â- â- ,•â- -*â- s «..- . . â- -^. ^v ' * ' K. .. -f:. â- • --v* 'i.-^y*. â- â- - -. -f- ?â- *>â- â- '- .. * '" -i -** ^ ^.'-ilfe^p^BI r . " ^.r J^v '<» -«â- â- â- ;'â- Vol 46 Nd, 4^ Fleshcrtbn/ Ontfiria^ * Apri/ atsc W. H. TkuEacon. A:'Son*'Pro|;rfefc< 1 ^-^nt"- â€" . ,-~^ â€" ^-I â€" â€" Mr. mad lbs, C. H^ Norris an4 Rmt Hin]eraon,i>f SwCluimp^n, motor«il own •â- VrUg'^ a^ apeut the week.eiul jv^ Mn. Kor^A mother' and .aisten hen; *,;â- \ " • ^v • 4b. aiiii1^ra>,I^^SJfc6lRT«6etrad •void-jlM.^nsdc-ttst'Hrt. Joseph Mc- 6irr «i Bignmt vma sertemly in, and . Jip^ >*«)> ore^' th^re for ibe past Ifr/'t ErfMrntwry, wiw hito ktpt ' fhcjiitd |n7^ t^ ^ ^0^ y^^' ha« nond faito a ^vate iMuae. â- -Mt, J^u I!»wc<ett of Detroit is bblida]^l«' at,^ jftmated home on * Um towxdine.. , ** *1Kr. Geoitt Glen, wife and family, fr YuAM -wfth Mm. Glen'g paieitts, Mr. J«||;sa4'1f»..A«lrew Faweett, last week. ♦ "^^ Ur-^ainca Pinch of CoUing-wood, ' - has lentad ter. Mr. James Lesrate'a . ' fhrp on the jeishth line, and has mo^- «d>«nt» ^. ' ' ]&., and. Mrs. John Monison of *, Kaxwdl spent Sunday with Blr. and Hra..,KaxoId Osborne here. VAND£L£UR iLf. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston are spending a few days in Toronto. ' Misa Tillie Baehanan. of Toronto is visitinff friends here. . Krs. AU Dunloi^ has returned after spending some time with friends near Brampton. Miss Mary Bowles of the west back line spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Jacob Holley. Mr. Geo. Pritchard attended the funeral of his aont at Rocklyn on Thursday of laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hutchinson are spemfing some time in Toronto. The Women's Institute held their regular laeeting at the home of Mrs. Erank Davis one day recently. The i roll call was answered by the mem- bers reciting a verse of their own composing. A grood program was given consisting of a paper on '-The value of tact,'' by Mrs. H. V. Baker; a humorous reading by Mrs. J. J. McGee and a poem by Miss Myrtle Freeman, which was interspersed by community singing'. The luncheon CEYLON ^r. Erie Alexander was ia Owen \ was served by Mrs. Walter Richard- Saani lust week and has secured work \ son, Mrs. H. D. McLoughry and Miss in UK, chair factory in that city. I Margaret Kinney. Mr. John Bale has rented his farm f' * i/} Charles Crosby and hais moved, into • our vjpace. . Mr, John Robinson and sister. Miss Aiwie, and Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak, mo- ,tored over to Markdale and called on friends on Saturday last. Mr. George Julian of CoUingwoodl Waa a teller in our village last week, f Mr. T, W. Conron has nnoved into Mr. Pooled house on Victoria street west. . Mr; Stew^ ^cMallen is mail car- ri«r on B. R. 1 now. Me. L^u L«ppard is operator at our ceniralnow and has moved into the viUlge. MAXWELL The candy social held here Friday evening last, under the auspices of the United Ladies' Aid, was a splen- did success. The Maxwell Ladies' Aid will hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Andrew Pallister on Thursday, AprU 7th. Mr. W^i*ert Poole had his hand badly cut on Saturday afternoon with a buzz saw. Read The Advance "Small Advts." i: HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL IN Mattresses and Springs DHriiHi the next few weeks we are offeriag the public the best buy in Mattresses & Springs that we have ever ' TO DO THIS WE HAVE HAD TO BUY IN LARGE QUANTITIES AND ALSO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A SPEIAL SALE ON BY THE MANUFACTURERS AND WE ARE JUST PASSING IT ON WITH OUR CUT IN PRICES ADDED to THEM. White layer Felt ^ttre«s wfith roUed edge, covered in veiTBttrmctivetidkingd^l A CA regularly •oldalllS.ialeprice .^*V.*IV We have anodier Felt Mattress -w^ich we regularly sell for $8-50, (>ut which is^7 CA to be smIiI at ' * Then we have adl Um oth^ grades and prices of mattressae to choose from. The senuhfe Way-Sagkss« Spring sells for $ 1 1.51^ in Eaton's catalogue. This spring is guarantted for 25 yeara. ^^ClQ l)A price on sale .r. «piV»UV Mr. Wm. Reid paiji a basiuMS trip to I}andaUc last w«ek. Mr. Percy Hunt, wim spvnt the winter with his wife and family hwaB, left on Monday for his farm at Mc- G«e, Sask. Mr. Hoes Leslie of Toronto visited last w«ek at A. MeMullen's. Mrs^ Baxter, who has beei! visiting with her sister. Miss Katie Mnir, fot the past three months, left Friday for her home at Collingwood. Mr. James Hales came ^own from Owen Sound with a truck oh Thurs- day and conveyed his furniture up to that city, where he has taken a res- idence. Mrs. Hales left on Friday tor her new home. We wish them success in their new home and a wel- come will be extended to them when they visit Ceylon. Mr. Norman Archibald of Toronto was in town on Monday. Mrs. H. Piper and Miss M. Hemp'- hill spent the week end with Mrs. Piper's daughter at Lauriston. Messrs. J. C. McMullen. Eldon Mc- Lachlan and Clarence Marsha&l of Midhurst spent the week end at their respective homes. Mrs. F. J. Collinson entertained the Ladies' Aid on Wednesday afternoon, when a pleasant hour was spent in n«€dle work and social chat, after which a dainty lucfa wa served. - Mr. J. B. Shields, commission agent on the stock market in Toronto, was a caller in town Friday. Mr. M. C. Beckett, license inspector. Provincial Constable Denton and Mr. A. E. Trout of the children's shelter, Owen Sound were callers in town on Friday last. Rev. Mr. McRoberts, assisted by Mr. Cox, student of Knox College, To- ronto, gave the famous motion picture "The Hunchback of Notre Danae" in the church .on Saturday afternoon to the children and in the evening to the adults, a!'30 historical, comedy and educational films. .\ good attend- ance was appreciated and the pictures were much enjoyed. The proceeds amounted to $27.50. Mr. Cox assisted the pastor at the morning service Sunday and is a very pleasing speaker. Rev. Mr. McRob- erts will preach his farewell sermon on Sunday, April 10th. KOfBERLEY Mrs. Ghaa. Grftham, Jaek and Elsie, Mrs. Cfias. Thompson and Irene spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Pavis, picniein^ in the sugar bush. A tfne place to visit this spring, as sap is plentiful and of good quality. More than the usual number are making maple symp around here this season and Ml report a good yield from the trees. Mr. and Mrs. J .A. Stnart of Mea- ford visited with Kimberley friends PR4CEYULLE I . Syrup making is the chief work at present among the farmers and they have been kept busy the past week. ' Mr. H. B. McLean's' sale on Satur- day was a decided success. The fine day brought people for miles and ev- erything sold weU. We are glad to report Mrs. A. J. Mc Vicar, who is in Durham hospital, improving some. Rev. France of Toronto occupied the Cnipe ^ I ^ 1925 amdel oTeraisecerd-tiftiu CipB- pletely overhauled. We aii'glad to see Miss Lucy Wal- iPulpit^of Priceville «id S^-rtnton Park ton home again after spending ^^ .Pre^^yt^rian churches on Sunday, winter with her sister, Mrs. Alexander i Mr. John Mc Vicar Jr. of Meadow- in Thombury. ^ville is at #kesent assisting his Mrs. Chas. Camack. who has been , brother, A. J., here, in with pneumonia, is improving a i Mr. Meither is moving to the Meth- little at time of writing. odist parsonage Portly. Mr. N. F Burritt has his incubator i Mr. Cameron Smellie spent a few ronning fun capacity. with 898 eggs, days last week hi Toronto, costom^tehing. I Mr. W. G. Watson has instaned the Mr. W. T. Ellis, who has been all electricity in his residence recently, winter m the north, spent a Week at his home here before the mill is ready for the summer cutting. Mr. Dalton and Thompson Fer^son are aLso home. Mr. Ellis left Monday ag^in for the summer at Port Loring. Mi.-ss Ada Blair of Sask. is the gu<>st of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Graham. . The W. L met at thp home of Mrs. W. T. ElHs on Thursdav with nine- teen members- and visitors nrasent. Plans were discussed tor the 3rd of i June celebration, also a committee was appointed to put up several signs along the road as a guide for tourists. Died at the home of Mr. John Haynes Jr.. Mr. John Haynw Sr. in his 82nd year. Tearini 1921 m«del with starter. totaiHI open with doan. Tires nearly ^w. ' Trick Half-ton, paeumatie class mniiinK ^rder. tirea. FinT ABOVE CABS MUST BE SOLD WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH Mw CEYLl! PHONE 2r31 PROTON STATION EUGENIA BATES BUjHl PTco. FUNEftAL 2^IK vice NEW MODERN" FUNEr5 Htparlors 122-124 .\venue Road, TORONTO - | Telephone: Klagsdal* J. W. Bates. 4344 1 R. Maddocks. | THIS IS THE STORE TO GET GOOD GOODS AT RIGHT PRICES. v THOS. W. FINDLAY FURNITURE DEALER FUNER.\L DIRECTOR FLESHERTON, ONT. Phone in hpuse and shop, 34 r 3 and 34 r 11 Mrs. Carson Sr. and son, Robert returned home a few weeks ago from Sault Ste, Marie, where they have lived for -several months with the for- mers' daughter, Mrs. Deane. Since they arrived home they have received the sad news of the death of Mrs. Deane (Maud) in Sault Ste. Marie hospital. She was a widow and three young son'3 arc bereft of a mother's love and care. Mr. and Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Hemp- hill are attending the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Allen, of Hopeville. Mrs. Telford and two daughters of Moncton, N.B., are visiting the for- mer a motller, Mrs. John Roome, who is still very ill. Rev. Mr. Harrower, accompanied by Mrs. Inkster, visited on Monday with Mrs. Roome. Mr. and Mrs. Hergott and sons mot- ored to Chatsworth on Sunday. Mrs Gilchrist of Ceylon was a guest of Mrs. Vause recently. The Proton boys who are working on the section near Barrie get home almost every week end. Mr. Cotts of Knox College as-aisted Rev. McRoberts in the pulpit last Sun- day night. Rev. Mr. Jackson is at Tottenham. Miss Florence White has returned from Lions Head. Misses Kirke and McLennan of the Bible School have gone to North Bay to assiat Mr. and Mrs. Baker, who have been"^ there for some time hold- ing services. Those who are making maple syrup report a good flow of sap this year. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan and babe of Markdale spent Sunday with Mrs. M.'s mother, Mrs. Wilson. A concert, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, was held in the Or- ange Hall on Friday evening last. The proceeds amounted to around |15, which will be used for the Sunday school. The stork took a flying trip over this village on Sunday and presented Mr. and Mrs. Rojit- Laughlin with a baby boy. This being the first baby bom in the vicinity of Flesherton -since .\pril 1st, it.-received Mr. Thos. W. ^indlay's prize of a high chair. Con- •râ€"'tulations. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ernie Proctor on the sick list. We hone that she regains her usual good health again soon. Mr. McCannel of Proton was a Sun- ''•xy visitor at Mr.Donald McDonald's. 8th line. Sofiw ^ople who are extremely fond of uiDcin^ about their honor rcniind one of a very small boy with rx ceiny. He hasn't much, but is rwfully proud of what he has. MOUSE OF QtUALLTV WE HAVE INSTALLED A FRlGID-AlR ICE CREAM CABINET AND NOW HAVE A FULL LINE OF: Artie Sweet Hearts . Bricks-All Flavors Bulk Ice Cream Eskimo Pies W. J. STEWART 81 SONS FlMic^Fa«d. Saads, Gfoc*ri«i and Coiafactiaiienr Flesherton â- *- .f â- H Fof Sale New Brnnswck JIfhite Cedar Extras & Clfears EAST MOUNTAIN It Mrs. Wm. Orr and Master Ma.T of Orangcville, spent a week with Mr. Carl and Miss Alma Humberatone. j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Thompson, motored ; to Collingwood on Tues. and visited ! Mr. Hugh Smith in the hosipta!. ' Hughie is progressing favourably at , present j Master Ernest Semple of Lady Bank visited one day last week with his friend Delbert Fawcett. j Prayer Meeting will be ^Id at Mr. S. H. Smiirt's home on Thurs. eve. of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fawcett spaat a day last week ^".vith friends at Lady Bank. IN MEMORIAM ,5 WE TAKE PLEASURE IX ANNOUNCING A SPECIAL SHOWING F " I ADVANCE I Spring Coats and Dresses I At Our Store I Thurs. & Fri., April 7 and 8 â- MANY CHARMING FROCKS WILL BE DISPLAYED, AN ESPEClALLr m WIDE ASSORTMENT OF GOWNS. CLEVERLY DESIGNED TO GIVE m SLENDER LINES TO WOMEN OF LARGER PROPORTIONS. I We feel sure you will find an exteremely interesting assortment of coftts from S which to select. Lustrous black satins with touchtis of contrasting furs for the woman who requires something especially smart; twills and tricotines in new shades showing novel tuckings, pleatings and bandings; sn^py tweeds for sports wear that axe sure to be popular. SUPER-SPEGIALS 1 ^4- A^ i, SILK AND SATIN COATS $19.50 to $36.50 W. A. Armstrong '& Son PHONE 13w WOOD â€" In fovins memory of ouip , <^\>ar slsUr and Aant, Bessie, who pass- 1 cd away April 7th. 1926. Memories of glad recollections we I * cherish, j Fond thouRhts of wt dear one ab- ,^|«int to-day, â- ' - For her ima«ce is stamped where it hewr shall, perish Or fade frdm our memory »• years pc*s away. Sutfy missed by siatnr. Man^i and f amtty. ' »â- TOMBOY SKIRTS $3.85 to $4.95 SPORT BLOUSES $2.25 to $2.95 SILK BLOOMERS .$L50 SILK VESTS $L0O ^* S W. L. WRIGHT iiiil lE'iai-jua nimiir-""!!';'";:''!"'" SiiKiiir^ iL. ":SiS::iS»F" H. :. .•*it v*..