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Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1927, p. 1

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4- ft A- "4 * • '* / ♦J ' • •^l^je /tel)iert0tt %hmnce. Vol 46 No. 50 Flesherton. Ontario May It, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprictore IM FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Hill and two daugh- ters of Moorefield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eby over Sunday. Mrs Henderson and daughter. Givia, visited friends in Southampton last week. Mr. Wm. Osborne and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne spent Sunday with the former's brother in Nottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McKee and Mr. Chas. Stephens motored over from Hamilton and visited with Mrs. Mc- Kee 's uncle, Mr. Chris Thomson, and other friends last week. Mr. Jas. Eby visited with friends in Allenford over the week end. Mrs. Wm. Smith and Mrs. Howard McKee visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Ed. McLean, on Sat- urday last. Mr. Sheldon Myers of Flesherton spent Sunday with Mr. R. Alexander, here. Mr. Gordon Henderson and Erie Alexander spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. Harry Heathcote is quite ill with pneumonia at time of writing. We hope to see him around again soon. Ensigns Johnston and Thornton will conduct special service in the Army hall, Feversham, Sunday night. May 15th at 7.30 p.m. TOR€»«TO LINE. NCIRTH Mr. and Mrs. T. Sled and family motored to CoUingwood and spent Sunay with relatives there. Miss Anna Davison of Barhead vis- ited over Sunday with Mras Stella Alcox. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid and two sons of Mich., visited at the home of Robt. Richardson. Mrs. R. Irwin and daughter, Ethel, are visitng friends at London. MAXWELL The women's institute vrtll hold the annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Rosa on Thurs. May 12th. The election of officers will be held and all members are requested to be pres- ent, visitors cordially invited. The ladies aid held their regular meeting last Thurs. at the home of Mrs. A. McLeod. Mrs. Will Guy and two children of Hamiliton are visiting at Dr. Guy's. Miss Marjory Guy is improving nicely after a couple weeks illness. Miss Gertrude Pedlar of Tryon vic- inity leaves this week to train in Dur- ham hospital. MILNEâ€" CAMPBELL Wednesday, April 27, Dr. John Er- ic Milne of Priceville, third son of Andrew Milne of con 8, Brant, was united in marriage to Mras Rhena Genevieve, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Campbell, Chesley. The ceremony took place in College St. United Church, Toronto, and was performed by the pastor of the church,. Rev. J. A. Tuer. The cere- mony was a quiet affair, owing to recent bereavement in the bride- groom's family. Mrs. Stanley Code of Mimico and Donald Milne, brother of the bridegnroom, and a first year stu- dent io Toronto University, were the witnesses. Pre\iious to her marriage, Mrs. Milne was presented with a shower of fruit and pickles by friends df the family. Before leaving her school in Toronto, she was given three show- ers by her girl friends. The Gledhill School Staff, Toronto, of which Mrs. Milne had been a member for some years, held a dinner in her honor and presented her with 25 pieces of flatware. PROTON STATION LADY BANK MRS. JOHN ROOME After a tedious illnes's following an operation in Toronto General Hos- pital, Mary Roome, beloved wife of John Roome, passed away quietly and peacefully in the closing hours of Mother's Day. She left to mourn her husband, three daughters and nine grrandchildren. Mrs. Roome was bom in England seventy - one years ago the daughter of Jos. Roome, a church organ builder. She came to America with her parents when but three years of age, living for a short period of time in New York, Kingston and Tor- onto. Her father built the first or- gan installed in the St. James Cath- edral Toronto, parts of which are said to be there still. Later they moved to the village of Maxwell in Osprey Township. About forty years ago she married John Roome of Os- prey Township. Five daughters were bom to them, two of whom Mrs. A. Golgan, Dundalk and Mrs. A. W. Guest of Toronto predeceased her a few years ago, surviving are Mrs. L. Telford, Moncton N. B., Mrs. A. Cout- ie of Toronto and Miss Louie at home. For 14 years Mr and Mrs Roome have been residents of Proton Station. The deceased was a calm trusting christ- ian woman, beloved by a large circle of friends. The funeral service will be held on Wednesday at 1.30 p. m. in the United Church conducted by Rev. Mr. Harrower of Flesherton. In- terment will take place in Dundalk cemetery. KIMBERLEY (Intended for last week) Our Sunday School has adopted the plan of providing flowers for the church. Each of the four classes to take_a Sunday in the month to put the flowers for Sunday School and Church services. The church ervices on Sunday night was very beautiful and impres- sive. The ordination and induction of three Elders., Geo. and Thos. Hut- chison and Mr. Frank Chard. The ser- vice for Y. P. S. and Sunday School followed by communion. The pastor. Rev. F. Stotesbury assisted by Rev. J. S. Veals, who is at present visit- ing friends here added much to the occasion. Mr. Plewis visited over the .week end with Mrs. J. Plewis. Mr. S. S. Burritt visited Rome, Egypt and Duncan schools this week. He reports in most cases are fair attendance although a few cases are below what they should be. There are some parents who do not fully realize that it is almost a crime against their child to keep it out of school for small excuses. One reason for non attendance is so much sick- ness from severe colds. Mr. D. L. Weber has men finish- ing his house. Fishing season is on and some are getting a few beauties, but the weather is rather cold for good fish- ing. Housecleaning and gardening are the orders of the day at the time of writing and the people are favored with the blessed showers. Mothers' Day service was held in the Providence church here on Sunday last, and a large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and daughter, Dolly, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ottewell an family and at- tended service at Providence. Miss Vema Roberts reti<raed to her studies after spending a flew days at her parental home. Miss Dorothy Ottewell spent Wed- nesday evening with Miss Dorothy Genoe of the East Mountain. Mr. Herb McMullen returned to his. home here, after spending a year in the West with his brother, William. He has since secured a position in the Mdavish garage in Flesherton. We wish Herb every success. Pedlar Perfect Products CEYLON EUGENIA A sad accident occurred at the home ' Mothers' Day was observed in the of Mr. Wm. Gibson, west of the vill- \ church on Sunday with a good attend- age, when his little nephew, Harold { ance. Traeey, was serio>usly injured when he I On Friday evening of last week took hold of a limb of a tree which . about sixty-five friends and neighbors Mr. Gibson almost had chopped down, ) invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. the limb hitting him and knocking | Oliver ^furner, who were Jreoently him down. A doctor was called and married, and spent a very pleasant the little fellow was rushed to the Durham hospital, where an X-ray was taken and it was found that a tube in his stomach had been punctured. Harold, who is a bright little boy, has now passed the danger crisis and is doing as well as can be expected. His parents and three little brothers were hastily summoned from their home in Detroit to the bedside, as he was evening in music and games. About midnight a dainty lunch was served by the ladies, to which all did ample justice. A presentation of a miscell- aneous shower of household necessities was made to the newly-weds. Mr. Turner, in behalf of his wife, replied in a few well chosen words, thanking all for their kindness. The party dis- persed in the wee sma' hours o' the not expected to live. All the friends | morning, wishing the bride and groom are pleased to learn that he is out of. many happy and prosperous years danger, Mr. and Mrs. Herbie Fisher and two children. Miss "Norma and Master Dick, of Toronto motored up and spent thp week ond with the letter's mother, Mrs. Mary McLeod, and sis- ter, Mrs. Roy Piper. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torrey and son, Jack, of Lauriston spent the first of the week at Mr. H. Piper's. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. George Arrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson and daugh- ter, Helen, Mr. Noble, accompanied by other friends, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Griffin and family and Mr. and Mrs. HarVey of wedded bliss. Mr. Harold Falconer has purchased a car, by which we hope that he and his family may receive much pleasure. Miss Clarabel Fenwick has return- ed home from Markdale, where she has been working for some time. Mr. and Mrs. E. Partridge and children visited the former's parents near Maxwell on Monday. Little Miss Edna remained for a visit with her grandmother. The Singer Sewing Machine Co. of Barrie have sold some new machines in the village the past week. Miss Gertrude Greena.vay has tak- en a position as clerk in the Graham Bro's.' store. Mrs. Jos. Williams and sons, Joe and Clarence, and granddaughter, ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and two sons, Burneal and Jackie of Cree- more, visited over Sunday with Mr. W. J. Chard , wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean, Price- ville visited recently with her par- ents here, Mr. and Mrs I. Smith. Mr. Thos. Betts and son Frank, and two youngest daughters, Edith and Mabel attended services at Proton Sunday last. Unity U. F. W. O. Club met at the home of Mrs. Jim Pedlar on Wed. May 4th. for their monthly meeting. There was a good attendance of both members and visitors. After the usual opening exercises a programe was given consisting of a paper by Mrs. J. Hargrave entitled "Alcohol and its Evils." A reading by Mrs. Campbell and instrumental select- ions by Miss Mildred Pedlar. Mrs. A. F. Pedlar gave a paper, captains were chosen and sides called for a word contest, after which all present were treated to delicious home made candy. The meeting closed with singing, after which the hostess ser- ved dainty refreshem'ents and a soc- ial time wa'^ spent together. Mtas Florence White of Proton preached at Salem Church on Sun- day evening, her sister. Miss Gladys White, assisted in the service. A number of farmers in this local- ity have finished seeding. Mr. John Hargrave, a delegate from St. Mary's Church, Maxwell, is attend- ing the Anglican Synod and visiting friends in London. Both Suday School and Church ser- vices were well attended at the Bap- tist church Mothers' Day. Rev. Mr. Hay preached a very impressive sermon. Griffin, all of Toronto, motored up '.Doris Williams, also the boys' chum, and visited with Mrs. Wm. White and) Mr. Gordon Searl. of Toronto visited family last week. Miss Agrnes Macphail, M.P., spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. McMullen and children spent a few days in Toronto the past week. Master Jimmie Sinclair spent the week end with his cousin at Priceville. Mr. John Parslow is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Will Wilcock of B.C. visited with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Cairns, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Woods and family of Chatsworth visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall and family. Mr. John McMillan spent the week end with Orangeville friends. Mrs. Anna McMillan visited friends at Durham. Mr. Malcolm McDonald, who h.ns been employed out from Owen Sound, ! returned home Monday. Mrs. Mathewson and two children are visitng friends in Paris. Mr. Traeey left Tuesday for his home in Detroit. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. W. Williamson and two little sons in their bereavement in the loss of her husband, who was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery on Saturday. Mr. Robt. Cook, Miss Millie Cook and Mrs. Ulrich of Chicago visited friends the first of the week in Glen- elg. Mr. Alex. Knox is home and his many friends are pleased to see him able to be around again atfter his severe illness. over the week end with the former's daughter, Mrs. E. Partridge. They also ^^sited the former's brother. Mr. Thos. Fenwick, and family, 8th line. Mr. Crews and friend of Gait are on a fishing excursion at the club house, 8th line. Mr. Wesley Johnston of Creemore visited Mr. John Campbell and Mr. Robert Purvis. Mrs. M. McMullen, who has spent the winter in Toronto with her daughters, has returned to her home i:i the village. Mr. Bowerman, her brother, accompanied her home for a few days' visit. Mr. Jake Williams is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. John Magee motored to Owen Sound on Tuesday, accompanied by Misses Georgina Smith. Jean Graham, Mae Carruthers and Irene Walker, ho attended the Presbyterial meet- in;? there. Mr. and Mrs. Will Walker visited recently with Vandeleur friends. Mrs. Wilfred Plant and daughter visited her father in Kimberley re- cently. Listen! Do you hear wedding bells rinjjing again in this vicinity. PORTL^W Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson of Detroit motored over and spent a few days visiting the former's father of Orange Valley and relatives of this part. Mr. J. W. Lyons has gone to To- ronto, where he expects to . .- rtmam for some time. Master Elmer Jamieson of Toronto ...:?['-Lf t!!.!L^^??."'^ifr"\.'""'„^7 (Last Week's Items) Fishing season is here again. We ex'p.'ct our village will be a lively lit' le spot again this summer, visited by fishermen from near and far. Recent visitors with Mrs. Wilson were : Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mr. 'Tid Mrs. Jack Wilson and familv of I.'mberley, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McJHllan and babe of Markdale. 5!'.'S Katie Jamieson, who spent the v.iiiter with friends in the West, has returned East again. She visit- ed .". few days with her sister, Mrs. David Genoc of East Mountain. While in the village she was the guest of Mr?. Harry Focster for a few days. S ^ intends to go to the city this V ^ek to secure a position. We wish h:r every succes's, S. S. NO. 9, ARTEMESIA Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and children of Ceylon visited recently ; with the former's father, Mr. J. H. ' Sr. 4 â€"Tests Exam. â€" Hattie Mc- Duckett. We are pleased to state Rae 88, Cecil Magee 74, Clinton Ma- that the old gentleman, who is in his gee 72, Neil McDonald 50. 85th year, is very active, hale and Jr. 4 â€" Rowena Magee, Dorothy hearty. He is a great gardener and Jamieson. is now busy working in his garden. Jr. 3 â€" Willie Fenwick, Staalc- Miss Gertrude Greenaway, Orange- Magee, Billie Hanley, Percy Smiti-. yille, IS on a visit with her sister, ; Sr. 4 â€" Doris McRae, Gerald Ma- Mrs. Harold Falconer. gee. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Doupe and fam- Jr. 2 â€" Wes Jamieson, Edith Jam- ily of Saugeen Jet., visited with Mrs. ieson, Ella McRae. Bennie Hanley. Doupe s parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ! Sr. 1 - Lillian Magee, Fern Magee. Haney, on Sunday. i Pr. " "' There was a good attendance at: church on Sunday, It being Mother's! Day the service was quite appropriate Mr. and^M^^Chas. Quesnel, Owen BABY CHICKS Irva Magee. â€" M. CHRISTIE, Teacher. DAY OLD Sound, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sherwood. Mrs. Alex. Hoy has returned home after visiting friends in Owen Sound, Meaford and Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Tuohy and family of Meaford and Mrs. E. Sim- mons of Drayton wre recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hoy. Mrs.Turner, who has spent the past four months with her son, Oliver and family, 10th line, has returned to her home in the village here. We wel- come her back again. is visiting with his grandmother, Mrj Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill of Toronto visited with relatives here. Mr. Lawrence Lyons went to Osh- awa last week and brought home a new Chevrolet coach. Mrs. Walker and son of Toronto visited over the week end with the former's son at the store. Read The Advance "Small Advts." with her brother, Mr. Robert Meggott, and family near Flesherton. We are pleased to report Mr. Robt. Laughlin somewhat improved in health. We extend congratulations to Miss r 'amie Magee, daughter of Mr. and ' rs. Will Magee of the 8th line, arid Mr. Oliver Turner, 10th line, who nere married on Wednesday of last ".veek. Mr. Percy Magee visited friends near Orangeville on Sunday. Make everlasting roofs. Corr- Crimp, Covncil Standard, four-lode Shingles, Large George Shingles 24x- 24, for Barns. Work guaranteed. Call or write. Estimates free. M. KERTON, TFJfDERS WANTED Fishing Tackle We handle everything for the fisherman except fish COME IN AND LET US OUTFIT YOU Tenders will be received up to May 12th for the building of a double cement school closet 10ft. by 12ft by 8ft. also 14 ft of cement sidewalk, 4 feet wide. For terms and particu- piâ€" ».-^,v> n«* '•" •** ^- ^- Graham. Eugenia, Sec- Fle«herton, Ont. rotary of the Board. JT W. A. Armstrong & Son CARD OF THANKS The family of the late J. J. Kaitt- ing of Feversham desire to thank their many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement, also for floral tributes. Read The Advance advertisements. Now booking orders for June hatches. Prices. S. C. White Leghorns 25 I 4.00 50 $ 7.25 100 $14.00 Barred Rocks From Special Pen of high producing: females mated to select cockereL 25 $5.00 50 19.00 HATCHING EGGS S. C.W. Leghorns 25 $2.00 50 $3.5') Barred Rocks 25 92.59 50 $4X0 TERMS: â€" lOCr with order, balance on delivery. May hatches all taken. 'PHONE 54. Sylvester deCudmore FLESHERTON. BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAL SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNER.\L PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: KIngsdala 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddodc 1 The Right Time For new shippers to start is right now in the sprintr season. You will find it profitable if vou brino- vov • CREAM TO US. There is a big difference in grading cream, which affects the price you get. By selling your cream t.. us you will be assured the very best grading, because \ you can deliver the cream more promptly, or we w'"' f call for it promptly and have it graded in the shortc > | tmie possible, thereby assuring you of Special K â- . \ 1 grading. We are proving this to our present p:.. \ rons. 2 I Highest market prices and Satisfaction Guarantee : I Honest Markdale Creamery Hone^^ | Test and ProducelCo. Wcirl;; [ -MARKDALE, ONTARIO. PHONE \ \\a\UMtH,:lf ;• â- > >..â-  s FLESHERTON, ONT. HOUSE OF QUALITV TART YOUR CHICKENS RIGHT, WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH TKl BEST BABY CHICK FEED. GROWING MAS!' BABY SCRATCH FEED. CHICK ' GRIT BONE MEAL. mk. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour. F««d, 9Mda. Groctiâ€" and Confactianety Flesherton ^ â€" «. â€" Jâ€" j^ â€" -. â- ->*=. ^Mui

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