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Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1927, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY APRIL 27, 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Cutting Prices Deeper FOR Fri., Sat, & all next week ON Boots, Shoes, Men's Wear & Clothing Wake up ye people of Flesherton and surround- ing country. Don't miss this, your opportunity, WE JUST BROUGHT IN A CONSIGNMENT OF SHOES AND MEN'S WEAR, TO GO ON SALE AT PRICES THAT WILL GO WITH A BANG. PLENTY OF BARGAINS FOR EV- ERYBODY, FROM GRANDFATHER DOWN TO BABY. THE ENTIRE STOCK IS DOOMED TO THE FIRING LINE. ALL LINES MUST BE CLEARED OUT. HENCE THE CUT PRICES: ^ Children's Shoes 25c to $1.95. g $1.50 and $1.75 white Running Shoes U at 75c per pair. m Children's Running Shoes 48c. m Boys' and Girls' Shoes from 95c to ^ $2.95 a pair. m Misses' $3.00 Goloshes $1.50. g Ladies' $4.00 Goloshes at $1.95. ^ Ladies' $2.00 House Slippers at 75c ^ Ladies' Shoes Strap Slipper and Ox- rt fords from 25c to $3.75. B Ladies' $1.25 silk and wool Hose for 75c 2 per pair. m Men's $1.00 Sox for 50 cents. â-  Men's $2.50 fine broadcloth Shirts $1.50 Men's $1.50 Belts for 75c- Men's $3.50 Straw Hats for $1.95. Felt Hats half price. Men's Work Shirts 90c up to $2.25. Black and blue Overalls SI. 75. Men's odd Trousers $1.75 to $4.50. Men's Suits from $10-00 to $22.50. Men's Work Shoes $2-00 to $3.50 a pair Men's fine Oxford and high Shoes at $1.95 to $4.95. Heavy Rubbers at half price. Men's $4.50 Overshoes at $2.25. IVIen's $4.00 Overshoes at $2.00. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers 59c. Men's Kid Gloves at half price PRICEVILLE Misses Esther MacLean, Anna May | MacLean, Donalda Nlchol and Alex. MacLean have returned to their ' schools after spending the holiday at ' their homes here. On Friday evening, the 22nd inst., a Very successful concert was civen by Professor Kyle in McKinnon Hall, in the form of a farewell for the Rev. and Mrs. Sutherland before their de- parture for Nova Scotia. The pro Small Advertisements FOH SALB FOR SALE â€"Sweet Clover seed.â€" W. Carson, Flesherton. Phone 31 r 12. FOR SALE â€" Baby buggy in good condition. Apply at this office. FOR SALE frram wa.>i well planned, consisting of Timothy Seed- musical quartettes, selections (from erton. the orchestra. â€" Small quantity dP -D. W. Adams, Flesh- i^^l-i^Slll'l-^" P!f"? A full line of Clover seed on hand. HOTEL TO RENT AT FEVERSHAM The property known as the Temper- ance House, Feversham, is offered for rental. Prospective tenants apply to GEO. WHITEOAK, Feversham FARM FOR SALE and violin, from the Professor, and at e • u ^ i. â-  intervals very interesting lantern ff "'l.T P""8 before buying.â€" slides were shown of most historic ^^tswart & faons, Flesherton. castles, etc., in the British isles. Be-| fore the close Rev. Sutherland waa asked to take his place on the plat form and a very suitable address was read to the Sutherlands. Messrs. A. McQuaig and A. D. McLeod presented them with a purse of money and the proceeds of the evening, altogether amounting to about two hundred and fifteen dollars. Mr. Sutherland made a very suitable reply and thanked his many friends in and around Price- ville for the kindness shovim during his illness, also through the whole period .^pent in Priceville. Dr. Milne moved to Mr. H. B. Mc- Lean's house this week. Mr. Cameron Smellie is busy saw- ing -^^ h's mill here. Mr. John L. McDonald returned to his home in Ottawa on Saturday. The young people of the United church gave a social evening in honor of Mrs. H. B. McLean last Tuesday evening. A short program was put on by members of the society and near the close Mrs. McLean was pre- sented with a silver tea service and a cut glass sherbet set. Mrs. Mc- Lean was a very willing (soloist and helped whenever he was requested in the church, and throughout the com- munitv. She will be very much mis- sed from our tow" • But as she is not goine too far away we hope we may hear her sweet voice sometime again. FOR SALE â€" New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles, Extras and Clears, W. A. Armstrong and Son. â- arsJ^l 160 acres, Lot 24, Con. 10, and south half Lot 25, Con. 11, Artemeaia, must be sold on account of family being dissatisfied. ROOT. E. GORLEY, Eugenia P .O. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE. FOR SALEâ€" Good mare, 11 yrs. old , excellent farm horse. â€" G. W. Ross, Maxwell. Phone Feversham. m Don't miss this, your opportunity to buy first class merchandise at half price m B and less. Be here while assortment is good. J I J. P. WALTER I S Successor to Thos. Clayton. Shop open evenings. ^ SIX HILL STORES Wj(4>uy togother in ordartbat our customers in the (is com- txmniUetnitf mAtarially ben- ^M ihdivicKMlIy. F. T. HILL & CO., Ltd Markdale, Ontario FOR SALE â€" Another car choice Alberta Oats, 1925 crop, 80c per bush. Kindly telephone your orders. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. Phone 2 r 3- 1. â€" FOR SALE â€" International 2% h.p. gas engine, also radiator for a 490 Chevrolet car in good shape. â€" Russel Park, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" A quantity of black barley, also white for seed, and a- bout twenty bags of early potatoes. â€"Alex W. Miller, R. R. 5, Markdale FOR SALE â€" Oat scalpings, kiln dried Com and other grain always in stock. Also Spring Wheat suitable for seed. Phone 2 r 31, Ceylon. â€" A. C. Muir. FOR SALEâ€" Sir head of Cattle, 4 rising two years old and two yearlings â€" Apply to Fred Russell, R. R. 2, Flesherton. CAR FOR SALEâ€" One Ford tour- ing car in good running condition, Apply to Johnston Allen, Power House, Eugenia. FOR SALEâ€" Choice of a four- or a five-section Harrow, also Massey- Harris ten-hoe Seed Drill, and a year- old grade Durham Bull.â€" J. F. Collin- son, Ceylon. ALFALFA SEED-^o.~r~Govtrstan- dard, grown in Grey county, $12.50 per bushel. Also all other No. 1 Clover and Timothy seed. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of large •seed peas, also White Blossom Sweet Clover. â€" Jas. Oliver, Priceville. tele- phone 21 r 22. THE HILL STORE A Store everyone instinct iwely associatea with high quality merdiandite at the! fairest possible prices. (: Spring Toggery Styles as well as Quality at Right Prices LADIES' COATS Ladies' Coats of Charmolene, Tricotene and I'oiret Twill are more popular than ever and since these cloths are destined to play such an important part in the Spring Styles one cannot help being interested in our extensive showing of new models. The a.ssortment is of the richest variety. Prices from $9.r)0 to S19.75. NEW SPUING STYLES FOR MEN. We have them! The New Ideas in Clothes. Not the very extreme styles, but the ones that will ac- tually be worn by well-dressed men. We don't mind saying they are the best values we have ever shown in any season. Young Men's and Men's gar- mets in the new Sigle and Double Breasted Styles, cut with a degree of distinction never etiualled be- fore. We will be pleased to show you this line of Men's .Suits. Prices to suit every purse. LADIES' SI LKTO-1 HE-TOP HOSIERY. See these Stockings. You will be surprised at the quality for such a small outlay. They come in all the new Spring shades as well as Black, and just think of buying a Silk-to-thc-top| Ho'se at 98c. They are all first quality goods, perfect fitting narrow ankles, special heel and toe. All sizes SVi to 10. Why pay more? Special 98c per pair. BIG SHOWING OF NEW WALL PAPERS- LOWEST PRICES IN YEARS. All the New Spring Wall Papers arc now in atock and we are very glad to tell you that the prices are lower this year than they have been for years, and we can truthfully say that the quality we are offering in Papers is not excelled in any market. You will be surprised at the very small outlay for making the home brighter. Come in and inspect our showing. CAPS FOR MEN. Youll need a new Cap this spring. Wo have them here in all the new Spring shades, styles and colorings. All sices, $1 to $1.95. NEW STYLES IN LADIES' AND MISSES SILK DRESSES That extra little Dress that nearly every wom- an requires Right Now, may be applied to every Dress in our showing. Springtime in materials and styles, suggesting all the interesting new things that make this season's frocks decidedly different. The new tones such as Blue, Beige, Green Tomato, Rose Blush, as well as black. All sizes 14 to 20 yeaw, and 36 to 46 sizes. Prices from $9.75 to $35. BOYS' BLOOMER AND LONG PANT SUITS- VERY SPECIALLY PRICED, $8.75 TO $10.50 Boys! Here is something entirely new. A suit of Clothes with a pair of Bloomers and a pair of Long Trousers. These garments are nicely tailored from a light Grey Radio Tweed in a double breasted model. This is a special purchase, and we are offering these garments at an exceptionally low price. Each Suit from $8.75 to $10.50. NEW SPRING STYLES IN FOOTWEARâ€" STYLES AS WELL AS QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES The most colorful season of the year is with us. Have you seen the new colors in Footwear for Spring? We will be please to show them to you. You will find a fine selection to choose from. Am- ong the new shades we are (featuring are: Blonde, Rose Blush, Mahogany and a host of others. All sizes in each line in stock. Prices this year are lower. Come to Hill's for Good Footwear. FUGI SILKS, 79c PER YARD. 19 different shades of this poi^ular Spring Fabric in stock. This is a pure Silk Fabric and is the best quality obtainable. It is used for so many different purposes, such as Ladies' and Children's Dresses, Slips, Underwear, etc. We are sure that we have the exact shade you will be looking for. Price per yard 79c. ST. COLUMBA CHURCH W.M.S. AND LADIES' AID. â- The above two societies met for their Easter meeting on Wednesday, April 20, at the home of Mrs. Fred Karstedt, when a goodly number of members and visitors were present. The W.M.S. convened first with the President, Mrs. (Rev.) McCormick in the chair. After the singing of the opening hymn the Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Frank Reilly and Mrs. McCormack led in prayer. This month, in keeping with the Easter spirit, the roll call was answered by a Scripture verse on "Life." The mat- ter of delegates to the Grey Presby- terial to meet in Owen Sound on May 3, was brought before the meeting, and Mrs. Frank Reiley and Mrs. A. S. Muir were appointed to attend. TTien followed a responsive Easter reading interspersed by duets by Mrs. H. B. MacLean, and Mrs. Peter Muir. A devotional leaflet was read by Miss Mabel Parslow, and other Easter rea- dings were given by Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon, Miss Alice Reiley, Mrs. R. Parslow, and Miss M. Watson.. Miss Louise Watson favored us with a solo, after which the meeting closed with the singing of a hymn. A meeting of the Ladies' Aid was then held, and in the absence of the President, Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon presided. After the opening hymn the minutes of the last meeting were read. The matter of holding a bazaar was discussed and Miss Louise Wat- son gave some practical ideas on the subject. A committee was ap- pointed to meet at the home of Mrs. i xt , ^ D. G. McLean. At the close of the ! ^°- ^- *^«*^ ""^ special prices before meeting the hostess served lunch and ' ^uymg. â€" E. H. Best, Phone 32 r 15, Hereford Bull, Roy Fairfax 5th, No. 56,120, for service at lot 33, con. 1, 2 N.D.R., Artemeada. Termsâ€" $2.50, payable at time of service. â€"JOHN DOW, Priceville. SHORTHORN BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Shorthorn bull for ser- vice at lot 5, Con. 9, Osprey, "Merry Marquis" No. 179,135; Su-e, Bonnie Marquis 142,381; Dam, Red Butterfly 131,078. Terms â€" Purebreds $5.00. grades $2.00. â€" S. R. HAWKINS, Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOB SERVICE Tamworth boar fc(r service, No. 2-16,816, on Lot 146 â€" 147, 3rd range â€" L. MEGGOTT, Apr- 27. Fleshertoii FOR SALE â€" Bred-to-lay Barred Rock eggs for hatching from high laying strain, 50c. per dozen. â€" P. Muir, Ceylon, phone2 r 22. FOR SALE â€" Large field Peas for seed, Canadian \Beauty, reasonably priced. Phone 32 r. 15. â€" E. H. Best, Priceville R. R. 3. BOAR FOR SEBYieS 4 No. 92.7'»30. Also a young Tork, shire pig, both bacon type for serrieg on lot 176, N.W. T. * BJL, Termsâ€" fl.oo. ( â€" T. J. STINSON. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE In the village of Flesherton, 14- room house, suitable for store or any busmess stand, in good location, hard and soft water in basement, furnace, two good cellars, lot has good frame bam size 24x30, also good garden, containing in all two lots. For fur- ther particulars apply at this office. FOR SALEâ€" House and lot for sale in the village of Flesherton. Good 7-room frame dwelling with good barn â€" John Blackburn, Flesherton. Duck Eggs for Sale â€" A number of settings of Pekin duck eggs from good large stock, $1.50 for 11.â€" F. J. Thurston, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Clover seeds of all kinds, home grown, government tested a pleasant social hour was by all. enjoyed Flesherton, Priceville School Report, Winter Term Lower School â€" Murray MacMillan, Anna McEachern, Jack MacKechnie, Jean MacLean, Anna MacKinnon (f), Francis MacEachern (f), Jewel Mac- Arthur (f), Jean MacLachland (f). Senior Fourth â€" Monica Lambert (h), Walter Aldcorn, Charlie Aldcorn, Elda Frook, Donald Reiley, Sadie Carson, Margaret Nichol, Jack Carson. Best in Spellingâ€" M. Lambert. Junior Fourth â€" Margaret Mac Arthur, Mar- jorie Everest, Alex. Stonehouse, Neil Aldcorn (f), Hazel Bender (f), Stu- art Carson (f). Gordon Teeter (f). Best in Spelling â€" Alex. Stonehouse. Third Classâ€" Cameron MacLean, M. Mather, Wallace McDermid, Wilfred Frook, Geo. MacLean, Kathleen Bur- nett, John McVicar, Donald MacAr- thur. Second Class â€" Anna MacLean, Donald Aldcorn, J. D. Teeter, Cath- arine MacVicar, Lloyd Bender, Cam- eron MacLean. First Class â€" Donald Carson, Violet Stonehouse, Norman Barker, John MacArthur, Mayme Tee- ter. Senior Primerâ€" Jsabelle Ma- ther, Frances Reiley, Nellie Meecham, Joe Turnbull, LauretU Turnbull, John Burnett, Emerson Burnett, A'ex. MacVicar, Margaret MacLean. Jun. Primer â€" Vera Pemberton, Dick Car- son, Tom Aldcorn, Waldo Stonehouse, Johnny MacArthur, Douglass Turn- bull. No. on Roll, 69; average attend- ance 50. â€"Peter Johnston Principal, Mrs. A. MacLachlan, Assistant. EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" O.A.C. strain bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, also White Wyandottes from Hon. John Martin's stock. Setting 15 eggs $1.50. â€" J. A. Kernahan, Maxwell. For Sale or Rent â€" Brck house near High School, large garden, soft water, cistern, all conveniences, with possession the first of May. Apply to A. Thitlethwaite, 670 Fourth Ave", Niagara Falls, Ont. WANTEDâ€" About 500 feet of one- inch hardwood lumber.â€" John Wright. Flesherton. _ FOWL WANTEDâ€" Highest market prices paid for live and dressed jfowl. Live fowl preferred. Markdale Crea- mery and Prpduce Company. 31tf WANTED' â€" Good quality~"sweet Clover Seed*. Special prices this week. We are also in the market for all kinds of grain. Phone 2 r 31. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALEâ€" We have a limited number of Light Sussex eggs for hatching, these eggs are from birds which won the medal at the Royal Fair 1926. We also have the R. C. Rock of the heavy laying strain and our pri- ces are right.- W. J. Stewart & Sons. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE â€" Chopping done on Sat- urday only.â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for viceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,99« â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Hoc Club. Terms $1.00. â€" C. HINDLE. Proton Station. Lots 168-9, 3rd W. T.S.R., Artemedi. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE Registered Jersey bull for swvice. Sire: iBrampton Jersey Gonacript; Dam: Brampton Petune's Lady. At Flesherton Livery Stable --F. STUART. Flesherton, Ont. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 53, FLESHERTON General Insurance Specialist Real Estate and InTestments â€" Inquiries Solicited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc Oflficesâ€" Owen Sound, Dnrham %^f ?'««>>«?»»• Pleah^rtoft "^ Saturday aftern oon and eTenlng! GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms* 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance office A REAL SHEPHERD. F. T. HILL & Co., Umild, Markdal Mr. Everett Martin, has set a record in lamb raising in Grey County. He is the owner of eight ewes, seven of which gave birth to three lambs each, making a total of 21 lambs from seven ewes. While he is delighted with the increase, the little duffers keep him in hot warter supplying places for them at the family table. At every meal hour, a second spread is necessary for those which fail to get a "high chair" and Mr. Martin can be pumping one of the cows and acting as foster mother to the whole flock to see that their "tummies" have been filled. â€" Exchange. House to Letâ€" 7-roomed brick house in Flesherton for rentâ€" Apply at this office or to Mrs. McLeod, Priceville, R.R, 2. BUSINESS CARDS Dr. E. C. Murray, L. D. S., dental surgeon, honor graduate of Toronto and Royal College of Dental Surgeon* of Ontario. Gas administered for teeth extraction. Office at residence Toronto Street, Flesherto n. Dr. A. Turnbull, B.A., M.B., grad- uate from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto. Office, Toronto? Street, Flesherton. P hone 38. Prince Arthur Lodge, 883, A.F. * A.M., meets in the Masonic hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. Robt. Down, W.M.; F. J. Thurston, Sec. NOTICE â€" Will the person who secured the loan of our scraper please return at once.â€" W. A. Armstrong and Son. FOR EXCHANGE â€" Would eiT- change a heavy mare colt, three years old, broken single and double, for a driver about eleven hundred or gen- eral purpose.â€" Jas. Hay, 1 n»ile north of Swinton Park. Lucas ft Henryjarristers, Solicit* ors, etc., -I. B. Licas, K. C; W. D. Henry, B.A. Offices, Markdale LueM Block, Phone 2. Branch offices at Dundalk and Durham. BULL FOR SERVICE. Pure-bred Hereford Bull for ser- vice. Terma $2, payable the first of February, after that date f2.50 will be charged. â€"EDWARD LOUCKS. Telford A Birnie, Barristers, soli- citors, etc. Offices, Grey and Bmc* Block, Owen Sound; SUndard Bank Block, Flesherton, (Saturdays). W P. JTelford Jr.. J. P. P. Bimle Wm. Kaitting, Liscenied Auctioneer for the counties of Gaey and Simeoe. Farm and stock sales a speciality. Terms moderate., latiafaction gnuw may be lade at the AdvAnee Oftlee, «« Central telephone otttf, Fennhan* or by addrseaing nw «t I^TenhMm ' H

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