ! i I i i i i ! Daniel SttUivaB Femi Dead en His Osprey Farm CPJL TIME TABLE Special Meeting of Council ! After being missing from htj farm i on the lOth line of Osprey from Mon- day, May 2nd, Mr. Daniel Sullivan was found dead in the bush on Sunday morning. I The deceased has been living by j himself on his two hunderd acre farm jon the 10th line, Osprey, and waa (Unmarried. After having failed to I see for some days neighbors be- * came alarmed and search parties were instituted on Saturday last to search } for the missing man. Sunday mom- I tng he was found lying beside a log in i his bush with his axe beside him. The ' coroner. Dr. F. T. Bibby, of Flesher- ton was summoned and on his exam- ination prounounced death to be due from heart failure, there being no trace of foul play or any other caoae of death discernible. The deceased had apparently been in good health up to his disappearance. It is supposed that he was intending to chop wood in the bush, when he became weak and oat on the log to rest, death overtak- ing him suddenly. The late Mr. Sullivan was seventy- five years of age, was unmarried, and I leaves behind him three brothers and W.G.AIister Honored by | Osprey Milling Company I Mr. W. G. Alister of Feversham, secretary of the Osprey Farmers' i Milling Co. for the past thirty-six i years, was recently the recipient of â-  a fine chair, given by the Company | for his faithful work in the interests of the Company. The following is the address: Mr. Geo. Alister:- ; Dear Friend:â€" We, the Directors of ' the Oiprey Farmers' Milling Co., have called on you this evening to tender ' you our heartiest congratulations on . reaching your seventy-fourth year. ! As a token of our appreciation of • your faithful services to our Comp- j any as Secretary-Treasurer for the pait thirty-six years, we ask you to accept this chair with our best wishes 'â-  that you may be spared to enjoy it for many years to eome. Signed on behalf of the Osprey Far- mers' Milling Company, Fred Spofford, John A. Hudson and Ernest Hawton, Directors. A special meeting of the village two sisters. Mr. James Sullivan of ' Council was held in the town hall on ' Osprey is a brother. The funeral Trains leave Fteshert(m Station aa follows: _ _ Going South Going North J^fg^day evening. Councillor Phillips wsa held on Monday momin? and S.08 a.m. 11.52 a.m. being the only ab3ent member. took place to the Roman Catholic 4.10 a.m. 8.53 pjn. j Richardson â€" Freeman â€" That the cemetery at Creemore. 8.31 p.m. 4.33 p.m. first meeting of the Court of Re- m. _ :i- .1â€" . E<i..k.^^- .. ! vision for 1927 be held on the 6th of The mMls clese at Fle.herton aa^^^^ i927.-Carried. foUows: For the north at 11.00 a.m. j Helton â€" Freeman â€" That Muth at 3^ â- oath mail closes at 9.00 p.m. previous evening. For morning train ; Department of the the Highways be com- ' W. I. Officers Re-elected Local and Personal municated with as to whether they i J^t,5^^"i^ «1^^°" °^. ''"'"" "^ will supply calcium chloride for the "»« Flesherton Women s Institute provincial highnay through this viU- -\^!!^ ** ^'^ '^^t^.^.^T^^i.^' age, and also supply for county-pro- I vincial streets at a price, and if so, I what price for ;he latter. â€" Carried. j Welton â€" K -hardson â€" That the Miss D. Thurston of Toronto vis- : Orangemen of L.O.L. 2855 be given a ited at her home over the week end. { free hand to go ahead and celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen '1:^ ^If ,* "l •'"ly- »°'l ^^ «>» Co?"" Sound visited with friends in town : "» '"^ lend ass isUnce by decorating over Sunday 1 ^^^ streets, to the extent of ten ropes j of i>ennants, etc., providing that the Dr. and Mrs. C. Ottewell of Tor- 1 celebration is proceeded wih. â€" Car'd. onto paid a flying visit to their par- OKE â€" PARTUSHEK ents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griffin spent Mother's Day with the latter's moth- er Mrs. Wm. Wilcox. A ''Small Advt." inserted in the Advance will sell your produce, etc. with ao effort on your part. Mr. Jas. Lever of Markdale gave The Advance a very pleasant call on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thistlewaite have returned to town after spend- ingthe past year in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Mr. Alfred Thiatlethwaite has pur- chased the residence on Spring street, which has been owned the past few years by Mr. John B'.ackbum. Mr. Geo. Shannon of Vandeleur last week moved his household goods to his new home in town recently pur- chased from Mr. Alf Thistlethwaite. Mr. Reg Hutton of Detroit motored over on Saturday and spent the week | with his family, and will commence his , end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. ! ministry here on the 22nd of May. Hutton, east back line. Mr. "and Mrs. Oliver Smith and Messrs. Wm. Noble and Roy Gibson snd Mr. and Mrs. Hazen and babe of the home of Mrs. H. Wilson on Wed- r.>sday afternoon of last week. May 4th. The following were electinl for the ensuing year: Pres. â€" Mrs. 0. W. Phillips. Vice-Pres.- Mrs. T. W. Findlay. Sec.-Treaa.- Mrs. E. Best. Director â€" Mrs. H. Down. The financial report was read and shows the Institute is in a very flour- ishing condition. The rece-pts for the past year totalled $258.49 and the expense^ amounted to $123.80, leaving a balance on hand of $134.69. W. G. THOMAS DEAD After a brief illness Mr. W. G. ' Thomas, a former resident in this vil- ' lage, passed away in Owen Sound hospital on Saturday, May 30th, 1927, â-  at the age of 78 years. The funeral i took place from the home of Mr. Wm. ' "Bajsett in Owen Sound on Tuesday of i last week to Markdale cemetery, ' where the remains were laid to rest beside those of his first wife, who pre-deceased him several years ago. Hij second wife, widow of the late John Foster, passed away a couple of ; years ago. The late Mr. Thomas ! was a shoemaker and was in business j here at different times during the past 25 years. He is survived by one daughter. â€" Markdale Standard. [The late Mr. Thomas was well ; known in Flesherton,, having lived here a few years ago while in the j employ of Mr. Thos. Clayton.â€" Ed.] New Repair Shop to Open On Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the United Church, Warren, Ont., the marriage took place of Lyla Jane, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mr. W. L. Morwood has leased the Partushek, to Rev Charles Clare Oke, ' corner room in the Wright block in jroungest son of Rev. and Mrs. J. H. '. town and will open up a boot and Oke. Toronto. The service was sol- shoe repair shop about the last week emtiized by the groom's father. Miss in May. Mr. Morwood's home is in Edith Montgomery was at the organ : Markadle. but lately he has been in and the bride's sister. Miss Marg- ; Falls, where he conducted a aret sang the bridal hymn. The bride repair shop. He also has been in the and groom were attended by Miss same business in Ceylon and Fever Hazel Oke, Toronto, and Mr. Chas. sham. C. Partushek, North Bay. Rev. and Mrs. Oke after Conference will be at the parsonage. Port Carling, till end of June. .\TTEND1NG CONFERENCE New Baptist Pastor Rev. Jos. narrower is attending I Conference in Toronto this week; the ' services on Sunday will be taken by ; Mr. R. J. Woods of Corbetton. who Rev. M. Saunders, the new pastor is always welcome in Flesherton. of Flesherton and Rock Mills Baptist j churches, will arrive during the week ' WARNING i - . , Warning is hereby given that the I Servicer as follows: Flesherton, 11 a. trees on the publis streets must not j m. and 7 p.m.. subject, "The New be cut down or damaged in any way, Testament Church"; Rock Mills, 3 p. without permission from the Council By Order of the Council. Owen Sound were veek end visitors •with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mi^s Mabel Parslow of Holland Centre and Helen .Alton of Markdale were guests over the week end of their grandmother. Mrs. W. Wilcox. Work on the widening of the Pro- vincial Highway between Markdale and Flesherton ij progressing favor- ably at the Markdale end and is work- ing south. The Ladies' .A^iti of the United Church of Ma.xwell will hold their an- nual garden party on Friday, Jnr.e 24th. Watch for further particu'ars later. Mcssi-s 0. Revill of Toronto and G. E. Gerow of Noriiiandale, Govern- ment employees, were here last week depositing trout in several streams in this district. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Raymer and little daughter, Donna, of Burford were visitors with Dr. and Mrs. Mur- ray last wee. Kev. a;iJ Mrs. Lowndes parents of Mrs. Raymer, accompanied them back to Burford for a visit. The storm early Tuesday morn- nig caused quite a disturbance on the hydro and telephone lines. It Was impossible to reach any near- by town by telephone and some towns were in complete darkness. Messrs. G. L. Armstrong, Leight and Archibald of Toronto and Messrs. Tompkinson, Hawkins, Collier, Smith, Wellein, Meedlcs and Morley of Kit- chener were the guests of the Mun- ! shaw House over the week end, while ; on a fishing expedition here. Mr, C. T. Batty last week moved in- to thet new residence on Toront street owner by T. J. Stinson. The house ' has been fitted up inside with all the j modem conveniences of a city res- | idence and beside its anpearance is ! a real asset to the beauty of the vill- j age. I A fine thunder storm on Monday ' morning and the resulting warm atmosphere the remainder of the day assisted the grass and grain crops to jump ahead The season right now is ahead of that of lajt year. Quite a number of the farmers in this dist- ' rict have finished seeding and a few ' days of good weather will see others I finished. I m., "Launch Out into the Deep"; . Children's sermon, "The Cow that Started a Fire." .A hearty welcome ' to all. Come and worship with us. ' Durham's population is now 16?4. a gain of one over last vear. FLESHERTON BARBER SHOP â€" ^ â€" â-  â€" ' . First Class Barbering Carson St. John, a 50 year old farm-! er who lived near Beaverton. recently ! VISIT THIS BARBED SHOP AND had his thumb cut slightly and died of blood poisoning a week ago Sun. FLOWERS AND PLANTS ! For all kinds of Flowers and ; Plants, Dahlias and Gladioli bulbs, at I W. .A. Hawken's Store, Flesherton. RECEIVE A FIRST CLASS HAIR CUT OR SHAVE. QUICK SERVICE WITH ENTIRE SATISFACTIO.X. G. H. WRIGHT, Prop. DEPENDABLE Used Cars Buy Where Values are High and Prices are Low Baby Grand Touring â€" Had wonderful care; no better value available. Chevrolet DeLuxe Touring â€" A snappy car in real condition don't miss this one. 1923 Ford Touring â€" ^well tir- ed, good mechanical conditon, a good buy. 192S Chevrolet Coach â€" The best used car value on the Market W'e have a few other good values. Call and see them. YOUR SUMMER COTTAGS ^4t it as Attractive Inside as Out? f^.AKE your sum.-ner cottage comforuble and home-like with G>*proc Fireproof partitions and ceilings. At small cost the whole interior may be transformed into attracti\-e, coey rooms. Write for fr« booklet â€" -yiy Home." Ii will lell yoa bow Gynroe. Rocboard Gy:»um Icsulaiinc Sbeuhinf and liuulex will tcdnce your fuel baifroai 30 -.o Wfi. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM Ca, UMrFEO. PARIS. CANADA U] GVT]RPC For Sale By Frank Duncan . - - - Flesherton, Ont. BORN TURXBULLâ€" In Durham Hospital. ; on Wednesday, May 4th. to Dr. and Mrs. Tumbull. Flesherton, a daugh- ter. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Harry Wilson announces the engagement of her daughter, Mil- dred Irene to Roy Wilbert Patton. son of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton of Flesherton. The marriage to take place the latter part of May. A Few Lines Going at Great Reductions Children's Canvas Running Shoes, pair „..« 50c. Women's and Boy's sizes, 1 to * ~ . 75c. Women's and Children's Button Boots, per pair „ 50c. Prints and Galateas, per yard „ 19c. New Ginghams, 32 in. wide, per yard „._.-.._â„¢..._„„™ 29c. New Chintz. 3 in. wide, per yard „„_. _~._».ik_ 29e. Sheeting, per yard _ 50c. Overalls, regular $2.25 to clear at ~ $1J6 Men's Work Shirts, regular $1.75, to clear at $U9 Com Flakes 10c. Clark's Soups _ -..„.... ..„.._ „..â„¢ ..„ 10c. Pork & Beans, 2 cans for „ 25c. A. WATSON Wright's old stand, - Flesherton •PHONE 60 PIANO TUNER HERE .\n authorized piano tuner of the Gerhard Heintzman Piano Co of To- ronto will be in town for the next few days. .All makes of pianos tuned and repaired. Don't miss this opportunity to have your piano tuned by a competent and experienced fac- , torj' tuner. Leave orders at The .•Advance office. â€" T. W. Smith. j Advertise in The .Vdvance Q) Modern inventions, closer work for the eyes, increas- ed eyestrain. This b "The -Vere of Eyestrain."' il© W. A. Armstrong OPIOMETRIST Eye Specialist FLESHERTON, Phone 13w KENNEDY'S GROCERY MEN'S WEAR ^[en's Fine and Work Shirts ^ 98c- up. Men's Overalls, good \veig:ht $1.50 up Xew patterns and styles in Men's Caps $1.25 up Men's Hose SOc up We also have a good line of Men's Ready-to-wear Suits and Top Coats. â-  „ 2 packages Macaroni 25c. 3 Boxes" Matches 29c 3 tins Corn, Peas, Tomatoes or Fumpkitf 43c. 3 boxes Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes 29c. 2 lbs. Tapioca 25c. W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 IIIIBlBliliM^^^^^^^^ mm NEW House Furnishings MS .\t this sca-;on of the year, just after house cleaning, one naturally thinks of new house fiirnishing's. Our stock is well equipped to serve you. Wall Papers For Bedrootns, Kitchens. Halls. Living Rooms. Parlors and Bath Rooms -Ml this season's patterns. Prices from Sc to bOc single roll. Curtain Material D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON. ONT. S^Mims. Bungalow Nets, Frilled Muslins. Madras. Marquisettes. Prices 18c to 75c a yard- Cretonnes. Chintz, and Sateens in new colors and striking de- signs. Prices 25c to 75c vard. Lace Panels in new designs. 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. Window Shades Plain and duplex colors, insersion or lace trimmed. Prices from 75c to $1.75. If you need any special sizes let us figure on your requir^nents- Our prices are reasonable. Kirsch Curtain Rods inynents- \ Brass E^xtension Rods. Door Rods. Bay Window Ro^s. Round Rods, Double Rods, Side Drape Rods. Floor Coverings Yard Vide Linoleums $4.00 running yard. Floor Oilcloths bOc square yard. m Congoleum Squares, Gold Seal quallir. new 1927 designs, 9x12 S14 7S I 9x10'/. $12.50. 9x9 $10.95, 9x7.^ $9.25. 9x6 $7.50. i H. W. HICKLING, Flesherton iiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^^^^ ^ â- â- tti

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