â- P»i""«WWi otmrn- Htm IWEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1927 THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE SALES j NASH j SERVICE 27 Different Models THE SATISFACTION YOU GET IN AN AUTOMOBILE DEPENDS ON THE VALUE THE MANUFACTURER BUILDS INTO IT. a; in COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT CARS WILL CON- VINCE YOU THAT NASH OFFERS THE GREATEST VALUE. NASH LIGHT SIX 5 FaasenKer Touring |1,305 5 Passenger 2-door Sedan ....z 1,386 6 PassenKer 4-door Sedan » 1,475 2 Passenger Business Coupe 1,385 5 Passengrer 4-door DeLuxe Sedan 1,560 NASH SPECIAL SIXâ€" Prices from $1,650 to $2,585 NASH ADVANCED SIXâ€" Prices from $2,075 to $3,180 Geo. F. Brackenbury PHONE 6 1 FLESHERTON. ONT 8. S. NO. 8, AHTEMESIA TENDERS WANTED Sr. 4 â€" Marguerite Fisher, Beat- lice Boyce , Hazel McKee, Lewis Fisher. Jr. 4 â€" Everctte Fisher, Grace Hopps, George Badg^arow, Melville Boyce. Sr. 3â€" Mabel Black, Mildred Boyce equal, Robert Sheardown. Jr. 3 â€" Dorothy Badgerow, Minnie Lougheed, Bob Skinner, Grace Phillips Sr. 2 â€" Wilbert Fisher, Bert Hopps Delbert Fisher, Roy McMullen. Jr. 2â€" Ernest Black, Stewart Black, Clara Boyce, Herb Blakey, Mary Blakey, Clifford Taylor, John Blakey, John Skinner. Sr. 1 â€" Bobbie Meldrum, Florence Boyce, Vern McMullen. Jr. 1 â€" Carrie Skinner. Pr. â€" Mabel Blakey, Louise Boyce, Myrtle Croft, Gracie Jamieson, Marg- aret Lougheed, Marjorie Pedlar, Ber- nice Plantt. â€"JEAN CLINTON, Teacher. i There are worse things than a car The F. T. Hill and Co. store in 'that won't start; for instance, a car Meaford is receivina; extensive alter- Tendera will bi received by the that won't stop. ationa, undersigned up to Tuesday, May 17th, ~~ ' ^ , , ,- . . ^^ . for the purchase ( f the former Meth- A very fine Community Hall was Durham* new Presbytenan Church odist Church, inclr ling seats and fur- [recently opened at Clarkabursr by was formally opened on Sunday of nace, purchaser t) remove building ' Hon. J. S. Martin. last week, from lot and clean grounds after. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. â€" F. P. REILEY, Sec. Board of f^iewards, Priccville. De Laval Cream Separator THE I FLESHERTON ADVANCE The Late J. J. Kaitting Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price ID Canada, $2.00 per year, ^rlkan paid in advance $1.50. In 10.8. *> 1f?..5Q per year, when paid in advance $2.00. m. H. THURSTON, - Editor EDITORIAL NOTES On Wednesday, April 27th, there i passed away at Feversham a well- ' known and highly respected citizen I in the person of J. J. Kaitting. His \ death came suddenly, he having con- ' tracted pneumonia, and despite the bejt care and attention passed to the Great Beyond in a very few days. Mr. Kaitting was a carpenter and _ was very well known. He took great â€" interest in municipal affairs and will i be greatly missed by all who knew ' him. His father, William Kaitting, who was of United Empire Loyalist stock, died when Mr. Kaitting was 4 years of age, and his mother, Susannah Shore, later married Andrew McGirr of Feversham. The deceased was born near Thistleton in York township on March 22nd, 1848, but spent the most of his life in the United States. In 1874 he was married to Agnes Davidson, who pre-deceased him by one year and eight months. .'\bout five year.5 after their marriage the couple moved to Forestville, Mich., later moving to Mindcn City and then A Lo3 Angeles man found a $5 bill i *» Port Huron. Thirty-five years while turing over the leaves of the ' "K" they returned to Canada, and family Bible, and it would seem that ' settled on their farm on the 12th of wives require warning that the old | Osprey. Some years ago they mov- hiding place can no longer be depend- I ed to Feversham, where they have ed upon. ''^'«J ^'"'^e- • • • There are left to mourn their loss A new paper made its appearance t*'° daughters, (Ada) Mr^. G. H. in Cirey County la.st week, the Chats- i ^^rke, and Qneenie of Riverv.ew, also ^worth Banner with Mr. G. W. Collins t^^" ^ons, W.ll.am of Feversham, and Guy of Calgary. One daughter Most of the towns and villages are using stop signs at their main street intersections. We believe that Tor- onto is the only city in Ontario that doesn't use this s>3tem of traffic con- trol. • * • The $50,000 swimming race will be off the Toronto exhibition grounds during th? world famous exhibition this fall. Ov/en Sound failed to secure the race, but they benefited consid- erably irom the advertising in con- jiection with the affair. EUGENIA PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" Reta Genoe, Patty Morgan and Irene Martin equal, Hilda Gordon, Glenn Pedlar, Enid Gordon. Jr. 4 â€" Gladys Williams, Melrose Campbell, Victor Campbell, Gladys Fawcett, Kathleen Pedlar. 3rd â€" Lucy McDonald, Evelyn Rowbotham, Belva Genoe, Lloyd Ge- noe, Annie Laughlin, Bill Laughlin. Sr. 2 â€" Argyle Martin, Bemice Campbell, Isobel Rowbotham, Teddie Campbell, Teddie " Dixon, Vernice Fawcett. Jr.2 â€" Herbie Fawcett, Annieta Turner, Hugh Laughlin. Sr. Pr. â€" Freddie Partridge, Elma Dixon, Percy Graham, Lottie Graham. Jr. Pr. â€" Jean Tudor, Lillian Plantt. No on roll 33. â€" M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. Seed& Seeds Seeds ONLY RENNIE'S NO. 1 SEEDS HANDLED AND PRICES ARE BELOW THEIR CATA- LOGUED PRICE. SEE THE SEED BEFORE BUYING ANYW^HERE. Why use an old, worn out Sep- arator. Give your cows a chance to earn more money for yoa by getting a new De Laval. Come in and let us demonstrate it to' you. We have Sep- arator Oil and Repairs. CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL of Chatsworth as editor and A. E. Oolgan and .Son as publishers. Since The Nij'vs ceased publication at 1 Chatsworth the citizens there have felt the need of a newspaper, and now that it has been started we wish the Banner success along the thorny paths .of iournalism. Motorist.; who own closed cars should warn their pas ^^enIrers not to lean against t!io doors. In a luim- 1 ber of occasions people have fallen j out of auton)obile.i with more or less serious rcT.ultii because they loaned 1 too heavily a';ainst the doors. One] young lady was hurt very badly i when her fri'vul took a sadden turn, i The door ax:>if; 't whirl', she was lean- j ing flew oi)en and .she w.i.s thrown into the road. The m'jtorijt should remember that he is responsible for the safety of his passengers. The stone and .^and plant at Dur- ham commenced operations la.st week, and the prospects for a profitable yr. arc bright for that firm. (Alberta) Mrs. Irvine McKeown, died four years ago. I The funeral took place from the residence of his son, William, Fever- jham, on Friday afternoon, April 29, at 2 o'clock, the service being hold in the Presbyterian church. Interment took place in the church cemetery. Rov. Mr. Smith of Toronto officiated, as.sisted by Rev. Mr. Dean of Fever- .sham. Floral tributes were as follows: a pillow from the family; spray, Mr. and Mr;. G. Mitchell, Flesherton; a wreath, Irvine McKcown and family, Duncan; spray, Tom .ind Hugh Dav- idson, Detroit; spray, Gaylord Kaitt- ing, Dolroil; wreath, the family of the late William Davidison; spray. Misses Frankie and Ella Shore, Calc- don F^nst; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. R. Pew.ibury, Toronto; spray, Mrs. Wni. Poole and Miss Izard; and a spray from the Feversham boys. Those attending the funeral from a distance were; Gaylord Kaitting of ( Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dewsbury, [Toronto; Wm. Davidson, Collingwood; John Thomp.son, Agincourt; Mr, and Mrs. McDougall, Nottawn, and Mr. Chris. Thom.sonof Stayner. Sr. 4 â€" Jackson Stewart, John Mc- Millan, Kendal Stewart. or. 3 â€" LaVerne Piper, George Jaynes, Stella Marshall, Jennie Ches- ney, Hilda Genoe. Jr. 3 â€" Stanley Hunt, Mil. Piper. Sr. 2 â€" Frances Collinson, Dick Stewart, Katie Stewart, Lloyd Archi- bald, Eddie Genoe. Jr. 2 â€" Olive Marshall, Nellie Ge- noe, Margaret Collinson, Alex. Mar- shall, Orton Leslie, J. P. Stewart. 1st Class â€" Sherman Piper, Mabel Haw, Laura White, Joseph Chesney nnd Harvey Archibald equal, Jean Marshall. Sr. Pr. â€" Goldie Kennedy, Marjorie Duckett, Mabel Adams, Fern Leslie, Murray Marshall, Agnes Chesney, Laurie Genoe. Jr. Pr. â€" Harold Gibson. No on roll 3f.; av. att. 34. â€" Mary R. Stewart, Teacher. W. A. HAWKEN FLESHERTON, ONT. HARNESS PARTS GOOD QUALITY HARNESS PARTS ON HAND. Cream Shipping Station Store closed every eve. but Wed. & Sat. A. E. HAW, Ceylon The C. N. R. has placed a mixed train on the Durham-Palmerston run, the service commencing May 1st. The train will cary both freight and pas- sengers. NOTICE TO CREDITORS New headquarters for salesmen In many of our offices, Cus- tomers' Rooms like the one indicated above,, arc placed at the disposal of th(! Ix)npr Distance user. Wiitinjf ma- terial, maps, rate schedules, directories, timetables, calendars,etc., are provided. Here, in privacy and com- fort, the salesman receives his calls as the operator completes them, writes up his orders, or makes re- ports. TWhere cu.stomera' rooms do not ««xiat, the Manager offers the tviaiting Malesman tho umc of his <offic«, and is ready to give him ' adiics about nurrounding terri- tory* cUtM of aervlce to use, etc. <arW« kop« that thege additinnnl \'faatHtie» wilt make our Mrvim [ iMT* valuable to the farpe body of tt^tftUng talesmen who uea \ .H M tnUlligentlv. Ml LONGâ€" IMUKSTLY A i)rctty but oniat wedding was jokmi/.ed at Iho home of Mr. and Mrs. Kulii.'it Priestly, Maxwell on Wc'dneKduy .\pril 2iilh nt 4 p. ni. when their (lautrhtor Poiirl Isabollo bteami" I the briilf of Mr. Gcurgo Ilavolnfk ! Long, only srn of Mr. v.v.d Mrs Chiis. Lonp. Mnxwtll. Uov. 0. J. New off- iclalod at the crveinony. Tho brido entered llio rcoin on the arm of her bnither to the train of Mendols.'iohn's Bridr.l Chorus, played by Mrs. Rcht. Pri.'slly .Ir. if Dundalk. and took her place lieside the groom hc- neiUh wodiliii.i; bells and streamera. The bride was ijowiied In empire blue t'lat erepe with sand georgette trim- mir.jrs and shoe's and Htocking.-i to match. The bridesmaid, Miss Alice Long wore Uui.iian blue rrepe de chine tiiinired with l>ril!iimts. I>iltle May Linley, niece of Ihe bride made a very dainty flower girl in Kmnirc blue crepe, and carried a bou<i>iet of ros- es, carnations and sweet peas. Mr. John Pri<.<tly assisted the groom. After the wedding ceremony Julia Mnrie, little daughter of Mr. and Mr. I'.obt. Priestly Jr. was christened. A sumptuous wedding supper was lerved to about thirty-five guestn, the fable heing centered with the bride's cake and trimmed with bou- fiuets of sweet peas. The young couple left amid showers of rice and confetti for n short motor trip, the bride waring nn Kmpire blue hat, luivy veloin- coat with iqulrrel trimm- ing and sand gloves. The evening was s;>ent in munic and dancing. The young couple were the rerip- lentu of many numerous and castly prenent. The hc.it wishes of the community go with the hnpny cmple to their new hom^ in Flesherton. .In the matter of the Estate of Johnston Cullcn. late of the Township of Artemesia. in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustees' Act, R. S.O. 1014, Cap. 121, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the aaid John- ston CuUen, who died on or about the 17th day of February, A.D. 1927, at the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, are required, on or before the 14th day of May, 1927, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Middlebro & Burns. Owen Sound, Ont., solicitors for the executor of the last will and testament of the san\ deceased, their Christian names and surname?, addresses and descrip- ( tions, the full particulars in writing, of their claims, a st:itement of their accounts, and the nature of the se- curitv, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said ex- ecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, hav'"" regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and that the executor will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or person.! rif whose claims notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribu- â€"MIDDLEBRO & BURNS. , Owen Sound, Ont., Solicitor for tho ' Executor. Dated at Owen Sound this 26th day of April. 1927. Neptunite Varnishes Lowe Brothers Neptunite Varnishes are ideal for either exterior or interior ase. They have the distinction of beinit the only varnishes that have successfully withstood the heat from a Hot Iron on their surface. They will not turn, white, crack under the hammer test or show heel m^rks. Ice and snow or rain have no effect on them. They produce a remarkably beautiful finish; they wear longer and cost less than most good varnish. Neptunite Varnish-Stain Is a high grade varnish stain. It varnishes and stains in one easy operation. The stain colors are non^ad- ing. Neptunite Varnish Stain has splendid wearing qualities and gives a fine mirror-like gloss. Easy to use. Dries quick â€" has a surface like glass that is free from sticki- ness and dusts off easily. House Paint Lowe Brothers "High Standard" Liquid Paint covers I'ully half as much more than a so-called cheap paint. More than this, "High Stand:.rd" is so easy to apply and lasts so long that it is conceded by hun- dreds of users to be the most economical paint per square foot sold. It comes in a splendid range of beautiful colors and produces a high gloss finish that wears off evenly, leaving the sm-- face in splendid condition for repainting. Try it when next you paint. Mellotone Hat WaU Paint For interior decoration; it is a liquid paint, ready for use. Mellotone combines the delicacy of a water paint with all the durable elements of a lead and oil paint. It is very economical and easy to apply. It can be wash- ed with soap and water; is color fast and covers 900 square feet to the gallon. Auto-Gloss There is no need to drive a shabby car when any amateur can refinish his car in a few hours with Lowe Brothers Auto- Gloss. Auto-Gloss produces a finish of remark- able beauty and depth. It flows out evenly and leaves no brush marks or overlappings. It is permanent and impervious to the weather. We will be very glad to supply you with literature telling you how to re- store the finish to your car. You will be sur- prised to learn how easy it is. D. McKILLOP FLESHERTON, ONT. What do you get for VALUE b not i nutler of price alao* simply vial yon ft lor '*< P'itr yju t»y. Chrvnilf t b low in nricr- bul not at Ihc «• pfnw of iiuallly. It n rconamkal -brcause It is not chrtply built. It b supnnw in valu« b(««usr it givrs more oi tbr thin(> you want lot Mb* pric» you p»y. First ud ilwiys, qu«litv counts with Chmo- Ict. TVtt h (lUJklily In thr disliiictiv* Fishfi bodies; in lh» lonf, low lines; in the rich, lustrous I>«io ciJots: In th« smooth, itowrrfu! VB)vF-in-b»d «ij[in»; in the scorrs ol nfmr- Bwnts. suth «.< air clfdnrr. oil tiller, las â- Inlnrr; in Ibr luiury t;! its appoiotmenu and upholsteiy: in tb* loat. mSinl vriaff: ti the easy, three-speed traiwmissioo. The Most Beautiful ChevtBlft in Ch«yiolrt Hislory is now sellinR at new and lower ptlcei - the lowest for whicB Chevrolet hai vm bc««« sold in Canada. RoMlatM - - â- I6SS Tatuiaf • • • • f«SS T-^an RaadsiM 1710 Cmip* HTM Co«h »7M Swiaa «M) Cabri«lot â- â- . MM Ludaa Swha t»1» lapccial Laadaii Sodas #979 Re«l>MrDoNT«T»MS C*«a'NlCkaMi»«4M IToa Track Owni* t*0 rrieu el tttmj, Otkeme Cm niwil Team Durham v/iU oil ita streets using an oiling machine. D McTAVISH A SON Chevrolet Dealers Flesherton, Ont Betf cr-4»it ul Chevrolet evn4et History .. 4