THE FLESHERTCtt* ABVANGC WEDSTSVAT, AprU 20tE, W2T CW*Tolet D«90«stratioa Sending Money to Distant Parts Yon can send iaj aiEOont of mora- ey to any point in Canada at a mini- main of expense by using a Stand- ard Bank Money Order. This method is the simplest, safest azvd most eon- renient way to send remittances by in the Dominion; if the mail goes a- stray no lo»3 is sostained. Should yoa desire to send money to a point outside the country, a Standard Banlc Draft will seTre your porpos* for forwarding money to foreigB places. T»*E An edtxational ikiwmUminn of Ifte i&odait treiMb m tsptdaUj of tbe Chemkit was held in the eanc* << I>- McTsr- iah A Sob on Wcdaeadar «*cmac •( last week, bciac sn«B hf the Gcacnl Motoo, ot wUdk the Chmolcc i* a sxibsidine coatpany. VvOf four tas- dred pconle were ia at tea d aw ec taznc ti» capactty to the tttssost, which was deeocated with bcntcig. Seats wene prorided to Tiew the motioa picture -Man's eoaqoest of Time,- in eoa- foTL This picture of Adaa and Ere poartrayed the type of rratjportatioa used from the time of Adam and Er^ oar faicoas foreparenta. The dinraii stratio!: was cocMQCted by Messrs. E. E. Thcmpsoc. Chevrolet represec- tatire in this territory asd Paai Ir- win, special factor repreaentatrrejboth of Oshawa and their erplasatioas and descriptiosis were very realKtie. A display of the variooj models of this year's beactifii! CheTrolet, named the "Most beastifcl Cherroiet in Chevrolet history." was giTa» aad thorough examination was grrea these fiae cars by all iaterestei A drawing cocsejt was held azad Mr. J»hn J. Boyce of the Focrsh Lire Mrs. Jos. Blackbora is visiting in seeored first prixe. win2i=^ aa ii*- Monto this week. ner tahe: Jaciion Stewar:. sob «f Trains Isave Flesherton Station «a ' Mrs. W. J. Meads returned home os Mr. John Stewart secased a ^de I Friday last, after spending the past mrrror for car as second ^T-:i«. wmle five weeks in Toront:*. Mrs. T. Sled was lacky to s et ar e a Bathiiq Restricted r.f STWDARD BAI4K OP CAJtiAD^^ PUSHERTON BRANCHâ€" C T. Batky. Mtmttr C^M. TtMM TABLE >• Going Nortli 11,61 4.33 p,m. { Allows: Going Soath AOO a.m. 4,10 p.m. -8,41 pjn. The mails dese at Flesherton 'follows aeoth at 3.30 For laoming train family sp«nt Eas- r with the for- aouth mail closes at 9.00 pjn. the , mers mother at Jc ant Forest. pte^ous evening. | 34^3 Emerson .-.ianss and daugh- ; ter, Jean, of Eimru'e. are visiting the ; former's sister, Mr?. D. W. .\dairs, ! Misses Dorothy ZIIU a::d Manrire': i Flett of MocTit Fc ; :it are sr^ndin^ a Mr. Frank Thomrson of Chesley ^^'-''J' =*=« ^ thL'-i jrlie was a caller on Tuesday, retnmiBg 9JiS pJB. jj^mg tjjg same eveniTsg, Sun Life Assaraace Is sold in Flesherton by A. S. Tharston. Ln- quire at The Advance ofifice. For the north at 11.00 ajn. 1 j£, ^^^^ jj^,, g. g. Wlton and ADDRE&S AND PBIZSENTATION. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Laidiaw c£ Tris- v.:gi â€" ;ve :hii -sre^'i :; S;r".":-.:j-:i;. Pr«v::.i :.: •'r.i.T r^e-jv^: i -â€" ::^r Mesiorics of the «-.aitr:f|.y twetttj- years ago last Jacaary. as e*«Bt Icr^ :: z-i r-T-;-- :•=:;.! when the dBEi .-. :--- J.= ^.^.: =;--:*• we-t ef fanm. gav* way i.-.. --;.. e: -.'t.-. â- ass of water t-; r^3". ::r-j.ri, vii- iag awa- two cth'er iiru i:iu 'â€"â- & brl'ijr or. \zi '?-s-f- S : --â- : r;j.i. •s'cre agar:! zr::.^-^: :; n.i-: ;_ rr_ Last. As we were walking Inti:- tcwtt fr-.^ei the weat we were astccrded to s^e the poad three para dra:=jcd of wat- er aad THJCEi :: ii;:hcr rrrjj: iai- raediately ea::ie tC' â€" j:; Vj';- i:t- Tgstigaiicc it wats d-icr^ere-i to ocr relief that tie cwner :: -.'--i mill. H. .A_ McCa^iey "sad drai::^i '.z.- toad in order to make needed repass to dM dam acd f^3m«. Dorisg the p*-^ T*^^ evjtssiderahle dasaage has 'Men dene to tbe fLx=« aad dasi by ycsng p*c?ie r»i â€" :-.-g there and is order to proT« this Mr. McCa-iiey Ls :rlig«d to er«c:. a wire fence arccnd the ca'a- in cr«r to keitp tzesepasser? erf. >ir. MrCi-l- ey is ^sax-s tc ":>e -.'z'^z^i :; i; -.hi?. bat win alI:-»^ thr v.v:::^ ;'=•-"?'-= t-' bathe in tiieir ;-=.iâ€" ; .-:!i:en: a: :th^r plarin arc'.:ri :-i 'â- :-.i. "srh^n th'c wana w=a:hr.- ir. â- ii Tic ':-;t^ i^d girls to secire ni:~i l- ::i •â- -•-"--â- ;: fitcahness. It is :â- : z-i 'r.:~-e-i :hi: tie bathers and .-.hirs â€" i: '.hâ€"l -.: '.i^re private p»or>£"v il;-i i-i -;: rrinr fm&cz';;c r. ;z bj^hi^t at the po«L De Laval Cream Separator Trt ' f"^"^* A*^" '*' "* ^wwgl> » F. DrXCAN, Agent: FLESHESTOX ies'owtrate is t« rs«. We kavc Sep- arator Oil aad Repairs. W. A. HAWKEN FL£SHE«TO>*. 0!<T. T.- Mr. 3. We. 'iave ; - - \'-^ Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Wes. .\rmstrosg were few days with M: .= Helen Welton. visitors in Collingwood on Friday. Miss D. Thurston of Toronto was an Easter visitor at her home here. Tell your friends that the .\dvanc« â- will be sent to new subiscribbers from now till Jan. 1, 192S, for $1.00. Mr. W. G. Kennedy is in- stalling an electric refrigerator for his ice cream and pop trade. Messrs Stewart and Cecil McTavish of Oshawa holidayed at their home here for Easter, - ii read; ,r.- neighboais ~ j-'ening, tak- oar ap- .-ey to yoo oar :r>? leariag for .7^ :--r change •.â€".'.. :•; a T>leas- Mortgage Sale Underage r; sale .v,-sti;-ii whi:h ^ar-"'. :.; there •a-.I ';•; : Or. acco'.in: of .â- e ceniari :ur srace this week i-:'s:dcrable crnii- rcndence, etc., ha; to be held over until next week. , Mijses Stewart a-.: C--.~.;r. - :: :-r jHigh School Stat: .vr« h: ::_..:.-;:.;: ;" [Toronto, while Mr. Hardwick Ls vis- iting at 'cis "con:e :.: Bclton. i Mr. .\. S. Tcurston of Meat'ori was in town last week on buslrejj. and was accompanied over the week- . end by his wrfe ar'' family. SATURDAY. APRIL 30 MrNSH.\W HOTEL .\".: V.': Misses Shirlev Mnrrav and Lorene -^ '*>a<l ^^ ^"-"'^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ *^ Carsoe of Toronto, holid'ayed at their "^^ m a few da; ?, also a l.^a o: s?tandard Re-Lkaned ^•reenir^rs. homes here Miss Evada Wibon of Toronto Normal School, is spending the Eas- ter holidays at her home here. Miss Ella Strutt and Miss Isabel Kowe of Lome Park holidayed with their friend. Miss Marie McEachnie. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith and daught- er of Owen Sound, visited friends in town on Friday. â- :-.-. W. G. A:: Book orders early.â€" H. Sr^'tfori. FOR SALEâ€" Oat jc^rincs. ki':; dried Com and other grair. .-/.-.v.ivi â- .- -tx-k. .\lso Spring Wheat s'.i:;,ibie ::r seed. Phone 2 r 31, Ceylon. â€" .\. C. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. LeGard and LADY BANK s.4.e. £>-i-a:v.'t' i known at :i:ne â- â- partJCttLars sr.d ply to Skta~,- NEW STOCK OF GINGHAMS CHINTZ & BROADCLOTH \\-Z MWT .\ XEW STOCK OF GIXG- H.\3:S, CHINTZ .\XD BRO-\DCLOT1^, .\LSO SOME NEW TOWELLIXG. CheWrcn's Rubbers, per pair 5*c Ladies' Rubbers, per pair â€" 5§c. Children's summer weight vests, each â€" ISc Crochet Cotton, per ball 5c \\*E HAX^E A NEW STOCK OF MEN'S 0\'FR.\LLS .\ND WORK SHIRTS. We cary Royal Purple Specific calf meal, etc A. WATSON Wright's old stand, - Fleskerten weather Mr. .vi Easter w.:- Mr. a^ faniilv .", Mrs. J. < Miss W r^TTtto i? â- ^'-' /iU^"- K.\ITTING. .\Bctioiieer. laruily of Toronto motored up azJ sp^nt Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Best. Herb wah pLlottinj a new Chev Mr. and Mrs. F. ,H. W. Hickling chariot, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs, .-VLFALF.A. SEEDâ€" Xo. 1 Govt, stan- J D. Clarke at Weston. idard. grown in Grey county Easter Sundav was an ideal day P*f bushel. .Also aU other Xo. 1 for the display of new Spring hats Clover and Timothy seed.â€" .A. C. Muir. ;^^ <.,:; i; and frocks. ; Ceylon. Mr^ '^rv.-i .-^< â- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henry and ehil- [ -^«r enjoying gvvd roads since the Ejister w;;-. dren of Berkley were Kaster visitors ««*•'''' disappeared, ^he reoent ?L".e Mrs. VTn-. Ser in town. warm weather has brought the re- Miss .\dell ^v-. .•-.^. ; \'.\r $12.00 rar^r: M- \i-i Wm the party who borrowed my â„¢*«^°« ^^*^ 'â- ''"V'^ '^. ^"""':^- f"! C^ttlfv a- •^-^- in many places the roads are in bad *-!?P^'^- *• P'^J^fJU C .iri7.c« Sens pie ar^d • "r'lfsherton. Mr. ar.d ::-". of Markdale. ar.d v.t o; Islirocton 5t>e:it -cir tarents. Mr. and vie. ar.d family. Roberts is with her Mrs. Frank Taylor. Sth lire. â-¼iolet ray kindly renim same and av oid trouble. â€" T. Bentham. (shape. One mile north cvf Pur.dalk Misses Blanche Patton ar.d Edr.a Mc- Ithe njad was so soft from heaviixs: jfi^fVJ^!^*^ ;^!^.l\*t^34i:i t^ Miss« Elsie Ferris of Owen Sound , that many cai^ were mir*d and h^ rt^.r <u"]lv ^^-^"'i »=^ and Evelyn Ferris. Oran^viUe spent j to be pulled out. Western Ontario Mr. Muri Roberts is assL<tiâ€" Mr. ttexr Easter holidays at their home | experienced thU condition two and Ed. Madden, near Feversham. with his l»«w. (three weeks ago, and apparently Mr. Thos. Brady of Toronto joined !» <««â- *«"» no'^- his wife on Saturday. Mrs. Brady- spent the pas> week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Wri^t. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish aad SPECIAL COl*>CIL MEETING. A special meetintr of the villaire family of Oshawa motored up on Pri- iSf?"*'' was held on Thursday evening day. returning Sunday, visiting the ***,!*'* '^^ ^•'^ **'* purpos* of trans- acung a couple of important items of business, Mr. G«org« Brackenbory made ap- former's parents here. Mr. Wilfred McMaster left on Mon. afternoon for Oyen. .\tta.. where h« aiiernoon lor uyen. Aita. wneie Be p,i^,i^„ ^^ ^e aUowed to instal a gas- has secured a situaUon drtlhng f<«'|oIine tank in front of his garage, ^- an 0.1 company at that point. i„^ t^,t he was wflling tfa^e re- which â- Mrs. Jack Perkins and two child- jsponsibility for any damage ren of Markdale spent Easter with might result therefrom. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Free- 1 .A Transient Traders By-law was [introduced and passsed. Henceforth s?r:-c work. Mr. Earl Poole is hired wits Mr. .<lex Ma3rwell for a tern:. Mr. Ed. HarK>itle has made t' him- self and family the gift of a new Chevrolet oar. ytc. Pan McTav^^h be- in^ the salesman. i Mr. W. .\. .\rm»trv>R.e has his n*.er | into the happy home camp aicata after ' an absence of about six weeks, with i Mr. Harry Fallow as cook, as usual, j We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Georce , S Pobjior. to our midst. ; ^s SALE OF CHATTEL H UNDER MECHANICS UEN ACT i = Aaction Sale of Farm BEING LOTS l*l-14t Srd CON. E. T. Jt SJJ. ARTEMESIA wiU be he".i .i: :'-; PARK HOTEL FLE5HERTON. ONT. Sat, Apr. 23, 1927 i Sale !,•> a: : ,-: •.â- -•.. siarr. The farm coataias lOO acres more or less. There is on this •rell watered stock and rrain f*rn« an broomed brick house and frane barn, also a vo«d k>t. Sale IS sub;e\.-: '.^ reserve bid. TERMS: Ter. per cer.: r.." " oi ?urvha,-e rrice or. dj»y o: 5a!<' and s f-.:nher thirty per c«=:, U'^'' " ^ wi;hi= one month. Balance arranged ea fc ! =-.ortgag* at five r*r «.-ea:. u ~ >. For further ir.format;.^r. »; WE SELL HOBBERLIN Made to Order Suits Price 23.75 up GROCERY SFH *^ ..A.. S rOR THIS WtEK J Tins of Tonici-oes Cuir's's Ve§*:able Soup Tel'.y Fowviers, 4 for, 2 lbs. for ^[a^.^•ro:•.:. .T "kcs. for 25c. lOo 25c 25c 2Sc W. G. KENNEDY Phone 37 man. \n aaction sale will b« held at the garage of H. IX>wn & Sons, ir. the Vi;. ^71.4:2. nnimportant eommunioa- &aLE AT FOIR O'CLOCK PM. â€" GEl"». DINCAN. .AnctioBeer. /<^ Easter visitors at the home of Mr. . I*»vileg». and .Mrs. George Mitchell. | S^vend Justice W. H. Wright, who is on| ♦''>"« 'ffr* received, the Customs Probe Commission was a visitor with his brother. Mr. J. ; Wright, on Friday. The Commission meets next at Windsor. ", L. O. L, 2S55 will hold their reg- ular monthly meetii\g on Friday eve. of this week at S p.m.. when a full attendaiK-e is revjuosted The Master, G. E, Banks, will give his report on . Grand Ltnige prococvlings. Mr. McCann and family and Mr. arm Mrs. King and family of Toronto were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harrow- \ cr over Easter. Mrs. Harrower and two little chiUlrtn returned with them on Monday for a short visit. Miss Corona Cheer and Miss Isa- bel McGtll of t>wen S».»und. and Miss Muriel Gardner and Mr. .\. R. Bud- do of Toronto were xirvek end vi». itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. Maurix'v Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright of town, has securwl a garage at Bobcayjreon. Maurice is a first class mechanic and his extensive training the last few yrs. Should give him an excellent chance for success. For Sale â€" (wo Ford 1-ton trucks, 1 Forti seilan. I four-ninety Che\T\^let, touring, all in gvnxl shape; three oil tanks and (quantity of car repaiw. several young pigs.â€" .\pply to Arthur MeK-iy. R. K. Xo, .^ rrieeville, phono 21 r 5. Seeds Seeds Seeds ONLY REXNIES XO. 1 SEEDS H.\XDLED .-VXD PRICES .\RE BELOW THEIR CAT.V LOGUED PRICE. SEE THE SEED BEFORE BUYIXC. -VXYWHERE. HARNESS PARTS GOOD QUALITY HARXESS PARTS OX HAXD. Cream Shipping Station Store closed every eve. but Wed. 6c Sat. A. E. HAW, Ceylon lift Ladies' Ready to wear Hats A FRESH ASSORTMENT SPECIALLY SELECTED FOR EASTER BUSINESS WILL BE PLACED ON SALE THIS WEEK ALL REASONABLY PRICED MEN3 FELT HATS Fine quality for felts in the leading shades: Silver, Zinc, Oxford, Pearl, Champagne, and Black, Plain and fancy contrasting bands All new & correct in stvle. All sizes Specially Priced - - ' - $3.95 MEN'S CLOTH CAPS OUR NE\^' SPRING ASSORT.MENT IS NOW COMPLETE NEW SHAPES - NEW COLORS CEPTIONAL VALUES $1.50 to $2.25 Holeproof Silk Hosiery in all the new shades .75 to $1.75 F. H. W. HICKLING, Flcshcrtoa ;i;1^-silliililin!iii)iliii(Uj;,,i!!i;!4iiiiii!iilH;il^ A:;!:<>ii>!IUliliniiiiiiii:iiifliiu.ii;h,J