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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1927, p. 3

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Ihakecareof I : 1. i :; :: I' BABIES EASIER Qtomsch (Uatnrbaao«« and eonstlpA^ Ttm aste rMpoaaI'ld« for much of the pe«TlflhiMM of bablM and roong child- m. When the baby la cross or Irrlt- t))l« the mother should not resort to •o<;aB«d soothing mixtures to correct the trouble, for In the majority o< Maes these mixturee elmply drug the child Into an annatural sleep. What h needed ie a g<entle laxatlre that will â- weeten the stomach and regulate the beweto. Such a remedy la found In Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy to take and guaranteed to be entirely free frmn opiates and naTOotica. Con- cerning ^«m, Mrs. Jos. Touaalgnant, 8te. Sophie, Que., mrltes:â€" "I would like all mothera to know that I feel there le no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a hex In the house and their promi>t use sever fails to restore my little ones to health.'' The Tablets are sold by inedlclBe dealers or by mail at 25 cts. jH box from Tte Dr. Williams' Medl- jcdne Co., Brockvllle, Ont. ♦ Are the Turks barckward or really Inore civilized than we? They have ^ law that yoB must not use bad spel- Jing or bad grammar in advertise- Aieata to attract attention to your Wu«s. You can't sell "sox" in Con- stantiKople. 5MILES, A Good Prtserlptlon for Happlnesa. L A tr»««y thought for •Taryooe roa BVMt 2. A frteaday smite whenever you tfatuk It Kouikl not be misunderstood. 8. A friendly word for every •«• QQSlntance. 4. A fWendlar act wherever you can pet tt in. To be applied with a Hberel use of the Ittbricant of humor-the tiling that i mnk^w u» human. ! Reooouaended tor all patl*at« and; ImpatJente, esqpecfctlJy for t&ose who 1 Buffer, or make oth«a sulBer, from a sour 0plrit PuUy guaranteed. Cantbm: P ion o ri ptton not good U kept too long before using. RHEUMATIC W^X see ^lis snnunci^ intiie far Cool West Califomia Colorado Ne^ir Mexico Atizo na CtandO myott iiiwlwii*newtiy Seashore Nountains DoSe Ranches XcinsMms uiis sumiiier 392 nail this coupon «_ â€" J Santa Fe Service BuTvau, 404 Truurortition | Bldi. . Phone Randolph S748, Detroit, Mich. I Plaue mail free rictuie laI<iere"CraBil Can- \ yon Outiace," "Caliiorain Picture Book." | " Indiaa - detour," "Colorado Summer.** I I I Nam. I j I I Addnaa ' Feed your brain and it wlU feed you. Trytng to tra«a Uvelr ancestorB puta many people up a tree. What is Christianity? In the home, it is kindneea. In business, it is honesty. In society, It ts courtesy. In work, it is falmees. Toward the unfortunate It ta pity. Toward the weak It is faeHp. Towuni the wicked It la nesistanoeb Toward the strong, It te trust. Toward the penitent. It is forgive- nees. Toward the fortunate It is oongratu- lation. Toward God It is reverence and love. Some of us can fool ourseilves but we can't fool our bank account. About the only thing that ever ac- comptlshes anything by Just running around ie a circular saw. "Lasked her if I cou'ld see her home." "And what did she say?" "Said she would send me a picture of it." Reformej^ make silow progress be- cause they try to reform things In- The 1927 Twin 74J.D. Model The greatest Harley-Davldson of all â€" at new and lowe prices â€" im^tived â€" refined in many details â€" but no radical departures from the time-tried Harley- Davldson design. Old timers and be- ginners alike will recognize in these 1927 Twins the last word in engineer- ing achievement. Powerful â€" speedy â€" built to hug the road â€" the most depend- ' able and satisfactory mount that ever split the wind. Walter Andrews, Limited ' 346 Yonge St. - Toronto 3 O Days Free Trial Canadian Farmer Tells His Experience *'Les**BootK widely knotvn Ontario farmer, and a sick man for 20 years, suffered daily, only half alive. Now strong, robust, vigorous, credits new found health to Tanloc ThougTi popularly known as 'Les," Mr. Booth's correct first name^ is George. His home is at 271 Perth St., B^ock^•ille. For the past three years he has enjoyed vigorous health but what he endured before then is best told in his own words. "For twenty years my arms, shoulders, bark ana hips, ached with rheumatism," said Mr. Booth. "Often I had to qiut work entirely and I remember one oad spell (hat kept me in bed for six months. "My case got to be so chronic that the help ran the farra. 1 was prac- tically nelpless. Even my wrisU and liands would swell up so that I couldn't write my name. 1 dreaded bedtime, lor 1 got no rest, but lay there in agony, waiting for morning. Ncr%-ous â- pells would si-ize me and I would tremble all over Uke a leaf. I couldn't get any benefit fnira toy food and had lo forte myself to cat. My weight was far below normal. "Three years ajjo I decided to give Tanlac a good trial, for nothing else had helped me. 1 could scarcely be- Keve !«uch results were pr>ssiMe as those Tanlac soon showed The ai hiug •topiHM;, my apiH'tile came back and I couia c-it hiiirtily. My nights be- tM^ ricre rvsUul, t00| vuX I swpt soundly. I gained 16 pounds which I still retain, aud I now work hard out- doors from 8 to 10 hours a day. / na-tr htt* an ach«. It's hardly btlievtMet If folks want to know what Tanlao can do, tell them to write to 1«» Booth, or to come aud see me. I'll teU "em." If your health is broken from over- work or neglect, profit from Mr. Bo«)th'8 experience. Try Tanlac, na- ture's own body buililer^ made from roots, herbs and bajis \ our druggist hits it. Uvw &i mulioa bottles suM. Relief Can Only Come Throogli Better Koodâ€" Linimenta «rf No Use. In no other dlaea** does the blood become thin so rapidly as In rtMomar ttom. Not only does it become thin but it is loaded with Impuritiea â€" rheu- matic poisons. Without the proper treatment theso poisons increase, the; inflamed Joints swell and the patient' becomes a cripple. Most treatments! simply aim to keep down the pain, hence with every unfavorable condi- tion a renewed attack follows. To cast out rheumatism the blood must be enriched and th« rheumatic j poisons driven out with the natural j secretions of the body. This can best | be done through a course of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which have a speci- fic action on the blood, giving It new richness and redness. Thousands have tried this treatment with bene- ficial results. That every sufferer from rheumatism who does not try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills is neglecting the most hopeful means of recovery is shown by the statement of Mr. David Carroll, PIctou, N.3., who says: â€" "For years I was troubled with rheumatism. The pains were not continuous, but they always returned, and kept getting worse. I tried so-called electric belts : and many medicines, but did not get] more than temporary relief. Only those who have suffered from this trou- ble will realize what I suffered at times. I had begun to dlspalr of get- ting better when a friend urged me to try Dr. WUliams' Pink Pills. In a short time I could fee* this medicine helping me so I gladly continued tak- ing the pills and soon found that every trace of the trouble had disappeared and there was a great Improvement in niy general health. It is now two years since I took Dr. WiUiama' Pink Pills and I have not had the least twinge of the trouble in that time. That is why I confidently recommend the pills to other sufferers." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont, THE teeth" AND THEIR CARE Progress Made in the Preven- tion of Dental Disease. Marked i«T>gres3 has been made dur- ing recent years In working out a pro- gramme for the prevention of dental disease. Outstandii^ research work- ers have spent their time and energy in an effort to ascertain the read causes of decay and pyorrhea and to find out how the public can success- fully combat or correct these condi- tions. Such investigation is absolute- ly essential because so many people are not only suffering from tooth ache and the loss of valuable teeth but a number of systematic diseases are the result of bad mouth conditions. It has been discovered that dental diseases are largely due to modern habits of living and that people in highly civilized countries have more tooth decay than those lees highly favored. It la always dlfilcult to per- suade the public to live in accordance with natural laws and consequently, some extra protection must be pro- vided. The research d-epartments of the Dental Faculties of the Universi- ties and other investigators are con- vinced of the necessity tor and the value of this study and the large num- ber engaged in the work gives promise of many worth-while developments. Knowledge of any kind is of little value unless applied and a progranuue for the prevention of dental diseases win not be of much service to human- ity unless brought to them. The logi- cal person to educate the people !n re- gard to mouth conditions is the dentist, but how can he bring the advantages of modern dentistry to the public un- less he Is himseilf informed. The chief agency used by the den- tists for the purpose of keeping abreast of the times is the dental convention. These meetings held once a year in the province enable the members of the dental profession to secure through essay and clinic the very latest in both knowledge and methods. Th« Dental Convention to be held in Toronto dur- ing this month promises to be of un- usual importance because it will be the Diamond Jubilee of the Ontario Dental Association and will be a Joint conven- tion with the Canadian Dental Associa- tion. Outstanding dentists and physicians from all parts of America will be present to give essays and clinics and the meetings will be so in- •tructiv© and inspiring that the vast majority of the dentists of the Pro- vince will be In attendance. ,> Beethoven in the Home. The great symphonies and string quartets of Beethoven represent that maBter^ompoeer's genius at its high- est. On the face of it they are exclu- sively works for the ooncwtroom, ex- cept where a group of skilled cham- beii^music players can be assembled in the home. But as a matter of fact, most of theae wonderful works for a number of Instnunenta have been transcribed for performance as piano duets, and great is the enjoyment to be had from playing them In that form in the home. Beethoven's concert-room works have been made marvellously available to th* h«n)e. also, by grama- pbone records, so that there Is little need nowadays to limit our pleasure In his g«>nius entii-ely to cur touch with It at concerts. What United States StiD Owes Britain. "Th« report tor 1926 of the Council! of Foreign Bondholders, which has I just appeared, is most interesting,' perhaps, for its reference to the de-| faulting Southern States of tb« great { .American Republic, says London | Truth. "A little calculation shows that the amount owing by Alabama, .Arkan- sas, Florida, Georgia, Ix)uisiana, Mis- sissippi, and the two Carolinas is about £63,000,000, taking the average ; duration of default at 70 years and j the rate of int«re»t at 6 per cent. This sum is nearly sufficient to pay two years' instalments on our debt to America (interest and repayment of principal), and if we could have sav- ed that amount it would have been | ' very useful in tiding over the period , of misfortune caused by the coal dis- pute. I "To indicate the character of the . debts of these Southern States of ^ America, the Cou.icil of Foreign Bondholders take the caso of Missis-' elppl. The debt of that State was I contracted between 18.31 and 1838,! and default began in 1841, or some' twenty years before the Civil War ' broke out. The money borrowed by Mississippi was applied to the estab- lishment of two banks, and when these banks ceased to be remunera- tive investments, the Stat* promptly repudiated its obligations to the bond-j holders. And that is the position now." Now packe d in A luminum, REDSPSE TE A^^ good tear Your grocer knows when you order BED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE yoii , are a judge of fine tea. Television Makes Its Bow. So rapid is the pace of science to- day that the theoretical possibility of a grreat invention is hardly grasped j by the public before we learn that it has become a reality. This was the case with the transatlantic radiotele- phone. -A.nd now, only a few weeks after this invention is put to com-! mercial use, we enter a new era of! communication as fascinating and stupendous in Its potentialities as the radio or the telephone. i Yesterday, television was a dream: : now it is a fact. In time mlillons of people may watch and listen to the inauguration of a Govemor-Genjral, [ a championship football game, or even the clash of armies on a battle- 1 field. ) Television, we are informed, is a method of transmitting synchronous- ly a voice and a picture of the person speaking. 4,^ . The finest thing in the world to keep your stomach m tii>.top shape is 15 to 30 drooa ct Stfigel s Syrup m a glass of water. Any drug aiore. Useful Wood Products. Wood products enter Into the manu- facture of commodities which touch every phase of human existence and fifty per cent, of Canada's manufactur- ing industries depend on wood as a raw materli.1. The capital invested In our foreet Industries Is $056.000,000 â€" one-third In lumbering plants, saw- mills, etc., and practically all the re- mainder in the pulp and paper indtia- try. « Mitts to Help Driver. Sheepskin driving mitts, lined with fleece and attached to the auto steer- ing wheel so that they cannot slip and the motorist can withdraw his hand Quickly to grasp the brakes, are one of the newest Inventions for motorists. *â€" â€" Porridge, cooked in the best Scot- tish r.anner, is prepared every even- ing for M.P.'s in the British House of Commons, but English Members are the most numerous patrons of the famous Scottish national dish. F O.- Classified Advertisements Hi-tuMASU.NBV BOOK. TUB WORK. rStCM _ IS. U. Bluer. li: Wc:i«li7 Ctmemt, Tor.ato. 5. i • , i SUPERIOR BABY CHICKS AT SCDUCCD PRICUl BTOAl.N BUED-TO LaT tiahhki^ ,., , !«. Tom Btma \Vilu Lfshorsa. Oat ! u.'<^:ikiJlT !s OAC. Umrrvd Boda of tlu hMlI i '.y^a. All OUT C> u« headul with ;<<d!snM : ro.-^oft-U from Ui>;,l tested r.ock aad h&ra be«n culltd â-  .'or bc*,T ecx i'rM<lu.-*lo«L If m wma» B*iT«d Bodta Ui&t &xe bnd for «cc ;)roducaon tad tiac ..Arv ui« dM. order ttvm oa and t^ecnn ran brad chic^ ei hlcb QUBlllr tt the dt*c* of ordlnerr grade isae^ Pn..'es 9cr buEdral for 'tar. Barred Boczi ilLOt, LeihORU tlC.lK): June. Barred Ko:tv tU.M. Let- bena (K.ot; er,rea :»t± lot per coit. Ue« antral cuarantccd. Terzu. '15 im* cesi cua wiUi ordMv h i l ea ^ a C.O.D. Prompt eiiipr&«:l t ii iinTaail 2. IX JoaneoD. Box lor. Fenua. OnL LOV.XK PrnCiS FOU HIliU UCiLaXT PUSa Bred Babr I'hldu. O A.C. mala hrad-to-lar ii.rrtd lL^)u zui Tou Barxua Whiu Leg&Dmi. Ottf kirn eat^ii rear li to Improv* our flixka aruS aeU hljll qualUr puia bred oblcks at the lovesK posiihla pncca. Thu rear our cUcka are beuer than erer end prices Just ee low and lower thea rhlda Qt Inferior QUahtr. All our flocla are headexl -.rith pnUcnwd ocrkeerlr from blocd-t«sted stock and tlaea eUo been ctlUed for tieary ecg ^.rodu.tUR. T.< jn- ;)rjre jrx.ur fiock order from us and leour* the best. I'rlMe vet hundred: Barretl Bocks., for Mar Slj.iHJ. June SI'^.M: Lechonu. Hv S13.N. June tl4.»; extimj iiald. 100 per .-eflt. Ure antral gnaraateed. Tertnj. 13 per cent, cs&ti irlth order. b«laa.-e C.0.0. All ord.-r* prpn;i;:lv sod -arefaUf fillrtj. J. ^ Tweddle. Fereus, Ont. Tie Charm cf A Vthttt Skm _ the Pur» Blood Under U Think Spring Thoughts. Stop thinking Winter thoughts. Think Spring thoughts! Make your thoughts so active that rou live your dream. Things, people â€" e^verythlng that can aid you will be irreslstlhly drawn to you. Ami just as surely as Spring follows Winter, so wiU that dream of yours come true. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In the house. -.GLOW kith Health This Spring Taken according to the simple directions on every bjttle, TRU- BLOOD brings the glow of vibrant health to the skin. "TRr-BLOOD Cotnplciions" re- fleet "biooj beaitii" within. .\a a Spring Tjnic and Bk-od Purifier, it corrects thr raus^j of eczema, skin eruptions and siniired ?yaiptoias ol vitiated or impure blood. Do 2S so manv otiers are doing -^t 3 dollar bottle it your Drug- gist's and prmt iti worth. ;s cfe^i. ?1 CHICKS ThatPay A II .1 . ^L _ Ail that the name implies. From healthy, free ^f^^^"^^-^- s'a'w.iigrrSi and Barred Plymouth Rocks from nationaily known strains. Get mors poultry profits from these heal thy vigorooa, Smith Hatched Chicks. Write for dnMloT FREE ONTARIO QCAUTY HATCHERY "' •«-»• - 1st, London. Ontario / â- * With garden preparations going on all over the country, the fact shoul.i not be forgotten that anyone oan cul- tivate friendship out of seeds of kindness. Stop Mysterious Rattles. Oftentimes an application of oil and grease will put a stop to mysterious rattles In the car. Y-O-LA is unexcelled for Dyeing^ and Tintiiig. Professional Dyers use the |%%#E*C SameKiadof U I K^ TRU-BLOOD CREAM You %MI iccure more money for your creaffl by •hipping to u». We aupply catii and pay e&pr»u. Prompt rtturni daily by noncy order. Hlpftctl priefi Mid for eget. Ref*renc«: Bank of Morttrral. Writ* for cant and p.irtrou(:irt, CITY CREAMERY 780 Queen St. Ee Toronto DANDRUFF. Stop it with Minard's. A splen- did tonic for ihe scalp. SAWS Their t«eth are o* ft tough- ness which makes th«m hold their keen cutting edge I2i>* der every usag*. SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO. l.TX>. MONTREAL. ^VANCOUVKR. ST. JOHN. N.B.^ MORE WOOL tr«a Brcrjr Sheep Every Tear Clip by ni«chln* and x«t lS<'e mora ttimn with hand blada*. Machine leave* no wmat» ftil rida«»â€" aheare avenly all «vai^-all lone â- tapla wool, brinn batter prices. lajurw ahtvp murh lr<a than hand blade*. SkT« ahaarera* wasoa â€" anyone can orerate ft S«» wrt N«. f t^Miliii MmMm Balt-bearini;. Pttllt for work. Lftttji vm,?^. Shear* anKwth and fast. At dealer^ I2S.7S. Western Canada I2S.75. or eend factory 13.00 and pety balance on arriviU. (Freight prvaid.) Cow and horae cllpplns attaeh- ment tlo.iio. Weatero Caaadft I10.75 extra. Satisfaction or Money Back. FLCXIBLE SHAFT CO. LTa 33-1 Cftrlftw AT«k. Tarente • Spring Time is CELERY KING Time Brew a cup of this tine ol J vegetable tonic. It is all the spring medicine you need. It drives out winter's poisons, improves the appetite and makes you feel better tight away. CELERY KING is good for the whole fcunily. .-Kt druggists, 30c & 60c. RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH Mother of Eleven Children Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Her Interesting Experience Buokingham, Quebec â€" "lam th« mother of eleveri living children, and my baby is live months olJ. 1 am only 38 years old and I have take-n Lydia E. Pinl^ham's Vege- table Compound for weakness ard my nerves. 1 knew ' of it fnim my sister. Dame Ed- ouard Belk'feuiHe of Ramsiay villa. Fo- live wars I WoUj ;;. rr.'.sery aiM '.vas alwa; :• ready to cry. Now I am so happy to have ([ood" health. My daughter, who is IS years old, has also taken it and will be happv to recommend it to all young girls. ''- Pame Wiii.iaM PaR- k-VT Bo.x 414. Buckingham, Q.:ebec. Why suffer fur years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women frrm early life to middleage.when Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound give you relief? In a recent cotuitry-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veeetable Compound, over 2,">(-,000 repliea were received, and 9S out of every 100 reported they were bene- fited by it* ua*. o For ail pain â€" Minard'a Linimant. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART So^ Accept only " Bayer" package which contains proven directions. HandT "BaTcr" bosea of 12 tabkta Alao twttlea'of 24 aod 100 â€" Druggists. AfTina I* tb* trad* mark (i«(1st-(«4 la Ouada) of larw Mannfirtaia «C Moaf x a^ arhmtt-r of S«'.lc.»:;c«r;a (i«trl Sallcjllc Artd. "A. S. A ••) Willie It la mO kwws U*t .^iplriu aM>>Bs Battr BaKa'a'-inrr. ta aaalst tli« pakllc aialnfit iBltattoaa, th* Tatxta •t t»i%t Cwmvaai vill lia ataaij*4 silk tMtf faaaial Ira* •«>, tta "BaiaC ONat.*

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