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Flesherton Advance, 6 Apr 1927, p. 7

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k Now Canada's Best INVESTMENT Unusual Offer to Shrewd Investors To pQ.rticli>ate from the start In a company »ponsor«<l bj men of QatioD4l reputation In the exploration of the most profitable natural re- Eourfefl where the risk has been re<luoe<l to S'i and the possibl*^ profits are nnlimited Is an eiCc«ptional offer that Investors should take ad- vantage of immediately. Your Opportunity With An Investment Of $3 and Upward to Acquire a Valueible Share Option Without Liability For ComrAfte information MaU This Coupon. NATIONAL OIL SECURITIES Limited Northern Ontario Building, Toronto 2, Canada Please seni me full partictitars of your proposition. Name Addrcsa OWL-LAFFS O.O Trappers Ovetiake Swift Deer b O. W. L. fOa Witk llany tales have drifted down from tie north at how zaec hare orertaken and captured wolTea. (!«-er and other gwlft-footed Inhabitants of th« woods of Ontario and Quebec. Reader; ot »uch have often bees skeptical but the abOTe photorraph, taken only a short diataxce from the Canadian Paoiflc linee in the Lauremtian Moun- tains, proves £uct a tiing- is p««6:bie. In the cas* of deer at lea*:. Heavy snow, a? can be seec.^vunt» for tils an-1 Many a se^J-made man is a persxinai ^ in the- picture* ibove lev^-rt! trappers demonstration of the horrors of tin- on snoKsho«« tave succeeds^ in Mp- skilled labor. J turiag two aninia'.s ic queslion. Th» I deer looking piaeidly into the camera At last someone has b««a found ' wa* no doubt caught only after &n that be"ieves iu signs. He Is a eign eihaueting cba&a through the deep painter. ; drtfia. The little do« that seems to â- - ;l>e ^ist an armful for the trapper. viU. What's become of the old-fashioned donbtJes-s be admired in a short time preacher who believed that a sermon by thousands erf peop'^ in some city to be big had to be long? j park. Trappers :n the coniefa sec- j lions of Ontario and Q-jebec have> Then and Now. j saved macy of these yoccg aalmsl* The bathing girls in days of yore ' from death by freeing them from Were dressed like Mother Hubbard, heavy drifts of snow, and tbus keep- But now they oft array themselves , ing them from pecks of hungry woWee. I.ik6 Mother Hubbard's cupboard, j â-  â€" â€" â€" r â€" ."^ __ Treatment <rf Measles. Measles. like the- other eruptive dis- eases of childhood, is what is called a self-limited disease: that is to ssy. : it usually runs a definite course ani \ After long tests we axe con- vinced Aluminum is the best container for tea. REDRpSE is good tea" I 104 Now packed only in Aluminum. Money is good. He married her for her own good. The Difference. The boy was asked to te!'. the i\l- ference between a biography and an ! ^t the end of a certain period term:-' autobiography. "A biography." h«' nates in recovery. It cacnct "r«^ cut wrote in repiy. "is the history of the ' short by any knowrr remedy, though life of a Eian A nai^ghty biography is i doubtless seme serum or vaccine will ; the history of the life of a lady." _ j eventually be discovered by means of; ^___ j 'which it can possibly be prever.ted, or • Polks who are snappy make others ; possibly cured if t.ikcn at the wry '. unhappy. ] start. The treatmer.* is thertfcre ore I of watchful waiting â€" expectant trea:- Thls would be a far happier world ' raent. as :t is called by the doctors. were It so arranged that one could Whatever is done is with the object ran out of debt. of making the child as comfortable as possible, at the same time carefully Imagine the piieht of a man being t watching for any complication in; THIS SPRING TIME IS TONIC TIME I Am Not ReSDOnsible shaved by a lady barber when a meaae order to attack it at once before irre- , runs across the floor. â€" For the advice that people take, i but for the advice that I give. I ..^h^ jja^^t ^he made a rich mar â€"For what people believe about me. j rjage If her face is her fortune?" but for what I give them reason to be- 1 -poor girt, she has a tongue that is ''*^*- iher n:isfortune." â€" For my rjlsfortunes, but for my at- titude toward them. - â€" FVtr the scuadai that comes to me, but for tltat which I repeat A GREAT PUZZLE parable harm is done .\5 socn as the trviuble is diagT^.^sed. or even suspected, the patient should be placed in a room where a plentiful sapply of fresh .-lir fron-. the open ' window can be obtained while the room itself is warm and free from ; drafts. .\ large open fire is ideal, as ) it insures gevod ventilation while it j warms the^ atmosphere. The pat-«nt ; For the high prices, but for my TA rAPFFHI PARENTS "'"'"'"^ ^"^ '*'*^"^ covere-J ard warn: in high living. â€"For my anoestry. but I h^ive a re- siK>n^bUity to my descendajits. j "t>cd. but not to tl>e overhejited point ; I inuring the height of the fever very" One of the greatest puzzies to tiie light covering will suftiv-e. but later. â€" Rir aU the rubbish that is printed, [ careful ivarent is to know Just what ' when the fever has disappeared, the but for that wlr.oli I buy. I medicine to give the little ones. When temperature may become subnormal * I the child fiCls 111 with griping paius; , and then the patient will feel ,-oIJ. Worlds Biggest Book. | j^ ^^-^^^^ .^j^,, ^.^^^ ^^ f^,^,^,^. ^^f .^^ ' Rather than pile on many blankets it Measuring a ft. 10 ins. high by 3 ft, â-  fivxi or vomits what he has takea, w-jll bt» better to put o:i a w<v!en robe 2 ins. across, a volume of maps, pre- i when he cries a great deal and cannot •â- >ver the ci>ttcn or linen nightgowji. scnfed to Charles U. by the .VniFtcr- 1 get the s'.eep so uevH-^s.ary to the Sronging with hot water several d>ini nu'rcli.ints in 1S60. is preserved | grow Ing fhild. the parent is in a quau- times a day will bo .omforting and In the Hritisli Mus;>um. It is moved | dry. What is to be done on such oc-:^'^i" bring out the rash if there is a abont on a tri^liey. Icasions? As oft<.'n .s* not there is" no â-  tendency for it delay. The best Loves Waist She Used to Hate! !a s«Jt«b!e medicine iu the houss^. Thel food during tlie fever is milk diluted [puT.tle is what to give him to set him with lime water. The m.iuth must l-e I right quickly. j kept clean by .<wabbinc with some ' It is to meet such emergencies that antiseptic fluid. The chief a:ix:ety of ' Ikiby's Owu Tablets were designed. ' tJie d>vtor is ti-> prevent the occurrence These pleas-ant little Tablets quickly of cat.irrhal l.-irynsiti* or bnnichitis reduce fever, break up txilds. relieve or broncho-pneumoni.'i. There is dan- constiFatKm and indigestion and allay' ger also of ear trouble: ar.d if the tPe'thlng pains. They quiet the nerves child is seen to put the h.ind often to and pnnuine restful health restoring ' tlio e;vr. or if he seems to be in pain. sleep. They are guaranteed absohito- i the d;>ctor's attention should be called ly harmless and safe for even the to it at once. Thfre is alnti-st alw.;y- youngest and most delicate baby. ' more or less inflammation of the ey?s, naby'.i Own Tablets are sold by | which usually l>e relieved by dri^ps I medicine deale;-s or by m;ul at 2.1 of boric acid sv^lution and camphor cents a box ftvm The Or. Williams' water. The gl.ire of the sunlight Something is Needed to Quickly Improve Your Health. Wit'n the passing of winter many people fee; weak, derres^ed ar.d easily tired. There is r.o particular disease. but the systen; lacks tone. You fir.d yourself tired, low-spirited, cften un- able to pet sound sleep at night All this is the result of cKNser ir.-door con- lincmer.t of the -winter mor.ths. and shows that the fciood has be<v»nie thin and watery. New. rich, red "r'.ocd is w'rat you neevi to put you rig-ht and there is ro other tonic medicine can .cive >xa this new. rich bkvd as sure- ly and as speedily as Pr. Willianas' ri-'ic Pills. This r.ew 'olood goes to e\-»ry part of the "D-viy ar.d quickly improves the g^rer.-il health. The di- gestion is toned up, and you have better appetite, the nerves are stronjrther.ed and sleep is refreshing. Th-^ special value of Dr. Willianii." Pink Pills at this season is shown by the statement of Mrs. Eliabeth Clarke, R.R. N\y, 1, Or.t.. who says: â€" "I sr.ow Dr. XTilliiKUs' Pink Pills are a great bkyxi builder V-ecaupe I use them in the spring:, whei one naturally feels run-dowT\ after our Jorig winter. Last spring. 1 was feeling: weak and easily lire.i. .J id again used the pills with the re- ,<a:t that I hax-e had siplendid health si;!ce. The pills also restored my daughter, >tsc. wh.o was hadiy run- down, and secr^d a'n-.ost bloodles^s.. S'ne used the pills faithfully for a t'me snd has since enjoyed the i>est of health. Naturally I re\-er hesit.Ate •o rt\;-,d Dr.'.s" Pit?k Pill* to people who are rur.-down." Yo;i can cet these pills through any liealer in jrcdicitve. or hy mail at i>*t v.'ent? a Wx fn^m The Pr. Wi!li.<(mi6 Mtdicine Co.. Borckvilie- Ont. Toxoid and the Prevention of Diphtheria. For ceatunea dlpttiier:* bas takes Ua toil of Uvea ani left »untJess tio^asasia fcaadicapped by jts afte-- effecte Trlrty years ago this •ir'ead â-  majady was ye<ariy daia'.ag >fl deaths ; for e^ery 10t».'<iW pecp'.e '.z Cfcta.-c "I â- have seen too many iSile ciiidren cfcoke to C'saih. or fade cut -.inder the poisons of this terrible siaiady, to thick os'.iTily about the medical h*lp- iesaaese of that awfjl time."' says Dr. - Roral 9. Copeland. In ISIo th» death raie meaxt a loss of i deaths per 100.- OOO of our population. And this In spit? cf the fact that the nun'.ber cf cases suSering from the disease was practically tie earn* for both years. HoK â- a-«.5 it possible to save so many iives* T-he answer Lies In the fact that a sj-evMf.c cure â€" snti-toxin â€" was discovereti in lS?i> and the Tictims of the d:s-?«s6 in On;ar:o aave. during :he last few years, been giv?n treat- ment early in the dis-ease 0\:r par- eats bave ir-arned the wisdctm of caI"- Inj the c jotor at once if a child shows sy3ip;cn-.s of diphtheria. The discovery cf anti-toxin is cne of the greatest ad- vazces in medical science the world has ever known. Following the discovery ot a cure, tas come within the iaet few years the perfectton of a preventive. Inoculation of a child by Toxoid (two doses of S drops each into the skin of the arm) riven four weeks apart, mean* ttst the child will not contract diphtheria. Thousands cf children throughout On- tarw hiive been given this prote.-f.c: within the last three years; thv^asands of paren.s hare been reiieved fr.'^iv. worry sni anxiety as a ccnse\;Mer..-t^ snd hundreds of children have beer. saved from the tragic af;?rmath oi dirhther.a. damaged hearts ivarticula:- b". and even fruai death itself. V\*5th Toicid to prevent !; and an;;- tosia to cure it tboth supplied free to phrsicia&s by the Dep!»rtu;eut of Health*, no ch.jd in Ontario newj con- tract diphtheria â€" much l<e« die from it. iV de«ath from diphtheria is ua- nece«sary. preventable, and sufficient matter for official inve<!^tigalion. Classified Advertisementi. *>EKTt WAITEQ. A oivrs V -. T.\ ;-*_- .-.--zLu-i' £i:.-a««^ TuJBUj, f "titCH SE-F -»•.. jN' jiiau u«m ad., tor: Urtdand BUn- on :»â-  rn* MkL w<cM-i aabmnntkm JLtma B«l. r a lac tlM. Htm. T MiiwlJulL r a p;?TCN i:.^03 !.;».KX au> ria- H â- "^_^ IK. LTrc :t 3 ;> Jt Si « r i«:=-l'. V «« . l.»\ , - ' •» iHOTHT &EXJ <U.>\-» A N.i S«a<! 1:i -*• -f . t 1 . Arv ;i i-Koi. a m » ra:vja is fbom 4 " • * 9rrL%' -ilW l"^- ••» S M!J llMJil «f ItlJ ai«xi =»• : :• .-- - "â-  - » -^ p4r- »n w i ;-.. â-  - Easy. .< tralHc oScer s a^ saa-ding on tfc« priacipei cornec of tie city, directing the traaSo and rtifcr<clag the law re- gardiqr left t-jms. .\ fartaef oama down one of the streets vrith a laige hay rack and t-jmed to the letft at thia certain corner. TTi* Oflloer â€" "Hey, you can t naake that tare." The Farmer â€" "Yea, I tJiink I caa make it." P ATENTS » ..« •» •»i-r!-a lw«rr.»r«' tat ttt I •*c-msrte' S.--t F-« f *f«Dr.iC. Th. Rarrsay Cc.-^.â€" ^"'^ GANGER FREE BOOK S£NTc- RE3LEST Teils i^a.**^ o^ caucc-r iiad whjt to do for pain, bleeding. Cvior, etc. Write for it to-day. mentioning this papw. -Ad- dress Indianapolis Cancer HoepitaJ, Conundrums. Meilicine Co. nnx-kville, Ont. Checkers. Never discard a garment becattse you don't like its color. Xor because It's dull or faded. In leas than an hour. "Life is like a .came of checkers." Said a wfsse one long agi\ "Uife is tike a game of checkers, you ixtn make it a brand new. fashion- , ^ave pfc»yeii it and I know- able sUadel I UvMue d.veing lets yoti dress better. | j^j.^^ j,, i.,„„foit in this adage snd have the nicest homo farnishinge. j ^yhen the Worry Kings stand ; should K* shitt out and the Ivd so I placed that tho p,tticrt does not f.tce j the light. In favorable cases measles ;last only about a neek. but it !s wise ti> kee;v ihe chiM in betl for another I week in or.lor to pn^venl any of the ! uiipleiisant .•ind dangon^.is caiarrhai complications I withtMit spending a W of money, H'sUuj^s^hI bv fate again^ .%11 wls^lom. easy to d^-«^ anything right over other ^o moves count so a* the laet. colors- but wliHhor dyeing or tinting.' be .-^ure to use ,(r.l dye .Alw.tx-. ask 1.^,^3, ,„„^.^, „,„„, n,^^, g^j courage, for OianxMid dye.-.; they give full rich j^, „,^ ,,,^, ..p,,,.^- i^,_ ^jj^j^ som^w. colors, and true tints FREE at your now: the llianiond Pye Cyclopedia; full of sug- gestions a«d complete e»isy directions. .See acinnl pie>-e-soods color sanipW Or write for big illustrated bi>->k Color Craft â€" free address ni.AMt^Xn DYKS, IVpf N.'i. Windsor, l^nt. Utdkm it NEWf«r IS ct*/ Figlmng ever with new hope. Victf>ry may be yours to-ntorrow. Doot let indssv~s»iv"n »:Vr m»»'«, bilic»i?K«i. ) be»rtbum.oriJ,x*pek»ijt,;kctber«poulcf x-tv. j T*keSe!g«r* Syrup. Any dra« »t««. i xV TTie Palace. In the jireor.i s; .'f our valleys By jrocd angels ten-inted. Once a fair and stately paUice â€" Hadiant palaceâ€" reared its head. â€" Ocorge KKlston.'In the monarch Thr.ijrh'.'s dominicnâ€" * U ftvXHi there! Tit for T«t. Never seraph spread a pinion .\ In a ciMwdod ohurcli siviks; Over fabric half so fair! to someinie In a pew. "Pariion nus | Ni« > ou nro oixnipcwing luy pie. " j Banners yellow. g>ori.^«s. ipivlden. The seated one saUl: "Kxcnse me. On Its roof did Iloat snd Hcv. iHit 1 was sown Into this sho;\l." i (This- ail his was jn the oWen ^i ; Time hong ago, ^ .\ mob has many heads but few' And over> geutSe air that daalM. brains â€" usually none nf all. REiOJSED UFE INSURANCE BECAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE The experlanco of thi.n of .\lbany. NY, may be of great value (o .vou. if you have be<-n re- fused life iusuranoe. as he was. "Overwork undermlnoii my const ilMlion, I paid little attention to the matter until \ (ailed to secure a life Insurance ptiUcy. I cvnsuUed the doctor whv> had examined me and then I learned of my d!s(v«se â- â€¢^>lend» br»>ughl to my sueutton Warner's 8«te Kidiiov and l.trer Ucmely, .\ slight (mprv)vetr.ent . TV as lioted iniiu.xliately o;i taking tl-.o first Nntle, lmrn>v«ment continued. My life Insurance was gr;utt«M me and t {<hM I ow* my health to Warner's 8«fe Kidney .tnd Mver â€".-,â€". Remedy. " (Name >mi ro(jue»t>. SoW hy an drugRistit. Price $1.23 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., ToronttK Ont. In that sweet i!«y, .V'ong the ramparis pi\:me.-l and jvaJIHl. ' A wing!->d <viv'.iv went away. . . . .\rii all wtih penrl attd r«br gk>wfng - W.-vs the (air ra«!oe tHvr, Through which csv.e Sowing, flowing, .\nd eparklinp t-vernuMv. .\ tnvip of Fchoix, whose s«ee( dtttv Was but to fiiig, In voices of stu^^ss't^ beauty Tie w it and w :»,icm of their li'ig. . I\* Foaa ar ' Clouds. .\ f.'s s » cloud n the e«rt!;. B«a n cK'iiul Is a fi>s in tl - •*>. accr;^ln.« ;,» l'>r W ,t, llumphr. vt, of the I r, t.v' Stat;'* weathw bii\>\.-! * i Kill wart* with Mirard'a Liniment. > W : y is the lerti^r H li'sc va cure for deafness* Heoause it makes ear he«r. W^en do<>s 1. taikir serve his civs- toniers i!!" When he )tive« themn fits. Where are l>a';s ami routs supplied }:n-.lis? Ou the Sill of bctttle. When may a oiialr be said to dis- like vcu* When it caa t bear yoa, Wben is i-»->C[or' like the earth ? \> hen it is ground. The b«s* thing: out -a coatldgra- tioa. What r&n of si>e«vh is mo« d!s- tRs^>f^ll so lovers? The third person, ^ "We have it in our power." said Sir W. .\rbuthno1 1 .nne. the f.imoas surppor;. recently, "to keep our b^'niifs s.< healthy and clean that they are sblo to resist entirely such dis- eases as rheumatism ard p\>ut." 30 Dav» Free Trial We will ship, FREIGHT ,_ PREPAID^ No cblisstioa to buy, but if yoli do, easi t»t terma att nmuijied. Guaranteed for ten years. Write now for particulars. Aji»~' wvMiti irlMn w SiToUsIi Snontmr Otuntaar. Umicod ."»« Notrt l>ai«i« St. W«it . MOOCTWI How to Boll Fruit Jelly. After prei^anng; the juice and sugar, put it in the preserving pan over a g;is stove or tire, and stir until the supsr s di^cJved. -"Then bring -to the boil and lot it_ boil quickly (er I.i minutes, re- nKiTlr,g I be srom as !t rises. Tl-.en oJT tije fire. If ij is .illow.^d : Ki51 slowly. CT longer than the ; U!;iiuit~, rise ir^nvdi^ftts wi'il return t,^ the (.VigiBal Cv'insJsteticy and wij; never 'Jelly. â-  ' / For distemper â€" Minard's Liniment. Origin of Illustrous Men. Col,:'.".",l'us ws.-; ;V.o >^ r; of ;i ^^!.\^^e^ Shakespeare w^* the son of a wok-1- ssmpicr. Ttie father of Buras was a plowman, and Bttrns himself was known as the "pJowbOT." The froat Caniiiwl Wolseys father was .-i bnti-*- tr. Benjamin Fr.'.nklin was th:^ .-vi: of a ta"hlow-ct:andler. John J«cv>b .Vstv'r was an applepe-iler. Oliver Crotv- well'tf (ilher was a brewer. Bisho;- Hall's father was a poor fanner, an^l the famous Whittieid's father kept -i smaal tavern. .\pV.'>re:'!t!y China interprets the "white man's burden" as the burden of the white mar,. Give FOR mms Teach Children Cuticura v^ R«fthcs And IrntAtioos .T I t>nW«>r* Soi<tp K^'^p** t!i<« S^^u tli COLICl Minard's in ::-.oli'.scses give* i|ub:k rei;e». Mix wtxj aad i:ee a« a d re nob. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Head.iche Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neur.i1?i.i Tix-«th,iche Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ! ISSL'E No. 14â€" -87. J -AvWTt only "B.yvfr" package which contains proven directions. Haadv "lUyer" boxM of 12 tablet* Also bottlet of U and lOO â€" l>ro^iit«. â-  liLT.'V^::' »^.--T!K....,4 ,.»<v,j. ».!Kyltc Add. -a, S^A ••,, Vi^Z Z ^Tl^ J at Bvtr Owfuj wlU la a;^.!^ «ia UMlr «tDw«l uad; sai*. tte ^« SSiP Sa/^ â- 'a^i^U^AJ^ 'leiLuJilKls >. • .^

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