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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1927, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6. 1927 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THEY GOT HIS GOAT A newly wedded couple returned to town one evening; last week. Be- ins suspicious that his reception would be exceedingly cordial, the Croom descended from the "omnibus" at the outskirts of the town and •couted around a few back streets and in at the back door of home, sweet home, where the bride had al- ready arrived. But an eagle-eyed : young banker, who is expert at dia- jcoverinK "mistakes," spotted him j and reported at head quartars of he ^ugle brigade. In a short time about 00 per cent, of the jealous boys and girls of the town confcregulated and proceeded to play on tin pans, musk- ' cts and vocalions, making a most un- earthly racket. The groom took it all in good part, (he had been guilty himself of like persuasion in past years) threw up his hand and in the Are You Interested in Motor Cars ? Then, here is a chance to become familiar with the many improvements which mat k the most recent progress of construction and design. Educational Demonstration OF MODERN TRENDS IN AUTOMOBILES Given free of charp;e througli courtesy of the Chevrolet Motor Company of Canada, Limited, in the interest of reducing the cost of transportation to the Canadian Public. The time devoted to this lecture will be well spent and will result in a wider knowledge of motor car coostruction and design. MOVING PICTURE ^* Man's Conquest of Time *' Sho^^ng Types ot Transportaticn Used from the Time of Adam and Eve. SSSE IT ! At 8 p.m. m Apr. 13 at garage of D. McTAVISH & SON Flesherton, Ont. You are Invited to Attend ! words of that immortal folk song, "Come all ye lads and lasses", enter- tained everybody to ice cream, and all the boy- and girls voted him a mighty good fellow â€" which he is. An eff- ort had been made to introduce a goat to his bedroom, but the window was too high, the boys too weak, or the goat too strong, and this part of the porgrame fell through. But judging by the treats handed out, the bunch of merrymakers got the brid- groom's goat, all right, and a lot of village boys and» girls were over- flowing with joy the following day. SCHOOL REPORTS LOST AND FOUND If the next war is to be fought in the air it may draw in some of our politicians. They are up thorc most of the time. A lot of people who start out with the idea that two can livo as cheap- ly as one get little chance to test the theory â€" they soon have to I figure out how three or four can live. Auction Sale FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS H. C. RADLEY & SON Lots 151-153, Con. 6, Artemesia will hold an auction sale on THURSDAY, APRIL 14th when the following will be offered: STOCK â€" Matched team general j purpose horses, 7 and 9 years old, this is a show team; riding pony in foal to "Burton Fetch"; Jersey Bull 2 years "Sir Galahad" by Brampton Jersey Volunteer; Grade Jersey Cow, just I freshened; grade Jersey Heifer year- j ling; Polled Angus Heifer due Aug. 3; I 3 Steers rising 2 years old; dual pur- pose Durham Cow with calf at foot; J50 White Orpington hens; 20 Oxford Down ewes to lamb May 1; Black Hampshire Ram, 1 year old; 2 Tam- worth Sows, registered; White Holl- and Turkey Hen; 2 Store pigs; pair African Geese. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" McCorm- ack Mower 5 foot cut; M.-H. Rake 12- fcct, new; Scuffler; set of Disc Har- rows; set of 12-bull Iron Harrows; set C-buU iron harrows; Adams wagon, nearly new; buggy, set of sleighs; Stock Rack; Hay Rack; Fleury Plow No. 21; Stone Boat, Whiffletrees, Peter Hamilton cutting box, new; Standard Cream Separator, new; set single Driving Harness; Gentleman's Riding .Saddle; set of Team Harness; forks, shovels and numerous other ar- ticles; Sale to commence at 1 p.m. TERMSâ€" All sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes, b''( off for cash in Heu of notes, notes to he bankable. â€" W. KAITTING. Auctioneer. Eugenia School Report for March. ^ Sr. 4 â€" Reta Genoe, Irene Martin, ' Patty Morgan, Hilda Gordon, Enid i Gordon, Glenn Pedlar. ' â€" Jr. 4.â€" Melrose Campbell, Kathleen FOUND â€" Wrist watch at Eugen- Pedlar, Gladys Fawcett, Victor Camp- ia. Loser apply at Advance office. bcl, Gladys Williams. | m^i^^m^mmmmam^tmm^mim^tmmm^i;m» Class 3 â€" Lucy McDonald, Evelyn. Rowbotham, Annie Laughlin, Belva > F O R 8 A L E Genoe, Lloyd Genoe, Bill Laughlin, | pQR SALE â€" Baby buggy in good Phyllis Graham (not ranked) condition. Apply at this office. Sr. 2 â€" Argyle Martin, Isabel Row- - â€" botham, Teddie Dixon, Bemice Camp- ' FOR SALE â€" Good maple syrup bell, Teddie Campbell, Bemice Faw-|$2.50 per gallon, or if can supplied, cett. .12.75. Apply toâ€" Chas. Doupe. Jr. 2 â€" Herbie Fawcett, Anneta Tur- ~. . „ 7. 7~r, i ". 7 A full line of Clover seed on hand. Secure our prices before buying. â€" Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Small Advertisements FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, lota 77-78, 1 N.D.R, Artemesia, about 85 acres under cul> tivation, remainder in bush and pas- ture, well watered; good bank barn 36x60 with T 36x45, solid brick house, 8 rooms, furnace and soft water cis- tern. Reason for selling illness. â€"Write W. A. MORTON, R. R. No. 2 Proton SUtion. ner, Hugh LaugAn Sr. Pr.â€" Elma Dixon, Freddie Part- ridge, Percy Graham, Lottie Graham. Jr. Pr. â€" Lillian Plantt, Jean Tudor. No. on Roll, 33. â€" 'Mildred Johnston, Teacher. Springhill School For March. Sr. 4 â€" Lola Blackburn*, Audrey Brown. Jr. 4 â€" Carl Johnston*, Clifford Al- len*, George Allen, Annie Akins, Jean Beard*, Ellen Parker, Doris Waller. Jr. 2â€" Merle Allen*, Selma South*, Marjorie Wyatt*, Harold Johnston, Orren South. Jr. 1â€" Elsie White, Doris South*, Patsy Beard*. Sr. Pr. â€" Russell Johnston*, Ivan Waller. Jr. Pr.â€" Glen South. Average attendance 96%. * Present every day. â€" G. B. Littlejohns, Teacher. Fevershani School For March. Sr. 4 â€" John McLean*, Lloyd Moore, Mervin Davidson, Donald Davidson, RusscI Hawton, Minerva Conn, Rozzel Conn. Sr. 3â€" Edith Heitnian*, .Albert Dav- idson, Mansel Conn, Frank Light. Jr. 3 â€" Margaret Foster*, Herbie Eby, Merryl Davidson, Mervin Moore* Jimni'y Heitman*, lona Thombury, Al- gyva Henderson, Burton Conn. Sr. 2 â€" Emily Moore, Jimmy Conn. Jr. 2 â€" Marion Hawton*, Lloyd Hud- son, Dora Shortt. Sr. 1 â€" Irene Hudson*. Annie Heath- cotc, Delsa Kaitting, Jean Alexander. Sr. Pr. â€" Jean Shortt. Jr. Pr.â€" Billy Burke*. Gordon Dav- idson*, Burton Hudson, Dorene Smith, Helen Love. * Attended every day. H. K. Boyd, Teacher. )[asia5isiaa5;siia5i5jaardiu!3fsisi3i3Si5i5i^^ SIX HILL STORES WjtbuF tofathar in order IImI o»r cuftomar* in the •(â-  com- iwuniti«a,;iM7mat*rially b«n- •A IndiTlduallr. F.T.HILL&CO.,Ltd Markdale, Ontario THE HILL STORE A Stora eraryena inttinct- Ivaly aaaoclata* with hlgh^ quality marchandisa at thi fair»*t p<M«ibl« prica*. SNAPPY MERCHANDISE FOR SPRING Now is the time to look around Our Big Store is now filled wite bright, new, snappy Spring Merch- andise. Every Department contributing many lines of up-to-the-min- ute goods in both Staples and Novelty lines House Furnishings Department We are howiiiif a liirgc rariKc (if House Furni- shingH, such an (hirtuina, I'anclH, Drnpi-ricM, Wimlnw Shades, Uiith Mats, Linoleum Kuc, Oongoleinn Hugs, Tapestry, and the hcttcr ijuality Oilcloth 1, 1 'ii, 2 and 2% yards wide; iiIho I.lndlimm 2, •'! and 4 yards wide. Get our prices before buying. We aru sure we can save you money. Dry Goods Dept. Fancy .Silk Kayons in plain and fancy patterns. Very spcrial li.'ic. « yard. Fugi Silk in all thu latent nhades. Very Hprclal â- t $1.00 a yard. Cfttton I)rcB« ("repcM in figured patternK, ncwent â- hadcH, Kclling nt SOr. per yard. Kayon Gingham, beautiful (pinlity niul Npcrinlly priced at SSc a yard. Shoe Department Wo prtdo ourHclvi-H in bunding the bent in nhocn and rubbera, and we uIno pride oiimelvcH In lM<iaic abln to K«ll them nt pricen that are low. Our buyiuflr power aaveit you money. A I'KW <H' nVH MANY HI'KCIALS liailien' Cunhlon .Siih' llutton Hout« of real good <|U«Hly kid. Ctlearlng at f2.ffn. Lndiaa' llrnvy Kooti of real good grain Htock. Clearing at fZ.-IH. Men'x Tan Oxford* on nnle that wock. A real bargnin at $3.95. I.ndivN, don't forget wr bnvr the ni'Wj'Ht in mnnrt ahoea for Knitter. ('nil and look thnn over an<l ym\ will Ini convinced that we are up-to-dato In thin de partment. Hardware Department Now in the time to buy your Dairy Pails. A full line of Paints, nnd Brushes. Also a full line of Kence Wire. Our stock is compete and our prices right. SPECIAL NKW WALL PAPERS The new Wall Papers nro here. We have n Inritc assortment to offer and our stock is now nt full slrentftb. It will pay ynu to look over this fine assortment now and choose your papers from what \vp believe to be the most ixipunhir line in Canada to-dny. All pnpors in rtock '2'2 inches wide. We have many real Rood values in this line nt lOc, lie,, I2!/|C., IRc, 18c. and np to 50c. per roll. Grocery Department ••We can nave )ou money on Grncoriea." 10 pound (iranulntod Sujtnr 720. 10 pound Layer FIrs 90j_ Pearl White Soap, B for 2')t. Canned rinenpple, 2 tins for 3.if. Canned I'eara, i! tins for 2.'?c. Salmon, 1 pound tin, 2 for 45^ Special Easter Showing of Dress- es, Coats and Millinery Drosses in all the n.<wi>»t shades) with ploatinirs. tucks nnd shirring, in satin. irporK'ettes, cantons and crepe satin. Prices ranginR from $10.9.'^ tn SH&M. 12 Drrsses, rcRtilnr »12..'>0 to $ir..t)0. Price JlO.nS. F.T.HILL&Co.,Limitd,Markdale FARM FOR SALE Farm for sale containing 39 acres of land, 25 acres workable, 20 acres seeded, well fenced, good bam and FOR SALE â€" A few tons of good f^.**'"' *'*'"^ **""*« *^^*» softwater Timothy hayâ€" Apply to J. A. Nichol, "wide. Ceylon. Phone 22 r 13. | â€" L. WHITEHEAD, Fleshertwu FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE • 5 years. â€" J. Phone 21 r 12. - Heavy mare rising J. Meads, Priceville, 160 acres, Lot 24, Con. 10, and south half Lot 25, Con. 11, Artemesia, FOR SAXE â€" 2 buggies and a ""ut be sold on account of family democrat, cheap. â€" J K. McLeod ^"^e dissatisfied. Ceylon, phone 40 r 4. *! ROBT. E. GORLET, Eugenia P.O. SeS'L'tf^ W.'g'bowU K.TT. «^«^^««« ^^'^^ r«« SERVICE. Markdale. I Hereford Bull, Roy Fairfax 5th, No. FOR SALE â€" Ten young pigs of 56,120, for service at lot 33, con. 1, bacon type. â€" B. McKenzie, Ceylon, 2 N.D.R., Artemesia. Termsâ€" $2.50, phone 22 r 5. i payable at time of serrice. â€"JOHN DOW, Priceville. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE â€" Two good work horses ~ â€" E. W. Jones, 2 miles south of Flesh- | erton on highway, phone 41 r 24. ' ' Regristered Yorkshire Boar for ser- FOR SALEâ€" Good general purpose vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, R-tr* ^/"uT'' ''" f»™-I>r- F- T-the property of the Ontar B.bby. Fles herton. . ^,„^ ^, Agriculture. ario Depart- â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" Oat scalpings, best ; quality, 45c. per bu., also barley, 1 wheat and peas for feed and seed. â€" ! A. C. Muir, Ceylon. { ; Tamworth boar fqr service, No. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of large 2-16,816, on Lot 146-147, 3rd rang* ceed peas, also White Blossom Sweet t -KrcnnnTT Clover .-^as. Oliver, Priceville. tele- ' .„, „ ~^ MtUGOTT, phone 21 r 22. , Apr. 27. Flesherto* FOR SALE â€" 2 registered Short- horn bulls, 16 months. Government tested Jor T. B. â€" Ed. Littlejohns, R.R. 5, Markdale. BOAR FOR SERYIGB No. 92-71630. Alao a yoiatg To^ shire pig, both bacon type for mttIm S. S. No. 8, Artemesia. Sr. 4 â€" Marguerite Fisher, Beatrice Boyce, Hazel McKee (equal), Lewis Fisher. Jr. 4 â€" Melville Boyce, Everetto Fis- her, Grace Ilonps, George Badgerow. Sr. 3â€" Mildred Boyce, Robert Shear- down, Mabel Black, Gorley Blakey. Jr. ;? â€" Minnie Lougheed, Dorothy Badgerow, Bob Skinner. Sr. 2â€" Wilbert Fisher, Bert Hopps, Delbcrt Fisher, Roy McMullen. Jr. 2â€" Stewart Black, Mary Shear- down, Clara Boyce, Johnny Blakey, Percy McMullen, Ernest Black, Clif- ford Taylor, Herb. Blakey, John Skin- ner. Sr. 1â€" Bobbie Meldrum, "Vem Mc- Mullen, Florence Boyce. Jr. 1 â€" Carrie Skinner. â€" E. Clinton, Teacher. FOR SALEâ€" Four lots with stable °^ •°* l^^' N.W. T. * SJL, and a 6-roomed dwelling with summer Terms â€" 11.00. kitchen and woodshed. Apply to Ed ! Best, FIcshertnn. I FOR SALE â€" Bred-to-lay Barred ] Rock eggs for hatching from high I laying strain, 50c. per dozen. â€" P. Muir, Ceylon, phone2 r 22. â€" T. J. 8TIN80N. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE • In the village of Flesherton, 14- room house, suitable for store or any â-  business stand, in good location, hard land soft water in basement, furnace, FOR SALE â€" Large field Peas for '^â„¢ ^'^ cellars, lot has good frame seed, Canacian -^eauty, reasonably ""IP .^'." ?^'30, also good garden, priced. Phone 32 r. 15%-E. H. Best, th^r nZi',? "^^ *'^°, '°^- .u-^^^J'"" Priceville R. R. 3. i Particiriars apply at this office. FOR SALEâ€" House and lot for sale in the village of Flesherton. Good 7-room frame dwelling with good bam â€" John Blackburn, I^esherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE A BLACKBIRD CAMPAIGN Having noticed a flock of black- Registered Yorkshire Boar for â-¼iceâ€" Edgely Bright Vim, No. 99,9M t:.,^„ o.,,^. „, , .â€"Property of Saugeen Bacon Ho* FOR SALL â€" Two stacks of good Club. Terms tl 00 timothy hay, tw© stacks oat sheaves I 1, wjj^f,, „ and on good working horse, S vears. â-  "'ND'-B. â€" Wm. Hawkins, Eugenia. " , Proton Station. _ iLofa 168-9, 8rd W.T.S.R., Artemesia. FOR SALEâ€" Brood sov^s for sale. I First one will pig about April lit â€" ' John Flynn, Flesherton, R.R. 2, Phone J 13 on 31. ! Registered Jersey bull for s«Tie«k Duck Eggs lV,r"i;i;ir".;;mber ofjcj;: *C''to„ "^*p 7 ^^'^^^P*' I iJani. Brampton Petune»s Lady. J,"^']' : Fee: $5.00 at time of service. 1 â€" H. RADLET. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE settings of Pekin duck egRs good large stock, |1.50 for 11. Thurston, Flesherton. .1 FOR SALE â€" Clover seeds of all < birds amusing themselves in picking u. V u " ^ '"^'•r »«^«>'' ^>i «'' the eyes out of a young n>bin. fl^mds, home grown, government tested Wnlkertonian was so horrified at this J'"-> ^" ^^^ ^P*^!*' P'-'"'^^^^^:^" brutal pastime that he began offer- ^"^.V"?:.- ^- "' ^*^'' P****"' ^- â- " ^^^ FleshortoB. OnC egan offer ing 5c. apiece for every dead black- bird that was brought to him. This started such n campaign amongst the hoys here last year that many windows were broken and numerous narrow cu'^ipos wero rocordivi a- mongst householders from the mis- siles that were flying through the ether in the frantic efforts of the children to increase their bank ac- counts. As a get.-rich-quick scheme it proved n dismnl failure, espwial- ly to the parents. One lad in seek- ing to cop ofr the r> cents reward shie<l a rook at a black-bird and shattered n ?!.â- ) window, which lii.s father was Inter oti!i.u:e<l to settle for. Th<' ki(l<ii(<.s wore oponing the lst27 cnmp'iijrn last week with their sling- shots nnd cntn-Hilt.-i. when ("liiof Ker Flesherton. EGGS FOR HATCHINGâ€" O.A.r. -Strain bred-to-lay Barred Rocks, also White Wy.indottes from Hon. John Martin's stock. Setting 15 eggs f 1.60. â€"J. A. Kernahnn, Maxwell. S. E. DeCUDMORE PHONE 63. FLESHERTON General Insurance Spceialiat R«al Estate and InvestmcnU â€" Inqniriea Solicited â€" MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc OWicesâ€" Owen Sound, Dnrhaa Choice Alberta *%at.«, ; 5â„¢ Flesherton. Flesherton every FOR SALE „, U'2."> crop, 80c. per bu.; also fanoy j S*'""**^ afternoon and •â-¼â€¢nins. recleanwi oats at R7c. per bu. West-. ~ em white feed oata at 63c. per bu. â€" 1 A. C. Muir, Ceylon. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK Hnii^F vnjf RiTMT n u u I LICENSBD AUCTIONEER UUUSt. FOR RENTâ€" Brick house p,,r thn r^„nt„ o ,- m near High School, large g.nnion. .,oft ', , „"' cen, "iLf . "^^â- ^ ^*'â„¢'i water, cistern, all conveniences, with d,^;! made at Th a?"'" '^"«™**«» possession the first of May. ^ rrl" Ad vance office. to A. Thitlethwaite, R70 Fourth Ave., D| ICIKiCCC r<Anrxo Niagara Falls. Ont. BU^INE^S CARDS .•<n<,is nmi cnia.nilt.s. when Chief Ker- WANTED â€" Good quality sweet I nr P r xm ^r .^ <, guscM mv,; in sight and temporarily Clover Seed Social nrice.TbL ' . ^ '^ ^^ ?' ^''"*^' ^- °' «•• d«>UI stoppi-d the crusade against the black rascal 1. Wo understniul that the man giving the reward has been asked to w;th.|"ii\v tlie offtv.-. but whether ho could be compellod to desist is !i c;it of another color.â€" Bru- ce Hearld Times. You may not gel all that is com- ing to y,)u in this world- 1 ut look out for the next. Hatching Eggs Wrv.n MARCH 15 NEXT I WILL HAVE A l.IMITEP NUMBER OF SIOTTINCS OF TlIK FOLLOWING HKKKPS TO .^M'ARE: H.\KHi:i) ROCKSâ€"From pen of 2.16 egg fonmles headed by choice vigor- ous male. IVr Sotting jajO. MtniT i'.l'SSKX- The coming breed f<M- eggs and meat. Setting $.1.00. W lliri-; IIUJUOUNS - ll.-avy laying slrain. .Sctlinu $2.00. n.WK AI,.SO SII.VKK CKKY DORK- INt^^ ANO LIGHT HRAHMAS HAHY rmcKs aftkii aprh. n. Orders fillod as recciv,<tl. Setting coii.<ists of ir> eggs, S. E. DeCudmore PHONE 53. FLESHERTON. week. W^^rc ^t [^^^aJK '7-- »'-- •^•<'-to of Toronf for all kinds of grain. Phono 2 r SI. '^ '^"•^â- *' <^""«P« of Hental Sunreons â€"A. C. Muir, Coylon. j"^ Ontario. Gas administered for I tooth extraction. Office at residence CHICKS FOR SALE â€" Pure-bred , Toronto Stre et. Flesherton. riyniouth Rock brtHi-to-lay chicks, n. a t\ r „ ^ • ; pnvlucod from a flock under super- " /^- ^^"â- "t'«'l. BA., M.B., gni- visionofunO.A.C, Government culler.; ". ^"^"^ **^<' Faculty of Medicine, Hatch ready end of Anril. $U).0O j>,.r^ "'^'^"''y "' Toronto. Office, Toronto lOO.â€"Mrs. E. Patterson, R.R. 2, Price- Street. Flesherton. Phone 86. ville. Phone ',22 r 41. i J^ince AHhur Lodire, 383, A.F. 4 " ' A.M., meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- MISCELLANEOUS Block. Flesherton every fS- NOTICE - Chopping done on Sat- '^".v o" "»• before the full moon. Robt. urtlny only.â€" Graham Bros. Eugenia, j l>o>yn. W.M.; F. J. Thuwton, Sec. NOTICE - Old cn>p very drv corn I '^""" * Henry.Barritters, SolfcH- dways in stock :nlso Canadian Beauty "â„¢' **'- *'• ^- Lacas, K. C; W. D. seed peas. â€" A. C, Muir, Ceylon. , "«>nry, B.A. Offices. Markdale Lucas of scHls. All No. 1. quality. - F. G. , - ''!!!L *?d D urham. Knrstedt, Flesherton. Telford A Bimi«s Barristem, solU WANTKO - Work bv the dav. nl'^Ht' T V^J ^L""'' '"•• ^'^ rrasonable chaiges.-Mr.: F. Plewes. °^'*^ ".*? ^*""'''= '^^""l*"' B««k Flesherton. Block, Flesherton. (Saturday*). W. â€" P. Telford Jr., J. F. P. Bimic SMORTIiaRN BUM. FOR SKRVICK „. V - - Uegistorod Shorthorn bull for scr- , ^"'- '^»"t^*»«' ^iscenaod Auctioneer vice at lot 5. Con. i>, t>sprey. "Merry '"'' ''<*""*'*â-  »' ^^«*y and Simcoe. ManjMis" No. l7S>.i;tr>: Sire, Bonni* ''"'â- "' ""«' *^^^ *•'•« • speciality. Maniuis I42..1R1; Ham. Red Butterfly TVmw moderate., satisfaction iniar> Ml, 078. Terms â€" Purebred* $5.00. mny be lade at the Advance Office, * grades »2.00. Central telephone office. Fevershaa, â€"a. R. HAWKINS, Enrenia.or by addrscsins me at Feverahanb

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