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Flesherton Advance, 30 Mar 1927, p. 1

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â- !?»• ^P» â- u i«j..xajua.->T:i -â€" â-  'â-  â- ' â€" - â- â-  ---»â- -» --J â-  â- - -I--- â- â„¢;r.-- ^- ---, , ; , ^rt^ - -x m--^ ':<t^ -XM f .i m.HM . â- i li iM O' ,Mtt*\it.v^-ttr llhje /ksli^dtfii atrtwttic^* Vol 46 No. 49 Flesberton. Ontario, March 30, 1927 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON* ^ Miss Kate McMillan ent«rtained the «n>aBtor, Rev. Mr. McRoberts, the class ^of boys and the CXj.I.T. class on Saturday ev«ningr. A most enjoyable ••time was spent. * Mr. A. Sinclair and son, Jimmie, ^ attended the hockey game in Toronto on Friday evening. •-Mrs. Cecil Archibald, Proton, spent ^ the weak end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McWhinney. w Mrs. Wm. Heslop of Eugenia spent >. the week end with her sister, Miaa ^ Jessie McKenzie. ^ Mrs. John Gibson visited the past week with friends at Caledon. «<*- Mr. J. C. McMuUen of Midhnrst V spent the week end at hia home here. ^ Miss Cora Martin of Owen Sound was a week end visitor with Mr. and '^Mrs. J. J. Patterson. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Ross AJcox and Miss Ethel Thompson of Vandeleur were ^ callers at R. Cook's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett spent the *^ first, of the week with Bugenia friends. Mrs. Donald McLeod left on Satur- * day to visit friends in Toronto. »- Mr. and Mrs. H. Bailey and little danghter of Shrigley visited the lat- *' ter's parents the past week, Mr. and ^ Mn. D. McPhail. ^ Mrs. Wm. White held a very suc- cessful sale on Wednesday last. Miss Maud Hemphill and Mr. Percy " Hemphill left Monday to attend the hockey game and visit with friends in Toronto. On Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Mc- ( Roberts held a choral service, which was very interesting. . Mr. Mcltob- erts rendered two solos "Ninety and Nine" and "Abide With Me," and Itfiss Stewart sang "Go Bury Thy Sorrow," while Miss Maud Hemphill an^ Miss Stewart gave a duet, "Let the Lower Lights be Buminsr.'' The eberir gave a number of selections aad all were well received. The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittmker met at their home on Monday evening and assisted them to celebmte ttheir golden wedding anaiversazy. iMusic and dancing w«'e indulged in until the midnight hoar. We ase sure the whole conuaiauty join 'Kith The Ad- vance in very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Whittaloer. There ^wras a presen- tation to the hosts of a •wicker fern- ery and wicker tray, -also a walnut smoking seit to Mr. "Whtttaker. Dur- ing the even^g a mock wedding was gone thnsiiq^ with 'vftnch caused rip- ples of fua. Rev. .Me. McBobeita has consented to give the £ieU another Sunday. His farewell sermon will ^ given on Sun- day, Apr9 liOtii. FEVERSHAM On Friday, April Ist, Mr. Lou Lepard takes over our municipal telephone switchboard ai<d Mr. Stewart (Mc- Mullen starts on the mail route, for- merly carried by Mr. Lepsrd. Mr. T, W, Conron, who baa operat- ed our iwitchboard for the past six yean, has rented his house and tele- phone office to the Telephone Com- missioners and will move his family into Mr. Poole's house, lately occup- ied by Mr. Geo. Thomson. Mr. Wm. Spofford of Toronto vis- ited with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spofford, and family last week. Mr. Ivan Alexander, Mrs. H. Mc- Kee and Miss Dot Robinson visited with the former's sister, Mrs. Will Colquette, in Owen Sound last week. Mrs. R. H. Henderson and daugh- ters, Blanche and Givia, visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Frank Gurran, at Riverview over the week end. Mrs. Andrew McGirr of Rob Roy visited with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Legate of Gib- ralter visited with Mrs. Legate's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kernahan, recently. Miss S. Davidson of Buffalo visited with her brother, James, the past week. Mr. Josiah Crawford is somewhat improved in health these last few days. He has been ill the most of the winter with bronchitis and asthma. Dr. Guy of Maxwell is kept busy these days as a lot dSl people are suffering from colds and influenza. We are sorry to report that Master Rae Hawton is laid up with a bad attack of pneumonia, but we hope for his speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. Smith has bought the lod McGirr residence from Josiah Craw- ford and will remodel it and "become a resident in our vil^'g:^. LADY BANK EUGENIA FAHMZSS SOMSTIHES FAVORED If the CjiovemmeBt is going to spend thr aaon^ it 35 only fair that â- gricoltinK ahoiild have its share. Farmers sre so cnssiderate and so modest in their demands that "when they jpti iAiere, the 'jci^board is bare." â€" Farmer's Sun. Nctt always, friend. What aiboitt ttfae -Acwultural Colleg- es; tbe £];pezimental farms; the ag- rieoJlural niepiieaentatives ; the short oooraesB for iSaimers' »Dns and daugh- ters; the !7)ltlMl^0aO ipines for reforcs- tatkm; the seeds diltributed annu- ally; amd the 'numenus other privi- leges auad op^portutttties provided for niax Jfazm friends, at tthe public ex- pense " â€" Act«w fbtee Ihxss. AlfoiaAa pmAdoed honey in 1926 val- ued a!. 43S>0OCL One man in the Leth- bridge (fiatrict product nearly 60 tons, aoMitber K itnana. The musklratt 'season '*pened the first of March If the nMreams and lakes open up aoon it is expected trappers wSl ibavc a, :gooti :asason with good price*. CORBXCnON m mi^TES Editor of Advanoe:â€" iiHaving notic- ed in the adiKites «$ the Osprey Council, the flowing re«oluti«n: Morrison â€" Edwarte â€" That the public liability poHcy submitted by the Employees' LiabiSlty Assurance Co., be accepted. It should have read dark in place of Morrison. I would Bke if you would correct it. Thanking you, R. J. MOHMSON. (Intended for last week) Another young winter fell to us on Sunday, aftar tmt ^week&<«C real spring like weather. The Ladies' Aid and young people of Lady Bank and neighborhood held a pie social and program in Provid- ence church «n the evtning of St. Pat- rick, Tviiich was a ^vary good success. Youag and old turned out well con- sierrng the condition of the weather and roa&. Con gr a tu la t ions to Mr. Emanuel Dobson «f Lady Bank, who has chosen for a life j>artner JMiss Lulu Milne of Rock Mills, the marriage taking place in Markdale, Thursday, March 17th. We wish the highly respected young couple health, wealth and prosperity.! Miss Jenuett -McMullen has return- ( ed te her home here after spending ' the jiaat five .months in CoUingwood. Me. jind Mrs..Steve Sutton of FJesh- erton jgjient Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .>S.eiiU)le. Mc. Wm. Semple had the misfor- tune to iiavf his foot jammed while skidding wx>xid .logs in the bush one day iast week. Mr. J.ieslie JUcMullen of East Moun- tain 4p£nt the .week end with his jiar- ent£^ Mr. and .Mrs. Dave McMuUen. The former is still in pood health with iittle iiqpxovement. Mr. Chester J'atton of DundaUc has retucned to iiis .home after speading the winter wdth.Mr. Jos. SewelL Mr. and Jlrs. W. J. Moore of Sprirtghill visited with the latter's brother, Mr. Wm. Semple, and faiaiJly on Saaday latit The Ladies' Aid will hold thnr April meetir^ at .the church here on Wedneaday the ISth. Members will please attend and visitors are wel- come. ^ Mr. Er. HarbotCibe has another good stock of logs in ait .his mill here, and will soon be retd^y ior another busy summer's work. Some of the people in this vicinity are making maple syrup. The run has not been very good as ye't. A dance was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Williams on Thursday night of last week. Every- one present report a good time. Mr. Robert McMaster and son, of Flesherton, drilled a well for Mr. W. E. Morgan the past few days. Now they are drilling a well for Mr. Henry Tudor in the village. Mr. Joseph Williams, who has been working in the bush for Mr. Cardwell Graham, during the winter, returned to his home in Toronto on Monday. We are pleased to report Miss Ila Magee well again aifter her recent illness. Mrs. W. E. Large and three child- ren, Frank, Douglas and^Beth, have returned to their home at Niagara Falls, after a prolonged visit here, owing to the former's mother's ill- ness. We are plsased to learn that Mrs. Munshaw is improving in health. Messrs. Joseph Sherwood, W. E. Walker and W. Hawkens, each had bees buzzing wood last week. We understand that Mr. Harold Falconer has rented the Jamieson house in the village and will move therein; shortly. There will be activity soon at the Durham Furniture Company's mill at Rock Mills, there being about one and three-quarter million feet oi' logs on the ground. It is estimated that there Will be about a six months' cut this year r.t the mill. We extend our sympathy to the Tur- ner family, who are bereft of their mother, the late Mrs. Charles Turner, Sr., who was laid to rest on Saturday iast in Flesherton cemetery. Master Jim Laughlin had the mis- fortune to 8%t a couple of bones in his ankle bi^kea a few days ago. Dr. Bibby is » attendance. The patient has to rcMiain in bed for six weeks. Mr. ani Mrs. Calvin Boyce and chil- dren vidfced friends on the 4th lina on Sunday. Mr. fchn Magee had a wood bee on Saturday last. Mr. Sangster Hemp- hill of Ceylon did the cutting with his machine. Mr John Cairns of McTier visited his ahcle, Mr. Henry Cairns, one day; rec«fely. We are pleased to hear that Jack is improving in health again. Mj-. George Proctor of Kmberlej' visited with his son, Ernie, a»d familit;, hen*. Sfessrs. R. Laughlin and *»n, T. Me- Kat, H. Tudor, R. J. Pedlar and 1>. Fwvcett, are engaged at Rock MiAs, tla milll having started ^tilds week. Mr. and Mrs. Lather 3>uckett :aind IJamily, Eugenia north, .(pent Sunfay v*;h Mr. J. H. Duckeltt. Miss Gertrude GreeaaNaty, who bas bsen visiting with hea- sister, Jlrs. Kirold Falconer, intends Tetuming to Isr home in Orangevilte tJhis w«3i. The concert which was to be -given OB March 18 last wiH !fae ieltf oii Fri- day evening in the Ooamge Hall. OSPREY U. F, Y, P. a The Osprey U.F.Y.P.O. met at the home of Mr. Alex. Smith on Friday, March 18th, when a large number was present, in spite of the bad roads. The President being absent, the Vlee- Pvesident, Mr. Leslie Smith, took th« chafr. The meeting opened by sing> Ing "Keep the young club booming," after wshich the minutes were read and adopted. A paper was given on "St. Patrick's Day," also a contest, after whirh the meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at Mr. Jack Radley's, on Fri- <iay, Apfil lat. Advertise m The Advance DUNDAIX A new gent's fumiriiings store was opened in Dundalk in the prmises recently vacated by W. D. Mercer. The new proprietor is EL V. Hoffman, who was in business la Crrimbsy and sold out there last November. He has had twelve years' experience in his line and he opens up with confi- dence in being able to satisfy the buy- ing public in this district. John E. Colgan, local butcher, was stricken suddenly with appendicitis on Friday. Dr. Caviller of Owen Sound, assisted by Dr. Carter and Martin, of Dundalk, performed an operation that night which was of a very critical nature. The patient, however, came through the crisis and is now making: satisfactory improvement. Dundalk Citizens' Band Committee have re-engaged Walter S. Perkins as bandmaster for the coming season. It is hoped to be in good shape for I summer engagements and regular weekly op«n air concerts when warm weather comes. A new 8u|>p]y of music is being ordered by the commit- tee.â€" Herald. PRICEVILLE We are all glad to welcome the spring. At first it was thought to be a false alarm, but we are surely convinced now through the Wild geese and birds being back. The frogs are not yet thawed out. We regret very much to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. C. Milne of Elmwood, mother of Dr. and Jim Milne of town. The sympathy of the community is extended to the bereav- ed family, particularly to the Dr. and Jim, whom most of us are better ac- quainted with. A number from town attended the funeral, which took place on Monday at the Milne home to Ches- ley cemetery. We are exceedingly sorry to report that Mrs. Angus McVicar lies in a critical condition in Durham hospital, from a rush of blood to the brain. We sincerely wish for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Emerson Smellie has been ill the past week, but we hope to see her about again in a few days. The spring fever seems to be stril:- ing quite a number this year. Rather hard on the syrup makers, who are kept busy the past few days. Miss Grace Ramagc is visiting her sister, at Harriston, for a few days. Miss Lizzie Mather is in the city this week. The Assessor is making his rounds in the village this week. Mr. H. B. McLean intends moving to the city. We wish him succass in the new home, although wc regret losing these good neighbors. PRICEVILLE W.M.S. AND LADIES' AID. PRICEVILLEITES IN REMEMBER TORONTO A WORKER. The March meetings of the W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid of St. Columba church Priceville, were held at the Manse on Wednesday, the 23rd inst. The for- mer society convened first, with Mrs. Robert Parslow, Vice-Pres., in the chair. The meeting opened with sing- ing, followed by the Scripture lesson read by Mn. Peter Muir. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the Treasurer's re- port received. The roll call was re- sponded to by a Bible verse on "Joy.'' Next month, in keeping with the Easter spirit, the roll call will be ans- wered by a verse on "Life." For the "Watch Tower" Mrs. H. B. McLean read an article entitled "A Daughter of Tyre." The topic for the month was chapter five of the Study Book, "New Days in Old India," and was taken by Mrs. A. S. Muir. This was followed by a sweetly-rendered duet by Mrs. Peter Muir and Mrs. H. B. McLean. It being the annual meeting of the society, the election of officers took place and resulted as follows: Pi-es., Mrs. (Rev.) McCormack; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Robert Parslow; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. S. Muir; Sec, Miss Edith James; Treas., Mrs. S. JicDermid; Pianist, Miss Martha Watson; Assistant Pianist, Mrs. Fred Karstedt; the Missionary Monthly Sec, Mrs. L. McArthur; Strangers Sec, Mrs. D. G. McLean; Supply Sec, Mrs. Mather Sr.; Press Sec, Mrs. A. S. Muir; Assistant Helpers, Mrs. John Williamson and Mrs. E. Ritchie. At the close of the W.M.S. the La- di'jj' Aid met with the President, Mrs. L. McArthur, presiding. After the u."?' .il onening exercises an elec- tion of officers for the ensuing year toc'v place with the following result: Pr-:s., Mrs. L. McArthur; Vice Pres., Mr:. P. McKinnon; Sec, Miss Bertha Jai-.'.es; Treas., Mrs. F. Karstedt. The me'' ting closed with singing, after whi_-h lunch was served. The Easter meeting will be held on April 20, at the home of Mrs. Fred Karstedt. Petroleum Royalties Co. MONTHLY DIVIDEND The regular mnothly divid- end of 1% and bonuses of '/j of 1% will be paid on the Guaranteed First Participat- ing 12% Preferred Shares of Petroleum Royalties on April Ist to shareholders of record March 25th. This gives total dividend dis- tribution for the month of March of Vh% on the Pre- ferred Shares. â€"J. RUFFER. Secy. MID-CONTINENT BOND CORP. 331 Bay Street TORONTO, 2 - Canada. A DEPLORABLE AFFAIR ) IN MEMORIAM A number of members of the Price- ville Re-union met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald (nee Annie McCannel of Proton Station,), 167 Snowdea Ave., Toronto, on Tues- day, to show their appreciation in a small way of tlje kindly manner in which Ut. McDonald contributed to the success of the annual Priceville picnic held in High Park. The majority of the Priceville peo- ple are of Highland Scotch extrac- tion and nothing stirs their Scotch IJlcxod like the sweet strains of the bagpipes and the Highland dances. T5»e evening was spent in music, games and dancing, also a social «ap <af tea and a dainty luncheon provid- ed by the ladies, when Mrs. McPher- son read the following address and Mrs. Wm. Walker presented Mr- Mc- Donald with a set of white gold ini- tialled cuff links, and Mrs. McDonald with a bouquet of roses. Though taken complet^y toy surprise, Mr. McDonald made a fitting -rajly, say- ing that it was always a pleasure for him to attend the Priceville picnics and he was lookhre forwiml to the k mt- aTid Mrs. Alex. Morrison wish next one, and would be (Mighted to ^ tlank ftielr friends and neighbors On Tuesday, Provincial Constable Joseph Nelson was called to Mulmui; Township to investigate conditions in the home of William Hutchiaon, a farmer, residing in an isolated section of the country. In the ill kept farm house he found Hutchisun arid a small boy who gave his name as Albert Anderson. Hutchison is suffering from cancer of the face, and the dis- ease has eaten away nearly one side of his face. The victim stated that he had not received any treatment for six weeks, and his face was in bad shape. It is said that attempts to have Hutchison removed to an insti- tution were futile, he refusing to go and the authorities were unable to force him. Albert Anderson, who claims to be 14 years of age, is the size of a boy 5 years of age, and possessed of a similar mentality. He was wrap- ped in blankets by the constable and brought to the Children's Aid Shelter here. He will be examined and likely sent to Orillia. â€" Orangeville Sun. In loving memory of A. C. Mac- millan,( Clark,) who departed this life March 27, 1925. We loved him too well to forget. â€" The Family. ROD AND GUN CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spofford and family wish to thank their friends and neigltboTS ?Br their kindness dur- ing their recen't bereavement. ROCK MILLS Unity U.P.W.O. ctai> wjill -.nEnet at tte home of Mrs. lewds Obhk on W«3dnesday, April 61th VB. 2 p.m. The mill commenced Jast w«tk with at) the old hands back an the job. Mr. 3b*. Park of Owen Soand is jagxm the sawyer. We certainly like te hear the old whistle once iBoite. Jtvs. J. Croft of the »th line «sited reaently with her son bene, Jttt.Ned Cmtft, wife and family. Mrs. Wm. T. Pedlar wtiu»ed Jjonic after spending a week with ,he:' daii^ter near Kimberley. Our sympathy is extended im Mc. and :Krs. Alex. Morrison in their Iwr- eavenent by the death of their isS»nt KHD. Mjc. Murray Osborne of Nottawa visiteflB«cently with Mr. John Robtr%- son, wSe and family. Rey.C H. Schutt, M.A., B.D., of tbe Baptist Home Mission Board preached I at Rock "Mills church Sunday al'tcr- noon. Tbie pastor. Rev. A. J. Pres- ton, was alto present. â-  Mr. and Mrs. AUie McLean. Price- ville, visited on Sunday with her i<pr- ento here, Mr. and Mrs. I. S.iiith. Mr. Sam Short of the Bible School, Proton, took the service Sunday even- ing. The meeting next Sunday even- ing will be at Mr, J, Porteous' at 7.3 J o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington, Maxwell, recently. A shov/er was held at the home of Mr. SewcU last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dobson, who were re- cently married. We join in wishing this young couple many years of hap- piness. A Chicago youth has won a gum regular I chewing contest, the size of his - mouth permitting him to masticate 44 stickis at one time. That boy has "the makin's of a first-class sten- ographer. do his share in making it 'fte success which it always had beea. It also being Mrs. McDwrnTd's 'birthday, she was the reciTriesk of many lovely gifts. The Address. Mr. and Mrs. KfcDonald: Dear Friends, â€" -We, :.yeor friends, frathered to-uigSrt in year cosy little home, desire to express our sincere thanks to yon Sor your :splendld as- sistance In making the picnics which v/e have heen hiMding in Migh Park of recent years a snccesa. The fact that yon are Tirft a native «>f that little hamlet, but ralBter of lihat famous land overseas., ScotlaBfl,<the High- lands â€" God bless them), "has made us all the more aTcmons to ^^ow our ap- preciation of yoBT kindness in bring- ing along to oar -jacnics yMor "skirling pipes" and playing on them the tunes Adam used to play to Bve when in the Garden* of E&a>. We Tiave never had a real opportanity of •expressing our thanks to yom, bat ti>-«'ight we are trying to sho^ you this in a small way, and would aak you to accept this gift as a token of our fnendship and thanks. We wish you and yours always the best things in life. â€" Your Priceville Friends in Toronto. CARD OF THANKS for the kmdness and sympathy shown them dasns? their recent bei«ivD- meiit, aho) for the floral tributes. J. J. Hnilter, editor of the Kincard- ine Review-Reporter, was elected the Grand Master of the Orange Grand bodg-e cS Ontario West at GueJph last The first of a thrilling series of stories based on the early fur trading days in the North-west written by. Samuel Alexander White is one of the notable features of tlie April number off Rod and Gun and Silver Fox News which is just issued. The story 'Blended Brigades," however, is only one item of a table of contents. Bonnycastel Dale has an interesting miscellany of nature notes from the Maritimes. H. Mortimer Batten F. Z. S. writes this month about the porcupine and the skunk. Valuable woodcrafting information is contained in W. C. Motley's "Out- door Talk" while the angling, gun and kennel specialists have also very good departments. The matter of nation^ â- il conservation of fish and game re- =;ources is the subject of considerable- discussion in the April issue. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News is published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ontario. "P BATES BURIAL CO. FUNERAX SERVICE NEW MODERN FUNERAL PARLORS 122-124 Avenue Road, TORONTO Telephone: Khigsdale 4344 J. W. Bates. R. Maddocks. MAXWELL Flu is the order of the day. Died â€" ^Tlie infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Morrison, at the age of one month. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Pogson of Dundalk had charge of the service. We extend to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison our sincerest sympathy. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church will hold a candy social on April 1st. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Spofford on the loss of her brother, Mr. Neil Gamey, of Toronto. The Ladies' Aid of the United Church and people of the community met at the home of Mr. Robert Mor- rison Tuesday last. The Ladies' Aid presented Mrs. Robert Morrison with a casserole, and Mrs. Wm. Morrison with a pie casserole. The commun- ity then presented Mr. Robert and Wm. Morrison each with a purse as tokens of remembrance before moving to their recently purchased farm near Markdale. A very enjoyable evening wa<5 spent. Mr. Charles Heron is enlarging and re-dscorating his store. HOUSE OF QUALITY WE HAVE INSTALLED A FRlGlD-AIR ICE CREAM CABINET ANDNQiSri" HAVEgA FULL LINE 0F:| Artie Sweet Hearts Bricks- All Flavors Bulk Ice Cream Eskimo Pies W. J. STEWART 81 SONS Flowr, F«ed, SMds, Grocerie. and Confectionery Flesherton

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