<^AUfOST HEimSS . i WnH RHEUMATISM -n A Nova Scotia Lady Tells How * She Found Relief. Among the w»M-hnown reeld«nt» of * NlBeT«Ji. N.S., to Mra, WlUtom S11v€«r, ' -who teUa for Ui« benefit of other iwf- * tovra bow she found raUet from • ^â- »reP0 aittack of rheumatism. Mre. BHvor says:â€" "In tlie eeriy faJJ of * 1626, I oomtraoted a coM which <!»â- «>^«loi>«d Into a severe attack of muscu- ^itr rti«uiaati5in. In fact. It almost totally dloablod me^ and I sutlsred * freaJt acony most of the tlm». After trytag lo Tain to g«t something to re- 00re in»,J decided to take Dr. Wll- * Bam^ Pink PUJs, -which I had! heard « btfhly recommended. I may say tliat the quick relief tb«y afforded really * surpirleed me^ and after taking: some , Btz boxes of tb« pills every twinge of the rh«uinatl«m had Son«> and I am _ now fieellng better than I have heen (or some years pa«t. The piQls not ^ m^ banilsfaed the rheumatism, but ^ bcKped roe In many other wayv." •^ Try Dr. Williams* Ptnk PtUs for anaemia, rheumatlem, neuralgtei ner- """Vouflinesa and stomKch trouble. Take « 4iheni as a tonic if you are not In Lh-e ^toest of physical oonddtion and culti- vate tbe res-lstance thot ^ill ke«p you "Veil and strong. Sold by all druggists or sent by mall at 50 cents a box by '"The Dr. WHlianis' Medicine Co., Brock- â- vtlle, Out. It is eompoflMl exclusively of seeds [ Hbleh are to bs "sown in the open' ground when all danger from frost is over" (as if one could ever fix that date In Ontario) and which have an eatabliiAed reputation for prosperity. « Oatmeal. Much has been said for and against oatmeal and oatmeal poarkUe. The old story wilia bear repetition. Dr. Johnson defload oats m a grain used in England tor horses, and in Scotland tor men. The retort v^: ^nd where do you flod such horses and such men?" Certain adverse critics, such as Pro- teeaor MeUanby and others, object to oatmeal because It la "deOclent In vlta- mlnes." The term vUamlnea appears to have become a peg upon whl«jh cer- tain learned foik are hangrins a pro- misououa lot of tatteirs. We understand the lmi>ortaQce of vlitaminee, but we know that half a glasR of milk, a teaspoontul of raw cabbage, two teas>poonfulia of cooked cabbage, a small portion of any other regetablei, or some frulit, mw or cooked, will furnish aHl the vltamines reauired for a day's nieala. The vLmpre old dish of oatmeal iK>r- rtdge, or other cereal, and milk, fur- nlabee excellent food; but is heavyâ€" not liight, ae Is sometimee supposed. When taken In quaDtttles bej-ood jult toKe's powers of asslnidlaitioc, tt causes indigestion w-Hh flatuleuoe, due to ter- mentation. One of the oocastonal results Is the "poBTldge rash"; this may be cured or prevented by taking lees poiTldge and eating a little fnilt raw or In the form ot Jam. < * 9 f r f • 9 ««. r ^ < # <t -* i a Jc â- r ^ râ€". • » ^ \l. * tt 1 » r ^ « . r f • < • < « X * ^ • V â- i • t V It » t t t I f V , 4> •% OWL.LAFFS OO o. w. tt)a ^(ntb Vta^tieusS When a writer has lomething to write, that's Inepiration; when h» iiae to write soiueitiRlag, that's dTud^ery. Duck hunting isn't always what It's quacked' up to be. KegaxdlLess of what style has done to the bottom ot skli-ts, tbie walet Uue rematna In approximately the same pilace. Why Ordering Seed. To-day Christopher and I made oat our seed orders. Deligfhtfal task! to be undertaken only when mood and opportunity are precisely right. One must have plenty of time, with no least sense of pressure or hurry; one mnat have a tianquil, optimistic mind. For the matter of that, the seed eatalogrues take care of the lat- ter trait â€" almost too well â€" to the en- dangering of the tranquility. For how can one possess oneself in un- distracted serenity wheri two hun- dred separate kinds of flowers and vegetables are reconimended as just w^hat one's garden needs? . . . This year, in the interests of a less busy summer than last year's or the year-beforc's, Christopher and I took pains to remind each other of certain disappointments. Arctotis IprandiB, hopefully sown for several | seasons, has never done well with ] na. Stock and snapdragron ought to | be started in the house, and we have not had very good luck with that method. Marigolds tend to break at the neck; calendulas are niore satis- factory, though they liave i.ot such a nice name. We must not plant too^ many squashes or string beans ; last ' year wa had to throw quantities â- away. I^et us by all means make] this a season of reserve and limita- ' tion; let us confine ourselves to a[ few plants we can trust. ... There is .something cosmically in- evitable about the exuberance of the { eeed catalogueii. It was too much j for Christopher and me. In no tirae^ at all, we were reading out loud to ' each other antiphonally. " 'No gar- 1 den ought to be without this charm- ing plant.' Let's try It!" "'This noble meion â€" I'll oeatatnly have i to have that." Considerations of drought or deluge, weeds, cut-worms, i ibUght, aphids, all were forgotten. . . . i 'On the whole, we have come out j l^retty well with our list this year. Only Natural. Medium â€" "Her spirit Is very slow In answering the call." " 'Sail right, lady, Jes take yer time. When I maiTied her she was a tele- phone operator." Not Handle a Woman Electrically? If eihe Is wililine to come half-war â€" Meter. If she will come all the way- â€" Hs- oelver. If sho wants to go etisU farther. â€" Dls- patcheir. If she gets too excited'â€" Controdle'r. If alio tJks boo long- In.terru peer. If lier way of thinking Is not yoursâ€" Converter. If B'he picks your pocket* â€" Deitector. If eho stags Inharinoniouslyâ€" Tuner. If she wants' chowilatee â€" Feeder. If she gosaipe t<x) much â€" Regulsitor. If sJie la wronff- Rectifier. If she Is a poor cook â€" Diadiorgiecr. Isn't it peculiar how^ e*»rybodcy's a Uttle bit peculiar but us 7 The only traveling some fitdks do Is from bad to worse. These Will Come. There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, .\nil swallows calling with their shimmering sound; And frogs In the pools singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire Whistling their whims on a low fence wire. • â€" Sara Teasdale, in Harper's Magazine. U was the tlilrd day of their honey- moon. "Darling." she T\-hlspeired, "Isn't this heavenly?" Her husband sighed. "Do vou know," he excte-inied, "life dloesn't seem long euougli f-or our bap- ! plness. Just think, ev«n If we are fOr- j tunate, our married life can hardly I ]le£t longer than fifty years." j "Is that alt?" she quevlod, edging I closer. j "Yes. Only fllty years Ui which to : love eedh otlier." "Then klaa me quickl?-, dear," ^e said; "we're wasting ttoe;" Free With Every Treatment. With mud she daub.s her rosy cheeks. Likewise her ddniple*! chin. Anitl thus IndOimltabiy seeiks Etemail youth to win. Dickena. Yea, he had many grave faults. So had Sir Walter and the good Dumas; so, to be candid, did Shake- speare himself â€" Shakespeare, the king of poete. To myself he is al-{ ways the man of his unrivaled and^ enchanting letters â€" is always an in-j carnation generous and abundant, paiety, a type of beneficent earnest- 1 ness, a great expression of intellec-| tual vigor and emotional vivacity. I : love ... to reflect that even as he wag the inspiration of my boyhood so is he the delight of mv middle age. I love to think that wh..a Eng- lish literature endures he will ba re- membered as one who loved his fel- low-men, and did more to make them happy and amiable than any other writer of his time. â€" W. E. Henley, in "Views and Reviews." makeIarTof . 'BABl^EASe| stomach disturbances aJid constipa- tion are reeponsible for much of the ' peevishness of bables' and youn« child- j Ten. When the baby la cross or trrlt- aUe the mother stiould not resort to \ so-caUed soothing mixtures to correct i the tremble, for in the majority of. oases these mixtures srknply drug t3ie' ohdlld Into am unnatural sleep. What | k needed l.s a gentle laxatlre that wUI : sweeten the stonuuc^ and regulate the i bowels. Sudi a reauedy Is found In' Baby's Own Tablets. They are easy j to take and guaranteed to be entlredy . free from opiates and narcotics. Con- ! cemlng theui, Mrs. Joe. Tousalgnant, I Ste, Sophie, Que., writes:â€" "I would like all mothers to know that I feeil I there l.t no othei- me<liclne to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I aJwaye keep ai box In thft liouse and their prompt usej neveir fail.s to restore my little onee ' to health." The TaMela ere sold by ; medicine declea-s or by mall at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., BrockvUIe, Ont. Wales' Great Day. - Patriotic Welshmen decorated their mantlepleces with the leek on March 1. for this plant is the emblem of tl'.p'r Saint, whose feast falls on that day. No one Is quite sure why the leek was adopte<l as the emblem ot Wales. but It Is believed that b«4fore a battle with the English, St. .David ordered | the Welsh to wear leeks In their hats, | BO that they might be distinguished! from their foes. | Although the patron saint of Wales, I St. David's memory was always honor- 1 ed in England. Henry V'll. used to i give away two pounds to Welshmen on St. David's Day, while until the ad- vent of the Hanoverian line, kings of | Engkuid always wore the leek on this â- day. i St David was the son of a Prince of I Cardiganshire, and after receiving his education In Menerln, iw folinded a | convent with very rigorous discipline j In the Vale of Rhos. St. David event- 1 ually became Prirmite ot Wales, aud was burled In the (.'athedral at Mene- vla-now called St. Davids. IMlnard's Liniment for rheumatism. Now packed in Alumtnam, the same as yea rs ago. REDRpSE XEAris good ted* RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE u extra good. An Old Cameo. within an oval ot unshaded blue The Ogure of a dancing nymph Is seen. Moving with measured step and air serene In some enthralllog dance that wood- folk knew In days when skies were of a softer hue. And forests wore a mora dsllolous green Than now. And nevermore such shape and mien Beneath the skies shall happy mortals view. Of less unearthly grace the forms ay- pear The keen frost carves from crystal. We may bless The wind of time that froze this airy sprite To Immobility and kept her here In all her fragile, glancing loveliness Through these tincomely years for our delight, â€" Antoinette Scudder. « Burled Cities. Burled cities which are being un- covered In India prove that there was a mighty empire in that ootuxtry 2,500 years ago. These cities had been built on top of one another. QMiified Advertisemewta, PAMTiiiD i-isroN iiiMis irrr wokm cn.- tUDEBS uM Ml* recrUia.iM. OuanoUld fW K.oog bUm. I'uuud 1-ijtui iiux (.'!>., an tnax St. W., TmoDU. HEALTH QLASa. LikilUi GLASS SUBSTITUTB rOB _ poulUT iuniiM, tioc brdit tIMwdi trovUi, dowa't buro plaaU. Dellrrnd 45o iQUAn ru4. I'mtUm PouIliT. Blmtim, Oal. U'^ aUI LOESS' SUPPLIES. ^tan KAVT SLATB-COATU) BOOKIVQ. tltSl UouM PkIsL IX 4S laUon; Doo:it, WIMawib rioorUu. WUlbouxL TIicumiiiIi U BuUd- lac BarcAltu. F7«e CatftJocu*. UalUdtj t'onipftny. Bal I31T. H»nilllwi, FRENCH SELr-TAUOHT. THE UOST SOIFLS SYSTIOI KVKll DBVICBn, with BToiuuiclfttloa of •TVTT itonl A jwtfaol knovtatf.* of Um Uncu*.* ta tlirM monUu. Oo»- pl«i« elotb (0.. SOoi AbrMrd aai'd nl . I&v Poal t>Ald. World'! SubccrlpUos Airea:-^ )>EtL. P 0. Bos' SIM. OepL r. MouraAl. P Q. TO SE:J. lO.OOO HOllrfKS A Tt^AH iliflnl cuitoiBers. Ht-ntl for our Hii <'«tti. 41 tt mm are rou moat-)-. !%• Rcpoaiuuy, lu Nrlson Blrsct. Tv.r«n.^ WB f nil I CATCH mOM 45 TO • i rd.Mlrt 1 >J KIIO.M 4 to fi w««ka' Ume. <'«ii tcai-b Uly reader of ihU mA<&zllu bow to cc-t ibfiR. Writ* ter l«r- tl'-nltf". W A ntdli-v. .S!uii;<mil. <Jiii. BUNIONS! ahnostlaabuK- kUr«*d nOTrtb fix of aliBaa eâ€" Wine still preserved in the cellars of a wine-dealer in London dates bark to 1540 and 1631. 1 JiMiiii.oaioooCT.mdtfaiftllSCS â- n.t.^ToJStjr.c»=pl^jjgto^^ lUV UMORATOmiSi BMd. â€""> serra«a<.,i«. Wherefore the heart, of old or young WUh undlmmed ardw burns. As wonmn, who from, clay first siming. At last to clay retnTus. Tony was having his seoond son christened and, being veo' anxious to have his name recorded ooirectly on the birth certillcate, remarked to the clergrman: Health Brokenâ€" Lost 66 lbs. Now Well, Won Back 82 lbs. Ottawa merchant, formerly city officerp rundoxvn by kidney trouble. Wasted from 201 to 135 lbs, Tanlac restored robust health; now 4i'et,ghs 217 lbs. and feels fine Philia.f Seciuin's erocery at 285 St. Patrick .St., is well Known in Ottawa. Mr. Seqiiin was formerly a police officer. When ill-health seized him ho lost weight rapidly. "I had kidney trouble lor 6 years," he tells, "and was given up a* a hopeless case. Many timss, from sheer weakness, I have fallen where I stood, aud had to be helped to my feet. • 'Pains racked my entire svstem, especially my back, which felt like â- puitting. Needless to say. I could neither cat nor sleep uormailv. Weak spells and nervousness would leave me trembling all over. I faded away from '201 to 138 lbs., and triedeudless treatments and remedies in those )'ears, without result. "I h.id begun to despair, and when a frfend advised Tanlao 1 was skep- tical. Bu t one month's regular use of \\iia woadorful medicine convinced tne that I was on the road to health. I kept on taking Tanlao and to my deUgnt and surprise it made ma a new man itt a surprisingly short time. The short aklrts of to-diajj- may be quite a pix)blem, but we can remember way back when tlie bustle was a stem neaHty. Badiy disested focd, tcldltr of the atomach, and slugglih liver cause hcadachn. Scigel's Synip will remove these catues. Any drus storf . « P ATENTSI A UM at "Wintml InvHitlaira'* ind fat Infgraatltn Sont FrM an RxuaA 0<rt. Zrs Bank 8t | W. .OtUm,Oat { Tha Ramsay Co. ' a .Im ••Buckley*." for Throat Health A sip night and mominK rellerea ^ aoreneas and hoaneneas, and pra- v«nta more serious developmenta. A bottle of Buckley's â€" 40 dosea for 75 cents â€" is an ecunomioal ffuar- mntee ot healthy throaia for the wfaola family. Pleasant to take â€" inatmnt in action â€" poaitiva in r^ Uat All dnufsUta aeU it. W. K. Buckley, Umitad, B2S 112 Matoal 8U, Toronto 2 "CASCARETS" FOR Y011 WHm IF HEADAOIY, Sid To-night! Clean your boweli and end Headaches, CoId3a Sour Stomach BUCKLEYS KB"; AcM Itiia a Utahâ€" I <inglc aip proves To-day is your day and mine; the only one we have; the day in which' we play our part. What our part may sigrnify In the g-reat world we may not understand, but we are here to play It, and now is our time.-^ David Starr Jordan. eat and sleep Now I weigh 217 lbs like a healthy boy, and feel like Jiffereut man altogether," If neglect or overwork are taking toll of your health, try Tanlac. It is nature's own tonic, made from roots, barks and herbs. Your druggist has tt. Over 6'J milliou bottles sold. Feel Tired When You Get Up ? Tpague coated â€" head achesâ€" no pep for the day's woAT Titwn TOUT llrsr Is l».«y, your kidneys are not •Umfnatlnc the poisons from the body. Your system need* tonlns op- Thousaoids W>n thousands aJl over the world take Warner's Safe Ktdser «id Liver Remedy. It corrects tunctlonal trouUsi and by Us tonlo and purlfyluK prop«rtl«a refltoi«M tits liver and kidneys to their normal condltloD/ao you soon fesl Ilk* yourself a^aln. Sold by all drugsists. Price $1.25 per bottle. Warner's Safe Remedies CtK, Toronto, Ont. '"WeJU ya seeâ€" It's Ilka dl». My flrsta boy 1 tella ya I waaita beam chrls'nd *Toni' and ya mitta 'Tomess' on heeea paper. Now I want dls hoy name 'Jack' and no want heem name 'Jack- The present complexity of civiliza- tion could not be nwintained except by people cf strong moral fibre â€" Calvin Coolidge. Keep Mlnard's Liniment In tha stable. Lose no chance of griving pleasure, for that is the ceaseless end anony- mous triumph of a truly loving spirit. â€" Henry Drummond. By a tranquil mind I mean nothing else than a mind well ordered. â€" Marcus Aurelius. PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE Tape's Diapepsin" Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach for Inst&ntiBj- ! S*o<niach oorreotied ! You ne%-«T teed the •Ughbeet dtstrees from bwUcestlion or a sour, acld^ g«ssy stom- ach, after you e<it a tablet ot "Pape's Dte/peipslnu" Tlie mconent tt reaches the stomach aiU sourueas, flatulence, heartburn, g«M», palipltaitiou. aud pain dJsappear. Drusglsts guarantee each psx;ka«« to correct dlcestlon at ontost End your stomacih trouble for few cent?. can leiyoTi SHILOHc FOR OUGHS Government I^m^ets You Ought to Have ONE icIJj sbnut bcaulifylng the grouuils arounil your house â€" the other, bow to get bigger crops Iron the saisc soil. "Cref Roltlion tnd SoU Uttiatt- mcnt â€" Goea ialo this matter Itilly. GNts best routlmn for itiry iarms, mlitd iBma, and those farms s.-ieclalizing mostly In grain and dover seeds. la bssed on years of exi>erlencc at Dominion KiperimeDta! Fsrms. Tells bow - best to utilise day, aandy and psat and muck sollt, and «bst to do with hillsides and rotllni land. "Aimuol F/fftwn "â€" Lista (lie flcnr- cn that groK best In each locality across Csoada. Eaabiss yuu to adect those moat suitable loyour dbltkt Ohm drtsiis as to colore lugs bright, planting dates, etc. Theâ„¢ are over five hundred free government pampUeta on sU tha dlOereot btaachei ol Iirminc. Writs for lb« 1927 Ibt. Fill in and mall Ihia iltp POST FSEE to PUBLlCA'nONS BRANCH Depaitaent of Agricnllni*, OlUwa, Ontario. rieaae send aw tttt paophicia oa: (ogetlitr with list of all Ireo panpUtta. Xamf â€" „« ATHLETES! Mlnard's will limber up muscles and sore Joints. It for a rub down. stiff Use Get a 10-cenl box. Put aside â€" Jus^t onco â€" the Salts, puis. Castor Oil or Purg-.t*lve WoiIctb which merely force a passageway through the bowels, but do not tlu>:'- oughJy cleanse, freshen and. purify tJieee drainage organ.s, onid have no effect whatjev<«r upon the liver amd stomach. Keel) your "insides " pure and fresh with Cascairet3, which thor^iagiily cLeanse the stomach, removo tiit> uudl- g*»ted, sour food and tOTil gasee, take the excess bile fro-m the liver and ciir- ry out of the sysiteni alil the oouell- pated waste matter ami ixolsons In the boweis. A Cascaret to-night wlM moke you i feel gneat by morning. They wor'it while you sleep â€" never gripe, sicken, and ooet only 10 cents a box frtmi your druggist. Millions of u'.eu and women take a Oascairet now u.nd then and never have Hetuljiche, niUoiisneKS, Severe Colds, IndJgwtloin, Sour Stom- aich or Constipated Uowvls. Ca6<"airo<« belong In every houschokl. Cbiidren just love to take them. I8UE Mo. 13â€" '27. SPIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Headache Lumbago Toothache Rlieumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART WARNING! Beware of Counterfeits There is only one genuine "ASPIRIM" tablet. It a tab- let is offered as ".VSPIlRIN" and i-s not stamped with the "Barer Cro».s"-refuse it with ooi:tenipt-it isnoi".\SPIRIN" at all ! Don't take chances! S^' . Accept only " Bayer" paclcago which contains proven directions. Handv "Bayer" boxes of 12 tableU Also bottles of 34 and 1(K>â€" Druggists. Antrtnls th» trade mark (witistemi In Canadal o( B^tct Manu(«.-liu^ of Monoao^ .AaplrU) means B«j«r miunKaooiie.t.i naalst the public against Imitatlops tha Tabtota ir Ovmpau)- will ba slatupeU with Ujsir general irada marii, Ihn Bvar iMffv sni^, \ L*X*.>*!*1